I dreamed that I was eating a lot of beautiful food. Why do you dream about food according to the dream book?

Each of us sees dreams, the nature and plot of which can be completely different. Some are capable of causing extremely positive emotions, while others can scare and puzzle. Despite the fact that we live in an era of high technology, the nature of night dreams has not yet been studied. That is why we have to look for answers to all questions in dream books. We invite you to find out what food means in dreams.

Dream Interpretation of the Oracle

If you believe this source, then food dreamed of at night is a symbol of new knowledge. Most likely, in reality the dreamer thinks that the ideal time has come for self-development, mastering new skills and abilities. He is firmly convinced that a broader worldview will contribute to the rapid achievement of cherished goals. However, for a more accurate interpretation, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the dream.

This dream book will also explain why you dream of a lot of food on the funeral table. Such a dream indicates impending troubles. Most likely, you quite often take rash actions that lead to negative consequences. Try to be extremely careful, at least in the near future. If you ignore this warning, you may have serious difficulties in your career and personal life.

This dream interpreter also knows why you dream of eating food while enjoying a meal. Most often, such a dream is favorable and foreshadows the fulfillment of cherished desires. Try to use every opportunity provided by fate. You will definitely be able to implement your plans, as well as achieve peace of mind, harmony and tranquility. Luck will be on your side in any situation. Go for it!

Why do you dream about food in which you caught a hair? The Oracle's Dream Book claims that it's time to take a break. Try to step away from your busy life and find an opportunity to relax physically and mentally. Such a dream indicates your exhaustion, fatigue from the daily routine.

Why do you dream of cooking food in a dream? Dramatic changes await you in the near future. Most likely, they will be painless and will change your life in better side. Why do you dream about a lot of food on the table that has passed its expiration date? As a rule, such a dream indicates possible betrayal on the part of a loved one. You will experience a stab in the back quite hard, because for a long time you had unlimited trust in the one who betrayed you.

Why you dream of a lot of food in your house or apartment, the Oracle’s dream book probably knows. This source claims that in the near future luck will be exclusively on your side. You will be able to avoid a lot of troubles, and also bypass all the traps set by your ill-wishers. Try to make the most of the favorable time.

Why do you dream about food that has insects in it? Most often, such a dream is unfavorable and indicates possible problems in a career or business. All difficulties will arise solely through the fault of the dreamer. You should learn to be a more attentive and responsible person. This is the only way you can achieve significant results in your career.

Why do you dream about food that a dead person treated you to? Despite the fact that such a dream can seriously frighten the dreamer, in reality there should be no cause for concern. The dream indicates that in the near future your efforts will be noticed by higher management. You will receive a significant salary increase, bonus or promotion. There is also a good chance that you will find a new job with a higher salary.

Why do you dream of a table with food from which you feed a dead person? Such a dream predicts colossal troubles for the dreamer. Most likely, you will have serious troubles at work or business. You will lose material wealth, but the cause of all troubles must be sought only in yourself. Perhaps in lately you were excessively negligent in performing your immediate duties, or said too much unnecessary for people, which you shouldn’t trust at all.

A negative dream is a dream in which the deceased asked the dreamer for food. There is a high chance of getting seriously injured in the near future. You may develop a disease that will become chronic over time. Never ignore any health problems. If you feel unwell, seek help from specialists.

Why do you dream about the food you bought in the store? Most often, such a dream indicates dissatisfaction. own life. You strive to find yourself in a new business, but you are afraid to leave your comfort zone. Be prepared for a very important decision to be made soon. Perhaps this is what will radically change your life.

Why dream of a table full of food that burned while cooking? Such a dream predicts the receipt of secret information. Most likely, you will become aware of some fact that is somehow connected with you. It is unlikely that such information will be joyful.

Why do you dream of a table with food, the Oracle’s dream book is ready to answer. As a rule, such a dream has positive character and indicates career success. Most likely, you will be able to resolve all problems, avoid traps set by competitors, and earn respect from your superiors. Your efforts will not go unnoticed, you will be generously rewarded.

If you dreamed of food on a plate, then soon you will make new friends. Fate will give you the opportunity not only to expand your social circle, but also to find influential patrons. Connecting with the “right” people will help you achieve incredible success in your work life and make you a successful employee or entrepreneur.

Why dream of treating other people to food? The Oracle's dream interpreter is convinced that such a dream is a reflection of your inner experiences, which you are trying to get rid of by any available means. Try to remember the identity of the person you gave food to. Most likely, it is he who negatively affects your moral and emotional state. The Dream Interpretation recommends limiting any contact with him as much as possible.

If food was stolen from you in a dream, then such a dream most often has extreme negative character. IN real life you feel unsure of your own abilities. You are not able to take responsibility, to make a fateful decision. This is what causes most of the troubles that haunt you. Try to overcome yourself. Become more confident and you will notice how things change for the better.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

This source claims that food, as a rule, symbolizes the dreamer’s desire for self-development. Most likely, in real life you want to develop both intellectually and spiritually, as well as physically. Expand your horizons, get your body in shape. All this will be extremely beneficial.

