Diary of Khacha Lukomorye. Amiran Sardarov: “Television for YouTube is the Stone Age

About 10 years ago, in order to become famous person To get into Wikipedia, you had to get a special education and get a producer interested in your talent. Now, thanks to development modern technologies, becoming a star is quite easy. To do this, you can post an unusual video on the Internet. Thus he became famous Amiran Sardarov. Biography and channel "Khach's Diary" This interesting guy has now become known throughout Russia.

What does Amiran Sardarov do?

  • The young man strives to teach life to everyone around him. He has some influence over them, so he can easily impose his opinion.
  • He gained success and popularity thanks to his special philosophy of life.
  • Once he managed to complete three classes of a church school, after which he began self-education.
  • Amiran Sardarov has repeatedly repeated that “ he can teach any person how to live". Under his authorship such works as “Why I was an asshole”, “How to live”, “I am an asshole, break me completely” and other books are published.
  • The author's books are quite easy to read. In them he tells how he managed to escape from a small town to Moscow, where he had a lot of fun.
  • He does not strive to use literary language in his stories and is not shy in his expressions. Amiran Sardanov often called himself a khach, an animal and a male.

He became famous for a series of videos that he posted on the Internet. They are called "Diary of a Khach". In them he talks about his life and shows how he has fun with his friends.

In some of their videos, he and his friend, Grisha Godshield, decided to do an experiment in order to find out what each person is willing to do for money. They approached girls and asked them to kiss, show their breasts or eat paper for a certain amount.

This guy's frame captures everything: food, roads, parks - everything that can be seen in everyday life. But, oddly enough, each of his videos gets several hundred thousand views and a lot of discussions. In the latest videos you can see that his friend is Oleg Miami, a famous participant in the show “The Voice” on the first.

In this video, Amiran tells his point of view, why he believes that family relationships have outlived their usefulness:

Amiran Sardarov: VKontakte and Instagram

Videos can be found on the Internet and are publicly viewable. But you can only get acquainted with the new stories on the official page of the main character.

Here, he gained wider popularity and more than 50 thousand subscribers read information about him. He also openly exhibits his new videos, photographs and advertises new book publications. A self-confident, arrogant, and at the same time, good-natured man attracts the attention of women and arouses the envy of other men.

They especially envy him because in many videos and in many photos he appears in the company of a beautiful girl of model appearance - Ekaterina Igorevna. Judging by the video, the girl is quite simple, kind, modest and sociable.

Amiran Sardarov: nationality

Currently, Amiran Sardarov lives and works in Moscow. But judging by the dialogue and external signs, it’s quite difficult to call him a Russian person. And he himself “openly” calls himself a “khach” in his personal diaries.

It won't be difficult to guess that the man - Caucasian by nationality. He repeatedly repeated this in his sources. However, he was born in Moscow on August 19, 1986. Then he moved with his family to his homeland, after which he again arrived to conquer the capital.

According to some sources, nationality of Amiran Sardarov - Kurdish Yezidi

He does not hide the fact that he loves money and came to Russia with one purpose - get rich. Just as is typical for all Caucasians, he has a commercial streak, his business is going uphill. He is lucky; his talent to inspire trust and skillfully speak the language attracts people, which significantly improves his financial situation.

What is Amiran Sardarov's job?

In each video you can see that Amiran Sardarov is fashionably dressed, drives luxury cars and eats in restaurants. He wears an elite watch on his hands, and clearly expensive shoes are always on his feet. A prestigious apartment, a social environment, visiting places marked “VIP” - all this costs a lot of money.

From the very first video, the viewer began to ask the question: Where does this person work? How does he get so much free time to visit clubs and shoot? And most importantly, where does he get so much money? In an interview, Amiran Sardarov answered this question. As soon as the Caucasian arrived in Moscow, he managed to open your own advertising agency. At first it had a modest income, but after a few months it gained popularity.

Now Amiran promotes brands of individuals and large retail outlets. He offers for them unusual ideas and brings them to the masses, thanks to competent PR. One can only envy this guy’s great success in the capital, and he himself has repeatedly called himself lucky.

Some sources have other information. Sardarov's acquaintances claim that he does not work and does not know how to do it at all. For several years he lived with a very rich girl, after which he spent all her savings on prostitutes and nightclubs.

Personal life of Amiran Sardarov

Since the age of 15, he has been successfully popular with women. Amiran does not deny that his first woman was a prostitute with whom he slept for money. He did the same with the next twenty persons. They even collectively dumped their friends on representatives of the ancient profession and took turns satisfying their youthful needs.

