Names for children born in August. Male names: how to name a child

If you are expecting a little child in 2016, be prepared for many “organizational” issues. How to arrange a children's room, what clothes to choose for a newborn, what name to choose...

Often, choosing a name is one of the most difficult decisions for parents. Therefore, it is important to think through several options even before the baby is born, taking into account all the details and circumstances. We will describe in detail what names future parents should pay attention to in our material.

Born in 2016: baby's name and character

It is believed that a name can influence a child’s character, reveal his personality traits, or, conversely, hide some predispositions. When choosing based on the principle of compliance with the child’s character, it is important to know what can be expected from someone born in 2016, in the year of the Red Fire Monkey.

Astrologers say that this year will give parents very talented, inventive children. They will develop quickly, will probably be prone to solitude, but at the same time they will be extremely charismatic and even extraordinary, non-standard personalities throughout their lives. Accordingly, parents can choose either a rare, unusual name - in order to emphasize the creative side of the child, or a more familiar one, one that is always heard - in order to balance the overly eccentric and active nature of those born in the year of the Monkey.

Yes, future actors, artists and musicians– for boys – names such as Jacob, Apollo, Eustathius, Albert, Lev, Nazar, Matvey, Lavrentiy, Samuel are suitable. However, future writers and singers can be given the name Zlata, Ariadna, Angelina, Rimma, Nonna, Varvara, Kira, Ulyana, Augusta or Regina.

And in order to develop in your child practical features, for the boy choose the name Ivan, Andrey, Dmitry, Peter, Maxim, Vladimir, and for the girl - Nadezhda, Anna, Anastasia, Tatyana, Maria, Christina, Ksenia or Valentina.

How to name a child “according to the season”

There is an opinion that the character of a baby can depend not only on the year and zodiac sign, but also on the time of year. So, in winter More stern, courageous children are born - both boys and girls. Therefore, it is better to give “winter” girls more melodious, gentle and feminine names in order to soften the firmness and inflexibility of their character.

in spring gentle, sensitive and subtle natures are born, so for a “spring” boy, on the contrary, a sonorous and strong name is suitable.

Summer endows her children with emotionality and a literally explosive, sensual character, so laconic and simple names are quite suitable for them.

in autumn Children are born dreamy, creative, and a little unsure of themselves, so it’s worth choosing beautiful but firm names for them. However, you can go the opposite way and choose a name for your child that maximally emphasizes his “seasonal” features.

In memory of the ancestors: historical and ancestral names

Patriotism and love for the history of one’s people are now increasingly gaining popularity among young people. This, of course, is echoed in the way young parents call their first-borns. Original Russian names, as well as traditional biblical ones, are increasingly replacing modern and familiar ones, so they can confidently be called quite “fashionable”. In 2016, this trend will gain momentum.

Thus, it will be possible to call Demyan, Fedot, Thomas, Afanasy, Efim, Kuzma, Arkhip, Gleb, Eremey or Nikifor.

The name is suitable for a girl Martha, Seraphima, Vasilisa, Susanna, Euphrosyne, Evdokia, Antonina, Matryona, Praskovya, Pelageya, Evlampia or Zinovia.

By the way, believing parents can draw inspiration from Orthodox calendar. Every day has its own patron, after whom the child can be named. This option will not only allow you to quickly choose a name for the baby, but will also provide the newborn with his own guardian angel.

Many parents want their child to stand out, be noticeable and not be deprived of the attention of people around them. Of course, the first thing that can help with this is the name. The most creative couples decide to come up with a completely new name, for example, adding the names of close relatives or friends, the godparents of the baby. However, you can also pay attention to less extraordinary options, while still giving your child a truly rare, unique name.

The girl can be called Beatrice, Ada, Aida, Bertha, Aurelia, Lolita, Milana or Emma. The names Jadwiga, Teresa, Ustina, Edita, Tomila, Renata, Rosemary, Nora and Marietta sound beautiful.

Among the interesting male names you can find such as Cupid, Fabian, Vedogor, Lukeriy, Zlatomir, Zhdan, Erich, Kai, Kamil, Dionysius and Askold.

