What to name your son 5.02. Names of boys and girls born in March according to the church calendar and horoscope. National names: beauty or fashion

Choosing a name for a child is not only important, but also exciting. In anticipation of a small miracle appearing in the house, mom and dad prepare very carefully. And of course, the first thing they do is lovingly choose a name for their baby. They combine it with his patronymic and surname, imagine who he will be when he grows up, and how he will be addressed.

Previously, in most cases, the name was given according to the calendar. That is, they called it by the name of the Saint to whom the day was dedicated. Nowadays, they most often give a name that the parents like, and sometimes two names - one of them at the time of baptism.

To make your name search easier, we offer you a list that will be popular in 2018, but we will also offer rare ones. We will also talk about the meaning of names.

Popular names

  • Arseny – “mature”. These are good-natured, flexible, obedient boys. Dreamy, with a non-trivial imagination, but at the same time very cheerful and sociable. In the future, he is a man of creativity and it is in this field that Arseniev will have the greatest success.
  • Adrian - “originally from the Adriatic”. They are altruistic, humane, sensitive, but very strong personalities. Growing up, they become independent, freedom-loving and look for an ideal in everything. Adrians are suitable for professions related to people, that is, social ones.
  • Bogdan – “God’s gift.” Closed, somewhat tight-fisted people, prone to narcissism and daydreaming. The rather lazy Bogdans will become excellent musicians, artists, and composers in the future.
  • Vlas – “whisperer”. He is charming, obsequious and sweet. Loves beauty and harmony and seeks them in everything and everyone. However, he is very active, intelligent and determined. A great career awaits him as a chef and all professions where serious organization is needed, but at the same time there is aesthetics.
  • Gordey – “proud”. Positive, peaceful, optimistic, humble, energetic and active. The soul of the company. Creative professions await him; it is in them that he will achieve the best results.

  • Gleb is “God’s favorite.” He strives to get away from guardianship and achieve everything on his own since childhood. He is stubborn, but at the same time charming and knows how to convince that he is right. In the future he will choose for himself a rare profession and achieve excellent results in your career.
  • Daniel - “God is my judge.” Kind, smart, hardworking, with excellent intuition. Values ​​family and home. This is a future researcher or aircraft designer. Or perhaps an entrepreneur. He is hardworking and will succeed in many professions.
  • Egor - “farmer”. Practical and businesslike since childhood. In the future, hardworking, diligent and successful. Egorov makes excellent leaders and businessmen.
  • Elijah – “the power of God.” Cheerful, sociable, artistic, multifaceted inner world, in which he sometimes closes himself, but is also not alien to the experiences of others. This is an excellent doctor or teacher, although he can achieve a lot in other areas.
  • Kirill - “sun”. He is inquisitive, smart, with a strong will, but if he is praised, he will begin to become arrogant. Kirills become excellent doctors, judges or industrialists.

  • Mark – “hammer”. Self-centered and overly self-confident, but over the years he will become patient and will calmly treat those who disagree with his opinion. He is sociable, smiling, well-mannered and knows how to control himself. He can choose any profession, but he will definitely achieve heights in it.
  • Myron – “fragrant resin”. Soft, good-natured, generous, affectionate, but at the same time with a steely masculine vein in his character. He is proud and this trait will help him achieve good results in his career. There is a high probability that Miron will choose one of his parents’ professions; he tends to continue the work of his loved ones.
  • Miroslav – “glorifying the world.” Balanced, friendly, positive, but at the same time independent and self-confident. His irrepressible energy and craving for creativity will determine his profession. He realizes himself in acting, art, dancer or in any other areas where a bright creative vein is needed.
  • Nikita is a “winner”. A cheerful dreamer with an incredible inner world. An active optimist who can instill faith in anyone who has lost it. The creative path is the best option for him. He will make an excellent writer, director or actor.

  • Roman - "Roman". Somewhat frivolous and reckless. He rarely finishes what he starts, but he never regrets anything and easily finds new things to do. He makes excellent use of his fast, irrepressible energy in art, management or advertising.
  • Taras is a “rebel”. Active, stubborn, with his own vision for everything, smart, talented, but not purposeful, so he doesn’t always achieve what he wants. Can work in any field, but not in leadership positions.

