The best rock bands in Russia: list, names. The best rock vocalists of all time Pop groups of all time

The role of hired poets and composers in the creation of rock compositions is, of course, important, but most of the hits were written by the members of rock bands themselves. This is how such hits as Smoke on the Water or Stairway to Heaven appeared, those songs that make up the collection of world masterpieces of music in general. The importance of producers, record labels, and music equipment manufacturers is that they help bring art to the masses and provide rock bands with new instruments. But the main thing actors, ensuring the progress of rock music, the emergence of new directions, writing songs that become masterpieces, are themselves.

Rock stars: basic information about rock musicians

Our site tells about the lives of those who stood at the origins of rock and the modern successors of the work of Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley. Here you will learn the biography and various interesting facts about the idols of millions and the musicians who remain in the background. It contains materials about vocalists and guitarists who have always been considered the main ones in almost any rock band, as well as about representatives of the rhythm section who changed the sound of rock and created great songs. Here you will find out what they do besides writing songs and touring in support of new albums. The veil will be lifted for you, hiding from everyone what they live musicians and even the most famous ones.

You can help in the development of the project by telling your friends and acquaintances about it (for example, by sharing a link to the resource through your accounts in social networks) who are into rock and roll, rock, metal, punk or alternative, especially the classic period of rock (until the late seventies). Although the site contains interesting materials about rock idols of a later period.

Every year dozens of musical groups appear that preach rock. Many of them, having achieved popularity, gather thousands of fans at concerts and sell their CDs in enviable quantities. True, only a few such teams become truly legendary. We present to your attention our top. It's called "The Best Rock Bands of All Time."


Among the best rock bands of the XX-XXI centuries, the musicians from Nirvana have deservedly earned the right to be in this top. The team appeared in the late 80s in Seattle. And wide popularity came to him in 1991. That is, when a landmark album called “Smells Like Teen Spirit” appeared on the shelves of music stores. Thanks to him, the group managed to change the face of music itself, creating a completely new musical style. It's about grunge. Thus, Nirvana became not just another formation preaching rock, but a real symbol of the generation, and the leader of the group, Kurt Cobain, became its voice. In 1994, Cobain committed suicide and the group ceased operations. But Nirvana's albums are still very popular. In total, the group recorded three studio releases. All of them sold in huge quantities.


One of the best rock bands of all time is the British band Queen. It appeared in the late 60s. The group never followed musical trends or certain stylistic standards. Queen's finest hour was the release of the album A Night at the Opera. It was released in 1975, after which the team received truly cult status. In subsequent years, the group boldly continued to experiment, creating controversial compositions and albums. Some of the most significant releases at this time were “The Works”, “Innuendo”, etc. In general, the group’s creative portfolio includes 16 studio releases.

8. Black Sabbath

The Birmingham band Black Sabbath is rightfully among the outstanding rock bands that are timeless. After all, it was this formation that, at a minimum, became the founder of such a style as “heavy metal” and, thus, had a great influence on further development all rock music. Black Sabbath was formed in the late 60s. Ten of the band's releases were in the top ten of British chats. By 2000, the total circulation of the group’s records had already approached 70 million. In 2011, the group decided to reunite with the original lineup and two years later recorded new album"13", conducting a large-scale world tour.


Pink Floyd is not only one of the best rock bands of all time, but also one of the most influential in the entire history of world music. The formation was created in the mid-60s in the capital of Great Britain. Quite bold musical experiments, philosophical texts and grandiose shows have become the Floyd's signature style. Over time, the group became the real embodiment of all psychedelia in music. The band's epoch-making record is "The Dark Side Of The Moon", dated 1973. For fifteen years it was included in the top 200 best releases in the United States. Pink Floyd released 15 studio albums, the circulation of which exceeded 300 million copies.


The Doors were formed in 1965 in Los Angeles. The group was a symbol of the era of the late 60s and produced a mountain of compositions with deep lyrics. The debut album immediately became a bestseller. She is still considered one of the best and most interesting in the world of rock. In 1971, after the death of Jim Morrison, the band virtually ceased to exist. Overall, The Doors released nine studio releases. At the moment, their total circulation is 100 million pieces. The group's discs are still in enviable demand and therefore the fact that “The Doors” appeared in the top of the best rock bands of all time is, in our opinion, self-evident and more than justified.


