What we are drawing is the psychology of the curlicue. Random doodles and secret desires

Very often, during a conversation on the phone, a meeting, a boring lecture, or just during a break at work, many people begin to draw various patterns, figures and faces on a piece of paper. Happening this process mostly unconsciously - we draw without realizing it. Meanwhile, these drawings, according to psychologists, speak very eloquently about our state at the moment when we draw. So, let's try to figure out what our drawings say.

Wavy lines, spirals and circles may indicate a slight crisis; the person drawing such patterns is not very concerned about the concerns of the people around him, he is immersed in his experiences and it is very difficult for him to find a way out of the current situation.
The sun, flowers, garlands, contrary to all logic, convey that the soul of the author of such a drawing is not in a very festive mood. Such a person craves care and attention.

The grid is drawn by people who are in a not very pleasant situation; it involves risk or puts a person in an awkward position. Such people very often hold back negativity, they are easily offended, and they do not know how to stand up for themselves.
The intertwining of hearts is drawn by people who experience strong, joyful feelings and are experiencing a state of love.
But drawing a pattern “like on wallpaper” communicates that the painter is bored.

If a person draws crosses, it means he is consumed by a feeling of guilt.
The drawn little men indicate that a person wants to evade responsibilities or feels helpless in the situation that has arisen.
Geometric shapes with angles (squares, triangles, rhombuses, etc.) give clear goals and firm beliefs. Such figures are often drawn by people who openly express their point of view.

Honeycombs communicate a person’s desire for peace and harmony.
Chess fields are drawn by people who find themselves in a difficult situation.
The interweaving of circles speaks of a desire to participate in something; such a picture would be drawn by a person who believes that he is not participating in any significant events


Most often, involuntary drawings appear in the margins of notebooks, on empty diary pages, on foggy windows, and on sticky notes. In all these cases, the drawings take up free space. Therefore, the first parameter that is usually paid attention to is the distance (proximity) of the drawing from the edge of the sheet.

It is customary in projective techniques that the left vertical border symbolizes the past (memories, experiences); the right vertical border is the future (prospects, aspirations); upper horizontal limit - planning, carelessness; lower horizontal - internal conflict, heaviness in the soul. Thus, based on the boundary to which the drawing is shifted, one can draw conclusions about what a person is experiencing - whether he is worried about the past, whether the burden of responsibility is pressing on him, etc.

The location of the picture at the left vertical border is a sign that the person is ready to act, but at the same time, the person’s actions must be supported by past experience; he will act only in well-known situations. Such people value peace, they strive to insure themselves against any surprises, and do not take unnecessary risks.

The location of the picture at the right vertical border reveals a direct person, looking forward, he is open to everything new, he craves new impressions, and is well-versed in new conditions. Routine scares such a person. Such a person does not complete many things, being carried away by something new. If the picture is shifted upward, this may indicate high self-esteem, a desire for self-realization, and ambition. The location of the picture at the bottom indicates uncertainty, a pessimistic attitude, and an inability to solve problems.


Often people draw not only abstract doodles, but also very real objects. We will discover the meaning of such drawings in this chapter.
The image of a house speaks of a person’s love for a homely atmosphere, his desire for comfort. Often such drawings are drawn by lonely people. However, when they are drawn by married people, this indicates a lack of warmth in the relationship. Moreover, if the door of the house is located frontally, this indicates the openness of the person.

The location of the door on the side on the right is a focus on the future, on the side on the left is a fixation on the past.
If the windows are covered with curtains, blinds, shutters - isolation, reluctance to let in inner world.
The absence of a chimney means a lack of warmth in a relationship.
The house is too long - many memories and many plans.
Too clear, repeatedly outlined outline of the house - attempts to control your actions and emotions.

The image of leaves and flowers reveals a kind and sympathetic nature. These people help others, often neglecting their own interests. They have a soft character and a little low self-esteem.
If a flower is placed in a vase, a person tends to avoid conflicts; he needs support and nourishment.
A flower with a cut stem - a person is lost in his fantasies, he does not adapt well to situations, does not feel support and support.
If a person draws a tree with a lot of leaves, it means that he is sociable and outgoing.
If the branches of a tree are broken, there are difficulties in the past that have left an indelible mark on the soul.
The tree has no roots - lack of support.

