Where can a graduate work? Where do economists work? Finding uses for economic education

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 12 minutes


Finding a job for a recent college graduate is a task that is not always easy. No matter how prestigious the educational institution, no matter how well the graduate studies, alas, employers are in no hurry to grab a young worker.

Why? And how can a graduate look for a job after college?

Job course for a young specialist – how to make the right choice?

To understand the question - why it is so difficult to find a job after college - you need to understand and understand that the most important role is played not by the graduate’s diploma and not by his desire to work 25 hours a day, but vacancy market, relevance of the specialty at a given time , work experience and a bouquet of talents of the future employee.

What do you need to remember to make the right choice?

  • To begin with - critically evaluate your level of professional training. You need to understand that the knowledge acquired in an educational institution may simply be outdated and even useless for the labor market. Moreover, serious training in one of the most popular and sought-after professions does not guarantee that all employers will be waiting for you with open arms at the foot of the career ladder. Why? But because there is neither experience nor the necessary practical skills. Therefore, we pacify our ambitions and, without losing hope for the best, prepare for the fact that the road to our dream will be difficult and thorny.

  • Let's define ourselves. The profession will not always correspond to the letters on the diploma. A teacher can become an editor, an engineer can become a manager, etc. Decide what area you want to work in. A profession in a diploma does not mean that you have to look for a job exactly in accordance with it. It is quite possible that you will find a job much faster that has nothing to do with your diploma. It's neither good nor bad - it's normal. There is no point in being upset, because such a turn is an opportunity for your self-realization in other areas and unlocking your inner potential. And any experience will not be superfluous.

  • Really evaluate your capabilities. Where exactly could you apply your knowledge, talents, abilities and personal qualities? If you get a chance to combine your capabilities with your hobbies, then work will become not only a platform for development and earnings, but also an outlet.

  • Don't run ahead of the locomotive. It is clear that an exorbitant salary is the desire of every graduate of the institute. But if you are offered a job in which you like everything except the salary, then do not rush to slam the door - perhaps this is the very high-speed elevator to your dreams. Yes, you will have to “tighten your belts” for some period, but in just a year you will already be called a specialist with work experience, and not a graduate of an institute without experience. Accordingly, it will be much easier to get a desired position with a good salary.
  • Be visible. During your studies, use all opportunities for “self-promotion”. Are you offered to give a presentation at a conference? Speak up. Are you asked to write a project or create an article based on your thesis? Take advantage of these chances too. Employers will notice a talented student while he is still studying.

  • Start working before you graduate. Let it be a modest part-time job, work in the evening or part-time – it doesn’t matter. It is important that you gain work experience that will become your trump card after graduation. And while your comrades are rushing around the city, handing each potential employer a resume, you will already be choosing the best of the offers, having managed to establish yourself as a responsible employee. Or you will simply remain working in the same company, but full-time.

  • Don't forget about special training. If you don’t want to work in your specialty, and don’t know where to go, go to career guidance training (there is no shortage of them today). There they will help you figure out where to go so that work is fun, and your skills and talents are enough for employers.

Where and how to look for a job for a graduate after college - instructions for finding a job for a young specialist

  • To begin with, look through all specialized Internet resources. Their number is limited, and some sites are designed specifically for finding work for university graduates. Explore all the possibilities of resources, learn how to use them and keep your finger on the pulse.

  • Write a resume. As you know, in most cases, half the success is achieved. Don't you know how? Research the topic of resume writing or contact a professional. It is based on your resume that an employer can notice you or, conversely, ignore you. Don’t get carried away - soberly assess the opportunities so that your skills and talents clearly correspond to those stated in your resume.

  • Post your resume on job search resources. View vacancies daily, do not forget to leave responses.
  • Contact recruitment agencies. Just be careful - first check the company’s reputation and make sure it is positive.

  • Pay attention to forums that are created for specific professions – on such a forum there will always be a section dedicated to applicants.
  • Don't bypass and social media – today they have a lot of interesting public pages with job search opportunities, including separate pages with offers for creative fellows.

