Medical nutrition and diet for hypertension. Diet for hypertension: nutritional rules, recommendations, menu examples Nutrition for hypertension menu for the week


The diagnosis of hypertension is not as scary as it might seem. It is difficult to recover from it completely. For a comfortable life, the main thing is to follow the basic rules of therapy, an important factor of which will be nutrition. Read below on how to keep your diet healthy and nutritious, without skimping on your favorite foods, and how to eat with hypertension.

Nutrition for hypertension

Hypertension, or, in other words, arterial hypertension, is a common disease of the cardiovascular system. It has been established that it affects about 30% of the adult population of the planet, and 50-60% of older people. This particularity determines that the disease is studied, people live with it normally and it is cured. To relieve hypertension, doctors prescribe a special diet known as diet number 10.

Nutrition with high blood pressure must be strictly regulated. Many dishes during a crisis and chronic course can worsen health or even be dangerous for the patient. Basically, the diet for arterial hypertension is aimed at reducing the amount of salt, cholesterol, increasing the proportion of vegetation, healthy fats, and vitamins. Below is indicated which specific dishes should be avoided if diagnosed with hypertension, and what should be added to the menu.

What not to eat if you have hypertension

Most of the foods prohibited in healthy eating systems for hypertension cannot be eaten. You don't have to become a vegetarian or eat only raw vegetables, but you need to forget about many high-calorie dishes. Don’t be upset, because you eat most of them only out of habit, and any changes, including nutrition, have a positive effect on your life.

  1. Salt. Replace it with dried, fresh herbs, lemon juice.
  2. Alcoholic drinks, strong tea, coffee.
  3. Sugar, light carbohydrates. Cakes, chocolates, cocoa, pastries made from butter, puff pastry, pastries with butter cream They will only harm you.
  4. Saturated fats. These are almost all fats of animal origin: those with hypertension are prohibited from lard, meat, fatty fish, sausages, butter, ghee, cream, and almost all types of cheese.
  5. Spicy snacks, corned beef, canned food, smoked meats. Pickled cucumbers, hot peppers, mustard, horseradish, canned food, and smoked meat should be excluded.

What can you eat if you have hypertension?

The diet for hypertensive patients is loyal, it is easy and pleasant to follow. If you are used to eating a lot of meat, it will be difficult at first, but then many vegetables, fruits and cereals can open up in new ways if you eat them as main, complete meals. Reducing your consumption of fatty animal foods will give you a feeling of lightness, vigor, and new strength. If you have hypertension, you can eat the following:

  1. Vegetables: fresh, stewed, steamed - they prevent the absorption of cholesterol in hypertensive patients.
  2. Fruits in the form of salads, smoothies, freshly squeezed juices.
  3. Lean meat and dairy products. Chicken breast, turkey, veal, white fish cooked without oil: pike perch, cod, hake, perch, red fish. Low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, and milk are good.
  4. Whole grain rye bread.
  5. Legumes, cereals, nuts, mushrooms.
  6. Honey, jam and sugar in moderation.

Nutrition for high blood pressure in men

The main criteria for nutrition for high blood pressure in men are satiety, calorie content and vitamins. With the right approach, a diet for hypertension can be nutritious and also tasty. Seafood, red fish, garlic, celery, eggs, and pomegranate are good for men. Secondly, if you like fried meat, you shouldn't give it up completely. A good solution for those with hypertension would be to buy a grill pan: you can cook on it without oil, and the result is healthy fried meat or fish: tuna, salmon, trout.

Nutrition for high blood pressure in women

It is easier for women to maintain proper nutrition for hypertension: they need less food than men. The advantage of a diet for hypertension is that it will help you lose extra pounds and rejuvenate your body. In women with high blood pressure, be sure to include olive oil for cooking and salad dressing. It is important not to starve and to saturate your food with enough nutrients for female body vitamins and fats. They can be found in products such as:

  • fish rich in Omega-3 acid (salmon, pink salmon, salmon);
  • avocado, broccoli, white, red, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, cranberries, oatmeal;
  • raisins, nuts, dried fruits.

Nutrition for hypertension and obesity

Hypertension occurs 3 times more often in obese patients than in people who maintain a normal weight. In this case, the risk of heart defects increases; a more strict diet is needed, aimed not only at lowering blood pressure, but also at losing weight. However, nutrition for hypertension and obesity should not be sharply limited; refusal should be done gradually so as not to cause stress, which will only increase blood pressure. In addition to basic treatment, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • refusal of alcohol and smoking for patients with hypertension;
  • complete refusal of fast food, sweet carbonated drinks;
  • exercise, healthy sleep patterns;
  • eating foods containing potassium and magnesium: apples, grapes, green beans, cabbage, herbs, radishes, beets, grapefruit, peas. Sweet dried apricots, persimmons, dates and strawberries are excellent substitutes for candy.

