Definition of representational systems artist or thinker? Biatest. Diagnostic technique "artist or thinker" Social studies tests

Test 1 “Artist or thinker”

The human brain consists of two hemispheres, each of which is “responsible” for its own functions of the body and psyche: the right hemisphere is “figurative”, the left is logical. The dominance of one hemisphere or another determines the type of personality: artistic or thinking.

The artistic type, that is, people whose right hemisphere of the brain is dominant, is characterized by vivid images that arise as a result of vivid perception and emotions. Representatives of the thinking type - the left hemisphere - are dominated by abstractions and logical reasoning. There is no point in arguing which of them is smarter, since we are talking about only two specific features of human perception of the world. A thinker with weak artistic abilities is unlikely to achieve success in science. As long as meticulous collection, recording and analysis of factors is required, he will cope with the matter. But when you need to rise above the facts and present the overall picture of phenomena, you cannot do without artistic thinking. Another thing is also true: if the artistic type noticeably prevails over the thinking type, then before devoting yourself to the exact sciences, you should think seriously. One should not, of course, conclude that a person is destined to be an artist if this type of thinking comes first for him. But it is useful to know that the overwhelming majority of artists, sculptors, musicians, and actors have more or less pronounced features of this type. External manifestations of functional asymmetry of the brain allow us to draw conclusions about some of the most characteristic features personality.

Instructions. Answer the following questions using the eleven-point system. Categorical denial corresponds to 0 points, unconditional agreement - 10. But if, for example, the very first question confuses you, because you do not consider yourself to be a gloomy person, but at the same time are in no hurry to join the ranks of happy optimists, then everything is at your disposal other points are from 1 to 9.

I have the upper hand good mood. I remember what I learned several years ago. After listening to a melody once or twice, I can reproduce it correctly. When I listen to a story, I imagine it in images. I believe that emotions in conversation only get in the way. Algebra is difficult for me. I easily remember unfamiliar faces. In a group of friends, I am the first to start a conversation. If someone's ideas are discussed, then I demand arguments. I'm in a bad mood.

Processing the results. Calculate separately the sum of points for lines 1, 2, 5, 8, 9 (left hemisphere) and 3, 4, 6, 6, 10 (right hemisphere).

1. If your “left hemisphere” (L) is more than five points higher than your “right hemisphere” (R), then it means that you belong to the logical type of thinking. You are an optimist and believe that you can solve most of your problems on your own.

As a rule, you come into contact with people without much difficulty. In work and everyday affairs, you rely more on calculation than on intuition. You have more confidence in information received from the press than in your own impressions.

Diagnostics of intellectual abilities is focused on taking into account two indicators of individual intelligence: intellectual productivity and originality of intellectual activity.

Diagnosable psychological qualities(indicating the relevant procedures).

Intellectual productivity indicators

I. Level properties of intelligence:

1) the volume of short-term auditory and visual memory (methods “Reproduction of series of numbers”, “Reproduction geometric shapes»);

2) comparative possibilities of the effectiveness of mechanical and logical-semantic memorization (method “Mechanical and semantic memorization of pairs of words”);

3) basic properties of attention (methods “Corrective test”, “Finding numbers”, “Mixed up lines”);

4) level of development of spatial concepts (method “Addition of figures”, “Magic figure”);

5) level of verbal understanding (techniques “Complex associations”, “Identification of significant connections between concepts”).

II. Processual properties of intelligence:

1) flexibility of the thought process associated with the ability to move from one solution method to another (methods “Solving a series of arithmetic problems”, “Text with a contradiction”);

2) individual styles of information coding (Pictogram technique).

Indicators of the originality of intellectual activity

Expression of basic cognitive styles. Predominance of field-dependent - field-independent style of intellectual activity ("Included Figures" method).

Methodology “Reproduction of rows of numbers”

Target. Testing the capacity of short-term auditory memory.

Instructions. Students will have to listen to several three-digit numbers. Their number increases with each sample. The task is to try to keep all the numbers in memory and then reproduce them in your protocols using the “Write down” command. Sample series of numbers:

Processing the results. After completing the work, the teacher discusses with the students the success of the task and determines the amount of short-term memory. The more rows a student remembers, the greater the capacity of his short-term memory.

Methodology “Reproduction of geometric shapes”

Instructions. Within 10 sec. The student must carefully examine the figures inscribed in 10 squares. On command, try to draw them in the same order.

Equipment. Poster with stimulus material, form, pen.

Stimulus material

Processing the results. Calculate your productivity IN (%):

number of regular figures

IN= x 100%

From 70 to 100% - high display;

from 30 to 70% - average display;

from 0 to 30% - low display

Methodology “Mechanical and semantic memorization of word pairs”

The work is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, it is proposed to remember pairs of words that are not related in meaning, at the second - pairs of words that are related in meaning.

Instructions. Read and remember a couple of words.

Stage 1

1) beetle - brush;

2) glasses - mushrooms;

3) chamomile – exercise;

4) rain - heart;

5) fly agaric - sofa;

6) comb - wind;

7) boots - compasses;

8) ax - jelly;

9) ant - excavator;

10) table - smoke

The teacher offers to write down the words. He says the first word and the teacher writes down the second word of the pair.

As a rule, schoolchildren reproduce 3–8 pairs of words.

Stage 2

1) barn - firewood;

2) chair - armchair;

3) grain - bun;

4) tree - leaf;

5) kitten - tiger;

6) kitchen - pan;

7) fly - butterfly;

8) sun – light;

9) lightning - thunder;

10) plasticine - glass

At this stage, the number of word pairs reproduced is significantly higher than in the first case, which is an indicator of greater productivity of semantic memorization compared to mechanical memorization.