  • Having compiled your resume, send it to all companies and firms., whose activities are directly related to your diploma or other chosen specialty. This doesn’t require any serious effort, but you can get 2-4 interesting offers.
  • Ask about companies in your city, who have the practice of “cultivating” newcomers into serious employees with full training. The competition will be high, but talent and self-confidence will always pave the way for young people.
  • Work through all your connections and acquaintances, including family ones. Perhaps among your loved ones, friends or relatives there are people working in “your” field. They can help, if not with employment, then at least with advice.

  • Graduate career fairs are another option. , which should not be overlooked. At such a fair, you can communicate directly with representatives of companies, who, upon meeting in person, will immediately be able to form a definite opinion about you. Information about job fairs can always be found on the Internet - the Internet can help you.
  • Learn to accept failures calmly. Even a dozen interviews that were wasted is an experience. You learn to “present” yourself correctly, to remain silent where necessary, and to say only what is expected of you.

  • Going to , take the trouble to collect information about the company - this will be useful to you during a personal meeting with management. And remember that people are greeted by their clothes. That is, you shouldn’t come to an interview in a tracksuit or with string bags on the way from the store.
  • Offline searches can also be promising . Take the time to visit all nearby institutions that require people in your profession - not all companies advertise vacancies via the Internet and the media.
  • Many universities have a system for placing graduates after training . Ask if you have such a chance. You may not have to look for anything.
  • Think about a business card website. It will be easier for an employer to assess the applicant’s abilities if he can personally see the professionalism of, for example, a photographer, programmer, web designer, artist, etc.

Don't despair if you have no luck. It may take from a week to 3-4 months to find a job, but sooner or later, your work will find you after all .

A persistent person is simply doomed to success!

Are you familiar with the problems of finding a job after university? Share your tips for graduates in the comments below!

Over the past twenty years, the legal profession has become one of the most popular. Future students are attracted by the apparent ease of mastering humanities disciplines, the expectation of quick and easy earnings, and the prestige of the specialty.

However, at the beginning of working life high income You shouldn’t expect it, as in any field. A lawyer, notary, or representative at the beginning of his career needs to attract clients, gain experience, and consolidate knowledge in practice. The company’s legal adviser should understand the specifics of the activity and document flow.

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Having received the long-awaited diploma, graduates are forced to solve new problems:

  • where to go to work?
  • where can you apply your knowledge?
  • What can a lawyer do?

Profession concept

Of course, there is no legal, that is, enshrined in law, definition. There are various explanations in explanatory dictionaries. For example, Modern Economic Dictionary, edited by Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtsev E.B. (6th ed., revised and supplemented - M. INFRA-M, 2011) gives following definition: Lawyer – a person with a legal education; a lawyer engaged in practical activities.

Synonyms: lawyer, civil lawyer, lawyer.


  • works with documents: composes, analyzes, formulates an answer;
  • cooperates with all kinds of authorities;
  • advises citizens, colleagues, companies;
  • continuously monitors regulations;
  • forms a legal position;
  • acts in court in defense of the client, employer.

Specifics of the profession

One of the main features is frequently changing legislation, so students are taught not to memorize the rule by heart, but to know and be able to apply the principles and form a system of legal norms.

Besides, distinctive feature It can also be called a profession that any lawyer almost always must “fight” with the counterparty under the contract, with the opposite party in court, and sometimes with the judge using exclusively legal means.

Also, a competent lawyer knows the rule of law, its correct application and interpretation, but in order to protect the interests of the manager or client, he is forced to deliberately distort the meaning of the rule when using it.

All activities are related to the search for the required norm and its correct application, which does not allow freedom of creativity; at a certain stage, legal activity may seem like a continuous routine.

Required qualities

Different areas require different qualities:

  • It is important for a law firm specialist to be able to attract clients;
  • employee - compliance with labor discipline;
  • to the legal adviser – the priority of the company’s interests over the principles of morality;
  • for a representative in court - oratory;
  • for a lawyer - ingenuity.