Drawing of a river, if the direction of flow is from left to right - aspiration to the future; from right to left - a lot of unfinished business in the past.
The river bed is straight - clearly defined goals, the ability to achieve them.
Bending of the channel - inability to concentrate on solving problems.
A stone in the river, a dam, rapids - someone has a significant influence on decision making.
The same is true for analyzing the road pattern.

Profiles of people, beautiful faces - sociability, altruism, love for people.
Ugly, frightening faces are a sign of severe frustration, an unpleasant internal state, and resentment.
The star is a sign of optimism; a person does not give up even when faced with a very serious problem. Birds, fish and animals, richly decorated and funny - a vivid imagination, a sense of humor. Musical notes, treble clef - a penchant for music, excellent taste.

Surely each of us has scribbled something more than once during boring lectures, meetings, or while talking on the phone. We draw some curlicues, draw animals and little men and do not even suspect that they can say more about us than we know ourselves.

The fact that you can learn a lot about a person’s personality, character, and mood from drawings has been confirmed by many psychological studies. Psychologists have been using various drawing tests and techniques in their diagnostics for a long time. The meaning of reflecting a person’s inner world on paper is this: any of our thoughts, processes, ideas in the psyche ends in movement. So, our fears, unconscious desires, feelings accumulate in the form of a certain energy in the muscles, and when a pencil and paper appear in front of us, the hand itself, as it were, splashes all this onto the surface of the sheet.

Pattern position Regarding the free space on paper, it can also say something, even if it is a small piece of a notebook page or a corner of a telephone directory. If it is located closer to the upper edge, then you have a very high , but at the same time you may be dissatisfied with your position in society (at work, parties) and feel a lack of recognition from others. The picture at the bottom means that you are unsure of yourself, indecisive, or uninterested in increasing your own importance. If the pictures are predominantly on the left, you are emphasizing your past experiences, focusing on past experience. The right edge of the sheet is drawn - this indicates a desire to quickly bring the events of the future closer; your life and emotions are always turned to something in the future.

If lines your drawings are “shaggy”, bold, then perhaps something is bothering you or you are very worried about some unresolved problem. Weak and thin “web-like” lines indicate energy savings, body fatigue, etc. If your drawings are rather angular, the lines are perpendicular, then this indicates some unexpressed aggression, that at the moment it is difficult for you to adapt to something or someone new. Jagged, uneven lines reveal insolence and hostility. And if the lines are smooth and rounded, then you are a soft, calm, feminine person. When you “draw” one contour for a long time, outlining a figure in one movement, this means that you require privacy, you strive for isolation from external events.

Sometimes it happens that we we shade some fragment of our drawing. Short strokes mean you are an excitable person, long strokes mean you are measured and calm. The strokes are straight and clear - you are persistent and persistent, and if they are sketchy and light - you are slightly anxious and unsure of yourself. When you slowly and rhythmically shade some fragment, you are relaxed and free. Horizontal strokes mean femininity and weakness, while vertical strokes mean stubbornness and determination.

Your “I” can easily be seen in size your creations. The picture is large - this indicates that you have quite high self-esteem, you are expansive, prone to vanity and even arrogance. And if you strive to occupy all the free space, then perhaps, with a feeling of self-doubt, you extol your status in your imagination in a compensatory way. Small drawing means anxiety emotional dependence and stiffness.

If you are drawing stars, then you want to be the center of attention, it is important for you to be bright and always noticed. But if your star has too many rays or you depict them separately from it, this may indicate.

When you're drawing out patterns like wallpaper, this indicates that you are bored, tired of a telephone conversation or a lecture, or maybe even your whole lifestyle. Come up with something new, buy an interesting thing or clothes that are unusual for you, do an extravagant act - and the melancholy will go away by itself.

Build on paper honeycomb– you strive for peace, harmony, you want to streamline your life. It is also quite likely that.

Spirals, circles or wavy lines mean that other people's problems do not concern you too much or do not interest you at all. Maybe you are even experiencing a slight emotional crisis: you are walking in a circle of your ambiguous experiences. Now you need to monitor your behavior so as not to lose your temper and lash out at others.

