The girl from the quest pistols show. Mariam Turkmenbaeva personal life

For some, dancing is a calling, for others it remains just a dream. Five girls shared their stories of how they overcame fear and signed up to participate in dance shows. You will be surprised how much their lives have changed after this.

1. Rumer Willis - from ugly duckling to star

Young woman I was very worried because others were constantly discussing her appearance. Unkind comments appeared on social networks, people tried to find faults everywhere. Rumer Willis was very afraid to dance. She believed that even for a small mistake she would be criticized and would have to leave in disgrace. One day the girl decided to change her life, stop paying attention to others and signed up for the “Dancing with the Stars” project. She won a huge victory. It was at that moment that the girl felt beautiful, confident and successful.

2. Alisa Dotsenko - despite all words

Alice From a young age I loved to dance. Those around her often condemned her and said that nothing could be achieved with this. However, the girl did not give up and decided to stand her ground until the end. After she made it to the finals of the popular show “Dancing” on TNT, there was no end to the fans. A girl is recognized on the street and asked for an autograph. Now Alisa teaches dance in Krasnodar at her school “No Rules”. After the great triumph of the dancer, the conclusion suggests itself - you must always follow your dreams.

3. Irina Pegova - accidents are not accidental

Irina I doubted for a long time whether to participate in the dance show or not. She decided that she would try, but she wouldn't stay there long. However, everything turned upside down in such a way that they simply did not want to let the girl and her partner leave the project. No couple has ever stayed in first place for so long. Of course, it was very difficult for Irina to combine her favorite activity with her main job, but she succeeded. Today she is a role model.

4. Galina Garmash, born in a tutu

Galina As a child, she asked her mother to send her to ballet school. It seemed to Gala that this dance was graceful, beautiful, feminine. Then the girl grew up and decided to try her hand at the Russian Ballet show. It was hard, but the girl successfully went through all the difficulties and achieved an excellent result.

5. Mariam Turkmenbaeva is always on the move

The experiment of the incendiary participants of the ballet “Quest” turned into a real sensation. Today, the songs of the group “Quest Pistols Show” become hits in a matter of days, but before their first performance, no one could have thought that the April Fool’s performance of three young and outrageous dancers would develop into a major project with its own philosophy.

History of creation and composition

The group's biography began in 2007 with the dance ballet “Quest”. The band members decided to do something extravagant and act as pop stars, recording a cover called “I'm tired” of the song “Long and lonely road” by Shocking Blue.

The Ukrainian team made its debut in the “Chance” project on the Inter TV channel. The first performance of the newly formed group took place on April 1, 2007, it was well received by the public: more than 60 thousand people voted for the song.

Initially, the group consisted of three young guys. One of them, Konstantin Borovsky, has been interested in dancing since adolescence. He moved to the capital of Ukraine and took up a popular trend at that time - breakdancing. In Kyiv, his vocal career began in the group “Quest Pistols”.

Nikita Gordyuk

Another participant was Nikita Gordyuk: a dancer and singer who was born in a border town between Russian Federation and China. WITH early childhood the boy attended figure skating classes and dreamed of achieving the title of world champion. The young man became a father at the age of 14.

And the conclusion of the trio is, whose parents hoped for the academic future of their son. But, as a teenager, the young man became interested in the art of dance, considering him his idol. Despite the disagreement of his parents, the young man still did what he was attracted to.

The group existed in this composition until mid-2011, after which Borovsky left the team, and Daniil Matseychuk took his place. He was a member of the Quest ballet when he invited the young man to join the group. The young man stayed with Quest Pistols for almost two years, after which he left.

In April 2014, the team was rebranded: the lineup was replenished with three new members. The first of the “new kids” was Washington Salles, who began dancing at the age of 14. In Russia, Salles collaborated with many domestic celebrities.

The next one was Ivan Krishtoforenko, who became interested in dancing from an early age - at the age of 4. Paying special attention to hip-hop, he has repeatedly won competitions in this area.

And the third member of the updated team was Mariam Turkmenbaeva, who had previously been a member of the “Quest” ballet. The girl worked in the group before the rebranding as a backup dancer and choreographer.