A lawyer, like representatives of other professions, needs to constantly develop, however, a lawyer’s irrelevant knowledge leads to the loss of a court case, loss of fees, and, consequently, income.

You can also name qualities such as:

  • stress resistance;
  • responsibility;
  • flexibility.

Lawyer: work and career

A single legal education is not enough. According to some scientists, jurisprudence is not a science, but a craft. A lawyer for a company (not a legal company) works with documents from a specific industry: catering, textile production, that is, he serves the industry.

Companies engaged in the provision of legal services in their pure form, as a rule, are not large, and they are gradually becoming multifunctional, that is, in addition to legal services, they also offer real estate, accounting, auditing, collection, and land management services.

Career growth is possible in large companies or in the public service. In small companies “1 director, 1 lawyer” there is objectively no opportunity for career growth.

In terms of professional growth, there are always no restrictions, there is always room to grow, as in any profession there are many areas, some industries are more than ten:

  • civil;
  • criminal;
  • family;
  • land;
  • housing;
  • intellectual;
  • administrative;
  • hereditary;
  • environmental;
  • tax;
  • financial, etc.

The legal profession has its advantages and disadvantages in terms of combining it with family and raising children:

Where required

Despite the abundance of lawyers in the labor market, in some areas there is an acute shortage of personnel in this specialty. They are required:

  • for the initial reception of documents in multifunctional centers for the provision of public services;
  • in state and municipal service;
  • in management companies;
  • in remote areas and small towns.

In the listed areas, the salary is not the highest, but there is an opportunity to gain invaluable experience, skills, and meet representatives of the legal community.

The specifics of service in government bodies are as follows:

  • hard working hours from 9:00 to 18:00;
  • strict hierarchy of positions;
  • monotonous nature (one employee – one function, but on a large scale);
  • redirection of tasks (one document is reviewed by 5 people before it reaches the final executor).

What else can a lawyer do?

A law graduate can become:

  • lawyer;
  • notary;
  • judge;
  • prosecutor;
  • deputy;
  • representative;
  • legal advisor in the company;
  • state or municipal employees:
    • in the tax office;
    • migration service;
    • customs service;
    • local government bodies;
    • Registry Office;
    • pension fund;
    • Rosreestr, etc.
  • teacher of any legal discipline (in some educational institutions Teachers are required to have an academic degree of at least a candidate).

To become a lawyer, notary or judge, in addition to receiving an education, you must pass a qualifying exam. But in order to become a judge or notary, even a positive result on the exam does not guarantee occupation of the corresponding position: the number of judges in the court and notaries in the notarial district is limited.

Certified specialists also work in related specialties, for example, having mastered 1C, a lawyer by training can work as an accountant.

Who is better - a lawyer or a lawyer?

In order to obtain the status of a lawyer, it is necessary to have a higher legal education, that is, any lawyer is a lawyer by training.

In order to carry out legal activities, it is not necessary to obtain the status of a lawyer. This status is necessary only to protect the interests of the client in criminal cases. A non-lawyer cannot participate in a criminal trial.

A lawyer is only one of the possible options for the professional activity of a lawyer.

Being a lawyer is neither good nor bad; the profession has its pros and cons.


  • It is better to obtain a legal education second;
  • legal education fits well with economic education;
  • specialized legal academies have departments that train future lawyers, prosecutors, and judges;
  • at first, the salary will not meet expectations, since any profession requires skill and experience;
  • when studying, focus not on memorizing norms by heart, but on understanding the content of the principles of law and building a system of norms;
  • in professional activities, continuously monitor changes in legislation;
  • abstract from customer problems;
  • if possible, do not take work home, since household chores are one way or another distracting, and as a result, the task will not be completed well enough, and the housework will not be completed;
  • engage in any creativity, since working with regulations leaves no room for imagination.

