Vera Pavlovna is like a new person. Kirsanov and Vera Pavlovna in the novel “What to do? New, but so different

Vera Pavlovna Rozalskaya - main character novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky “What to do?” This is a beautiful, slender girl with a southern type of face. She has black hair and dark skin. Before meeting Lopukhov, she lived with her mother, father and brother Fedya on Gorokhovaya Street in St. Petersburg. Vera's father was the manager of an apartment building, and her mother gave money at interest and dreamed of marrying her daughter to a rich man. To avoid marriage, imposed by an evil and stupid mother, Vera married medical student Dmitry Lopukhov. He was her brother's teacher, which is how they met.

The couple lived happily in a rented apartment. From the outside, their relationship seemed strange, since they lived in different rooms, but Vera assured that the marriage would last longer this way. She demonstrated maturity of spirit in everything. Soon she acquired a sewing workshop, where other girls worked alongside her. Production flourished, as Vera Pavlovna hired girls not for hire, but on equal terms with her. They not only worked together, but also had joint picnics. There were many guests in their house, one of whom was Lopukhov’s friend and former classmate, Alexander Kirsanov.

Unnoticed by themselves, Vera and Alexander fell in love with each other and did not know what to do. Lopukhov found a way out of the situation. He decided to stage suicide at Liteiny and thus disappear for a while from the lives of the lovers. He himself went abroad to study industrial production. At first, Vera was inconsolable and blamed herself for everything. However, Lopukhov’s friends supported her, and Kirsanov even offered to become his wife. Soon the Beaumont couple appeared in their house. As it turned out, Lopukhov himself was Charles Beaumont. Now he was married to Ekaterina Polozova (Beaumont) and the couples became family friends.