Several times he himself slept with girls who paid him well for it. But still, at the age of 18, he managed to sincerely fall in love. The relationship was very difficult for him, which was accompanied by quarrels, separations and frenzied passion. Amiran broke up with his girlfriend and suffered several more deceptions from women, after which he became very disappointed in love.

Nowadays you can often see in photographs beautiful girl named Katya. He claims that this is the most strong love in his life. A young girl lives in the Moscow region, she has an angelic character and is fluent in French and successfully copes with all housework. However, there are rumors that she chose “khacha” as a partner only because of the money. Many acquaintances of this couple believe that they are completely different people, and it is unclear what unites them.

Author's books

The personality of Amiran Sardarov is known from several sources and outside of social networks.

  • "Life with your head" . In it, the author conveys to the reader that you need to spend time only on those activities from which you can enjoy. Otherwise, a person will miss the best moments of his life;
  • "A man is always right" . This is a kind of encyclopedia for young guys. The author teaches how to behave correctly with women, seduce and charm;
  • "No freebies: the beginning of the journey" . The author considers this book the most complex of all his works. In it, he talks about his methodology about what you need to do in order to achieve something on your life path.

IN social networks Such a person as Amiran Sardarov is quite well known. The biography of this male is not completely clear to anyone. He is considered a womanizer, a businessman and a lazy person who is used to counting other people's money. One way or another, he has already managed to get the first million from his sensational video blogs. His career did not stop there and he continues to film scandalous, but nevertheless interesting stories.

Interview with the creator of "Khach's Diary"

Business secrets: founder of the YouTube channel “Khach’s Diary”

Amiran Sardarov

founder of the YouTube channel “Khach’s Diary”

YouTube channel “Khach’s Diary” More than 2 million subscribers
1.5 million average views per video
400,000 rubles - cost of advertising on the channel

Other assets"Lionsmedia" - creation of turnkey YouTube channels

“I didn’t want to rob or steal, they didn’t hire me”

— I have an interesting person visiting me. This is a spontaneous interview with Amiran, who is known on the channel "Khach's Diary". Tell about yourself.

— Until the age of six, he lived with his family in Georgia. I am Kurdish and Yazidi by nationality, with roots in Northern Iraq. When we moved, I spoke Russian poorly. “Let’s sit on a bench,” something like that. My mother was afraid to send me to school, there were few non-Russians then, it was 1993. Then he still went, but completed three classes. I have been studying myself since I was 15-16 years old. At a conscious age, I decided to do something, to do something.

I didn’t want to rob, so I was looking for something to do. But they didn’t hire me, I could barely make ends meet. I always liked Tinkoff Bank, but I understood that if I came to work there, they wouldn’t hire me.

I tried to make websites, open online stores, but nothing worked. I wrote five books, I thought they would be bestsellers, but they weren’t either. In general, I have nothing to brag about other than a popular channel.

— How did you get the idea to make a channel?

— At first I made videos, tried to deliver the work on a turnkey basis. Then I made my first channel - I was smart there, trying to convey ideas to young people. In a year and a half, with sweat and blood, I gained 8,000 subscribers.

At first I broadcast everyday life. I'm launching it now joint projects with show business stars: reality shows, mini-films, clips. The channel is a symbiosis of the series “Friends” and “House-2”.

— Do you have your girlfriend in roller skates, Alina?

- Alina, yes. Before this there was another girl and all the viewers are nostalgic for her and ask for her back. Viewers are trying to influence my life, imposing their desires and what they want to see from me. Sometimes the line blurs: they forget that this is my life.

— “The Diary of a Khach” is a bold title, self-irony. I don’t put any offensive meaning into the word “khach”, but some people see it as negative. Did you play on this?

— I foresaw comments from the series: “some hack is filming something, I won’t watch.” To avoid them, he called it “Diary of a Khach.” They will insult me ​​- it won’t work, because I laughed at myself.

The name helps promotion: 20-30% of viewers come to see what “Diary of a Khach” is. Many clones immediately appeared: “The Diary of a Ukrainian,” “The Diary of a Homeless Man,” “The Diary of…” whatever. I’ll say right away: don’t plagiarize, do something of your own, at least package it differently. Yes, the audience comes, they see that this is plagiarism, and you will never get out of it.

— How did you attract viewers to the channel?

— YouTube helps: when you make interesting content in the opinion of the YouTube algorithm, it recommends the channel to viewers for free. The depth of viewing increases: views, likes, and new subscribers appear. Now every month 100-110,000 people subscribe to the channel, and 10,000 unsubscribe.