Most of us study in order to find then good job. In turn, every self-respecting university is interested in the position of graduates in the labor market and their assessment of the education received. One of the latest studies by the HSE Internal Monitoring Center is devoted to these issues. In the spring of 2011, 1,748 graduates were surveyed who graduated from the university in different years (2004-2010).

“We study not for school, but for life” - this is the motto of the Higher School of Economics. “HSE is trying, first of all, to provide students with an analytical tool,” explains the rector of the principles of education at the Higher School of Economics. - It is impossible to teach the entire body of knowledge in any branch of knowledge; you can teach how to extract it. It is completely unknown what our students will earn in five years; technologies in material production, computer science, social life, and financial life are changing so quickly that if we teach everyone today well-developed tools for making money, it is not a fact that they won't lose tomorrow. It seems to me that a graduate of a research university should be able to master any technology independently, and this sets him apart, distinguishes him from a standard university.”

That is why HSE places emphasis on teaching theory and developing personal skills that facilitate adaptation to constantly changing environmental conditions. A survey of graduates shows that for the majority, the knowledge and skills acquired at the university within the specialty correspond to their employment in the labor market. Thus, respondents were asked to evaluate how well their current job corresponds to the specialty they received. Ratings were given on a 7-point scale, where 1 is “not at all consistent” and 7 is “completely consistent”. The majority of graduates rate the relevance of their current job to their specialty as 5-7 points (55%). It is worth noting that among those who have completed two levels of education at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (bachelor's and master's degrees), there are almost no people who talk about the discrepancy between their current employment and the education they received.

Speaking about the acquired competencies, the majority of respondents noted that they learned to cope with a large volume of work, independently master new areas of knowledge, clearly and clearly express their thoughts in writing, developed creative abilities and general erudition, learned to work in a group on joint projects, developed the skills of oral presentations, presentations, improved knowledge foreign languages, expanded their ability to use basic computer programs, and acquired practical skills for work.

Answering the question about what benefited most from studying at the university, 55% of graduates noted that they gained confidence in the possibility of self-realization, 48% indicated that thanks to their studies they received a profession in demand in the labor market, 46% formed a circle of like-minded people and loved ones according to the spirit of people, 27% have a professional network, 20% have acquired the necessary connections for employment.

How do graduates find work?

As a rule, HSE students found their first job on their own or on the recommendation of students and teachers: 30% - through specialized websites, 19% sent their resumes directly, 14% were approached by company employees themselves, 12% were recommended by HSE teachers or employees, 11% got a job through students or HSE graduates. Those who found a job through relatives or friends were 23%.

It is worth noting that during a subsequent job change, the percentage of those who were contacted by representatives of a particular company themselves is significantly higher - 30%, which indicates an increase in the demand for HSE graduates in the labor market as they gain experience. And the more time passed after graduating from university, the smaller the proportion found employment on the recommendation of HSE teachers or staff (4%).

How quickly do HSE graduates find jobs?

Only 6% of surveyed graduates were not working at the time of the survey. Taking into account the fact that specialist, bachelor's and master's degree graduates participated in the monitoring, it should be noted that many of the respondents do not work precisely because they continue their studies at the next levels. However, there were those who simply did not need constant income. In numbers, their number is most likely close to a statistical error.

The vast majority of respondents (94%) are employed. At the same time, 48% of respondents started working before receiving their diploma, the rest got jobs in the first months after graduation.

First job after university

93% of graduates work for hire in various companies and organizations, 3% run their own businesses, another 3% become freelancers, that is, they carry out projects for various clients as “freelance artists.”

IN recent years The share of hired workers among graduates is gradually decreasing. If in 2004-2007 their number was 96-98%, then in 2008 the share decreased to 94%, and in 2009-2010 - to 91%. The year 2008 was a turning point. Until this time, the share of entrepreneurs and freelancers was 1-2% for each category. And among graduates of 2008-2010, those who started their own business accounted for 3-5%. The number of freelancers over the years has reached 4-6%.

How much do graduates of the Higher School of Economics get paid?