Diet for stage 2 hypertension

The diet for stage 2 hypertension should be salt-free and contain seafood, bran, and dried fruits. Garlic and avocado are very useful for hypertensive patients. Prohibited are meat broths, lamb, duck, goose, pork, any offal (kidneys, liver, brains), fatty fish: halibut, mackerel, pangasius, semi-finished products, homemade milk and cream. It is necessary to carefully monitor the composition of the finished products: the content of margarine, cocoa, coffee and salt should be minimal.

Diet for stage 3 hypertension

Products for stage 3 hypertension must undergo careful selection before being placed on the table. It is necessary to monitor the composition and quality, eliminate salt and animal fats as much as possible. You need to eat often and in small portions, an acceptable amount is prescribed by your doctor. So that the diet for stage 3 hypertension does not seem so harsh, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, this will fill you with energy and improve your mood.

Diet for hypertensive crisis

It is better to make the first days after the crisis a fasting day: eat only vegetables, fruits and light cereals. You should not add salt during cooking, but lightly add salt to the finished dish. Further diet during a hypertensive crisis must necessarily contain polyunsaturated acids, which dilate blood vessels and reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis. This is mainly fatty red fish and seafood. You should drink no more than 1 liter of liquid per day, including first courses.

Diet for hypertension and heart disease

Nutritional recommendations for heart patients and patients with hypertension are the same - this is the same diet No. 10, aimed at lowering blood pressure, improving blood circulation and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Main principle diets for hypertension and heart disease - do not consume more calories than you burn. The total amount of food per day should not exceed 2 kg, one serving should not exceed 350 g.

Diet for high blood pressure in old age

The high percentage of elderly patients is due to the natural wear and tear of the body: physiological decline occurs. It is necessary to be constantly monitored by a doctor, because hypertension can lead to complications and death. A diet for high blood pressure in old age is of particular importance: preference should be given to crumbly cereals, lean meats, water soups, stewed vegetables, and dairy products. Pies, buns, and dumplings are prohibited, but patients with hypertension can eat pancakes or pancakes prepared without oil.

Menu for hypertension for a week

What can you eat with high blood pressure so as not to miss steaks, fried cutlets and cakes? As you study, you will discover many new vegetable dishes, cottage cheese, fruit desserts, light vegetarian soups and much more. Do not be afraid of restrictions, because the disease will recede only with perseverance, a positive attitude, and compliance with all the rules. For you, an approximate menu for hypertension for a week is compiled below.

Menu for patients with hypertension No. 1:

  1. oatmeal with banana;
  2. vegetable soup with broccoli, corn, potatoes;
  3. steamed chicken fillet, beans with tomato;
  4. kefir.

Menu for patients with hypertension No. 2:

  1. muesli with kefir;
  2. buckwheat, stewed vegetables;
  3. fruits;
  4. boiled fish, potatoes;
  5. yogurt.

Menu for patients with hypertension No. 3:

  1. fruit salad;
  2. soup with beans, buckwheat, rye bread;
  3. a handful of nuts;
  4. “pilaf” made from long rice, mushrooms, carrots;
  5. chicory.
  1. freshly squeezed juice;
  2. wheat porridge;
  3. fresh vegetables, steamed fish or turkey;
  4. banana or apple;
  5. kefir.
  1. cottage cheese casserole;
  2. fruits;
  3. light soup with seafood, peas, asparagus;
  4. pearl barley;
  5. steamed vegetables, sour cream sauce with greens.

  1. tea with milk, biscuits;
  2. egg whites;
  3. sautéed spinach, steamed chicken cutlets;
  4. fruits;
  5. broccoli soup;
  6. fruit jelly or jelly.

Video: diet for hypertension

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Half of hypertensive patients, according to medical experts, are not even aware of their high blood pressure. The patient's blood pressure is over 150, but he does not feel it. Until a heart attack comes...

At the first stage of the disease, hypertensive patients do not often come to consult a doctor, but arterial hypertension is main reason serious complications that lead to stroke, hypertensive crisis, myocardial infarction, renal failure, and cardiac pathologies. Hypertension is usually accompanied by a disorder of cholesterol metabolism in combination with atherosclerosis.

These indicators (both cholesterol and blood pressure changes) can be corrected with a balanced diet. Only this will not be a one-time experimental diet, but in fact - new image life.

Principles of rational nutrition

The choice of dietary products for hypertension should take into account the degree of its severity and concomitant diseases. The energy value of the diet is ideally adequate to a person’s energy expenditure, with certain adjustments for atherosclerosis and high body mass index.

