Drawing outline for the preparatory group: autumn birch. Drawing an autumn landscape step by step for children in the senior preparatory group

Summary of the drawing lesson “Autumn Birch”.

Preparatory group.

Software tasks.

Through riddles, illustrations, drawings, to form in children’s minds the image of a slender white-trunked birch; learn to convey in drawing characteristic features birch (white trunk with black spots, thin curved branches, light crown), autumn foliage color; teach the correct methods of using a semi-dry hard brush when drawing vertical strokes to depict foliage and horizontal strokes to depict black spots on a birch trunk; consolidate the skills of drawing thin curved lines with the end of the brush.

Preliminary work.

Observation of autumn pictures on the street (examination of birch and other trees, leaves, autumn sky). Learning poems about the birch tree. Children creating a background for future drawings.


From the teacher:

  • illustrations of a birch tree;
  • a sheet of paper to show individual image methods;
  • two brushes – soft and hard;
  • paints.

In children:

  • deep blue paper in the form of an elongated rectangle;
  • extra sheets of white paper for practicing fine line drawing and in different ways work with a hard brush;
  • brushes are soft and bristly;
  • gouache paints.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher reminds the children that they are depicting different trees for the autumn exhibition, hangs up an illustration depicting a birch on the reverse side, and says: “This picture shows the tree that we will draw today. But let’s look at it after you guess two riddles about it.”

Russian beauty

standing in the clearing

in a green blouse

in a white sundress.

When the children name the answer, asks:

  • What is the name of the birch tree in this riddle?
  • Why is she called a Russian beauty?
  • What is the birch tree called green blouse?
  • What about a white sundress?

Now listen to the second riddle.

Alena stands:

Green scarf,

Slim figure

White sundress.

This riddle indicates another sign of a birch tree - “thin figure”.

  • What do you think is meant by these words?
  • And what beautiful name is the name of the birch tree in this riddle?
  • Why is the birch tree often compared to a slender, tender girl in riddles, poems, and songs?

He turns over an illustration depicting a birch tree and asks the question: “What kind of birch tree did the artist depict?” Lists with the children all the signs that they will need to reflect in their drawings:

  • white tall trunk with black spots;
  • thin curved branches, translucent crown with yellowed leaves.

He says: “Today you will draw an autumn birch tree as the artist depicted it, described it in riddles, and as we saw it on our walk. And in order for it to turn out like this, you must first learn to depict some of its parts on a white piece of paper. Let's start by drawing thin, flexible, curved branches, tilted in different directions."

The teacher shows and explains how to draw the branches of a birch: “Like other trees, the branches grow upward from the trunk, but then smoothly round and fall down.”

He suggests using the end of a soft brush to draw several branches tilted to the right and left. The exercise can be done with the words “up, and round, and down.”

Then the teacher exercises the children in depicting foliage using a vertical stroke with a hard brush. First, he shows how to take a little green or yellow paint, wipe off the excess on newsprint, and with quick movements, holding the brush vertically to the paper, paint the foliage so that the gaps between the strokes are visible.

The next exercise helps children master the technique of drawing strokes with a semi-dry hard brush to represent spots on a birch trunk.

Then he asks what they will paint with a thick brush? Birch trunk.

He suggests looking at the illustration again and starting drawing. Draw children's attention to different shades of blue background to depict different times of day at will.

During the drawing process:

  • recalls, if necessary, techniques for depicting a trunk, starting to work with the tip of the brush and gradually lowering it to a flat position;
  • asks about the length of the branches at the top and bottom of the tree;
  • The color of birch foliage at the beginning of autumn may be partially yellow;
  • draws children's attention to the outlines of the birch crown;
  • encourages children to add interesting additions to their drawings;
  • asks if it is possible to depict the grass under the birch tree with strokes of a hard brush.

At the end of the lesson, all drawings are displayed.

  • Invites children to admire the works and those who wish to recite poems about birch:

Girlfriends in white dresses

The lands grew from Russian.

