What vitamins should you take to improve your health? The best vitamins for women's health and beauty

Good afternoon Please tell me good vitamins for women's health? I would like to buy multivitamins that are aimed at the health and beauty of hair, nails, and skin. Perhaps there are some “women’s” vitamins that contain folic acid in reasonable doses? I've heard that some women drink it separately, but I don't dare.

Comments: 45 »

    For women, as well as for men, vitamins are suitable and must be taken separately. There are vitamins that help each other, and there are vitamins that hinder each other.

    Of the separate vitamins there is the Alphabet. I prefer Dopelherz vitamins. They have a wide range of different ones to solve different problems. I used to be very interested in Artlife dietary supplements. The ingredients are natural and there are a lot of interesting things. But the prices, of course, are more expensive than pharmacy ones.

    I consider vitamins E and C to be the main vitamins for women; I definitely take them in spring and autumn. For vitamin complexes for beauty, you can try Alphabet Cosmetic or Supradin.

    I drink Vitrum Beauty, for me these are the best vitamins. They're really not particularly cheap, so not everyone can afford them. And the skin and nails are better after them.

    I took Vitrum Beauty vitamins for a long time. These are special women's vitamins. But they have now become very expensive. Switched to Dopelgerts. But vitamins need to be selected according to your needs, since an overdose of vitamins can also occur.

    Now there are a lot of vitamins specifically designed for women, it is clear that for a good result their price should not be low. But I would advise you to use natural vitamins instead of pharmacy ones. For example, carrot juice, apple juice, red beet juice, etc., eat nuts... But it should all be homemade. You can buy it from grandmothers at the market.

    After pregnancy and childbirth, I continued to take prenatal vitamins for some time. They strengthen nails and hair quite well. For beautiful skin and hair, you can also drink vitamins based on zinc and yeast: Evisent, Zincteral. I think that B vitamins are important for a woman. You can choose a vitamin complex, you can eat whole grain bread, there is also a lot of vitamin B there.

    Essential vitamin, healthy diet, good sleep, activity. I have tried many vitamin complexes, they are all good in their own way. However, I noted for myself that the composition should include vitamins D for the skin, E for maintaining tone.

    You probably won’t find a better vitamin for women’s health than a vitamin for pregnant women; there really is a large complex of not only vitamins but also microelements. Or a not bad Doppel Hertz complex from A to Zinc.

    I agree that Alphabet is good vitamins t,k You can take them constantly and the complex chosen is not bad. Everything you need for hair, nails and bones. But do not forget that vitamins must also be selected according to the woman’s age.

    My husband and I go in for sports, he takes OptiMan vitamins - for men, for women you need either OptiWomen or half of the men’s pill. Contains folic acid. They are not cheap, but I can’t say that I noticed any real effect. My husband offers to buy me such vitamins, but I prefer to get all my vitamins from foods rather than from tablets.

    I periodically take Complivit Radiance vitamins. They are made specifically for women and contain folic acid. The tone improves noticeably, the hair actually becomes better, and the weight decreases a little. Even eczema on the hands goes away for a long time.

    To be honest, I do not believe that vitamin tablets are effective. Fruits, vegetables and other nutritious foods cannot be replaced by any vitamin complex. I advise you to eat healthy and balanced.

    You are doing the right thing by not deciding. A healthy person does not need synthesized vitamins since they are poorly absorbed by the body and may be unsafe. Eat fruits, vegetables, greens, drink natural juices.

    Once a neurologist prescribed Magnesium B6 to me for a diagnosis of VSD. I don’t know how this is connected, but after a course of these vitamins, I forgot what pain was like during menstruation. The only downside to these withanim is their price. But now there are analogues, so you can replace them with a cheaper option.

    You know, after two pregnancies, I myself have terrible problems with skin, nails and hair, my hair just falls out in clumps, a friend advised me to drink MERZ for skin, nails and hair for a couple of months, and after PANTOVIGAR, I recently started drinking MERZ and noticed an improvement, my hair stopped like that climb, the effect is noticeable immediately!!! The Aleran hair care complex is also very good.

    Yes, sprout the grains and eat them - all the vitamins for beauty and youth, for women's health, including folic acid, are there. Even those who were treated for infertility were able to get pregnant and give birth.