These conditions indicate that a therapeutic diet for weight loss for hypertensive patients should be selected together with a nutritionist or your therapist, endocrinologist. But the basic principles of its compilation are universal, they can be adhered to from today.

Here are 10 basic rules of healthy eating for patients with hypertension:

  • Niacin, which dilates blood vessels, improves blood flow in the kidneys, brain, coronary blood supply;
  • Ascorbic acid, which accelerates recovery processes and lowers cholesterol;
  • Riboflavin, which is involved in the normalization of tissue respiration and the production of ATP, which controls metabolic processes;
  • Pyridoxine, which helps neutralize cholesterol;
  • Bioflavonoids, which strengthen blood vessels and prevent the penetration of cholesterol;
  • Potassium, which enhances the contractile ability of the myocardium in case of circulatory disorders (there is a lot of this mineral in beef, and products of plant origin);
  • Magnesium, which accelerates inhibition in the cerebral cortex, reduces vascular spasms that provoke an increase in blood pressure;
  • Iodine, which has an anti-sclerotic effect (there is a lot of it in seafood).

The most important condition for a rational diet for high blood pressure is split meals. You need to eat 4-6 times a day, have dinner 3 hours before bedtime.

Types of therapeutic diets

You can get an idea of ​​the basics of nutrition for hypertensive patients from diet No. 10, which is relevant primarily for poor blood flow.

Diet No. 10 for hypertensive patients for weight loss: daily menu

  1. Cheese (120 g), semolina porridge (150 g), tea (1 glass);
  2. Apples (100 g), low-fat kefir (1 glass);
  3. Barley soup (250 g), meat, carrots (55/150 g), compote (1 glass);
  4. Rosehip drink (1 glass), 1 piece of whole grain bread;
  5. Fish, potatoes, steamed (85/150 g), pilaf with dried fruits (100 g), tea (1 glass);
  6. Kefir (1 glass) - before bed.

The daily norm of bread is 250 g, sugar – 50 g. If your weight is higher than normal, in addition to diet, fasting days (with salads, rice, watermelons, apples) will be useful.


The acronym DASH simply stands for: Dietary Approach to the Treatment of Hypertension. The principles of this type of nutrition were developed by Harvard scientists. Today it is the most popular diet in Europe. The authors claim that the products offered in the diet lower blood pressure and the likelihood of developing a stroke, remove kidney stones, and prevent the formation of malignant tumors. You can get an idea of ​​DASH from the sample menu:

  1. Fresh orange (1 cup), flakes (from corn, oats, barley) - (2 cups), margarine (1 tsp), low-fat milk (1 cup);
  2. 2 slices of bread, low-fat ham (70 g), a piece of cheese, lettuce (2 leaves), tomato (half), mustard (1 tsp), apple;
  3. Chicken with rice, buckwheat or pearl barley porridge, peas (½ cup), small whole grain bun, low-fat milk (1 cup);
  4. Dried apricots, nuts (50 g each), 1 grapefruit - for snacks.

The main emphasis is on products enriched with vitamins and microelements. Meals are fractional. Salt consumption should be gradually reduced to a minimum. For hypertension, this diet is recommended as the main one.

Potassium diet

Potassium for arterial hypertension is often prescribed additionally or a special diet is recommended. Such a selection of products relieves swelling, lowers blood pressure, and improves blood flow. Its features: low calorie content, sodium reduction, absence of extractive ingredients, saturation of organs with potassium in a ratio of 8:1 - 14:1 (relative to sodium). You can evaluate its capabilities using the example of a one-day menu:

  1. Potatoes (200 g), coffee, milk (1 cup), rice water (1 cup);
  2. Fresh cabbage (100 g);
  3. Potato and cabbage soup and puree (200 g each), jelly;
  4. Rose hip drink (100 g);
  5. Mashed potatoes (300 g), rosehip infusion (100 g).

Bread without salt – 250 g, sugar – 30 g. Heat treatment of food raw materials: boiling, cooking in a double boiler or in the oven. All dishes for hypertensive patients are prepared without salt; they are slightly salted when ready-made, before eating.

The lighter diet is supplemented with foods enriched with potassium: dried fruits, fresh and baked apples, rosehip infusion, potatoes, cabbage.

Magnesium diet

Magnesium regulates the functioning of the central nervous system, strengthens the heart muscle, and neutralizes vascular hypertonicity, which is very important for high blood pressure, especially with complications such as atherosclerosis. Therefore, hypertensive patients are prescribed medications with magnesium that lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, or a three-day diet composed of appropriate foods.

Its peculiarity is its low calorie content, salt and liquid restrictions, and enrichment with potassium and magnesium. Meals are six times a day. The bread norm is 125 g/day. An idea of ​​this type of diet can be obtained from an approximate one-day menu.

