What is the body temperature of pregnant women? Does body temperature always increase during pregnancy? What does temperature indicate in early pregnancy?

There are generally accepted medical indicators that determine the condition of any person’s body. One such indicator is the body. It is generally accepted that a healthy person should have a temperature in the range of 36.5-36.9 degrees. Anything below or above this mark is a manifestation of disorders in the body. At the same time, minor deviations from these standards are allowed, which are determined by the individual characteristics of the person. An increase or decrease in temperature, in some cases, may not be pathological in nature and may be associated with certain conditions. For example, during pregnancy, indicators may differ significantly and this will be considered normal. And yet, what should the body temperature be during pregnancy?

First of all, you need to understand how to measure temperature correctly. There are several ways, and depending on how you measure, the acceptable values ​​will depend. The most common method that allows you to get more accurate and truthful results, especially during pregnancy, is measuring basal temperature. What is it basal temperature? Basal temperature should be measured at rest and in complete relaxation. The thermometer should be placed in the mouth, vagina, or rectum. Using indicators of this temperature, you can determine menstrual cycle and gynecological health of women. Basically, basal temperature parameters are used for:

  • determining the onset of ovulation;
  • confirmation of pregnancy;
  • determining the state of the endocrine system and identifying pathologies.

Women who are planning to conceive a child and pregnant women at risk of miscarriage should be more attentive to changes in this temperature. Markings of basal body temperature can be used as a method of contraception, but this method of protection against unwanted pregnancy has not been used for a long time. Now there are quite a lot of pharmaceutical drugs that can not only prevent pregnancy, but also protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

It is believed that changes in temperature can easily determine the beginning and peak of ovulation. Temperature measurement should become a common procedure for those women who are planning to conceive a child. Surprisingly, a change in basal temperature can almost immediately indicate pregnancy. This method of determining successful conception is reliable; in 90% of cases, pregnancy, which was identified by temperature marks, is confirmed.

In the first phase and until the middle of the cycle, the temperature should be up to 37°; on average, the indicator can range from 36.6° to 36.8°. At the beginning of the second phase, also called the corpus luteum phase, the temperature certainly rises by 0.4° and rarely drops below 37°. The temperature returns to lower levels closer to menstruation, this happens a couple of days before it begins. If, according to your calculations, the time for menstruation has come, and the temperature does not decrease, then this is correct.

Such temperature fluctuations occur under the influence of progesterone, which, by its action, in the second phase of the cycle prepares the uterine environment for the possible implantation of a fertilized egg in it. If conception does not occur, then the hormonal levels return to normal, and with it the body temperature. When pregnancy occurs, they begin to actively produce and, accordingly, the temperature increases. early stages will be slightly elevated.

It should be noted that the temperature should be measured in the morning, before physical activity begins. It is advisable not to even get out of bed. After all, to obtain reliable results, the body must be completely at rest. There are a number of factors that can affect the result obtained. For example, you should not measure your temperature after a bath or shower, after drinking a cup of hot tea, or during times of stress or intense anxiety. Lack of sleep or extreme fatigue will certainly affect your body temperature. To track the dynamics and a detailed assessment of the state of the body, it is better to keep a special notebook in which to record the results of each temperature measurement and the reasons why the temperature could increase or decrease.

The most preferred and painless method of measuring temperature during pregnancy is rectal. The choice of thermometer is also important; it is worth considering that when measuring with a mercury thermometer, the time of its contact with the body should be about 7 minutes. When choosing an electronic signal - a subsonic signal and a couple of minutes after. It is not recommended to frequently change the thermometer used for measurements.

Normally, body temperature in the early stages of pregnancy should not exceed 37.3°. At the same time, a drop in temperature below 37° is considered a reason for an unscheduled visit to the doctor. As the gestational age increases, normal temperature readings decrease and by the fifth month the thermometer mark of 36.9° is considered normal. After this period, measuring basal temperature is no longer as important and informative as at the very beginning of pregnancy. For example, a decrease in temperature in the early stages may indicate an insufficient amount of progesterone produced. If you do not pay attention to this point in time, then there is a high probability of miscarriage or miscarriage. Or, conversely, increased body temperature indicates the onset of an inflammatory process or ectopic pregnancy. If you notice sudden changes in temperature, you should consult a doctor. Such fluctuations can be caused by both physiological characteristics and a developing pathological process.