Dream Interpretation Maya

This dream book can also answer why you dream about cooking. As a rule, such a dream has a positive meaning. In the near future, a lot of positive events will happen in your life that will have a positive impact on your moral and emotional state.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

This source, which is one of the most authoritative, also knows why you dream about food. To make the interpretation more accurate, you should pay attention to what kind of dish you dreamed of:

  • Marzipan. Such a dream, as a rule, has an extremely negative character and symbolizes deception and betrayal.
  • Bagels. This is also an unfavorable dream, predicting serious health problems. Try to take the time to undergo a comprehensive examination. You may be able to identify the disease at an early stage, which will greatly facilitate treatment.
  • Pretzel. Seeing baked goods in a dream, namely a pretzel, is a bad sign. Your neighbors clearly don’t like you and spread gossip behind your back.
  • Waffles. Seeing sweet waffles in a dream is a rather ambiguous dream, indicating changes in your personal life. Perhaps things will change for the better.
  • Cheesecakes. Such a dream symbolizes surprise, reproaches.
  • Kulich. An Easter cake seen in a dream means boundless joy. In the near future you will be lucky in any endeavor. You will find the opportunity to realize your cherished dream.
  • Noodles. Despite all the prejudices, noodles dreamed of at night are a good sign. Harmony and mutual understanding will reign in your home. Take advantage of the favorable time, establish lost connections with your relatives.
  • Cook pasta. Such a dream is negative, prophesying failure and collapse.
  • Dumplings. To see a dream in which you tasted dumplings is good. In real life, you will have a lot of opportunities for self-realization. Try to make the most of the favorable time. You will be able to realize your deepest desires.
  • Pie. A delicious piece of pie can predict both joy and annoyance. Perhaps your friends are jealous and do not miss the opportunity to grind your bones.
  • Sunflower oil. A bottle of oil seen in a dream is a negative dream, indicating serious disagreements with your closest friend. Be a wiser person, don't get into useless arguments. Perhaps this is how you can save your friendship.
  • Eat butter. If the dreamer dreamed that he was eating a sandwich with butter, then a white streak begins in his life. Everything will go as it should for you. Your material well-being will grow, and peace will reign in your soul. Enjoy the moment.
  • Eat porridge with mala. Such a dream predicts material gain.
  • Beat the butter. A dream in which you happen to be churning butter indicates an increase in your wealth.
  • Buy butter. The dream in which you purchased butter is a warning. In the near future, there is a high probability that you will make an extremely unprofitable purchase, which will cause significant damage to your family budget. Try to refrain from shopping.
  • Cover yourself with butter. If you had a dream in which you got dirty or smeared yourself with butter, then you should pay attention to your own health. Most likely, you will face long and expensive treatment.
  • Head in butter. Such a dream predicts popularity, success, fame for you.
  • Cheese. Cheese, as a rule, dreams of betrayal or deception. Be extremely vigilant. Perhaps the danger comes from where you do not expect it at all.
  • A hard piece of cheese. Such a dream indicates your mental or physical torment. Stop beating yourself up.
  • Fresh cheese. The dream predicts unexpected love and material profit.
  • Very soft cheese. The dream speaks of your thirst for new achievements.
  • Eat cottage cheese. In the near future, most likely, you will be able to resolve some rather complex conflict with a loved one. Such a dream may indicate a pleasant romantic date.
  • Raw meat. The dream suggests that mutual understanding and joy will reign in your family. You will not know the need for anything. If a girl dreams about meat, then the dream symbolizes sensual and sincere love. For a man, sleep has an unfavorable meaning. In the near future, he will experience longing and worries about a loved one.
  • Cook meat. If in a dream you fried or boiled meat, then in reality you will find yourself in a rather ambiguous situation, the outcome of which will depend solely on you.
  • Feed someone meat. If in a dream you happened to feed someone meat, then try to remember the identity of this person. Perhaps in reality he is in serious danger, serious illness or injury.
  • Lean meat. Tasting a piece of lean and tasty meat in a dream means well-being and good health.
  • Dog meat. Eating dog meat in a dream means serious problems with health.
  • Game. Taste game - in the near future, someone or something will drive you into extreme rage.
  • Salo. Buying lard in a dream means serious disagreements with relatives and scandals in the family. Try to control your own emotions. Find the strength and wisdom within yourself to smooth out the conflicts that arise in your family.
  • Jelly. Tasting jellied meat is a surprise. Perhaps in the near future you will meet unexpected guests.
  • Bones. Gnawing bones is a negative dream, predicting unnecessary troubles and need.
  • Giblets. Cooking offal means a serious illness of someone close to you.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller’s dream book knows why you dream of cooking. As a rule, such dreams indicate impending problems. The dreamer needs to be extremely careful, especially when concluding large deals and signing contracts.

If you dream of a meal, then a number of events will happen in the near future that will radically change your life for the better. If you ate fish, then such a dream may indicate minor chores, most likely pleasant ones. If in a dream you dined in a pleasant company, then in the near future you will receive good news or significant material profit.

People's dream book

This source knows why you dream of a table covered with food. The folk dream book claims that such a dream is positive and symbolizes good luck. You will be able to achieve success in any endeavor and find a way out of the most difficult situations.