  1. Buckwheat porridge with bran (150 g), tea (1 glass), lemon slice;
  2. Apricot juice (100 g);
  3. Borscht with bran broth (250 g), pilaf with dried apricots and rice, blackcurrant compote;
  4. Rosehip infusion (100 g);
  5. Carrot and apple cutlets (200 g);
  6. Warmed milk (100 g).

With a magnesium diet for hypertensive patients with weight loss, the main attention is paid to foods that contain this mineral: buckwheat, oats, millet, nuts, herbs, legumes.

Fruit and vegetable diet

This type of nutritional therapy is prescribed for vascular atherosclerosis, symptomatic hypertension, and excess weight. The diet reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, improves kidney function, and normalizes weight and blood pressure.

In terms of energy value, a hyposodium vegetarian diet can be considered optimal. Restrictions apply to refined carbohydrates, salty foods, liquids and extractive ingredients that aggressively affect the gastrointestinal tract and other vital centers.

The table is rich in vitamins and fiber, which breaks down fats. Vegetables and fruits are used to prepare juices, soups, salads, compotes, purees, and vinaigrettes. Meals are five times a day, with snacks. An example table on a vegetarian diet might look like this:

  1. Warmed infusion of rose hips or dried currants (1 glass), apple and carrot salad with butter;
  2. Fruit juice (½ cup), pureed vegetables;
  3. Vegetarian soup with croutons (250 ml), vegetable salad with sour cream;
  4. Nuts (100 g), salad of grated vegetables (carrots, beets, zucchini, cucumbers - 150 g);
  5. A heated infusion of rose hips or dried currants (1 glass) can be sweetened with 20 g of sugar or honey;
  6. Vinaigrette with butter (200 g), dried fruit compote (1 glass);
  7. Before bed – juice (1 glass).

How does this work

When adjusting your diet, in addition to your doctor’s advice, use the following general recommendations:

  • Control the salt level – up to 5 g/day;
  • Reduce the proportion of quickly digestible carbohydrates;
  • Add fatty dairy products to your diet in small portions;
  • Limit the amount of black bread, legumes, potatoes;
  • Not all meat is suitable - only rabbit, chicken, turkey fillet;
  • Heat treatment eliminates frying;
  • The main emphasis on the menu is fresh cereals and vegetables;
  • Monitor your water balance (1.5-2 l/day).

The menu for hypertensive patients consists of easily digestible dishes, similar to a diet for losing weight, so it has a double effect: it corrects weight and blood pressure. Low-calorie meals and a balanced diet stimulate digestion.

Diet for hypertension plays an important role in the complex treatment of the disease. The right approach to nutrition helps lower blood pressure and improve the overall health of patients.

Hypertension in almost all cases is combined with one or more of the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • arrhythmia;
  • renal dysfunction.

For stage 1 hypertension, drug treatment is usually not carried out. In most cases, a proper diet, normalization of the daily routine and regular moderate physical activity can stabilize blood pressure levels and prevent further progression of the disease.

For grades 2 and 3 hypertension, long-term (often lifelong) treatment is required. complex therapy, which includes taking antihypertensive drugs, spa treatment, physiotherapeutic procedures, and diet. This approach reduces the risk of hypertensive crises in patients - a sudden sharp increase in blood pressure that can cause myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, retinal detachment and other complications.

A diet for hypertensive patients is not temporary, but becomes a way of life, since the risk of high blood pressure is always present for them.

Basic rules of diet for hypertension

When developing a diet for patients with hypertension, nutritionists take into account the patient’s age, his energy needs, the cause of increased blood pressure, the presence or absence of complications and concomitant diseases.

However, there are also some general rules that should be taken into account when organizing therapeutic nutrition for patients with hypertension:

  1. Limiting table salt. Salt (sodium chloride) is the main source of sodium ions, which contribute to fluid retention in the body, the development of edema and increased blood pressure. An adult needs 3-4 g of sodium chloride per day, which is precisely what is contained in food products, so food should not be added with additional salt. If a salt-free diet is difficult for the patient to tolerate, then to improve the taste of dishes, you can use spicy herbs (basil, parsley, dill, coriander), lemon juice, and pomegranate sauce.
  2. Exclusion from the diet of alcohol, as well as foods and drinks containing caffeine (strong tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate). Caffeine and alcohol cause severe spasm of blood vessels, which leads to an increase in peripheral vascular resistance and an increase in blood pressure.
  3. Limiting animal fats. In the diet of people suffering from arterial hypertension, the content of animal fats (ghee and butter, sausages, lard, fatty cheeses), which are the main source of cholesterol, should be significantly reduced. It is advisable to steam, boil, stew and bake dishes. If necessary (for example, for salad dressing), use cold-pressed vegetable oil. This hypocholesterol diet helps improve lipid metabolism and slows the progression of atherosclerosis.
  4. Limiting easily digestible carbohydrates. A large amount of carbohydrates, and especially the so-called light ones (sugar, honey, sweets, baked goods) contribute to excess weight gain, which, in turn, causes an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, if a patient has a tendency to gain weight or suffers from obesity or diabetes, a nutritionist may recommend the low-carbohydrate Atkins diet (it has a number of contraindications, so you should not decide to follow it on your own).
  5. Sufficient amount of plant fiber. The diet of patients with hypertension should include vegetables and bran daily. These foods are rich in fiber, which absorbs water in the gastrointestinal tract and swells, creating a feeling of fullness and also improving intestinal motility. It is also important that fiber reduces the absorption of fats from the intestines, thereby lowering the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.
  6. Including foods rich in potassium and magnesium in the menu. These microelements are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and heart contractions. They are found in large quantities in sea fish and seafood, beets, carrots, dried apricots, cabbage, and cereals.
  7. Frequent meals in small portions. To prevent a possible increase in blood pressure, patients with hypertension are recommended to eat 5-6 times a day, and drink a glass of natural yogurt or kefir at night. It should be remembered that patients with hypertension are contraindicated in any strict mono-diet diet (protein, rice) or fasting.
Caffeine and alcohol cause severe spasm of blood vessels, which leads to an increase in peripheral vascular resistance and an increase in blood pressure.

Most often, people with hypertension are prescribed diet number 10 (table number 10 according to Pevzner), which takes into account all the above principles of organizing therapeutic nutrition for this pathology.

Menu for a week of diet for stage 2 hypertension

A sample menu for the week is as follows.


  • second breakfast - green apple;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, steamed meatballs, compote;
  • afternoon snack - cottage cheese and carrot casserole;
  • dinner - stewed vegetables and a piece of boiled fish, a glass of jelly;
  • at night - a glass of kefir.
  • breakfast - cottage cheese, herbal tea;
  • second breakfast - orange;
  • lunch - fish soup, stewed turkey;
  • afternoon snack - fruit jelly;
  • dinner - vegetable salad, steamed dumplings;
  • at night - a glass of kefir.
  • breakfast - buckwheat porridge without butter with milk, jelly;
  • second breakfast - a glass of natural yogurt with bread;
  • lunch - salad fresh vegetables, ear;
  • afternoon snack - green apple;
  • dinner - vegetable soup, fruit juice;
  • at night - a glass of kefir.
  • breakfast - a glass of kefir, bread, baked quince;
  • second breakfast - a handful of raisins or fresh berries;
  • lunch - steamed meatballs, beet salad;
  • afternoon snack - cottage cheese;
  • dinner - vegetable salad, pilaf with chicken;
  • at night - a glass of kefir.
  • breakfast - milk rice porridge without oil, rosehip infusion;
  • second breakfast - fruit salad seasoned with yogurt;
  • lunch - vegetable soup with meat, sliced ​​vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - banana or apple;
  • dinner - steamed fish with stewed vegetables, compote;
  • at night - a glass of kefir.
  • breakfast - curd with dried fruits, weak tea;
  • second breakfast - grapefruit;
  • lunch - vegetarian borscht, steamed meatballs;
  • afternoon snack - fruit salad;
  • dinner - stewed cabbage without oil, steamed fish;
  • at night - a glass of kefir.


  • breakfast - oatmeal with milk with dried fruits, a glass of rosehip infusion;
  • second breakfast - strawberry smoothie;
  • lunch - fresh vegetable salad, boiled turkey;
  • afternoon snack - a handful of dried apricots or prunes;
  • dinner - boiled veal, vegetable stew;
  • at night - a glass of kefir.

During the day, consumption of no more than 200-250 g of bread is allowed, and it is advisable to give preference to special types of bread (whole grain, salt-free, diabetic, bran).

Most often, people with hypertension are prescribed diet number 10 according to Pevzner, which takes into account all the above principles of organizing therapeutic nutrition for this pathology.

With complex treatment of hypertension, patients' condition usually quickly stabilizes. However, independently stopping taking medications prescribed by a doctor, violating the diet, or physical inactivity can cause a sharp increase in blood pressure, that is, the development of a hypertensive crisis.

Diet for hypertension and excess weight

It was already mentioned above that hypertension is often observed in patients with excess body weight. It is known that every kilogram of excess body weight increases blood pressure by 1–3 mmHg. Art. At the same time, normalizing weight also helps normalize blood pressure.

