The influence of art on a person II

  • Music can help a person feel beauty and relive moments of the past.
  • The power of art can change a person's life
  • The paintings of a truly talented artist reflect not only the appearance, but also the soul of a person.
  • In difficult situations, music inspires a person and gives him vitality.
  • Music can convey thoughts to people that cannot be expressed in words.
  • Unfortunately, art can push a person to spiritual degradation


L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Nikolai Rostov, who lost a huge amount of money for his family at cards, is in a dejected, depressed state. He doesn’t know what to do, how to confess everything to his parents. Already at home he hears the beautiful singing of Natasha Rostova. The emotions evoked by the music and singing of the sister overwhelm the hero’s soul. Nikolai Rostov realizes that there is nothing more important in life than all this. The power of art helps him overcome his fear and confess everything to his father.

L.N. Tolstoy "Albert". In the work we learn the story of a poor violinist with outstanding talent. Once at the ball, the young man begins to play. With his music he touches the hearts of people so much that he immediately ceases to seem poor and ugly to them. Listeners seem to be experiencing again best moments their lives, return to what is lost irretrievably. Music influences Delesov so much that tears begin to flow down the man’s cheeks: thanks to music, he is transported to his youth, remembering his first kiss.

K.G. Paustovsky "The Old Cook". Before his death, the blind old cook asks his daughter Maria to go outside and call any person to confess to the dying man. Maria does this: she sees a stranger on the street and conveys her father’s request. The old cook confesses to the young man that he has committed only one sin in his life: he stole a golden saucer from Countess Thun's service to help his sick wife Martha. The dying man's desire was simple: to see his wife again as she was in her youth. The stranger begins to play the harpsichord. The power of music has such a strong influence on the old man that he sees moments from the past as if in reality. The young man who gave him these minutes turns out to be Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a great musician.

K.G. Paustovsky “Basket with fir cones.” In the forests of Bergen great composer Edvard Grieg meets Dagny Pedersen, the daughter of a local forester. Communication with the girl prompts the composer to write music for Dagny. Knowing that a child cannot appreciate all the charm of classical works, Edvard Grieg promises to make a gift for Dagny in ten years, when she turns eighteen. The composer is true to his word: ten years later, Dagny Pedersen unexpectedly hears something dedicated to her piece of music. The music evokes a storm of emotions: she sees her forest, hears the sound of the sea, the shepherd's horn, the whistling of birds. Dagny cries tears of gratitude. Edvard Grieg discovered for her the beautiful things that a person should really live with.

N.V. Gogol "Portrait". The young artist Chartkov, quite by accident, purchases a mysterious portrait with his last money. The main feature of this portrait is the incredibly expressive eyes that seem alive. The unusual picture haunts everyone who sees it: everyone thinks that eyes are watching him. Later it turns out that the portrait was painted by a very talented artist at the request of a moneylender, whose life story is striking in its mystery. He made every effort to convey these eyes, but then he realized that these were the eyes of the devil himself.

O. Wilde “The Picture of Dorian Gray.” Basil Hallward's portrait of the handsome young Dorian Gray - best work artist. The young man himself is delighted with his beauty. Lord Henry Wotton tells him that it won't last forever because all people age. In his feelings, the young man wishes that this very portrait would grow old instead of him. Later it becomes clear that the wish comes true: any act committed by Dorian Gray is reflected in his portrait, and he himself remains the same. The young man begins to commit inhumane, immoral acts, and this does not affect him in any way. Dorian Gray does not change at all: by the age of forty he looks the same as in his youth. We see that a magnificent picture, instead of a beneficial influence, destroys the personality.

A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin". Music can warm a person's soul even in difficult times of war. Vasily Terkin, the hero of the work, plays the slain commander on the accordion. Music makes people feel warmer, they follow the music like they walk into fire, and start dancing. This allows them to forget about adversity, difficulties, and misfortunes at least for some time. The comrades of the killed commander give the accordion to Terkin so that he can continue to amuse his infantry.

V. Korolenko “The Blind Musician.” For the hero of the work, musician Petrus, music became the true meaning of life. Blind from birth, he was very sensitive to sounds. When Petrus was a child, he was attracted by the melody of the pipe. The boy began to be drawn to music and later became a pianist. He soon became famous, and much was said about his talent.

A.P. Chekhov "Rothschild's Violin". People tried to avoid Yakov Matveevich, a gloomy and rude man. But the accidentally found melody touched his soul: Yakov Matveevich for the first time felt ashamed for offending people. The hero finally realized that without anger and hatred, the world around him would be simply beautiful.

