Shark personal life. Singer Shark: her biography and path to success

Our heroine today is Oksana Pochepa, better known under her creative pseudonym Shark. In the late 90s, compositions performed by her were heard at all discos in the country. Do you want to know what happened to this beauty? How old is Akula (singer)? We have prepared for you up-to-date and truthful information about it. You can start studying the article.

Biography: family and childhood

The singer Akula, whose photo is presented in the article, was born in Rostov-on-Don in 1984 (June 20). Oksana Pochepa (that’s her real name) was raised in an ordinary family with average income. She has an older brother named Mikhail.

WITH early years Oksana did acrobatics and attended music school and hobby groups. In 5th grade, she enrolled in a vocal studio. Even then, the girl dreamed of a singing career.

First successes in creativity

One day, the VJ of a local radio station, Andrei Baskakov, announced a casting call for a new musical project. 13-year-old Oksana decided to support her friend by going with her to the specified address. There were a lot of people who wanted to get into the Mololetka youth group. Unfortunately, our heroine’s friend was unable to impress the selection committee. But Oksana herself got a place in new group. Several other boys and girls were also lucky. With this lineup, the guys toured almost our entire country.

In 2000, Sergei Zhukov, soloist and founder of the group “Ruki Vverkh”, came to one of the concerts of the “Maloletka” group. Of all the teenagers performing on stage, he singled out Oksana. After the concert ended, Zhukov approached her and offered cooperation. A native of Rostov-on-Don could not miss this chance.

Music career

To begin with, Sergei Zhukov moved his ward to Moscow, provided rental housing and came up with a sonorous pseudonym - “Shark”. After that, they began recording the first compositions. The author of most of the texts was Oksana.

When did singer Akula present her debut album? The biography indicates that this happened in 2001. The record was called "Acid DJ". The composition of the same name became a real hit. It was played by the largest radio stations and music TV channels. Many listeners wanted to know who the singer Shark is. Photos of the performer began to be published in magazines and newspapers. The girl began to be invited to various programs. Soon the singer pleased her fans with two compositions - “I’m Running Away” and “Little.”

In 2002, Shark’s second album, “Without Love,” went on sale. Many of you have probably heard songs such as “For You” and “You Love My Mother.” Over time, Oksana Pochepa realized that popularity, like a medal, has a downside. Constant fatigue, frequent flights from city to city and screaming fans outside the window - all this drove her into a stressful state.

Finding yourself

In 2004, singer Shark went to the USA on tour. The Russian-speaking public received her performance well. Many people sang along with her. The native of Rostov-on-Don devoted her free time to walks around San Francisco and talked with local musicians. When the tour came to an end, she decided to stay in America for a while. The girl did not sit idle. In her home mini-studio, Oksana recorded tracks in different musical genres. Later, some of them ended up in new album singers.

A new twist in creativity

In 2006, our heroine returned from the USA to Moscow. She decided to continue her creative activity. In 2007, singer Akula presented her track “Morning without you” to Russian listeners. A few months later, she stopped collaborating with Sergei Zhukov. The beauty also got rid of the pseudonym he invented. Since then, she has been performing under her real name and surname - Oksana Pochepa.

Further career development

In 2013, singer Shark, whose biography interests many fans, celebrated her 15th anniversary of creative activity. A big concert took place where she performed her popular tracks (“Girl”, “Acid DJ”, “Such Love” and others). It is worth noting that there was not a single empty seat in the hall. Isn't this the best indicator of people's love for her?!

In 2014, Oksana’s second solo album, “Star,” was released. It included 14 compositions. In the fall of the same year, O. Pochepa performed at the opening of the Spartak FC stadium. She was greeted by numerous stands. And in 2015, the singer pleased her fans with two new tracks - “Melodrama” and “Goodbye, Berlin.” Then she starred in the video for her song “Girlfriend.”

Shark, singer: personal life

In her youth, our heroine was an amorous girl. Only after crossing the 20-year mark, she realized that she needed to strive for a serious relationship and start a family. In 2009, Oksana began an affair with a musician from her own group. For several years the couple lived under the same roof. The singer and her chosen one spent a lot of time together: they performed in different cities of Russia, traveled abroad, and so on. Their close friends and colleagues were sure that very soon they would get married. But, to the surprise of many, the relationship between Oksana and her boyfriend ended in 2013.

