Master Margarita is a short love story. Love of the Master and Margarita

M. Bulgakov’s unique novel “The Master and Margarita” has had its fans for many years. He amazes, he surprises, he fascinates. And all thanks to the variety of storylines that are intertwined in the text of the novel.

This is a story about the life of Pontius Pilate and his actions, which later affected the destinies of all people. These are the tricks of Woland and his retinue, their triumph in such a dark and polluted city as Moscow. And, of course, the loving, tender, touching relationship between the Master and Margarita occupies a special place. The master renounced her, and Margarita carried feelings for her lover in her heart until the very end.

The hero of the novel is very similar to the author himself. His novel is called “not burning,” because ultimately, it was restored by Woland from the ashes. The master was a rather lonely person who did not experience any joy from family life. He spent almost all his time in the museum, where he worked as a historian. His life was boring and dreary. She turned over abruptly when meeting Margarita.

In her eyes, the hero saw a familiar, equally lonely look. Love, like a spark, flashed between them. helps the Master create his eternal romance. She knows every term of the text and admits that her whole life is in this novel. That is why the girl hates all critics who did not like the novel she created.

After completing the novel, the relationship between the Master and Margarita began to fade. They separated more and more often and for longer periods of time. A strict assessment of the novel from critics drives the Master to madness, and he disappears for many months. Margarita all this time does not find a place for herself. She is exhausted, because she does not know where her beloved is, because she cannot live without him. Therefore, the girl is ready for anything, for any action.

To find out about the Master's fate, she goes to meet Woland and turns into a witch. Satan subjects the girl to tests, and she withstands them with dignity, because she sincerely wants to see the Master. Her efforts are rewarded. With the help of Woland, she is again together with the Master. Only now, having returned home, the Master no longer wants to write. He renounces his gift. For Satan's help, the heroes pay with their lives.

The love story of the Master and Margarita has become eternal. The heroes will always be together, and their relationship will become an ideal, as well as an example for many people on earth.

“He who loves must share the fate of the one he loves”

Bulgakov’s most famous novel “The Master and Margarita” is a multi-layered work in which there are several plans (including temporary ones), many themes, rich problematics and a bitter satire on society under the yoke of the Stalinist regime. Writers who expose the vices of society, individual citizens or a political regime always want to ask: “Who is to blame - have we already understood what to do?” Unlike many of them, Mikhail Bulgakov gives the answer: salvation is in love. Not in religion, not in any other political system, not in hermitage and oblivion, but precisely in all-consuming, courageous, selfless love.

The relationship between the Master and Margarita is forbidden from the point of view of public morality. She is the wife of a successful man, he is lonely. The disgraced writer could not integrate into Soviet life; it was dangerous to even greet him. In the repressive Stalinist times, government officials spared no one: the victims of unprecedented genocide (when a ruler exterminates his own people) number in the millions. It is not surprising that the Master wanted to protect Margarita from the fate of a criminal’s wife, and perhaps a widow, an exile, and a prisoner. They took whole families. He could not offer his chosen one a tenth of what her husband provided her.

Margarita, in turn, could not just up and leave the family. With such a rash act, she would not leave her beloved a choice; he would be forced to earn money, that is, he would have to strangle the creator, the thinking person, the honest and free man within himself. Could Margarita kill the Master in her lover? No. Therefore, they remained lovers and were acutely aware of their humiliating, servile position; living a lie oppressed these sincere people. Thus, their union was doomed to martyrdom from the very beginning, even if they had been legally married.

But what is legal marriage? Is it the society ridiculed by Bulgakov that decides what is legal? Or a cruel government mired in vices? Probably, marriage can only be called a civil union, that is, a relationship between citizens. People are citizens in relation to the state. But what right does the state have to teach us morality? Is this the state that exterminates, persecutes and humiliates us? Nobody but themselves loving people, cannot judge whether their feeling is moral. How many virtuous wives will share any fate with their husband? Unfortunately no. Their oaths are empty formalities. And Margarita, without promises or promises, made a deal with the devil, just to find out what happened to the Master. She sacrificed not only her body, but also her soul. These two are bound by an indissoluble bond.