Bourdon's method “Corrective test”

Instructions. Various letters are written on the form. Browse them from left to right. Underline the letters “a” and cross out the letters “o”. The main thing is not to make a single mistake. This is the first way to work. With the second method, you need to do the opposite: cross out “a” and underline “o”.

When working according to the first method, a minute later the command follows: “Damn, the second method!” This means: you need to draw a vertical line at the place where the team finds you, and continue working in the second way. Then a minute later the command follows: “Damn, the first way!” Draw a line and start working the first way, etc.

Operating time – 5 min.





















Processing the results.

1. Upon completion of the work, the teacher looks at the test subject’s form, counting the number of errors using a pre-prepared key: for each error, missing or incorrectly crossed out letter, 20 characters are deducted, for a missing line - 60 characters.

2. The total number of letters viewed is calculated.

3. Particular attention is paid to how productivity decreases (or increases) from minute to minute, and the number of errors increases.

Evaluation of results

Error in points

Number of characters looked (minus errors)

From 920 to 1075 – above average;

from 670 to 920 – average;

from 0 to 670 – below average.

Method “Finding Numbers”

Instructions. On the form there is a table with 25 cells, in which numbers from 1 to 40 are written in random order. It is necessary to write down on the control sheet as quickly as possible in order of priority the numbers that are not on the form. If any number is missing, there is no need to correct anything, since correction is equivalent to an error. The work continues.

Processing the results. Operating time – 1.5 min.

The results are assessed using the table.

Error in points

Number of correct answers (minus errors and corrections)

From 7 to 9 points – above average (1);

from 4 to 6 points – medium (2);

from 1 to 3 points – below average (3).

“Tangled Lines” Technique

Instructions. There are 25 mixed up lines in the picture. You need to trace each line from left to right and determine where it ends. The lines start on the left and always end on the right. You should start with the line marked 1 on the left, find where it ends, the corresponding number is there, then go to line 2, etc.

Answers should be written down in order on a separate sheet of paper, for example: 1 – 17, 2 – 14, 3 – 22, etc. The task must be completed only by visual control, without tracing along with a pencil or finger.

Start of lines End of lines

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

7 7

8 8

14 14

16 16

17 17

19 19

Processing the results. Correct answers: 1 – 22, 2 – 1, 3 – 8, 4 – 23, 5 – 6, 6 – 13, 7 – 21, 8 – 14, 9 – 3, 10 – 4, 11 – 11, 12 – 2 , 13 – 10, 14 – 15, 15 – 19, 16 – 12, 17 – 16, 18 – 9, 19 – 7, 20 – 25, 21 – 24, 22 – 17, 23 – 20, 24 – 18, 25 – 5.

Score in points

Number of correct answers

Method “Addition of figures”

Instructions. It is necessary to mentally compose entire geometric figures (triangle, square, circle, cross) from individual elements located on forms. The elements necessary to compose the figure should be marked with a cross.

The material for solving each task consists not only of the necessary parts, but also of the unnecessary ones.

Operating time – 15 min. Work quickly and accurately.

Processing the results. Processing is carried out according to the formula P - B, where P is the number of processed tasks, B is the number of errors, T is the time for completing tasks. T

More than 1.5 – above average;

from 1.0 to 1.5 – average;

less than 1.0 – below average.



Rice. 1. An example of adding a triangle, square, circle and cross from various figures.



Methodology "Magic figure"

You should look at the picture and answer the questions:

2. How many isosceles triangles?

3. How many right triangles?

4. How many rectangles?

5. How many diamonds?

Answers: 1) 68; 2) 32; 3)36; 4) 18; 5) 13

Methodology “Complex associations”

The presented pairs of words are in a logical connection, six pairs of them are marked with a letter code, and twenty pairs with a number code. It is necessary to match twenty pairs of words by analogy (by association) with pairs of words marked with a letter. In the table in the “Answers” ​​column you must put the corresponding letter or number and letter. For example, the first pair of words: fear - flight. The relationship between them: fear is the cause, flight is the effect. This corresponds to the code “D” (poisoning - death). This means that the answer is written “D” or “1D”.

A few words

Cipher letter

Sheep - flock

Raspberry - berry

Sea - ocean

Light - darkness

Poisoning - death

Enemy - enemy

A few words

Cipher letter


Fright - flight

Physics - science

Right - right

Garden bed

Pair - two

Word - phrase

Cheerful - lethargic

Freedom - will

Country - city

Praise - scolding

Revenge - arson

Ten is a number

Cry - roar

Chapter - novel

Rest - movement

Courage is heroism

Cool - frost

Deception - mistrust

Singing is an art

Bedside table - wardrobe

Processing the results. The criteria for assessing the results are given in the table.

Score in points

from 7 to 20 points – above average;

from 10 to 15 points – average;

from 6 to 9 points – below average

Methodology “Identification of significant connections between concepts”

Instructions. Twenty generalizing words are given, for each of them there is a set of five words, of which two are most associated with it. You need to find these two words in each line and underline them.