In September 2015, Matseychuk returned to the updated lineup and became a permanent member. Very soon after his return, Nikita Gordyuk left the group, followed by Anton Savlepov. With their departure, the history of the Quest Pistols group ended and the era of the Quest Pistols Show began.


Soon after the band’s debut on the television project “Chance,” a video for the song “I’m Tired” was released, which immediately went into rotation on music channels. The band presented their debut album, “For You,” which received platinum certification based on sales numbers, at the end of November 2007.

Song "I'm Tired" by Quest Pistols Show

The next loud statement from the Quest Pistols was a cover of the song “White Dragonfly of Love”. The video for this track was released in the spring of 2009 and became a hit on YouTube. Moreover, the song was played on almost every radio station, and the video was shown on many music TV channels.

The performers continued to develop and already in the fall of 2009 they presented their second studio album entitled “Superklass”. With the release of new “catchy” tracks, the band’s popularity gained momentum.

Song "White Dragonfly of Love" by Quest Pistols Show

Interesting fact from the group’s biography: young people have repeatedly applied to participate in international competition Eurovision, but never made it to the qualifying round of the competition.

From the beginning of the summer of 2013 until April of the following year, the group toured with two soloists: Savlepov and Gordyuk. There was also a mysterious masked member in their company. In October 2014, the premiere of a video for a song that blew up all the charts at one time took place: “Santa Lucia” - a cover of Igor Seliverstov’s track.

Song "I'm Your Drug" by Quest Pistols Show

The debut of the new format of the dance show took place on November 15, 2014, with which the participants went on a world tour. This show was based on the dance philosophy of the performers, which in the future led to the format of the show project and the name being changed to “Quest Pistols Show”.

The first mini-album of the renewed team released tracks that defined it new genre: club and incendiary house music.

Song "You're so beautiful" by Quest Pistols Show

A little later, the group had a big solo performance, “Different Concert,” where they presented their debut studio album, “Lyubimka,” the first in the discography of the renewed group.

In 2016, “Quests” recorded a track with the group “Open Kids” called “Coolest of All,” which later became the soundtrack of the TV show of the same name.

Quest Pistols Show now

Now the updated group “Quest Pistols Show” is actively performing and regularly delights fans with new songs and videos. Moreover, the team often appears at entertainment events as guests: for example, at the Comedy Club.

In the summer of 2018, a new video for the song “Drink Water” was released, and at the beginning of September 2018, the band performed at the “New Wave” event.

The group has a verified account in social network "Instagram", where participants regularly publish photos of events from the life of the team.

As for the first line-up of the Quest Pistols, they formed a trio called . But in 2017, Nikita Gordyuk left the group, taking up his own project “ZVEROBOY”.


  • 2007 – “For You”
  • 2009 – “Superclass”
  • 2015 – “Sondtrack”
  • 2016 – “Favorite”


  • 2007 – “I’m tired”
  • 2007 – “Days of Glamor”
  • 2008 – “For You”
  • 2008 – “Cage”
  • 2009 – “White Dragonfly of Love”
  • 2009 – “He’s nearby”
  • 2010 – “I’m your drug”
  • 2011 – “You are so beautiful”
  • 2012 – “Different”
  • 2013 – “Let’s forget everything”
  • 2014 – “Heat”
  • 2014 – “Santa Lucia”
  • 2015 – “Wet” (feat. Monatik)
  • 2016 – “Dissimilar”
  • 2017 – “Favorite”
  • 2017 – “Wow!”

Today, the songs and composition of the Quest Pistols Show group are known to every person even slightly interested in modern domestic show business.

But in 2007, no one could have thought that the April Fool’s prank performance of three young and outrageous dancers with the composition “I’m tired” would develop into a mega project - the Quest Pistols Show group regularly changes its concept, but does not lose popularity.

Group Quest Pistols Show 2018. New composition, relevant for today.

About all the members of the Quest Pistols Show group

The history of the group began in 2004. It was then that choreographers Anton Savlepov, Konstantin Borovsky and Nikita Goryuk founded the dance group Quest Pistols. They defined their style as “aggressive-intelligent-pop”. The guys performed quite successfully in front of the Kyiv public, but there was no talk of real popularity yet. Then producer Yuri Bardash sent Anton and Nikita to vocal lessons, and Borovsky was assigned the role of rapper.