When hypertension and excess body weight are combined, nutritionists recommend the DASH diet. It does not involve any significant dietary restrictions and is therefore usually easily tolerated by patients. Only exclude from the diet:

  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • confectionery;
  • baked goods;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • semi-finished products;
  • smoked meats;
  • fatty meats.

The daily diet includes:

  • nuts;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • legumes

Several times a week, the menu can include dishes made from lean meat, steamed, baked in the oven or stewed (preferably without adding oil). The serving weight should not exceed 100-110 g.

As practice shows, the DASH diet is quite effective against intracranial hypertension. When followed, patients significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of headache attacks.

So, what should DASH diet patients eat? Sample menu for the day:

  • breakfast – oat milk porridge with dried apricots and prunes, rosehip infusion;
  • second breakfast – fruit jelly;
  • lunch – fresh vegetable salad, fish soup, steam chicken cutlet, a piece of rye bread, compote;
  • afternoon snack – fruit salad;
  • dinner - lean meat with vegetables, baked in a sleeve or cooked in a slow cooker without oil;
  • at night - natural yogurt without additives.
Every kilogram of excess body weight increases blood pressure by 1–3 mm Hg. Art. At the same time, normalizing weight also helps normalize blood pressure.

Diets with significant caloric restriction are strictly contraindicated for patients with hypertension. They have many names, for example, “800 calorie diet”, “5 day diet” and others. Due to their low calorie content, such nutritional systems allow you to lose several kilograms of weight in 3-7 days, but they cannot be called physiological. The body experiences stress due to malnutrition, causing a person's blood pressure to increase and their metabolic rate to change. Therefore, after such diets, the lost kilograms return very quickly, and often the weight becomes even greater than before the diet began.

A diet for hypertensive patients should not be extreme also because it is not temporary, but becomes a way of life, since the risk of high blood pressure is always present for them.


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You need to practice constantly. All you have to do is refuse medicines, as the disease makes itself felt almost immediately. To reduce your body’s need for pharmacological agents, it is necessary to provide it daily with all the necessary substances that will help normalize blood pressure. This can only be done if you follow a special diet for hypertension, which we will talk about now.

A person's health directly depends on his diet. If he constantly eats unhealthy food, then the likelihood of developing various diseases increases several times. This also applies to hypertension.

The reason for its development is the appearance of atherosclerotic and cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels, which narrow their lumen, contribute to the accumulation of blood and increase intravascular pressure. Therefore, first of all, a diet for patients with hypertension excludes from the diet all foods high in cholesterol and fat.

Do not forget that with the development of hypertension, the heart suffers greatly, as a result of which the risk of stroke and heart attack increases several times. In view of this, it should contain a lot of potassium and magnesium. It is these chemicals that help strengthen the heart muscle and improve blood composition.

There are a number of foods that are strictly contraindicated for hypertensive patients, as they irritate the nervous system, thereby causing rapid heartbeat and increased blood pressure. Therefore, if you constantly suffer from hypertension, you simply need to reconsider your diet. And what should be included in it and what should not, you will now find out.

Requires minimizing salt intake. It helps retain water in the body, which accelerates blood circulation. Hypertensive patients need to reduce their salt intake to 14 g. At the same time, to a greater extent, it should enter the body from ordinary foods.

Hypertensive patients should also avoid drinks that contain alcohol, even in small quantities. Since they contain substances that cause vasospasm, reducing the lumen in them, thereby increasing the load on the heart and causing high blood pressure.

It is also necessary to reduce to a minimum the consumption of foods that contain animal fats (sausages, butter, etc.). People suffering from hypertension should consume vegetable fats. They are the safest for the body and do not have such a negative effect on the circulatory system as animal fats. If you fry foods, use only vegetable oils.

It should be noted that “harmful” fats, the intake of which is undesirable in the body and can cause high blood pressure, are also found in cheeses, lard and confectionery products.

The diet for arterial hypertension also excludes easily digestible carbohydrates from the diet, which lead to excess weight. But it is this that often becomes the cause of high blood pressure, since excess weight creates a large load on the heart. Therefore, you will also have to give up cookies, sweets, ice cream, etc. if you want to eat something sweet, then you should eat dried fruits or fresh fruits. They contain much more useful substances than those sweets that we are used to eating almost every day.

The main part should be vegetables. They contain a lot of fiber, which helps reduce cholesterol in the blood and improve its composition. At the same time, vegetables give a feeling of fullness for a long time and allow you to normalize weight.

As for magnesium and potassium, the need for which we have already discussed above, they can be obtained from foods such as cabbage, carrots, beets, dried apricots, seafood, fish and seaweed. It is these foods that should be included in the diet of a hypertensive patient every day.