The Master also sacrificed. When he was arrested and then sent to an insane asylum, he did not look for a way to inform Margot about his trouble. She, using her husband’s connections and money, could do something for her lover or at least brighten up his leisure time. But he, on the contrary, tried to erase her from his memory, hoping that she would forget him and would at least live in safety and comfort. For the good of his beloved woman, the Master wanted to leave her heart, to free her, because without him Margarita could count on a calm, prosperous existence. The highest power of this love is complete self-denial. The same silent feat was accomplished, for example, by Zheltkov in “ Garnet bracelet» Kuprina.

Margarita’s love lies not only in sacrifice, but also in the fact that she accepted and understood the Creator in her beloved. She loved his novel, perceived his fate as her own. By destroying the apartment of the critic Latunsky, Margot took revenge for the insulted, unaccepted work of the Master, took revenge for all the rejected and forgotten free art. In this fragment she is the vengeful Clio - the muse of history. Under its blows, the deceitful opportunism that portrays culture before the dictator perishes. Not many women can share their husband's calling, his divine destiny. Margo understands everything, and therefore takes care of and protects the Master, who is less adapted to practical life.

Political realities, it must be said, depend little on society. Society also depends little on the individual. He comes to society and either accepts its charter, or brings his own and pays for it. If the situation in the surrounding world squeezes a person out of a slave, then how can one accept it? The only way to maintain identity and mental health is to love so much that best qualities prevailed over the worst, and the outside world faded into the background and could not take away freedom from the individual. Today no one takes away anything, we ourselves give up our independence for illusory benefits, a career, ostentatious success and pseudo-happiness, indistinguishable from comfort. Bulgakov foresaw this and wanted to warn the reader. The most important thing is harmony in inner world, it depends only on us and on our ability to accept love “like a killer from around the corner.”

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The novel “The Master and Margarita” closely intertwines themes of history and religion, creativity and everyday life. But the most important place in the novel is occupied by the love story of the master and Margarita. This storyline adds tenderness and poignancy to the work. Without the theme of love, the image of the master would not be possible to fully reveal. The unusual genre of the work - a novel within a novel - allows the author to simultaneously distinguish and combine the biblical and lyrical lines, developing them fully in two parallel worlds.

Fatal meeting

The love between the master and Margarita flared up as soon as they saw each other. “Love jumped out between us, like a killer jumps out of the ground... and struck us both at once!” - this is what the master tells Ivan Bezdomny in the hospital, where he ends up after the critics rejected his novel. He compares the surging feelings to lightning or a sharp knife: “That’s how lightning strikes! This is how amazing a Finnish knife is!”

The master first saw his future beloved on a deserted street. She caught his attention because she was "carrying disgusting, disturbing yellow flowers."

These mimosas became a signal to the master that his muse was in front of him, with loneliness and fire in his eyes.

Both the master and the unhappy wife of a rich but unloved husband, Margarita, were completely alone in this world before their strange meeting. As it turns out, the writer was previously married, but he doesn’t even remember his name ex-wife, about which she doesn’t keep any memories or warmth in her soul. And he remembers everything about Margarita, the tone of her voice, the way she spoke when she came, and what she did in his basement room.

After their first meeting, Margarita began to come to her lover every day. She helped him work on the novel, and she herself lived from this work. For the first time in her life, her inner fire and inspiration found their purpose and application, just as the masters listened and understood for the first time, because from the first meeting they spoke as if they had parted yesterday.

Completing the master's novel became a test for them. But the already born love was destined to pass this and many other tests in order to show the reader that a real kinship of souls exists.

The Master and Margarita

True love the master and Margarita in the novel are the embodiment of the image of love in Bulgakov’s understanding. Margarita is not just a beloved and loving woman, she is a muse, she is the inspiration of the author and his own pain, materialized in the image of Margarita the witch, who in righteous anger destroys the apartment of an unjust critic.

The heroine loves the master with all her heart, and seems to breathe life into his small apartment. She gives her inner strength and energy to her lover’s novel: “she chanted and loudly repeated individual phrases... and said that this novel was her life.”

The refusal to publish the novel, and later the devastating criticism of the unknown passage that ended up in print, equally painfully wounds both the master and Margarita. But, if the writer is broken by this blow, then Margarita is overcome by insane rage, she even threatens to “poison Latunsky.” But the love of these lonely souls continues to live its own life.

Test of love

In the novel “The Master and Margarita,” love is stronger than death, stronger than the master’s disappointment and Margarita’s anger, stronger than Woland’s tricks and the condemnation of others.