When I began to analyze in detail the novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky in terms of content, I ended up with three shelves. On one side are the moral relationships of the heroes with the outside world and among themselves. On the other is economic research. And on the third, secret shelf - Rakhmetov’s revolutionary activities. The author wrote to his wife that he conceived “a book... in the lightest, most popular spirit, in the form of almost a novel, with anecdotes, scenes, witticisms, so that it would be read by everyone who reads nothing but novels.” These lines tell us that Nikolai Gavrilovich preferred literature for the mind. However, in order to increase his readership, he resorted to melodramatic tricks.
But even the love genre, thanks to the writer’s educational gift, has turned into an entertaining textbook on the education of feelings. It contains pages about the position of women in society, about love and jealousy, about new relationships in the family. The main character of the novel, Verochka, later Vera Pavlovna, began the fight for her right to love, while still in the camp of enemies, before meeting “new people.” Her mother wanted to marry her to a rich but worthless man. Vera committed a brave act when she went against her mother's will. The girl's first ally in this fight was the frivolous Frenchwoman Julie. This image is interesting because the author does not condemn the fallen woman, but shows that she is freer and in many ways more decent than respectable ladies. I can imagine how shocked Chernyshevsky’s contemporaries were that it was in the mouth of a corrupt woman that he put a fiery appeal: “Die, but don’t give a kiss without love!” Julie herself can no longer love and considers herself unworthy of love. But that doesn't stop her from understanding the value true feeling.
Verochka's acquaintance with Lopukhov became a turning point in her fate. In the taciturn student she found her first like-minded person and true friend. He became her savior, helping her escape from the gloomy basement into the bright sunlight. In her first dream, the liberated Vera releases other girls and for the first time meets the so-called “bride of all suitors.” Who she really is will become clear only in the fourth dream. Verochka could not help but fall in love with Lopukhov and was very happy when she married him. The author describes to us in detail what order was established in the “new” family. Lopukhov praised his wife for something that her previous husbands could not even imagine - for her independence: “So, so, Verochka! Let everyone protect his independence with all his might from everyone, no matter how much he loves him, no matter how much he believes in him.” Chernyshevsky defends the idea, revolutionary at that time, that a woman is no worse than a man and should have equal rights with him in everything.
For several years, Vera and Lopukhov live in complete harmony. But gradually in our heroine’s soul a vague feeling appears that she is missing something. The third dream reveals the reason for this anxiety. The feeling she feels for “darling” is not love at all, but misunderstood gratitude. Moreover, she truly loves best friend her husband. And Kirsanov has loved Vera Pavlovna for many years. It seems to me that in the novel “What is to be done?” It is love that tests the heroes’ loyalty to the ideals of the “new” life. And Lopukhov, and Kirsanov, and Verochka pass this test. In their torment, they appear before us not as heroes, but simply as good, decent people.
The resolution to this love triangle is very original. It is simply impossible for the “astute reader” to believe that such a solution exists. But the author does not care about the opinion of the average person.
The “special person” Rakhmetov is also tested by his feelings. “I shouldn’t love,” he says and makes himself an iron warrior, but love penetrates under his armor and makes him exclaim with pain: “... and I, too, am not an abstract idea, but a person who would like to live. Well, it’s okay, it will pass.” Of course he heroic personality, but I feel sorry for him, because a person who stifles love in himself becomes an insensitive machine. Subsequently, he can only talk about feelings, but you should not trust him in these matters. Rakhmetov tells Verochka about jealousy: “She shouldn’t be in a developed person. This distorted feeling... is a consequence of looking at a person as my belonging, as a thing.” The words are correct, but what can a stern warrior know about this? Only one who loves and overcomes jealousy that is offensive to another can speak about this.
My favorite hero in the novel is Kirsanov. Unlike Rakhmetov, when Kirsanov realizes that he loves his friend’s wife, he fights not with feeling, but with himself. He suffers, but does not disturb Verochka’s peace. He humbles his jealousy and desire for personal happiness for the sake of friendship. It seems to me that the words of A.S. Pushkin, which I took as the epigraph to the essay, can be completely attributed to the love of Alexei Kirsanov.
In Vera Pavlovna’s fourth dream, N.G. Chernyshevsky unfolds before his readers a picture of an ideal future. Love occupies a big place in it. The entire history of mankind passes before us from the point of view of the evolution of love. Verochka finally learns the name of her guiding star, “sister of all sisters” and “bride of all grooms”: “... this word is equality... From it, from equality, there is freedom in me, without which there is no me.” It seems to me that the author wanted to say that without freedom of choice and equality of rights true love cannot exist.
In the final part of the novel we see Vera Pavlovna, Kirsanov, Lopukhov and his new wife Katya completely happy in love. The author is happy for his heroes: “... few have experienced that the charm that love gives to everything should not at all... be a fleeting phenomenon in a person’s life.” The happiness of Love will be eternal, only “for this you need to have a pure heart and an honest soul and a modern understanding of human rights, respect for the freedom of the one with whom you live.”
It seems to me that it does not require much effort or special imagination to understand general character Rakhmetov’s activities: he was constantly involved in other people’s affairs, he simply had no personal affairs, everyone knew that. Rakhmetov is involved in the affairs of other people, he seriously works for society. Rakhmetov generally had many distinctive features. For example, outside his circle, he only met people who had influence on others and had authority. And it was difficult to dismiss Rakhmetov if he decided to meet someone for the sake of business. And with unnecessary people he behaved simply rudely.
Rakhmetov performed unimaginable experiments on his body and frightened to death his landlady, Agrafena Antonovna, who rented the room to him. He did not recognize love, suppressed this feeling in himself, not wanting to allow love to tie him hand and foot. Rakhmetov abandoned love in the name of a great cause.
“Yes, funny people, even funny... There are few of them, but the life of everyone around them blossoms with them; without them it would have stalled, gone sour; There are few of them, but they give all people the opportunity to breathe, without them people would suffocate.
There are a great number of honest and good people, but there are few such obsessed people; but they are in it - tea for tea, a bouquet in noble wine; from them its strength and aroma; this is the color of the best people, these are the engines of engines, this is the salt of the earth.”

An essay on literature on the topic: Vera Pavlovna and the Frenchwoman Julie in the novel “What to do?”

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Vera Pavlovna and the Frenchwoman Julie in the novel “What to Do?”

The main character of the novel “What is to be done?” is Vera Pavlovna.

The girl is quite beautiful, slender, and looks like a southern princess. She has thick black hair and dark skin. Vera Pavlovna is incredibly charming, feminine, and dresses with taste.

Vera grew up in a bourgeois family, where there was a terrible atmosphere of vulgarity and debauchery. Her father is a cowardly and hopeless man, and her mother is a woman with a tough disposition, a complex character, and very selfish. To some extent, parenting by a mother can be called tyrannical.