As a rule, low body temperature is considered an individual feature that does not pose a threat to the development of the fetus or the condition of the mother. Of course, a woman knows about this feature long before pregnancy. In other cases, a low temperature may indicate serious illnesses that are dangerous during pregnancy. There are several diseases that can lead to a drop in temperature during pregnancy. Among them are:

  • Hypothyroidism. This is a disease of the endocrine system associated with improper synthesis of hormones by the thyroid gland. The disease is considered especially dangerous during pregnancy, since it is the thyroid hormones that are responsible for the correct and timely formation of fetal organs. With this disease, a woman may experience other symptoms, for example: severe swelling, a constant feeling of weakness and drowsiness. No matter how much a woman with such a diagnosis sleeps, it is always difficult for her to get enough sleep. The temperature does not rise more than 36.3°.

If your body temperature has been close to this mark on the thermometer for more than a week, you should immediately contact an endocrinologist. Most likely, you will be prescribed hormonal therapy, which will support the body and ensure the normal functioning of the fetal organs;

  • Hypothermia. In other words - hypothermia, the temperature constantly stays around 36°. With duration this state You should consult a doctor who will tell you how to get out of it correctly and without consequences. The danger of hypothermia lies in the fact that the body automatically (for its own preservation) slows down all metabolic processes and the need for oxygen decreases. At the same time, the fetus is also subject to oxygen starvation; with a long lack of oxygen, irreversible processes can begin in the entire body, the consequences of which can be severe;
  • Common malnutrition. If the daily amount of calories consumed is insufficient, the body thus gives a signal that it lacks energy. At the same time, other consequences of improper and insufficient nutrition may be observed. For example, or a greatly reduced level of hemoglobin in the blood. This condition is easy to correct, and even easier to prevent. All you need to do is eat right and provide your body with a vitamin complex;
  • Hypoglycemia. The disease is accompanied by severe fatigue, nausea, dizziness and bluish skin color. Usually, this condition appears as a result of poor nutrition, but it can be a manifestation of diabetes mellitus in its initial stage.
  • Other causes of low temperature during pregnancy include colds, or more precisely, loss of strength that appears at the end of the acute period of the disease. Physical and psychological stress, especially stressful situations, also lead to low temperature. Doctors highlight severe or immune disorders as one of the reasons that can lead to a slight decrease in body temperature.

In cases where low temperatures persist for a long time or accompany pregnancy from the very beginning, you should inform your gynecologist about this. The doctor will give a referral to a specialist who will help eliminate this condition.

How to deal with low temperature?

There is no single answer to this question; this is due to the fact that the reasons why the body can react this way to provocateurs are different. And depending on the root cause, therapy will depend. Often, it is enough to detect and cure a disease or relieve an acute condition that results in a low temperature. There are some procedures that will not interfere with low body temperature.

So, you can drink a cup of hot milk or tea, cover yourself with a warm blanket or take a warm bath. If the temperature has dropped due to stress or severe fatigue, then a good sound sleep (8-9 hours in a row) will help eliminate this problem. Walking outdoors, light physical activity and aromatherapy can relieve the condition. This will help bring your body temperature back to normal for a while, but without eliminating the cause, the temperature will constantly drop.

A body temperature that drops below 34.6° is the reason for a woman’s hospitalization. If you do not pay attention to this condition, loss of consciousness may occur, which will ultimately end in a coma.

As has been said more than once, during pregnancy the temperature may be slightly elevated. But we should not exclude pathological processes in the body, which are also accompanied by high marks on the thermometer. Among the reasons that provoke a rise in temperature are the following:

  • characteristics of the body;
  • viral and inflammatory diseases;
  • intestinal;
  • inflammatory processes of non-infectious origin;
  • allergic reactions of the body.

