Nikolay Nosov interesting facts from life. Obituary of Nikolai Nosov

Soviet times Nikolai Nosov, who invented the famous hero Dunno, in life was an unsociable and silent person with a complex and unyielding character, but this did not stop him from creating very cheerful and funny works. The biography of Nikolai Nosov was not particularly different from the biographies of millions of his other compatriots, who were born in the turbulent years of wars and revolutions, but who nevertheless found the strength to live and create. Nosov was awarded many awards and medals, among them the Order of the Red Star (1943), the Stalin Prize of the 3rd degree (1952), the State Prize of the RSFSR. Krupskaya N.K. (1969).

Nikolai Nosov: biography

The writer was born in Kyiv on November 23, 1908. His father was an artist, and at the same time worked as a railway worker. Nikolai spent his entire childhood in the small town of Irpen near Kiev, where he went to study at the gymnasium.

The biography of Nikolai Nosov tells that the future writer was not the only child of his parents; he had two more brothers and a sister. Little Kolya loved going to his father’s concerts and performances. And the parents began to seriously think about the fact that perhaps their boy would become an artist. Kolya wanted to play the violin, but it turned out to be beyond his strength, and he abandoned this activity.


The biography of Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov further tells that the writer’s childhood and youth fell on the difficult years of the First World War and the Civil War. Hunger and cold were the companions of his family. As a result, all its members suffered from typhus, but God was merciful and none of them died. Nikolai himself later recalled that he was sick longer and more severely than anyone, and there was almost no hope for recovery. But, against all odds, he survived, and his mother simply cried with joy when he recovered. So he realized that tears come not only from grief.

In addition to music and theater, Nosov was attracted to photography, chess, and electrical engineering. Times were hard, so from the age of 14 he had to earn extra money selling newspapers, as a mower, and as a digger. After the revolution, their gymnasium became a seven-year school. After graduating in 1924, Nosov first went to work as a laborer at the Irpin concrete plant, and then to a brick factory in Bucha.

Search for a profession

Expanding further on the topic “Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov: biography,” I would like to note that from his youth the future writer became very interested in chemistry, he even had his own laboratory in the attic, where he and his friends conducted their experiments. It was then that he began to dream of becoming a chemist and wanted to enter the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. To do this, he went to study at an evening vocational school, after which his plans changed dramatically. At the age of 19, he decided that he would study at the Kiev Art Institute.

Then, after two years of study, in 1929 Nikolai Nosov was transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. The biography contains information that in 1932 he successfully completed it and went to work as a director and producer of animated, educational and scientific films.

Nikolai Nikolaevich partially reflected his autobiography in the book “The Secret at the Bottom of the Well.” During the Great Patriotic War, he worked as a director of educational military-technical films for the country's armed forces.


Next, Nikolai Nosov tries himself as children's writer in 1938. His first story was published under the title “Entertainers”, then “Living Hat”, “Wonderful Trousers”, “Dreamers”, “Mishkina Porridge” and others appeared. All these stories were published in the magazine “Murzilka”. In 1945, the first collection of stories, “Knock-Knock-Knock,” was published, and a year later another collection of his, “Steps,” was published.

Nikolai Nosov himself admitted that he became a children's writer completely by accident. It all started when he began to invent and tell funny stories to his son, and then he realized that this was the best activity for him that he could do. Nosov began to thoroughly study not only children's literature, but also child psychology. The writer believed that children should be treated with love, warmth and great respect, which is why his books became popular among children's audiences.

Other works for children

In 1947, another adventure collection by Nikolai Nosov, “Funny Stories,” was published. And his most famous stories were “The Cheerful Family” and “The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn.”

In 1952, Nikolai Nosov was awarded the Stalin Prize, III degree, for the story “Vitya Maleev at school and at home.” A little later, in 1954, the children's film “Two Friends” was made based on it.

Using the examples of his heroes, he showed children what friendship, responsiveness, mutual assistance are, and how difficult it is to live without all this. Such bad qualities as envy, vanity and lies were very much condemned by Nikolai Nosov. The biography (it is also accessible and understandable for children) indicates that a moral educational theme can be traced in all his works.


Nosov's most famous works were adventure stories about Dunno. It all started with his first work, “Vintik, Shpuntik and the Vacuum Cleaner,” followed by the trilogy “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends,” “Dunno in the Sunny City,” and “Dunno on the Moon.”

