Lesson “Night City. Summary of direct educational activities in drawing in the preparatory group on the topic “Evening city” outline of a drawing lesson (preparatory group) on the topic Summary of the lesson city village in the evening prepare

Alesya Keshokova
Abstract open directly educational activities drawing "Evening City"

Summary of open direct educational activities on drawing on the topic: « Evening city»

Author compiler: Keshokova Alesya Anzorovna MADOU MO Krasnodar" Kindergarten No. 176 "PENCIL" Applicable technology: monotype Target: introduce children to the concept "architectural landscape"; learn to convey impressions of the holiday in a drawing - Day cities; consolidate the ability to depict fireworks and houses of different proportions; continue to learn how to use the method "monotype"; develop imagination and creativity. Material: a sheet of dark colored paper folded in half (street and river); gouache of different colors; water; brushes; napkins; signets for images of stars, windows, lanterns, fireworks; illustrations depicting festive cities. Methods: conversation, visual method, monotype method (apply a drawing on one half of the sheet, press the second half to it, carefully smooth it in different directions and unfold it). Preliminary Job: Participation in the celebration of the Day cities. Visiting a children's park, hanging out at the stadium with parents. Participation in competitions, observation festive fireworks. Examination of books, albums, photographic reproductions with images evening village. Examination of paintings by F. Vasiliev "Village Landscapes"; I. Levitan "Sloboda", "Village in Winter"; A. Savrasov "Sunset over the swamp", « Evening» .

Progress of the lesson: Music is playing Educator: Artistic word:

« Cities»

There is a special charm in the night cities –

Cities, both great and small.

These are light squares on dark houses.

These are the headlights of belated cars.

These are the diamonds of the night lanterns,

Reflecting on the silk of the avenue -

Cities! You conquered me with your

The secret of the solar-lunar spectrum.

Guys, what a holiday we recently had in our city, what is it called? Children: Holiday Day cities. Educator: What do you remember most about celebrating the Day? cities? Children: Performances dance ensembles. - Performances by children and adults on horseback. - Children's attractions: swings, carousels. - Trampoline. Educator: Yes, the holiday left many vivid impressions in everyone’s memory city ​​dweller. Educator: Do you remember how the holiday ended? Children: fireworks, fireworks. Educator: Yes, the holiday ended with fireworks. What were the fireworks like? Children: On multi-colored balls, magic fountains. Sparkling baths. Shiny lights. Educator: Have any of you watched the fireworks reflected in the water? Guys, water in a river and even in a puddle has an amazing ability to reflect nearby objects. At night during fireworks, this can be observed in the best possible way. (The teacher invites the children to go to the art studio.) Educator: Notice how many paints, brushes, and stamps there are in the studio.

We ended up in a miracle studio,

They took paints and stamps.

Let's be together paint

AND decorate the city. Educator: Guys, I offer you draw memorable holiday. Drawing (its half, or part) drawn on a sheet of paper near the fold line. When folding a sheet in half, we get almost the same imprint on its other part. You can make such drawings on pre-tinted paper or simply on a white sheet. Your drawing will be located at the top of the sheet. A wide variety of paints should be used. First, you need to draw the streets cities and then home. To make your drawings beautiful, you can use stamps in the shape of an asterisk, snowflake, or rectangle. (at drawing house windows, festive fireworks). Educator: Now let's play. And then we'll start paint. Gymnastics with movements" City, in which we live"

Children perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

We walk down the street, Floors in houses we think:

One floor, two floors - Our two-story house.

We walk along the boulevard, Linden and maple trees we think:

One, two, three, four, five... It's hard for us to count them.

Let's hurry up, speed up, We'll approach the transition.

We approached the traffic light, the red light blinked us: "Wait!" Now the yellow light has gone out,

Green - lets us through.

Children sit down and draw while festive music plays softly. Educator: When the drawing is complete, carefully fold the paper in half, slowly, smooth it out, and then open it. (The teacher, together with the children, examines the resulting drawings.) Educator: Look how festive the picture is city ​​reflected in the water. Water is like a mirror; stars and the moon, trees and houses are reflected in it. Now we will arrange our work in two rows. What do you think we did? Children: - We did it city. Educator:- What can you say which city? Children: - Festive, beautiful, unusual, elegant. Educator:- Really, the city turned out to be beautiful, festive. All houses, trees, fireworks are made with love. Unique architectural landscape opens before us when you look at the night city ​​from a distance. We will display your work on the stand. Let the holiday in the drawings please both adults and children. Let everyone know that our small Motherland is the best.

Reflection: Well done! You have all done your job, and I am confident that city Calmness and kindness will always reign. It is also necessary to note friendship and mutual assistance during work.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of direct educational activities “Our city Volodarsk” (senior group) Goal: to continue to introduce people to their hometown, generalizing and expanding knowledge about it, to form a love for their hometown, interest in it, and to enrich it.

Summary of direct educational activities on drawing “Snowflake” in the middle group Educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development”. Snowflake theme. Performed by the teacher of the MB preschool educational institution DS “Scarlet Flower” Knyazeva.

Summary of GCD in preparatory group"We love our city." Goal: to activate and generalize children’s accumulated knowledge about attractions.

Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group “Our city is wonderful with you” Goal: To develop children’s interest in their small homeland, about people of different professions who work for the benefit of the city, and the development of creativity.

Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group “My city is my small Motherland” Goal: to form elementary ideas of pupils about their small Motherland - the city of Samara. Tasks. 1. Expand children’s understanding of the concept.

Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group

Drawing. "Forests of our Motherland"
Program content
Learn to convey the characteristic features of different tree species, arrange trees in a drawing in such a way as to create a picture of a forest.
Methodology for conducting the lesson
Recall with the children what types of trees they saw in the forest, ask who wants to draw what, what features they noticed in different trees (thickness and height of trunks, their color, location of branches, color of foliage or needles). Offer to tell how certain trees grow in the forest - some often, close to each other (fir trees), others separately, at some distance (birches, oaks). Remember that there are clearings in the forest.
Suggest to first outline the tree trunks, find places where to place them “in the forest”, then draw the branches, crown and, finally, bushes, flowers, grass. To say that the trunks should be outlined with a pencil, the rest should be painted immediately with paints. As you complete the drawing, make sure that the entire sheet is filled out.
When the work is completed, invite the children to talk about their drawings.
Preparation for class
Show children paintings by artists depicting various forests. Talk with children about the fact that our country is rich in forests, that various trees grow in the middle zone, in the south and in the north. Tell them that forests are being protected and new, young forests are being planted. If possible, it is good to involve children’s experience and observations.