Currently, the heart of the Russian performer is free. Our heroine, like many girls, dreams of a caring husband, a strong family and a cozy country house. How old is Shark? The singer is 32 years old. And she looks at most 25 years old. The secret of her youth and slimness lies in a healthy diet, an active lifestyle and careful care of her appearance. The girl visits several times a week Gym, swimming pool and SPA salon.

  • Singer Shark sometimes travels by subway and does not consider it shameful. To prevent other passengers from recognizing her, she puts a hood on her head.
  • Her favorite musical direction is “rocopop” (a mixture of two styles - rock and pop).
  • She has few friends. Our heroine feels much more comfortable in male company.
  • She never chased world famous brands. The singer tries to choose clothes that fit well on her figure and do not cause discomfort. And price and manufacturer are of secondary importance.
  • In December 2007, her photographs graced the Russian version of the men's magazine Playboy.

  • Oksana Pochepa has only one fear in life - the fear of loneliness.
  • She also tried herself as an actress. In 2008, the singer appeared in one of the episodes of the Russian action film “Street Racers”. That's not all. Oksana played herself in the series “Time of Happiness-2” (2010). She also got the main role in the short film “109 Years at Least” (2014).
  • The artist considers herself a gourmet, but she can’t stand dieting. If you urgently need to lose weight for an important event, then the singer Shark simply reduces the portions and the total calorie content of the dishes.
  • In people, Oksana values ​​honesty, a positive attitude and responsiveness.


We talked about where she was born, who she dated, and how singer Akula built her musical career. Her age is also known to you now. What can you wish for this charming girl? More real hits, loyal fans and a happy personal life!

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13.12.2014 15:47

Oksana Pochepa (Shark) Biography - Russian singer

Oksana Aleksandrovna Pochepa (creative pseudonym - Shark) (July 20, 1984, Rostov-on-Don, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian singer, actress

Oksana Aleksandrovna Pochepa was born on July 20, 1984 in Rostov-on-Don. She took part in performances of Rostov children's ensembles, sang and wrote poetry. I did acrobatics. Oksana has a brother, Mikhail Pochepa.

In 1991, on the initiative of her father, she entered the music school named after. Rimsky-Korsakov.

In 1997-1998 she was a soloist of the youth project “Little Girl”. At the same time, as part of this project, she performed for the first time on the stage of the Rostov Sports Palace. She also participated in the Youth Against Drugs tour.

In 2000, having received an invitation from Sergei Zhukov to the new musical project “Shark”, she moved to Moscow. In 2001, the debut album “Acid DJ” was released, tours and performances began. In 2002, the second album “Without Love” was released. In 2004, after touring US cities, the singer remained to live there. She returned to Russia two years later in 2006. In 2007, a video was shot for the song “Morning without You”.

She worked as a radio presenter for the Uni-Hit hit parade at the Yunost radio station.

In 2009, Oksana became an unwitting participant in the scandal with Mel Gibson.

In 2013, Oksana celebrates 15 years of creative activity on the big stage with the anniversary concert “Shark - 15 years on stage”

In 2014, Oksana Pochepa ran for the Council of Deputies of the Krasnopakhorskoye settlement of Moscow from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.


As part of the project "Little Girl"

"Somewhere the Stars" (1999)

Night (4:24)
See you (4:09)
Rain (4:03)
I love you (4:26)
I don't believe it (4:00)
Mistress of Love (3:58)
Love (3:50)
Sleep with me (4:10)
Somewhere the stars (4:30)
Rain (Remix) (4:59)
Night (Remix) (3:36)
Megamix (1:09)

As part of the project "Shark"

"Acid DJ" (2001)

Acid DJ (3:55)
I'm running away (3:42)
Don't be silent (4:12)
Next to you (4:24)
Call (3:36)
Day, night (4:14)
Tears in the cold (4:12)
I'm crying (5:56)
I Don't Love You Anymore (5:03)
I'm dreaming (4:09)
Wife (3:45)
My love (3:48)
Little (3:15)