1. Garden (plants, gardener, dog, fence, land).

2. River (shore, fish, fisherman, mud, water).

3. City (car, building, crowd, street, bicycle).

4. Barn (hayloft, horse, roof, livestock, walls).

5. Cube (corners, drawing, side, perimeter, hexagon).

6. Division (class, dividend, pencil, divider, paper).

7. Ring (diameter, diamond, hallmark, circle, seal).

8. Reading (eyes, book, print, picture, word).

9. Newspaper (truth, supplement, telegram, paper, editor).

10. Game (picture, players, fines, punishment, rules).

12. Book (drawings, war, paper, love, text).

14. Earthquake (fire, death, ground vibrations, noise, flood).

15. Library (city, books, lecture, music, readers).

16. Forest (leaf, apple tree, hunter, tree, wolf).

17. Sports (medal, orchestra, competition, victory, stadium).

18. Hospital (room, garden, doctor, radio, patients).

19. Love (roses, feeling, person, city, nature).

20. Patriotism (city, friends, homeland, family, people).

Processing the results. The criteria for evaluating the results are given in the table.

Score in points

Number of correct answers

from 18 to 20 points – above average;

from 14 to 17 points – average;

from 9 to 13 points – below average

Test “Solving a series of arithmetic problems”

In this test, proposed by A. Lachins, rigidity is measured by sequentially solving 12 arithmetic problems. Operationally, rigidity is modeled as “the tendency to inadequately use the old method of action in new conditions.” Tasks 1 – 5 serve as an introductory series; Problems 6 – 9 are control tasks and allow a simple solution; 10 – 12 are critical and can only be solved in a simple way. The transition to a new method in tasks 6–9 is spontaneous, in tasks 10–12 it is forced.

When performing the test in a group form, students are given verbal instructions.

Instructions. There are 12 arithmetic problems to be solved. They have a common condition - to measure a given volume of liquid using three vessels of different capacities. For example: three vessels with a capacity of 15, 5 and 2 liters are given. How to measure exactly 6 liters?

Possible solution. Fill a 15-liter vessel with water, pour 5 liters from it and then pour 2 liters twice. The remaining amount of liquid is exactly 6 liters. Recording the solution: 15 – 5 – 2 – 2 = 6.

At the command “Start!” Students begin to solve problems as quickly as possible and write down solutions in the form of equality (as in the above example). Make all calculations in your head. At the end of their work, students raise their hands to record the time.

Sample form





15 – 5 – 2 = 6

Interpretation of results. An indicator of rigidity is the number of the test in which the student moved from the old, cumbersome to the new, adequate way of solving. The higher the number, the stronger the rigidity.

Methodology “Text with contradiction”

Having received negative answers, the teacher invites students to reread the text. If this time the children do not find the correct answer, the teacher points to places with contradictions in the text. A sample text is an excerpt from the book “Gold Diggers” by K. Ferri.

The boat was slowly caught up in the rushing current. The river carried the boat, as if both the boat and the passengers had neither weight nor any ability to resist this all-powerful flow. During steep descents, the shores rushed past frightened travelers with terrible speed, coastal stones and rare trees flashed, merging into a motley ribbon that caused dizziness. The movement of the river slowed down on the ascents, it seemed to sag and darken. The river was like a living creature - just as easily and joyfully it descended from the mountain, and just like a heavily laden traveler climbing up the mountain, it became lazy and unrecognizable on the rare, long, high climbs.

The boys came to their senses, looked at each other in shock, but before they had time to laugh enough at their frightened appearance, the stream fell from the conquered peak, and again the rapid flickering began, the languid anticipation of the next respite.

“Pictogram” technique

Instructions. A list of words and phrases is offered for memorization. The list is large and difficult to remember the first time. To make memorization easier, you can, immediately after the word is named, make one or another image as a “memory knot,” which will then help reproduce the named word. The quality of the drawing does not matter: this drawing is done for oneself in order to facilitate memorization. Each image must correspond to the number of the named word.

After reading the instructions, students read the words one by one with an interval of no more than 30 seconds. Before each word (phrase) its serial number is given. The word is pronounced clearly, once.

The named words are reproduced after some time, for example at the end of the lesson.

Words and phrases for pictograms

1st option 2nd option

1. Happy holiday. 1. Hard work.

2. Development. 2. Separation.

3. Wealth. 3. Doubt.

4. Poisonous question. 4. Brave action

5. Deaf old woman. 5. Blind boy.

6. Sadness. 6. Illness.

7. Friendship. 7. War.

8. Toothless grandfather. 8. Dark night.

9. Angry teacher. 9. Coward boy.

10. Hope. 10. Fear.

11. Love. 11. Envy.

12. Thought. 12. Power.

Processing the results. Students reproduce the words encrypted in the pictures. The teacher reads the list again, and students check for correct reproduction. Three groups can be distinguished,

Group 1: high memory productivity, verbal material was reproduced completely and without errors;

2nd group: the material is reproduced in full, but with distortions, for example, instead of “coward boy” - “cowardly boy”, instead of “deaf old woman” - “deaf grandmother”;

3rd group: the material is not reproduced in full, with significant distortions.

Based on the analysis of pictograms, groups can be distinguished by the type of images used.

Group A - predominantly abstract and iconic-symbolic forms are used (lines, arrows, geometric shapes, etc.). This group can be conditionally called “thinkers.”

Group B – specific images predominate (various objects: watches, cars). Conventionally, this group can be called “realistic”.

Group C – plot and metaphorical images predominate (a person in an expressive pose, a situation with several participants, interconnected objects, allegorical images. For example, “friendship” - a pictogram in the form of three horses, etc.). Conventionally, this group can be called “artists.”

“Included Shapes” technique

Testing is carried out in individual and group forms. In the first case, students, with the help of the teacher, become familiar with the task and complete the training sample on the first page test material techniques.