People who suffer from hypertension need to eat smaller meals. You need to eat small portions up to 6 times a day. However, you should not overeat at night. The best dinner for hypertensive patients is a glass of low-fat kefir or some small fruit.

If you love meat, then you should be more careful in choosing it. If you have hypertension, you are allowed to eat only lean meat, which does not contain fats that contribute to the appearance of cholesterol plaques and blockage of blood vessels.

And most importantly. Hypertensive patients should never fast. This may negatively affect their condition. And of course, in order to normalize blood pressure, you need to give up bad habits. We are now talking about smoking. Nicotine has a vasoconstrictor effect, which can lead to a sharp increase in blood pressure.

Weekly menu for hypertensive patients

You can create a weekly menu for hypertension yourself, taking into account all the above-described nutritional recommendations for hypertensive patients. But if you find it difficult to navigate, then you can stick to the following menu:

Day of the week Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday A glass of rosehip decoction, a portion of oatmeal with low-fat milk (you can add dried fruits) Any fruit A serving of vegetable soup, 2 steam cutlets, a glass of compote without sugar Curd casserole A glass of jelly, a piece of boiled fish with stewed vegetables
Tuesday A portion of low-fat cottage cheese, compote Yogurt or some fruit Portion of low-fat fish soup, steamed quenelles Fruit jelly Boiled turkey, vegetable salad
Wednesday Oatmeal with low-fat milk without butter, jelly A glass of kefir, bread Fish soup, vegetable salad Any fruit Glass of fruit juice, vegetable soup
Thursday 2 baked apples, a glass of kefir A handful of some berries or dried fruits Beetroot salad, steamed meatballs Kefir or yogurt Portion of pilaf, fresh vegetable salad
Friday Rice porridge cooked with low-fat milk, a glass of compote Apple or banana Low-fat meat soup, fresh vegetables Curd casserole Jellied fish, glass of jelly
Saturday Curd mass, a cup of weak tea Fruit salad dressed with low-fat yogurt Vegetable soup, steamed cutlets, compote Fruits Boiled fish with stewed vegetables
Sunday Oatmeal with dried fruits, compote Kefir, apple Boiled turkey, fresh vegetable salad Handful of dried fruits Vegetable stew, steam cutlets, jelly

Remember that you need to constantly fight hypertension. It is necessary to adhere to this diet every day, without giving yourself any concessions and without taking any breaks. Within a couple of months you will notice improvements in your well-being. And if you continue to adhere to all the rules of nutrition for hypertension, then in 3-5 months you will be able to completely stop taking medications.

Hypertension requires careful attention. It is important not only drug treatment, but also an active lifestyle, which certainly includes a healthy diet. And given that now more and more people suffer from hypertension due to excess weight, you need to know which diet for arterial hypertension will be most beneficial.

Proper nutrition for hypertension can improve metabolism and stimulate the action of medications (beta blockers, diuretics and others), while also protecting the body from side effects. It will help fight obesity, atherosclerosis, and diabetes, which also affects the course of the disease.

A diet for hypertension must be chosen to be balanced so that it provides the body with the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals it needs. There should be 4 to 6 small meals per day.

The most healthy products for hypertension - vegetables and fruits, as well as sea ​​fish and seafood in general, which contains iodine and a lot of B vitamins. Fiber-rich foods lower cholesterol levels and prevent its absorption, while providing a feeling of fullness for a long time. Whole grains and low-fat dairy products are also an important part of the diet.

The diet for stage 2 hypertension is not particularly different from the nutritional rules for stage 1 hypertension. Its basis is:

  • crumbly porridges, in particular millet, buckwheat, barley, oatmeal and wheat;
  • soups made from vegetables (cabbage soup, borscht, salt soup), fruit and dairy, but meat can be eaten no more than twice a week;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • dairy products, but not too high in calories;
  • lean meats: chicken breasts, turkey, beef;
  • sea ​​fish, which contains a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids;
  • seafood, especially seaweed;
  • a variety of vegetables, herbs;
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • bran;
  • extra virgin olive oil and other vegetable oils;
  • Drinks include vegetable, fruit and berry juices, mineral water, rose hip decoction and only occasionally weak tea.

All of these are products that reduce blood pressure in hypertension. The choice is quite wide, so eating for hypertension can be not only healthy, but also varied and tasty.

Nutrition for second-degree hypertension allows fat in the daily diet in the amount of 30 g, of which no more than 20 should be animals.

Particular attention should be paid to foods that contain magnesium and potassium (this is, in particular, dried apricots, cereals, carrots, cabbage, beets), this is most important in a diet for heart patients. It is also important to eat garlic; it is good for heart disease, has a good effect on the immune system and lowers cholesterol levels.