The very first illustrator of his works about Dunno was A.M. Laptev, who gave the children’s viewer the image of a restless boy in a hat. Then G.O. took up illustrations of Nosov’s books. Valk, and then the artists I. Semenov, A. Kanevsky, E. Afanasyeva and others.

Ironic humoresques

Nikolai Nosov is not only a children's writer, in 1969 he published a collection of satires called “Ironic Humoresques”, which addressed issues modern literature. He also wrote about teacher-student relationships, parent-child relationships, bad habits, etc.

The topic “Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov: biography” is very well revealed by his autobiographical work “The Tale of My Friend Igor,” consisting of three parts, which was written in 1972. The third part of this work, “The Secret at the Bottom of the Well,” was published in 1977, when the writer was no longer alive.

Nosov had two wives. The first wife died and left a son, fifteen-year-old Peter. The second wife had no children. The writer's son Pyotr Nosov was a photojournalist.

On July 26, 1976, the beloved writer Nikolai Nosov died in Moscow at the age of 68. His biography mentions that he is buried in the capital’s Kuntsevo cemetery.

Biography of Nikolai Nosov.

Date of birth: November 23, 1908
Date of death: July 26, 1976
Place of birth: Kyiv

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov- famous children's writer, Nosov N.N.- playwright.

In 1908, in the city of Kyiv, a son was born into the family of the pop actor Nosov. This happened on November 23rd. The boy was named Nikolai. He grew up as a very active child, was interested in theater, chess, music, and tried to compose. He was fascinated by his father's performances, which he often attended. But things didn’t work out for him with music. After buying him the violin he had been asking for, he tried playing it. I quickly realized that this was not an easy task and abandoned the tool.

After seven years of school, due to the difficult financial situation of his family, Nikolai worked as a laborer at a factory and as a mower, while simultaneously studying the high school curriculum on his own.

At that time, Nikolai developed another hobby. As it seemed to him then, for the rest of his life. This is chemistry. He had his own team of like-minded people, with whom they created a chemistry circle. And it was with chemistry that the future thought to connect his life famous writer Nikolay Nosov.

But due to the fact that he did not have completed vocational education, he could not enter the institute. And when he had a professional education, connecting his life with chemistry was no longer in his plans.

In 1927, Nosov entered the art institute in the city of Kyiv, but he studied there for only a couple of years. He transferred to the Moscow Cinematographic Institute, which he successfully graduated from.

After college, he worked as a director at Soyuzkino.

His first story was published in the popular magazine of that time, Murzilka. And it all started with simply telling stories to my son. And then, during the year, Nosov wrote more than once for this magazine. Nosov would later say that he started writing for children by accident, but quickly realized that this was the most interesting work that required a person to have a lot of knowledge on various topics. Nosov treated children with great respect and was interested in their psychology.

Thanks to Nikolai Nosov I saw the light new hero Dunno is a funny and mischievous little man who is full of energy and new ideas are constantly born in his head.

“Vitya Maleev at school and at home” won the Stalin Prize and the love of readers. Main character at the beginning of the work he was a poor student and a truant, but thanks to working on himself, by the end he finished the class almost perfectly.

It is perhaps impossible to name a single work of this outstanding children's writer that would go unnoticed. They are all loved and read.
Nikolai Nosov wrote not only children's works, but also satirical stories. The writer’s work also included autobiographical stories, which were published both in magazines and as separate books.

Nikolay Nosov also acted as a screenwriter feature films, an animated film about Dunno was made based on his works.
In 1957, a list of writers was compiled who were most translated into other languages. Nikolai Nosov was third on the list. His heroes spoke different languages.

Nikolai Nosov was one of the favorite writers of children of all times; they read his books; Dunno conquered him with his resourcefulness and curiosity; his Vitya Maleev instilled hope that everything is in the hands of man; the parents were calm, if their son or daughter reads books by Nikolai Nosov, then he would grow into a real person.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov died in 1976 on July 26. He was a sympathetic and kind man who did not tolerate lies and hypocrisy. At times he was harsh, at times taciturn, but he always remained sincere and honest, both with himself and with people.

Achievements of Nikolay Nosov:

Numerous awards, including the Stalin Prize and the Order of the Red Star.
Outstanding children's writer, film screenwriter.