Undoubtedly, such names sound simply incomparable, but when calling a child a rare or strange name for others, parents should think about the comfort of their child. At a young age, children cannot always appreciate their parents’ imagination, and those with unique names will most likely have to deal with teasing at school and in the yard. If you decide to name your baby Lukery or Edita, over time explain to the child all the charm and beauty of his or her name, otherwise the student may simply hate his name compared to the more traditional and understandable names of his classmates.

By the way, with growing globalization and close international ties, it makes sense to give your child a name that would be universal for the main foreign languages. It will be for boys Mikhail (Michael, Michele, Michel), Andrey (Andrew, Andrea), Maxim, Luca, Stepan (Stefan), Mark. For girls it will become a universal name Elena, Veronica, Maria, Elizabeth (Elizabeth, Lisa), Ekaterina (Kate).

Whatever name you choose for your baby, remember that, first of all, his character, self-confidence and attitude towards parents, friends and the environment are determined not by the name, but by upbringing and your parental love.

When a long-awaited baby appears in a family, it is both great joy and tangible troubles. Caring parents collect packages for the maternity hospital, buy diapers, baby vests, strollers, care encyclopedias... And in this hectic, but certainly pleasant, routine, sooner or later the question arises of what to name the child. Today we will tell you which names for boys born in 2016 are the most popular!

Orthodox names for boys 2016: to be or not to be?

Modern parents are increasingly striving for extraordinary choices and, much more often than before, inherit the Western naming tradition. However, 2016 offers us new trend: pay close attention to authentic names characteristic of our area. They can be completely different: Greek, Roman or even Slavic in origin, but almost all are recorded in the so-called calendar.

The tradition of choosing names according to the calendar dates back to deep, deep antiquity, and it is characteristic of many peoples united by common religious views. It is believed that a child named in the name of an angel, apostle, saint, martyr or simply an outstanding clergyman, together with the name, will receive not only a fraction of the necessary virtue, but will also automatically acquire invisible, and, of course, very strong protection from the patron.

Even if parents decide to name their child an unusual foreign version of the name, in most cases they still recommend giving the child another, church name. This is especially true in cases where the decision was made to perform the rite of baptism.

In order to better understand such a delicate issue, we invite you to take a look at a specially created calendar of names.

As you can see, names for boys born in 2016 are not limited to a few standardized and generally accepted options. Finding beautiful classic or rare options is not difficult!

Muslim names for boys born in 2016: the depth of Eastern traditions

The depth of Eastern traditions is truly inexhaustible. Sages of all kinds of generations have always treated the sacrament of naming with trepidation, especially when it came to a boy - a future warrior, defender, faithful confessor of religion, husband, brother, father, citizen. Therefore, all possible variations were selected in the most careful manner. Look, for example, at the name Muhamad (which means “praiseworthy”) - wouldn’t this person be worthy of his land?

Another interesting fact: starting from the Middle Ages, not only qualified clergy, but also astrologers, whose science was considered the craft of philosophers and sages, were widely involved in the name business. They developed entire schemes and theories, few of which, unfortunately, have survived. However, it is the value of the ritual that is important for us, because we ourselves become familiar with the culture of Islam through the assimilation of certain elements.

Muslim names that experts predict will be the most popular in 2016 can be seen in these photos.

Tatar names for boys born in 2016

Since we are talking about the goodness of influential cultures, it would be unfair not to indicate the Tatar names that are gaining deserved attention. Without unnecessary words, just choose from the list: Ababil, Abel, Abelgazi, Abunasyr, Abyzbay, Agzamkhan, Adjebay, Adrar, Azamatulla, Aktay, Allahhiyar, Almatai, Arslan, Akhmetbari, Badgi, Badrulla, Bayek, Bayramkhan, Bayrash, Bahram, Bashar, Valiakhmet, Valim, Valishah, Gabdelgaffar, Gabeljalil, Gabdessattar, Gaisa, Janakhmet, Janbak. Jani, Zabib, Zagidar, Zunnun, Kabanbay, Kazanbay. Kail, Qaim, Mugallim, Miyan, Mihri, Niyazgul, Nugaybek, Nukrat, Nuraglyam, Rashat, Rizvan, Rijal, Saitmullah, Saitmukhhamet, Saligaskar, Tashkay, Takhautdin, Khalisfaizkh, Khamatgali, Halfetdin, Hamazan, Shahbulat, Shafkatullah, Yavaray, Yasit, Yazil.