Application. "New area of ​​the city"
Program content
Teach children to create a simple composition using appliqué. Strengthen the ability to place images of buildings in different ways in space. Learn to beautifully select the colors of images, complement the composition with characteristic details (trees, benches, etc.). Practice neat cutting and pasting.
Methodology for conducting the lesson
Talk with the children about what the new area of ​​the city looks like and what buildings are there. Invite the children to think about how they will depict the new area, how tall the houses will be, how to cut them out, and how to arrange them on the sheet. Choose paper for cutting out houses so that the work turns out beautiful in color. As you create the picture (cutting out and pasting houses), recall what else may be in the new area (trees, benches, shops, cars); Allow those who have time to cut and paste some additional items.
At the end of the lesson, display the work on the board and ask them to choose the most interesting ones. Call the children and ask them to explain why they think a new area has been drawn.
Those who do not have time to finish the picture are allowed to do it in their free time.
Preparation for class
On walks and excursions, observe the construction of new buildings. Tell the children how many buildings are being built (in the city, in the village where the children live), what a big construction is going on throughout our country. Select illustrations with images modern buildings, a new area of ​​the city, consider them with children, leave them for a while in a group room.
Prepare sets of colored paper in soft tones (for depicting houses) and brighter ones (for individual details); paper the size of two sheets of paper, scissors, glue.
The lesson can be carried out as a group activity, then children cut out and glue together details of individual images (for example, windows, doors and the roof of a house), and then all the buildings are placed on a large sheet, creating collective composition. You can agree with the children who will cut out residential buildings and who will cut out the store, kindergarten or cinema.
The teacher’s task is also to consolidate the ability to participate in the creation of a collective composition, the ability to find a place for one’s work among others.
Application (collective). Decorative composition with flowers and birds
Program content
Teach children to cut out parts for group work, find a place for their work in general composition, take into account the combination of colors, shape, size. To cultivate aesthetic perception, a sense of composition, color, and artistic taste. s--—
Methods for conducting classes
Consider with the children various decorative compositions, clarify the location of individual elements, possible options, agree on what composition the children will create, who will cut out birds, and who will cut out flowers, leaves, etc. Explain that you need to not only cut out the main part, but also decorate the flower , cutting out the middle, individual petals, tendrils, choosing the colors well, or sticking slightly smaller petals of a darker or lighter shade of the same color onto large petals.
For birds, cut out separate wings, separate feathers for the wings, tail, crest of a different shade, etc. As the parts are ready, invite the children to stick them on, discuss with each person the place of his work in the overall composition, taking into account the size, shape and color of the cut out flowers, leaves, birds .
Preparation for class
Prepare a large sheet of paper for the general composition, pre-painted in a light golden color (it is important that the sheet is covered evenly with color). To do this, you need to pin the sheet with pins to a horizontal plane so that it does not curl, and with quick movements from top to bottom, to the end, use a large swab dipped in paint to cover the sheet with color. The tampon does not need to be wrung out, it must be saturated with paint; covering the sheet with a wrung-out swab will cause streaks to appear.
Select for examination folk decorative compositions consisting of flowers and birds (Ukrainian painting, Gorodets, etc.).
Cut out flowers and birds can be additionally painted (then small details are not pasted on), for example: apply plumage to the image of a bird, designate wings, tail, eyes, beak; Apply darker or lighter contours of the petals and light tendrils onto the smooth background of the flowers. It is better to do this before creating a collective composition, then it is easier to determine its color structure: after all, painting can change the original background either towards lightening or towards darkening parts of the composition. Children will not be able to cut out and paint in one lesson, so you can allocate two classes for this work: in one, children cut out one main part, in the second they paint it, and then, in their free time, paste it onto a common sheet.
Drawing. "Town (village) in the evening"
Program content
Teach children to convey a picture of an evening city, its color scheme: houses are lighter than the night sky, multi-colored lights glow in the windows.
Strengthen the ability to formulate a plan compositionally, accordingly arranging images on a sheet of paper.
Methodology for conducting the lesson
Invite the children to remember what the city is like in the evening, what the houses look like. Remind about the variety of houses in proportions and location.

At the end of the lesson, look at the drawings, discuss with the children why it is clear that evening has come, which of the children did it better.
Preparation for class
Ask parents to show their children the evening city. Carry out such an observation in the garden. Select and review appropriate illustrations with the children; leave them in the group room for a while.
Prepare dark paper, watercolor, gouache.
Modeling of decorative plates
Program content
Teach children to create decorative designs on clay plates and master a new working technique.
Methodology for conducting the lesson
Show the children how to apply a 1-2 cm layer of clay onto a cardboard or board, smooth it out by wetting your finger with water. Explain and show how to apply a drawing with a pointed stick of stacks; the background around the picture can be compressed, then the picture will be convex. Explain that an unsuccessful drawing can be erased and a new one applied.
Those who have time will be given the opportunity to make drawings on two plates. Place the finished plates on the tables and examine them, select drawings of different content and arrangement. Agree on subsequent coloring of them.
Preparation for class
Prepare cardboard or planks measuring 10x15 cm, clay, and stacks. Select photographs of antique tiles or other decorative compositions with simple images.
You can not spread the clay, but make clay plates 3-4 cm thick, smooth the surface and apply a pattern on them in a stack; Make holes in the upper corners of the plate so that the dried plate can be hung on the wall.
If the kindergarten has a kiln for firing clay products (muffle), you need to burn the plates and then paint them.
Drawing based on the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”
Program content
Teach children to convey in a drawing the content of an episode of a familiar fairy tale: the interaction of characters, the movement of figures, the environment. Strengthen the ability to arrange a drawing on a sheet in accordance with the content of a given episode.
Methodology for conducting the lesson
Recall with the children the main episodes of the fairy tale. Invite them to think and quietly tell the teacher what episode from a fairy tale everyone would like to draw

Vat. Suggest that the children start drawing, and when they finish and put the drawings on the board, they will have to guess who drew what. Remind them that they need to take paper depending on what episode they will be drawing. During the lesson, encourage children to more fully reflect the selected episode of the fairy tale, asking them to remember some details (for example, the tent that stands on the shore, where Ivanushka is waiting for the princess, etc.). Monitor the drawing technique.
Preparation for class
Select books with illustrations for fairy tales, a picture of a whale.
On the eve of the lesson, it is necessary to remember the content of the fairy tale, individual episodes that children can depict, re-read them (for example, a mare flies over the forests, over the mountains with Ivanushka on her back; or Ivanushka is about to jump into the cauldron, and everyone is standing and watching; or Ivanushka grabs the Fire- a bird by the tail; or a miracle fish-whale lies across the sea, on its back at home; or a whale releases ships from its mouth, etc.).
Invite the children to think about who wants to draw what, write down the episodes that the children name. Then talk to some children individually about how they will draw what they have planned. Help them identify what can complement the drawing well.
Prepare watercolor paints, whitewash, gouache, a simple graphite pencil, paper in soft colored tones.
Such work is advisable in all cases when drawing (or modeling) based on fairy tales is offered and the children themselves determine the content of the drawing (sculpting). Children's stories based on their drawings can be transferred to a lesson on speech development.
Drawing with colored pencils on the theme “Our dear army”
Program content
Strengthen the ability to reflect impressions of the surrounding life in a drawing, using images from a poem. Exercise the ability to convey the figures of people in motion, the features of clothing in accordance with their affiliation with certain branches of the military. Learn to think through the composition of a drawing and the sequence of its execution. To cultivate respect and love for the soldiers of the Soviet Army.
Methodology for conducting the lesson
Ask the children what holiday our country will soon celebrate (Soviet Army Day), what the children know about our army, what types of troops there are, how they are characterized, invite the children to tell what the Soviet Army does in times of peace. Recall poems with the children, ask two or three children to read them. Find out what they say. Invite the children to draw a picture about the Soviet Army, about one particular branch of the military (whoever wants which one, which one he knows more about). Remind children what to do first

Think about where and what everyone will draw, where they will start. During the lesson, remind about the techniques of drawing with a simple pencil (do not press it too hard, do not draw small details with it, do not paint over it), about the techniques of carefully painting with colored pencils. Direct attention to a more precise description of the images in the drawing: the transfer of movements, clothing of soldiers, sailors, etc.
When finished, put all the drawings on the board and examine them. You can invite the children to talk about their drawings by calling 5-6 people to the board.
Preparation for class
During native language classes, children learn poems about the Soviet Army, listen to stories about parades, and how young soldiers learn to defend our Motherland. The teacher emphasizes in the conversation that our state strives for world peace.
Prepare white paper, colored pencils, and a simple graphite pencil.
Drawing with paints. "Colors of the Rainbow"
Program content
To consolidate the ability to create pictures of the surrounding life in drawings, to express in color the nature of a particular phenomenon based on poetic images of a poem. Learn to select paper for a drawing of the desired format and size in accordance with the plan, think through the sequence of drawing.
Methodology for conducting the lesson
One of the children, at the direction of the teacher, stands up and reads the first stanza of the poem “Colors of the Rainbow”; the second one stands behind him and reads the second stanza, etc., until the end of the poem. Then everyone starts drawing. The content of the drawing is chosen by everyone and thought out in advance. Children do the drawing on their own, but if anyone has a question or doubt, he consults with the teacher; Sometimes the teacher, going around the group, can give advice without the child’s request. But it is best to give children the opportunity to draw on their own, think, remember, and evaluate their work as they complete it. Whoever thinks he has finished the drawing raises his hand. The teacher advises to add or improve something or puts a drawing on the stand.
When all the children have finished drawing, again several children (not those who read the poems at the beginning of the lesson) come to the stand and say stanzas of the poem one after another, pointing to the drawings of one color or another.
Preparation for class
This activity is preceded by a number of others in which children become familiar with the colors of the rainbow and draw them. Then the children learn V. Tovarkov’s poem “Colors of the Rainbow” (from the book “The Little Deer”). The first two stanzas are omitted (they are good to use when children are learning the order of the colors in the rainbow).
Children learn and take turns reading the following lines in class:

The standard bearer is red, There is no brighter color in the world. This is the May dawn, These are the flags of October.
The color orange is fire, don’t touch this color with your hand!
Yellow is its neighbor
This is the color of the harvest.
The color green is the color of spring, It is the favorite color of plants.
If there are no clouds in the sky,
The color of the sky is blue.
IN blue color We can see Height and depth.
Violet-colored mountain ridges at dawn. White is the color of winter, On white paper we painted Our sky, Our distances with a thin brush.
In speech development classes, when children become familiar with poems and learn them by heart, the teacher talks about their content: finds out whether everything is clear to the children, whether they understand everything clearly, talks about how to convey a harvest in a drawing, what blue depth is , explains to children that clouds before a thunderstorm are purple, and not just mountain ridges. It’s good if the teacher selects and shows the children reproductions of paintings and illustrations in which the children will clearly see color images and feel them.
Each child is asked to choose what color he will draw and tell what he intends to depict and how. On small pieces of paper, children can outline what they will draw where. Before drawing, children should have clear ideas and a clear idea of ​​the drawing that everyone will complete. You can also think about the size and shape of the paper in advance to prepare for class. It is good to discuss with the children in what order they will complete the drawing.
Children prepare their own watercolor paints and everything they need for painting during the lesson.
After such preparation, the lesson is successful: the children are busy from the first minute, they know what they will have to do, they are calm, organized, collected, and draw with pleasure. Colorful drawings bring them joy. This kind of long-term preparation for a lesson can be practiced from time to time in a school preparatory group.
Drawing with paints “All year round”
Program content
Independently find content to depict the characteristic features of a particular month (optional), select suitable colors, arrange images well on the sheet, use various techniques when working with paints.

Methodology for conducting the lesson
The lesson begins with reading Marshak’s poem “January” from the book “All Year Round.” Then the children, when called by the teacher, name the months in order, one after another, and recall the corresponding verses along the way. Everyone chooses which month they want to draw about and remembers what the poem says about it. When talking with children, it is necessary to ask what agricultural work is typical for a particular month. So, in April in the middle zone, plowing and sowing begin, in July - haymaking, in August the harvesting of grain is completed, and in September - the collection of vegetables and fruits. Children can reflect all this in their drawings. Before starting work, the teacher says: “Think about where you will start and in what sequence you will do the drawing, what shade of paper you need (children choose the one they need from the one laid out on the table), what paints you will need first.” Then he reminds you how to cover large surfaces with thinly diluted paint: the sky, grass, ground.
Upon completion, all drawings are placed on the stand in order of the months of the year and examined. Their discussion should be short, since the children have done difficult work, are tired, and the lesson may drag on. You should only pay attention to the selection of colors, the filling of the sheet, and the overall expressiveness of the drawing. It is better to transfer a detailed discussion of what is depicted to a lesson on speech development and getting to know the environment.
Preparation for the lesson
Throughout the year, children become familiar with various natural phenomena, the sequence of months in the year, their names and main features, and also learn poems about the seasons and months. Observations of changes in nature are organized with children. A few days before the drawing lesson, you should have a final conversation, clarifying the characteristic features of each month and its typical agricultural work, and recall poems about the months. At the end of the conversation, you need to invite everyone to think about what month they will draw and what they want to depict.
Prepare large sheets of colored paper in soft shades (for the background), watercolors, white gouache, brushes of two sizes.
Conversation with children based on the paintings “Forest in Winter”
Program content
Introduce children to the image winter forest in various paintings and illustrations and with descriptions of the same phenomena in verse. Bring children to understand different ways of depiction and means of expression.
Methodology for conducting the lesson
The paintings are placed one at a time on an easel in front of the children. The children look at them in silence for a few seconds, then the teacher reads poetry and conducts a conversation.
The first to be shown is a picture from the book “Native Pictures”, drawings by P. Basmanov.
The teacher reads poems by I. Surikov:
White snow, fluffy, And in the morning snow
The air is spinning, the field has turned white,
And it’s quiet on the ground, like a shroud
Falls, lies down. Everything dressed him.
The dark forest covered itself with a wonderful hat and fell asleep under it, soundly, soundly...
“Let’s see,” she turns to the children, “what did the artist depict?” The children say that a field and a forest are drawn, this is winter. “Everything is covered in snow,” the teacher clarifies, “and here it’s close, in the clearing, and far away it’s all snow, snow and snow. What can you see in the distance? The children say that this is a forest. “He’s covered in snow and barely visible. Now look at the sky: how light it is, a little blue. Silence. Everything seems to be asleep. Who did you notice in this picture who is not sleeping?” The children answer: “Bunny, magpie.” The teacher continues: “The artist showed that life goes on in the forest even in winter. Look carefully: is the snow painted only in white?” Children find that the snow is painted bluish. “What other colors are there in this picture?” - “Light yellow, light purple, greenish, gray, white.” - “You see, all the colors are light. And the magpie stands out sharply with its dark plumage against the white snow.”
The second picture from the book “Tales of a Trapper” by V. Bianchi, drawings by A. Rylov.
“In the first picture we were in a clearing, and the forest was visible in the distance. And in this picture we are in the forest. Who can say anything about this picture? Children see Christmas trees in the snow and snow on the ground; A fox ran out onto the road, and a squirrel was sitting on a log. “The road goes deep into the forest,” says the teacher, “and the forest is dark and dense. What color did you eat in winter? - “Dark green, dark brown.” - “And the sky is yellow, and the tops of the trees in the distance are lilac-pinkish. There are dark blue shadows on the snow. It’s likely that evening will come soon,” the teacher clarifies, “that’s why the sky is yellowish and the shadows on the snow are dark. Look carefully: did the artist completely paint all the trees?” The children notice that the artist did not draw the tops of the trees. They are so big that they didn't fit.
The third picture from the book “Snow and Snow”, drawings by G. Nikolsky.
The teacher reads poems by S. Yesenin:
Bewitched by the invisible, The horse gallops, there is a lot of space,
The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep. The snow is falling and the shawl is spreading.
Like a white scarf, an endless road
The pine tree has tied itself up... It runs away like a ribbon into the distance.
“Look, do you think the weather is calm or windy?” - asks the teacher. The children say that from the bent trees you can see how hard the wind is blowing and driving the snow, it’s a blizzard. A man is riding a horse. It is difficult for him to travel: the wind and snow interfere. “Have you noticed how dark the sky is?” - “The whole sky is in clouds.”
The fourth picture from the book “Forest Rustle”, drawings by Ya. Krestovsky. “Now look at this picture. What is drawn here? What is this dark thing?” The children say that the tree stumps are drawn, covered with snow, like large caps. “They also look like mushrooms with thick legs. It's snowing here. And look,” the teacher continues, “what bright blue shadows are in the snow.” Do you think the artist painted on a sunny day or on a cloudy one?” The children answer that when it’s sunny: the snow shines, it’s bright white, that’s why the shadows are so bright and blue. “Do you think the artist painted from afar or saw everything up close?” “He came close and even saw footprints in the snow. It was some kind of animal running by.” — “Why else can you guess that the artist painted at a close distance?” “Only the lower parts of the trunks were visible to him from the tall trees.”
The fifth picture from the book “Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn” by E. Trutneva, drawings by S. Kupriyanov.
The teacher shows the picture and asks: “Who can tell me about this picture?” Lucy: “Winter. Forest. Everything is covered with snow. Recently there was heavy snowfall. There is a thick layer of snow on every branch. Everything is illuminated by the sun. This is visible because the sunlight lies on the snow, on the birch trunk. The sky is light, sometimes yellow, sometimes blue, sometimes purple. The trees are both thick, so that the tops are not visible, and thin. There are fir trees in the distance and birch trees ahead.”
In conclusion, the teacher says: “You and I looked at the pictures different artists. Each of them depicted the forest in his own way: one painted it in the distance (remember the first picture?), and the other seemed to have entered the forest and saw animals there; the third artist painted only their traces. In some paintings the weather is good, the sun is shining, while in others there are clouds and snowing. We will also paint the forest in winter. Everyone can think about what they will draw and what they will talk about in their picture.”
Conversation on paintings (reproductions from artists’ paintings) on the topic “Early Spring”
Program content
Teach children to carefully examine pictures, talk about their content, see and understand means of expression, which the artist uses, to feel the beauty of the work of art.
Methodology for conducting the lesson
Children are shown reproductions of A. Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived” and I. Levitan’s painting “Spring—Big Water.” A conversation is held: “Children, tell me what time of year is depicted in these paintings?” — “Spring.” — “Early or late spring?” — “Early.” — “Let's look at this picture. How did the artist show early spring in his painting?” - “The snow is dirty, there are thawed patches. The rooks have arrived.”— “Yes, the rooks arrive at the end of March. How did the artist paint the rooks, what are they doing?” — “Rooks repair old nests and build new ones.” — “What trees do rooks like to build nests on?” - “On the birches.” - “That’s right. The artist painted a group of birches. On their tops are rooks' nests. What kind of sky did the artist paint?” — “Blue and a little yellowish.” — “The artist Savrasov painted a spring day in the town. The whole picture is filled with the fresh breath of spring. We see darkened snow with thawed patches. Light shadows slide across the ground. Restless rooks are busy around their nests. What can you call this picture? - "Spring. Early spring. Thawed patches appeared. The snow is melting.”— “The artist Savrasov called his painting “The Rooks Have Arrived.” Did he name it well? - “Okay.” - “But here is a painting by another artist - Levitan. He called it “Spring - Big Water.” Why did he call her that?” - “Because the birches are in the water, the river has overflowed. The water flooded the banks.” — “That’s right, Levitan depicted a flood. What weather is shown in the picture? - “Sunny day.” - “Why do you think it’s a sunny day?” - “The artist painted a blue-blue sky, light clouds are floating across it, and the water is also blue and transparent: all the trees are visible in it.” - “The painting depicts a bright, sunny day. The blue sky is reflected in the water, making it appear blue. And the trees turned golden from the sunlight. Shadows fall from them.
You saw today how artists showed signs of early spring in their paintings in different ways. And now let’s remember the poet A. Pleshcheev’s poem about spring:
The snow is already melting, streams are running, Spring is blowing through the window... The nightingales will soon whistle, And the forest will be dressed in leaves!
The blue of the sky is pure, the sun has become warmer and brighter, the time of evil blizzards and storms has passed again for a long time.
Look carefully at the paintings again and think about how you would paint early spring.”
When children draw on the theme “Spring has come,” it is necessary to remind them that they looked at the artists’ paintings on this topic, to emphasize that the artists reflected spring in different, beautiful ways, everyone found some interesting moment. Invite the children to think about what they will draw. Finished drawings should be exhibited in a group, examined, noted their diversity, interesting finds, aesthetic qualities: color scheme, composition. After this, again consider reproductions from paintings by artists, the means of expression they used to convey the image of spring.