Squares, triangles and others geometric shapes – you have clear goals and beliefs, you almost never hide your opinion, you are always persistent and persistent. You are usually overly vigilant and cautious, so try to keep things simple.

Circle figure(especially if empty) symbolizes a tendency towards secrecy and isolation. You close your inner world and do not want to give information about yourself. You don’t like it when not only strangers, but also fairly close ones, meddle in your life and your affairs.

If you are constantly doing something shade or draw grids, then you are probably in an awkward position or have entered into a risky business, and in such a situation you will not take the initiative into your own hands, but will agree to everything that is offered to you, endure the insult and restrain your irritation. The drawing resembles grille– then you feel backed into a corner or try to isolate yourself from such an obstacle.

When they appear on your piece of paper chess fields, then, apparently, you find yourself in a very unpleasant or at least difficult situation. If such images appear frequently, then you most likely suffer from hidden complexes associated with the inability to resolve some situation or are in search of yourself, your life path, doubt the correctness of your life.

Interweaving circles– it seems to you that you are outside of some important events, you want to take part in something, join some kind of community. But intertwining hearts means you are full of feelings and ready

Incredible facts

We often doodle unconsciously when we're talking on the phone or sitting in a boring meeting. We may not realize it, but these doodles can actually tell a lot about personalities and the mood of the painter.

The size, position, and object of the drawing gives us some key clues. With doodles, as with dreams, there are some that occur quite frequently, and as such are easier to interpret.

Size and placement

Large scribbles that take up most of the page indicate that you are drawn to nature. In addition, this may be a signal that you are withdrawn, but want communication.

Small drawings in the corner of the sheet indicate that the person is neat and organized in his own way. Finding scribbles on the sides of a sheet is a sign that a person likes everything to be in its place.

Those who place their drawings in the center of the page are often extroverts who need attention. This is a common trait among people who work in fields where there is a constant need to speak publicly (lawyers, teachers, various government officials, etc.). The center of the page is also the need for personal space.

The scribbles at the top of the page show confidence and an abundance of ideas. If the drawing is drawn right next to the title of the text on the sheet, it means that the “artist” does not consider what is written on the paper to be important.

The left side of the sheet is the most common place where scribbles are usually located. This speaks of nostalgic feelings for the past in a person. Using the right side of the sheet is not so common; left-handers mostly draw on the right. This may indicate a desire to express oneself or talk about secret thoughts.

What do unconscious drawings mean?

Objects and items

So what exactly are you drawing?


Those who paint animals tend to be very sensitive to any living thing. The type of animal that a person draws speaks about his mood, and, often, about the type of personality he would like to have.

Read also:Do you like to draw doodles? Google will hire you

Drawings of small, weak and passive animals indicate slowness, lack of self-confidence, and also that the person is more of an introvert. Images of aggressive animals speak of self-confidence, funny and cute animals represent the playful nature of the person drawing, and slow animals represent an insolent, contemplative personality.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the elephant. It is powerful and dominant, demonstrating the inner strength of a person that can overcome any obstacle. Those who draw elephants are often cheerful and slightly mischievous individuals.


Arrows represent drive and a high degree of motivation. These people are aggressively ambitious.


Chains generally indicate that a person has a feeling of limitation, especially in relationships or at work. Limitations can also refer to a person’s beliefs that do not allow him to do what he wants. If a person appears in the picture at one of the links in the chain, this indicates a very tense state.


Circles are a need to find unity and peace. They can indicate a person who is trying to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and understand everything.

They may also indicate a strong intuitive feeling that the pieces of the puzzle must fit together just right to form a whole. It doesn't matter whether it applies to relationships or life in general.

Circles also symbolize lighter feelings compared to angles. They are associated with sociability, talkativeness, friendliness, and the desire to be flexible and loving.

The meaning of unconscious drawings


Fluffy clouds indicate that the person drawing is happy, a little dreamy, but has a strong sense of freedom. “Angry”, clouds before rain, represent depression or difficulties in everyday life.