"Without Love" (2003)

Fall in love (3:38)
Girl (3:33)
I want it that way (3:55)
Rada (3:34)
Do you love mom (4:30)
Love me (3:52)
For you (3:32)
Dad (4:08)
Princess (4:15)
Not cold, not hot (4:02)
Don't talk about love (4:41)
I'm Running Away (remix) (8:45)

"Such Love" (2006)

This kind of love (4:21)
Yesterday (3:33)
I love only you (3:52)
Radio Market (3:21)
Stay away (3:29)
Holiday without you (6:00)
Late (3:31)
Sorry Sorry (6:35)
You know (3:24)
Flocks of Birds (3:33)
Old Gypsy (3:38)
Such love remix (6:02)
Yesterday remix (3:15)
Explain (3:33)
Bullet (3:53)

Solo albums

“Shark” (2010) (Reissued in 2011. The reissue changed the order of the tracks, excluded the track “Sex” and added “I’m Holding on to You”)

Morning without you
I got infected with you
Sex (feat. Ivan Demyan, vocalist of the group “7B”)
This kind of love
Flocks of birds
Those who me
Don't talk to me about love
Lyrics (feat. Alex Nevsky)
Such love (Matuya & T-Lovers rmx)
Flocks of birds (Dj Audiophile rmx)
Pochepa (feat. S. Shnurov)


2001 - Acid DJ (directed by A. Igudin)
2001 - Little (directed by A. Igudin)
2002 - Love (directed by M. Segal)
2002 - I’m running away (directed by A. Igudin)
2003 - Such love (director A. Igudin)

Oksana Pochepa

2007 - Morning without you (director A. Igudin)
2011 - Help me (director I. Emelianenko) (feat. Group 7B)
2011 - She (director D. Arkhangelsky)
2011 - Star (director V. Fokeev) (feat. OnAir)
2012 - Blizzard (director D. Arkhangelsky)
2013 - Useless days (directed by D. Kozlov)
2013 - I won’t divide you in half (director A. Sobolev)
2013 - There is happiness (director Jean Danelyan)
2013 - I forgot the warmth of your hands (director Jean Danelyan)
2014 - Gone into the dawn (directed by Andrey Sobolev)


2008 - Street Racers (director O. Fesenko) in a cameo role
2010 - TV series “Time of Happiness 2” (directed by D. Sorokin) as herself

Oksana Aleksandrovna Pochepa is a famous Russian pop singer who performs under the pseudonym Akula. The girl managed to become famous back in the 90s thanks to the hit song “Acid DJ”. At that time, she was one of the most popular singers in Russia and toured not only her entire native country, but also Europe and the States.

From that moment on, she managed to shoot several dozen videos and even become the main character scandal that revolved around actor Mel Gibson. The girl also proved herself as an actress, playing a small role in the film “Street Racers” (2009) and starring in the short film “At least 109 Years.”

Childhood and family of Oksana Pochep

The future star of Russian pop music was born on July 20, 1984 in Rostov-on-Don. Her older brother Mikhail was already growing up in the family. Since childhood, Oksana has shown creative inclinations in various fields of art

And yet, the girl’s vocal abilities were especially pronounced. Noticing their daughter’s talent for singing, her parents, without hesitation, enrolled her in several creative clubs. Thus, from childhood, the girl sang as part of a city ensemble and performed solo with songs of her own composition.

At the same time, she was engaged in acrobatics. Oksana admitted that if she had not become so passionate about singing, she would definitely have continued her sports career.

The beginning of Oksana Pochepa's singing career

In 1991, Pochepa began studying at the music school named after. Rimsky-Korsakov. To be more precise, it was her father who advised her to go there. In the past, Alexander Pochepa also wanted to be creative, but life turned out differently, so he did his best to help his daughter make her wishes come true. She, a little genius, was accepted at the beginning of the 3rd quarter.