Current page: 5 (book has 11 pages total) [available reading passage: 8 pages]


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Lesson 12. Drawing from life “Rowan Branch”

Program content. To develop the ability to convey the characteristic features of nature: the shape of parts, the structure of branches and leaves, their color. Strengthen the ability to beautifully arrange an image on a sheet. Practice painting with watercolors. Strengthen different techniques of painting with a brush (all bristles and ends). Learn to compare drawings with nature, achieve greater accuracy of the image.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Examine a rowan branch with the children, clarify its features, activating the children. Invite them to think about how best to arrange the image on the sheet. Learn techniques for working with watercolors.

At the end of the work, review all the drawings with the children and offer to select best works and decorate the room with them kindergarten. When analyzing children's works, seek a detailed justification for the choice of a particular drawing.

Materials. Beautiful branch with a small number of branches. White paper, slightly smaller than A4, watercolor paints, brushes.

Observing autumn phenomena in nature, looking at bushes and trees colored in autumn. Application on this topic.

Lesson option. Drawing from life “Indoor plant”

Program content. Teach children to convey in a drawing the characteristic features of a plant (structure and direction of the stem, leaves), the shape of a flower pot. Develop the ability to see tonal relationships (light and dark places) and convey them in the drawing, increasing or decreasing the pressure on the pencil. Develop small hand movements (when depicting small parts of a plant). To develop the ability to regulate the drawing movement by force, to successfully position the image on the sheet.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Consider and examine with the children the houseplant offered as a natural one (asparagus, tradescantia), activating the children, calling them to show the direction of the stems and the shape of the pot at the board.

Ask the children if all parts of the plant are the same in color, offer to mark where they are lighter and where they are darker; clarify how this can be conveyed in a drawing only with a simple graphite pencil. If the children do not answer, show how different pressure on the pencil conveys the tone (lighter, darker).

Hang all the finished drawings on the board and examine them with the children. When analyzing works, note the drawings that correctly convey the character of the plant and tonal relationships; the image is well located on the sheet.

Materials. Houseplant (asparagus, tradescantia). Landscape sheets, simple graphite and colored pencils.

Connections with other educational areas. Examination of different indoor plants, comparison, clarification characteristic features. Plant care.

Lesson 13. Application “Vase with fruits, branches and flowers” ​​(decorative composition)

Program content. Strengthen children's ability to cut out symmetrical objects from paper folded in half. Develop visual control over hand actions. Learn to beautifully arrange an image on a sheet, look for the best option, select images by color. Cultivate artistic taste.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Tell the children what they will create today beautiful paintings, cutting and pasting vases, and then flowers, vegetables, fruits. Ask them to remember how to cut out vases. Say that in the first lesson each child should cut out 2-3 vases of different shapes, and then in another lesson cut out branches, flowers, vegetables, fruits, arrange and arrange them in vases so that it is beautiful.

"Dressy apron"

Yulia K., preparatory group

Invite each child to think and decide what color paper he will use for the background. Help you choose the right color for the background paper for the vases.

At the end of the lesson, select the best works with the children and hang them in the group room or lobby.

Materials. Sheets of paper in soft tones, colored paper of different shades, scissors, glue.

Connections with other educational areas. Conversation about still life, looking at reproductions of paintings. Examination of vases with flowers and branches decorating a group room or hall.

Lesson 14. Modeling “Girl Playing Ball”

Program content. Strengthen the ability to sculpt a human figure in motion (raised, outstretched arms, etc.), conveying the shape and proportions of body parts. Practice using different sculpting techniques. Strengthen the ability to place a figure on a stand.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. With the children, look at any girl from the group with a ball in her hands, in different poses; clarify the proportions of the body and its parts.

Invite children to remember modeling techniques. Explain that the sculpted figure will need to be placed on a stand.

At the end of the work, examine with the children all the sculpted figures and choose the most expressive ones.

Materials. Plasticine (clay), boards for modeling, stands for sculpted figures.

Connections with other educational areas. Observations on a walk of children playing ball. Examination of small sculptures.

Lesson option. Sculpting a human figure in motion

Program content. Teach children to convey the relative size of the parts of a person’s figure and changes in their position when moving (running, working, dancing, etc.). Learn to sculpt a figure from a whole piece of clay. Strengthen the ability to firmly install a figure on a stand.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. With children, examine sculptures made of clay and porcelain depicting a person in motion. Show these poses on children.

Take a lump of clay and show the children how to shape it to get the entire shape from one piece.

Tell the children about the sequence of actions, invite them to repeat what should be sculpted after what, and then start sculpting. Each child chooses the pose of the figure independently.

Materials. Porcelain or ceramic figurines depicting people in motion. Clay, stacks, boards for modeling.

Connections with other educational areas. Observing the movements of children while walking and playing. Examination of small sculptures.

Lesson 15. Drawing “Dad (mom) walks with his child in the park (down the street)”

Program content. Strengthen the ability to draw a human figure, convey the relative size of a child and an adult. Learn to arrange images on a sheet of paper in accordance with the content of the picture. Practice drawing an outline with a simple pencil and then coloring it in with colored pencils.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Remind children of the proportions of the figures of an adult and a child, their ratio in size. (The teacher shows the proportions and relationships on himself, taking a child by the hand.)

Clarify with the children the sequence of work: the figures must first be drawn with a simple pencil, and then carefully painted over. Direct children's attention to using different pressure on the pencil when painting.