Individual characteristics. Basic distinctive feature This condition is the complete absence of any symptoms of disease or infection. There have been cases when an elevated temperature accompanied a woman until childbirth. In this state of affairs, the basal temperature does not rise above 37.4°. The woman feels well and does not complain of weakness or drowsiness. In any case, even if you are completely confident in your health and consider such a rise in temperature to be normal, it is worth discussing this issue with your doctor. After a full examination and the necessary tests, only a doctor can ascertain the fact of the physiological genesis of the rise in temperature. When the temperature rises, as a consequence of physiological characteristics, no therapy or lowering it with medications is required.

Viral and infectious diseases. Quite often, namely in half of the cases, the temperature rises due to the activation of the defense system, which occurs due to the penetration of the virus into the body. As you know, a pregnant woman’s immunity functions at the limit of its capabilities, which becomes the cause of frequent colds and respiratory diseases. With such diseases, the temperature rises above 38° and is always accompanied by characteristic symptoms. It could be as simple as a sore throat, headaches, or cough. At the very beginning of pregnancy, high temperature can lead to severe dehydration and intoxication, which, in turn, will lead to termination of pregnancy and miscarriage.

At later stages, the danger of this condition does not become less; prolonged fever and fever can trigger the onset of premature labor. At the first sign of a cold, you should call a doctor and carefully follow his recommendations. After all, even an ordinary one can cause serious defects in the development of the fetus.

In addition to upper respiratory tract infections, intestinal diseases can also lead to high fever. If the fever is accompanied by vomiting or abdominal pain, then emergency help must be called. In the vast majority of cases, treatment of such infections during pregnancy should occur only in a hospital and under the watchful supervision of physicians. Yes, vomiting or a strong feeling of nausea can easily be manifestations of toxicosis. This is permissible only in the early stages and the temperature should not exceed 37.7°. In any case, it is better to play it safe and get tested, which will confirm the presence of infection or refute it. Intestinal infections can be dangerous and cause many pathologies in the fetus.

In addition to upper respiratory tract infections, intestinal diseases can also lead to high fever. If the fever is accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting or abdominal pain, then call emergency services. In the vast majority of cases, treatment of such infections during pregnancy should occur only in a hospital and under the watchful supervision of physicians. Yes, vomiting or a strong feeling of nausea can easily be manifestations of toxicosis. This is permissible only in the early stages and the temperature should not exceed 37.7°. In any case, it is better to play it safe and get tested, which will confirm the presence of infection or refute it. Intestinal infections can be dangerous and cause many pathologies in the fetus.

Women are designed in such a way that in the last stages of pregnancy, the uterus greatly infringes on other pelvic organs. The kidneys and urinary system suffer the most. Thus, infections and diseases of these organs become frequent companions of the last trimester. And the temperature only indicates that the inflammatory process has already begun, which can be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain when urinating;
  • changes in clinical indicators, for example, increased protein content;
  • swelling;
  • irritability and fatigue.

Most often, pregnant women encounter various types of infections and bacterial infections. Such conditions not only cause a lot of discomfort to the woman, but also disrupt the normal functioning of the body. As you know, the kidneys filter everything that enters our body, and if their function is impaired, many breakdown products, for example, ammonia, will remain in the blood. And its effect is toxic to the fetus.

Childhood diseases quite often affect pregnant women. Therefore, in the absence of natural immunity, it is advisable to vaccinate before pregnancy. Pregnant women are susceptible to chickenpox, measles, and rubella. This is not a complete list of diseases, but it is the listed diseases that can provoke pathologies in the fetus, many of which are incompatible with life. All diseases in this group are characterized by high fever and noticeable rashes on the skin. Rashes begin to appear in the abdomen, chest and face. If you notice a couple of red ones on yourself and your temperature rises, then you should call an ambulance. Doctors will decide whether hospitalization is necessary.

It is considered the most dangerous for the fetus. This disease is quite easily tolerated in childhood and is practically merciless in adults, and for pregnant women it is more than just a serious illness. Chickenpox is dangerous due to its consequences and complications that occur in the mother's body. For the fetus, chickenpox is fatal in 90% of cases; most often, when infected with this disease, the woman will have to suffer. Vaccines that can instill artificial immunity in a woman to childhood diseases are very effective. They cannot cause infection with the same diseases, since semi-live bacteria are used for vaccination.