Family dream book

Seeing tables covered with food in a dream is a warning dream. You may soon have difficulties at work or in business. Your careless attitude towards documents and securities will be to blame. Eating completely alone is an unfavorable dream, predicting a whole series of troubles.

If the dreamer ate meat but did not finish it, then in reality people whom he does not respect will try to hurt him. Having dinner with friends is a good sign. Good luck will accompany you. Try to take full advantage of the favorable time and complete all important tasks.

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

According to this dream book, food is a symbol vital energy. If the dreamer had a dream in which he was constantly chewing something, then in reality he experiences a lack of attention and a lack of love. Most likely, you feel dissatisfied with your personal life, strive to become more significant person in society.

Shuvalova’s dream book also knows why you dream of asking for food. As a rule, such a dream indicates your inner devastation. You lack vitality, emotion, love or power. If you had a dream in which you tasted a delicious delicacy, then in reality you are completely satisfied with what is happening. You are a fairly strong and successful person who has a bright future ahead of you.

French dream book

Eating alone is a warning dream, symbolizing financial problems and illness. Having dinner in a noisy company - in reality you will be able to earn a tidy sum of money, which you will immediately spend on meaningless entertainment.

Zedkiel's Dream Book

Why do you dream of giving food, this dream interpreter can answer. Most often, such a dream foreshadows success in business, a faithful friend, a devoted wife. Having a snack alone is a bad dream, predicting separation, quarrels, bankruptcy, and litigation. Dinner in pleasant company is a sign of success in all endeavors.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

Tasting lamb means unbridled fun and happiness. Eating dog meat is an unfavorable dream, indicating upcoming problems, difficulties at work, and legal proceedings.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed of a party with a luxurious table, it is a symbol of good luck. You can achieve any goal you set. Eating alone is an unfavorable dream, foreshadowing colossal difficulties of the material plane.

Freud's Dream Book

If the dreamer had a dream in which there was a lot of food, then this indicates his masculine strength. Nature generously endowed him with sexual energy, which is not easy to curb at the sight of a beautiful woman. A dreamer who sees little food will most likely have no luck with his chosen one. A woman with whom a serious relationship begins will be cold in bed, possibly frigid.

Dream Interpretation of Ivanov

Dreamed about eating a lot - to health problems, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Eating a lot in a dream means gaining weight. Tasting vegetarian food is a dream that predicts an uninteresting trip, a spoiled vacation, a boring and unpleasant conversation. Eating a boiled egg means an incurable disease, problems in business. Perhaps you will take on a very important matter that you will not be able to bring to its logical conclusion.

But is it possible to give such a broad interpretation to dreams that have many other nuances?

Modern dream book describes in detail what food means in dreams, taking into account all the details of the dream.


Cooking in a dream is a good sign indicating pleasant events that are about to happen in your life.

For example, cooking food at home means experiencing wonderful moments in your personal life. And doing this with friends means feeling the support of loved ones.

Cooking in an unfamiliar place means learning a new business that will later bring profit. And cooking in nature is a sign that soon you will be able to have a lot of fun.

  • Over-salting the dish means reconciliation with the offender.
  • Cooking with a friend - for a party at your home.
  • Grilling shish kebab in nature is a sign of a romantic walk.
  • Dropping a pot of soup or borscht is a valuable find.
  • Cooking a lot of dishes is a sign of a marriage proposal.

If you dream that the food you have prepared is completely tasteless, then a promising employer will soon be interested in your talents. And delicious food in a dream means that your loved ones are proud of you.

According to the dream book, you dream of the food you cook in a frying pan when friends arrive. And cooking in a saucepan means inviting relatives over.


A dream where you eat at home speaks of your perseverance and patience. And food on a friend’s table is a sign that they want to invite you over.

Eating in the canteen means expressing your opinion in a group and receiving support. And eat in nature - discard unnecessary thoughts and enjoy life.

  • Food that you don’t like is a manifestation of willpower.
  • Eating your favorite dish brings peace of mind.
  • Dreaming about the food your mother prepared for you means pleasant memories.
  • Eating fruit is a sign of kisses and romance.
  • Eating in bed means realizing your plans.

If the food you eat is on a large plate, it means your colleagues respect you. And eating from a small plate or saucer means that a lot of interesting work awaits you ahead.

If you dream that your food is in a bag, then try to keep your opinions on controversial issues to yourself. And eating from a large bowl or pan means being satisfied with your financial situation.


A big holiday with a luxurious feast is what you dream of about food that you share with a poor person. And if it is a piece of bread or a roll, then the guests will give you a valuable gift.

Sharing your portion with a child means fulfilling a childhood dream. And if you dream that you gave part of your food to a rich person, then a significant increase in money awaits you soon.


Buying your favorite food means enjoying your vacation. And to acquire something that is not to your taste means to earn reciprocity in love.

You dream of groceries in a cart before a long journey in pleasant company. And carrying them in a bag means taking responsibility for solving other people's problems.

  • Buying food for a holiday means going on vacation.
  • Buy bread and salt for the arrival of dear guests.
  • Taking only the essentials will save money.

