Children's story space adventures. Space fairy tale

All children are interested in things that, due to their age, are still unknown to them. The theme of space is one of my favorites. Sometimes, “trickle-down” questions confuse parents. I would like to answer, but simple words is not enough, because what excites a small inquisitive mind also excites the minds of the best scientists around the world. What should I do? Where can we find the “correct” and accessible explanations for complex phenomena? In the RIGHT books! We introduce you to a cosmic selection that will certainly help you find answers to “cosmic” questions.

Studying space is interesting at any age. Stories about the Universe help children feel part of huge world, broaden your horizons and show creativity. For adults, knowledge about space teaches them to think globally and makes them think about ecology and responsibility for our planet. Books about space are interesting to read together to discuss, find answers to questions, fantasize and dream. Welcome to an exciting intergalactic adventure through the pages of children's books!

1. V.I. Tsvetkov “Starry sky. Galaxies, constellations, meteorites"

The popular scientific and practical encyclopedia will tell young readers about the ancient science of astronomy, teach them how to “read” a star map, and introduce them to the names of the brightest stars.

Readers will learn where to look for the “heart of a lion” and “Beronica’s hair,” what the “great summer triangle” is, what connects the word “vacation” and the brightest star in the sky - Sirius. Where are observatories built and why the room where the telescope is located cannot be heated, how Stonehenge helps you find out the cardinal directions, where is the best place to observe the stars and much more.

Hard cover, high-quality printing, many photographs and drawings, diagrams. The text is adapted for independent reading by school-age children; the information can be trusted, because The reviewer was Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.

2. Encyclopedia for the curious “Why and why”.

This book has a section on time and seasons. Important concepts are explained clearly and in accessible words. The book is intended for reading by adults to children, it can be used for preschoolers.

Why does the sun rise and set? Why is it dark at night? What is a leap year and why do we need a calendar? What time is it in space?

The great advantages are high-quality illustrations, good paper and binding.

3. O. I. Sumatokhina “Space. 3D encyclopedia"

What invisible secrets does the cosmos hide?

The encyclopedia will help young children discover the Universe, meet famous astronauts, understand how a telescope works and what space stations are needed for.

3D imaging technology (glasses) will help bring the unknown closer.

The book contains a large number of photographs, the text is presented in small blocks.

4. Great children's encyclopedia
Translation from English by T. Pokidaeva

Any quick question from a child’s lips will not sound scary, because this encyclopedia has everything to answer what the Universe and the Milky Way are, how many stars are in the sky and why they twinkle, which stars can explode and whether the Sun will die. Part of the book is dedicated to space.

The book is not overloaded with texts that are difficult for a child to understand; the illustrations are bright and clearly demonstrate phenomena that can be difficult to explain in accessible language.

5. Encyclopedia “Astronomy and Space”

Ninety-six pages full amazing facts about space and beautiful illustrations. The encyclopedia “Astronomy and Space” will bring readers closer to solving eternal questions and will allow them to learn a lot of new things about our universe and the study of planets by mankind. The manual will be relevant for children of senior preschool and school age.

6. Space. Complete encyclopedia

Storehouse useful information! Even adults will find new facts for themselves.

7. Space and earth. A unique illustrated encyclopedia for children

With the help of this book, children will make exciting journey to different parts of the world on our planet; They will visit the mountains, walk through cities and plains, and even fly into space! By reading the book "Space and Earth", they will learn how to observe the night sky, use binoculars and a telescope, and how an astrological observatory works. Tips from experienced travelers will help you learn to read maps and build routes, navigate the terrain, use a compass and notice the clues of nature. Suitable for children of primary school age.

8. G. N. Elkin “For children about space and astronauts”

The book introduces amazing world space. Written in accessible language and well illustrated. It will be useful for children, their parents and teachers working with children.

The young reader will learn what stars and black holes are, where comets and asteroids come from, what cosmic dust is made of, what galaxies and constellations are, what the planets and their satellites are called, how the solar system works, who invented rockets, spacecraft and how they work cosmodromes. The author talks about astronauts and their heroic profession, who was the first to fly into space and how people visited the Moon.