Unified State Examination essay:

Have you ever thought about the impact of the books you read on you? How can they change you? How can they help? The role of the book as a work of one of the branches of art is truly great. The problem of the influence of art on a person’s worldview is raised in his text by the famous publicist E. Vinokurov.

The fact that people have felt the influence of objects of art since ancient times is evidenced by rock paintings, with the help of which ancient people tried to leave information about themselves to future generations; they used art as a way of transmitting feelings, moods, and thoughts to their fellow tribesmen.

The author of the text offered to me examines this problem using the example of the great Russian poet. From the first lines of the text, Vinokurov analyzes the role of Sergei Yesenin’s creativity in the life of a Russian person. The author notes the simplicity and accessibility of Yesenin’s poems, notes their spiritual depth.

The first sentence of the text fully conveys the author’s position: “We can say with confidence that there are few poets in the world who, like Yesenin, are the soul of the nation and enjoy the boundless love of the people.” The author is confident in Yesenin as a brilliant, great poet who wrote only what he felt, only the truth. Using the metaphors “artist of intuition”, “naked conscience of the nation”, Vinokurov explains the uniqueness of the poet’s influence.

It is impossible not to agree with Vinokurov’s position. And from my point of view, art influences a person’s perception of the world. There are times in each of our lives when we feel empty, disappointed, lonely, and I am no exception. At such moments I like to listen to the works of contemporary composer Ludovico Einaudi. They help me push away all the bad things and discover the strength to admire the world.

A similar way out of a life impasse for the heroine of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" is the Gospel. I was amazed that Sonya Marmeladova, finding herself in a difficult situation, was able to find support in the moral commandments indicated in the Holy Scriptures. After all, as soon as Sonya only remembers the story of the resurrection of Lazarus, she casts aside her insecurities and turns from a pathetic girl in need of help into one who is ready to provide this help.

No less interesting is the position of the famous American writer Ray Bradbury. In the novel Fahrenheit 451, the owner of a house marked by firefighters for burning refuses to leave the house alone. The heroine chooses death by fire among her favorite books, so hated by society. This act clearly shows the influence of art on a person, its invaluable value for everyone.

Analyzing this problem, we can conclude: art influences the life of society, helps a person decide in this life, understand what is worth living for.

Text by E. Vinokurov

(1) It is safe to say that there are few poets in the world who, like Yesenin, are the soul of the nation and who enjoy the boundless love of the people. (2) Yesenin is loved by different strata of society: young people and old people, workers and professors.

(3) How can one explain such love of the Russian people for Yesenin’s work? (4) After all, this is a very complex poet, and there is no person who would fully understand him, nor is there yet a critic who could explain and comment on all the richness of the content of Yesenin’s poetry. (5) Its simplicity and accessibility sometimes seem to hide from the eyes the enormous spiritual depths that it latently contains.

(6) Yesenin is a national thinker, and this, above all, determines love for the poet. (7) Look how he thinks big and big, and he thinks about the most significant problems of the world that worry people so much: about life and death, about the peasantry, about Russian history, about the fate of an individual and the entire people.

(8) Yesenin - great artist intuition, and this also determines the special attitude of the people towards the poet’s work. (9) Yesenin’s thoughts are born along with an explosion of emotions - they are like blinding flashes, these are most often the deepest spiritual insights. (10) No wonder he suggested: “But in the eyes of my insights there is a wondrous light.” (11) With all his great intuition as an artist, he unmistakably guessed the truth, wrote only the truth, nothing but the truth, and therefore what he wrote sounds louder and louder every year.

(12) Yesenin is a singer of love. (13) This topic is also close to every person. (14) The poet knightly stood for a high spiritual understanding of love, for the utmost spirituality of feeling, did not reconcile himself with compromise, demanded maximum love tension, maximum experience.

(15) A poet is a seismograph, a compass. (16) He conveys the vibrations of the era, he is a philosopher, we use him to determine the paths of history, the strength of tremors. (17) This seismograph just needs to be sensitive and the compass to be accurate. (18) And Yesenin was an ideal instrument in this sense - he was the naked conscience of the nation.

(According to E. Vinokurov)

Art... It can revive a person’s soul from its ashes, make him experience simply incredible emotions and feelings. Art is a means by which authors try to convey their thoughts to people, to accustom them to beauty.

The author talks about the need for art in our lives, he focuses on the fact that “beauty must be learned and appreciated, just as one must learn to feel high music.” Yuri Bondarev cites as an example Mozart’s work “Requiem”, which has an unimaginable impact on listeners, “people openly shed tears in the episode where the life of the great composer was cut short.” Thus, the author shows that art can touch the subtle strings of a person’s soul and make him experience extraordinary feelings.