This British quartet, which appeared in the late 60s, brought together four unique musicians with enormous creative potential. In almost one decade of existence, the group released ten studio records (circulation - more than 300 million copies). Moreover, all of them, without exception, had platinum status. And the composition “Stairway to Heaven” is still considered one of the most popular in the whole world. The well-deserved fifth place in the top of the best rock music-oriented bands of all time seems to be more than deserved.

4.Deep Purple

The Deep Purple quintet still exists and for its fans is not only a real “living legend”, but also the best and most influential rock band, whose compositions are already considered “imperishable”. Pen sharks and music experts highly appreciate the group's contribution to the development of hard rock and progressive music. Deep Purple was formed in 1968 in England. The members of the “classical” composition of this formation are rightfully recognized as virtuoso instrumentalists. The band's musical portfolio includes the magnificent live album "Made in Japan" and the legendary rock anthem "Smoke on the Water".


The American-British band “The Jimi Hendrix Experience” appeared in the mid-60s. The soul of this musical formation was Jimi Hendrix. It was he who managed to create a whole direction in rock. Both on stage and in the studio, he constantly experimented with his favorite instrument. This has never happened before in rock music. Therefore, he is rightfully considered the “God of Guitar”, and his team is “the best rock band of all time”. And although the band, before Hendrix’s death, managed to release only three studio records, all of them eventually became “classics”, which are still sold in enormous quantities.


The Rolling Stones appeared in the capital of Foggy Albion at the very beginning of 1962. Until now, it is considered the best and greatest “fatal” formation, which is not subject to time. In terms of the number of fans and popularity, the Stones can only compete with The Beatles. The team has released more than two dozen studio records. Of these, at one time, eight releases in a row were recognized as No. 1 worldwide. The group became a global star when the single was released, called “Satisfaction”. He stayed at the top of American chats for four weeks.

Russian rock is a controversial cultural phenomenon, but at the same time this genre remains interesting and rich in talent. Moreover, it is dynamic. Fans are delighted with new and already favorite songs from numerous Russian rock bands. The list of them is constantly updated. Let's talk about the most talented and popular musicians. Let's remember the best rock bands in Russia, trace the main milestones of their work, and also understand their genre.

The birth of Russian rock

It all started in the 60s of the twentieth century. Then domestic bands began to appear, playing in the manner of the foreign Beatles, Rolling Stones and Beach Boys. Rock and roll was born, albeit different from the canonical one, adjusted to Soviet realities, but already real, our own, domestic.

Rock was forbidden. But the first alternative musical groups tried at all costs to convey to fans the motives of their work. These were the groups “Slavs”, “Skomorokhi”, “Falcon”. A little later, the Integral team arose, which became widely known in the 70s. In 1968, the group The Kids was formed - the future famous “Time Machine”.

1970s: rock under pressure

This decade was perhaps the most difficult in the history of the genre. Officially, heavy music was banned; the management did not favor it; during this period, they tried their best not to stand out; many chose the path of least resistance - education and work within the limits of what was permitted.

But even then, many groups were not afraid to work according to the canons of their chosen genre, although they were forced to be “underground”. During these years, “Time Machine” recorded music quietly, at night, in the speech studio of GITIS. But new group“Resurrection,” due to its lighter sound, sometimes performs at concerts, and “Leap Summer” is working on recording its first magnetic album.

In the early 70s, Aquarium appeared. At the end of the decade, such groups as “Magnetic Band”, “Picnic” and “Autograph” emerged.

“Thaw” and persecution of the 80s

In 1981, the first rock club opened in St. Petersburg. This event meant a lot for the music of those years, because now alternative bands could come out of the “underground”. However, freedom did not last long: two years later, heavy music was again banned. This time the rockers were called parasites, and real persecution began.

After another two years, rock became legal again. A rock laboratory was then opened in Moscow - a special organization designed to regulate the activities of groups and performers playing heavy music. By this time, “Kino”, “Alice”, “AuktYon”, “Bravo”, “Nautilus Pompilius”, “DDT” were formed.

90s: truly Russian rock

The last decade of the twentieth century was the beginning of freedom. In the 90s, the first Russian rock bands appeared on the stage. The list of bands in the new state playing exclusively heavy music was truly impressive: “Agatha Christie”, “Nogu cramped!”, “Semantic hallucinations”, “Mumiy Troll”, “7B”, “Spleen”, “Zemfira” and many others.