The most interesting here are the starting salaries of 2010 graduates. So, last year’s graduates started their careers with salaries ranging from 25,000 rubles after a bachelor’s degree to 35,000 rubles after a master’s degree. The largest average monthly starting amount wages for graduates of all levels in 2010 (after taxes) was observed at the Faculty of Business Informatics (38,000 rubles), the smallest - at the Faculty of Sociology (28,000 rubles). It is worth noting that the analysis did not include data on faculties in which less than 20 respondents indicated their starting earnings.

In the future, the salary of former students increases. If we take into account that almost half of the respondents worked before graduation, then the start of their careers for graduates of 2010 occurred in the spring - autumn of 2010. The next “measurement” of their salaries took place in the spring of 2011, when monitoring was carried out and when they were asked not only about their starting salary, but also about their current one. So, after a year average earnings graduates of 2010 has grown and ranges from 30,000 to 55,000 rubles. The leader here is the same - the Faculty of Business Informatics with a salary of 55,000 rubles. Also, graduates of the Faculty of World Politics and World Politics turned out to be the highest paid - 45,000 rubles. It is noteworthy that the least paid former students of the department of business and political journalism did not go far from the leaders in terms of salary - 33,000 rubles.

Where do HSE graduates work?

We can say that former HSE students work all over the world. Of course, the vast majority (94%) are employed in the Russian economy. But there are also those who work in European countries - Germany, France, Switzerland and others, such 2%. 1% of respondents work in the UK. The share of other countries, such as the USA and China, is less than 0.5%.

The areas of activity of graduates are quite predictable, given the main focus of the university. Most often, monitoring participants noted the following: banks, investments, leasing, finance (11%), IT, Internet, telecom (10%), PR, marketing (9%), trade (9%), education and science (6%) . It should be noted that the humanities faculties - history, philology - do not yet have graduates. And as soon as they appear, we can expect that the list of areas of activity for HSE graduates will expand.

The distribution of graduates of individual faculties by field of employment is quite natural: in the banking sector, graduates of the Faculty of Economics, ICEF and World Economy and World Politics predominate. The majority of those employed in the field of information technology are graduates of business informatics; in marketing, graduates of the faculty of sociology and applied political science, as well as the department of business and political journalism, clearly have an advantage. Trade seems to be a more diffuse area, however, it can be noted that 16% of management graduates are employed in it.

Comment by Tatyana Dubova, Director for Partnerships at the Higher School of Economics(The Directorate for Work with Partners maintains the university’s connections with other universities, as well as with HSE graduates. - Ed.)

How do you evaluate the results of the survey?

First of all, I am very glad that a successful start has been given to a new, important monitoring study for the School, receiving feedback from graduates. We all understand that the success of graduates is an objective indicator of the success of a university. If we evaluate the results obtained, then what interests me as a psychologist is not the integral indicators, but the specific people who stand behind them. The study not only gave us interesting data, but also raised new questions. For example, why do some of our graduates not immediately find a job? Agree, if a person cannot find a job within several months after graduating from university, this can be a serious personal problem for him. Of course, the reasons can be very different. More often than one might expect, when talking with graduates, we come across the following formulation: “I wasn’t looking for a job, I wanted to take a break from studying.” If a person can afford to meditate for six months - this kind of pause can be very productive - all that remains is to be happy for him.

But the most typical situation that graduates face is the reluctance of employers to hire specialists without work experience. This partly explains the fairly high percentage of our students who combine study and work. On the one hand, upon graduation, they receive a comparative advantage over those who have just studied. The flip side: such a combination is not beneficial to studies, since the leading activity for the student was no longer study, but work. Because the survey was anonymous, we cannot look at correlations with academic performance. Or is the reason that the graduate failed to demonstrate his competence in the interview situation? Agree, the conclusions that follow from this one figure are completely different.