Dates from the biography of Nikolai Nosov:

1908 - born
1927 - entered the art institute
1929 - transferred to the Institute of Cinematography
1938 - beginning of activity as a children's writer
1952 - received the Stalin Prize
1976 - died

Interesting facts of Nikolay Nosov:

A documentary film "Nikolai Nosov" was shot.
For the writer’s centenary, the Bank of Russia issued a silver coin.
His works contain a lot of scientific information.


Born on November 23 (November 10, old style) 1908 in the city of Kyiv in the family of pop artist Nikolai Petrovich and Varvara Nikolaevna. Nosov's childhood and youth fell on the difficult period of the First World War and Civil War. During this period, he and his entire family (parents, two brothers and sister) suffered from typhus. The gymnasium where Nikolai Nikolaevich studied was transformed into a seven-year school after the revolution. Due to his difficult financial situation, he had to combine school with various jobs (newspaper sales, digger, mower, etc.). At this time, Nosov became interested in music, and even wanted to become a musician. But due to the difficulty of learning, he abandons this idea. His next hobby was chemistry. Together with friends, he conducts various chemical experiments in the attic of the house and plans to study to become a chemist after graduating from school. Nosov described some of his childhood memories in “The Secret at the Bottom of the Well.”
In 1924 he graduated from school (seven classes), but he was unable to enter the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. Secondary education was required for admission. To prepare for college, Nosov goes to evening school and at the same time gets a job, first at a concrete plant in Irpen (Kiev region of Ukraine), and then works at a brick factory in Bucha (Kiev region of Ukraine). But in 1927, having changed his mind, he studied to become a chemist and entered the Kiev Art Institute. After studying for two years in 1929, he transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography, which he successfully graduated from in 1932. After which he worked for a long time as a director and producer of cartoons and educational films.
In 1931, Nikolai Nikolaevich and his wife Elena Artemovna (Mazurenko) had a son, Peter. It was his son who played a big role in Nosov’s development as a children’s writer. His second wife, Tatyana, became his muse, to whom he dedicated many of his works.
During the Great Patriotic War, he was involved in filming educational and scientific films for the army. For which he received the Order of the Red Star in 1943.
After the war he began to study literature seriously. His works such as “Knock-knock-knock” (1945), “Steps” (1946), “Merry Family” (1949), “The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn” (1950), “Vitya Maleev at school and at home” were published. "(1951) and others. In 1952, for the story “Vitya Maleev at school and at home” he received the Stalin Prize of the third degree. The trilogy about Dunno received the greatest fame. “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” (1954), “Dunno in the Sunny City” (1958), “Dunno on the Moon” (1965). For Dunno in 1969 he received the Krupskaya State Prize. IN recent years throughout his life he began writing autobiographical works.
Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov died on July 26, 1976 in Moscow. He was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow.

Evgeny Ivanovich Nosov is a Soviet Russian writer. Today, works by Evgeny Nosov for children are included in school curriculum studying. Although he did not write specifically for them. However, thanks to the understandable and in simple language, all his stories and stories are easy to read for both adults and children. Author of many famous works Evgeniy became his, one might say, very complex and heroic. However, he should not be confused with his namesake and children's writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov, known for his works about Dunno.

Nosov Evgeny Ivanovich. Biography

Evgeny Ivanovich Nosov was born on January 15, 1925 in the Kursk region in the village of Tolmachevo. This village was located not far from the Tuskari River, a channel of the Seim, it had a bell tower and a park of linden trees. Nosov lived his entire childhood in his grandfather’s house in a large peasant family. His father was a hereditary artisan, and most of his life he worked as a mechanic at a mechanical plant in the city of Kursk.

In 1933, Evgeniy went to study at Kursk secondary school, but completed only 8 classes there, since the war began. As soon as the Germans took the city, he, his mother and younger sister moved back to Tolmachevo to live with his grandmother.


In the fall of 1943, Evgeny Nosov became a fighter in the Red Army. For a year and a half he fought in forward positions as part of an artillery battery, which destroyed many enemy tanks and other military equipment. The battle path of this brave defender passed through Bryansk, Minsk, Mogilev, Bobruisk, and Warsaw. Private Nosov was awarded numerous honorary military orders and medals.