If you dream that you bought food, but when you came home you found that it was not there, then strangers may deceive you. And to see products in a package that you did not buy means to suspect your loved one of cheating.

You dream of stale food before general cleaning. And wormy food means you need to throw away old things you haven't used for a long time.


If you have a dream in which you got food as a result of a store robbery, then in reality you will have a serious conversation with your superiors. And stealing food at the market means getting what you want in a short time.

To be visiting a friend and steal food there is to make peace with him. And picking it up from a random passer-by means meeting a rich man.

Stealing a loaf of bread means wanting to do charity. And taking a large piece of meat without asking means throwing a party with a large number of guests.

Stolen fish is a sign that your loved ones need your support. And the milk that you stole in a dream reminds you that you need to spend more time with your children.

Throw it away

Throwing away spoiled food in a dream means getting rid of echoes past life. And if you dream that you put fresh food in the trash can, then your previous hobbies will be useful to you in the future.

Throwing away someone else's food means arguing with a stranger. And getting rid of unloved dishes means coping with the desire to take revenge on the offender.

If you dream that you threw a piece of bread on the ground, then temporary financial difficulties await you. And throwing salad into the trash can means forgetting all the old grievances.

Pouring milk down the sink means breaking off relations with your ex-partner forever. And the vegetables in the trash can speak about your belief in a better life.

If you notice food in a dream, be sure to open your dream book and read what food means in your dreams.
Author: Vera Drobnaya

The food is delicious, a meal and a pleasant company while eating in a dream foreshadow good news about imminent success in business. Eating delicious food in a dream is a sign of a prosperous life. Buying food in a dream is a sign of profit for those who do not eat enough, and a sign of loss for those who do not know what hunger is.

Seeing leftovers in a dream means minor grief; eating them means illness. Overeating in a dream is a harbinger of losses. To see others eating - expect news that may be of great importance to you.

Cold food instead of hot food in a dream means that your relationship with someone will come to naught (cool). Look who will treat you or bring you such food. Eating cold (cooled) food in a dream is a warning that you should not blindly trust people and rely on their help.

If you dream that your food was stolen or the waiter took it away, or you lost food, then try to avoid conflicts, be careful with your surroundings, as you have ill-wishers who are literally ready to tear a piece out of your mouth. Taking a bite from something tasty is a warning about a possible scam, as a result of which you will get something. However, the risk of the enterprise is unlikely to justify the gains. Taking a bite from something inedible is a sign that your hopes of regaining what you lost will not come true.

Picnic, eating at a picnic is a sign of the instability of your position. If you dream that you were invited to a restaurant or to a picnic, then expect good news and lucrative offers. Food that is spoiled, burnt, rotten, rancid means bad news and failures.

Seeing food on tables is a sign of life's structure. A well-served table in a dream promises a prosperous life and a stable position in real life. If you dream that you are hungry in a dream, then in reality you will crave real changes. If you find something to eat, then expect good changes. And vice versa.

Exotic food in a dream is a sign that you will soon receive an unusual offer. Seeing a lot of good food in a dream is a harbinger of everyday joys and peace. Cooking in a dream means that you can get into trouble. However, it depends on what exactly you are doing. See interpretation: food by name.

Seeing a brew is a sign that you are starting some kind of business that will bring you a lot of trouble, trouble and scandals. Feeding others in a dream is a harbinger of wastefulness. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows the receipt of news.

Often such a dream warns you that you will have to answer for your words. Seeing sauce or gravy in a dream means that your business will be complicated by circumstances that you did not foresee, especially if the sauce or gravy is bitter or sour. If they are sweet, then expect deception from your loved ones or partners.

If you vomited in a dream, then this foreshadows losses, losses and failures in business. If you dream that you ate something bad and vomited, then after such a dream your affairs will improve.

Eating fried meat in a dream is a sign of losses and damages; eating large fried fish in a dream is a sign of good hopes for the fulfillment of desires and growth in prosperity. The bigger the fish, the richer you will become.

Small fish in a dream is a sign of anger and frustration due to the unseemly actions of people around you. See interpretation: also hunger, food by name: delicacies, bread, lunch, meat, fish.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Food

This symbol is associated with prosperity, hospitality and friendliness. It has always been believed that the workers in the family, that is, men, should be given the best piece. Food, according to our ancestors, was sent by God, so one should never condemn what one eats; one should rejoice at any food and thank the Almighty for his mercy. There was a ritual of eating food: they ate from one cauldron in turns. In this regard, a number of sayings about kinship arose. It was believed that strangers became related while eating food from the same cauldron.

To dream that you are sitting at a table laden with many dishes and carefully emptying the plates one after another - to the guests; You have to prepare a complex and responsible event; to illness.

To see a person who can barely stand on his feet from hunger, but when he sits down to eat, he loses consciousness - this dream foreshadows unexpected troubles with distant relatives; to hunger; to malaise; accident on the street.

To dream that you are present at dinner and all the dishes seem bland to you, and after dinner seasonings are served to the table - this dream means that someone will make you a promise that they cannot keep on time, and will offer help when late; to belated news; to meeting a person whom you were looking for in the past, but never found.