9. Martin Root “Cosmos” (Clever Publishing, 2016)

This book will be understandable and interesting even for children 3-4 years old; it may well become the first encyclopedia about space in your children's library. The author talks in an accessible way about the planets of the solar system, the Sun, the Moon, stars and galaxies.

You can play with the book: the pages have opening flaps that little explorers love to look under. By opening such a valve, children will see what is inside the spacesuit, how the rocket works, and what the Earth is made of.

10. Efrem Levitan “For kids about stars and planets” (“Rosman”)

This book is a bestseller that has collected a huge number of rave reviews; its author is Efim Devitan, a famous popularizer of astronomy. Perfect for children aged 4 years and older to explore space for the first time.

This astronomical tale tells kids about the Universe in an accessible and fun way. Visual illustrations and simple experiments help parents explain complex phenomena using simple examples.

11. Trilogy by Efrem Levitan “Fairytale Universe” (“Meshcheryakov Publishing House”)

The trilogy includes the books: “Secrets of Our Sun”, “The Kingdom of the Sun”, “The World in which the Stars Live”.

The main characters are the author's own children - Alka and Sveta, as well as the gnomes Knopkin and Nedouchkin. Every evening, dad tells the children fairy tales about space, about how our Universe works, about the Sun, the Moon, what gravity is, what planets of the solar system exist. Material that is difficult for children to understand is presented in an accessible and engaging way. The experiments that dad conducts with children on the pages of books can be repeated at home with the child.

12. Dominic Walliman, Ben Newman
“Professor Astrocat and his adventures in space” (“MYTH”, 2016)

The main character of the book, Professor Astrocat, shares his knowledge, observations and discoveries with readers. The book is illustrated with humor and is equally interesting to read for both children and adults.

It turns out that Astrocat really existed and was even really preparing to go into space, but... escaped at the last moment! The prototype for the hero of the book was Felix the cat. Instead of Felix, the cat Felicette flew into space, but the story is not about her at all...

The authors of the book turned out to be a very funny story. There are also funny astro mice, so that the cat doesn’t get bored wandering around the expanses of space alone. Comic book style design is a good technique. Some of the information is presented on behalf of the characters in the book; periodically they exchange funny remarks.

Very detailed and visual illustrations, as well as infographics, help ensure that information is easily perceived and remembered quickly. The relationship between the sizes of the planets in the solar system, for example, is illustrated with the help of various fruits: if Jupiter were the size of a watermelon, then Uranus would be an apple, Venus would be a grape, and Mercury would be a peppercorn.

Having such a book in your home library is simply a blessing!

13. E. Kachur “Fascinating astronomy”

A beautiful, bright and educational book from a series of encyclopedias with Chevostik. Together with the inquisitive hero, little readers will go to the observatory to see planets, stars, comets and much more through the telescope.

Why does the Moon sometimes look like a sickle, and sometimes even round? How to distinguish a planet from a star? What is a light year and why is one Earth year equal to four Mercury years? Which planet is the smallest and which is the largest? Do stars appear during the day? Why is the comet tailed? What is orbit and satellite, meteors and eclipse? You will find answers to these and other questions in the book. Simple texts, cute illustrations, detailed diagrams and experiments will help readers fall in love with space.

14. “A Tale of Happiness” from

You can order an interesting personalized fairy tale for your child through the service

Dear readers! Tell us in the comments what books about space you have in your home library, what you like to read and what you would like to purchase in the future.

Do you know who popped out of a chocolate egg last year? New Year at Professor Tball's house? To everyone's surprise - a space chicken! In everything he looked like two peas in a pod to an earthly chicken. Only on his head was a captain's cap with a television antenna on the side.

Professor Tibolla, Signora Luisa and their children all immediately said: “Oh!” - and after that for a long time they could not find any other words.

The chicken looked around and was dissatisfied.

– How behind you are on your planet! - he said. – It’s only New Year yet?! Here on Mars-8, it’s already Wednesday.

- This month? – asked Professor Tibolla.

- Here's another! Of course, the next one! But we have also moved forward in years - we have twenty-five years more there!

The space chicken walked around the table a little, stretching its legs, and grumbled:

- What a shame! Oh, what a shame!