Rare names

  • Azarius - “help of God.” Sincere, straightforward, sympathetic, good-natured, with excellent intuition. He has a strong character, is hardworking, and therefore he can have a successful career in many professions. Azary will also be an excellent family man, he loves his family very much and is attached to his home.
  • Vsevolod - “omnipotence”. Balanced, patient, diligent, respected by others, courageous, strong, assertive, but not a leader. This is alien and a burden to him. He will master himself well in many areas and his superiors will highly value this practically irreplaceable worker, but Vsevolod will always refuse to move up the career ladder.

  • Herman is “real.” As a child, he is eccentric and brings a lot of trouble to his loved ones. But there is no need to suppress him, you need to teach him gently and show him the right path by example, then he will grow up to be a wonderful person with a wonderful destiny. He is comfortable in creative professions, although he can easily find himself in technical professions.
  • Elizar is trusting, open, quickly becomes attached to people, but when he grows up, he becomes cautious in terms of trust and reveals his true thoughts and feelings to few people. At the same time, he is constantly looking for communication with new people, he is interested in learning new characters. He will reach the greatest heights in creative or social professions.
  • Matvey - “God’s gift.” An ambiguous personality, whose strengths can become his weaknesses in an instant. For example, perseverance can develop into stubbornness, courage into aggressiveness. Therefore, it is very important to help Matvey learn to find the “golden mean”. If he learns to control himself and stop in time, he will have a promising future and a dizzying career in the economic or banking sector.

  • Nazar – “far-sighted”. It perfectly combines the incongruous. He is sociable, cheerful, easy-going, but at the same time, if you need to make a decision, he always approaches the issue seriously and scrupulously. He is soft, but strong and courageous. Friendly, but if he senses danger, he immediately becomes belligerent. He will find himself in business or in managing a large organization, concern, etc.

Whatever name you choose for your baby, the main thing to remember is that to a large extent everything depends on the environment and upbringing. And may your boy grow up healthy and happy next to loving and beloved parents!

Happyly awaiting a new addition to the family and knowing that the magical stork will bring a tiny heir, the parents waste no time thinking about what to name their long-awaited son. How best to name little prince: in honor of a grandfather, brother or uncle, choose an antique one Russian name or name the baby in memory of the saint on whose day the child was born? What to follow: fashion trends, beautiful sounds, memories of departed relatives, images famous works? When choosing boys' names for 2018, it is important not only to show off your creativity by making an original, unusual choice, but also to keep in mind that the sound of the letters affects the character, talents, and fate of the tiny angel.

Boys who are born in the year of the yellow dog according to the eastern calendar will become purposeful, responsible, hardworking representatives of the stronger sex, embodying the best masculine qualities. Already from childhood, children will be distinguished by extraordinary insight, understanding of life, and insight. They intuitively sense good and evil, have a positive outlook on life, and strive to realize their talents. Thanks to talent, hard work, and perseverance, children born in 2018 will show brilliant success in their careers, rapidly approaching the top of the professional Olympus.

Recommendations for choosing names for boys in 2018

In order not to get lost in the countless number of rare, original, modern, antique options and to choose the best solution for a tiny heir, be guided by generally accepted selection criteria. A name for a boy must meet the following parameters:

  1. Beautiful sound, easy to remember and pronounce. Too original, creative solution: Apollo, Richard, Benedict, unusual Orthodox tradition, will become an obstacle for the baby in communicating with peers and in adult life causing tension and stress.
  2. Formation of diminutive forms: Ilyushenka, Vanyushka, Andreika, Serezhenka, Filippok. Such forms will convey positive emotional nuances of the relationship, especially in childhood.
  3. A harmonious combination with a patronymic: the combination should sound soft, easy, and not hurt the ear. To achieve the beauty of the sound range, it is important that at the junction of the name and patronymic there is not an excessively large number of vowels and consonants. This is important for the future, since it is quite possible that a tiny baby will reach great heights in his career, become a significant leader, and being addressed by his first name and patronymic will business card his professionalism, authority and status.
  4. There is a belief that naming a son after his father is a bad omen. In addition to superstitions, the boy will constantly compare himself with his father, feeling like his copy, and not an independent person. On an emotional level, this is expressed in excessive irritability, impulsiveness, and unreasonable aggression.
  5. Refrain from ridiculous, unpronounceable, or overly ornate combinations. There is no need to name babies after characters from cartoons, video games, or foreign TV series.
  6. Fashionable foreign and Muslim ones are not prohibited, but it is important to look at how they are combined with Russian patronymics: Richard Ivanovich, John Leonidovich, Brandon Konstantinovich, Damir Ilyich, Rinat Alekseevich sound ridiculous, causing bewilderment.