Or let's take a job in our specialty. It seems to me that the importance of this indicator should not be emphasized. A person can work in his specialty all his life and hate it fiercely. In my opinion, it is much more important that a person never stops looking for himself and moving towards his ideal occupation. It would be good if he immediately found a place to his liking, but in practice this happens quite rarely, given the perfection of the non-existent vocational guidance system in the country. This is confirmed by Grigory Kantorovich based on the results of the current admission of documents to the master's program - an increase in the number of those who change the direction of study after four years. I think this is good; we need to actively use the range of available opportunities. In the meantime, the typical situation is when an applicant (or rather his parents) choose a university rather than an educational program.

According to expert estimates, in the next ten years, 80% of existing technologies and equipment will be obsolete, by which time 4 out of every 5 workers will have an education received more than 10 years ago. What does this mean? Only one thing: there is no alternative to lifelong education. Sorry for the truism. That is, learning ability becomes a mandatory (but not sufficient) condition for success in life. The university’s goal is to help graduates quickly fill the identified gap in knowledge or competencies by offering flexible professional “tuning” programs. Therefore, HSE’s slogan takes on a new meaning: Through life with the School!

Monitoring showed that graduates are generally satisfied with their education. How satisfied are employers with their knowledge?

It’s best to ask this question to the director of the HSE Career Development Center, who maintains contacts with a wide range of employers. But, as far as I know, systematic studies of employers’ opinions about our graduates have not yet been carried out. I saw the results of a small study conducted by the Rus State Financial Institution on graduates of sociology departments, but it was purely pilot in nature. This kind of research is quite complex and time-consuming. We are currently launching our first employer survey with the Faculty of Management. One of the goals of this study is to obtain international accreditation for Master's programs in the Faculty of Management. In the fall, we will be able to compare the opinions of graduates about the education they received at HSE with the opinions of employers about our Masters in Management. It will be very interesting to see what happens! In the future, we will be able to conduct similar surveys regularly. I am sure that the results will be useful to the university, especially to the educational unit for the correction of educational programs.

The quality of the research started directly depends on the collected contact database of graduates and employers. Believe me, this is a very difficult task. Just imagine how difficult it is to find contacts of those who graduated from HSE many years ago. It is very pleasant that the response to the questionnaire was higher than we expected - almost 50%. In this regard, I would like to appeal to all alumni to help us update our contact information by registering on the website. Stay in touch - we are interested in you! And we hope that the interest is mutual.

The head of the HSE also answered questions about the employment of HSE graduates.

Olga Aleksandrovna, how easy is it for a HSE graduate to find a job?

Overall, it's easy. This situation is explained by a combination of a number of factors. Firstly, of course, the prestige of the university and the high level of education that students receive at HSE. Employers are in active demand for such graduates in many areas. In particular, the active partners of the Career Development Center include more than 700 companies and institutions, including representatives of the financial sector, civil service, consulting, FMCG, oil and gas industry, research companies and others. Moreover, employers try to attract HSE students through various recruiting and HR branding events, and companies also participate in the educational process, starting from the third year. The competitive struggle of leading Russian and foreign companies for potential employees is already unfolding during this period. Students are invited to undergo an internship, industrial or pre-graduate practice, or take up work on a flexible schedule. So, for example, during 2010-2011 academic year HSE hosted about 100 recruiting, career and educational events with the participation of 150 companies, and about 40 new employers were added to the number of active partners. Next year, according to our forecasts, company activity will be even more intense.

Secondly, this is explained by the active position of the students themselves. HSE students attend career events (career fairs, career days, master classes, presentations, trainings of employing companies), seek career and career guidance consultations, and follow labor market news in the field that is relevant to them.

Thirdly, by combining work and study, and students completing internships with potential employers. According to annual career monitoring of graduate students, which was conducted by the HSE Career Development Center from 2005 to 2010, it is not uncommon for a graduate to already hold a leadership position or have at least 3 years of work experience (in their specialty!) by the time they receive their HSE diploma.

Fourthly, the presence at HSE of special services and departments for students and graduates that assist in personal and career development, close interaction between faculties and company representatives, and active cooperation between the university and business in various fields.