- What happened? – asked Signora Louise.

“You broke my flying egg, and now I won’t be able to return to my homeland!”

- But we bought this egg at a pastry shop! - explained Signora Louise.

– You just don’t know anything. This egg is not a chocolate egg at all, but a spaceship disguised as an egg! And I am his captain, dressed as a chicken!

- And the crew?

- I am the whole crew! But now I will be demoted in rank. They will make me at least a colonel.

- Yes, but the colonel is taller than the captain!

- This is for you, because all your ranks are backwards! We have the highest rank - a simple citizen! But we are only wasting time... I will not complete my task! That's the problem.

– It’s a pity... You see, we would like to help you, but we don’t know what task you had...

- Hm, I don’t know either. I had to wait in the window where you took me from, our secret agent.

“Interesting,” the professor noted, “are there secret agents on Earth?” What if we go to the police and tell about this?

- Well, please! They will only laugh at you when you tell them about the chicken astronaut!

- That's true. But maybe you can at least let us in on your secrets?

- Well... Secret agents are tasked with finding out in advance which of the earthlings will go to Mars-8 in twenty-five years.

- But this is just funny! After all, we don’t even know now where such a planet is located - Mars-8.

“You forget, dear professor, that we have twenty-five years more time there!” Therefore, we already know that the captain-cosmonaut who will arrive on Mars-8 will be called Gino.

“Wow,” said Professor Tiball’s eldest son, “like me!”

- Pure coincidence! - concluded the chicken. “His name will be Gino, and he will be thirty-three years old.” Therefore, he is now exactly eight years old on Earth.

“Wait,” Gino exclaimed, “I’m just eight years old!”

– You interrupt me all the time! – the captain of the space egg got angry. – As I already told you, we must find this same Gino and other members of the future crew in order to conduct regular surveillance of them, without their knowledge, of course, and educate them properly.

-What? – the professor was surprised. – Does this mean we are raising our children poorly?

- Not at all. Only, firstly, you don’t accustom them to the idea that they will live in the era of interstellar travel, secondly, you don’t instill in them that they are citizens not only of the Earth, but of the entire universe, and thirdly, you don’t explain to them , that the concept of “enemy” does not exist anywhere outside the Earth, fourthly...

“Excuse me, captain,” Signora Louise interrupted him, “but what is the last name of this Gino of yours?”

– You see, he is not ours, but yours. And his name is Tibolla. Gino Tibolla.

- So it’s me! – the professor’s son jumped. - Hooray!

– What does “hurray!” mean? - exclaimed Signora Louise. - Don't you think that your father and I will allow you...

But the space chicken had already flown into Gino's arms.

- Hooray! My task is completed! In twenty-five years I will be able to return home!

- And the egg? – Sister Gino sighed.

- We will eat it immediately!

Of course they did.

No, no, I didn't mistype. It’s just that today in our space week is the day of cosmic fairy tales :) And it is with great pleasure that I publish one of my favorite fairy tales.

This is a meditative fairy tale, or a fairy tale that could well become an alternative. And just like the song, it will completely cope with the main task: it will calm the baby and carry him away into the colorful world of good dreams.

What are meditative tales? Meditative tales- these are magic pills for restless babies and a magic wand for a child’s calm and sound sleep. They not only calm you down and give you good dreams, but also have a beneficial effect on children’s attention and memory, instill self-confidence and awaken children’s imagination. Meditative tales improve your mood and put you in a positive mood.

I sincerely hope that my cosmic meditative fairy tale will be loved by kids. And at the end of the article you will find audio recording of a fairy tale "Space Travel".

Meditative fairy tale “Space Journey”

The little rocket "Baby" has just left Earth's orbit. She stopped shaking, and now she was calmly flying through the sky, like a ship on the quiet waves of the ocean. She sighed and opened her eyes. At first, she thought she was still with eyes closed, it was so dark around. Then, having gotten used to the black blue, the Baby saw small stars. Or rather light from distant planets. She knew that she could not reach them, and therefore decided to study those that were floating nearby.

Below her she saw the beautiful Earth. She seemed so calm and peaceful. Blue, green, and white colors gave her an incomparable charm. Undoubtedly, in outer space, planet Earth is the most beautiful!