The breakthrough occurred on April 1, 2007, on the “Chance” project, broadcast by the Inter TV channel, when a cover of “Long and Lonesome Road” by the Dutch group “Shocking Blue” was performed. The performance instantly received 60 thousand messages of support, and the composition “I’m tired” occupied the first positions of the main domestic charts for a long time.

In September of the same year, in Belgium, the Pistols performed the “Dance Against Poison” program in support of a healthy lifestyle. Many people don’t believe it, but “quests” do not drink alcohol or nicotine, and actively promote vegetarianism. They also do not listen to club music and do not visit bars.

The success of the guys from Quest Pistols was stunning. They did not have time to give interviews, and their photos constantly flashed in Russian and Ukrainian glossy tabloids. In 2011, fans were alarmed by the unpleasant news that Anton Savlepov was leaving the team, but this information was soon refuted. Around the same time, Konstantin Borovsky announced a change of status and transition from soloists to curators, and another participant joined the guys - Daniel Joy (Daniil Matseychuk).

In 2013, Kostya Borovsky and Matseychuk left QP to create the boy band KBDM. Despite the fact that critics spoke of a creative crisis, “Fast Pistols” continued to tour together, and soon they were joined by an incognito participant in a mask.

Originally conceived as a trio, the group grew to five members in 2014. Washington Salles, as well as Ivan Krishtoforenko and Mariam Turkmenbaeva joined the team. Soon Daniil Matseychuk returned to the team. But the main laurels still belonged to the three founders: Goryuk, Savlepov and Borovsky, and the newcomers remained behind the scenes for some time. And only when the updated title appeared and the group received a new name Quest Pistols Show, information began to appear about a change in concept and sound.

Today the team prioritizes high-quality visual images, vivid images and choreography honed to perfection. The opposing images of the participants create the impression of a dance battle, but despite the unusual format, the new tracks turn out to be very harmonious and memorable.

To date, Quest Pistols has three full-length albums in its baggage.

  • In 2007 - “For You”;
  • In 2009 - “Superklass”,
  • In 2017 - “Favorite”.

The team is the winner of the Golden Gramophone and MTV Europe Music Awards. QP have applied to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest several times: once from Russia and twice from Ukraine. In 2009, it was not possible to pass the selection due to the fact that the composition “White Dragonfly of Love”, in violation of the rules, was already broadcast on radio and TV. In 2010, the group applied to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo with the song “I am your drug”, but the guys failed to make it to the list of finalists. In 2011, another unsuccessful attempt was made.

Composition of the group Quest Pistols show 2007-2011:

Nikita Goryuk;
Anton Savlepov;
Kostya Borovsky.

Nikita Goryuk (stage name - Bumper)

The young man was born in a small border town in the Far East on September 23, 1985. I was fond of figure skating and dreamed of winning the world title. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics. Having moved to Kyiv, he focused his attention on dancing, thanks to which he was able to meet the ideological inspirer and producer of the Quest Pistols, Yuri Bardash.

Outside the stage, friends describe Nikita as a talented, kind and sympathetic guy. He loves his mother very much. Loves to cook vegetarian dishes. There is a daughter, Marisa, who was born when the singer was only 15 years old.

Konstantin Borovsky (Crutch)

Konstantin was born in Chernigov on February 14, 1981. Before moving to Kyiv at the age of 16, he was engaged in ballroom and folk dancing, but in the capital he was captured by such a popular movement as break dancing. Actually, thanks to this hobby, his vocal career in the Quest Pistols began.

Konstantin has a degree in philology, knows several languages, but does not regret at all that he devoted his life to dancing. In addition to his passion for choreography, Kostya also discovered his talents as a designer and stylist. At Quest Pistols, it was he who designed the sets and costumes for the soloists and ballet, and choreographed the dances. The official website of the group is also his creation.

In the fall of 2011, Borovsky announced his decision to leave his career as a vocalist and completely focus on his work as a stage director. But after some time, the young man left the team, together with Daniil Matseychuk, launching a new project “KBDM”.

At the moment, Konstantin is promoting his brand BRVSKI, plans to act as an expert in the popular reality show “Super Model in Ukrainian” and performs together with the group “Agon”, which united the founders of “QP”.