What does the church calendar say in 2018?

According to Christian canons, parents are recommended to name their baby in honor of the Saint on whose day the heir saw the light. If mom and dad don’t like the options placed in the calendar, you can choose suitable name from the church calendar on the eighth day after the birth of the newborn. Church ministers believe that Higher powers indicate the date of birth of the baby, invisibly endowing him with certain qualities, giving the protection of a saint and guardian angel.

Traditionally, according to the calendar, the father and mother choose the name on their own, but if the parents find it difficult to do this, the priest names the heir, blessing the baby for a long, happy, righteous life as a Christian. You can postpone the naming until the fortieth day from the date of birth until the sacrament of baptism is performed. Books of Saints are available in any temple, church, cathedral, but they have different editions and there is no common, traditional catalog for all Orthodox Russian churches.

List of names for boys by month and season of the dog year 2018

Winter toddlers have a complex character: they are stubborn, assertive, and ambitious. To mitigate the impact characteristic features, choose melodious, pleasant-to-hear names that endow children with gentleness, good nature, and mercy. Those born in January 2018, February and December can be called Kirill, Ilya, Yuri, Nikita, Egor, Timofey, Artem, Anton, Ivan, Mark.

If your son was born in the spring, be prepared for the fact that he main feature there will be modesty, shyness, tightness. To overcome character traits, become more open, trust the world, choose solutions with similar energy. Those born in spring can be called Philip, Makar, Mikhail, Arseny, Leo, Fedor, David.

Summer strong people, like warm suns, give others joy, positivity, and a kind outlook on the world. To enhance the natural qualities of friendliness, activity, cheerfulness, your son can be named Julian, Grigory, Denis, Alexander, Gennady, Tikhon, Roman, Konstantin.

A stork who visits a family nest in the fall will bring strong in spirit, purposeful and balanced little one. Will help emphasize these features beautiful names: Maxim, Arkady, Alexey, Victor, Nazar, Stepan, Vladimir, Arkhip, Matvey.

When thinking about the burning question for every family, what name to give to a newly born boy, remember that it should sound beautiful, evoke pleasant associations and be a kind of verbal code, opening up a wide, happy and interesting life path for the baby!

A person can be judged by many characteristics: behavior, upbringing, etc. But the first factor that influences the perception and attitude towards a new acquaintance, impeccably, is his name. The assignment of a certain dialect to residents of different age categories is determined by many factors, such as the presence of important events in the country, the popularization of foreign names, and belonging to a particular civil community. Relying on such data, it is possible to clarify what exist popular male names 2018 in Ukraine.

In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, Ukrainians will begin to call their children “loud” names that will emphasize their vitality, masculinity, courage, and perseverance. Among the most common are the following:

Peculiarities of giving names to Ukrainians

Since ancient times, there has been a belief that every sound that is present in a person’s name affects his destiny. A number of studies have been carried out on this matter, and many research methods have been developed. There are also recommendations for giving a name depending on the period of birth. Just as each season has its own characteristics, the birth of a person affects his character. Giving the new resident the correct name will help make some “adjustments” to the way of thinking.

Boys who are born during the cold period of the year, namely in the winter, will have pronounced character traits: stubbornness, firmness, inaccessibility. To “soften” such traits, winter children should be called names that are filled with soft sounds. These include the following names: Svyatoslav, Daniil, Alexey, Mikhail.

Spring boys are naturally romantic, kind and sincere. To enhance the notes of determination and perseverance in the character of such a man, it is necessary to choose a name with firm sounds. A good example The following names will be available for selection: George, Rodion, Yaroslav, Arthur.