We hope that our short information tour and the tables presented have shed at least a little light on the current state of affairs and helped you decide which names for boys in 2016 you consider most suitable for your baby. Don’t forget to consult with your family and those you trust - the choice will become even easier!

Tatiana Kulinich

The question of what to name their future son often worries parents long before pregnancy. And sometimes doing this is even more difficult than choosing a name for your daughter, since there are somewhat fewer unusual names for boys than for girls. Parents are overwhelmed by opposing desires: they want the name to be non-standard, but not too provocative, sonorous, but at the same time suitable for the patronymic and surname. How to choose a name for your son? What names will be fashionable in 2016? You will learn about this and much more in our article.

What should a boy's name be?

Before we discuss the fashion for male names, let's talk about what you should look for when choosing a name for your son. Many parents ask, is it possible to name a child after a relative? Indeed, in the world this tradition is especially strong in relation to boys, since they are the heirs of the family name. They are often given the name of their father, grandfather, uncle, etc. However, there are several pitfalls here, psychologists say.

You should not name a newborn boy after a recently deceased relative. No matter how hard you try to avoid this, one way or another, you will subconsciously compare your baby with him, expect that he will develop the same character traits, etc. This is an unbearable burden for the child’s psyche and a threat to his well-being. After all, every baby deserves to be accepted as he is, and not try to make him someone else. It is acceptable to name a child after an outstanding ancestor whom you did not know personally. Although you should be careful here too.

Should I name my child? unusual name for boys, or limit yourself to a fairly standard name that is common in your area? This is the second question that parents most often ask themselves. There is no clear answer to this, but several recommendations can be given. If you live in the capital or a large city, where children are often called non-standard names, you can decide on this. But if neither your relatives nor friends support you in this decision, you live in a small village where this is not accepted, and you do not plan to move, you should choose a less original name, because you can choose it tastefully.

Be sure to pay attention to the compatibility of the name with the child’s surname and patronymic. This will help you avoid unpleasant incidents and give your son additional confidence in the future.

Fashion trends in male names

1. Going back to the roots

Looking at the list of names that were most popular in previous years, the following trends can be identified. Firstly, an increasing number of parents are turning to traditional Russian names for their babies. This can explain the boom in popularity of such names as Daniil, Yaroslav, Ivan. Statistics on popular names indicate that they are among the ten most common names for boys in Russia. By the way, the first place has been occupied by the name Alexander for many years now, thanks to its noble sound and association with the majestic rulers of the Russian Empire.

Traditionally, Slavic names strengthen a newborn boy’s connection with his family, and the poet acts as a kind of amulet. In addition, their very sound corresponds to masculine energy. A boy bearing this name will certainly grow up to be a real Russian hero. The undoubted advantage of Slavic names is that you can choose from them either a completely extraordinary or an original name, and it will be perceived quite organically. Agree, even the name Aristarchus or Nikifor sounds more familiar to us than the name Brandon or Christopher.

In other CIS countries, traditional names of the peoples living there are also becoming increasingly popular. Muslim names, like Russian ones, will be a talisman for a child who has the corresponding roots. They are increasingly called boys in mixed marriages, where one parent is from Slavic country, and the other is from where Islam is practiced. To some names of this kind, for example, Tatar names, just pick up the Russian equivalent. For example, a boy named Damir may be called Demyan by Russian-speaking relatives.

2. Cosmopolitan

In contrast to the fashion for returning to one's roots, there is also a tendency to blur the boundaries between nationalities in order to become a true “citizen of the world.” According to some parents, best names– these are the most universal, those whose analogues exist in almost any culture. Therefore, children are increasingly called in a foreign manner - Alex, Max, Leon. These names look like abbreviations for the names Alexey, Maxim and Leonid, so they will not cause much misunderstanding among relatives and those around them. Other parents, especially those in mixed marriages, call their son John, Michael, George. In progress and more rare names, such as Spartak or Oscar.