In the second case, after the training series, the teacher introduces the students to the instructions and, using a stopwatch, records the time for completing the task in minutes (seconds are rounded to minutes).

Instructions. At the command “Start!” Each student must write on the form next to the card number a letter indicating the element included in the figure. Everyone will need different times to complete the task. Therefore, after giving the last answer, the student raises his hand so that the completion time can be accurately recorded. You should not linger long on each figure. If there is no answer, then put a dash on the answer sheet and move on to the next figure.

Example assignment

The letters A – D indicate elements, one of which is necessarily present in the images below. Write in each case which of these elements is contained in the picture.

1 (A) 2 (D) 3 (B)

An example of working with included figures: a – task, b – answer

Scientists conducted an experiment, turning off both hemispheres in turn, and found that a person whose left hemisphere is active becomes laughing, excited and talkative. Reason is preserved, but creative abilities, if they existed, of course, disappear somewhere. If the left hemisphere is turned off, creativity will remain, but the good mood will disappear.

For most artists, sculptors, musicians, and actors, the right hemisphere dominates. Thanks to this, they create vivid visual or auditory images, which they convey to us in the form of works of art.

      "The Thinker or the Artist"
1. I see no reason to be sad. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2. After listening to a melody, I can reproduce it accurately. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3. I remember what I was taught several years ago. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4. When I hear someone's story, it's like I see everything happening. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5. I believe that emotions only interfere with conversation. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6. Algebra is difficult for me. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
7. It’s easy for me to start a conversation first. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
8. I easily remember unfamiliar faces. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9. If someone puts forward ideas, I demand arguments. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10. I don’t see any special reasons for joy. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Processing the results. Calculate the sum of points separately for odd and even items of statements.

    If the first sum (L) is more than 5 more than the second (P), you belong to the logical type. You tend to act under the influence of reason rather than emotions. When making decisions, you often rely on calculation rather than intuition. You trust external information more than internal impressions. Your strong point is logic. You are optimistic, cheerful and sociable. You can become a mathematician, teacher, programmer, designer, engineer.

    If the second sum (P) is more than 5 higher than the first (L), you are an artistic type person. You probably make decisions on an intuitive level, relying more on emotions than on reason, trusting your feelings more than external information. You are vulnerable and impressionable, so you don’t feel the need for wide circle communication, value independence. If you have special abilities, you can be successful in aesthetic activities.

    The greater the difference between the two amounts, the more dominant the corresponding hemisphere is.
    (L - left, R - right). If the difference is small, then you equally combine the characteristics of a “thinker” and an “artist.” The ability to think figuratively and logically, analyze and synthesize information, and be guided when making decisions not only by your mind, but also by your heart, opens up a wide field of activity for you.

You can clarify whether you belong to the “thinkers” or “artists” using a simple test:

  1. Clasp your hands, interlocking your fingers. Is your left or right thumb on top?
  2. Make a hole the size of a coin in a piece of paper and look through it at an object with both eyes. Close your left and right eyes alternately. Does an object disappear from your field of vision when you look at it with your left or right eye?
  3. Get into Napoleon pose with your arms crossed over your chest. Which hand was on top - left or right?
  4. Clap your hands. Which hand was on top - left or right?

The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, and the left hemisphere controls the right. Therefore, the activity of the right hand and right eye means the activity of the left hemisphere, and vice versa - the activity of the left hand is associated with the dominance of the right hemisphere.

You can determine the leading hemisphere, but you cannot “calculate” creative abilities using tests - whether you have abilities in music, painting, literature, science can be revealed by the results - musical works, drawings, poems, essays, original solutions to problems.

When seven-year-old Mozart gave concerts in Frankfurt am Main, a boy of about fourteen approached him.
- How wonderfully you play! I'll never learn that way.
- Why? You're quite big. Try it, and if it doesn’t work, start writing notes.
- Yes, I write... Poems...
- This is also interesting. Writing good poetry is probably even more difficult than composing music.
- Why, it’s quite easy. You try...
Mozart's interlocutor was Goethe.

  • You've probably heard the expression “bury talent in the ground.” How do you understand it? Do you know where this expression comes from?
  • Not everyone can write music like Mozart or poetry like Goethe. But every person has his own talent hidden. It is very important to have people around you who will help you believe in your talent - parents, teachers, friends.

    Appendix 3

    Municipal budgetary institution

    additional education

    "House of Children's Creativity" Krasnogvardeysky District, Belgorod Region

    Diagnostic technique

    "Artist - Thinker"

    Bykova Lyudmila Mitrofanovna

    additional education teacher

    Biryuch, 2014

    Test "Artist - Thinker"

    Instructions: Answer the questions using a 10-point scale. Categorical denial corresponds to 0 points, unconditional agreement - 10 points.


    1. I am in a good mood.

    2. I remember what was taught.

    3. After listening to the melody once or twice, I can reproduce it correctly.

    4. When I listen to a story, I imagine its images.

    5. I believe that emotions in a conversation only get in the way.

    6. Algebra is difficult for me.

    7. I easily remember unfamiliar faces.

    8. In a group of friends, I am the first to start a conversation.

    9. If someone's ideas are discussed, then I demand arguments.

    10. I am in a bad mood.

    Calculate your points:

    L = 1,2,5,8,9 (left hemisphere)

    P = 3,4,6,7,10 (right hemisphere)

    If your (l) result is more than 5 points higher than your (n) result, then your logical type of thinking (thinker) predominates.