    Why are you afraid to take folic acid separately? Many people drink it, there is nothing wrong with this drug, an overdose is almost impossible. Regarding vitamins: for hair growth, nails and skin improvement, I buy Merz dragees, it contains a whole complex of B vitamins, which are so necessary for our hair and skin. It helps me, but everything is individual, since it is not known whether your body will absorb these vitamins, all people are different.

    I drank Dynamischan on the advice of a doctor after suffering from the flu. There is a full set of vitamins and microelements, plus ginseng root extract. I drank it in the morning and immediately felt a surge of energy from them.

    Folic acid is prescribed to be taken before pregnancy and during early stages pregnancy, so don’t be afraid to drink it (according to indications). At the pharmacy you can choose a general course of vitamins and minerals. I was also recommended fish oil capsules. I believe that fish oil will have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

    Very good vitamins for female body– this is Vitrum Beauty, they are specifically aimed at maintaining the beauty and health of hair, nails and skin, saturating the body with essential vitamins and microelements. During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, good vitamins are Elevit Pronatal.

    The optimal vitamins are those that are in their natural state. So just lean on fresh vegetables and fruits, and everything will be ok!

    Before pregnancy, during it and now during lactation I take Elevit Pronatal. The price is certainly not very budget, but it helps a lot in terms of hair and nails. There were no problems during pregnancy either.

    I really like Alphabet multivitamins. We drink them as a family (I drink Alphabet Classic, my husband drinks Alphabet for men). We have no complaints about these vitamins. I know many women who take folic acid separately, “for the sake of beauty.” Of course, it can improve the overall appearance of your nails, hair and skin. From folic acid Nails definitely grow quickly, hair also grows faster. But I would not say that the same folic acid can work a miracle - if a woman is genetically programmed, say, with thin hair or thin nails, then no amount of folic acid will help.

    I really like Vitrum, but they are a little expensive. When I have financial difficulties, I take vitamin A and E separately in capsules, and, of course, ascorbic acid!

    A good vitamin complex “Duovit vitamins and minerals for women.” One tablet contains 2.4 mg of folic acid 10%. My therapist recommended these vitamins to me.

    Vitrum vitamins are good for hair and nail growth, but proper rest creates female beauty and health - go to bed at 10 pm and sleep until 6 am, then the skin will glow and become toned.

    Alphabet vitamins are not bad and are very popular among consumers. In general, it is healthier to eat foods rich in vitamins - vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese. Now is the season for these products.

    Very good Omega 3 vitamins! I took it for about a month, I’ll be honest, I noticed shine in my hair, good nail growth, and I didn’t see any changes in my skin. The vitamins contain fish oil. It is very necessary for our body, especially in the spring after winter. There is also just fish oil, it is much cheaper in price, but I advise you to immediately take the Omega 3 complex.

    Pharmacies sell good Vitrum Beauty vitamins, which contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals for healthy hair, nails and skin. I took these vitamins, and there really is a result, the main thing is to try to take them constantly.

    There are excellent vitamins, I took them during pregnancy and after. They’re called Pregnakeya, it’s specifically for women’s health! But in general, you can also take folic acid with aevit. It helps support the body in the spring.

    Supradin, Vitrum, Alphabet. There are a lot of such vitamins now. I can say with confidence that the Alphabet will add beauty to your hair and nails.

    Nowadays pharmacies have a large selection of vitamins for women's health and beauty. Personally, I noted the vitamins Vitrum Beauty and Elevit Pronatal. The latter are very good to take before, during, and after pregnancy.

    “Vitrum Beauty” is a complex just for healthy hair, nails, and skin. There are vitamins from the same company for different age categories of women, as well as for expectant mothers. But I took folic acid separately before an “interesting” situation and during pregnancy.

    There are different vitamins, each good in its own way, but it is better to consult a doctor, because an excess of a vitamin is just as dangerous as a deficiency. Get tested and they will determine the complex of vitamins you need

    The best vitamins are good mood(and without stress!), proper nutrition and adequate exercise. loads. Because the above things, although real, are difficult to implement, then the best vitamins, of course, are for pregnant women. I was also advised to crush AEVita capsules (several pieces) into a container with regular shampoo, as well as liquid soap, conditioner, etc. and continue to use it as usual. It turns out great.