Anton Savlepov

Anton was the youngest member of the first cast of the Quest Pistols Show. He was born in 1988 on June 14 in the small village of Kovsharovka near Kharkov. As a teenager, he loved Michael Jackson very much, and in order to be like his idol, he even grew his hair the same long.

At school, Anton was an excellent student, so his family predicted a serious academic career for him. But the young man became seriously interested in dancing and met Nikita Goryuk at a breakdancing festival. At the same time, he entered the National University of Culture and Art in Kiev at the choreography department, but due to the creative breakthrough of “Fast Pistols,” classes and sessions had to be put on hold.

In 2013, Savlepov, under the pseudonym Zorko, released a solo disc of the same name. He performed in the Quest Pistols Show group until the beginning of 2016. Then the leading soloists, one after another, began to leave the team, and newcomers began to take their place.

Anton was invited many times to various television shows, including the popular program “Big Difference.” In 2016, together with Konstantin Meladze, Andrey Danilko and Yulia Sanina, Savlepov took on the role of a jury member of the 7th season of the talent show “X-Factor”. He also managed to star in the humorous musical “Like the Cossacks” and the romantic comedy “Exchange Wedding.”

Like all members of the first QP lineup, Anton is interested in vegetarianism, tattoos and drawing. The guy also likes rare stories, yoga and Indian culture.

After leaving the Quest Pistols show, Savlepov, Borovsky and Goryuk teamed up again, founding the pop group "Agon" and recreating the beloved first line-up "QP". The talented guys have already recorded several new compositions, including “Everyone for Himself” and “Let Go.”

Composition for 2011-2013:

Nikita Goryuk;
Anton Savlepov;
Daniil Matseychuk.


Daniil Matseychuk replaced Konstantin Borovsky, who left the group. The young man was born in Kyiv in 1988 on September 20. Before joining the team, he worked as a dancer and model.

Daniil had known the guys from Quest Pistols Show for a long time. They were friends, and for some time Artem Savlepov even lived with Matseychuk. Therefore, when the team needed a new injection, the trio, without hesitation, called a good old friend. Moreover, like all the participants, the young man was a supporter of vegetarianism and a healthy lifestyle.

Daniil stayed with the group for several years. In 2013, he, together with Konstantin Borovsky, created the creative association “KBDM”, which includes not only music group, but also his own clothing brand, and the club project KBDM DJ’s. Matseychuk does not like to talk about his personal life. For a long time he hid his beloved girl, but recently it became known that the couple was living together.

Segment for 2013-2015:

June 2013-April 2014 Quest Pistols, with only two soloists - Nikita Goryuk and Anton Savlepov. They were soon joined by a mysterious masked participant. And in the spring of 2014, three more new members joined the group, and its composition began to look like this:

  • Anton Savlepov;
  • Nikita Goryuk;
  • Washington Salles;
  • Ivan Krishtoforenko;
  • Mariam Turkmenbaeva.


Ivan was born on November 12, 1989 in Khimki (Moscow region). He started dancing at the age of 4, when his parents enrolled him in a club. folk dances. But already at the age of eight he realized that his calling was hip-hop.

From 1999 to 2005, Ivan mastered dance skills in the Vanilla Ice group. Graduated from culinary college. Then he entered the University of Culture to major in choreography. At the age of 17, he began participating in various dance battles.

He is a 7-time Champion of Moscow and 3-time Champion of Russia in hip-hop, won the Union Street Dance and Russian Dancing Awards 2009. Finalist of the World Cup (in the hip-hop category) and winner of the dance show “Battle for Respect-2” on Muz-TV.

At the age of 21, he became the host of the “Dancing for Children” program and taught at the Moscow dance school Model-357. Now he has his own dance studio (Studio 26) and hosts a dance program on the “Live” channel.

Ivan’s career in Quest Pistols began as a backup dancer, but after changing the concept and renaming it Quest Pistols Show, he became a full-fledged member of the team.


The girl was born on April 12, 1990 in Sevastopol. Her parents were professional athletes. It was from them that she inherited endurance and flexibility. At the age of 10, Maria joined the Sevastopol dance group “We”. At the age of 16 she came to the Olympus club.