When examining and evaluating works, draw children’s attention to the transfer of the ratio of figures in size, to the technique of drawing.

Note. It is important to direct children’s attention to a creative solution to the topic: you can draw mom, dad, and children. You can also offer to create an illustration for S. Mikhalkov’s work “Uncle Styopa,” but the program tasks remain the same (instead of an adult and a child, children draw an ordinary person and Uncle Styopa).

Materials. A4 paper, plain graphite and colored pencils.

Connections with other educational areas. Observations during walks and excursions. Examination of illustrations in children's books.

Lesson 16. Modeling “Cockerel with his family” (based on the story by K. D. Ushinsky)

(collective composition)

Program content. Teach children to create, through collective efforts, a simple scene from sculpted figures. Strengthen the ability to sculpt a rooster, hens, chicks. Achieve greater accuracy in conveying the basic shape and characteristic details. To develop the ability to collectively think about the placement of birds on a stand.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Remind the children that in the summer at the dacha they saw hens, roosters, and chicks. Briefly recall the content of the story by K. D. Ushinsky “Cockerel with his family.”

Invite children to think about who should be sculpted and how; decide who will sculpt which birds. While working, pay attention to the clear transmission of shape, parts, proportions, etc.

Children place the sculpted figures on a common stand.

Materials. Stand for collective composition. Clay or plasticine, stacks, boards for modeling.

Connections with other educational areas. Reading and retelling the story by K.D. Ushinsky "Cockerel with his family." Conversations about summer impressions, about poultry.

Lesson 17 Drawing “City (village) in the evening”

Program content. Teach children to convey in a drawing a picture of an evening city, color scheme: houses are lighter than the night air, multi-colored lights are burning in the windows. Strengthen the ability to draw up your plan, compositionally arrange the image on the sheet. Develop aesthetic feelings (colors, compositions). Learn to evaluate an expressive solution to a topic.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Invite children to remember what the city is like in the evening: how it is lit, what the houses look like. Discuss the color scheme of the drawing. Remind about the variety of houses (proportions, location on the street). Invite the guys to get to work.

When analyzing finished works, direct children’s attention to the choice of drawings that are interesting in composition (houses of different proportions, successfully placed on the sheet), in color (the flavor of the evening city is expressively conveyed).

Materials. Dark paper, watercolors, gouache, brushes.

Connections with other educational areas. Recommendation for parents to watch with their children the picture of the evening city. Looking at illustrations.

Program content. Teach children to decorate a sheet of paper with a large branch with curls (a typical main element in painting decorative items). Learn to use various familiar elements (flowers, leaves, berries, arches, small curls) to decorate branches. Develop multidirectional movements, ease of turning the hand, smoothness, unity of movements, spatial orientation on the sheet (decorating a branch with elements on the left and right). Develop a sense of composition. Continue learning to analyze drawings.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Show the children on the board 2-3 options for drawing a curl branch with a smooth, continuous movement (horizontally, vertically, diagonally). Then invite all the children to show this drawing movement with their hand in the air. Suggest that you first practice drawing a curl branch on paper (prepare halves of landscape sheets in advance). When the child gets a curl, give a sheet of paper on which to draw the drawing.

Place all the finished drawings on the board, invite the children to choose smoothly drawn and beautifully decorated curls, and explain their choice. Ask a child to compare the selected drawing with his own, note what is better in his drawing and what is better in the drawing of a friend.

Materials. Simple graphite and colored pencils, strips of paper (20 × 10 cm).

Connections with other educational areas. Examination of folk patterns.

Lesson 19. Drawing “Late Autumn”

Program content. Teach children to convey in a drawing the landscape of late autumn, its color (the absence of bright colors in nature). Learn to use different materials to create an expressive drawing: gouache, colored wax crayons, a simple graphite pencil. Form an idea of ​​neutral colors (black, white, dark gray, light gray), learn to use these colors when creating a picture of late autumn. Develop aesthetic feelings.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Remember with the children, asking them questions, what is typical for late autumn (it rains, sometimes snows, the leaves have almost flown off, the trees have darkened, they bend from the strong wind, they often move across the sky dark clouds). Talk with the guys about using different materials in drawing. Offer to start drawing.

At the end of the work, look at the drawings with the children and choose the most expressive ones, where it is immediately clear that late autumn is drawn. Make a border from children's drawings and hang it in the lobby.

Materials. Landscape sheets, colored wax crayons (if the kindergarten does not have them, you can offer other materials: a simple graphite pencil, watercolor paints, gouache of different colors, whitewash).

Connections with other educational areas. Observations on walks, memorizing poems about autumn. Examination of reproductions of paintings and illustrations (emphasizing the varied solutions to the plot and color).

Lesson 20. Drawing according to plan “Draw what was the most interesting this month”

Program content. Teach children to select the most interesting ones from the impressions they receive; develop the desire to display these impressions in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to draw with pencils and paints. Learn to express your idea most fully through drawing, and bring what you start to the end. Develop imagination.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. A few days before the lesson, talk individually or with small groups of children about interesting things in their lives. Think with the guys about how you can draw it.

"Parsley dances at the festival"

Nikita D., preparatory group

During the lesson, help those who find it difficult to choose a topic. Direct children's attention to the most complete solution to the plan.

At the end of the work, hang all the drawings on the board and ask the children to tell about the most interesting images.

Materials. A simple graphite pencil, watercolor paints, white or light-colored paper (to choose from) A4 format.

Connections with other educational areas. For a month, track the most interesting events in the lives of children in kindergarten, at home (conversations with children, parents) in order to know well what each child can be reminded of if it is difficult for him to choose a topic; sometimes discuss how beautiful it would be to draw it.

Lesson 21. Drawing “We are going to a holiday with flags and flowers”

Program content. Learn to express impressions of the holiday, draw figures of children in motion (the child is walking, raised his hand with a flag, etc.). Strengthen the ability to convey the proportions of the human figure. Continue learning to draw the outlines of the main parts with a simple pencil and color them beautifully with colored pencils. Learn to convey festive flavor in a drawing. Guide them to find a good arrangement of shapes on the sheet. Develop aesthetic feelings (colors, compositions).

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Remind children what a walking child looks like, look at children standing with their hands raised, holding flags and flowers. Clarify the proportions of the human body.

During the lesson, it is easy to remind you of the need to draw with a simple pencil, only the main parts, without drawing the details. Make sure to carefully color the pictures. If necessary, invite one of the children to remind the others of the rules for painting. Encourage children to convey the festive flavor: everything is bright and elegant.

When analyzing children's works, invite the children to note interesting drawings that convey a colorful picture of the holiday.

Materials. Landscape sheet, simple graphite and colored pencils.

Connections with other educational areas. Observations of children's movements in music and physical education classes. Conversations about the holiday. Examination of illustrations depicting children in motion.

Lesson option (for kindergarten in rural areas). Drawing “Harvest Festival in our village”

Program content. Teach children to convey holiday impressions: dressed-up people, decorated houses, cars carrying harvests. Strengthen the ability to successfully arrange images on a sheet of paper and convey the human figure in motion.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Remember with the children how the harvest festival took place in the village, what a joyful mood everyone was in.

Talk with the guys about who plans to draw what picture about the holiday. Remind that the images should be placed throughout the entire sheet and invite them to start working. Encourage interesting additions.

Review all the drawings with the children, highlighting their diversity and beauty.

Materials. White or colored paper in soft tones, size slightly larger than A4, gouache paints, brushes.

Connections with other educational areas. A tour of a festively decorated village, looking at illustrations, talking about the holiday.

Lesson 22. Application “Festive round dance”

Program content. Teach children to make an image of a person from appliqué parts, to find a place for their work among others. When gluing figures onto a common sheet, learn to select images that match well in color. Develop a sense of composition and color.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, clarify children’s ideas about the shape of parts of clothing and the human body, their location, and remember cutting techniques.

Invite the children to choose bright paper to cut out elegant dresses - then the round dance will turn out beautiful.

Each child cuts out and glues one figure in an elegant dress, then a collective composition is made from the figures.

Materials. A large sheet of paper for a collective composition, colored paper, scissors, glue.

Connections with other educational areas. Dances and round dances on music lessons, leisure evenings, in everyday life and on holidays.