    I dare to recommend the Vision Company vitamin complex for women. For hair, nails and skin you should take Beauty. I myself periodically take only vitamins from this company, since they are the only ones I trust. And if you want from the pharmacy, then Polydex, but you can get better from them.

    Excellent vitamins for women's health and beauty - “Vitrum Q10”. Contains 30 mg of Q10 and 10 mg of vitamin E. The result on appearance can be assessed after 3-4 weeks of use, and the increase in tone can be assessed after 2-3 days of use. These vitamins are also anti-aging and good for preventing heart disease.

    When we were expecting our baby, my wife drank vitamins Alphabet Mom's Health 3 multi-colored tablets a day and the whole complex of useful vitamins and minerals was received, moreover, the Alphabet for Moms contains folic acid, which is necessary for proper development fetus

    Before pregnancy I took Calcium D3 - my nails are like steel))

    The good vitamins are those where they are divided into three different tablets. Their line also includes women’s vitamins. Vitamin A and E are the best for women.

    Complivit-mama is an excellent vitamin))

    To improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails, I advise you to take a closer look at Vitasharm vitamins. They are very inexpensive and there is a result, although without folic acid in the composition

    I consider the vitamin and mineral complex “Perfectil Plus” to be the best for maintaining the beauty of hair and skin. This is an enhanced formula of “Perfectil”. The package contains 28 capsules - for a month. In addition to the vitamins themselves, it contains microelements and Omega-3 acids, the benefits of which everyone is now talking about. I take this complex 2 times a year for a month - in spring and autumn. Previously, my hair was falling out a lot, but after taking the drug it all stopped and I felt more alert and my skin stopped peeling. Now these are my favorite vitamins!

Characteristics of vitamins: Used for: bone “breakage”, low immunity, non-healing wounds, vitamin deficiency, severe fatigue (overwork). Vitamin doses: one capsule. Application: in the morning, during meals. Side effects: allergic reactions.

Bio – Max

Characteristics of vitamins: Used for: “surviving” the postoperative period, fatigue, stomach diseases, intestinal diseases, lactation and pregnancy. Vitamin doses: one vitamin per day. Application: in the morning, during meals. Side effects: none. Characteristics of vitamins: Used for: intestinal infections (acute), intestinal dysbiosis, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Vitamin doses: one capsule. Application: in the morning, during meals. Side effects: allergic reactions.


Characteristics of vitamins: Used for: disorders of the general condition of elderly and “middle-aged” people, disorders of metabolic processes. Vitamin doses: three tablets three times a day; for preventive purposes - one tablet three times a day. Application: after meals, for thirty days. Side effects: susceptibility to product components.

Wellness Pack

Characteristics of vitamins: Used for: wrinkled appearance, dry and rough skin, lack of essential minerals. Vitamin doses: one sachet. Application: in the morning, during meals.

Widely known vitamins

“Women’s” vitamins can also be called those vitamins for women’s health that everyone knows about... You probably also know about them: C, B, A. Next, the following will happen: these vitamins will be arranged in order and described in a little more detail.

A– vitamin

  1. It makes women's skin younger.
  2. It restores visual acuity.
  3. It “forces” the thyroid gland to work normally (excellently).
  4. It does not allow dryness to penetrate the skin.

At 12– vitamin

Why it brings many benefits to women:

  1. He makes sure that the “processes” of strengthening immunity always proceed well.
  2. It protects against colds.
  3. He tries to bring the blood pressure (both very high and very low) back to normal.
  4. It corrects the “mistakes” of irrational nutrition (bad mood, irritability, drowsiness and severe fatigue).

At 6– vitamin

Why it brings many benefits to women: 1. It “explains” that stress is not very good and gets rid of it. 2. It provides the body with amino acids. 3. It prevents protein disorders. 4. It gives activity that the body needs.

B 1– vitamin

Why it brings many benefits to women: 1. It takes part in blood circulation. 2. He puts the permissible activity in order. 3. He monitors the “correct” functioning of the brain. 4. He observes the muscles of the whole body.

B 4- vitamin

Why it brings many benefits to women: 1. It normalizes the functioning of nervous tissue. 2. It removes fats from the liver area. 3. It prevents cancer from developing in the liver. 4. It normalizes sugar concentration (in the blood).

B 2– vitamin

Why it brings many benefits to women: 1. It is involved in the treatment of nervous diseases. 2. It activates vitamins. 3. It tries to prevent skin diseases. 4. It reduces eye fatigue.