Later she moved to Kyiv and became a member of the Quest Pistols show ballet under the direction of Yuri Bardash. She took part in several seasons of the show “Everybody Dance”, where in 2008 she took 3rd place, and in 2012, together with Evgeny Kot, she became a gold medalist. studied for 4 years dance art in the United States.

As part of the group, she first took the position of chief choreographer (clips “Heat” and “Wet”), and a little later became a vocalist.


Washington Salles was born on August 11, 1987 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). She has been dancing since she was 14 years old. At the moment he is one of the top choreographers and dancers not only in Russia, but also in Europe. The main styles I chose were: House, Jerkin, Hip-Hop and break dance.

In 2005, he lived in France and worked on the play Zona Branca (White Zone) at the Chateauvallon theater. With this production he traveled to many cities in the Netherlands, Brazil and Tunisia. In 2006, he was busy as a choreographer in the Brazilian play Geracao Hip-Hop.

Came to Russia in 2007. Participated and became a finalist in the MTV project "Dance Floor Star 3". Then he worked in the show ballet Street Jazz. He collaborated with many show business stars (Vlad Topalov, Yulia Nachalova, Yulia Beretta, Irakli, the Serebro group). He combined his activities as a dancer and choreographer with modeling, representing brands such as Zolla, Adidas, Vladofootwear Jerkin.

He has repeatedly taken part and won in famous dance battles and competitions, such as Freemotion, Version, M357 Battlezone, Street Energy, M.I.R., Juste Debout.

About the composition of the group2016-2017:

Nikita Goryuk and Anton Savlepov were the constant leaders of “Quest Pistols”, and later with the “Show” prefix, for more than eight years, but in 2015-2016, with a difference of several months, they left the team. In September 2015, Daniil Matseychuk returned to the group. Now Quest Pistols Show performs with an updated line-up:

  • Daniil Matseychuk;
  • Ivan Krishtoforenko;
  • Mariam Turkmenbaeva;
  • Washington Salles.

The public liked the new look of versatile, virtuoso dancers, and the video “Santa Lucia” instantly took the top positions of popular domestic and foreign charts. Today, the team has entered the next round of popularity, and many critics believe that a complete change in composition has become the very necessary breath of air for the Quest Pistols. With their enchanting return, “KP” proved that they are a real phenomenon of the domestic pop industry. The quartet has grandiose plans. The guys have prepared a large-scale show for Russian cities, and then they plan to conquer venues in America and Asia.

The composition of the Quest Pistols show group for 2018 consists of:

  • Daniil Matseychuk
  • Ivan Krishtoforenko
  • Mariam Turkmenbaeva
  • Washington Salles

Hits of the group Quest Pistols

The next hit after the sensational cover “I’m tired” was the composition “White Dragonfly of Love”, which collected a record number of views on the video hosting Youtube. It’s interesting that at the very beginning of their creative career, the pop trio’s repertoire consisted of only 3-4 songs, and this was clearly not enough for full-fledged concerts. The guys found a simple way out: first, “Pistols” rocked the hall with their dance routines for about half an hour, and then performed the songs they had in stock.

By 2007, the repertoire expanded, and the debut album “For You” was released. Almost all the texts were written by the leader of the musical group “Dymna Sumish” Alexander Chemerov under the pseudonym of Izolda Chekhi. The only composition from the period 2007-2012 written by another author is “White Dragonfly of Love” by aspiring musician Nikolai Voronov. Works more later years belong to the pen of the group’s lead singer Nikita Goryuk.

The list of other famous hits of the Quest Pistols Show group includes the compositions “Days of Glamor”, “Cage”, “He’s Near”, “Revolution”, “I’m Your Drug” and “You’re So Beautiful”. Thanks to them, the album “For You” received gold status in Ukraine.

In 2011, the first line-up change took place and Borovsky was replaced by Daniil Matseychuk, who took part in the recording of such video works as “Different”, “Romeo”, Let’s Forget Everything” and “You’ve Lost Weight” (with Lolita Milyavskaya). Around the same moment, Anton Savlepov wanted to leave the team, but after the release of the video “You are so beautiful,” he changed his mind.