Seeing a skinny person who meticulously picks at the porridge on a plate and eats almost nothing, but only talks about his dislike for porridge - to deal with an inexperienced and awkward person who is unable to stand up for himself; You will find yourself in a situation that will require good physical preparation from you; to the dissatisfaction of younger family members.

Seeing in a dream a table full of food, which does not evoke any feeling in you other than indifference, but you force yourself to sit down at the table and realize that you have accepted right decision, - this dream foreshadows a strong-willed decision that will have to be made in the near future; You don’t like the environment that surrounds you; You will participate in an activity that is contrary to your mood and desires, but will later bring satisfaction.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream of spoiled food? Why do you dream about cooking? You will receive a comprehensive answer to these and many other questions regarding the presence of food in your dreams in our combined dream book! I dream of food quite often, since in the subconscious the desire to quench hunger, thirst, find shelter and continue the family line are traits inherent in the evolution of each of us. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about food in one form or another? Read our dream book online!

Idiomatic dream book

  • Food is allegorically food for the mind, spiritual food.
  • “Being a fool” in a dream means you are deceiving someone or they are deceiving you.
  • “To make a mess” means to create problems out of the blue.
  • “Ride like cheese in butter” - contentment and abundance in life.
  • “Everything is going like clockwork” - things are going well, according to your plan.
  • “Life is not sugar” - a series of black and white stripes in life.

How to actually interpret dreams according to the idiomatic dream book? If there was food in your dream and the entire course of the vision turned into one of the well-known idioms, then interpret your dream according to its meaning. This dream book does not foretell or teach, but only explains what you most likely already know. It's just time to pay attention to your current situation.

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

  • Cooking is starting something evil, and you won’t even be aware of it - this is quite normal for you.
  • After eating, did you experience a disgusting feeling, as if you had eaten God knows what? This is a cruel deception that can turn against you.
  • Eating immeasurably, simply swallowing everything - your vices know no bounds, and you are greedy for literally everything.
  • Did you get free food in a dream? Did someone just give me a treat? Apparently, they will screw you up...

Women's dream book

If you dream about eating in a dream, this means that you are careless in managing paperwork at work and can spoil the progress of things due to banal sluggishness. Dream: a table with food, but you are sitting alone, alone and silent. This leads to small losses - monetary. But cooking food in a dream and then sitting down together at the same table is a dream with a favorable outcome, which promises profit and success in business. A lot of food in a dream: it is possible that you are too careless in terms of responsibility and the usual rhythm of life can give you a shake-up so that you completely mature.

Maly Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation: eating in a dream means good things or a lot of abuse. How to figure it out? Simple: if everything around is suspiciously good, then there will be a quarrel. Asking for food in a dream means a loss for the wealthy. Buying food in a dream means profit for those in need.

Russian folk dream book

Aesop's dream book

What will the ancient Greek writer tell us? Why do you dream about food - a symbol of prosperity and friendliness. Food is sent by God, therefore you cannot condemn what you eat, but you need to be grateful for the gift.

  • Why do you dream of a lot of food that you eat with others: this is a kind of kinship with them, akin to the rumor that with real comrades you eat even from the same pot without hostility. This also indicates that you have to organize a responsible event.
  • To dream of a person who is barely alive and when he sits down to eat, falls backward - distant relatives will create trouble.
  • You dream of food in a dream, but it is bland, tasteless, and after a while they serve you seasonings: they will give you a promise, but you will not be able to keep it; you will receive the help you need late - when it will no longer be of any use.
  • Why do you dream of delicious food that a skinny person meticulously chooses: you are in for a deal with an inexperienced person who is unable to keep promises, defend his principles and be a guarantor of success.
  • Dream: a laid table with food that causes nothing but apathy and you force yourself to sit down at it - this dream foreshadows a strong-willed decision that you will have to make in the near future.
  • Dream: there is a lot of food on the table, but you don’t like the environment in which you eat - you will meet the upcoming undertaking with a bad mood and lack of desire at first, but after that it will bring all sorts of satisfaction.

Dream book of esotericism by E. Tsvetkova

  • Dream Interpretation: a table with food - there is a central character in the dream, the interpretation of which depends on the environment in this dream and what and how you eat or others eat. If you only look at the food, while others fast without sparing their stomachs, then this will lead to your elevation in the eyes of others.
  • Dream Interpretation: cooking food in a dream - a lot of responsibility and responsibilities will fall on your head and you will have to decide everything yourself, troubles in your personal life.
  • Delicious food in a dream, all of it exotic, is a sign of new impressions and discoveries.
  • in food - a hidden catch that can await you in the simplest and seemingly completely open and understandable matter

Freud's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation: food, many dishes and you want to try everything. This vision speaks of a strong male sexual appetite, which quickly flares up. You just need to look at a woman and you are no longer able to overcome your animal nature.

Dream Interpretation: food is on the table, but there is little of it or you have no appetite. This portends a meeting with a frigid woman/partner who is weak in his libido.

Psychoanalytic dream book

This dream book reduces food, the interpretation of dreams with any kind of food to projection onto your hidden desires and fears.