They stand on the edge of the forest,

The leaves were braided into braids.

White birch – Sister car.

White birch also has a braid.

Mashenka will suit the white birch,

He will braid a birch ribbon into his braids.

Offers to find among the pictures the ones that most closely match the description. He asks which birch tree has braids - long hanging branches.

  • Offers to find a birch tree that can be compared with a slender Russian beauty.
  • The teacher notes drawings with interesting additions that enrich their content.
  • What was particularly successful? What didn't work? What were you surprised by during the lesson?

Summary of a lesson in artistic creativity (drawing) in a preparatory group for school

Theme: “Autumn birch”


To consolidate children's knowledge about the external characteristic features of birch.

Teach children to convey in a drawing the external features of a birch tree and the autumn color of the foliage.

Practice the ability to draw fine lines and spots with the tip of a soft brush; with a hard brush and poke when depicting the crown of a tree.

Through riddles and illustrations, form in children’s minds the image of a slender, white-trunked birch tree.

Develop a sense of color.

Cultivate love for native nature.

Material: Paintings with a landscape of autumn birches, soundtrack by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons".
For children: rich blue ribbons in the form of an elongated rectangle, additional sheets of white paper for practicing drawing thin lines and different ways of working with a yellow brush, soft and bristle brushes, paints, gouache.

Preliminary work: Looking at a birch tree while walking. Observe changes in foliage.

1. Organizational moment.

Listening to the soundtrack of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons"

What do you imagine when listening to this music?

What tree do you think is considered the beauty of the Russian forest? (children's answers)
- To find out the correct answer, you need to solve the riddle.
"Russian beauty
Standing in a clearing
In a yellow blouse
In a white sundress."
- What is the name of the birch tree in this riddle?
- Why?
- What is the birch called a yellow blouse?
- What about a white sundress? (trunk)
- So what kind of birch is it? (white-trunk)
Repeated responses from children.

You and I learned that the Russian beauty is the white-trunked birch. But the kids don’t know about this.
- Do you want to tell them?
- How can this be done?
- That’s right, you can talk about birch using a drawing.

  1. Main part.

Showing illustrations to children

Looking at paintings with a landscape of autumn birches.

Look how beautiful she is.

What kind of trunk does it have? What branches does it have?

What color is the caftan of an autumn birch tree?

Demonstration of drawing branches.

Children's exercise in drawing branches on a separate sheet.

Let's use the end of a soft brush to draw some branches tilted to the right and left.
- First, watch how I will draw the branches.
- Like other trees, the branches grow upward from the trunk, but then smoothly curve down.

The exercise is carried out under the words of an adult “up, and round, and down” (pronounced drawlingly).

Game exercise “Trees”
We will become trees
Slender, tall.
Feet are roots
Let's space them wider
To hold the tree
They didn't let me fall
From the distant depths
They extracted water.
Our body is a trunk.
He sways a little
And with its sharp tip
It touches the sky.
Our hands are branches
The crown together forms
Together they are not at all afraid,
When the winds blow hard.
Fingers will be twigs
Leaves cover them.
How autumn will come after summer
The leaves will fly away instantly.

And now I’ll teach you guys how to draw a birch trunk.
- You need to start working with the tip of the brush, gradually lowering it to a flat position.

Place some black paint on a hard brush and leave the excess paint on the paper. With quick movements, holding the brush vertically to the paper, begin to draw.

Well done, the spots turned out like real birches!

I hope you know where to start, what to do next, and how to finish.

The children's work is accompanied by calm music. (Phonogram).

The teacher helps children:
- advice, reminder, clarifying question.
- leading questions, showing a sample, drawing branches and leaves together on a separate sheet of paper.

The teacher reminds children who quickly completed the work to complement the drawing with details (bird, mushrooms, bench, sun, etc.)