These names are suitable for those families who travel frequently, live in two or more countries, or are planning to move abroad in the very near future. If you live in the outback and have never been abroad, you may want to choose a more traditional name for your son.

3. DIY name

Some parents are disgusted by the idea of ​​their son having one of the popular names for boys, so they are ready to come up with a completely new name. It must be said that this was often practiced in the Soviet name, where children were given fictitious names such as Vladlena, Noyabrina, Avrory. For example, in past years such unusual ones as General, Citrus, Murman, Madagascar were registered in the registry offices.

The advantage of choosing such a name for a child is that he will not be deprived of attention at all stages of his life, his name will attract the interest of everyone around him. You can choose the meaning of the name that for some reason is important to your family. The main drawback is that it is extremely difficult to come up with a harmonious sounding name so that it, moreover, matches the surname and patronymic.

What male names will be popular in 2016?

So, what modern baby boy names are standing out these days? According to forecasts, the name Alexander will hold the palm for many years. It is attractive to parents for many reasons. Firstly, it can be shortened either in a typical Russian manner - Sasha, or in a foreign one - Alex. Secondly, it can be both hard and soft in sound, depending on whether it is short or full form used. This balances the character of the boy wearing it, making him capable of strength, determination, and at the same time – softness and sensitivity.

In second place in the list of the best names for boys in 2016 will be the name Maxim. Like the previous name, it can be called universal due to the generally accepted abbreviation Max. Due to its meaning, this name makes the boy a purposeful and strong-willed person. It also goes well with almost all middle and last names.

Oddly enough, the popularity of such a simple-looking name as Ivan will grow. The secret of the charm of this name is its antiquity (after all, almost every culture has derivatives of the name John). The softness of the sound of this name endows the boy who bears it with excellent creative abilities, kind hearted and developed intuition. A boy named Ivan will certainly become a favorite of the family and those around him.

Denis is another name that is predicted to be especially popular in 2016. Boys named this way have a cheerful, lively disposition, since the full version of their name (Dionysius) is dedicated to the Greek god of joy and ecstasy - Dionysus. This name harmoniously combines opposite energies, so it promises happiness to its bearer.

The top 5 fashionable male names of 2016 are rounded off by the name Artem. Translated from Greek, it means “a person of excellent health,” “strong,” “strong.” Masculine energy given name will protect the boy at all stages of his life. It also easily combines with the most common middle names and the sound of many surnames.

So, in our article we discussed what you should consider when choosing a name for your son, and how to avoid common parental mistakes. We also discussed fashion trends in choosing names and suggested which male names will be the most popular in 2016.

Tatyana Kulinich for http://site

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Since ancient times, people have paid considerable attention to choosing a name for an heir. The people believed that it could play a key role in a person’s life. 2016 is a leap year, so when choosing names for boys, you should not consider this a non-trivial task; this moment should be approached with the utmost seriousness.

Society imposes the opinion that such an unusual year is not considered happy and lucky for a person. But not only the year has the right influence on the future life of the child and his characteristic features personality. Every parent has a reasonable question: what to name a boy in 2016?

Character of a child born in 2016 Year of the Monkey

Based on the data of the eastern horoscope, we can conclude that people born in 2016 may have various pronounced abilities and talents. Character is often filled with personality traits such as charisma, ingenuity, originality of actions, deeds and thought processes, and cunning.

Children who happen to be born in the year of the Fire Monkey will have such qualities as determination and positivity, they will not be lazy in their studies and work, you can rely on them, in a difficult situation they will become help and support. However, in some cases it will be difficult to find a common language with individual representatives; they are capable of slander and betrayal.

Name for a child born in leap year 2016

Every parent wants to choose names for both girls and boys that will help and protect the child throughout life. At the same time, it should be euphonious, memorable for people around and beautiful. To make the right decision, you should follow some recommendations:

  • It is recommended to talk with relatives or friends to find out their opinions and preferences. Perhaps this fact will help solve the dilemma of what to name the boy.
  • You can look for names that were popular in the old days, this will help make it unusual and unique in society. Creative parents should understand that an exotic name will become the middle name for their grandchildren many years later, so it should be easy to use.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to Church calendar, who prescribes name days by day. There is an opinion that names with double vowels or consonants included (for example, Cyril or Philip) can give their owners two guardian angels at once. In some families, at the time of the sacrament of baptism, names for boys are chosen, noted in the calendar, but in ordinary life they call the baby differently. This is considered a talisman.
  • You cannot choose a name for a newborn boy if it is associated with the death of relatives who were seriously ill or suffered during their lifetime, because it is believed that the child may inherit their fate.