B 3– vitamin

Why it brings many benefits to women: 1. It improves appetite. 2. It saves you from depression. 3. It takes away fatigue. 4. It relieves weakness.

At 5– vitamin

Why it brings many benefits to women: 1. It neutralizes allergies (any). 2. It cures eczema and psoriasis. 3. He monitors the work of the stomach. 4. It makes toxicosis easier to bear.

At 7– vitamin

1. It ensures proper carbohydrate metabolism. 2. It prevents nail splitting. 3. It prevents hair loss. 4. It saves you from muscle pain. Why it brings many benefits to women:

At 9– vitamin

Why it brings many benefits to women: 1. It cures radiation diseases. 2. It cures psoriasis. 3. It cures enteritis. 4. It cures bad moods.

At 8– vitamin

Why it brings many benefits to women: 1. It benefits hair. 2. It benefits the skin. 3. It acts as a restorer after physical exertion. 4. It starts the process of egg division (after fertilization).

WITH– vitamin

Why it brings many benefits to women: 1. It prevents a woman from aging early. 2. It improves “undermined” immunity. 3. He is actively fighting wrinkles. 4. He copes well with depression and stress.

What vitamins do women lack?

Signs that help determine this:

Wrinkles appeared early - vitamin. B is not enough. Paleness on the skin is very noticeable - there is not enough vitamin. B 12. Skin peeling does not leave alone - vitamin. And we need to look urgently. Acne suddenly appears on the skin - you need to look for a vitamin. And to go. ABOUT The vitamin is also very useful. E, which:

  1. The menstrual cycle always normalizes.
  2. Severe depression “takes away” from women.
  3. Gives strength to a woman (both morally and physically).
  4. Sexual desire increases if it is weak, or “insufficient.”
  5. It greatly improves the condition of hair and nails.
  6. Pregnant women from harm environment protects, protecting her fruit.
  7. Contains in cosmetics.
  8. Relieves vaginal dryness.
  9. Apathy kills.

Let's reveal a secret... Vitamin E is the most “feminine” vitamin, and we cannot assume that women will need it greatly. Women who take care of themselves will never forget about this vitamin!

Due to the busy pace of life, there is often not enough time for proper nutrition, and therefore the body does not receive the necessary vitamins. Problems at work, worries at home, constant stress and worries - all this affects the body of any person, and especially women. In addition, the female body requires a special approach; it needs certain nutrients and minerals.

Many people simply go to the pharmacy and buy popular vitamins for women’s health from some well-known brand. Usually such drugs are taken for show and to calm one’s soul. But if you want your health vitamins to really work, then you need to approach the issue of choosing a supplement seriously and responsibly.

What vitamins are necessary for women's health?

It has long been no secret that each vitamin and mineral is responsible for its own process in the body. A lack of these substances leads to various problems. Therefore, for the prevention of seasonal vitamin deficiencies, vitamins for women’s health such as:

In the course of many studies, scientists have proven that vitamins B, D and magnesium play a special role for the female body. They protect the fragile female body from various serious diseases, help restore energy and protect against stress.

B vitamins for women's health

Every woman can face a deficiency of B vitamins, since the deficiency can be caused by stress, an unbalanced diet, problems with the digestive system, the thyroid gland, and physical activity.

A deficiency of B vitamins can be easily recognized. Its signs are:

  • constant fatigue;
  • sudden mood swings, irritability, tears for no reason;
  • sleep problems: difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, frequent waking up in the middle of the night;
  • problems with skin, hair and nails;
  • hormonal imbalance and others.

You can get the necessary B vitamins from food, for example, lean meat, offal, fish, and chicken eggs. But it is not always possible to eat well, so you can choose special complexes:

It is important to note that these remedies must be taken in the morning to provide energy for the day. Taking these supplements in the evening or at night may cause insomnia.

The best vitamins D for women's health

Vitamin D deficiency is common in women. This vitamin plays a vital role in the body, since it is it that allows calcium and phosphorus to be absorbed, provides the body’s protective functions and acts as a preventive measure for serious diseases. The first symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are:

  • decreased appetite and weight loss;
  • burning in the mouth and throat;
  • frequent insomnia;
  • blurred vision.