Already at the end of winter, just before the victory, Nosov was wounded near Konigsberg. AND Great Victory he met already in the hospital in Serpukhov. In June 1945 he was demobilized due to disability.

But the joy of meeting family was replaced by severe post-war devastation and hunger. Evgeniy’s father was in the war and became unable to work, so it was not easy to obtain funds for the family. Evgeny Nosov made up for lost time and passed all school exams in one year. Following his future wife, who graduated from the College of Soviet Trade, they left for the Kazakh city of Taldy-Kurgan.

lucky chance

It was there that he turned up lucky chance, one local newspaper “Semerichenskaya Pravda” needed a graphic designer and he, having a good talent for drawing, got a job. A year later he got married. And then the duties of a special correspondent fell on him, and he began to travel to different cities on business trips and write news articles on industry, trade and transport.

In 1951, Evgeniy Nosov returned to Kursk again. His biography starts from here new round, he becomes an employee of the Molodaya Gvardiya newspaper and head of the department of youth and Komsomol life.

In 1957, he began to seriously engage in literary works. But for real work he needed more free time, he again returned to the position of graphic designer. And starts writing short stories, which were published in periodicals. Now Evgeny Nosov is a writer, and in 1958 he published his first collection, “On the Fishing Path.” Then the Kursk Literary Association decided to send him to Leningrad for the All-Russian Seminar, where the leaders of the group he headed praised the young prose writer and his works very highly, so he was recommended to the Union of Writers of the USSR.

Upon completion of the Higher literary courses, the period of which lasted from 1961 to 1963, Evgeny Nosov is already professionally engaged in writing. The works of Evgeny Nosov are replenished with such works as “Where the Sun Awakens”, “Banks”, “In the Open Field Behind the Village”, “Bridge”, “The Meadow Fescue Is Noisy”, “Red Wine of Victory”, “My Chomolungma”, “Usvyat Helmet Bearers” ", "Selected Works" in 2 volumes and many others.

Literary criticism considered Evgeniy Nosov to be a country writer. But true admirers of his literature found in his works not only a description of peasant life and nature, but also philosophical understanding the process of people’s existence and the role of the Fatherland in their lives.

His experience and skill, as well as the breadth of his interests, are very natural, rich and varied. He artistically easily and freely depicts both rural and urban factory life, and also very realistically describes the army’s retreat in 1941, and how he climbed the Great Patriotic War the entire Russian people.

Evgeny Nosov. Biography and beginning of creativity

In his story “The Usvyat Helmet Bearers,” Nosov very powerfully describes the severity of the war and the fascist invasion that fell on the entire Soviet people, along with their men, old people, women and children.

He reflects on why the nation remembers this war for so long, but because the enemy was painfully insidious and merciless, and this had a very strong effect on the Epic panorama at the end of the story lifts the spirit, when the clouds in the sky float over the villages, and the columns of the mobilized move to the assembly point . “Usvyatsky, Stavsky, Nikolsky, Khutorskaya, the men are coming!” And there is no end to these columns, so Russia has risen, so Russians go to defend their native land, their relatives and friends.

Literary Awards

For the book “The Meadow Fescue Is Noisy” in 1975, Evgeny Nosov received the State Prize of the RSFSR named after. M. Gorky. For his stories in 1996 he was awarded by the International literary prize them. M. Sholokhov, in 2001 - the prize named after. A. Solzhenitsyn.

In 1990, Evgeny Ivanovich Nosov was nominated for the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. In 1984 and 1990, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1975, and in 1971 he received the Order of the Badge of Honor.

This is how Evgeniy Ivanovich Nosov lived his difficult life. His biography is similar to the biographies of many outstanding people of that time who knew how many innocent lives it took so that the survivors could live and work in peace in their native land. They knew all this firsthand, and therefore took full advantage of their chance to live.


Evgeny Nosov, whose biography is so rich, was one of the most revered writers in the Soviet Union. Either he is stern and gloomy, he looks at everyone from under his brows (memories of the war and front-line wounds made themselves felt), then he is kind and warm-hearted. And this fills the souls of family and friends. But he became most amazing when he told something and simply enchanted his listeners. There has always been a different writer in life, Evgeniy Nosov. The biography of his life was interrupted in 2002 at the age of 77.