    If you have (n) more than (l), then you are an artistic person (artist).

    However, this technique uses practical part with tasks, these tasks are most indicative of determining students’ abilities to imagine and find an image. The endless variety of colors and textures of the print stimulates the production of a wide variety of images. In terms of complexity of processing and interpretation, the results of this task come out on top. This task allows you to use all three criteria of creative thinking: speed, flexibility, originality.

    Test: “Colored umbrellas”

    A diagnostic task is proposed inner world child.

    The children were asked the following: “Draw an umbrella with your favorite color that you want to draw today, stretch the selected color from the darkest to the lightest.”

    Test: Game “Squiggle”

    The child is sequentially presented with ten drawings - squiggles. His task is to sketch each squiggle so that a specific, recognizable image is obtained, and to color the resulting image with the color he wants to draw today.

    The test results reflect the creative capabilities of the child’s imagination and figurative memory.

    Test: “I am a teapot”

    Children are invited to portray themselves in the role of an animated image of a teapot and paint it with color, without mixing paints without a palette.

    This test task fully reflects the child’s ability to think figuratively. And also with the help of a color scheme you can identify some personality traits.

    Test: “The Mystery of Prints”

    The child must conceive a certain image and, in accordance with this, arrange color spots on the sheet. Next, swap jobs with your neighbor and guess the image he has in mind.

    Test: “Ornament”

    Create your own ornament using geometric shapes and paint with your favorite colors (red, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple) and sign the work.

    Test: “Maestro”

    Children act as great painting artists:

    Task No. 1. Arrange the words into four groups according to certain characteristics:








    young girl











    Task No. 2. Select a word from each column, selecting their semantic meanings, and draw a picture that appears in their imagination based on the four words. Particular attention is paid to color scheme the idea was that the color would convey feelings and correspond to the words that the children choose. A variety of art materials are used.

    This testing allows you to determine state of mind child at a given moment in time.

    Next at stage 3 Color-based tasks are used aimed at developing creative abilities. Children are not limited in the choice of color; they make the color decision independently, in accordance with the level of their creative abilities and internal state at a given time.

    Assignment: “Dreamers.”

    Agglutination is a combination of qualities and properties that are not connected in reality (think of the words watermelon - electricity - fish; in reality they are not connected, but children can draw an electric cat with a watermelon instead of a head, a fish-shaped body and two eyes - light bulbs).

    Assignment: “The Wizard.”

    Hyperbolization - increasing or decreasing an object (a fly with big eyes in which the world is reflected; a whale with huge cities on it).

    Assignment: “Designers”.

    The teacher suggests appliquing animals using various geometric shapes. To depict it, you can use a point, straight lines and geometric shapes: circle, rectangle, triangle. These can also be “geometric” birds. The proposed task quite fully reflects the ability to perceive a linear contour, the ability to “complete”, “continue” a linear image.

    Exercise: “Booby-Boo the Hippo.”

    When carrying out this task, students listen to the fairy tale “Hippopotamus Bubi-Boo” by E. Karganova and convey the feelings of the main character through color.

    Assignment: “Magic colors.”

    Schematization is the smoothing out of various objects (jug - snake; cup - flower) and their transformation into various images.

    Assignment: “What got caught in the net.”

    Students are asked to close their eyes and draw a line on a sheet of paper, without lifting their hands from the sheet, drawing it in any direction and giving it any graphic character. Children open their eyes and must find their catch in the resulting grid: objects, people, animals. The found image must be shaded with the color that reflects their current mood.

    The task is final and most indicative from the point of view of the artistic orientation of children's thinking and creative abilities.

    Color tests-tasks and games allow you to clearly record the dynamics of emotional states. Carrying out tests makes it possible to understand that each of us is not doomed to love one single color. Our color preferences depend on: age, mood, season, weather, health, character, name. The tests carried out show that the works of “children-thinkers” are the most realistic, sparse in depiction, fairly limited and simple. At the same time, “artists” show more fantasy and imagination. Their works were distinguished by their diversity, complexity of images and speed of execution.

    “Life clearly points to 2 categories of people - artists and thinkers,” wrote I.P. Pavlov. – there is a sharp difference between them. Some are artists of all kinds: writers, musicians, painters, etc. - capture reality entirely, completely, completely, without any fragmentation, without any separation. Others - thinkers - precisely crush it and thus, as it were, kill it, making some kind of temporary skeleton out of it, and then only gradually, as it were, put it back together and try to revive it in this way, which they still fail to do.”

    Scientists conducted an experiment, alternately putting the right and left hemispheres to sleep. It turned out that a person with a disabled right hemisphere, while maintaining his sanity, falls into euphoria: he becomes excited, talkative, makes stupid jokes... If this happens to a writer, composer or scientist, then they will lose their creative abilities, as if they were wasted in a stream of words. With the left hemisphere turned off, they will continue to work, but the good mood will leave them, giving way to depression, and the world will appear in gloomy colors. And only the coordinated work of both hemispheres makes it possible to perceive the world fully and objectively. But a person does not always have these 2 types of thinking - logical and artistic - in harmonious unity.

    A person is not born with functional asymmetry of the hemispheres. If he remains illiterate all his life and engages in primitive work, then this asymmetry will hardly develop in him. And on the contrary, active work promotes hemispheric specialization.