There are also a number of conditions that are accompanied by high fever and the need for surgical intervention. These include: inflammation or rupture of appendicitis, internal bleeding or hematomas, serious disorders of the cardiovascular system, bone injuries (which require the installation of special supporting devices or urgent prosthetics). It is worth understanding that any surgical intervention is not particularly advisable during pregnancy. Since this event takes place under anesthesia, local or general. Yes, general anesthesia is more risky than local anesthesia, but local anesthesia also negatively affects the health of the fetus. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy in the presence of serious diseases, it is worth initially preventing possible surgical intervention.

First of all, you should consult a doctor who can competently select medications that relieve fever. These can be either synthetic drugs or homeopathic recipes. The second option, of course, is preferable during pregnancy, but is not always as effective. A temperature of up to 38°, which lasts less than three days, does not require medical intervention. It is also not recommended to reduce the temperature, which is of physiological origin. If this condition causes a lot of inconvenience, then you can try relieving methods, for example: cool compresses on the forehead and elbows, drinking tea with chamomile, linden or raspberry. Forget about any rubdowns that contain anything other than plain water. All folk remedies for fighting fever, in the form of rubbing with vinegar, vodka or other mixtures, are very toxic. The skin that is wiped is the largest organ, capable of absorbing and passing through any substances. In extreme heat, harmful substances accumulate in the body, and this kind of compress is guaranteed to cause poisoning and intoxication not only of the woman, but also of the fetus.

Typically, doctors try to avoid drug methods of lowering fever during pregnancy. The exception is when the fever reaches 38.6°. Then the pregnant woman may be prescribed suppositories, syrup or a tablet form of an antipyretic. Moreover, it is believed that the fewer auxiliary components in the drug, the better it works. Studies have shown that ordinary paracetamol or drugs based on it have a less harmful effect on the fetus. It happens that prescribing an antipyretic alone is not enough; in this case, complex treatment is prescribed. Such treatment may include drugs that normalize the water balance in the body and have a supporting effect.

All drugs that contain ibuprofen, aspirin and analgin are not recommended during pregnancy. They have a negative effect on the formation and development of fetal organs. Medicines of this group can be prescribed, but only in cases where a woman is intolerant to paracetamol.

The only thing that every pregnant woman should remember is that her condition is not a disease, but only a long period of waiting for the birth of her baby. Therefore, you should not prematurely panic or get nervous when you see a thermometer that shows a figure greater or less than 36.6°. Only a doctor can draw any conclusions about the pathological origin of the temperature and its danger to the child. Your job is to closely monitor your condition and regularly visit your doctor.

Pregnancy is a special time for every woman. I really want no troubles to happen during these nine months. And I certainly want a pregnant woman to be spared all illnesses. After all, both the diseases themselves and the use of medications can have a detrimental effect on the health of mother and child.

What to do if a woman has a fever during pregnancy? What body temperature is generally considered normal during pregnancy and how to reduce this temperature? Let's try to find answers to all these questions.

Causes of temperature in early pregnancy

So, what to do if you have a fever in the early stages of pregnancy? First of all, don't panic. Secondly, arm yourself with information. It is important to know that the causes of fever in early pregnancy may not be infectious at all.

This means that an increase in temperature may not be caused by an infection at all, but by a hormone. Throughout pregnancy, a woman experiences dramatic hormonal changes. But they are especially noticeable in the early stages. At this time, the body produces the hormone progesterone, and in very large quantities. This hormone produces all the necessary physical changes for a woman to successfully bear a child.

But this same hormone has, so to speak, a side effect. He controls temperature conditions body. In particular, it significantly reduces heat transfer. This means that the blood vessels in the skin remain narrowed, and the body releases heat less efficiently and quickly than before pregnancy.

As we can see, it is this factor that leads to an increase in temperature in the early stages of pregnancy. This process is natural, it is not dangerous for either the woman or the fetus. After all, an increase in temperature is not caused by inflammation or infection in a woman’s body.

And in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman is not at all afraid of the rise in temperature. The infection that enters the body is terrible. Indeed, in the first trimester, the placenta is not yet formed and cannot protect the fetus from the harmful effects of infections.

Normally, such a natural increase in temperature should not exceed 37.5. At the same time, the woman should not experience any discomfort. Namely, chills, aches and other accompanying symptoms of infectious diseases.