Vera Pavlovna is a bright character in the work. She is incredibly sensitive, kind, and has spiritual harmony. She is also a very creative person: she loves to play the piano and sing. Her voice is simply wonderful, which makes everyone who hears it fall in love.

The main character has set the goal of her life to gain freedom and independence. She does not want to obey anyone, because since childhood she was obliged to shepherd the whole family. The girl was not afraid of dirty work, and was not white-handed. Faith is the ideal of that time. Proud, playful, independent of other people's opinions. Freedom comes first for her. This person is constantly improving himself and growing, developing his skills.

When Vera learned that her tyrant mother wants to “sell” her, that is, marry her “successfully” to some vulgar and terrible man, the girl decides to take a desperate step - to commit suicide. After all, her ardent character and will to freedom are much more important than her mother’s whims. She is not ready to put up with such injustice; in her opinion, it is better to die than to live with someone you don’t love.

His brother's teacher, Lopukhov, helps him avoid an unwanted wedding. He organized a fictitious marriage. Vera, in turn, arranges a sewing production. Its main principle is the equality of working girls; she wants to teach them freedom.

Later, Vera meets Lopukhov’s friend Kirsanov. Vera falls in love with this young man and their feelings are mutual. Lopukhov, realizing that Vera Pavlovna is under reliable protection, disappears from their lives.

The image of Vera is the desire for freedom and true happiness without any framework. This is the heroine who achieves what she wants. She will not stop on her path for the sake of her cherished goal.

Essay on Vera Pavlovna

Chernyshevsky left a legacy to his descendants in the form of a novel about “new people.” The novel “What to do?” asks the reader questions and forces him to analyze what is happening. Here you can meet a revolutionary, an educator, “new people” and a person who is not ready for the new. Vera Pavlova Rozolskaya is a woman who throughout the novel shows her strength and confidence. She improves even in difficult circumstances, becoming the owner of a sewing workshop and a doctor. This image is written with love, since Chernyshevsky reflects in it his worldview as a revolutionary writer.

Vera Pavlovna was born and spent her childhood in a bourgeois family. The parents were not distinguished by high moral feelings. Since childhood she was forced to work. Therefore, I quit piano lessons with a teacher. But she did not agree to her mother’s persuasion to marry a wealthy man and arranged a fictitious marriage with Lopukhov. This episode shows the girl's rebellious spirit. She is not ready to come to terms with outdated laws and opposes falsehood and lies. And even in this family, everything follows the new rules: the main thing in everyday life is equality, no one crosses boundaries. Vera Pavlovna is convinced that the main thing is independence, which manifests itself not only in the ability to do what you want, but also in relation to another person and in relationships in general.

But her struggle comes down to more than just a selfish desire to be equal with a man. She saves young girls from poverty. In the new apartment he organizes a sewing workshop, hires workers, with whom he shares the profits equally. He not only works with the girls, but also goes on picnics and communicates in important topics. For Vera Pavlovna, it is very important to give happiness to others.

She cannot deceive her husband Lopukhov, when she fell in love with Kirsanova she immediately said so. She is self-sufficient and understands that any outcome will be correct. After all, a woman does not give up sewing and studies the medical profession. After Lopukhov’s “suicide,” she experiences pain and blames herself. But having overcome these feelings, she still remains with her beloved Kirsanov, and later another family appears in the house - Beaumont.

Vera Pavlovna loves music and theater, reads a lot of classical and modern literature. She takes care of her appearance, so she always has a neat appearance and looks feminine. But at the same time she has a strong character and a stable life position. Chernyshevsky, in the image of Vera Pavlovna, combined the features of his wife and the “new women” of that time.

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The image of Vera Pavlovna and its role in the novel by N.G. Chernyshevsky “What to do?”

I. Introduction

Vera Pavlovna is the main character of the novel: it is her biography that is consistently traced by the author, it is with her image that the most important problems of the novel are connected - freedom and equality of women, new morality, the structure of family life, ways to “bring the future closer.”