I tried to increase my popularity by collaborating with bloggers. You pay a popular blogger, you film with him, he recommends you: “Look, this guy is interesting, he also has such and such a channel, come by.” I did this a couple of times, but the result was not very good: it only gave me 3,000 or 5,000 subscribers.

Therefore, I advise: if you want to open your own channel, make interesting content. Only he decides.

— Do you attract traffic through TV stars?

- No. For YouTube viewers, TV stars are cases that are associated only with TV. On YouTube, a boy who broadcasts from home can become a star, and there are many of them. And if he tries to make a comeback at the expense of television stars, he will get a sea of ​​dislikes from viewers. TV for YouTube is the stone age.

— Who is your channel intended for?

— 87% of YouTube viewers are men 18–24 years old. The remaining part is the adult and most solvent audience. Advertisers said that she stayed with me and Davidich. I see people in restaurants and clubs watching the channel and saying: “Oh, that’s cool!”

Davidich - autoblogger, owner of Smotra-ru

— Who is on the list of the best bloggers? What is your rating?

— In first place is the boy Ivan Guy, who has 8 million subscribers. He sits in front of the computer, records his monologues, makes inserts, the editing is super dynamic. Films everyday, gaming topics - everything that worries schoolchildren under 14 years old. Advertising in the issue costs as much as federal channel. Usually this is native advertising: it will show, for example, bank card and say: “Oh, cool card, I use it!”

I have 900,000 subscribers. I'll probably be in the top hundred.

Polonsky is in prison, Chichvarkin is on the run, only Tinkov is left

— How do you monetize the channel?

I make one episode a week, each on average earns 1.5-2 million views. For this I get 2.5-3 thousand dollars a month from YouTube. This is little, very little.

The main source of income for bloggers is direct advertising. The last advertisement I sold cost 400,000 rubles per issue. This is considered a good result.

- At one time?

- Yes. In fact, there are about twenty video bloggers in Russia who make good money.

— Can the video be interrupted for commercials?

I will say so that there are no illusions: not every popular blogger can integrate advertising. For example, you are driving a car, you pay with a Tinkoff Bank card and show it - this is appropriate. But when you make a non-format broadcast, it may not work out. If you advertise aggressively, the viewer will dislike it, YouTube will stop recommending the channel, and you will lose the attention of viewers. The influence of the viewer affects the rotation of content in search engine.

— How did I appear on the channel?

— When you are 23-24 years old and you have nothing, you look for a model to follow. I looked at Polonsky, Chichvarkin and you. So I sat down and thought, who would you like to interview? Out of curiosity, I wanted to reach this person. Polonsky is in prison, Chichvarkin is on the run, and only Tinkov is left. There is no one else in Russia: shocking, successful businessmen whom young people want to emulate.

Sergey Polonsky, former head of Mirax Group

Evgeny Chichvarkin, former co-owner of Euroset

— How is the blogosphere developing?

— Livejournal and text blogs are fading into the background, and it’s hard to monetize. Of the known ones, Lebedev, Varlamov and two or three other people remained.

The viewer goes to video content: YouTube, Periscope. It is not possible to integrate advertising into Periscope. You have to hold a large audience for 2-3 minutes, and that’s hard. Usually it happens like this: a viewer comes in; if there is no super spectacle, he left after 30 seconds.

I am sure that YouTube is a springboard to making money; you can start making money on it. But it’s hard to compete, and many people don’t want to work. They ask: “Advertise me, help a novice blogger.”

Everyone wants freebies, but there are no freebies

There are large companies that want to grow their own bloggers and advertise their products through them natively. They created a blogger who uses iPhone and iPad, he is a hero, authoritative for his viewers, and it works.

Although there are still companies that ignore the Internet and YouTube. It is unclear how they still live.

- What are your plans?

— I opened an agency six months ago. We create turnkey channels and viral videos. As an example, we show our channel; it gives credibility to a potential customer.

A successful example of work is Zhenya Gavrilin. Channel zero was raised to 130,000 subscribers in a week. The first two episodes received 1 million views each. The channel immediately began to boil. We were told that we had broken the Russian YouTube record for the number of subscribers in such a short period and for the number of views for a new channel. It's nice.

— Which musicians have you collaborated with?