If the causes of fever in early pregnancy are hormonal, then there is no need to worry. There are reasons for concern only if a woman “catch” the infection in the early stages of pregnancy.

Treatment of fever in early pregnancy

If an increase in temperature in the early stages of pregnancy is due to hormonal fluctuations, then there is no need to treat it. Treatment of fever in early pregnancy is only necessary in some cases.

For example, if the temperature rises above 38.5. In this case, whatever the reason for the temperature, it needs to be brought down. If the temperature stays within 37-37.5, then there is no need to treat or bring down this temperature.

Over time, the increase in temperature will go away on its own when progesterone levels return to normal and heat transfer normalizes. In any case, it is highly not recommended to use pills or other medications to reduce fever unless absolutely necessary.

Even if a woman has an infectious disease, she should not lower her temperature below 38.5. This temperature is not dangerous to health, and it helps the body fight infection.

How to reduce fever in early pregnancy?

If you need to lower your temperature during pregnancy, you first need to understand what causes this increase in temperature. In addition, there is one simple rule: do not lower the temperature below 38.5.

How to reduce fever in early pregnancy? It is better to try to do without medications. There are many “folk” ways that you can effectively and safely reduce your temperature.

Firstly, you need to protect the body from dehydration, which easily occurs at high temperatures. This can be done this way: thoroughly ventilate and humidify the room where the pregnant woman is. Air humidity should not be lower than 60 percent. In such an atmosphere, the body will not expend moisture when breathing.

After all, if the air is dry, when it comes out, the body spends its moisture on moisturizing it. In addition, the optimal indoor temperature is 18-20 degrees Celsius. When you inhale cool air, the body heats it to body temperature. This promotes a rapid and natural decrease in temperature.

Of course, you need to take into account the outside temperature. If it is summer, then the difference between the street and room temperatures should not exceed 5-7 degrees. A sharp change in temperature can have a very negative impact on the body of a pregnant woman. Therefore, you need to use the air conditioner wisely.

In addition, to bring down the temperature in the early stages of pregnancy, you need to drink a lot. It is best to drink plain clean water or compotes. Compote will saturate the body not only with moisture, but also with vitamins. You can put raisins, lemon or ginger root in it. They are very useful for colds.

You should not drink a lot of tea, and especially coffee. After all, these drinks raise blood pressure, which is undesirable during pregnancy. You should also not drink a lot of carbonated drinks. Firstly, they can cause flatulence. Secondly, they contain a lot of chemicals and harmful substances that are best excluded from a pregnant woman’s diet, especially in the early stages.

You should also not get carried away with various decoctions of medicinal herbs. Many herbs, although beneficial for infections, can have negative effects on pregnancy. Some of them stimulate muscle activity and can lead to hypertonicity of the muscles of the uterus and lower abdomen.

If you can’t bring down your temperature without medication, then only two medications can be used without a doctor’s prescription. These are paracetamol and ibuprofen. It is best to take these drugs in tablets rather than syrups. Various accompanying substances are added to syrups. For example, dyes or sweeteners, as well as flavoring agents. All this is chemistry, and it is better to refuse it.

Under no circumstances should you use even these seemingly harmless medications constantly or frequently. You need to try to bring down the temperature with folk remedies and only take pharmacological drugs once.

In any case, if your temperature rises in the early stages of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor. Only a correct diagnosis will allow you to find effective and safe treatment.

Medical Expert Editor

Portnov Alexey Alexandrovich

Education: Kyiv National Medical University named after. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty - "General Medicine"

Literature used

Encyclopedia of Clinical Obstetrics – Drangoy M.G. 2013

Obstetrics. Tutorial– Duda V.I. 2013

Features of nutrition of pregnant women and women during lactation – Korovina N.A., Podzolkova N.M., Zakharova I.N. 2008

Infections in obstetrics and gynecology – O.V. Makarov, V.A. Aleshkina, T.N. Savchenko – Practical guide. 2007

Guide to extragenital pathology in pregnant women - Shekhtman M.M. – Practical guide. 2005

Medicines used in obstetrics and gynecology – Kulakov V.I., Serov V.N. – Practical guide. 2006

Many women do not know that slightly elevated temperature in early pregnancy, is most likely not, but the norm and is associated with significant changes in the female body in connection with the beginning of the development of a new human life in it. Of course, if you observe an elevated temperature for several days, you should consult a doctor to rule out the possibility of developing any diseases or disorders, but you shouldn’t “sound the alarm” right away either.