Bondarev claims that art can greatly influence a person, because it is the most beautiful thing in his life. Art can change a person, his inner world. This is something you definitely need to learn. Indeed, one cannot but agree with the author. I believe that art can make us feel joy and sadness, sadness and excitement, happiness and many other emotions.

Thus, in the work of I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov” the main character’s attitude to music is vividly described. Oblomov, visiting Olga Ilyinskaya, heard her play the piano for the first time. The author shows us how music can influence a person’s inner world and his emotions. Listening great game, the hero could hardly hold back his tears, he felt strength and vigor, the desire to live and act.

However, the attitude of the protagonist of I. S. Turgenev’s work “Fathers and Sons” towards art is very negative. Bazarov does not perceive it as an integral part of a person’s life, he does not see its benefits and advantages. This was the limitation of his views. But a person’s life without art, without a “sense of beauty” is very boring and monotonous, which, unfortunately, the hero never recognized.

In conclusion, I would like to conclude that art is the most important part in the life of each of us. You just need to let it into your heart and soul, and it can conquer the whole world.

Option 2

Any type of art for a person is the highest reward for the efforts that he made to take part in it - either by being the creator of a masterpiece, or simply admiring its results from the outside.

Musical compositions, mysterious paintings, and elegant sculptures arose thanks to human knowledge, a natural gift, or the desire to achieve such perfection.

In the process of creating any masterpiece of art, a person uses his talent, showing his full potential. Art develops and does not allow you to remain in one place, in a state of inaction. Due to this, people improve. Those who to any extent relate to this area are creative people who are in constant search. Immersing themselves in this world, they actively develop spiritually.

Thus, through the manifestation of imagination, determination, fantasy, and patience, art helps in affirming one’s life position, influences a person’s worldview, helps to find oneself, and form one’s own way of thinking.

If we are talking about music, then after listening to classical works, a person’s emotional, mental and even physical state improves. Depending on the rhythm and content of the melodies and songs, you can either get a charge of incredible vivacity or calm down.

Under the influence of art, a person’s inner world is transformed. Any of its types - graphics, theater, painting, etc. contains so much deep meaning and passion, which are expressed through unique expressive means that they make you think about yourself, the meaning of life, and allow you to look at the world in a new way.

Any work of art helps to distinguish between good and evil, good and bad. Literary works have enormous power that can act on a person, transporting him to another world. By becoming the hero of the events depicted in books, people learn new information, on the basis of which they become better, correct mistakes after meeting his characters, sympathize and rejoice with them. Literature can radically change a person's worldview.

Under the influence of painting, the formation occurs spiritual world person. Participation in this type of activity promotes self-expression and enhances impressions. In sculptures, people embody their aesthetic desires, and for outside observers they are educational.

Thus, art cultivates only the best character traits in a person, increases intelligence, identifying and developing those qualities that were previously invisible.

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Works of art can radically change a person's life. So, main character D. London's novel “Martin Eden”, being a simple sailor, fell in love with a girl from a wealthy and educated family - Ruth. In an attempt to change himself in order to match his beloved, Martin Eden turns to works of art, namely books. He reads a lot, visits libraries, studies the basics of versification and literary language. Subsequently, this helps the hero find his own purpose in life, as he discovers his gift for writing. Thus, under the influence of art, the life of the hero of this work completely changes.

Sometimes it happens that, under the influence of art, a person is cured of a serious illness and avoids death.

The heroine of O. Henry's short story "The Last Leaf" Jonesy, having contracted pneumonia, decided that she would die as soon as the last ivy leaf that grew on the old brick wall would fall. When the only leaf remained on the plant and heavy rain and wind began, the girl almost lost hope. But old man Berman, an artist who lived next door, learned about Jonesy’s problem and painted another ivy leaf on the wall. Thus, looking at such a small work of art, the girl believed in her own recovery and was saved.

It often happens that people deny the importance of art in a person’s life and believe that art is a useless waste of time and resources. Obviously these people are wrong. Art is, in my opinion, the most important part of our life. Many writers share the same point of view; they believe that life is impossible without art. So, in the work of I.S. Turgenev’s “Fathers and Sons” Evgeny Bazarov denies art, considers it unnecessary for a progressive person. Bazarov sincerely believes that nature is a workshop, and about artists he often allows himself to make similar disapproving remarks: “Raphael is not worth a penny.” It is no coincidence that his ideas about art cause active debate in society; only rare people agree with him.