  • Food in general is a desire to have power and strength
  • Dream Interpretation: treating with food - you want to become independent from the one you treat with food.
  • white in food - complete dissatisfaction with one’s life situation.
  • Collecting food in a dream - luck will creep up unnoticed and you just need not to miss it.
  • A dead person asks for food in a dream - to your illness.

The meaning of food in sleep is closely related to your personal experiences. Partially, all fears sit in your subconscious, and you rarely look them in the eye, but they can easily appear in one form or another in your dream and remind you of yourself as unfinished business. Just like the same food that can speak of your debts to someone, it can also be a reflection of what occupies your entire being at the current time.

Spring dream book

Dream interpretation, food, a lot of food - to stomach diseases.

Dream Interpretation: preparing food means various minor worries.

Summer dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: the deceased prepares food - for your own illness.
  • Worms in food - the dream book calls this sign unexpected news.

Autumn dream book

In a dream, food has opposing meanings: where the table is laden with dishes, need awaits you in reality. And if you finish gnawing on a stale crust, then most likely in real life everything will be satisfying. Seeing food in a dream, but not eating it, is a sign that something is gnawing at you, and if you wake up and go through all the options in your head, you will find the reason for this concern.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Eating in a dream is acceptance vitality and experience through communication with others. Dream Interpretation: a laid table with food - the state of affairs depending on the quantity of food and its quality. Why do you dream about cooking: especially if you fry something, then you cannot avoid scandals and troubles. Dream Interpretation: boiling food but not frying it is also a problem, but on a much smaller scale. Dream Interpretation: a lot of delicious food that you greedily absorb - dissatisfaction and procrastination. Dream: treating someone to food means giving all of yourself, your love and time, and it’s not a fact that it’s in vain, as well as with the result. In a dream, a dead person treats you to food, a dead person brings food in a dream - this means someone’s possible death.

French dream book

Dream Interpretation: eating in a dream, but you are sitting at the table all alone. This dream foreshadows poverty or illness. But if you are surrounded by the noise and din of a large company, then frivolous spending and unmotivated actions await you. Looking for food in a dream means feeling the need. Dream Interpretation: worms in food or dream of hair in food means expecting a catch in something that seemed understandable and transparent to you initially.

Lunar dream book

What does it mean if you dream about food? Only to luck and profit.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Dream interpretation: delicious food is essentially food for the body and mind. Eating it alone means gaining knowledge and exchanging ideas and thoughts with someone. Just seeing food in a dream is a sign of future success.

Miller's Dream Book: food

  • Food, all kinds of recipes, exotic and familiar - this is all your careless attitude towards documents, which will lead to harm in business.
  • Dream: worms in food - minor losses, a catch, unpleasant news that will appear out of nowhere.
  • Stealing food in a dream means feeling needy, and also accidentally setting someone up from your environment.
  • The dream book associates seeing food with your subconscious desire to live more freely and without need, in addition to incorrect paperwork.
  • Dream Interpretation: hair in food is a reflection of your suspicion that someone from your close circle is impersonating someone who is not; Allegorically, this is akin to a “planted pig.”

Esoteric dream book

  • What does food mean in a dream: increased joy, success and lack of need.
  • Dream: worms in food - you need to be on your guard, otherwise someone will successfully take advantage of your vulnerabilities for selfish interests, which you may not even suspect.
  • A dead person giving food in a dream only means illness and poor health.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

  • Dream Interpretation: cooking food in a dream for many guests means ruin.
  • Dream Interpretation: asking for food portends tears.
  • Dream Interpretation: a plate of food that you share with a person portends happiness.
  • Dream interpretation: a dead person gives food only to illnesses.
  • If you eat all kinds of meat in a dream, then you will bring it: separation, illness, illness, but only if the meat is heavy (beef, pork). And chicken and duck are only fortunate.

The outstanding part of the prince’s entire dream book regarding food is the interpretation of the dream to match the dish being consumed! See for yourself:

  • eat lamb - fortunately
  • eating dog meat - to litigation and all sorts of proceedings
  • eating pork means illness
  • there are manta rays - to a slight altercation
  • eating rotten vegetables means illness (see)
  • eating rice or pancakes - wishes will not come true (see dream,)
  • eating persimmons, tangerines, oranges - again to diseases (see dream,)
  • eating dates or pumpkin seeds means adding to the family
  • there is a mulberry tree - the birth of a noble son
  • eating a pear - loss of wealth (see)
  • eating all fruits is unlucky (see)
  • eating eggplants - for the birth of a son
  • there is an onion - to a fight, quarrel (see)
  • eating garlic - to a whole catastrophe/natural disaster (see)
  • there is oil, vinegar, seasonings - fortunately (see)

Symbolic dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about food? All kinds of food are a sign of abundance (provided that you did not eat them).
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of food on the table - the future will not be overshadowed by any negative events. To be in order and happy, in general.
  • Dream Interpretation: buying food - your current life suits you completely in everything.
  • Dream Interpretation: stealing food - to scandals, need, wrong actions and retribution for all the harm caused.