— With different singers. For the first time on YouTube, a blogger and singer recorded a video: I starred in Sasha T-Killah’s video and posted the video on my channel. They set a record - almost 8 million views. Although the clip is three minutes long, and the budget is 30 thousand rubles. More collaborations are coming soon. But you have to be selective, because the viewer cannot accept everyone.

But TV clips are not suitable for YouTube; young people do not understand them. It’s a paradox, Philip Kirkorov still attracts thousands of people in any city in the country, but his videos on YouTube don’t get 500,000 views.

In the West, clips for both TV and the Internet are more connected. The video was initially made for young people and those who watch TV. There are few guys in Russia who do this. The same Black Star is probably one of the examples. Also "Leningrad". Their videos are watched by young people who surf the Internet, because they contain a vital idea that is catchy; stories that always live longer.

— Tell us about American video bloggers. In Russia, 8 million views - the coolest video blog. How's it going there?

— Popular videos in the USA are music videos, gaining a billion views. Bloggers collect 25-30 million subscribers. These are streamers, game reviewers. They play and comment. They work for a mass, children's audience, which is always No. 1 in any country. These people are millionaires. They buy houses, cars, sports cars, jets.

- Do you think you will turn off the television?

— When I watch episodes from TV, I also watch other TV channels. I am 30 years old, after all, also old. And I’m used to the fact that a star is often shown on TV. You see him on the street and you understand that a star is coming.

The situation is changing before our eyes. I was in St. Petersburg with a friend, they wrote on Instagram three hours in advance that we would be there; subscribers, come over. We arrived and saw 350 people. To be honest, I was in shock: a stampede began, the child was almost trampled, urns and watches fell. The fans who love you and watch you have come. I didn't expect such emotions.

YouTube surpasses the media coverage of the stars shown on TV. They flashed by and that’s it, but here they live with you. The viewer waits from issue to issue to find out what is happening to you, how you live and what you breathe. Fan influence is stronger on YouTube.

“Doing it and not giving up is the most important thing.” I simply had no choice: I had to do something to survive. Now I understand that everything that didn’t work out for me was also a useful experience. I understood what not to do.

As for YouTube, try it, look for your content and format, and you will see whether it works or not. If you've been working on a channel for six months and it's not gaining momentum compared to your competitors, you're doing something wrong. Close it and do it again. On YouTube it is easier to understand whether you are going in the right direction or not.

I advise young guys to do it, grow above themselves, develop. For me, the key is to do, do, do.

We know everything about him, but in fact we know nothing. Amiran Sardarov and his Diary of Khach - quest, interactive story, in which he main character and the player controlling it. Who is he and where does he live? Let's start with something simple.

Date of birth: August 19, 1986. According to the horoscope Leo. Nationality: Yazidi Kurd. The blood of small peoples flows in his veins. The Yazidis are considered descendants of the Babylonians.

They profess one of the most ancient, little-studied religions (Yezidism), live secluded lives, and do not allow strangers near them. Sardarov himself, when asked where the roots of his family are, answers: Northern Iraq. It turns out that it’s a hack, but initially it’s not easy at all.

It all ended with them simply running away and never returning to their father. The boy was 5 years old at that time. He grew up somewhere there, in another country, then as a teenager he moved to Moscow - in search of himself and to make money.

No education: three years of theological school. Next is hard work on yourself. That's what he says. We have the right to doubt.

Can a person with three classes write books (he has five of them), open an advertising agency, conduct one of the most popular video blogs in Russia on Youtube, formulate thoughts correctly and logically, interview famous people: media professionals, politicians, successful businessmen?

Where does Sardarov work? The answer is clear: nowhere. But he has his own channel on Youtube called “Diary of a Khach”, almost 2 million views, about a million subscribers.

The rapper Tequila, the star of “The Voice” Oleg Miami, TV presenter Roman Demchenko, curvy girls, and basically anyone, often appear in the Diary.

What property does the famous vlogger have?

Amiran lives in a rented apartment. It costs him 120,000 thousand rubles a month. Pays for a year in advance.

No, he’s not against his own home and he’s tired of moving, but he’s not happy with what he can buy with the money he has, and for what he likes, they’re asking sky-high sums.

Every time the time comes for the next payment, the guy faces a dilemma: leave, take out a mortgage, or continue to live the way he lives. For now he's sticking with the last option. Further – we will see.

How much does Amiran earn?

Moscow is a tough school, if not cruel. The boys whom Amiran teaches to live in his books probably cherish ambitious dreams, grow up and rush to conquer the capital. There is an example to follow. So how much can a self-taught person “raise”?