The cubes indicate a person's desire to be constructive. If they are three-dimensional, then this indicates the ability or attempt of the artist to see the problem from all sides. Drawing cubes is often a sign that a person feels trapped and powerless in the face of a situation.

In combination with circles and spirals, cubes indicate that the person drawing would actually prefer to be somewhere else, doing something more interesting.

Boxes and cubes are the most common designs that people draw unknowingly.

It is important to add that boxes, squares and other three-dimensional objects are an indicator of masculinity. Moreover, if you draw boxes, you most likely have a practical, organized, and methodical approach to things.


Dots indicate anxiety and instability.


They indicate the need to listen to someone for too long and too much.


Eggs symbolize a new beginning. There may be a new talent that you didn't know about. Eggs can also indicate that you have a need and desire to settle down and build your own stable, secure nest.

Pictures we draw unconsciously


The eyes often speak about the inner self of the painter. Large eyes are drawn by open people, and small eyes are drawn by closed ones. Closed eyes talk about refusing to look inside oneself. Sad or happy eyes are a reflection of how a person feels deep inside.

Eyes are often painted by people who want to be attractive. Many people who draw immediately assume that perhaps the drawing of the eye is connected with the feeling that they are being watched. In severe cases, the eyes may indicate a person's paranoid tendencies.


The expression of a drawn face is a good indicator of the mood and character of the person who drew it. A well-drawn, beautiful face shows that you see the good in other people.

If you draw strange or ugly faces, then this indicates your distrust. Comic faces are a desire to be the center of attention. Children's faces represent a desire to feel needed. Drawing a person's profile indicates that you are an introvert.


Flowers represent the feminine side of man and the desire to see growth, nature and procreation. If the painted flowers are a harmonious bouquet, then the person is attached to his family and feels complete unity with it. Jung believed that if flowers appear in a dream, it is due to the need to release emotions that a person cannot express openly.

Unconsciously drawing flowers is femininity. This is the reason why most often it is girls who draw them. In addition, flowers are an understanding of one’s personality and the expectation of blooming.


The image of food or drink suggests that a person is hungry for feelings and needs love.


Hearts indicate that a person is currently experiencing romantic feelings.

Houses or buildings

They reflect a person’s attitude towards his family life. Homes must have doors and windows, which indicate that a person can see what is happening outside, and his loved ones can see and hear him.

A warm, welcoming home that appears lived in, perhaps with smoke curling from the chimney, suggests that the painter is completely happy with it. family life, and he is happy.

Chaotic, gloomy houses speak of the artist’s difficult associations with home life. A house depicted on top of a hill indicates that you are very lonely.

Also, drawing houses suggests that you attach a lot of importance to shelter and safety. What you paint on houses speaks volumes about the things you value most. For example, numbers and dollar signs indicate your preoccupation with money.

Planes, cars, ships and other vehicles can indicate your desire to travel, change something in your relationships or change your life.

If you are drawing a simple house with no doors, no windows, no curtains, no chimney full of smoke, you are most likely at this point in your life very upset, feeling lonely and would like to talk to someone.

On the other hand, if you drew a big house, with flowers and a garden around it, you are almost certainly happy. It may also indicate that the person is materialistic and loves luxury.

Some people draw thin and tall houses. This indicates a critical mind. Such people do not show an open approach to various things.

Names and initials

Drawing your name or initials is typical for people who like to be the center of attention. Teenagers often draw only their first name, without a last name, thereby demonstrating their desire to break away from their family and do their own thing.

On the other hand, drawing someone else's name says two things: either it is the name of a person you have romantic feelings for, or it is the name of a person associated with a problem you need to deal with.


Some people just draw lines. If at the same time they press the handle hard, then they are overcome by aggression and are afraid of something. This pressure determines your mood. The more easily you move your pen across the sheet, drawing lines, the more peace you have inside.


Drawing only the profile of a person suggests that the person drawing does not like the way he or she looks, or the person realizes that he or she cannot draw well. In complete drawings, but when, for example, the person drawn has no arms, this speaks of a feeling of being unable to do anything.

Having no legs is the feeling of having no roots, even if you have them. It is important how a person draws his face, it speaks about his emotions. Missing parts of the face indicate a person who does not feel complete or whole.