Star dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: funeral food is an appeal to humility and modesty, which you clearly lack.
  • Dream Interpretation: cooking - you have a strong sense of responsibility, which can push you to rash actions.
  • Dream Interpretation: over-salted food - the expected result in the enterprise will be completely different, not the same as you originally saw it.
  • Why dream of treating you to food: you - open soul and enemies can sneak up unnoticed.
  • Why dream of stealing food: you feel a need for stability.
  • Ants in food, dream book: a certain business will have “pitfalls” and all sorts of obstacles that, although small, will be almost ubiquitous.

New family dream book

  • To dream of cooking food is your negligence, which interferes with fruitful work.
  • Dream: a refrigerator with food is a reflection of your current wealth.
  • Dream Interpretation: a table full of food - upcoming expenses that will hit your budget.
  • Even a “modern” dream in which there is food delivery makes sense. Specifically, what someone owes you.
  • Dream Interpretation: maggots in food are a sign of the other side of the coin in a certain enterprise. So you need to be prepared for an unexpected change of events for the worse.
  • If you didn’t finish your dish in a dream, people you don’t respect will offend you.
  • Why do you dream about buying food? A small-town need that will be satisfied very quickly.
  • Why do you dream about cooking? You know how to take care of others and your family and do not consider this something that is worthy of constant reward. It's just the way it is in your family.

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Food is associated with life force. Delicious food in a dream indicates satisfaction with your lifestyle. But if you constantly chew in a dream, then it’s time to think about what you’re missing so much? If you are giving food to someone else, you probably want to have more visible status.

Ancient French dream book

Sitting alone in a dream and leisurely indulging in a meal means your poverty/illness. And if you share a table with a company, this is destined for frivolous actions and the same expenses.

An old English dream book

Eating can mean scandals if you sit alone and eat leisurely. But as soon as you acquire a company in a dream, success awaits you in the business you are engaged in.

Eating food, sharing food, treating someone - you will be happy in your marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Food can be spiritual, physical, mental. Accordingly, different dishes have different meanings. Chop and apple will have the most different meanings. For example, liver can be disgusting and a bad sign, since your mother forced you to eat it as a child.

On the other hand, if you deliberately ate beef and liver, asparagus, stewed vegetables in order to gain strength, then in a dream such food will only please the eye. When thinking about food, notice what emotions it gives rise to in you: this can help with interpretation, because, following simple logic, your favorite cake in a dream cannot mean something bad.


Food, as we have seen, can have a variety of meanings. A great help for the correct interpretation of sleep with food, and indeed any vision, are the details that surrounded you. Where, with whom, what and in what quantities did you eat? What feelings did you experience? Did the food taste in the dream? This way you can quickly narrow down the search for the correct interpretation to the specific words of a particular dream book.

Vivid images that we see in a dream can help us identify our problems and find an answer to a question that has long been tormenting us. To understand why you dream about food, you need to remember what you ate, cooked, bought, what the food looked like, and what sensations you experienced. The dream book explains the meaning of this plot in very different ways.

Although food has always been considered the most necessary condition of human life, seeing it in a dream often indicates that positive changes await. For example, the interpretation depends on whether you experienced the taste and whether it was pleasant or not. Delicious food is a desire for self-improvement, and not tasty food foreshadows trouble. Let's look into the interpreter and understand all the nuances of the predictions.

Abundance of food

Which means a lot of food on the table, Aesop explains. Aesop's Dream Book reports that this indicates the rapid excitability and passion of the male dreamer. We must learn to restrain ourselves and control our passions.

Another option for why you dream about something like this is the sudden arrival of guests.

Set table

The folk dream book believes that a table covered with food predicts prosperity and a cloudless life.

What is the meaning of a dream in which you are sitting at a large table with food and are busy eating? In this case, all the worries and worries about some important event will fall on your shoulders. Sometimes what you see predicts illness.

Did you dream that you were sitting at a table and there was a plate of food in front of you? In this case, the modern dream book promises pleasant meetings and acquaintances.

A plate of soup appearing in a vision foreshadows good news of a financial nature.

It happens that in our night dreams we see a refrigerator full of food. Pulling food out of the refrigerator means the arrival of a person dear to your heart. Putting food in the refrigerator means you will achieve success in business, your work will bring dividends.


Frying something means problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The esoteric dream book sees in this plot a harbinger of conflicts, scandals, quarrels with loved ones.

Of particular importance is the dream in which a woman fries food for a man. In this case, the dreamer will have a big squabble with the man for whom she cooked in the dream, or he will become a source of trouble and misfortune.

The People's Interpreter also gives an explanation of what dreams of cooking mean. The dream is interpreted as pleasant chores; perhaps long-awaited guests will arrive. In this case, you need to pay attention to the mood in which you were preparing food in a dream. If something did not work out during the cooking process, then minor adversities and disappointments await you in reality.

If the dish seen in a dream was overcooked or burned, then quarrels and scandal are inevitable. If you dream of a strong burning smell, then the scandal will be major.

A full pan standing on the stove promises fruitful work and reward for work.

Salting food during cooking in a dream means difficulties with work, conflicts with colleagues.

Aesop explains why you dream of oversalting in food. Aesop's Dream Book warns that you need to be careful, as intrigues are woven around, and someone is trying to take your place.

Cooking food in night dreams is a sign of achievements in life. The business you start will have a very good result.