  1. The final part.

Children admire their works at the exhibition from afar.
- Look how white the birch trees turned out with thin curved branches.
- The translucent crown with yellowed leaves reminds us that autumn has already arrived.
- Let's make an exhibition in a group of kids.
- In what drawings will they see birches standing in a clearing in a white sundress?
- And where will kids see how “a leaf from a birch tree curls and flies like a golden bee”?

Educational area –

Artistic and aesthetic development.


Topic: “Autumn birch”.

Educational areas covered: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Types of activities: educational, communicative, playful, creative.

Target: development of interest in visual arts and its result

Tasks: Correctional educational :

    consolidate knowledge about the structure of a tree, conveying in the drawing the characteristic features of an autumn tree;

    promote the expansion and activation of the vocabulary of children with special needs;

Correctional and developmental:

    consolidate techniques for working with brushes and paints;

    develop aesthetic perception,

Correctional and educational:

    V cultivate a love for nature;

    create conditions to stimulate the accumulation of positive emotional experience.

Equipment and materials : Paints, brushes, jars of water, napkins, illustrationsbirch trees in different periods of autumn , tape recorder

Stroke continuous educational activities :

1. Organizational moment.

Surprise moment.

Educator : Guys, Lesovichok came to visit us. He lives in a forest where there are many trees. What trees do you know?

Lesovichok praises the guys and says that there are many trees in the forest, but there is one most important tree in Russia. It is also called the queen of the forest. Can you guess which tree we are talking about?

“This fashionista is forest

Changes his outfit often :

In a white fur coat in winter

And wearing earrings all over in the spring.

per daydressed in autumn raincoat ,

If the wind blows,

The golden cloak rustles.”

Educator : That's right - that'sbirch . Today we willdraw an autumn birch tree . And she even for oneautumn comes in different outfits. What periods is it divided into?autumn ? (early, golden, late.

2. Main part.

2.1 Looking at illustrations.

Educator : Look whatbirch treesLesovichok brought us. Find wherebirch tree early period , how did you guess?

« Birch, mybirch tree, My white birch.

My curly birch. Are you standingbirch tree

In the middle of the valley, on youbirch tree. The leaves are green."

2.2 Remember techniques drawing tree .

Display a picture of a trunk on the boardbirch trees, branches thick, thin(with black stripes).

How is it possibledraw green leaves? (by applying a brush or wavy lines).

And wherebirch tree in the golden period of autumn? Do you likebirch tree?

"Into goldautumn burns with gold,

Birchthe white-trunked leaves rustle.”

Showing techniquesbirch tree drawing(trunk, branches, leaves can bedrawyellow paint by dipping, ordrawcrown around the tree and draw foliage with pokes).

Which onebirch in late period ? Can you find her in the illustrations?

“I threw it offbirch. Yellow is your outfit.

Thin branches. They stand naked.

Black stripe. It will never change. Whitebirch tree.

And whatbirch treedifferent from other trees? That's how differentthere is a birch tree.

2.3 Physical exercise. The wind blows in our faces, the tree sways.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter. The tree is getting higher and higher.

2.4 Drawing an autumn tree .

Educator: Guys, you will be on your sheetdraw a birch tree. Who wants what? Butpaintit needs to be large on the entire sheet so thatbirch treeIt was clearly visible and we would give our drawings to Lesovich.

Children draw to music.

Individual work with children with difficulties.

3. Final part.

3.1 Summing up.

At the end of the work, the children take their sheets of paper and lay them out on the carpet around Lesovich. Lesovichok praises the guys for such beautiful drawings. He really liked itbirch grovewhich childrendrew.

Abstract of GCD for visual activities "Autumn Birch"

Target: Expand children's understanding of the image of the birch in poetry, music, art, and children's fine arts.

Software tasks.

Educational: learn to convey in a drawing the characteristic features of a birch (white trunk with black spots, thin curved branches, light crown), autumn color of foliage; consolidate the skills of drawing thin curved lines with the end of the brush.

Developmental: Develop smoothness of lines, visual attention, visual memory.

Educating: To cultivate accuracy, perseverance, leisureliness, to cultivate love for native nature.