The Moon, full of mysteries and secrets, followed closely from the Earth. The little girl thought she saw him dive into the crater. Even where he had just stood, his trace remained. But on the surface of the Moon everything froze again.

Rocket looked to his left and saw how a small star broke off and fell into space.

“It would be great if she fulfilled someone’s dream,” Malyshka thought dreamily.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a Comet rushing rapidly past. Her tail, a yellow-fiery arrow, flickered ahead for a long time.

The little traveler admired the stars. They were beautiful and completely different from each other. That one there is round, like a ball, red-orange in color. But this one looks like the usual five-pointed silver-blue star.

Those stars over there crowded together, as if they wanted to hide from the cosmic cold and warm up. Behind them, Baby saw another group of stars, which together formed a funny figure, like a large ladle...

- This is the constellation Ursa Major! - guessed the rocket.

The twinkling stars seemed to be talking to each other. And Baby joined their conversation, flashing her lights at them.

- And good time to you!!! - she whispered.

But now there are a lot of stars. They lined up one after another, as if they were walking along a large invisible road. This Baby was flying along the Milky Way.

Suddenly Rocket heard a beautiful melody.

- This is the Planet of Music! - she was delighted.

On the Planet of Music, small residents played a wonderful calm melody in a friendly composition. And the musical bells gently nodded their heads: Ding... ding... ding...

“I think I’m a little tired,” Baby yawned. “Perhaps I’ll rest on the Planet of Music, and in the morning I’ll hit the road again.” And I will definitely fly to the Sun.

The rocket smoothly sank onto the soft surface of the Planet of Music and fell fast asleep to the quiet ringing of bells... Ding... ding... ding...

And now you can also listen to the fairy tale...

You can download my fairy tales to your computer. To do this, click on the cover of the book, enter your name and e-mail address in the fields. After that, go to your email, confirm your consent to receive the newsletter and in the next letter you will receive a link to.

I hope that the little restless ones will enjoy this fabulous journey. But all children love unusual travels and adventures...

In the meantime... have beautiful and good dreams!


Lyudmila Potsepun.

We invite you to watch a fascinating video on our video channel "Workshop on the Rainbow"

Have you ever wondered how many stars there are in the sky? Or maybe they wanted to count them? The starry sky is a big mystery that has long attracted adults and children with unusual bright lights and interesting phenomena. But it turns out that the way we see it is just a beautiful wrapper, but in fact there is a whole star world with its own stories, adventures and other interesting events. Which ones exactly? Our fairy tale about the Bear and the North Star will tell about this. So make yourself comfortable.

An unusual star world or a fairy tale about the North Star and its friends

Since ancient times, the sky has been home to many small bright stars, which are perhaps the most beautiful creatures in the whole world. Their shining clothes are a real opportunity for pride, because they even attract people - strange creatures living on one of the planets. Why strange? Yes, because the stars could not understand their way of life: they were always in a hurry somewhere, not even knowing the way, exposing themselves to the danger of getting lost, rarely thinking about what the world really is like and what their purpose is. Worries, worries and worries. This is how their life passed on one of the most picturesque planets in the Universe.
It was completely incomprehensible to the small bright stars how they could live like this, because, unlike people, they were never in a hurry, they lived measuredly and constantly thought about the lofty things - the meaning of life, heavenly harmony and the incredible beauty of the Universe. Most of all they were interested and fascinated by the unusual laws that governed their world, which was called Space. Comets, meteorites and entire systems of planets rushed through it at incredible speed, and their routes were so precise and harmonious that they did not collide with each other. This was the essence of celestial harmony - a very well-thought-out system of rules and laws that all celestial bodies strictly adhered to.
In their free time from thinking, the stars rejoiced in their outfits, sang star songs and even did a star dance. True, it was very different from what people understood by dance. The reason for this is simple - the stars were not allowed to move from place to place, so their movements were extremely limited. The little beauties were surprised by this, but they never became indignant or protested, realizing that this was one of the rules of heavenly harmony. In general, the habit of being indignant is also inherent only in people.