  • One weekly episode on YouTube, four in total. The channel brings in 2.5 - 3 thousand dollars a month. Not enough, Amiran complains, very little.
  • Advertising income: on average 400,000 thousand rubles per one. Not a bad result. The frequency is silent. Details unknown. Either once a year you were lucky, or it “drips” much more often.
  • Opened an agency to create channels and promote viral videos. They don’t go into details either, but the work is in full swing. Zero channel on Youtube received 130,000 thousand subscribers in a week (meaning joint work with Zhenya Gavrilin).
  • Books. He has five of them. THE MAN IS ALWAYS RIGHT, THERE IS NO FREE: THE BEGINNING OF THE PATH, more about assholes and geniuses. This is unlikely to be a serious source of income. Not bestsellers, but they teach boys with low self-esteem, mama's boys, a thing or two. Well written, something in the style of Henry Miller: a little cynicism, revelation, personal experience, light edifications.

Girls are the main wealth of a Youtube star

If the star says little about real estate in general, the apartment and where he lives, then about cars, biker things, dream girls: there is overflowing information.

Alina Izmailova, a graduate of the Law Faculty of Moscow State University, a busty beauty, a vlogger’s delight, a bait for subscribers. She offended me, cheated on her, and went to lick her wounds with a friend in the Maldives. He suffered, complained, publicly repented, and eventually received forgiveness.

Ekaterina Igorevna, that’s what Amiran called his ex-girlfriend. The girl on whom he spent his biggest fee, buying her a luxurious fur coat, but with whom he eventually broke up.

And many more occasional creative young ladies, whom he takes great pleasure in filming for the channel.


The main question that comes to mind is: who is Amiran’s mother? Why is he, a frank and open person, so reluctant to talk about his biography?

She raised her alone, her son is clearly beloved, she dotes on him, which means she is invisibly present somewhere. After all, it was she who helped her son get out of depression when Amiran broke up with his girlfriend. He talks about it himself.

It turns out that my mother lives in Moscow. There is information that she is an embassy employee. With such arrangements, I could rent an apartment and help with money.

Here the myth about the semi-literate hack, the alpha male, who made a dizzying career alone, filming video blogs, falls apart by itself. Yes, it’s not for nothing that the star doesn’t like haters so much.

But for some reason (with all the skepticism) there is still confidence: Amiran’s apartment will be exactly what he wants. He will definitely tell and show everyone where and how he lives. Talented, smart, sweet, sociable, unusually assertive. Such people achieve their goals, with or without mother.

Khach's Diary is a strange name in itself, isn't it!? But once you watch at least one episode, you will understand that in reality things are much more extravagant, provocative, interesting, fun and often even inadequate than it seems at first glance.
Do you think there will be a lot of provocation, strange and aggressive behavior, youth humor, obscene and vulgar phrases? Believe me, everything will be much worse! This is the norm for this channel.

Amiran Sardarov – YouTube channel Khach’s Diary latest episode

If “Dom-2” managed to interest you in some way, and you have already watched the entire series “Friends,” then “Khach’s Diary” will become your new hobby for the coming months. The show about personal life with elements of provocative interviews with stars has already gained millions of subscribers. But be careful and take care of your ears, and for the faint of heart it is better to move away from screens - there will be a lot of swearing, vulgarity and black humor!

It’s hard to believe, but the show’s host, Amiran Sardarov, is an educated man who used to work in marketing and has already published several books on self-development. It turns out, a former marketer, the presenter of the show knows for sure that this particular format of the show will be able to attract more viewers.

In addition to regular videos, you will see interviews with famous and unknown stars, self-produced video clips, shows “I want a million” and “I want a bride,” and each of them is an outright provocation.

Do you want to be “in the know”? then watch at least one episode of “The Diary of a Khach” and join the passionate discussions between subscribers in the comments - you will definitely have something to say after watching it.

In the age of advanced technology, it is quite easy to gain popularity among a certain circle of people. To do this, it is not necessary to create any projects, write scientific papers or go into politics. It is enough to remove interesting video, post it on the YouTube channel - and that’s it! You are a recognizable and popular person with an army of thousands of subscribers on your channel. The biography of Amiran Sardarov became famous in Russia precisely thanks to such a video called “Diary of a Khach.”

Amiran Sardarov - who is he?

The future popular video blogger was born on August 19, 1986. Amiran is a native Muscovite, although his appearance and style of behavior reveal him as a true Caucasian. Having barely reached adulthood, Amiran moved with his family to live in his homeland, and as an adult, he returned to conquer the capital and earn money.