This decade was also significant in terms of style. Russian music has been enriched by punk, alternative, power and symphonic metal, grunge, emo and rapcore. Representatives of each of these trends worked within the chosen style, their music was largely typical, and new trends always came to Russia from the West.

Heavy music in the new millennium

Almost all styles that existed in the 90s of the last century have passed into the present century. Many bands formed in the new millennium have returned to the sounds of metal and alternative of the 80s. This does not mean that they play out-of-date music, it can only be regarded as nostalgia for the lost romance of a bygone era. Perhaps the desire of the musicians to return to rock the ability to protest, to make it as rebellious as it was at the very beginning of its history also plays a role.

Today, there are a huge number of bands and performers who have chosen the path of heavy music. Modern audiences like Jane Air, Animal Jazz, Murakami, Pilot, Louna and other Russian rock bands. This list can be replenished indefinitely, because every fan of the genre has his own favorites. In addition, the mastodons, masters of the Russian alternative movement, still exist, and to this day they delight fans with new albums. And we can only wish them longevity, strength and creative inspiration.

Russia: list

Making ratings objectively is always very difficult. And the point is not that one fan of the genre likes one thing, while another likes something completely different. Just how to evaluate the contribution of this or that group to the musical heritage? How to determine that one did more and the other less? What should be considered the standard?

That's why we've put together a simple list rather than a ranking or top 10. It lists the most famous rock bands in Russia. These musicians have done a lot for the development of alternative culture, which is why they have earned the love of their loyal listeners. There are no better ones on this list, and no one squeezed their way into it. Everyone here is truly meaningful. And if someone is not mentioned in it, you can blame the limited time, the volume of the article and the resources of human memory.

So, the most popular rock bands in Russia, list:

  • "Time Machine";
  • "Picnic";
  • "Nautilus Pompilius";
  • "Agatha Christie";
  • "Alice";
  • "Bi-2";
  • "Spleen";
  • "Mumiy Troll";
  • "DDT";
  • "Civil defense";
  • "Movie";
  • "Leningrad";
  • "Crematorium";
  • "Gaza Strip";
  • "The King and the Jester";
  • "Moral Code";
  • "Aria";
  • "Naive";
  • “My leg cramped!”;
  • "Kipelov";
  • "Kukryniksy";
  • "Gorky Park";
  • "Night Snipers";
  • "Pilot";
  • "Earring";
  • “Cockroaches!”;
  • "Chizh and Co";
  • "Chaif";
  • "Lyapis Trubetskoy."

We remembered the best teams. Now let us briefly characterize their genre affiliation.

Good old heavy metal

The genre initially separated from hard rock in Britain. This happened in the 1970s, and the origins of the style were the famous group Black Sabbath. Heavy metal entered the USSR a decade later, but due to the illegality of the rock movement in the 80s, it began to actively develop only a few years later. The pioneers were such groups as “Black Coffee”, “Legion”, “Black Obelisk” and “Aria”. And it was thanks to the latter group that heavy metal remained popular for a very long time.

How did Aria’s ascent to the star Olympus begin? The idea of ​​​​creating a band that would play serious heavy music came to Vladimir Kholstinin, who initially played in the Alfa group. The musician found a like-minded person in the person of bass guitarist Alik Granovsky. In fact, the material for recording the album was already ready, but the new band did not have a vocalist. It was a member of the former VIA “Leisya, Song” Valery Kipelov. The name “Aria” was proposed spontaneously, but all the group members really liked it. But, as the musicians’ managers noted at the time, there was simply no hidden subtext.

The history of the team was in many ways difficult. Like many other famous rock bands in Russia and abroad, Aria experienced splits, upheavals and moments of glory. But at the same time, as is sung in the song of their famous colleagues Manowar, its participants were ready to give their lives for metal and always remained devoted to music.

The most famous punks

Punk separated itself from rock and roll and garage rock. In the USA and Great Britain its first representatives were The Ramones and Sex Pistols, and in Russia - the Automatic Satisfaction group, formed in 1979 in St. Petersburg. By the way, the name appeared precisely under the impression of the work of the British team Sex Pistols and was a simple free translation. It is also interesting that at the St. Petersburg apartment buildings, together with the group “Automatic Satisfiers” in different times future participants of “Kino” performed. And even Viktor Tsoi himself.