What difficulties do you encounter when looking for a job?

It is often difficult for a graduate to decide which field to choose, since the education received opens up a wide range of opportunities for him. Some resort to consultations with specialists, others study the market on their own, and others (if they did not do this during their studies) advance by trying themselves in various areas of the economy.

Also, employers note somewhat inflated career ambitions and salary expectations of graduates (though economic crisis corrected this situation, the self-esteem of young specialists in the labor market became more adequate), unpreparedness for “working with their hands”, for rapid, but still gradual growth and advancement.

All this can be overcome and belongs to the category of disadvantages that can easily be turned into advantages. Thus, a multifunctional specialist can easily move between areas, mastering new areas, working at the intersection of areas, thereby having great innovative potential. Inflated ambitions are adjusted over time and become “healthy”, turning into an effective “engine” for graduates on the career ladder; they stimulate continuous learning and self-development, which is what is initially ingrained in university students.

Elena Kalinovskaya, HSE Portal News Service

Let’s say right away that economics majors do not lose their popularity among applicants from year to year. And economists are needed almost everywhere! This, of course, instills confidence in the future. But so that you don’t act blindly, we’ll tell you where economists can work.

An economist works with numbers and documents, he has to analyze a lot and do statistics. He makes sure that the enterprise operates efficiently and makes a profit. So perseverance, patience, strong memory and the ability to process large amounts of information are distinguished by good specialist

Many applicants fall for the prestige and demand of the profession. However, getting a degree in economics is not enough. After all, employers want to see an experienced, proactive applicant or at least a competent graduate. Decide on the specifics of your activity in advance(manufacturing, IT, banking, global economy, advertising, etc.) to gain knowledge at the university that you can apply in the workplace. First, study.

You can get an economic specialty both at a university (economist, manager-economist, marketing economist) and at a college (commodity expert, technical economist, accountant, economist). See all programs at

Where can economists work?

As we have already said, economists are needed wherever there is a connection with business, production, sales, and money circulation.Here are some tips on where you can get a job after graduation.

Enterprises, factories, factories

Large enterprises have an economic department, whose specialists calculate the cost of products, their delivery, and provide economic support for transactions and preparation of documentation.

Private companies and enterprises

Specialists in marketing, business administration, and accounting will find work in restaurant chains, the hotel business, and travel agencies. If the company is international, then it cannot do without a specialist in the global economy. The staff of economists depends on the size of the organization. For small companies, one or two competent employees are enough.

Banks and credit organizations

This is the domain of banking and lending specialists. However, economists with a different profile can also get a job in a bank and make a career. Of course, you will have to make up for the lack of highly specialized knowledge in practice.

Due to an oversupply of economists in the labor market . Why competition among applicants may increase in the future

Tax and insurance organizations

An economist who understands taxes and taxation or insurance will be able to get a job in the appropriate organization.

Educational institutions, hospitals, clinics

Specialists will find work here accounting, managers-economists. Accountants monitor distribution cash in accordance with the law, economic managers supervise the financial side of transactions (for example, the purchase of equipment, consumables), and calculate the benefits for the organization.

Organize your business

Knowledge of economics will help you organize your own business. Before you open a business, you need to carefully calculate everything. And who else but an economist can do this efficiently?

Where can a graduate of the Faculty of Economics work?

In general, a graduate of an economics university can apply for the position of economist, financial analyst, auditor, administrator, bank employee, or teacher at a university or college.

Although students of economic specialties study general subjects (micro- and macroeconomics, accounting, statistics, marketing, financial management) mainly focuses on studies in the direction. This is why it is sometimes difficult to find a job as an economist outside of your direct specialty.Take this into account when you choose a specialty upon admission.

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Studying at the university assumes that immediately after graduation you will freely find yourself workplace within the chosen specialty. However, organizations and governments have other plans.

The state, for its part, rarely correctly predicts the exact number of required specialists in a particular area. So it’s not a fact that you will have enough space. On the other hand, no one has canceled blat.