II. Main part

1. The plot of the novel reflects the spiritual growth of Vera Pavlovna. We first see her in parental home an ordinary girl from a poor but wealthy family who received a good upbringing and education. Vera Pavlovna declares her independence by refusing to marry an unloved person. This is followed by love for Lopukhov and marriage with him, in which Vera Pavlovna feels happy. In the further development of the plot, the heroine discovers broader and more developed needs: she organizes workshops, “releases girls from the basement” - this is her social activity.

In her personal life, Vera Pavlovna also begins to understand herself better and experience dissatisfaction with her relationship with Lopukhov. The consequence of this was love for Kirsanov, in whose marriage Vera Pavlovna found her happiness. By the end of the novel, we see Vera Pavlovna, who is preparing to become a doctor, that is, to receive a purely male specialty at that time.

2. Vera Pavlovna – ordinary “ new person"; she is not a hero like Rakhmetov, but simply a good, decent and smart woman. In her depiction, the author deliberately emphasizes purely human traits and even weaknesses: she loves good cream, is not averse to being pampered in bed in the morning, has a passion for good shoes, etc. By this, Chernyshevsky wants to show that the path that Vera Pavlovna follows is, in principle, open to everyone: to follow it, you do not need any special talents, you do not need to break anything in yourself, etc.

3. At the same time, it is with the image of Vera Pavlovna in the novel that the image of the future that she sees in her fourth dream is connected, which makes her figure especially significant in the ideological world of the novel.

4. The role of the image of Vera Pavlovna in the composition of the novel is the most important, because it is with him that both the plot action and the formulation and solution of the main problems of the novel are connected.

III. Conclusion

So, in the image of Vera Pavlovna Chernyshevsky we will depict a completely new type of woman for Russian literature. She is fundamentally different from the heroines of Russian novels of the first half of the 19th century (Tatiana Larina, Masha Mironova in Pushkin, female images in “Hero of Our Time” by Lermontov, “Turgenev’s girls”, Katerina in “The Thunderstorm” by Ostrovsky, etc.). In the creation of this image, Chernyshevsky’s ideological and artistic innovation was clearly demonstrated.

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Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky is the creator of a work of a special genre - the artistic and journalistic novel “What is to be done?” In it, the writer tried to answer the eternal questions of Russian literature. The dreams of the heroine, Vera Pavlovna, contribute to the revelation of the writer’s plan, since the novel, due to censorship reasons, is written in an allegorical form. The writer, in numerous journalistic digressions, explains his views on others, the role of literature in the formation of public opinion.

Through his activities, Chernyshevsky tried to bring closer the construction of a fair, reasonable system, in which every person could develop his abilities, working for himself and for the state. It is not the writer’s fault that over the centuries many have strived for this utopia. Nikolai Gavrilovich gives specific recipes: what needs to be done to become happy and rich, to build a social formation that would be universally acceptable to everyone.

In the heroine's dreams, the author shows the path of a thinking girl to the heights of professionalism. It should be taken into account that the novel was written at a time when there was no system of female education in Russia. Women were given minor role: keepers of the hearth, educators of children who will be given the opportunity to live in the new world, but mothers, wives, sisters and daughters could not count on more wide circle social activities. Only “crumbs from the master’s table” could a woman pick up.

Chernyshevsky's heroes are new people. They look differently at women and their role in public life. It is no coincidence that Lopukhov gives Vera Pavlovna complete freedom after marriage. He “released her from the basement” of life, now she has the right to choose her own path. She becomes the creator of a women's artel workshop. But soon Vera Pavlovna realizes that this is not the business to which she would like to devote her life. Business in the sewing workshop is well established, it provides a stable income to both the owners and workers who share in the profits, and Vera Pavlovna becomes an assistant to her second husband, doctor Kirsanov. Isn't this a woman's free choice?!

In Vera Pavlovna's dreams, the writer explains or predicts what will follow later in the lives of the heroes or Russia as a whole. Vera Pavlovna's fourth dream is Chernyshevsky's utopian vision of the future fair social order of the country. This is a kind of classic description of the communist structure of the country, towards which Russia subsequently moved over the course of a number of years.

It is not the writer’s fault that his dreams and plans were not allowed to come true. An artist has the right to fiction, and Chernyshevsky won this right with his ascetic activity and life, which he laid on the altar of a wonderful future.