It is not surprising that science fiction writers of the twentieth century also addressed the problem of the importance of art in human life. Art, in their opinion, will exist as long as man exists. Thus, in the novel Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury raises the question of the value of books for society. The work describes a world in which the state destroys books, and there are separate fire brigades that burn books. A member of such a brigade is the main character, Guy Montag, who throughout the novel changes his attitude towards books. Initially, he considers burning books a good activity and even enjoys it, but after meeting Clarissa, he realizes that he made a mistake by burning books. His opinion changes, and by the end of the work he will be completely sure that books are man’s best friend.

It’s time to recall V. Hugo’s novel “The Man Who Laughs.” Ursus, one of the heroes of the work, creates his own plays. He implements them and includes them in the role of his students. As a result, a lot of hard work was done, which resulted in them achieving fame. Using this situation as an example, the novel showed the important role of art in the lives of these comedians. They were able to achieve success by applying their skills in creative activities.

Quite often art becomes not only best friend, but also a “cure” for the human soul from the problems that surround it. For example, in George Sand's novel "Consuello" the main character was helped to cope with difficulties classical music. Consuelo's mother died, she was betrayed and left alone by her loved one. Consuelo lives in terrible poverty, she is forced to wear old, shabby clothes, eat poorly, and can barely make ends meet. Consuelo has talent - she sings beautifully, and studying at a music school, enjoying music and singing helps her not to lose heart, inspires her to continue to fight for life. An example from the novel by George Sand illustrates what miracles art can create and how important it is in human life.

There are very rarely cases when art can destroy a person’s life. For example, in Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, the painting became one of the causes of unhappiness in the life of a young man. Dorian Gray idolized his portrait; it was not only a source of inspiration for him, but also for those who managed to see this picture. At the same time, Dorian hated the artist’s creation, because he understood that its beauty would disappear over the years, but in the portrait it would remain forever. The portrait “heard” Dorian’s request and gave him eternal youth, but at what cost? In the end, the picture ruined his life, took away from him not only the people close to him, but also the life of Dorian Gray. Thus, art may not always have a beneficial effect on human soul. Mystical story Oscar Wilde is an example of how art can cause the development in a person of such qualities as selfishness and greed.

People often do merciful things in their lives. For example, in L.N. Tolstov’s work “War and Peace” the reader is shown good example compassion for someone else's misfortune. During the capture of Moscow by the French, Natasha is primarily concerned not with her own well-being, but with that of others. She gives her carts to wounded soldiers who are unable to move on their own. Thus, we see that the girl does not lose her nobility even during critical situations.

A person is capable of showing compassion at any moment in his life, in completely different situations. So, for example, in A.I. Kuprin’s work “The Wonderful Doctor,” a man completely stranger to the main character literally saves the family from inevitable death. The doctor provides first aid to the dying girl, leaving money for food and necessary medicine. After an unknown man helps the family, the main character finds a job, and the girl is cured of her disease. Example from " Wonderful Doctor" is a clear example of how one compassionate person can influence the future.

It is difficult to formulate an unambiguous definition. As many dictionaries exist, so many definitions of art are known to man. For an artist, this is expressed in painting - he shows his art to the world, since it is often impossible to express anything in words. For a writer - in working on a fiction book.
Important! This can also be called the process of learning about the world around us or a person’s desire to influence the world in the best possible way as a result of the creative process. It is a gift where a person looks beyond the horizon.
On the other hand, it joins social processes. Here a person interacts both with the people around him and with himself. Art is present both in a person’s everyday life and in some professional areas of life. It unites many generations, attracting with its authenticity.

Rice. 1. “The Last Supper.” . 1498

The influence of art. Arguments

When people talk about art, the first thing that comes to mind is painting, theater, cinema, handicrafts, music, architecture, that is, the ability to make something beautiful. Humanity, as we know, does not stand still; it is rapidly growing and developing. Consequently, new types of art appear. Art influences people's lives in various ways. There are certain arguments accompanying this:
  • Firstly, the love for fairy tales is expressed. Literature plays an important role here. Many people read fairy tales in childhood, in which you can see bad and good heroes. The resolution of these stories teaches a good moral. As a child grows up, his interest in books changes. At school or university they ask more complex works which force the student to think more deeply, asking himself questions about morality, honor, right life path. Reading makes humanity more sociable. However, in different types art has different goals.
  • Secondly, art can pushman for amazing feats. For example, listening to the words of your favorite song. Soulful music provides inspiration to sensitive individuals.
  • Third, the impact can be seenin the active development of hand-made products. God placed in man the desire to create. It is impossible to meet a person who does not like to do something with his own hands. For example: needlewomen embroider, wives arrange a cozy flowerbed, husbands make bedside tables, engineers create, builders build, etc.Children are ready to do all of the above at once.Love for beauty exists in every person and can only be drowned out by the person himself.