The most popular male names in 2018 for boys whose appearance is expected during the warmest period of the year are: Ivan, Ilya, Andrey, Pavel. These names were chosen for a reason, because all those born in summer period possess both courage and kindness, perseverance and loyalty, and determination. Therefore, you should call your son the simplest, but at the same time beautiful name.

The autumn period itself is beautiful and mysterious. Those born during this period are unusually wise and sensible people. Men who were lucky enough to be born at such a time must have a beautiful and special name. Perhaps one of the following names will suit those born in the fall: Vsevolod, Lyubomir, Gordey, Ruslan.

National names: beauty or fashion

Despite the fact that Western names no longer occupy a high place in the ranking of Ukrainians, and long-forgotten Slavic dialects are returning to fashion, beautiful modern Ukrainian male names 2018.

As they say, everything new is well forgotten old. Therefore, the ranking of supposedly popular male names often includes names from the Orthodox calendar. Of course, you should choose depending on your date of birth. In the year of the Yellow Dog, the following adverbs will be especially popular:

  • ​ for winter children: Zakhar, Matvey, Ignat;
  • ​ in spring: Polycarp, Savely, Taras;
  • ​ for summer boys: Matvey, Peter, Ippolit;
  • For autumn ones: Valery, Nikita, David.

What influences the choice of Ukrainian parents

Taking into account the difficult situation in the country, we can assume that names whose interpretation is close to the words “winner”, “salvation”, “ruler” will be popular. Adverbs that are translated similar to the above words sound as follows: Elisha, Zakhar, Emir, Miroslav.

In recent 2014, the country was “conquered” by the Daniils, in 2015 by the Artems, and in 2016 by the Kirills. Afterwards, the popularity of these names began to decline. With the advent of a new period, it is worth determining the most popular male name in Ukraine in 2018. Having learned which name will become the most popular in the near future, you can call your son “like everyone else” or, on the contrary, give your child a special adverb.

What are babies called in different regions?

Do not forget about foreign fashion, but the most popular and beautiful name for a son will be a traditional national name. According to statistics, the emergence of a fundamentally new name that will top the ranking is not expected.

Employees of various statistical departments announced the top 10 most common male names in Ukraine:

Statistics services note that every year Ukrainians’ opinions about the popularity of names change. Also, in each individual region of the country there are a number of more and less popular names. List of popular male names 2018 by region the following adverbs were made up:

  • in Dnieper: Bogdan, Vladislav, Artem;
  • ​ in Zhitomir: Andrey, Svyatoslav, Alexander;
  • ​ in the western part of the country: Maxim, Arsen, Stepan, Matvey, Timofey, Ivan;
  • ​ in Zaporozhye: Kirill, Anton, Dmitry;
  • ​ in Ivano-Frankivsk: Alexey, Ilya, Vladimir;
  • ​ in Kyiv: Mark, Veniamin, Nikolai;
  • ​ in Kropyvnytskyi: Valery, Denis, Daniil;
  • ​ in Nikolaev: Victor, Georgy, Nazar;
  • ​ in Odessa: Nikita, Egor, Kostantin;
  • ​ in Rivne: Rostislav, Pavel, Zakhar;
  • ​ in Kharkov: Taras, Vasily,
  • ​ in Kherson: Vadim, Igor, Yuri;
  • ​ in Khmelnitsk: Yaroslav, Svyatoslav, Oles;
  • ​ in Cherkassy: Valentin, Miroslav, Peter;
  • ​ in Chernigov: Gregory, Boris, Mikhail;
  • ​ in Chernivtsi: Nikita, Jan, Philip.

Regardless of the place of residence and the popularization of a particular name, one should not forget that the main task of the adverb is comfort and consonance with the surname and patronymic. Therefore, when reviewing various ratings and recommendations, you should pay attention to the above factors.

Special attention is paid to choosing a name before the birth of a child. In the century modern technologies They find out the baby's gender in advance, so they have enough time to choose a name.
Some parents try to choose something original, not similar to those we hear every day, modern names for children. Others prefer to name boys after someone. These could be relatives or famous people. At the same time, it is important to beautifully combine the first name with the middle name and last name. Also, in the future the boy himself should like it.

At such moments, future parents are under pressure from relatives and friends who simply insist on their names, and all the proposals of the parents themselves are long and joyfully criticized. Choosing a name for a boy church calendar you can make your task easier. Everyone seeks only the best for their child. Therefore, fashionable names for boys are now rare and beautiful.