    The artistic type, that is, people whose right hemisphere of the brain is dominant, is characterized by vivid images that arise as a result of vivid perception and emotions. Representatives of the thinking type - the left hemisphere - are dominated by abstractions, theorizing, and logical reasoning. There is no point in saying which of them is smarter, since we are talking about only two specific features of human perception of the world. A thinker with weak artistic abilities is unlikely to achieve success in science. As long as meticulous collection, recording and analysis of facts is required, he will cope with the matter. But when you need to rise above the facts and present the overall picture of phenomena, you cannot do without artistic thinking. Another thing is also true: if the artistic type noticeably prevails over the thinking type, then before devoting yourself to the exact sciences, you should think seriously. One should not, of course, conclude that a person is destined to be an artist if this type of thinking comes first for him.

    To find out who you are - an artist or a thinker, answer the questions using the eleven-point system. Categorical denial corresponds to 0 points, unconditional agreement -10. but if the question puzzles you, try to give yourself a fair rating - from 1 to 9.

    1. I am in a good mood.

    2. I remember what I studied several years ago.

    3. After listening to the melody once or twice, I can reproduce it correctly.

    4. When I listen to a story, I imagine it in images.

    5. I believe that emotions in conversation only get in the way.

    6. Algebra is difficult for me.

    7. I easily remember unfamiliar faces.

    8. In a group of friends, I am the first to start a conversation.

    9. If someone's ideas are discussed, then I demand arguments.

    10. I am in a bad mood.

    Calculate separately the sum of points for lines 1,2,5,8,9 (left hemisphere) and 3,4,6,7,10 (right hemisphere).

    If your “left-hemisphere” (L) result is more than 5 points higher than your “right-hemisphere” (R) result, then you belong to the logical type of thinking. You are, in general, an optimist and believe that you can solve most problems on your own. You find it easier to do activities that require logical thinking. You can become a good mathematician, science teacher, designer, programmer, etc.

    If P is greater than L. You are an artistic person. A representative of this type is prone to some pessimism. He prefers to rely more on his own feelings than on a logical analysis of events, and at the same time he is often not deceived. Not very sociable, but can work even in unfavorable conditions (noise, etc.). success awaits him in areas of activity where imaginative thinking abilities are required - artist, actor, architect, doctor, teacher.

    A wide field of activity opens up for a person who equally combines the signs of logical and artistic thinking. The zones of his success are where the ability to be consistent in work is required and at the same time to figuratively, holistically perceive events, to quickly and carefully think through one’s actions even in extreme situations. Manager and tester, lecturer and commander - all these professions require harmonious interaction of opposite types of thinking.

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    Test 1 “Artist or thinker” The human brain consists of two hemispheres, each of which is “responsible” for its own functions of the body and psyche: the right hemisphere is “figurative”, the left is logical. The dominance of one hemisphere or another determines the type of personality: artistic or thinking. For the artistic type, i.e. People whose right hemisphere of the brain dominates are characterized by vivid images that arise as a result of vivid perception and emotions. Representatives of the thinking type - the left hemisphere - are dominated by abstractions and logical reasoning. There is no point in arguing which of them is smarter, since we are talking about only two specific features of human perception of the world. A thinker with weak artistic abilities is unlikely to achieve success in science. As long as meticulous collection, recording and analysis of factors is required, he will cope with the matter. But when you need to rise above the facts and present the overall picture of phenomena, you cannot do without artistic thinking. Another thing is also true: if the artistic type noticeably prevails over the thinking type, then before devoting yourself to the exact sciences, you should think seriously. One should not, of course, conclude that a person is destined to be an artist if this type of thinking comes first for him. But it is useful to know that the overwhelming majority of artists, sculptors, musicians, and actors have more or less pronounced traits of this type. External manifestations of functional asymmetry of the brain allow us to draw conclusions about some of the most characteristic personality traits. Instructions. Answer the following questions using the eleven-point system. Categorical denial corresponds to 0 points, unconditional agreement - 10. But if, for example, the very first question confuses you, because you do not consider yourself to be a gloomy person, but at the same time are in no hurry to join the ranks of happy optimists, then everything is at your disposal other points are from 1 to 9.