Rice. 2. "Algerian women." Pablo Picasso. 1955

Unified State Exam (USE): arguments

There are arguments in the literature that suggest a colossal impact on society. Here are some arguments from the Unified State Exam:
  1. FromWe know the story of Nikolai Rostov, who lost a significant amount of money playing cards. Because of this, he was very upset. He must confess to his parents, but it is very difficult for him to do this. However, under the influence of Natasha Rostova’s beautiful singing, the hero is filled with bright emotions and decides to tell the whole truth to his father.
  2. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov “Rothschild’s Violin”.Here literary hero Yakov Matveevich does not seem to be a very friendly person. People perceive him as dark and rude. Yakov Matveevich was like this until the moment when his ears were touched by a melody that accidentally came to him. Hearing the captivating notes, Yakov rethought his actions and regretted that he had treated people so rudely. As a result, he realized that the world is much better if there is no hatred and anger in it.
  3. . The work of the main character Petrus, namely music, is the meaning of his life. Petrus was blind from birth. However, this did not stop him from becoming a musician. He later became a very famous pianist. And it all started when, as a child, he heard the melody of a pipe.
  4. Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky “The Old Cook”. The work talks about an old cook who was dying. He asks his daughter to call the first person he meets to confess his sins, since the cook did not like priests. A daughter meets a young musician on the street and conveys the last request of her dying father. It turns out that the musician is now well known to everyone. He enters the house and starts playing the harpsichord. Music enchants the old man, brings him happiness and eases his suffering.

The influence of art on creative individuals

It is impossible not to mention Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who with early childhood was surrounded by the care of his nanny Arina Rodionovna, who read him fairy tales, proverbs and sayings. This radically affected his work. Subsequently, art played a significant role in fate. This influenced the genres he chose, for example: ode, elegy, epigram, lyric poems. The poetry of Yu. V. Bondarev speaks of a young age, where the formation of a worldview occurs.The poet is convinced that the most terrible thing for a person is his spiritual emptiness.With this statement, Bondarev encourages a person to think about what is most important. In the novel “A Date with Nefertiti,” V. F. Tendryakov discusses how art influences community. According to the author, it helps to educate the soul. A person should learn and strive to do good deeds for free.

Rice. 3. "Freedom leading the people." Eugene Delacroix. 1830

Art and intelligence

Neuroscientists have determined that art has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, which is ready to engage in the exact sciences at the next moment. This influence is mainly produced by performance on stage. When viewing paintings, regardless of the genre, a part of the human brain located in the back of the head is activated. Another effect on people is listening to music, which stimulates the temporal lobes. If a person owns an instrument, while also singing and holding the attention of the public, then his brain activity covers a number of important processes.When reading, there is an opportunity to stretch the networks of the frontal lobes. When a person not only respects creativity, but engages in it himself, be it the piano or writing poetry, the work of the brain produces even more actions. Scientists have determined that if a person performs, composes or simply listens to music, then all cognitive mechanisms are involved in the brain. All types of art, especially those intended for work on stage, stimulate cognitive attention. Art and science certainly go together. Proof of this are the following individuals:
  • Leonardo da Vinci, who throughout his life not only drew beautifully, but also did a good job in mathematics, mechanics, and anatomy.
  • Famous American theoretical physicist Richard Phillips Feynmanis one of the creators of quantum electrodynamics. Despite his love for exact science, he loved to play the drum and was also interested in painting.
  • Microbiologist KoprovskyKnown for being the founder of the polio vaccine, he was involved in musical art.
  • Becoming one of the founders of physicsbegan at the age of four, when he studied the violin. Albert also played the piano. Music was an assistant in his theories. From time to time he went to play, and then returned to science.

Rice. 4. "Mona Lisa". Leonardo da Vinci. 1503-1519

The right choice of art

Art is an integral part of man. It helps to reach the top, if only its purpose is correct. It opens up another world or shows it as a whole. The power of art can change a person.
Important! Despite all the advantages, art can hurt a person if you choose it rashly. For example, almost all modern films are saturated with violence, wars, and stress, which leads to a person’s spiritual problem. Cartoons do not fall under the exception, during which the child’s subconscious often sees something that the conscious mind is unable to see.
Art is a controversial subject to discuss. A person must carefully approach the choice of this or that art, because the most important thing is how it will favorably influence our spiritual development as individuals. We also invite you to watch an educational video that contains arguments, arguments and facts about how art affects the subconscious.