Previous work: Examination of reproductions of artists’ paintings about autumn, bringing them into the drawing corner. Observation of autumn birch.

Materials for the lesson:

Watercolor paints;

Landscape sheet

Glasses of water


Reproductions of paintings: I. Levitan “Birch Grove”, “ Golden autumn", I. E. Grabar "February Azure".

Reference drawing-scheme;

Audio recording “There was a birch tree in the field”, “The blond birch tree scattered its braids.”

Introductory part

Educator: Guys, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them and warm them with our smiles. What else warms us up and improves our mood? (Sun.)

Educator: Let's imagine that our hands are rays of sunshine, let's touch each other and give warmth to our friends.

Organizational moment: Motivation.

Guys, someone threw it through our window

Look at the letter

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What tickles our face

Maybe it's a sparrow

Did you drop it while flying?

Guys, want to know who wrote the letter to us?

“Hello guys!

Hello guys! Our Academy of Arts will soon host an exhibition of drawings. We invite you to take part in our exhibition.

Sincerely, artist "Kistochkin"

Do you guys want to take part in the exhibition? (children's answers)

But what we will draw, the artist “Kistochkin” invites us to guess the riddle.

Sticky buds

green leaves,

With white bark

It's under the mountain.

Children: Birch.

Educator: How did you guess that it was a birch?

Children: It has white bark (white trunk).

- Guys, where can you see a birch tree?
Children's answers:(in the forest, in a clearing, near the house).
- What is the name of the forest where only birches grow?
Children's answers:(birch grove).

Educator: Birch- a symbol of the beauty of Russian nature, a symbol of Russia. They love the birch very much and call it “Russian beauty”; Russia has long been called the birch land. Birch bark is a protective layer of wood. It protects against water and harmful human influences. The white bark has black streaks. They are called lentils, and the birch tree breathes through them.

Educator: Guys, do you know what is made from birch and how is it useful to humans?

1. In ancient times, people wrote on bark; it replaced paper.

2. During the war, bread was baked from bark.

3. Bags, drinking vessels were made from birch bark, bast shoes, baskets and baskets for berries and mushrooms, bast shoes, and boxes were woven (display of products).

4. Brooms are made from branches, plywood, furniture, and durable skis are made from wood.

5. Medical activated carbon and tar are obtained from birch wood. They also use birch mushroom – chaga.

6. Birch brooms charge you with vigor, add strength and health.

5. In the birch forest, boletus mushrooms grow during the mushroom season, and if there are also pine trees, you can meet whole families of chanterelles.

6. Tea is brewed from young leaves; it is medicinal.

7. Birch leaves are used to paint eggs for Easter.

8. Tar soap helps with skin diseases.

The birch tree is sung in poetry, music, and painting.


Suddenly it became twice as bright,

The yard is in the sunshine

This dress is golden

On the shoulders of a birch tree.

(Evgenia Trutneva)


White birch

Below my window

Covered with snow

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

Snow border

The brushes have blossomed

White fringe...

(S. Yesenin)

Educator: Many artists depicted a birch tree on their canvases. Display of paintings.

· I. Levitan, “Golden Autumn”, “Birch Grove”.

· I. Grabar “February Azure”,

Educator: Let us also give the birch a beautiful word or compare it with something beautiful. What is it like, our birch tree?

Children: White-trunked, Curly, Slender, Flexible, Russian, Golden, Spring, Silver, Emerald, Snowy, Sad, Birch like a girl.

Physical education minute : "Birch".
We planted a birch tree, (straighten up)
We poured water on her (bend arms to shoulders, palms forward)
And the birch tree grew (pull your hands up)
Raised branches to the sun,
And then she tilted them (arms down, back straight)
And she thanked the guys (bows their heads).

Educator: Today we learned a lot about our Russian beauty, whom poets glorify in poems, artists in paintings, in music. Now let’s draw our birch tree.