Duet of Oksana Pochepa and her father Alexander Pochepa

Oksana started her professional singing career completely by accident. To support her friend, she went with her to an audition, which was conducted by the VJ of a local radio station, Andrei Baskakov, who was recruiting soloists for the new musical project “Maloletka”. Unfortunately, her friend was left with nothing, but Oksana managed to beat hundreds of competitors and charm Andrey. Thus, at the age of 14 she signed her first contract and began earning money by singing.

Being a “Little Girl”, Oksana performed on the biggest stages of her native city, even in the Rostov Sports Palace. In addition, she had the opportunity to go on the Youth Against Drugs tour, and then on tour to Germany. The girl repeatedly performed with other stars of that time, among whom were the famous rapper Decl and Legalize. She soon attracted attention famous performer and producer Sergei Zhukov.

Oksana Pochepa aka Shark

Zhukov invited the girl to become the central figure of his new musical project “Shark”. After analyzing this proposal and consulting with her parents, Pochepa, of course, agreed and soon was on her way to the capital. Having considerable experience behind her, Oksana already knew what to expect from the music business. The girl worked on herself every day, recorded new songs and practiced vocals.

Just a year later, 17-year-old Shark released her debut album entitled “Acid DJ”. The song of the same name and the album as a whole created such a sensation in the music field that the girl instantly became a new star. The title song of the album was played on all music TV channels and was played wildly on the radio. Soon the tracks “Little” and “Running Away” were released, and in 2003 the album “Without Love” was released.

Oksana Pochepa (Shark) – “Acid DJ”

At this time, difficulties began in the singer’s life. Because it started so early musical career Every day it becomes more and more difficult for her to overcome fatigue and stress. During her world tour, Oksana flew to America to perform, where she remained until 2006.

However, she did not leave music overseas either. Pochepa continued to perform, but managed her time independently. She was forced to fly to her homeland by the love of her devoted fans, who regularly sent letters to the idol with words of support and requests to return back. In 2006, Shark released her third album entitled “Such Love,” which included 13 tracks and 2 remixes.

Oksana Pochepa – “Girlfriend”

In 2007, the girl shot a video for the song “Morning without you.” Soon Oksana and Sergei Zhukov terminated the contract, so the singer went on a solo voyage. For some time she was the host of the most popular hit parade “Uni-hit” on the radio station “Yunost”, after which she returned to her career as a singer under her own name, presenting the public with many incendiary dance hits and lyrical compositions.

Personal life of Oksana Pochep

The popular singer's relationships have always been as unpredictable as the girl herself. Unfortunately, we know few details about her personal life, but in 2009 Oksana was involved in a scandal related to the name of the famous actor Mel Gibson. At that time, the happily married Hollywood hero was spotted on the beach in the company of his mistress. Over time, the girl’s name was revealed – Oksana. Very soon the media found her out full name and occupation.

The singer was not at a loss and confirmed that the girl who destroyed the marriage popular actor, it was she. But the more questions journalists asked, the less certain her story became. Ultimately, it became clear that the actor’s real lover was another girl named Oksana, and Pochepa was just using Gibson’s name for her own PR.

Oksana Pochepa today

The year 2013 marked a significant date for the singer - 15 years of her singing career. In this regard, Oksana organized a big concert, which was attended by a record number of listeners.

Oksana Pochepa (Shark) - Melodrama

In 2014, she released a new solo album, “Star,” which included 14 tracks. In the fall of the same year, the singer performed at the opening of the Spartak FC stadium. In 2015, Oksana Pochepa pleased listeners with two new songs: “Farewell, Berlin” and “Melodrama”.

respectable aged men. Our heroine cannot be called a flighty person. She never throws away her relationships and feelings. Her first love happened at the age of 14. The feelings turned out to be mutual. The girl still cherishes memories of the guy she met in her youth.

In 2009, Oksana began an affair with a musician from her group. A couple of months later, the guy asked her to live together. The blonde agreed and moved her things to a rented apartment. At first they living together reminded fairy tale. But soon the guy began to show his aggressiveness and unreasonable jealousy. Oksana repeatedly left the young man. However, he managed to beg her forgiveness.