There is one more moment that will be difficult for anyone to predict: the crisis. IN hard times companies cannot afford to maintain even highly qualified employees. There are massive layoffs. So where can you get a job after university in such conditions? After all, you have enough knowledge, but experience is a problem. And the employer is more likely to invite someone who has no ambitions, but has long been familiar with activities in a certain field.

What can yesterday’s students do if they don’t get a job after college? That's right: unskilled work or freelancing. But is this why you have been hovering over your poor brain for so many years and poring over completing all the tests, coursework, and dissertations?

Life after graduation: how to get a job?

Even at the admission stage, it would be good to monitor data about which institute it is easy for a young specialist to get a job after. The fact is that there are universities that help in finding employment for graduates in their specialty.

It also doesn’t hurt to follow the companies. Some organizations are interested in an influx of fresh young “meat”. Such employees are cheaper than experienced ones, and at the same time, as a bonus, the company in the person of such an employee receives youth, enthusiasm and a desire to learn. Even if you pay a small amount for your work, it’s worth going there, at least to gain experience in your field.

One should not neglect the opinions of HR managers who note an inflated level of self-esteem and market value in young professionals.

Even if working during the holidays paid much more than what the employer offers you, do not rush to refuse. Often, a small salary comes with career opportunities. And this is much more important for you at the moment.

Remember to be responsible when preparing for interviews. Find out more about the company's activities in advance. And at the meeting, try to demonstrate all your advantages. Let the employer know that you are interested in working for them, even though you have no experience in this field.

How can a university graduate without work experience find a job?

Few people know that a crisis is the ideal time for a young specialist who still has no experience to look for a job.

Employers cannot keep experienced and highly paid employees. And here your task is to offer yourself to such employers in all your glory. Convince him that you will do the same thing, but for much less money.

The crisis will end sooner or later, and by then you will have gained experience and skills that will become the basis for asking for a raise.

Often, employers are ready to compensate for an employee’s lack of knowledge with a small salary.

If there is no job in your specialty

It also happens that even if you agree to any conditions, you cannot find a job in your specialty, but you still want to eat.

What should you do in this case:

  • pick up all your old connections if you once worked part-time in logistics, sales, call center, or outsourcing;
  • look for work as an assistant or part-time assistant;
  • find any menial job (courier, loader, consultant) and continue to look for work, send out resumes, go for interviews.

By the way, finding a job in England after university is also very difficult. Former students have to work at McDonald's and be unemployed before they can find something suitable. The main difference from us is that foreign students are ready for this situation.

Don’t try to get the first job you come across, but you should be careful with your ambitions. It's good when you know your worth. But often graduates make the same mistake: they try to find a job with a salary on the market that corresponds to this specialty.

Remember: a high salary is the result of hard work, gained experience and constant work on yourself and advanced training. And while you don’t have this, it’s completely natural that you will receive several times less for these same functions than a more experienced colleague.

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Here are a few useful tips, which will help you stand out and get into the “soul” of employers.

  1. Design your resume to differentiate it from your competitors. Describe the advantages you have that you think others don't have. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​(the more, the better), excellent knowledge of office programs and technology, etc. will add certain weight to your resume.
  2. Even in your final years, start educating yourself. Take courses that are not covered by the university program. Let it be ordinary cooking courses or car driving courses - these data will help form an opinion of you as a purposeful and capable young specialist. If possible, do an internship while studying at those enterprises that are known in your region. This will help with finding a job.
  3. Self-confidence (note: confidence, not self-confidence) is the key to getting a job. Calmness, composure and confidence will let the employer know that you are not only ready to get this job, but also to achieve certain heights in this field. And since you yourself are going to rise to a certain level, then at the same time you will bring the company along with you. During the probationary period, show yourself as hardworking, responsible and efficient.

Remember: it doesn't matter how long you last in your first job. The main thing is to be able to get it, and then it will be a completely different story. Well, while you are looking, looking closely and thinking, the service for students is ready to help you