Lesson 23. Application “Fish in the Aquarium”

Program content. Teach children to cut out silhouettes of simple-shaped objects by eye. Develop hand-eye coordination. Learn to pre-prepare pieces of paper of the required size for cutting out images. Learn to achieve a distinct form. Develop a sense of composition.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Clarify with the children the shape of the fish’s body, invite each child to trace the outline of the fish (toy), then draw the outline in the air, looking at the toy and explaining which part it represents.

Then remind you that in the process of cutting out fish you need to carefully monitor how the scissors cut. Suggest choosing paper for the fish in beautiful colors and shades that go well with the background.

Materials. A4 paper in pale blue, pale green or lilac (optional) for an aquarium, paper of different colors and shades, scissors, glue.

Connections with other educational areas. Observations in a corner of nature, caring for fish.

Lesson 24. Lesson “Drawing illustrations for the fairy tale by D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Gray Neck””

Program content. Develop an interest in creating illustrations for literary work. Develop the ability to choose an episode that you would like to convey in a drawing; create images of a fairy tale (a forest, a forest clearing, a river and its banks; birds gathering in flocks flying in the sky; a fox, hares, hunters, Gray Neck). Strengthen the techniques of drawing with paints, painting over a picture with a brush, sanguine; use a simple pencil for sketches when drawing complex figures (fox, hunter, etc.). Arouse interest in the drawings, a desire to look at them, and talk about them.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Start the lesson with a conversation with the children: “Do you remember the fairy tale “The Gray Neck” that was recently read to you? Who wrote this fairy tale? The Russian writer Mamin-Sibiryak loved nature very much, observed its phenomena, the life and habits of animals and birds. Let me remind you how the writer describes in a fairy tale the birds getting ready to fly to warmer climes: “The first autumn cold, from which the grass turned yellow, brought all the birds into great alarm. Everyone began to prepare for the long journey, and everyone had such a serious, worried look. Yes, it’s not easy to fly over a space of several thousand miles...”

You can also read the following passage: “The cold autumn wind tore off the dried leaves and carried them away. The sky was often covered with heavy clouds, dropping light autumn rain. In general, there was little good, and for many days already flocks of migratory birds rushed past ... "

After reading these or other passages from the fairy tale, invite the children to remember why the Gray Neck duck could not fly away with her flock; tell what happened before the hunter appeared, what Gray Neck did, how the fox behaved, how the duck met the bunny and other episodes. If children find it difficult to describe the events of a fairy tale, you can again resort to reading the lines in which the author describes the course of events. For example: “It was in the morning. The hare jumped out of his lair to feed and play with other hares. The frost was healthy, the hares warmed themselves by tapping their paws on their paws. Although it’s cold, it’s still more fun.” Or from the scene near the hole with the fox: “I missed you, duck... Come out here, if you don’t want to, I’ll come to you myself... I’m not arrogant. And the fox began to crawl carefully along the ice towards the ice hole. Gray Neck's heart sank. But the fox could not get close to the water itself, because the ice there was still very thin.”

You should not read a lot at the beginning of class. You can read some excerpts from the fairy tale while the children are creating pictures to recall the images of the fairy tale. In conclusion introductory conversation ask the children how this story ended.

Invite the children to start drawing. Approach each child, observe the work, help in case of difficulties, give advice. If one of the children needs to clarify their ideas about the objects and phenomena depicted, he can look at the illustrations prepared in advance on the teacher’s table.

Place the finished drawings on the board or spread them out on moved tables. Consider them with the children, note the most expressive solutions (the duck is well drawn, how the fox crawls carefully is conveyed, real winter is depicted, etc.). Invite the children to talk about their drawings. You can make a book out of children's drawings and put it in the book corner.

Note. A lesson on the theme of this fairy tale can be done in another way: invite children to create a collective composition in the form of a panorama. One subgroup of children depicts a forest (winter or autumn). Another subgroup draws the horizontal part of the panorama: the river and its banks. The characters of the fairy tale (ducks getting ready to fly away, Gray Neck, hares, a fox, a hunter) are sculpted by children of the third subgroup. The sculpted figures are placed in a panorama. The created composition should be reviewed and discussed with the children.

Materials. Landscape sheets (or slightly larger paper), gouache paints, watercolors, sanguine, palettes, brushes.

Connections with other educational areas. Reading a fairy tale by D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak “Grey Neck”, conversation based on the fairy tale.

Efremova Oksana Vyacheslavovna

"Night city" - grattage.

IN preparatory group

When children study draw and know that there are special techniques that can be used to resolve difficulties in drawing, the joy of creativity becomes more accessible.

So I decided to show and tell about it unconventional method "grattage"to my students.

"I'm about I'll tell you grattage,

It arouses interest.

You're like a magician with a scratch,

Drawing the whole world miracles. "

1. The children actively decorate with colored wax crayons on thick paper.

2. Rub the background with a candle

3. Cover the sheet with black gouache to which dishwashing liquid was added.

When the work has dried, children scratch it with a wooden skewer or pen rod.

In their works, children show knowledge of how they depict in the foreground and how draw in the distance.

For children this technique brought a lot of joy, watching with amazement how bright lines and strokes appeared on the graphite-black background, requiring strong pressure on the visual instrument. In the works you can see what pressure was applied when scratching.

Bottom line works:

Develops in the child a sense of consistency, attention, and perseverance.

They feel more relaxed and bolder.

Creates a cheerful, working mood in children.

Publications on the topic:


Summary of a lesson on artistic creativity in the senior group. Unconventional painting technique “Herringbone” Objectives: *Teach children to convey the impression of New Year's holiday, create the image of an elegant Christmas tree using non-traditional ones.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the preparatory school group “Reflection in water.” Unconventional drawing technique Summary of a drawing lesson in a preparatory school group. Topic of the lesson: “Reflection in water” Purpose and objectives of the lesson: 1. Developmental.

Summary of a lesson in the senior group on the topic “non-traditional drawing techniques” (painting with glue) “The Scarlet Flower” Completed by the teacher.

Today I introduced my children to unconventional technology drawing. Compound word GRATTAGE, they haven’t remembered yet, but it’s a matter of time.

Hello dear colleagues! We have many competitions in our garden. visual arts, we always try to participate and surprise.

Non-traditional drawing technique - drawing with napkins Non-traditional drawing allows you not to limit the manifestation of your creative abilities.

Currently, the so-called non-traditional or non-classical technique is very popular among children, parents and teachers.

Svetlana Lobanova
Thematic week “My City” in the preparatory group


Individual work on speech development with Ariadna Vika Andrey, target

Games: sedentary "It flies - it doesn't fly"

Didactic "Who works in our city target: fostering respect for the work of adults.

Conversation “My native Krasnoyarsk”

Consideration (target) Introduce relatives city, its historical past and present; cultivate a sense of respect for distant ancestors.

N/T "Water indoor flowers". Target: to enrich children's experience in caring for flowers: Water properly...Develop curiosity. Foster a sense of responsibility.


G Morning exercises 1-2 week of November(card file)

P/D Assignments/duty washing dollhouse clothes: target: to foster responsibility for the work started.

S/GKN Development of self-education skills, formation of KGN, etiquette at the table Develop a habit. Dress and undress quickly, hang clothes to dry after a walk.

Cognitive development

yavl. O. and. Volchkova V.N. 112 "Memorable places of the native cities» Target: continue to introduce children to the attractions. native cities: talk about the defenders of the Fatherland, introduce the monuments of Krasnoyarsk; cultivate patriotic feelings and love for the Motherland.


10.40 -11.10 Plasticineography « City» Target:Introduce children to the technique of plasticineography; teach children to create an image by smearing and smearing one element onto another; develop empathy, cultivate a desire to help a hero who is in trouble.

Physical culture

Penzulaeva L. I. s. 32№28


N Observation The teacher brings the children to the pedestrian part of the road and conducts a conversation. Where should pedestrians walk? (On the sidewalks.) You need to stick to the right side so as not to stumble, collide, or go around oncoming people, turning to the side. You need to walk along the street at a calm pace. Cross the road only when the traffic light is green and at a pedestrian crossing. The teacher leads the children to the transition. How did you know that this is where there is a pedestrian crossing across the road? That's right, there's a sign here "Pedestrian crossing" and wide white stripes are drawn on the road.