To achieve this goal, he chose a modern method - he created his own channel on the Internet. Today he has more than 300 thousand subscribers. The video blogger’s parents remained in their homeland, but very jealously follow their son’s work. Especially my mother, who carefully watches all the issues of “The Diary of a Khach”.

Despite the fact that Amiran’s perfect command of the language and competent speech attract many viewers to watch his video channel. Pleasant appearance also plays an important role here.

The biography of Amiran Sardarov would be incomplete without mentioning the fair sex in the life of the video blogger. He has a lot of female fans. The first serious relationship with a girl began when the guy was 18 years old, but it did not last long; after that, the girls in the life of the popular video blogger changed very often.

Sources of income

It is known that Amiran Sardarov has no education. He graduated from only three classes of church school, and after that he began to seriously engage in self-education. Today Amiran is a successful and famous person. His fashionable, obviously expensive clothes, luxury cars, lunches and dinners in fashionable restaurants - everything indicates that this man earns very well. But where and who does he work to afford all these delights, where does Amiran Sardarov live?

After returning to Moscow, Amiran opened his own advertising agency. and philosophical views on life helped the guy to establish himself well in And although today this is not the main one, Amiran does not give up promoting famous projects and brands. IN lately Not only the video blogger, but also the writer Amiran Sardarov became famous. His books are very unusual and, perhaps, that’s why they are so popular.

“The Diary of a Khach” is the main brainchild of Amiran Sardarov

The biography of Amiran Sardarov became known to a wide circle people thanks to this video diary. Amiran’s own channel on YouTube video hosting is wildly popular. In the videos that the author posts on the Internet, he and his friends go to clubs, visit various establishments, or just have fun. Each new episode with Amiran’s participation gains millions of views. The video blogger captivates with his eccentricity, unusual life philosophy, which he brings to the masses. There are a lot of dissatisfied people in the comments to the Diary, of course. But the handsome Amiran and his friends have even more fans.

It is quite simple to explain such popularity: all participants in the events, friends of Amiran Sardarov, are young, beautiful, successful residents of the capital, who are not deprived of either intelligence or a sense of humor. - TV presenter, model, lover of girls with athletic figures. Dj Benzina, aka Moryana Telova, is “an athlete, a Komsomol member and simply a beauty.” She repeatedly took part in the filming of F. Kirkorov's videos, an active participant and winner of motorcycle racing. Oleg Miami is a participant in such famous television projects as “The Voice” and “Dom-2”.

The filmed scenes are another explosion of emotions, humor, unusual life situations or your own interpretation of what seems everyday. Very often, his bride, the gorgeous blonde Katerina, gets caught in the lens of Amiran’s camera. What is captivating is that, despite her stereotypical model appearance, she is a very sweet and sincere girl who, contrary to the prevailing opinion about blondes, is also quite smart.

Amiran Sardarov: books

As a teenager, Amiran was very complex due to the fact that he did not study with his peers at school, did not go to college, and did not receive an education. The parents of his friends added fuel to the fire, who forbade their children to be friends with Amiran, suggesting that nothing good would come of such a child. However, now the biography of Amiran Sardarov is so rich that those unpleasant moments are not even worth remembering. He proved to everyone that he is worth a lot in this life. Another proof and way to assert myself was the passion for writing books. At 30 years old, Amiran is the author of several books. One of the most popular is the book “A Man is Always Right” (Amiran Sardarov).

"Life with your head: the end of illusions"

In his book, the author urges readers to stop living in illusions, to stop trying to conform to generally accepted standards and moral standards in everything. He talks about the need to set specific life goals and look for ways to achieve them, that you need to try to find common ground with people around you and use them on the path to your dream.

"A man is always right"

“A man is always right” (Amiran Sardarov) is a kind of manual for young people. Here the author shares his experience in communicating with women, tries to explain how to behave with them, how to correctly interpret certain behavior patterns of girls. The attentive reader will find a lot of tips on how to attract and seduce a representative of the fair sex. Here, of course, you won't find step by step instructions, but the personal experience of the famous author will certainly not be superfluous.

"I'm an asshole: break me completely"

Amiran Sardarov in this book gives certain practical recommendations. How to perceive them correctly will depend solely on the reader’s worldview. For some, this book will become just another boring read, and for others, it will be a guide to action. The choice is yours.

"No freebies"

The book is for those who have decided not to sit on their parents’ necks, not to be content with the salary of a simple employee, but to open their own business and start earning real money. Amiran talks about the beginning of such a difficult path, based on personal experience.