Once, during such entertainment, the North Star, the brightest star in the sky, began to talk about people:
- Look, they got lost again.
- Who? - asked one of her friends.
- Yes, sailors! We swam in the wrong direction. Well, how can you go on the road without understanding the cardinal directions at all?
“Indeed,” another heavenly beauty picked up her conversation, “the Chumaks are lost.” They will have to look for salt for a long time, if they find it at all.
“And if they find it, they’ll get lost again on the way home,” Polar Star laughed loudly and suddenly fell silent. She felt it was wrong to laugh at people who lived so far below. Good for them, the stars. From above you can really see everything perfectly. But is it really as easy to live without pointers?
The North Star was not only the brightest, but also very kind and smart. So she instantly came up with an interesting idea:
- What if we become signposts for people? We will show them the way. We still can’t move away from each other, so it will be easy for people to remember our individual groups and navigate in space. And for a better understanding, we will now quickly draw a map of the starry sky.
- Great idea! — one of her closest neighbors supported Polar Star. “And I also suggest that we come up with names for our groups.” For example, Mizar, Mirak and their friends look very much like a bear to me. Why don't they call it that?
- Hmm, you look like a little bear to me! - Mizar laughed.

- Ursa Major and Ursa Minor! - Polar Star summed up, - in my opinion, it sounds great. The Tale of the North Star and Ursa Minor - good name for a new interesting story.
- Polar Star, maybe you’ll fantasize about your adventures later, but now let’s finish what we started? - Mizar interrupted her thoughts.
- Yes, sure! We need to draw a map to help people.
This is how individual constellations were formed in the starry sky, and for a long time people have become accustomed to finding their way around them. Therefore, if you don’t know something, don’t forget to raise your head to the sky from time to time. Little bright beauties are always ready to help.

We have created more than 300 cat-free casseroles on the Dobranich website. Pragnemo perevoriti zvichaine vladannya spati u native ritual, spovveneni turboti ta tepla.Would you like to support our project? Let's go out, s with new strength Continue writing for you!

Pechnikova Albina Anatolyevna, literature teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “Zaikovskaya Secondary School No. 1”
Title of work: Fantastic tale "Space Rescuers"
We present to your attention author's fairy tale about the cosmic expanses of the Universe. When creating works, I try to write in different thematic areas. The fantastic tale will tell about how the heroes find themselves in the future of 3691 and help earthlings return to their planet. A fairy tale story can be useful for literature teachers, teacher organizers, class teachers school community in preparing and conducting theatrical performances for Cosmonautics Day for school-age children.
Target: Development of students' creative abilities.
1) teach children to perceive the real and unreal world through the prism of imagination and fantasy;
2) instill an interest in books and a desire to write good fantastic tales;
3) develop children’s oral speech and acting skills.

Fantastic tale "Space Rescuers"

It was an ordinary morning, which foreshadowed a completely unusual day... It was August 21, 3691. I was 13 years old. I was in the 7th grade and assumed that this particular year would be the unluckiest of my life. And, unfortunately, I turned out to be right. After the water procedures, as usual, I began setting up my wrist teleporter to get to school. It was black with orange stripes and a wide strap covered in graffiti of the same color. In addition to the teleport, it had a clock, a TV, a cellular hologram, and a lot of other new technology. And so I chose my destination, pressed the “start” button, and everything would have been fine if not for one unforeseen circumstance. My school was located on Gidronskaya Street, but last night they decided to rename this street to Dremerskaya, since the previous name lasted more than 600 years. Therefore, I teleported to a non-existent object, and I was simply thrown out into the MCC - an intergalactic space civilization (over the last 1000 years we have managed to make friends with some aliens). I wanted to go back home, but, as luck would have it, my teleport was discharged due to high magnetism.
All that remained was to find Ronits, Zidoks or people to ask them for help. I walked straight down the corridor and came to a fork in two exactly the same ones. Wandering for a long time in this “cosmic” labyrinth, I suddenly heard cautious steps. Having discovered this, I accelerated. The steps also became more frequent. Around the corner I saw Seryozha. He studied in the 5th grade and, as it turned out, also “ended up at the wrong address.”