Later, other prominent representatives appeared on the punk scene - “Civil Defense” by Yegor Letov and “Gaza Strip” by Yuri Klinskikh. These groups have survived a lot and remain popular to this day. Today the style is represented by “Cockroaches!”, “Naive”, “Elysium” and many other famous punk rock groups in Russia.

Russian alternativeists

An alternative direction of rock music is a kind of synthesis of post-punk and garage rock. However, it is difficult to talk about a specific style, because during the formation of the genre in America in the 80s, each group expressed itself as best it could, which is why the differences in sound are great modern groups, playing an alternative.

In Russia, the first groups belonging to this genre were “Dubovy Gaay”, “Khimera” and “Kirpichi”. The lead singer of the first mentioned group is Dolphin. Subsequently, it was his solo project that gained great popularity, by the way, without changing its stylistic musical orientation.

Many Russian rock bands still play an alternative. Popular among them are “Slot”, “Psyche”, Tractor Bowling, Lumen.

Folk rock: folk motifs in the work of Russian rock groups

Many famous bands playing heavy music come from folk songs as inspiration. And then folk rock appears. Representatives of the genre in the US and UK are Simon & Garfunkel, Gentle Giant and Death In June. In Russia, folk rock is played by “Melnitsa”, “Troll oppresses spruce”, “Solstice”, White Owl.

It is interesting that, in fact, the same Soviet VIA that existed in the 70-80s of the last century can be attributed to this genre. These are “Pesnyary”, “Trio Linnik”, “Good fellows”. It is also noteworthy that sometimes folk as a style is attributed to the famous group “The King and the Clown”. This is not entirely true, since the “scary tales” that were set to music, although they contain some folk motifs, still have no relation to folk art. Rather, the following genres can characterize the group’s stylistic orientation: horror-punk, punk rock and, probably, to some extent folk-punk.

Metalcore on the modern Russian music scene

This genre arose in the 90s of the last century in American music, and its heyday came in the 2000s. Its origins included Bullet For My Valentine, Killswitch Engage and All That Remains. Metalcore came to Russia at the beginning of this century, and it was represented by “Rashamba”, “Stigmata” and “Access is closed”.

Today, metalcore is played by many young rock bands in Russia. These are Party Animal, Francis, VIA “My Turn”, “The Lost World” and some others.

And in conclusion

Russian rock music is multifaceted. She has interesting story, it has many faces, and these are talented people who decided to express their position in creativity. And this is their lifestyle - free and open, the one that fans of these performers try to choose for themselves.

The best rock bands in Russia create not only music for their fans. Their songs help to find inspiration in simple things, learn to look at life more simply and appreciate the beauty of the world around us. And this is why Russian rock is original and amazing. Well, let's wish creative success to the best and emerging groups and performers. And let the Muse be their faithful companion.

American hard rock band formed in Los Angeles, California in 1985.
The group gained worldwide popularity after the release of its first full-length album, Appetite for Destruction, by Geffen Records in 1987 (according to the RIAA, it is the most commercially successful debut album in the history of rock and roll) [Wikipedia].

9. Deep Purple

Deep Purple are a British rock band formed in February 1968 in Hartford, England, and considered one of the most notable and influential hard rock bands of the 1970s. Music critics consider Deep Purple to be one of the founders of hard rock and highly value their contribution to the development of progressive rock and heavy metal [Wikipedia].

are a British rock band formed in Birmingham, England, in 1968 and have had a significant influence on the development of rock music, especially heavy metal. Black Sabbath's debut album is considered one of the first heavy metal albums, which also laid the foundation for the subsequent development of doom metal. Ten of the band's albums were in the top ten of the UK Albums Chart. By 2000, Black Sabbath's total album sales approached 70 million [Wikipedia].