Deceased and food

Sometimes deceased relatives may appear. One common vision is of a dead person preparing food. Oddly enough, such a plot is positive, especially if the deceased shares the prepared dish. Such content promises good health, material well-being.

If, on the contrary, the dreamer prepares food for the dead, then this has an unfavorable meaning and portends a serious illness, possibly with a fatal outcome.

Seeing a dead person treating the dreamer to food in a dream is a sign of happiness and wealth. Moreover, if the deceased treats him with berries, then the prediction has the opposite meaning. The universal dream book reports that a treat in the form of red berries means the arrival of relatives.

Buying food

If you dreamed that you were choosing food in a store or market, get ready for financial difficulties. The Dream Book of Wanderers recommends refraining from rash investments of money.

Here you also need to take into account exactly what products you bought. For example, why dream of buying ripe fruits? Such a dream foreshadows material losses, but in this case all losses will be compensated.

Did you dream that you were buying something baked to eat: a bun, a pie, bread? Grishina's dream book is convinced that this means profit or loss. If the baked goods purchased in a dream were fresh, then they will appear soon additional income, if callous, large losses await.

Share a meal

Sharing food in a dream, feeding someone with different dishes means success in enterprises. The universal dream book is confident that the efforts made are not in vain. Everything you put effort into now will pay off and produce good results.

Also, such a dream characterizes the dreamer as an open person, ready to help.


Of particular importance are plots in which the dreamer eats certain foods.

Miller explains in detail why you dream of eating fish? If you ate it, then what you saw has a positive omen. You will soon receive pleasant news, news. Miller's dream book interprets quickly eating fish as a harbinger of minor troubles and worries.

Eating meat in a dream means illness. Feeding someone meat means losing your reputation. Fry meat - meetings and noisy companies are expected, where you will show your best side.

Eating canned food in a dream means receiving winnings or benefits. The Dream Book of Wanderers suggests that someone will be able to provide great help with advice.

If you dreamed that you were eating in a dining room, this foreshadows friendly gatherings, a feast, and warm company.

Ask for food

Begging or asking for food in a dream is an unkind sign. The people's dream book promises imminent bankruptcy and serious financial difficulties. However, for poor people who find themselves in need, the dream foreshadows outside help and even enrichment.

Wanting to eat and begging passers-by for something to eat means that some opportunities are missed that could make life better.

If a dead person asks for food in a dream and you give him something to eat, the predictions are unfavorable. This means serious illness.

If you dream that a deceased relative is asking for food, this could be a warning of impending troubles. In this case, Aesop’s dream book recommends visiting the grave of the deceased and ordering a repose service in the church.


It happens that we commit actions that are completely out of character for us. For example, let's commit a theft. The 21st century dream book interprets such a plot very negatively. You will be disappointed, a dark streak in life, spiritual exhaustion.

Spoiled food and dishes

Dreamed foods may have a repulsive appearance, a disgusting smell, or be spoiled. For the most part, such dreams have a negative meaning.

Grishina gives a description of why worms are in food in dreams. Grishina points out that among your acquaintances there are ill-wishers who always put a spoke in your wheels. Take a closer look at your surroundings and try to reduce communication with people who behave hypocritically and two-facedly.

If you dream of worms, it always means trouble, ambiguous situations in which you will look negative.

A slightly different meaning if the dreamer sees wormy fruits. Here the Modern Dream Book warns of conflict, discord in relationships with a loved one. You need to make compromises in order not to find yourself alone.

Noticing maggots means major troubles and betrayal of people you considered friends and well-wishers. Do not be too trusting, do not reveal your plans to anyone until you are convinced of the person’s sincerity.

What could it mean if you dreamed of flies in your food? If a fly gets stuck in honey or jam, in reality you will witness how a hypocritical, two-faced person will be caught in a lie. If you dreamed that a fly was crawling on your food, your persistence in achieving your goal will not be crowned with success.

You may also dream of hair in food. This reflects your state of mind. The psychological dream book believes that you have entered into confrontation with the people around you; you are not satisfied with their position towards you.

Shereminskaya also gives an explanation of what spoiled food means. In this case, disappointments are foreshadowed.

Rotten food supplies can promise illness. To see how you sort out spoiled, rotten food, this means in the near future a deterioration in relations with friends, or even their complete cessation.

The cause of unpleasant dreams about edibles can be a hearty dinner before going to bed. In this case, there is no need to attach great importance to night dreams in which repulsive images of food appear.

Various interpretations

Miller unexpectedly explains why such a plot is dreamed of. This predictor believes that such a dream warns that careless handling of documentation can cause misfortunes in business or at work.

The folk interpreter, on the contrary, reports that prosperity and prosperity await the dreamer.

If you dream of a tray of food, then the dreamer’s plans will be fulfilled exactly as he wishes and imagines.

If you eat and the dish seems tasteless, and after you eat, you are offered spices, then unjustified hopes and unfulfilled plans are expected.

If you dream that you are distributing food, this characterizes you as a person who is ready to make sacrifices in love or in professional activities.

Treating food to strangers means waste and financial losses. Also, a similar plot may characterize you as a lazy and uninitiative person.