Reading time: 5 min

Since childhood, Nikolai was interested in many things. His parents believed that the boy would follow in the footsteps of his father, a pop artist. This is because the future writer received great pleasure from his performances and often attended them as a spectator. But this passion was overcome by another - Nikolai wanted to become a violinist, begging to buy him an instrument. True, the coveted violin quickly became a thing of the past, giving way to the theater. Then chess. Then it was the turn of the camera and radio electronics - the young man was interested in many things. He even published his own magazine - for a narrow circle of his friends, of course. But Nosov did not rest on this either, having organized for himself, already as a student, a mini-laboratory for a chemist.

Cinematography is my greatest passion

As a result, Nikolai took the step that decided his fate and entered the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. He went from director to director. Moreover, he not only made educational and scientific films, but also worked in the field of animation. And in wartime he directed training stories for the warring army. For which he received the Order (Red Star). The most famous is his training manual for tankers.

Man of many professions

True, before taking his place in the film industry, Nosov had to change many occupations. He sold newspapers, mowed, worked as a digger, was a worker in various factories and even a laborer. He started working when he was still a boy - times were hungry.

Friendship with street children

During the terrible time of post-revolutionary revelry, Kolya made friends with street boys. This happened because one day he missed the last train he took home from work, and was kicked out of the station by the watchman. So he came across a group of homeless people, with whom he began to sympathize so much that more than once he stayed overnight with them.

From bedtime stories to fame

Nikolai had a son and he needed to tell him stories and fairy tales. But gradually he realized that his work could become interesting to other children. He approached the work with all care, and this is how the mischievous and self-confident Dunno appeared, as well as the rest of the heroes. All of them brought fame to Nosov, securing him among the galaxy of writers. But his imagination created not only little people. There were other heroes. The author's first story was published in 1938.

Dunno was originally an elf

But not according to Nosov’s plan - he was simply inspired by Khvolson’s fairy tales, which tell about the adventures of elves. True, from there he only took the name and some pieces of character. The plot and concept of the plot are entirely the merit of the author. In part, he rewarded the main character not only with his own traits, but also with parts of his son’s character. And many of the characters in the book, as people who knew the author suspect, were based on the children of his friends.

Dunno's dapperness is an echo of the author's preferences

The famous blue wide-brimmed hat with a tassel originates from the author’s own affection for such extravagant headdresses.

Not only Dunno

The writer was actively published in the magazine “Murzilka”. In addition to children's works, he wrote serious stories (autobiographical): “The Tale of My Friend Igor”, as well as “The Secret at the Bottom of the Well”.

Not only a director, but also a screenwriter

N. Nosov with his wife and grandson.

Nosov prepared scripts for the following films:

  • “The Adventures of Kolya Klyukvin”;
  • “Friend”;
  • “Two Friends”;
  • “Dreamers.”

Immortalized in numismatics

On the occasion of the centenary of the writer’s birth, the Central Bank issued a silver two-ruble coin with the image of him and the heroes of his books. This coin is included in the “Outstanding Personalities of Russia” series.

Responsiveness and fans

According to relatives, Nosov often sent his books at the request of young readers - after all, in those days, not everyone could purchase them themselves. Moreover, there were fans not only here, but also abroad - the works were translated into different languages. Nicholas was also often visited by foreign guests, whom he received in his modest apartment. According to his grandson, he once received a large box of sweets from the Japanese as a gift. It depicted Dunno - as it turned out, he became a symbol of the confectionery shop. Apparently, not only Soviet children loved his adventures. N. Nosov with his grandson Igor

The grandson of the writer, who is described in “My Friend Igor,” also became a writer, and at the same time a publisher.

These are interesting facts from the life of Nosov N.N. - a writer whose books are permeated with good humor and cover a wide variety of everyday aspects. By the way, some of the writer’s distant relatives still live in his native area - Irpen. The writer’s house still stands in its place to this day, but there is no museum there; ordinary people live in it.

And the memory of Nikolai continues to live - it’s not for nothing that it is believed that the writer (like his heroes) is alive as long as at least one reader reads his books and remembers the characters and himself. I would like to believe that Nosov will be remembered by grateful readers for many years to come and live in their souls and hearts. Just like the little mischief-maker Dunno, Vintik and Shpuntik, Knopochka and many other heroes created by the rich imagination of the author.