Emphasizing and drawing exclusively the eyes indicates caution and suspicion of the drawer. Finishing the ears, as a rule, indicates the need to listen to someone for too long.

Drawing by a child: if a drawn person is floating in the air, then it means a lot to the child. Very big ears, not decorated with earrings, may indicate verbal abuse. Sometimes the lines leading to the ears demonstrate a frequently occurring insulting tone.

A mouth covered with a long slit can be drawn by an anxious child, and the complete absence of a mouth means an inability to communicate. Empty eyes indicate difficulty in perceiving the surrounding reality; they are blind to what is happening.

Large, irregularly shaped teeth are a tendency toward aggressive behavior, especially when combined with other jagged graphic symbols such as spiky fingers, feet, ears, and hair.

Fun fact: Children draw pictures of feelings they cannot express.


The stars speak of a feeling of hope, looking forward to something, optimism. People who draw stars in groups are irresistibly romantic.


It usually symbolizes the feeling that either the person himself has fallen into a trap, or wants to lure someone into a certain relationship or situation.


Drawings of any type of transport indicate a desire to get away from something or to achieve a goal. The faster type vehicle, the higher the speed with which a person acts.


Triangles are the second most common unconscious pattern. They speak of a rational state of mind and a desire to know what will happen.


Trees represent our ego and our ambitions, so pay special attention to the health of the tree! Trees with leaves and fruits show that the artist considers love, sexual relations and children to be part of a single whole.

Bare, drooping branches indicate depression and lack of morale. Barren trees may indicate that the artist does not feel his roots.

The tree also indicates a person or thing from the past that you cannot forget. Moreover, you are afraid of getting into trouble and want to be protected if your tree stands alone. If the tree is surrounded by flowers, it indicates happiness and love for family.


Zigzags are discomfort in life that you want to escape from. They can also talk about the energy of a person who wants to learn to get along with others. If a zigzag has soft, flowing lines, this speaks of a romantic, feminine approach to things. Zigzags drawn with a large number of straight lines indicate a more aggressive masculine nature.

What do the pictures we draw unconsciously mean?


When people draw unconsciously, they usually do so with whatever they have on hand. Depending on cultural differences, the same colors can mean different things.

People don't always paint with the goal of creating a masterpiece. Sometimes the hand begins to unconsciously draw pictures on paper while we are having an interesting conversation on the phone or listening to a report at a meeting. Have you ever wondered what the resulting images mean? Psychologists have repeatedly proven that the pictures that a person unconsciously draws are a reflection of his inner self.


heavenly body reminds people of warmth or good mood. From this we can conclude that the person drawing the sun on the piece of paper is happy with the conversation. He likes his opponent or is interested in the story of his interlocutor. The sun can also indicate a lack of communication. Perhaps during a conversation you unconsciously dream of a walk in the park with a large group of friends. Maybe it's time to realize your inner desires?


Chamomiles, roses and other beautiful vegetation on paper speak of good character. Flowers are drawn by sympathetic people who love to offer help to everyone in need. It is likely that the person on the other end of the line needs outside support, and you feel it. If the picture is presented in the form of flowers in a vase, one can judge that the author of the picture is experiencing some emotional discomfort. A person feels empty and needs to recharge with new impressions.

Chess field

Psychologists view drawings in the form of a chessboard as a person’s subconscious desire to make the right decision. You are faced with a difficult choice and are afraid of making an irreparable mistake. Moreover, the situation is such that it is impossible to deviate from the answer, only in favor of losing. There is a slightly different interpretation if the picture appears in a personal collection too often. Constantly drawing a chessboard on paper can speak of hidden complexes or even fears of nature.


A notebook filled with a print of hearts does not necessarily mean that the author of the image is in love. A pretty figure primarily symbolizes the emotional background of a person. People who love to draw hearts are open to others, they are somewhat suspicious and prone to rash actions. Overwhelm with emotions makes it necessary to throw out the accumulated energy, but the person continues to wear a mask of inaccessibility. Here it is worth paying attention to the size of the figure. Large hearts speak of secrecy and inner feelings. A huge number of small figures depict frank natures, not shy about their own feelings and emotions.