      I'm in a good mood. I remember what I learned several years ago. After listening to a melody once or twice, I can reproduce it correctly. When I listen to a story, I imagine it in images. I believe that emotions in conversation only get in the way. Algebra is difficult for me. I easily remember unfamiliar faces. In a group of friends, I am the first to start a conversation. If someone's ideas are discussed, then I demand arguments. I'm in a bad mood.
    Processing the results. Calculate separately the sum of points for lines 1, 2, 5, 8, 9 (left hemisphere) and 3, 4, 6, 6, 10 (right hemisphere). 1. If your “left hemisphere” (L) is more than five points higher than your “right hemisphere” (R), then it means that you belong to the logical type of thinking. You are an optimist and believe that you can solve most of your problems on your own. As a rule, you come into contact with people without much difficulty. In work and everyday affairs, you rely more on calculation than on intuition. You have more confidence in information received from the press than in your own impressions. You find it easier to do activities that require logical thinking. If the profession you are striving for requires logical abilities, then you are in luck. You can become a good mathematician, teacher of exact sciences, designer, production organizer, computer programmer, draftsman, etc. 2. P greater than L means that you are an artistic person. A representative of this type is prone to some pessimism. He prefers to rely more on his own feelings than on a logical analysis of events, and is often not deceived. Not very sociable, but can work productively even in unfavorable conditions (noise, various interference, etc.). Success awaits him in areas of activity where imaginative thinking abilities are required - artist, actor, architect, doctor, teacher. 3. A wide field of activity opens up for a person who equally combines the signs of logical and artistic thinking. The zones of his success are where the ability to be consistent in work is required and at the same time to figuratively, holistically perceive events, to quickly and carefully think through one’s actions even in an extreme situation. Manager and tester of complex technical systems, lecturer and translator - all these professions require the harmonious interaction of opposing types of thinking. Test 2 “Artist or thinker” You can also identify your identity as an artist or thinker by certain biological characteristics. Let's carry out a simple express analysis. A. Interlace your fingers. Is your left thumb (L) or right thumb (R) on top? Write down the result. B. Make a small hole in a piece of paper and look through it with both eyes at an object. Alternately close one eye or the other. If the object moves strongly when the left eye is closed, then the leading eye is the left eye and vice versa. Which eye is dominant? Write down the result. B. Cross your arms over your chest (“Napoleon pose”). Which hand was on top? Write down the result. D. Try to imitate “stormy applause.” Which palm is on top? Write down the result. Interpretation of results. PPPP – The owner of this characteristic is conservative and prefers generally accepted norms of behavior. PPPL – temperament is weak, indecision predominates. PPLP– character is strong, energetic, artistic. When communicating with such a person, determination and a sense of humor will not hurt. PPLL – The character is close to the previous type, but is softer, more sociable, and gets used to the new environment more slowly. It is quite rare. PLPP – analytical mindset, the main feature is gentleness and caution. Avoids conflict, is patient and prudent, prefers distance in relationships. PLPL – weak type, found only among women. Characterized by exposure to various influences, defenselessness, but at the same time the ability to go into conflict. PLLP – artistry, some inconstancy, a penchant for new impressions. He is courageous in communication, knows how to avoid conflicts and switch to a new type of behavior. It occurs approximately twice as often among women as among men. PLLL – this type is more typical for men. He is distinguished by independence, inconstancy and an analytical mindset. BOB – one of the most common types. He is emotional and easily communicates with almost everyone. However, he is not persistent enough and is subject to the influence of others. LPPL – similar to the previous type, but even less persistent, soft and naive. Requires especially careful treatment of yourself. LPLP – This is the strongest type of character. Persistent, energetic, difficult to convince. He is somewhat conservative due to the fact that he often neglects the opinions of others. LPLL – character is strong, but unobtrusive. Internal aggressiveness is covered by external softness. Capable of rapid interaction, but mutual understanding lags behind. LLPP – characterized by friendliness, simplicity, and some scattered interests. LLPL – simplicity, gentleness, gullibility - these are his main features. A very rare type, almost never found in men. LLLP – Emotionality combined with determination leads to ill-considered actions. Energetic. LLLL – has the ability to look at things in a new way. Pronounced emotionality is combined with individualism, perseverance and some isolation. Interpretation: combination LLLLL corresponds to the artistic type, and PPPP – thinking. Other combinations reflect diversity psychological structures. General Intelligence Test (GAT) (short selection test) The ICT methodology is used in the selection and distribution of personnel in industry, the army, and the education system. It can be used in any situation related to the determination of learning ability. The test has a single integral indicator (IT) - the number of correctly solved problems. PT has median norms, which make it possible to evaluate results on the principle of “true - false”. If the optant’s PT is equal to or higher than the norm, then the subject can be recommended training (if more subtle diagnostics are not required on tests of special abilities), which is primarily associated not only with the development of practical skills, but also with the development of potential intelligence. The technique can be used individually and in a group. The time for filling out the answer form is limited to 15-20 minutes. Instructions. You are offered a test that contains 50 questions. It takes 15-20 minutes to complete. Answer as many questions as you can and don't spend a lot of time on one question. QUESTIONS. 1. The eleventh month of the year is: 1 – October; 2 – May; 3 – November; 4 – February 2. SEVERE is the opposite in meaning of the word: 1 – sharp; 2 – strict; 3 – soft; 4 – hard; 5 – stubborn 3. Which of the following words is different from the others? 1 – definite; 2 – doubtful; 3 – confident; 4 – trust; 5 – true 4. Is it true that the abbreviation “A.D.” means "AD" ("new era")? 