In most cases, early temperature increases are due to a sharp increase in female body hormone such as progesterone. It is this hormone that helps slow down the process of heat transfer, as a result of which temperature values ​​increase to an average of thirty-seven. A specialist calls such an elevated temperature in the early stages of pregnancy “basal”; it usually lasts for the first few weeks from the moment of conception and drops on its own as soon as the placenta begins to function fully in the body.

If the temperature rises above thirty-seven degrees, and you experience severe malaise, which may be supplemented by some other symptoms, then you need to take this temperature seriously, track your condition, identify possible causes of its occurrence and, of course, urgently consult a doctor. Below we offer you several facts about the occurrence of elevated temperature in pregnant women in the early stages, as well as understand their causes and find out the consequences that such a condition can lead to.

So, temperature in early pregnancy causes, symptoms, consequences.

An increase in temperature to thirty-eight degrees should already cause concern, and although most ordinary people tolerate such a temperature relatively easily and do not entail any consequences, during pregnancy it can become a harbinger of a variety of diseases, both in a sluggish form and in an acute one. . So, if such an elevated temperature persists for several days, then it can primarily cause gynecological pathologies, such as ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy occurs as a result of an unexplained failure in the process of moving a fertilized egg through a woman’s fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. In this case, the egg does not attach to the walls of the uterus, as it should ideally be, but stops and begins to develop and grow in the fallopian tube, ovary or abdominal cavity. In any case, such a pregnancy is doomed to be terminated and can pose a significant threat to both the woman’s health and her life.

In addition to elevated temperature, characteristic signs of ectopic pregnancy are light, rather spotting, pink or brown discharge. Drawing and aching pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, intensifying over time as the fetus grows, which first stretches the walls of the organ in which it is attached, and then completely ruptures them, which causes severe bleeding, accompanied by acute pain, loss of consciousness and can even lead to death.

If you discover at least one of the symptoms listed above, be sure to immediately seek help from a specialist who can, using modern diagnostic methods, dispel or, on the contrary, confirm your fears and take appropriate measures in the form of urgent surgical intervention. It should be noted that most ectopic pregnancies detected in the early stages are eliminated quite successfully and do not entail any special consequences; already six to eight months after the operation, a woman can become pregnant without any pathologies.

If the gynecologist, for his part, does not find any abnormalities, your next immediate visit should be to a therapist. He will examine you and most likely refer you for urine and blood tests using a detailed formula to identify the cause of the elevated temperature, since it is almost impossible to do this without any additional symptoms in any other way. Quite a lot of diseases can be asymptomatic and only maintain a constant elevated temperature - this could be tuberculosis, pyelonephritis, cytomegalovirus, etc., all of them are not so much dangerous for the mother herself as for her fetus and can lead to the most unforeseen consequences.

In general, any infectious diseases in the early stages of pregnancy (first trimester), which are almost always accompanied by elevated body temperature, are very dangerous for the fetus, and the earlier the virus catches a pregnant woman, in the first three weeks after conception, the more likely the possibility of spontaneous miscarriage or stopping the development of a fertilized egg. Thus, nature itself rejects the fruit infected with the virus, which, when further development will have a serious congenital pathology. If, after suffering a serious viral disease, the fetus is still actively developing in the womb, then its condition and the condition of the pregnant woman are monitored very carefully. Such a woman should be under constant medical supervision and periodically undergo the necessary tests (screening), the results of which will most likely show whether she will be healthy or not.

Elevated temperature caused by a viral infection in the later stages of pregnancy, after approximately the twelfth to fourteenth week, is less dangerous, since the fetus is already protected by the formed placenta, although it cannot completely save from infection, it can smooth out the negative impact.

Starting from the thirtieth week, elevated temperature, as a consequence of any infectious diseases, again becomes very dangerous. It can no longer affect the pathologies of the fetus at such a time, but it may well cause premature placental abruption or unexpectedly provoke premature birth.