(Russian: "Scorpions") is a German English-language rock band founded in 1965 in Hannover. The group's style is characterized by both classic hard rock and lyrical guitar ballads.
Scorpions are Germany's most popular rock band and one of the most famous bands on the world rock scene, having sold over 100 million albums [Wikipedia].

are an American rock band formed by vocalist and guitarist Kurt Cobain and bassist Krist Novoselic in Aberdeen, Washington in 1987. Several drummers have changed in the band; The longest-serving member of the group was drummer Dave Grohl, who joined Cobain and Novoselic in 1990.
In 1989, Nirvana became part of the Seattle music scene with the release of their debut album, Bleach, on the indie Sub Pop label. After signing a contract with major label DGC Records. Nirvana achieved unexpected success with the song "Smells Like Teen Spirit" from their second album Nevermind [Wikipedia].

5. The Beatles

The Beatles- separately, the members of the ensemble are called the “Beatles”, they are also called the “Magnificent Four” and the “Fab Four” - a British rock band from Liverpool, founded in 1960, which included John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr [ Wikipedia].

is a British rock band famous for its philosophical lyrics, acoustic experiments, innovations in album design and grandiose shows. They are one of the most influential and most successful groups in rock music - 74.5 million albums sold in the United States (seventh place), and about 300 million were sold worldwide (not counting solo works) [Wikipedia].

is an American metal band formed in 1981. Performs music in the style of thrash metal and heavy metal.
Metallica had a major influence on the development of metal and is (along with bands such as Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax) one of the "big four" of thrash metal. Metallica's albums have sold a total of over 100 million copies worldwide, making them one of the most commercially successful metal acts [Wikipedia].


Queen are a British rock band that achieved widespread fame in the mid-1970s, and one of the most successful groups in the history of rock music. The media call the group “cult” and write that it still has hundreds of millions of fans [Wikipedia].


AC/DC are an Australian rock band formed in Sydney in November 1973 by Scottish-born brothers Malcolm and Angus Young.
The team has sold over 200 million albums worldwide, including 68 million in the United States. The most successful album, Back in Black, sold over 22 million in the US and over 42 million abroad. Overall, AC/DC is the most successful and famous rock band from Australia and one of the most popular in the world.

Not far away, an authoritative and foreign, namely British, magazine New Musical Express conducted a survey in which twenty outstanding musical performers in the history of music. Over 10 million people took part in the survey, which indicates a relatively large audience reach. However, like everything like this, the results of this action are very, very controversial. But that’s why they are statistics, so that they have nothing to do with life. For example, for some reason my interests constantly do not coincide, so to speak, with the people's jury in the Miss Bikini competition and similar ones.

The leader in the poll is now deceased Michael Jackson, with the result in 9.2 points from 10 possibly recognized as the best performer in the same history of music. Without wishing to slander this wonderful “singer,” however, for me his victory is more likely a big misunderstanding than a pattern. The performer is first and foremost a vocalist, and what kind of vocalist is Jackson? If you compare him with Kirkorov, then he is incomparable, but when such names appear next to each other in the list as competitors, then the singer’s first place looks simply ridiculous. Yes, he is a great showman, a super-duper dancer, the best performer of pop ideas among the masses, but by no means the best performer of songs. This is what it means to leave on time. Where is the world heading?
In general, all polls, ratings and other unknown measures of pathos are called differently, but they carry one question as old as the world - who (what) is more popular. And what does this have to do with the best performers, the best guitarists, best songs and so on? All these things are very subjective.

The band's frontman took second place in the top Queen - Freddie Mercury, with their 8.39 points. He has not yet matured to the glory Michael's, needless to say. To make sure of this, you can listen to their song together for comparison. State Of Shock, recently brought to public attention from the dark corners of recording studios, where Freddie completely fades against the background of the wonderful moans and squeals of his colleague.

Lennon ranked fifth Plant, McCartney, Cobain and even lower.

Almost half of the chosen ones, namely nine people, are no longer present in the world, but the relatively young talent Matthew Bellamy from popular to lately groups Muse managed to gain a foothold even in the middle of the list. The rating also included two representatives of the fair sex - Aretha Franklin And Tina Turner. Discrimination, and that's all!

So, the list itself best performers of all times and peoples from New Musical Express. If you also hope to see the rest of the greatest vocalists and performers in it, the same Dio, Klaus Meine, Joplin, Bonnie Tyler or similar, screw you. One good thing is that the ubiquitous Lady Kwa-Kwa and Britney, who is Spears, for some reason did not penetrate here, and old Madonna is not visible.

1. Michael Jackson