This love is destined to pass through the flames of creativity and the cold ice of critics, it is so strong that it cannot find peace even in heaven.

The characters are very different, the master is calm, thoughtful, he has a soft character and a weak, vulnerable heart. Margarita, on the other hand, is strong and sharp; more than once Bulgakov uses the word “flame” to describe her. Fire burns in her eyes and brave, strong heart. She shares this fire with the master, she breathes this flame into the novel, and even the yellow flowers in her hands resemble lights against the backdrop of a black coat and slushy spring. The master embodies reflection, thought, while Margarita embodies action. She is ready to do anything for the sake of her beloved, and sell her soul, and become the queen of the devil's ball.

The strength of the feelings of the master and Margarita is not only in love. They are so close spiritually that they simply cannot exist separately. Before their meeting, they did not experience happiness; after parting, they would never have learned to live separately from each other. That is why, probably, Bulgakov decides to end the lives of his heroes, in return giving them eternal peace and solitude.


Against the background of the biblical story of Pontius Pilate, the love story of the master and Margarita seems even more lyrical and poignant. This is the love for which Margarita is ready to give her soul, since she is empty without her loved one. Being insanely lonely before they met, the characters gain understanding, support, sincerity and warmth. This feeling is stronger than all the obstacles and bitterness that befalls the fate of the main characters of the novel. And it is precisely this that helps them find eternal freedom and eternal peace.

Descriptions of love experiences and the history of relationships between the main characters of the novel can be used by 11th grade students when writing an essay on the topic “The Love of the Master and Margarita”

Work test

The story of the Master and Margarita is known even to those who have never read the work of Mikhail Bulgakov. One of the eternal, timeless themes, the theme of love in the novel “The Master and Margarita” by Bulgakov attracts with its depth and sincerity.

Heroes before they meet each other

Through the mouth of the Master himself, Bulgakov tells us about his life before meeting the heroine. A historian by training, the hero worked in one of the museums in the capital, sometimes “doing translations” (he knew several languages). He was lonely and had few acquaintances in Moscow. Having won a lot of money on a bond received at work, he rented basement rooms in a small house, bought the necessary books and began writing a novel about Pontius Pilate. The master, who then had a name, was experiencing his “golden age.” The coming spring was beautiful, the novel about Pilate was “flying to its end.”

One day “something much more delightful happened” than big win– The master met a woman, very beautiful, with “an extraordinary, unprecedented loneliness in her eyes,” and from that moment his life became complete.

This woman was beautiful, wealthy, married to a young successful specialist, and, by the standards of the people around her, completely prosperous. Talking about it, the author exclaims: “Gods, my gods! What did this woman need! The heroine is lonely and unhappy - there is no love in her life. Together with the Master, meaning came to Margarita’s life.

This is how the theme of love begins to sound in the novel “The Master and Margarita” with a story about a seemingly random meeting of heroes.

The problem of love in the novel

Love didn’t make the heroes better or worse - it’s like true feeling, made them different.

The Master and Margarita realized that “fate itself” brought them together and that they were created for each other forever. Love “struck us instantly”, “struck us both at once! - exclaims the Master, talking with the poet Bezdomny, - this is how lightning strikes, this is how a Finnish knife strikes! - forever and irrevocably.

The master was now creating great novel, he was inspired by his beloved. Margarita found happiness by becoming the writer’s “secret wife,” friend and like-minded person. And just as there was “not a soul” in the alley along which, when they first met, the heroes walked, so in their new life there was no place for anyone: only two and their common cause - a romance created by the Master.

The novel was completed, and “the hour came when I had to leave the secret shelter and go out into life.”

The world of literature, the reality into which the Master plunges - the world of opportunism, mediocrity and denial of talent - breaks him.

The heroes have to confront the world around them. Following the fate of the writer and his beloved, we see how the problem of love is solved in many ways in the novel “The Master and Margarita”.

Love of the Master and Margarita: dedication and selflessness

Bulgakov writes a selfless and selfless love story.

Margarita accepts the hero’s interests as her own, she does everything to make her beloved happy and calm, this is now the meaning of her existence, she inspires the writer, helps him create and makes him a Master. Their life becomes one.

Not feeling happy for a minute in the Gothic mansion, Margarita nevertheless cannot hurt her husband, leave without explaining anything, because he “did no harm” to her.