Temperature in early pregnancy - what to do.

In any case, the elevated temperature should be brought down so that it does not harm the expectant mother and her baby. Do it in different ways, which can be divided conditionally into two categories - medicinal - using drugs and non-medicinal - using various means traditional medicine. It should be noted that a temperature that has risen to 37-37.5 is not considered dangerous in most cases, so it is not worth bringing it down in any way, because this increase is primarily due to the fact that the body is actively fighting the pathogen and You shouldn’t interfere with this.

Temperature thirty-eight and above requires eliminating the cause of the disease through treatment, as well as lowering it. First of all, the room in which a pregnant woman with a high temperature is located must have cool and moist air. A woman should be given plenty of liquids to drink at room temperature.

Non-medicinal methods of eliminating elevated temperature.

1. Rubbing with a solution of vinegar and water in a one-to-one ratio or with freshly squeezed lemon juice will help reduce the temperature.

2. Cabbage leaf compresses, which should be placed on the forehead, wrists, and ankles, can also have a positive effect on fever.

3. As we noted above, in order for the temperature to drop quickly, you need to drink a lot and plentifully; in addition to water, in this case, herbal decoction, raspberry and linden blossom tea, cranberry juice or green tea will help well. But taking decoctions or tinctures of calendula is not recommended.

Medicinal methods of eliminating elevated temperature.

As you know, antipyretics help bring down the temperature, but not all medications can be taken by pregnant women, so before resorting to taking such medications, it is imperative to consult with your doctor, who, taking into account your particular situation, will select the optimal treatment.

The least harmful for the child and the expectant mother are antipyretics, which contain paracetamol, but those made on the basis of aspirin are strictly prohibited, especially during the third trimester. Aspirin has a strong effect on blood clotting, which can cause bleeding in both the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Also, prohibited drugs that should not be taken during pregnancy include all drugs that contain tetracycline; it can have an extremely negative effect on the child and provoke intrauterine retention. Streptomycin will negatively affect hearing, and levomycin will affect changes in the liver and circulatory system of the fetus.

Before taking any antipyretics, any pregnant woman must read the instructions attached to them, and we should not forget about the mandatory consultation of a specialist, since the absence in the instructions of a mention that this drug is prohibited for pregnant women does not mean at all that it is allowed to them. Only those drugs whose instructions include clearly stated recommendations for taking them by pregnant women are considered accessible to them.

To prevent illness, virus and fever from taking a pregnant woman by surprise, she needs to pay more attention to her health and take proper preventive measures.

The first thing you should do is strengthen your immune system as best as possible. A complete, healthy diet containing many useful substances, microelements and, of course, vitamins will help ensure this. Vegetables and fruits in large quantities should be on the table of the expectant mother every day, and if there are a lot of them in the diet, you will not need additional vitamins in tablets for pregnant women.

Tea made from lemon balm will also help boost immunity; this herb is rich in vitamin C, which is also found in citrus fruits, but they are all very allergenic, so they should be consumed in small quantities and very carefully.

To strengthen your immune system in winter, you can also take special vitamins, but before doing this, be sure to consult with your doctor, who will recommend the optimal complex for you.

To avoid contracting viral infections during epidemics of acute respiratory infections and influenza, you should spend as little time as possible in public, crowded places. Try to attend antenatal clinics on days specially designated for pregnant women, ask a relative or friend to go to the pharmacy for you, and as a preventive measure, eat a few cloves of garlic every evening.

Also spread cut and peeled garlic cloves around the apartment; a large amount of phytoncides released by garlic will help eliminate viruses and pathogenic bacteria from it.

A small garlic amulet will also help protect you from viruses. To do this, simply pierce one clove through and hang it on a thread around your neck. The smell, of course, is not very pleasant, but it effectively repels viruses, which is extremely important in your case.

You should also pay proper attention to your clothing; it should be appropriate for the season, so that when you go out for a walk, you don’t freeze, but at the same time you don’t sweat, but simply feel comfortable in your clothes.

And the last very important point that will help you strengthen your immune system and get rid of the possibility of catching viral colds is long walks in the fresh air, which are also necessary for active and proper development fetus

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