1 – yes; 2 – no 5. Which of the following words is different from the others? 1 – call; 2 – chat; 3 – listen; 4 – speak; 5 – no different words 6. The word IMPECCABLE is the opposite in its meaning to the word: 1 – spotless; 2 – obscene; 3 – incorruptible; 4 – innocent; 5 – classic 7. Which of the following words is to the word CHEW as the SENSE OF OLDER is to the NOSE? 1 – sweet; 2 – tongue; 3 – smell; 4 – teeth; 5 – clean 8. How many of the following pairs of words are completely identical? Sharp M.C. Sharp M.C. Fielder E.H. Fielder E.N. Connor M.C. Conner M.G. Woesher O.W. Woerner O.W. Soderguist P.E. Soderguist B.E. 9. CLEAR is the opposite in meaning of the word: 1 – obvious; 2 – obvious; 3 – unambiguous; 4 – distinct; 5 – dim 10. An entrepreneur bought several used cars for $3,500 and sold them for $5,500, earning $50 per car. How many cars did he sell? 11. The words KNOCK and DRAIN have: 1 – similar meaning; 2 – opposite; 3 – neither similar nor opposite 12. Three lemons cost 45 rubles. How much does 1.5 dozen cost? 13. How many of the following six pairs of numbers are exactly the same: 5296 5296 66986 69686 834426 834426 7354256 7354256 61197172 61197172 83238324 83238234 14. CLOSE is the opposite in meaning of the word: 1 – friendly; 2 – friendly; 3 – stranger; 4 – native; 5 – other 15. Which number is the smallest? 1) 6; 2) 0.7; 3) 9; 4) 36; 5) 0.31; 6) 5 16. Put the words below in order to make the correct sentence: THERE IS SALT LOVE OF LIFE 17. Which of the following pictures is most different from the others? 1 2 3 4 5 18. Two fishermen caught 36 fish. The first one caught 8 times more than the second one. How much did the second one catch? 19. The words RISE and REVIVE have: 1 – similar meaning; 2 – opposite; 3 – neither similar nor opposite 20. Put the words below in order to make a statement. If it is correct, then the answer will be 1, if incorrect - 2. MOSS TURNS THE STONE GET OVERGROWN 21. Which two of the following phrases have the same meaning: 1) keep your nose to the wind; 2) an empty bag is not worth it; 3) three doctors are no better than one; 4) all that glitters is not gold; 5) seven nannies have a child without an eye 22. What number should replace the “?” sign: 73 66 59 52 45 38? 23. The length of day and night in September is almost the same as in: 1) June; 2) March; 3) May; 4) November 24. Let's assume that the first two statements are true. Then the conclusion will be: 1 – true; 2 – incorrect; 3 – indefinite All advanced people are educated. All leading people occupy major positions. Some educated people occupy important positions. 25. The train travels 75 cm in ¼ second. If he drives at the same speed, what distance (in centimeters) will he cover in 5 seconds? 26. If we assume that the first two statements are true, then the last one: 1 – true; 2 – incorrect; 3 – indefinitely Bora is the same age as Masha. Masha is younger than Zhenya. Borya is younger than Zhenya. 27. Five half-kilogram packs minced meat cost 20 rubles. How many kilograms of minced meat can you buy for 8 rubles? 28. The words SPREAD and STRETCH have: 1 – similar meaning; 2 – opposite; 3 – neither similar nor opposite 29. Divide this geometric figure into two parts with a straight line so that by adding them together you can get a square. 5 4 6 3 7 2 8 1 13 11 9 14 12 10 30. Let's assume that the first two statements are true. Then the latter will be: 1 – true; 2 – incorrect; 3 – vaguely Sasha greeted Masha. Masha greeted Dasha. Sasha did not greet Dasha. 31. The Zhiguli car, costing $2,400, was discounted by 33.33% during the seasonal sale. How much did the car cost during the sale? 32. Which three of the five figures need to be connected in such a way as to form an isosceles trapezoid? 1 2 3 4 5 . 33. The dress requires 2.33 m of fabric. How many dresses can you make from 42 m? 34. The meanings of the following two sentences: 1 – similar; 2 – opposite; 3 – neither similar nor opposite Three doctors are not better than one. The more doctors, the more diseases. 35. The words INCREASE and EXPAND have: 1 – similar meaning; 2 – opposite; 3 – neither similar nor opposite 36. The meaning of two English proverbs: 1 – similar; 2 – opposite; 3 – neither similar nor opposite It is better to moor with two anchors. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. 37. A businessman bought a box of oranges for $36. There were 12 dozen of them in the box. He knows that two dozen will go bad before he sells all the oranges. At what price per dozen (in cents) does he need to sell the oranges to make a profit of 1/3 of the purchase price? 38. The words CLAIM and PRETENTIOUS have: 1 – similar meaning; 2 – opposite; 3 – neither similar nor opposite 39. If a pound of potatoes costs $0.0125, how many kilos can you buy for 50 cents? 40. One of the members of the series does not fit with the others. What number would you replace it with? 1/4 1/8 1/8 ¼ 1/8 1/8 ¼ 1/8 1/6 41. The words REFLECTED and IMAGINARY have: 1 – similar meaning; 2 – opposite; 3 – neither similar nor opposite 42. How many acres is a plot of 70 m by 20 m? 43. The meanings of the following two sentences: 1 – similar; 2 – opposite; 3 – neither similar nor opposite Good things are cheap, roads are bad. Good quality provided by simplicity, bad by complexity. 44. A soldier shooting at a target hit it 12.5% ​​of the time. How many times must the soldier fire to hit her 100 times? 45. One of the members of the series does not fit with the others. What number would you replace it with? ¼ 1/6 1/8 1/9 1/12 1/14 46. Three partners in a joint stock company decided to divide the profits equally. T. invested 45,000 rubles in the business, K. -35,000 rubles, P. - 20,000 rubles. If the profit is 24,000 rubles, then how much less profit will T. receive compared to if the profit were divided in proportion to the contributions? 47. Which of the following proverbs have a similar meaning? 1. Strike while the iron is hot. 2. Alone in the field is not a warrior. 3. The forest is being cut down, the chips are flying. 4. All that glitters is not gold. 5. Judge not by appearance, but by deeds. 48. The meanings of the following two phrases: 1 – similar; 2 – opposite; 3 – neither similar nor opposite The forest is being cut down, the chips are flying. A big deal doesn't happen without losses. 49. Developments of five geometric figures (cubes) are given. Two of them belong to the same cubes. Which? 1 2 3 4 5 50. A printed article has 24,000 words. The editor decided to use two font sizes. When using a larger font, 900 words fit on a page, and a smaller font - 1200. The article should take 21 full pages in the magazine. How many pages of small print should be printed? Processing the results. Processing is done using the correct answer key. The total number of answers matching the key is counted. KEY










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