At the beginning of 2014, popular tabloids increasingly began to write that the team was in a creative crisis. At the same time, Nikita Goryuk released his solo track “White Bride”. Many predicted that the group would cease to exist. But Goryuk and Savlepov continued to tour together, presenting the public with the new single “Baby boy”. And a little later they appeared to the public in a completely new role and introduced new participants. The presentation of the new line-up was marked by the release of a cover of Igor Siliverstov’s 1992 composition “Santa Lucia”.

On November 15, 2014, the band went on a world tour with the premiere of the Quest Pistols Show. The concept of the show became the basis of the group’s new philosophy, which later led the Quest Pistols group to the format of a show project performing dance, club house music.

On November 13, the premiere of the video with solo performance Mariam Turkmenbaeva “Alien”, and on December 31, the returning Daniil Matseychuk (Daniel Joy) presented the video “We Know for sure”.

In April 2016, at the premiere of the “Dissimilar” video, fans saw the group in the format in which it performs to this day. On September 1, a new video “Coolest of All” was released, and in October the band performed at a large-scale solo “Different Concert” and presented their first album “Lyubimka” with the updated lineup.

The audience enthusiastically accepted the new compositions of the Quest Pistols show, which focus on the quality of choreography. And despite the fact that the vocal component does not yet reach the level of the “pistols” of the first line-up, the participants promise fans to maintain the same provocative and slightly vulgar style and make concert performances no less vibrant than before.

    Mariam is a professional dancer and choreographer. She was born in 1990, so it turns out that she is now 25 years old. The girl is originally from Sevastopol. She took part in various dance competitions, including Everyone Dance. She was 18 years old at the time, and Mariam took third place. Her direction is hip-hop.

    Here is a video of her performance:


    Full name: Turkmenbaeva Maria Aleksandrovna.

    Hometown: Sevastopol.

    Famous and talented Ukrainian dancer. She started dancing at the age of ten. Her parents, by the way, are athletes, and therefore genetics also played a role here. In Sevastopol, Mariam visited a club called Olympus. When she was 16 years old, she moved to the capital of Ukraine - Kyiv. There she studied in the show ballet Quest. Over time, the girl was noticed and began to be invited to appear in music videos.

    Mariama's first real success came during the show Everybody Dance, where she eventually took third place. Then she went to the USA to the leading choreographers of the planet and learned the art of dancing from them. 4 years later, in 2012, she won the title as the best dancer of Ukraine together with Evgeniy Kot in the Battle of the Seasons. Everyone dances.

    Personal life.

    Mariam is not married yet, but there is a young man, his name is Evgeniy Kot. Yes, he is his dance partner. They knew each other even before the project Everyone Dances, but soon their relationship developed into a romantic one, which the couple themselves admitted.

    Mariam's VKontakte page:;

    VKontatka group dedicated to Mariam:

    There are photos, videos, clips, master classes, performances, latest news and other information about this charismatic and creative girl.

    In the photo are Evgeny Kot and Mariam Turkmenbaeva.

    Mariam Turkmenbaeva was born in Sevastopol and is currently twenty-five years old. She dances professionally and has acted as a backup dancer in many videos, the most famous being with the Quest Pistols. More about her with photos and other information on her personal page.

    Mariam Turkmenbaeva is a young star of dance shows. She was born in Ukraine in the city of Sevastopol. Participated in the national television project: everyone dances, took an honorable third place. Then she already went on the show Everyone Dances. Return of the heroes. The girl is 25 years old and participates in the Quest Pistols Show. There is a guy Evgeniy Kot.

    Mariam Turkmenbaeva is a dancer from Ukraine who is a super finalist in the 2008 project Everyone Dances.

    Mariam's specialty is a choreographer.

    Dancing is Mariam's favorite pastime. She has been doing them since she was 10 years old.

    Mariam is also interested in cinema. He loves to watch films with philosophical themes.

    Mariam Turkmenbaeva likes Indian culture and everything connected with India.

    Mariam has no husband or children. She still has a long way to go.

    Maryam Turkmebayeva (real name Masha, Maria) became more famous after the song Santa Lucia and the video for it were released. She dances very beautifully. And this is not surprising, because she has been dancing since childhood. She also participated in the TV project Everyone Dances.

    She was born in 1990 on April 21. She is now 25 years old. Not everything is good in her personal life, she doesn’t have a boyfriend. She is not yet married and has no children.