Main part

Explanation and simultaneous display:

Educator: Let's remember where we start drawing a tree?

Children: We start drawing from the trunk.

Educator: How do we draw a tree trunk?

Children: We begin to draw the tree trunk from top to bottom.

Educator: Tell me, how does birch differ from other trees?

Children: The trunk is white with black spots.

Educator: Look, the birch tree’s trunk is thin. The trunk is drawn from top to bottom with two lines, not connected at the top. Draw black spots with the tip of the brush.

Which birch branches are straight or curved?

Children: The branches of the birch are curved.

Educator: The branches of the birch tree are thin, weeping... Look how we will draw curved branches. From the trunk up, round and down. We also draw with the tip of the brush, etc.

Supplement the main branches with short side branches.

Finger gymnastics

One, two, three, four, five,

We will collect leaves.

Birch leaves,

Rowan leaves,

poplar leaves,

Aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves,

We'll bring an autumn bouquet for mom.

Educator: Our fingers have rested, and we continue to create.

Since you and I are drawing an “autumn” birch tree, we are missing leaf fall. To do this, we have plasticine of three colors (yellow, orange) on our tables. To make leaves, we need to pinch off small pieces of plasticine with our fingers and decorate our birch tree with fallen leaves.

Final part

Just look how beautiful it is! You created such beautiful crowns and painted extraordinary birch trees. Birch is a very beautiful, valuable tree, so we must protect and care for it.

· How can we help save our beautiful birch tree? Children's answers.

  • What new did you learn today? children's answers.
  • What else would you like to know? Children's answers.

Every day I see

Birch tree from the window,

And there is no closer girlfriend

Cuter than her!