HS Artistic word Must remember pedestrian: There are traffic lights - Obey them without arguing! Yellow light - warning: Wait for the signal to move. Green light opened the road: Guys can cross! Red light for us speaks: - Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed! Be careful on the street, children, remember these rules firmly!

And educational games "Count to Ten" Count to ten, saying, for example, one snowflake, two snowflakes, three snowflakes (tree, house, star, etc.)

About Experiences "Steam is also water"

target: introducing children to some properties of water.

Target: Continue to work together.

Exercise: Development of movements. Target: strengthen the skills of throwing objects at a distance

Individual work to consolidate ATS

Outdoor games: "Chauffeurs". Goals: learn to come up with various actions and depict them; talk about imaginary events.

Independent activities - games at the request of children


Hardening procedures, gymnastics

Finger gymnastics

Gymnastics after sleep with elements of massage are performed while sitting on the bed. (Card index) "Sunny bunnies".

Exercises for the eyes.

Articulation gymnastics (Card index)

H Reading, storytelling

"Patch", N. Nosov

And board-printed games Lotto, Puzzles.

Walking Games P/n "Sleeping Fox"- develop the ability to change the direction of movement on a signal, develop coordination of movements, dexterity.

S/R Story-role-playing game

M/T Musical and theatrical activities/ dramatization Rhythmoplastics group according to the leader’s plan

life safety "How to behave in public places"

Artistically creative activity:

Independent activities - games at the request of children

Working with parents Invite parents to participate with their child in the competition "Frames for Mommy"


Morning Include children in the general work routine, create a cheerful mood

Individual work Develop the ability to examine and describe a toy. _Senya, Gleb, Slava.

Games: sedentary "Say it the other way around"

Didactic "I'll start, you continue", target: generalization of knowledge about attractions cities.

Conversation "Why are houses built of bricks"

Consideration (target) Target: expand children’s knowledge about houses and their construction.

Observation and work in a corner of nature Target: Expand children’s knowledge about the needs of plants for light and moisture, teach how to recognize moisture-loving and drought-resistant, light-loving and shade-tolerant plants by their leaves.

Independent activities - games at the request of children

Morning exercises 1-2 week of November(card file)

Assignments/duties in a corner of nature, target: clarify children’s knowledge about caring for indoor plants (watering, loosening the soil).

S/GKN Development of self-education skills, formation of CGN, etiquette at the table to develop the ability to organize game interaction, negotiate with game partners.

Cognitive development


Pomoraeva I. A

S 55, No. 5 Target: Learn to form the number 8 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers; strengthen counting skills in forward and reverse order within 15; practice measuring the length of objects using a conventional measure; develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a square.

Drawing by T. S. Komarov. 47№17 " City(Village) In the evening" Target: Teach children to convey a picture of the evening in a drawing cities, color coloring: the house is brighter than the night air, multi-colored lights are burning in the windows. Strengthen the ability to draw up your plan, compositionally arrange the image on the sheet. Develop aesthetic feelings (colors, compositions). Learn to evaluate an expressive solution to a topic.

Music According to the music plan. employee.

Walk Relieve tension, provide tone for physical and mental development

Watching the Christmas tree. The spruce looks like a pyramid, all its branches are covered with needles growing instead of leaves; they are short, sharp, prickly, dark green in color. Spruce needles are covered with dense skin, sit densely and firmly on the branches, stick out in different directions, and do not fall off if you touch them. At the end of autumn, the trees remain without leaves, and the spruce remains green. The spruce branches are short at the top, long at the bottom, and covered with short green needles. She green in winter and in summer. And the Christmas tree smells

Artistic word

Two large pine trees stood side by side, And between them a Christmas tree grew, Two pine trees covered the girlfriend, So that the winds wouldn’t break the top, So that the Christmas tree would be beautiful.

Didactic games D/i “When does this happen? – systematize knowledge about the seasons and their signs.

Experiments "Water and Snow" Target: - experimentally consolidate in children the knowledge that water has different states.

Labor Shoveling snow to the roots of trees.

Exercise: Balance exercise

Target: teach how to run up and down a hill

Individual work to consolidate the ATS Rodion, Andrey, Gleb.

Outdoor games: "Fishing rod"

Independent activities - games at the request of children


Hardening procedures, gymnastics

Finger game " "Friendship",».

"Bugs" (Card index)

Articulation gymnastics (Card index)

Reading, storytelling

“Together it’s cramped, apart it’s boring”, K. Ushinsky

Board-printed games Puzzles

Walking Games: active, creative, directorial, constructive didactic

k\i "The buildings of our cities» .

di "Name it correctly".

Target: develop observation and attention of children; learn group objects for some reason.

S/R Story-role-playing game "Family"

M/T Musical and theatrical activities/ dramatization Independent activities in theater corner: dramatization of favorite fairy tales - develop artistry, cultivate friendly relationships.

life safety "How to behave on the streets cities» Target: to enrich children’s experience in dangerous life situations.

H/T Artistically Creative activity: Napkin applique "Fairytale House"

Games in play areas at the request of children.

R/R Work with parents Distribute payment receipts to parents and remind them that payment must be made by November 20.


Morning Include children in the general work routine, create a cheerful mood "I give you a smile"

Target: morning of joyful meetings.

Individual work Kolya, Slava Senya. Target: consolidation of skills to classify objects.

Games: sedentary "Edible - inedible". Target: develop attention, dexterity, and endurance in children. Cultivate interest in joint games.

Didactic "On the Paths of Words"- consolidate the ability to highlight sounds at the beginning and end of a word.

Conversation "My city, Divnogorsk"

Consideration (target) enriching children with new knowledge about their native city.

Observation and work in a corner of nature Introduce children to a thermometer, a device used to measure air temperature. Tell me how it's done. Expand children's understanding of the world around them.

Independent activities - games at the request of children

Morning exercises 1-2 week of November(card file)

Assignments/duties Canteen duty - to develop the ability to interact in the process of joint work activities: distribute responsibilities, negotiate among themselves

S/GKN Development of self-education skills, formation of CGN, etiquette at the table Continue to develop an understanding of the importance of work for others. Learn to solve problem situations, find the most suitable option with the help of a teacher.

OD 9.00–9.30

Literacy teaching Varentsova N. S. No. 10 Target: Mastering the sound analysis of words; determine the length of words and make a graphic representation of them. Improving the ability to select words with a given sound.

Cognitive development

Volchkova V.N. 115 "People who glorified our city» Target: introduce you to the pride of our cities - poets, prose writers, musicians, artists; cultivate a sense of respect for talented Divnogorsk residents; encourage the desire to learn in such a way as to further glorify one’s city.

Physical culture

(on the street)

Penzulaeva L. I

Target: Strengthen running skills while overcoming obstacles. would stop at a signal; repeat game exercises in practice and with the ball.

Walk Relieve tension, provide tone for physical and mental development

Bird watching. Find out which birds remain for the winter, observe which of them flies to the feeder. Draw the attention of children that it is becoming increasingly difficult for birds to obtain food; discuss how you can help.

Literary word Poem by O. G. Zykova "Tits":

Oh, and cunning birds, Yellow-breasted tits. Only in very cold weather these birds are friends with the woodpecker. Well, in the summer all tits

They can feed themselves.

Didactic games "The Third Wheel" (birds) Target: - consolidate children’s knowledge about the diversity of birds.

Experiments to prove to children that air does not have a specific shape, spreads in all directions and has no odor of its own; - develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships based on elementary experimentation.

Labor shoveling snow to the flower beds, “so that the flowers don’t freeze”.

Exercise: Running with side steps, with jumps

Individual work to strengthen the ATS Vika, Slava, Artem, Sasha F. Running with side steps, with hops

Outdoor games: "Empty Space" (OD – run)

Independent activities - games at the request of children


Hardening procedures, gymnastics: invigorating, finger, for the eyes, breathing. Corrective (flat feet, scoliosis, psycho-gymnastics

Gymnastics complex after sleep "Watch" (Card index)

Exercises for the eyes.

Articulation gymnastics (Card index)

Finger games "Walk"

Reading, storytelling

"About Boys and Girls", S. Marshak

Printed board games Lotto "Letters and numbers"

Games: active, creative, directorial, constructive didactic

P/n "Fishing rod"- develop agility and reaction speed

Di "Wonderful bag"

Target: teach children to identify objects by touch.