Character of a boy born in 2018 Year of the Dog

The Dog is a noble and valiant protector of the zodiac signs. She is always ready to protect in battle and cover the unjustly offended and weak with her breast. She is smart enough, so she can distinguish friend from foe, pretense and falsehood. A boy born this year will acquire these same character traits.

If according to the baby’s horoscope in 2018 there are not many unfavorable aspects, then he will fully acquire the nobility and traits of an affectionate patron. In the year of the dog, many famous and beloved famous personalities were born.

  1. Stephen King.
  2. Elvis Presley.
  3. Sylvester Stallone.
  4. Mother Teresa.
  5. Winston Churchill.
  6. Michael Jackson.
  7. Brigitte Bardot
  8. Sharon Stone and many others.

The boy will grow up to be a devoted son, husband and hardworking worker. And most importantly, such people are endowed with the gift of understanding others. Men born in the year of the dog intuitively feel when they need to say the right phrase and give advice. They see the world as bright and positive. And thanks to the fact that they are easily able to remember new information, they quickly adapt to new and even unusual conditions for them.

Such people know how to do their work efficiently and quickly. Therefore, their career is always at its best. He will be a worthy, understanding, loving and beloved companion in life. This means that such a boy must be given an appropriate name. But parents don’t know which names to choose, whether they will be common names or new Orthodox Russian names for boys.

Rules for choosing a name according to the church calendar

It is important to know that there are certain rules that must be taken into account when choosing a name for a boy according to the church calendar. The child should be named in honor of the saint on whose memorial day he was born. Often parents don't like any name available on this day. Then you can choose from the names of the following days, or even from the names that are offered for the whole month. The calendar contains popular names for boys in 2018.

Since ancient times, it has been a custom that a boy named after a saint will always be protected. He will immediately receive a very strong guardian angel at birth. But you shouldn’t call it thoughtlessly either. The baby can repeat the fate of the person after whom he is named. Therefore, children should not be given the names of great martyrs.

It is popular to give children two names at once. One is chosen for everyday (worldly) life, and the second is given according to Orthodox calendar, the child is baptized with it. According to legend, a baby with two names is protected from envy and the evil eye, since the usual name does not allow him to get to the church name, taking on all the negative energy.

Many, despite the variety of options in the church calendar, cannot decide on a name. When all options are rejected or parents are at a dead end, you can turn to a clergyman for help. He will tell you not only what names are available for the baby on the day and month of his birth, but also what meaning is hidden in each name. In addition, the priest will tell you in detail how to correctly determine the day of the angel and answer other questions of interest. In any case, he will suggest the best and lucky names for boys

Choosing a name

A name for a son should not only have good value, but also sound courageous. Therefore, all parents try to choose the “right” name for their baby. Because of this, double names are now the most common. They are unusual, but very beautiful. Plus they have great energy. Often children are named by their zodiac sign, but the most popular ones are now in the church calendar.

Happy birthday to a baby is hard to guess. But the month is determined in advance. Poe offers many various options names