Choosing a name for a child depending on the time of year

A surprising fact is the influence of the time of year on the character of the emerging personality. Each season can leave its “imprint” on a child. Knowing what characteristic features can be reflected in the baby’s disposition due to the time of year when the boy was born, you can make efforts to further adjust his nature.

It is believed that men born in winter are strict and merciless, just like the three months of cold. However, they are very purposeful, possessing enormous willpower and perseverance. Such people will achieve their goals by any means and methods. In order to slightly soften the harsh character of a wayward child, he should be given a “smooth” name.

Children born in the spring, on the contrary, are fickle, easy-going, and flexible. They do not have the character of a true fighter and are often unsure of themselves or their abilities. To add firmness, a hard name is chosen.

A child who makes his parents happy on a hot summer day also has his own differences from his peers. Boys will be proud, persistent and confident in each of their actions. Summer children are always considered active and courageous, overcoming on their own life path any obstacles. So that excessive persistence does not interfere with the boy in the future, it is worth choosing a gentle name for him that can soften him.

Autumn babies are also distinguished by great energy, like those born in the summer. However, this activity takes a different turn, reflecting rationality, enterprise and logic. Boys born in the autumn period have an analytical mind, composure and a calm disposition. Distinctive feature There will be realism in all matters; to soften the overall picture, you can choose a soft, romantic name for the child.

Choosing a boy's name by month in 2016

January 2016 The following names are most suitable for giving the child: Arkady, Afanasy, Mikhail, Naum, Clement, Nikolai, Valentin, Pavel, Evgeny, Egor, Sergey, Adam, Ilya, Kirill, Fedor, Seraphim, Artem, Nikita.

A baby born in February 2016, favors naming such names as Pavel, Gregory, Boris, Oleg, Yuri, Roman, Timofey, Kirill, Arseny, German, Victor, Alexander, Makar, Luka, Ephraim, David, Vitaly.

March 2016 suitable for the appearance of a boy named Nikita, Artem, Egor, Leonid, Anton, Matvey, Yuri, Yaroslav, Vasily, Alexey, Danil, Maxim, Peter, Kirill, Roman, Arkady, Konstantin, Denis.

IN April 2016 The parents' choice of names will be Danil, Zakhar, Lev, Philip, Ivan, Nikolai, Samson, Antip, Mstislav, Savva, Kondrat, Peter, Platon, Alexander, Vyacheslav, Maxim.

May 2016 Most suitable for giving a boy the name Boris, Konstantin, Abrosim, Sergei, Vitaly, Mikhail, Kasyan, Lavrentiy, Grigory, Valentin, Pakhom, Andrey, Fedot, Modest, Eremey, Nikolai.

First summer babies born in June 2016, may have the name Oleg, Mikhail, Ignat, Vsevolod, Dmitry, Yan, Gabriel, Kirill, Tikhon, Egor, Peter, Savely, Elisha, Pavel, Alexander, Valery.

IN July 2016 a good combination for the baby would be the proposal to christen the child with the following names: Stepan, Innokenty, Efim, Georgy, Evgeny, Valentin, Stanislav, Thomas, Galaktion, Ivan, Roman, Arseny, Nikodim, German, Demid, Andrey.

August 2016 More than other months are suitable for the child to receive the name Rodion, Roman, August, Yuri, Vladimir, Ivan, Markel, Maxim, Konstantin, Denis, Boris, Clement, Alexander, Matvey, Ermolai, Miron.

Representatives of humanity who were born in September 2016 You can name Lavrentiy, Denis, Evgeniy, Arkhip, Victor, Ilya, Zakhar, Yuri, Gleb, Gennady, Peter, Clement, Thomas, Christopher, Fedor, Timofey.