- Hello! What are we going to do? – I asked.
“I don’t know myself,” answered Gray.
- Now there are at least two of us! It won't be so scary. We need to find someone.
- It’s clear, it’s clear! But everyone is still sleeping. For them, morning will come only in 3 hours.
- This is a problem. Then let's look for something to eat, I haven't eaten anything since the morning.
We went looking for food, and after half an hour of useless wandering, we returned to the same place.

“We should have gone right,” I said.
“Well, if that’s the case, let’s go, trying isn’t torture,” Gray answered.
To the right was a blue corridor with red lights along the edges. At the end of it there was some kind of door. We easily opened it by lowering the red lever. There was a cabin with two windows and chairs, a touch panel and a daily supply of food. After breakfast, we wanted to go, but the doors did not open. I started pressing all the buttons, and then the cabin we were in disconnected from the MCC and went out into open space. It became clear that this was an emergency “boat”. We didn’t know how to control it, so in a panic we began to look for all sorts of means of communication to inform someone about our problem. But, unfortunately, we had nothing but discharged wrist teleporters.

Outside, the cold stars shone with a blue shine. Red, yellow, orange dust rushed throughout the Universe. We despaired and thought that now we would fly in space forever! And suddenly...
- What's happened!? What's the matter!? – Seryozha shouted loudly.
- Don't know. We may have encountered something!
I managed to notice a certain black funnel in the porthole, which was spinning so quickly that I even felt dizzy.
- Hole! Black! – I shouted.

We woke up lying on the yellow earth. Above us stood a red sun in a green sky. It was unusually easy to breathe, and in order to get full lungs of air, you had to take a small breath.
- Well, where are we? – I asked.
“Do you think there is life here?” muttered Gray.
- This needs to be checked.
- Shall we go to that lake over there and see what the water is like? If it is fresh, it will be great! Moreover, we found very little water in the cabin. The water was greenish-pink. It tasted no different from regular drinking water, except that it was a little bitter. Soon we heard some sounds. We came closer and saw creatures very similar to people. The skin was almost the same color, but with a gray-blue tint.

-Oh, people! – Seryoga exclaimed.
-Quiet! What if they are evil!? They'll eat it inadvertently...
We did not immediately leave our shelter, overpowering our fear, we walked a little and immediately felt someone’s intense, tenacious gaze on us. We felt awkward, then we raised our hands and said:
- We come in peace!
It seemed that they did not understand us, but it was worth a try. All the “UFOs” (as I jokingly called the inhabitants of this planet) immediately surrounded us and took us to some building. It was white with blue stripes and a red roof.
“Yad mi tseop,” said one of them. At first we didn’t understand anything, but then it dawned on us that this was the same Russian language, only “upside down.” In a vessel that looked like a flask, we were given some kind of liquid. It was green and very similar to semolina porridge with large lumps.
“Ugh, what disgusting!” Gray frowned.
It tasted like cucumber with kiwi and peas, but we had to eat this “hellish mixture” since there was no other food!
- We're s-e-li. “Ym il-e-op!!!” I said carefully.
Nobody responded. We went outside, and there was the same deathly silence. Suddenly, from the window of some building, shouts were heard: “Etidohu, setchyarp eertsyb!!!”
- Why do we need to hide!? – I asked.
And then a strange spaceship in the form of a huge pencil or rocket appeared in the sky. Our ears were blocked, fear pressed our feet to the yellow earth!

- Oh God, what is this!?
- Let's run quickly before this bandura crushes us!
We rushed headlong towards the building from which the screams were heard. The spaceship slowly landed, and astrons began to emerge from it one after another. Then we watched for a long time as they brought out earthlings in chains and glowing hand teleporters.
- They are kind! How could they?!!
It became clear to us that no one was going to release the prisoners. The Astracts turned out to be cunning, evil and merciless! We had to act decisively and quickly! I took command upon myself; although Sergei was a boy, he was clearly a timid person. Noticing the hologram and the teleport, I quietly reached them and quietly hid them under my clothes. When the Astracts were distracted by refueling their bodies, Gray and I slowly created holograms of the prisoners, and transported the real earthlings to the ship. It’s good that at school we were taught hologists and control of spaceships of various modifications. I had an A, so I easily coped with the controls of the spacecraft.