The main cause of deficiency of this vitamin is lack of sunlight and use of sunscreen. In any case, sacrificing your skin and giving up creams is a bad idea. It is better to purchase effective vitamin D supplements:

To determine the exact daily requirement of vitamin D for yourself, you can get your blood tested and choose health vitamins with the optimal dosage. If this is not possible, then know that you can safely take supplements with a dosage of 1000 IU; the maximum safe dosage is 5000 IU.

To adjust the dose yourself, you can choose vitamin D in the form of drops, for example,
or .

Vitamins for women's health with magnesium

Magnesium is an essential microelement that is necessary for the health of the female body. First of all, it helps to cope with stress, emotions and depression. A decrease in magnesium reserves is affected by drinking coffee, intense exercise, and taking contraceptives. The first signs of a lack of this element are:

  • muscle pain;
  • convulsions;
  • sleep problems;
  • fatigue and lethargy;
  • mood swings.

You can restore the supply of this vital mineral with the help of nuts, various vegetables (spinach, avocado, beets) and dried fruits, or you can choose vitamins with magnesium for women's health:

The daily requirement of magnesium is 400 mg. It is best to take these supplements in the evening to help improve sleep.

Where to buy vitamins for women's health and beauty

Alas, in modern realities it is very difficult to eat properly and nutritiously, so vitamin complexes that can be ordered on the website come to the rescue. Here you can find products from the best manufacturers who have impressive experience and have received recognition all over the world. When purchasing vitamins for women's health in this online store, you can be sure of their originality and high quality. Affordable prices and regular promotional offers will make shopping even more enjoyable.

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It is very important for every person to monitor their health, because this affects their activity. In any case, it is important to maintain a supply of active substances that participate in the main systems. Of course, this is, because they stimulate the production of immunity, are responsible for brain and physical activity, and take part in metabolism. All components must be present in the body in the required quantity, because otherwise, it will cease to function properly. But food products cannot always provide the supply of nutrients at the required level, so it is important to know what vitamins to take to improve health or maintain it.

What vitamins should you take to improve your health?

Before talking about what vitamins to take to improve health, it is worth deciding what could happen as a result of not having the necessary supply. This can lead to very unpleasant consequences, namely:

  • General lethargy of the body, especially in the morning, including drowsiness, lack of desire to work;
  • The complexion becomes pale, sometimes even closer to gray;
  • Sudden mood swings appear, and this may be completely unexpected for you;
  • Hair becomes dull and begins to fall out more than usual, nails become brittle and thin, skin begins to peel and dry out;
  • A decrease in the body’s protective function, which leads to a significant chance of catching a cold even from a small draft.

These symptoms clearly indicate, so at the first manifestations of it, you should think about what vitamins to take. If you do nothing, then your condition after suffering from an illness may not improve, but quite the opposite - it will worsen. Therefore, it is important to worry about your health before such signs begin to appear.

To decide which vitamins to take, you should consult a specialist. He will conduct a complete diagnosis of your body and will be able to accurately say what is missing for good health. This is especially true in the autumn and spring, when the weather is quite unstable and the body is not protected from infections and diseases.

When choosing vitamins to maintain health, you should pay attention only to those that contain natural ingredients. After all, only they can saturate your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. In this case, it is best to buy multivitamins; they are suitable for both prevention and treatment, are not addictive and do an excellent job of their purpose. Among all the drugs in this group, it is worth noting that it has positive reviews among buyers, as well as excellent laboratory test results.

Green Star - health problem solved!

Truly unique because it contains only natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on human health. With the help of such a complex you can strengthen the body, as well as prevent quite serious diseases:

  • Heart attack, atherosclerosis, heart attacks;
  • Oncological diseases, including preventing the appearance of cancerous tumors;
  • Vision problems;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Useful for detoxifying the body, because thanks to the extract of seaweed and kelp, it easily copes with toxic substances. Thanks to the soft cell membrane, the capsule quickly dissolves, which allows the beneficial substances to be actively absorbed. In addition, with the help you can significantly improve the condition of the skin - they will become more elastic and wrinkles will be less noticeable, and with long-term use of the drug they will completely disappear. The action of the active components is also aimed at eliminating problems with the gums - they stop bleeding, blood vessels are strengthened, and the immune system is stimulated. If you don’t yet know what vitamins to take, then buy a vitamin tonic and watch how your condition improves day after day.