In 2013, Pochepa finally broke off her relationship with her boyfriend. Currently, the singer carefully hides her personal life. It is known that she is not officially married. She also has no children.


Now you know where singer Akula was born, studied and how she got into show business. Let's wish this charming girl creative success and financial well-being!

Do you know who the singer Shark is? Do you know the girl's real name? If not, we recommend reading the article. From it you will learn how old Akula (the singer) is, where she studied and how she got on stage.


Oksana Pochepa is the real name of our heroine. She was born on July 20, 1984 in Rostov-on-Don. Oksana's mom and dad are simple people with a technical education.

From an early age, the girl dreamed of becoming a singer. She organized home concerts, parodying pop stars (Alla Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru and others). Perhaps the singer Akula would not have appeared on our stage. But her parents enrolled little Oksana in the music school named after. Rimsky-Korsakov. The girl attended classes with pleasure.

Oksana studied well at a regular school. Teachers praised her for her diligence and active participation in the life of the class. The baby also visited a vocal studio and sports section. At some point, our heroine became seriously interested in acrobatics. Thanks to her natural abilities, as well as willpower and perseverance, she could build a brilliant sports career. However, the love for music took over.

The beginning of a creative journey

When did Shark (singer) perform for the first time in front of a general public? The biography of our heroine indicates that this happened at the age of 13. Oksana got the opportunity to participate in the youth project “Little Girl”. The team, consisting of talented girls and boys, traveled to the largest cities of Russia. The newly formed group has released several albums.

In 2000, at one of the group’s concerts, the young singer was noticed by “Hands Up” soloist Sergei Zhukov. He offered Oksana cooperation. The 16-year-old girl agreed. It was Zhukov who came up with a bright and sonorous pseudonym for her - Shark. Few people know about this.


Oksana moved to Moscow to develop her career. The parents tried to dissuade their daughter from this step. They convinced her of the need to enter a university. But our heroine did not listen to their opinion.

For several months, the girl literally did not leave the recording studio. And her efforts were crowned with success.

Shark is a singer whose songs immediately fell in love with listeners. In 2001, her debut album “Acid DJ” went on sale. The composition of the same name became a real hit.

The release of the second album was not long in coming. Already in 2002, the singer’s fans were able to listen to her new songs. The album “Without Love” included 12 compositions. The most popular songs among listeners were “You Love My Mother,” “Girl,” and “For You.”

Singer Akula was invited to fashionable nightclubs located in major Russian cities. Her fees only increased day by day.

In 2004, Oksana Pochepa went on a tour to the USA. The Russian-speaking public received her performances with a bang. In her free time from concerts, the girl explored local attractions. The Russian singer became seriously interested in Western and African-American music. Our heroine did not return to Moscow at the appointed time. She decided to stay in the USA. There the girl recorded several works in different musical styles. Some of them are included in her new album.


In 2006, singer Shark radically changed her life. The girl said goodbye to America and returned to Russia. The blonde decided to perform under her real name and surname.

In 2007, Oksana Pochepa’s video for her song “Morning without you” was released on one of the music channels. She was pleased with the collaboration with director A. Igudin. The girl had to regain popularity and love from listeners.

In subsequent years, videos were released for such compositions as:

Personal life

Oksana Pochepa - young and beautiful girl. She always had many fans. She was courted by both ordinary guys and older ones. Our heroine cannot be called a flighty person. She never throws away her relationships and feelings. Her first love happened at the age of 14. The feelings turned out to be mutual. The girl still cherishes memories of the guy she met in her youth.

In 2009, Oksana began an affair with a musician from her group. A couple of months later, the guy asked her to live together. The blonde agreed and moved her things to a rented apartment. At first, their life together resembled a fairy tale. But soon the guy began to show his aggressiveness and unreasonable jealousy. Oksana repeatedly left the young man. However, he managed to beg her forgiveness.

In 2013, Pochepa finally broke off her relationship with her boyfriend. Currently, the singer carefully hides her personal life. It is known that she is not officially married. She also has no children.


Now you know where singer Akula was born, studied and how she got into show business. Let's wish this charming girl creative success and financial well-being!