Circles and spirals

Simple and unpretentious lines are drawn by people who are indifferent to the conversation. You are bored with communicating with your interlocutor, and every second you are overwhelmed with irritation. You can look at the situation from the other side. As psychologists are convinced, patterns in the form of circles and lines like to display secretive natures who prefer to be protected from any worries.


It is not difficult to guess that the numbers represent material values. Unconsciously writing account symbols indicates an obsession with financial issues. We can assume that the person is trying to come up with a win-win scheme for earning money or mentally calculate the amount of income. A less optimistic version - the writer is concerned about endless debts. A person does not know how to get out of a deep swamp and subconsciously looks for a way out.


Do you often draw stars on paper? Well, you can be called a purposeful and positive-minded person. People who subconsciously “paint” stars always strive to look for simple ways to solve problems; they prefer not to focus on the negative. Also, five-pointed figures symbolize the desire to remain in the center of attention and win the positive opinion of society. A not very happy interpretation is only suitable for situations where the artist depicts a star with a large number of rays. In this case, it makes sense to talk about a person’s depressive experiences.

Geometric shapes

Such drawings are more reminiscent of a drawing than a painting. Circles, triangles, squares, diamonds and other figures usually depict strong-willed natures aimed at obtaining the most effective result. They are characterized by prudence, bordering on the habit of planning every step. Main problem Such people are incapable of relaxing. Try to forget about control at least for a second and plunge into spontaneity.


You can draw a regular arrow, or you can draw a real Indian arrow - it doesn’t change the essence. In any case, such a figure means a person’s position in life. If the arrow points to the left, one can talk about nature’s fixation on the events of the past. The tip pointing downwards indicates the selfishness of the individual and the desire to satisfy only his own needs. A pointer to the right is a symbol of a person’s dependence on the opinions of others, the fear of being misunderstood. Finally, an arrow pointing upward means focusing on the future, forming plans and strategies.

Figures of people and animals

Each figure can be interpreted differently. For example, the image of a person often coincides with uncertainty and a desire to get help. If the figure is drawn schematically (a circle, a triangle and four sticks), the author of the picture is characterized by emotional constraint and a tendency to loneliness. As for animals, it all depends on the animal you choose. Tigers, lions and other predators usually symbolize aggression, foxes - cunning, and rodents - fear or the need for affection.

The most simple images reflect our character, temperament, and mood. It is not for nothing that psychology and psychiatry have long used a pencil and a piece of paper to learn a lot about a person, his problems, and choose the right treatment strategy.

Psychology of adult drawing

Images taken by an adult may indicate troubles in personal life, work, joyful or sad mood. Particularly valuable are the sketches that a person draws on a piece of paper automatically, without thinking about what exactly she is drawing (for example, when she is sitting at a tiring meeting). The psychology of drawing is as follows:

  • wavy lines predominate, objects are a sign of crisis, serious problems, a difficult entangled situation from which it is difficult to get out. The grid or chessboard (squares) says the same thing. But the situation is not critical, there is a way out (albeit an unpleasant one);
  • honeycombs mean peace of mind, tranquility;
  • the drawn little men indicate that the individual really needs the support of others, and that it is difficult to overcome troubles on one’s own;
  • boredom is depicted with a repeating pattern;
  • the presence of “cheerful” pictures in psychology does not necessarily hint at a great mood or absence of troubles. The sun is a sign of sadness, nostalgia, lack of human warmth, joy, lack of communication;
  • hearts indicate a joyful mood;
  • squares like to draw consistent, purposeful, unemotional individuals who have difficulty withstanding spontaneity, living according to a clear plan;
  • triangles are created full of ambition. Such persons are ready to risk a lot in order to achieve their goal;
  • those who always give in and are afraid of conflicts like to draw round objects;
  • intertwined circles represent those who lack movement and activity.

If a person draws solid geometric figures, psychology claims that he is an individual who has firmly decided to act in a certain way. Such people are distinguished by inner confidence and steadfastness.