The master who created a brilliant but “untimely” novel is broken. “I’m nobody now.” He wants nothing more than to see his beloved, but he considers himself not to have the right to ruin her life.

Mercy and compassion in the love of heroes

Love in the novel “The Master and Margarita” is merciful and compassionate.

The feeling that the heroine experiences for her chosen one is inextricably linked with her love for people. With dignity, fulfilling the role of queen at Satan's ball, she bestows love and attention on all the great sinners. Her own suffering prompts her to save others from the suffering: without even thinking about whether she is a “person of exceptional kindness” or a “highly moral person”, she asks Woland not for herself, but for the forgiveness of Frida, the repentant killer of her own child.

Even in a fit of revenge, love allows Margarita to remain a woman, sensitive and merciful. The “wild destruction” caused by the heroine stopped as soon as she saw a frightened baby in one of the windows. Thirsty for reprisal against the critic Latunsky, who destroyed the Master, Margarita is not able to condemn him to death. Turning her into a witch does not deprive her of the main thing - true femininity.

Lovers take the last step before dissolving into eternity together. Margarita demands to release the soul of Pilate, tormented by his conscience for so long, but the Master gets the opportunity to do this by ending the novel with one phrase: “Free! Free! He's waiting for you!

Faithful and eternal love of the Master and Margarita

Left alone, without any news about her beloved, Margarita preserves her feeling and hope of meeting. She doesn’t care how or where it will take place, or who will arrange it.

It is in the work “The Master and Margarita” that the theme of eternal love and fidelity as a saving force human soul is revealed to us by the author. What a person is capable of to keep his love - the story makes us think about this.

Finding out about the Master is the only desire of desperate Margarita, for the sake of which you can believe in anything, turn into a witch, become the hostess of Satan’s own ball. For her, the boundaries of Light and Darkness are blurred: “otherworldly or not otherworldly - it doesn’t matter,” she is sure. Yeshua read the novel, asks to give peace to the writer and his beloved, and the “prince of darkness” “arranges” peace. Margarita will remain with her beloved forever; next to him, death is not scary. “I will take care of your sleep,” she says, walking with the Master to their eternal home.

The power of love saves the Master from suffering, makes him strong (“I will never allow cowardice again,” he promises the heroine) and returns his brilliant novel to the world.

The theme of love in Bulgakov’s work is perhaps so poignant and authentic because the author had the good fortune to love himself and be loved by a woman, who was embodied in the image of Margarita.
Time passes, the story of eternal love, told on the pages of “The Master and Margarita,” does not age, convincing that true love exists.

Many contemporaries tried to give their analysis of love in the novel and the reasons for its appearance; the above arguments are intended to help 11th graders when writing an essay on the topic “Love in the novel “The Master and Margarita” by Bulgakov.”

Work test

The novel “The Master and Margarita” is dedicated to the story of a master - a creative personality opposed to the world around him. The master's story is inextricably linked with the story of his beloved. In the second part of the novel, the author promises to show “real, true, eternal love" The love of the master and Margarita was exactly like that.

What does “true love” mean, according to M. Bulgakov? The meeting of the Master and Margarita was accidental, but the feeling that connected them until the end of their days was not accidental. It’s not for nothing that they recognize each other by the “deep loneliness” in their gaze. This means that even without knowing each other, they felt a great need for each other. That is why a miracle happened - they met.

“Love struck us both at once,” says the master. True love powerfully invades the life of those who love and transforms it! Everything everyday and ordinary becomes bright and significant. When Margarita appeared in the master’s basement, all the little details of his meager life began to glow from within, and everything faded when she left.

True love is selfless love. Before meeting the master, Margarita had everything that necessary for a woman to be happy: a handsome, kind husband who adored his wife, a luxurious mansion, finance. “In a word... was she happy? - the writer asks. - Not a single minute!.. Well necessary was this woman?.., she needed him, the master, not a Gothic mansion at all, and not a separate garden, and not money.” All material benefits turn out to be insignificant compared to the opportunity to be close to your loved one. When Margarita had no love, she was even ready to commit suicide. But at the same time, she does not want to harm her husband and, having made a decision, acts honestly: she leaves him a farewell note, where she explains everything.

True love, therefore, cannot harm anyone; it will not build its happiness at the expense of the misfortune of another person.