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "Gymnasium No. 1519"
Abstract open class on teaching children preschool age drawing
Prepared and conducted by: teacher Samoshkina Elena Gennadievna Moscow 2014
Summary of a lesson on teaching drawing to preschool children
A number of studies devoted to the study of the developmental features of children with mental retardation have noted specific developmental features that complicate the formation of visual activity.
Such a disorder is characterized by a lag in the development of the emotional-volitional sphere, higher mental functions, motor sphere, and a decrease in the child’s knowledge and ideas about the world around him.
Among these features we can highlight:
qualitative-dynamic originality of gnostic processes (slowing down the reception and processing of sensory information) and underdevelopment of visual-spatial function;
some features of psychomotor development (impulsivity, emotional instability, increased fatigue and exhaustion);
lack of sensory integration and coordination makes it difficult to recognize objects and connect individual parts of a picture into a single semantic image;
lag in motor development due to problems of muscle tone, immaturity of movement technique, lack of motor qualities, dysregulation of voluntary movements; decrease in the volume of short-term and long-term memory;
disadvantages of the voluntary sphere (difficulty concentrating, switching attention, maintaining a task, working according to a model and instructions);
general decrease in motivation for activity.
Having considered the above-mentioned features of the development of children with mental retardation, it becomes clear that this work should be built using methods of correctional pedagogy and be purposeful. An important feature of teaching children with mental retardation is an integrated approach, which should include several areas:
- diagnostic study of the child upon admission to the group to establish the characteristics of his development, clarify his starting capabilities and determine the learning conditions that are adequate to the structure of the disorders;
establishing feedback with the pupil’s family for the purpose of consulting and collecting additional data about the child;
interaction with a neurologist (psychoneurologist) to monitor health status;
organizing classes according to a combined principle in such a way that several diverse tasks of development, education and training are solved within the framework of one lesson;
conducting differentiated training, preliminary individual assistance before group classes, differentiation of assistance within the group;
building training on a concentric principle;
use of game motivation in all classes;
control of psychophysical load both in intensity and duration, and in the sequence of presentation of tasks (intellectual and motor load, phases of active work and relaxation).
When teaching children with mental retardation of preschool age, it is important to take into account their age and specific characteristics; the leading role in training should belong to the teacher.
Theme "Autumn Birch"
(preparatory group)
Program objectives: continue to teach children to understand the content of the story. To develop children's attention and observation skills. Activate children's speech with figurative expressions and comparisons. Practicing the skill of question-and-answer speech. Practice relieving tension and being able to relax. Educational work. Learn to convey in a drawing the characteristic features of a birch (white trunk with black spots, thin curved branches, light crown), autumn color of foliage; teach the correct methods of using a semi-dry hard brush when drawing vertical strokes to depict foliage and horizontal strokes to depict black spots on a birch trunk; consolidate the skills of drawing thin curved lines with the end of a brush; through riddles, illustrations, drawings, to form in children’s minds the image of a slender white-trunked birch.
Material. The teacher has an illustration with a picture of a birch, a sheet of paper to show individual methods of depiction, two brushes - soft and hard, and paints. Children have blue paper of saturated color in the form of an elongated rectangle, additional sheets of white paper for exercises in drawing thin lines and different ways of working with a hard brush; soft and bristle brushes, gouache paints.
Progress of the lesson. The teacher hangs an illustration with a picture of a birch with the back side facing the children and says: “In this picture there is a tree that we will draw. But we’ll look at it after you guess two riddles about it.”
Russian beauty stands in a clearing
In a green blouse, in a white sundress.
When the children name the answer, he asks: “What is the name of the birch tree in this riddle? Why is she called a Russian beauty? What is the name of the birch tree's green blouse? What about a white sundress? Now listen to the second riddle:
Alena is standing: a green scarf,
Slim figure, white sundress.
This riddle indicates another sign of birch - “thin figure”. What do you think is meant by these words? (Thin, tall trunk.) And how beautiful girl's name is the name of the birch tree in this riddle? Why is the birch tree often compared to a slender, tender girl in riddles, poems, and songs?”
The teacher shows an illustration of a birch tree and asks the question: “What kind of birch tree did the artist depict?” List together with the children all the features that they will reflect in their drawings: a white transparent trunk with black spots, thin curved branches, a translucent crown with yellowed leaves. He says: “Today you will draw an autumn birch tree as the poet depicted it in his riddle poem, as you saw it on a walk. And in order for it to turn out like this, you must first learn to depict some of its parts on a white sheet of paper. Let's start by drawing thin, flexible, curved branches, tilted in different directions."
The teacher shows and explains how to draw the branches of a birch: “Like other trees, the branches grow upward from the trunk, but then smoothly round and fall down.” He suggests using the end of a soft brush to draw several branches inclined to the right and left. The exercise can be done under the words “up, and round, and down” (pronounced drawlingly).
Then the teacher exercises the children in depicting foliage using a vertical stroke with a hard brush. First, he shows how to take a little green and yellow paint, wipe off the excess on newsprint, and with quick movements, holding the brush vertically to the paper, paint the foliage so that the gaps between the strokes are visible. The next exercise helps children master the technique of drawing strokes with a semi-dry hard brush to depict spots on a birch trunk.
He suggests looking at the illustration of a birch again and starting drawing. In the process of drawing, if necessary, it resembles the techniques of depicting a trunk, starting to work with the tip of the brush and gradually lowering it to a flat position. Asks about the length of the branches at the top and bottom of the tree. The color of birch foliage at the beginning of autumn may be partially yellow. Draws children's attention to the outlines of the birch crown.
The teacher encourages children for making interesting additions to the drawings. He asks if it is possible to depict the grass under the birch tree with strokes of a hard brush.
At the end of the ringing, the teacher encourages all the work and asks another riddle about a birch tree and suggests finding among the pictures the one that best matches the description:
Wearing a white sundress, we stood in a clearing.
The tits flew and sat on their braids.
He asks which birch tree has braids - long hanging branches. Then several more drawings are examined in order to “find a birch tree that can be compared with a slender Russian beauty.” The teacher notes drawings with interesting additions that enrich their content.
Relaxation exercise.
a) "Fists"
b) “Let’s inflate a balloon”
c) “Magic dream”