Decoding children's drawings - interpretation in psychology

The most simple drawings the baby is a “window” into the worldview, the internal state of the child:

  • when he depicts “desert” landscapes - trees, lawns, fields, it means he experiences loneliness. The baby lacks communication with family, the baby has troubles with peers;
  • a drawn house is a sign of fatigue. The baby lacks the warmth of his home;
  • kind peaceful animals (cats, squirrels, ducklings) the baby draws when he is in a great mood, no problem;
  • loved ones with whom the child has conflicts have a dark, brown. The little one creates her beloved relatives with bright colors. The larger the figure of a loved one, the more significant the place, according to the baby, it is;
  • if the child has depicted large dark human figures, perhaps the baby is distrustful of others (especially strangers);
  • A “self-portrait” with giant ears indicates some narcissism, a desire to be ahead of others. And your own image with long arms indicates openness, open-minded thinking, a fearless desire to explore new things;
  • The baby has low self-esteem if he portrays himself as short-legged.

Individual figures of people depicted as shaded or painted over mean that the child has a negative attitude towards these persons and is afraid.

Decoding drawings in psychology

The color, location of objects, size, and shape of lines will tell a lot.

  1. Color of drawings
    The color of objects can say a lot:
  • red hints at an unresolved conflict situation, a tense nervous state, dissatisfaction and passive aggressiveness;
  • - a reflection of a wonderful optimistic mood, readiness to act;
  • blue. Psychological drawings of this shade indicate inner peace, lack of doubt, and positive attitude. The school depicted in blue is a clear hint that the child has no problems with his peers or teachers, and is doing well educational material. Blue can also be a sign of detachment from what is happening, reluctance to leave your little world;
  • the prevailing gray tones indicate that there is a lack of positivity, everything is too everyday, prosaic;
  • a lot of green - the person is full of hope, looking forward optimistically. This color is also preferred by independent people;
  • there is a lot of pink in the drawings of lovers, happy, sensitive people;
  • the predominance of gray and black is a sign of anxiety, depressed depressive mood.

Remember! An individual who likes to shade what is drawn has difficulty accepting new things and adheres to outdated views. If a person never shades anything, then she is open to change and ready to accept it.

  1. Location

Psychology from a person’s drawings is read by their location. If an individual chose to place the image closer to the top of the sheet, then he is full of ambition, a desire to achieve a lot. This person strives to become a professional in his field and climb high up the career ladder.

The drawing closer to the bottom of the sheet indicates an inferiority complex. He is especially afraid of competition and underestimates his own capabilities.

If the drawing is closer to the left edge, then the person is overcome by longing for the past. It seems to him that the best is left behind.

The image on the right means that he prefers to forget about the present, since the individual is not satisfied with today.

Remember! It's best when objects are closer to the center. Then the person is happy with the present.

  1. Size

Psychology based on pictures takes into account the size of the picture. The volume of the image indicates self-esteem. If the drawing is rather large, then everything is fine with it.

A huge image is a sign of arrogance, generated by internal dissatisfaction with life, the desire for more. Small is a sign of shyness, anxiety, fear of expressing oneself.

Line shapes of psychological drawings and their meaning

Lines are another criterion by which one can judge a person’s personality:

  • if the lines are intermittent, the person doubts the decisions made, the strength of his position, there is a lack of stability in the individual’s life;
  • solid ones hint at strong personality, self-confident, not doubting the decisions made;
  • thin lines are a desire to go into the shadows, to make sure that they leave you alone and stop noticing. This is how those who are ashamed of their own actions in front of others draw;
  • fatty ones are made by those who want attention, a positive assessment of their actions, by those who lack self-confidence.

If the lines are straight, without sharp angles or bends, then the person does not adapt well to new things, thinks too linearly, and is accustomed to following inflexible patterns.

Sharp edges are indicated by hostility, an active reluctance to put up with what is of little satisfaction. Roundness, on the contrary, speaks of a soft, flexible character, ready to make compromises.

The meaning of drawings in psychology is perceived as symbolism of the subconscious. Through the shape of the images, their color, and size, what a person has hidden deeply and securely comes out. The task of specialists is to help an individual understand the origins of problems and then find ways to solve them. Such a specialist is psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin. Also, you can look useful videos to various psychological topics on