Now, from the height of the 21st century, it is easy to make assessments, judge the past and ancestors, especially since opponents cannot answer. It is easy to blame them for all sins, even their own. But history stores irrefutable evidence that Chernyshevsky subordinated his activities not to self-interest, proprietary interests, career, future glory, but to high service to Russia. He's not so much great writer What a selfless and honest person he is, who managed to live in harmony with himself, and this is not easy and deserves the respect of his descendants.

The first thing that makes you see the essence of the relationship between these people differently and suspect yourself of lack of insight is that Lopukhov leaves medical academy two months before graduation, so that, after getting married, she would free Verochka Rozalskaya from oppression in her parents’ house. And this is the Lopukhov who reasonably and rationally claims that his actions are always guided by benefit!

What does this person understand by the word “benefit” if he is capable of actions that are clearly illogical precisely from the point of view of everyday convenience? This idea allows us to see the relationships between “new people” - and with their help, Chernyshevsky presents human relationships in the novel - from a different perspective...

You begin to understand that a student

Lopukhov, leaving the Academy, really acts in accordance with his own benefit. The whole point is that such deeds are beneficial to a kind and decent person. But it is about Dmitry Lopukhov that Chernyshevsky writes: “These people, like Lopukhov, have magic words that attract every sad, offended creature to them.” It is not difficult to guess that “magic words” are an expression of high properties human soul. Chernyshevsky is sure that the one who truly does good is the one who does not admire himself at this time. This characteristic fits Lopukhov’s personality perfectly.

For Lopukhov, human relationships are not bargaining according to the principle: “You are for me, I am for you,” but a relay race: “You are for me, I am for others.” It is no coincidence that Verochka, without feeling love for Lopukhov, while communicating with him in a friendly manner, immediately perceives this moral principle. Her first dream, in which she frees people from the basement, testifies to this.

Once you feel this main, inherent principle of human relationships, professed by the main characters, you begin to think: maybe it’s not so important how they organize their family life? Specific signs of everyday life change depending on time, but the main thing remains unchanged... For a modern person, it is important to understand the main thing that determines the relationships of the “new people” in the novel “What is to be done?”

The relationships between people are fully revealed when Alexander Kirsanov appears on stage. In many ways he is similar to Lopukhov. Both of them, according to the author, paved their way through breastfeeding, without connections, without acquaintances. Both put a lot of effort into realizing their abilities. And when an insoluble “love triangle” developed in the relationship between Kirsanov, Lopukhov and Vera Pavlovna, both behaved with dignity in a difficult situation.

Kirsanov tried for a long time to give up any relationship with his friend’s wife. But feeling turns out to be stronger than logical constructions, and the heroes of the novel “What is to be done?” We wouldn’t be ourselves if we built our lives only according to the laws of logic, ignoring feelings.

But there are also conditions of everyday life, and everyone decides for themselves how to relate their feelings to them. Kirsanov and Vera Pavlovna cannot unite their lives without first going through a divorce procedure that is humiliating for everyone. Realizing this, Lopukhov takes the only possible step: he decides to leave the stage. He does this, obeying the dictates of that very “benefit” that determines for him human relationships in general and his own actions in particular. And for this benefit, if you strive to transform life, dream of a future in which people will be harmonious and spiritually free, then today you need to be not only educated, hardworking and honest, but also happy, relying in this not so much on fate, but on yourself.

Perhaps someone will think that Lopukhov acted wrongly, someone will approve of his action - this already depends on the code of honor of each of us. Lopukhov behaved as he found necessary: ​​he staged a suicide and gave Vera Pavlovna and Kirsanov the opportunity to be together. He goes abroad and returns to St. Petersburg only when the old feeling has passed.

But the most important thing is that human relationships built on such a moral basis do not seem to Chernyshevsky to be anything out of the ordinary. He directly writes about this in the novel: “I bet that until the last sections of this chapter, Vera Pavlovna, Kirsanov, Lopukhov seemed to the majority of the public to be heroes, persons of the highest nature... No, my friends, it is not they who stand too high, but you who stand too low... At the height at which they stand, all people should stand, can stand.”

The main lesson here is given by the heroes novel "What to do?" Are changing political systems, people’s life aspirations change, but the moral principles of human relations remain unchanged at all times. You can be grateful to a writer who reminds you of this.