  1. January.
    Timothy and Daniel. Common, but at the same time unusual names, also includes Kirill, Pavel, Ignat. Nifont and Nikanor are quite unusual, which is why they are chosen as middle names. Nikolai, Yuri, Anton, Sergei, Veniamin, Peter - boys under this name will become defenders. Athanasius, Proclus, Sebastian, Theoktistos are also rare. Vasily, Ivan, Maxim, Nikita, Georgy, Philip, Egor, Stepan, Savva. Unusual names Adam, Prokhor, Sebastian.
  2. February.
    Valery and Alexander. Gerasim, Victor, Felix. Timofey, Dmitry, Stepan, Semyon. Leonty. Vitaly, Nikita, Zakhar, Pavel, Vsevolod, Glas, David will grow up to be especially hardworking.
  3. March.
    Alexey is usually the name given to babies born on March 30th. Irakli, Semyon, Mark, Venedikt, Mikhail, Egor, Taras. The more popular ones include Kirill, Denis, Danila, Daniil and Ilya.
  4. April.
    April children can bear such unusual names as Samson, Aristarchus, Artemon, Niphon, Titus, Hypatius, Antip, Makar, David. There are also names that are more familiar to us, these are Stepan and Maxim, Andrey and Anton, Martin and Ivan. Gabriel, Cyril, Benjamin and Trofim, Thomas, Alexander, and finally Peter,
  5. May.
    Modest, Joseph, Severin, Kasyan, Timofey, Eremey, this month offers more unusual names. Among the usual ones are Pavel, Peter, Yuri, Arseny, Alexey, Vsevolod and Alexander, Valentin and Irakli.
  6. June.
    Karp, Sylvester, Julian, Eremey, Savely, Yan, Peter, Igor, Andrey, Dmitry, Valery, Khariton, Roman, Nikifor, Gabriel, Vladimir, Tikhon, Fedot. Also beautiful names for a boy are Nazar, Yuri, Fedor, Denis, Ivan, Mstislav.
  7. July.
    Safron, Samson, Emelyan, Galaktion, they are also used as middle names. The first ones are usually Stanislav, Efim, Arseny, Anatoly, Kuzma. The calendar also offers such options as Vasily, Mikhail, Alexey and Innokenty, German, Sergey, Julius.
  8. August.
    Markel, Frol, Nikanor, Ermolai, Valentin. In August, the names of boys by month for 2018 according to the Orthodox calendar are quite unusual, but beautiful. Gury, Clement, Kuzma, Christopher, Alexey and Elizar, David and Polycarp, Miron, Leonid and Stepan, Konstantin and Denis.
  9. September.
    Kondrat, Porfiry, Leonty, Pimen, Valery, Stepan, German, Thomas. Among those more familiar to us in the calendar, we can highlight Maxim, Adrian, Veniamin, Nikolai, Alexey, Arseny.
  10. October.
    Nikita, Vladimir, Vyacheslav, Ivan, Mikhail, Peter, Roman, Andrey. More specific ones include Demyan Kasyan and Aristarchus.
  11. November.
    There are also more rare ones, for example, Nikon, Demyan, Illarion, Maximilian, Vikenty. But this month you can choose from those more familiar to us, these are Fedor, Evgeniy, Pavel, Stepan, Afanasy, Mark, Artem, Denis, Kirill, Matvey, Maxim.
  12. December.
    The best names for this month are Semyon, Nikon, Modest, Mitrofan. There is also Vsevolod, Mark, Thomas, Pavel, Naum, Savva, Gabriel, Sophron, Nikolai, Lev.

These are the most popular church names presented in the church calendar. For many parents, it is important that a name has some meaning. Here is a common new list of baby boy names. In addition, these are the most popular names for boys in 2018.

Stepan - wreath, crown. Vsevolod - possessing, omnipotent. Daniel is fair. Nicholas is the winner of nations. Andrey is brave. Maxim is great. Gregory is awake. Ivan - pardoned by God. Zakhar is not forgotten by God. Alexey is a protector, protector. Leo is the heart or king of animals. Evgeniy is noble. Taras is a rebel. Semyon - heard by God. Savva - Saturday, sage. Tikhon - good luck. Vasily is royal. Victor is the winner. Denis is a reveler, a merry fellow. Michael - asked of God. Alexander is protective. Anton is a challenger. Vyacheslav is the most glorious. Artem is unharmed. Georgy is a farmer. Matvey - gifted by God.

Russian popular male names are divided by month of 2018.
Boys born in winter are individuals with a stubborn character, but incredibly talented. This gives them a sense of purpose. They have a cool disposition, but at the same time they are quite persistent and strong-willed.

Spring babies are quite vulnerable. They have a good memory and a great sense of humor. Boys are always conscious of how they look and can be quite selfish. They make excellent diplomats.

Summer boys are brave and risky people. In addition, they love creativity in all its forms. They are naive, but at the same time very kind.

In autumn, leisurely and reasonable boys are born. Such men are easy to communicate with and in life.

When choosing a name for a boy, all parents are confused, and this is normal. Everyone around is trying to give advice, indicate what names to call, force you to listen. After all, the options of the parents themselves are often criticized and sometimes ridiculed. Don't listen to anyone, and follow your own tastes. Also, don't choose baby boy names 2018 that are too exotic. Otherwise, this may provoke ridicule from other children.