TV\u "Lacing".

Story-based role-playing game

Musical and theatrical activities/ dramatization Club work "Visiting a fairy tale". Lobanova S. Yu.

Life Safety Review of illustrations on the rules of safe behavior in the yard - teach children to identify potential dangers in their environment and avoid them.

Artistically creative activity:

Independent activities - games at the request of children

Working with parents Individual conversation with Rodion’s mother about behavior.


Morning Include children in the general work routine, create a cheerful mood

Individual paper design work – Rodion, Danil, Lisa K. Target: Enrich children's experience in folding paper correctly. Develop fine motor skills.

Games: sedentary "Curious Varvara"

Didactic "My day".

Target: talk about your daily routine, teach how to explain and prove your point of view

Conversation Sights city ​​of Divnogorsk

Consideration (target) target: formation of ideas about the native city.

Observation and work in a corner of nature

Mark the weather on the calendar with those on duty.

Independent activity - games at the request of children. Teach children to make structures from building materials according to diagrams, three-dimensional images, and develop spatial perception.

Morning exercises 1-2 week of November(card file)

Assignments/duties Duty for classes - teach children to select handouts, count out the required amount of materials for the lesson, lay them out on the work tables; cultivate responsibility and hard work.

S/GKN Development of self-education skills, formation of KGN, etiquette at the table Cultivate neatness, careful attitude towards personal belongings, the things of a friend, a culture of behavior in the locker room.

OD 9.00–9.30

Cognitive development


Pomoraeva I. A S 58, No. 6

Target: Learn to form the number 9 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers; improve counting skills within 20; practice measuring the height of objects using a conventional measure; continue to develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a square.


"The street of our cities» Target: Learn to depict in a drawing various houses and buildings located on one side of the street; strengthen technical skills and abilities; exercise the ability to independently choose means of expression using traditional and unconventional methods painting; learn to place the image over the entire surface of the sheet, determining the location of individual objects.

According to the plan of the music. employee.


Pigeon watching. Even among ancient people, the dove was considered a symbol of peace and friendship. A bird of rare beauty, it is very easy to habituate and quickly becomes attached to a person. "But the pigeon has another quality - it is an excellent postman. Man has long noticed the natural ability of the pigeon to find its nest, its home even at long distances. Do you know that wild pigeons are listed in the Red Book? There are almost no wild pigeons left in nature, The wild pigeon is not found in our area either.

HS Artistic word

Naughty boy

In a gray army jacket

Snooping around the yard

Collects crumbs. (Sparrow.) Who flies, who chirps -

Does he want to tell us something? (Magpie.)

Didactic games "Vice versa" Target: develop children's intelligence and quick thinking. The teacher names a word, and the children must name the opposite (in a circle with a ball).

Experiments Compare the pigeon and woodpecker.

Labor Shoveling snow into a specific location to build ice figures.

Target: learn to work together, achieve goals through common efforts.

Exercise: Development of movements.

Goals: improve techniques for throwing objects at a horizontal target.

Individual work to consolidate ATS Masha, Senya, Gleb.

Outdoor games: "We are funny guys", "Entertainers".

Target: learn to clearly speak the text in the game, follow the rules of the game.

S/D Independent activity - games at the request of children


Z/G Hardening procedures, gymnastics: invigorating, finger, for the eyes, breathing. Corrective (flat feet, scoliosis, psycho-gymnastics Complex of gymnastics after sleep "Bugs" (Card index)

Articulation gymnastics (Card index)

Breathing exercise "Cat".

Finger game: “Who lives in my apartment?”

Reading, storytelling

"Flu", "Graft", A. Barto

Printed board games Adventure game "Journey through city»

Games: active, creative, directorial, constructive didactic

P/n "Dodgeball"- develop agility and reaction speed in ball games.

Di "Pick a Pair". Improve the ability to select pairs of objects that match a given characteristic (long - short, fluffy - smooth, warm - cold).

S/R Story-role-playing game "Library"- teach how to convey the labor actions of a librarian in the game.

M/T Musical and theatrical activities/ dramatization "Quiz on Russian folk tales".

Target: remember Russians with children folk tales, their name and content.

life safety “How to behave during an excursion”

Artistically creative activity:

Coloring coloring pages "Family", "House".

R/R Work with parents Conversation with the Samusev family about printing out coloring books for children.


Morning Include children in the general work routine, create a cheerful mood

Individual work “Call it in one word”Target: activate generalized words in speech. Danil, Rodion, Andrey, Kolya.

Games: sedentary “Who knows more polite words?”

Target: practice children in pronunciation of polite words, activate vocabulary on this topic.

Didactic “When does this happen?”

Target: develop children’s ability to navigate the parts of the day.

Conversation "In what city ​​you live in (Oatmeal)

Consideration (target) Target: To form children’s ideas about their native village.

Observation and work in a corner of nature Watering flowers.

Target: learn to work together, achieve the completion of a task through joint efforts.

Independent activities - games at the request of children

Morning exercises 1-2 week of November(card file)

Assignments/duties "Book Repair".

Target: teach children to glue books, use glue and scissors correctly.

S/GKN Development of self-education skills, formation of KGN, etiquette at the table Continue to teach children to turn out front side sweater and shirt. Learn to politely ask for help from peers

OD 9.00 – 9.30

Speech development

Gerbova V. V. 31№5 Writing a story "That's the story".

Target. Continue to teach children to compose stories from personal experience. Then he listens to the story of the first child. Notes a good start or, conversely, says that the story would benefit if it started something like this (offers options).

Move: The teacher asks whether the children have completed their homework.

Physical culture

Penzulaeva L. I. 34 No. 29

Target: Exercise children in walking while changing the direction of movement; jumping over a short rope; throwing the ball to each other; crawling on a gymnastic bench on all fours with a bag on his back.


Observation Invite children to watch the snow, how it beautifully and quietly falls to the ground. Look at the snowflakes that have fallen on dark mittens or gloves. They are all different – ​​needle-like and beautiful. Take off your mittens and watch the snowflakes melt, so the snow turns into water

HS Artistic word

The white blanket was not made by hand. It was not woven or cut, it fell from the sky to the ground. (Snow.) He is always busy with work, He cannot go in vain. He goes and paints white everything he sees on the way. (Snow.)

Didactic games “What is she like, snowflake?” Invite children to describe the snowflake (beautiful, cold, white)

Experiments “What is snow made of?”, target: developing the ability to look at snowflakes through a magnifying glass and make conclusions.

Labor Collecting snow into a pile to build a slide. Target: Continue to work together.

Exercise: Jumping on one leg.

Target: - develop a sense of balance.

Individual work to consolidate the ATS Dana, Vika, Sasha F.

Outdoor games: "Proteins in cells" (OD – run) unlearning Target: - develop attention and speed of reaction.

Independent activities - games at the request of children


Hardening procedures, gymnastics: invigorating, finger, for the eyes, breathing. Corrective (flat feet, scoliosis, psycho-gymnastics.

Finger game "family".

Gymnastics complex after sleep "Bugs" (Card index).

Exercises for the eyes.

Articulation gymnastics (Card index)

Reading, storytelling

Memorizing a poem "If I were a girl", E. Uspenskaya

Printed board games “Determine what is missing” Target: develop thinking, the ability to analyze objects and find commonalities.

Games: active, creative, directorial, constructive didactic

D/i “Who is missing” (domestic animals)– develop observation skills, consolidate the names of the house. animals.

k\i "Fairytale houses made of cubes" Target: evoke an emotional attitude towards the building, develop artistic taste and imagination

P\i life safety « "Guide" Target: develop a sense of responsibility for another person.

S/R Story-role-playing game "Drivers" Goals: teach children to distribute roles and act according to the role they have assumed.

M/T Musical and theatrical activities/ dramatization Showing films of an educational nature. "Little Raccoon" Target: the cartoon Little Raccoon will show children how to be friends correctly and where friendship begins.

life safety “Caution, ice!”

Artistically creative activity:

Modeling "Family mascot"

Independent activity – games at the request of children; games at the request of children in play areas.

Working with parents

Conversation with parents to participate in the competition "frames for mommy"