October 2016 - good time for the birth of a child named Nikolai, Eustathius, George, Philip, Pavel, Alexander, Nazar, Khariton, Martyn, Vyacheslav, Nikita, Rodion, Sergei, Mark, Veniamin, Igor, Erofey, Thomas, Vladislav.

November 2016, adding new members to the family, can offer a choice of the following male names: Dmitry, Maximilian, Taras, Vasily, Kuzma, Timofey, Stepan, Osip, Zinovy, Anton, Yakov, Nikon, Vikenty, Artem, Andrey, Orest, Afanasy.

Completes the leap year cycle December 2016, this month you can name the boy Artem, Mark, Nikolai, Tryphon, Moses, Semyon, Sevastian, Valerian, Spiridon, Zakhar, Yaroslav, Pavel, Paramon, Clement.


We love parents, we want to give our children the best - from needs (clothing, food) to... beautiful name. Therefore, a few months before birth, many begin to think about “what to name the child?” And if we talked about it in the previous article, today we will tell our readers about names for boys in 2017.

What is the correct name for a boy born in 2017? Selecting a Name

The right combination

When choosing a name for a newborn, first of all you need to pay attention to the sound and combination of the full name (last name, first name, patronymic). By choosing a name that can be “sung”, you will give your kids a creative nature with a fine mental organization. A “solid” sounding name will reward the child with persistent character and consistency. A soft name will add a sense of compassion and complaisance to the nature. And if the chosen name goes well with the FO and is not difficult to pronounce, you have made the right choice!

No to funny names!

When choosing a name for a boy in 2017, it is very important not to traumatize the child’s psyche. After all, if you call it “Plutarch” or “Sidewalk”, it won’t lead to anything good! As a child, your child will be teased by his peers, and adult life cause ridicule and malicious smiles. The same goes for the names of your favorite movie characters, actors, singers, etc. According to astrologers, when naming a child after a person, he will inherit not only the good, but also all the bad. Therefore, it is better to think 100 times!

Name for a boy in 2017 according to the horoscope

Names for boys in 2016 need to be chosen extremely carefully, since the coming year is full of surprises and mysteries due to the symbol of the year (Monkey) and the color red. According to astrologers, it is best to focus on names whose characteristics contain only positive and soft traits. For example, attentiveness, insight, desire for new knowledge and friendliness.

Important! Another important factor is “the combination of the name with the date of birth (zodiac sign).” Therefore, before settling on a name, study in detail the pros and cons of the horoscope.

Names 2017 for boys by month of birth

Astrologers are confident that the name and month of birth directly affect the future life of the child. And although most parents do not rely on this factor, we decided to include a list of names by month in today’s article.

  • Boy name January 2017

For children born in the second month of winter, 6 names are most ideal: Evgeny, Arkady, Maxim, Anatoly, Sergey.

  • Boy name February 2017

The February “guy” can best be called Boris, Pavel, Oleg, Arseny, Oleg, Timofey and Kirill.

  • Name for a boy March 2017

For those born in March, the names Artem, Yuri, Matvey, Yaroslav, Nikita are suitable.

  • Boy name April 2017

Names such as Zakhar, Lev, Vladimir, Ivan, Daniil and Zakhar will be the most “lucky” for boys born this month.

  • Boy name May 2017

If your son was born in May, take a closer look at Sergei, Vitaly, Mikhail and Boris.

  • Boy name June 2017

Pay attention to the names: Ivan, Vsevolod, Oleg, Dmitry and Ignat, if the birth of the child occurred at the beginning of summer.

  • Boy name July 2017

  • Boy name August 2017

Suitable names for August children are: Valentin, August, Rodion, Yuri, Roman and Ivan.

  • Name for a boy September 2017

In the midst of the “Indian summer” and beautiful weather, astrologers recommend choosing the following names: David, Lavrentiy, Hilarion, Denis.

  • Name for a boy October 2017

If your son was born in October, take a closer look at the names: Nikolai, Philip, Alexander, Vyacheslav, Georgy.

  • Boy name November 2017

In November, name your child Albert, Vasily, Timofey or Dmitry.

  • Name for a boy December 2017

The first month of winter offers parents 5 beautiful, and most importantly “sonorous” names: Apollo, Eduard, Artem, Alexey and Nikolai.