    Mariam Turkmenbaeva is a dancer who participates in many famous competitions.

    Her current age is twenty-five years old.

    She starred in many famous videos. She also participated in the popular show - Everyone Dances.

    In this video you can see her dancing.

    Mariam Turkmenbaeva was born in Sevastopol in April 1990.

    Excellent hip-hop dancer. She took part in many dance competitions.

    Her first recognition came after her participation in the dance project Everyone Dances.

    Now Mariam is actively collaborating with the music and dance group Quest Pistols.

    In general, he is an interesting personality and choreographer who has a decent number of fans.

    And her creative path it's just beginning.

    Mariam is a pseudonym, in fact her name is Masha. Originally from Sevastopol.

Instagram star with half a million followers, Essina O’Neill, last week “opened” the world’s eyes to the essence of the social network, telling how she spends hours processing photos in applications for the sake of followers’ likes. Mariam Turkmenbaeva from Quest Pistols Show is not in danger of having a nervous breakdown over such trifles. Her profile is a kaleidoscope of live and sincere shots with friends, family, cats, dogs and quotes from great people. We know for sure that she doesn’t have time to pore over production shots, because now she is in the midst of rehearsals for a large-scale show, which will take place on November 28 at Stereo Plaza. A girl originally from Sevastopol joined the Quest Pistols team last year just before the premiere of the dance hit “Santa Lucia”. Before that, she worked as the main choreographer of the group, and even earlier participated in the first season of the television project “Everyone Dances,” studied dance in New York and Los Angeles, and in 2012, together with her boyfriend Evgeny Kot, won the “Battle of the Seasons. Everyone dances." Mariam is still searching for her look and changes her hair color more often than Kim Kardashian posts selfies: blonde, brunette, with light green strands and pink bangs - the stage loves the brave, and we love artists who are ready for beauty experiments. Two weeks before the show, we meet Mariam and the subjects of her favorite Instagram photos.

First photo on Instagram

Subscribers: 43.2

Subscriptions: 472

Publications: 1,241

Mariam: I like to communicate with people through Instagram, using photos to convey my state of today or a minute, and perhaps inspire someone with my dance excerpts. I am not ashamed to show people that I am a simple person and in my life an important role, first of all, is assigned to close and loved ones, and only then to the “costs” of the profession: parties, bonuses, interviews, etc...

Initially, I registered on Instagram to keep in touch with friends and family from other cities and countries at a distance, and after a certain time, the number of my subscribers increased significantly, and I realized that it was very cool to motivate and inspire people using such a simple application.

I follow friends, close people to follow their moments in life, international artists, designers, accounts with nature photographs, etc.

I don’t strive to please the majority of users and make my account popular with 1m followers-admirers, I like the audience of my Instagram - these are people of a certain way of thinking, tastes, perception and character, and this is more valuable.

Of course, most of my Instagram posts are taken up by photos from the world of the Quest Pistols Show. In this shot you can see the mood that always accompanies our team. I love the guys very much and enjoy every meeting with them.

Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers and it's great that I was able to capture some sunshine on a cloudy day.

Dubai. I was very impressed by the desert and its scale, especially when I think about the fact that it was the bottom of the ocean. I am inspired by nature and travel, I understand that not all people can visit the most mysterious places on our planet, so I try to publish interesting photos from our tours in order to immerse my subscriber at least for a second in the atmosphere in which we are at the moment.

This photo is of my sister. This is a person very close to me. She is very gentle and beautiful. My angel.

My mother and the cat that I found a few months ago in the forest. I like to publish simple everyday photographs, I have never strived to show only one side of my life - the stage, so you can also see behind the scenes photos from the series on my Instagram.

My friend is Olga. Space dancer. Here she is filming in Canada for the video "Windance."

Ira is my new friend.

On my Instagram you can observe nature, animals, elements. I am very fascinated by the monkeys, especially the series of photographs of them in the hot springs. There is probably some special depth in these shots; they remind me of Tibetan monks.

Bruce Lee. One of those who is close to me with his views on life. I always share sayings of great people or pictures of my inspirations, such as Michael Jackson, Pharrell Williams and others.

Quest Pistols Show photo shoot for our new show “Futurismo” and the video clip “Alien”, which we will present in the coming days.