The diet for stage 3 hypertension should be more strict, since this is already a rather dangerous condition, but its principles are generally the same as for the first and second stages. Monitor everything you eat more carefully, and if possible, further limit the amount of salt, fat, etc.

At a severe stage, the menu may look something like this:

  • breakfast of porridge, weak tea with milk and cream cheese;
  • a fresh apple or several for a snack;
  • lunch of vegetable soup with buckwheat, fresh carrots and steamed meat, as well as apple compote;
  • for the second snack - rosehip decoction;
  • mashed potatoes with boiled fish, rice with fruit, and then tea with milk;
  • for late dinner - yogurt.

Nutrition after a hypertensive crisis in the first days should be especially light and fasting. So, you should eat rice, fruits, especially apples, fresh and boiled vegetables, you can make exclusively dairy days or vegetable ones.

What to say “No” to

What you can eat has already been said, now you need to figure out what you can’t.

During diet therapy you should:

  1. First of all, eat less salt. Sodium, which is its main component, retains water in the body, the volume of circulating blood increases, and at the same time increased pressure appears. Doctors strongly advise reducing the amount of salt per day to 3-4 g instead of the usual 10-15 g, that is, it is not advisable to add additional salt to food. If the disease worsens, it is better to completely eliminate salt from the diet.
  2. Eliminate fatty meats from your diet. Very often, the disease appears due to the fact that cholesterol plaques contained in smoked and fatty meats clog blood vessels.
  3. Consume sausages, lard, fat, butter and ghee, sour cream and other foods that contain animal fats to a minimum. Almost all cheeses are also harmful. At least a third of the fat in your diet should come from plants.
  4. Forget about pickles and canned food, spices, spicy and smoked foods.
  5. Give up coffee, cocoa and strong teas - both black and green, in addition - alcohol, which is even more important. However, natural dry wine, if consumed no more than two hundred grams per day, will not harm, and will even be beneficial.
  6. Eat less sugar - as well as other easily digestible carbohydrates: they provoke development redundant masses bodies. When you want to pamper yourself, replace baked goods, a variety of sweets, including honey and jam, and chips with crackers with fruits and dried fruits.
  7. Control the amount of liquid consumed. You can drink 1-1.5 liters per day, not forgetting to take into account the water in which dishes are prepared. Carbonated waters, mineral waters high in sodium, unnatural drinks and, of course, fish and meat broths are not recommended.

In addition, you should never go hungry. You need reasonable diet therapy; limiting yourself to any food groups, especially sharply, is contraindicated for hypertensive patients.

It is also important not only how to eat, but also a healthy lifestyle in general, so you need to quit smoking. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, therefore raising blood pressure.

Fasting days

From time to time, especially if you also have problems with blood circulation and excess weight, during exacerbations, you can and should arrange a fasting day for your body. This is done 1-2 times every 7-10 days. Fasting days can be different: salad, cucumber, apple, watermelon, etc. They will help normalize metabolism, remove salts and toxins, lose weight, and relieve the burden on the cardiovascular system. For the best effect, you should observe bed rest and rest in general.

Examples of unloading:

  • dairy: during the day, drink 100 g of milk every two hours, and for dinner - 200 g of fruit juice along with 20 g of sugar;
  • watermelon: 1.5 kg of watermelon is eaten in 5-6 meals;
  • vegetable: you also need to eat 1.5 kg of raw vegetables in 5 or 6 meals (this can be zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, etc.), 5 g of vegetable oil, ideally olive oil, is added to each serving.

Table No. 10

The cholesterol-lowering diet for patients with hypertension, or table No. 10, is considered one of the most effective. It helps improve metabolism and blood circulation, has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and liver, which stimulates the removal of various harmful substances from the body.

Its difference is that it is proposed to more strictly limit products with coarse plant fiber. While those that stimulate cholesterol and fat metabolism should be included in the menu more.

Following this diet, the body should receive:

  • proteins – 80 g;
  • fat – 70 g;
  • carbohydrates – 400.

The total calorie content of the diet is approximately 2800 kcal.

In general, recommendations for choosing food are the same as in the regular menu for hypertension. You can eat all fruits and vegetables (with the exception of onions, radishes, sorrel, radishes, spinach and legumes - only soy is allowed), low-fat cookies, milk and vegetable soups, white bread crackers. Use oils only in small quantities, do not add salt to food.

Liver, kidneys and brains are prohibited because they contain too much cholesterol.

This diet is most effective in the first and second stages of the disease.

If you are overweight

If you are overweight, you should monitor your diet especially carefully. Every kilogram that shouldn't be there increases your blood pressure.

Nutrition for arterial hypertension for weight loss should be well calculated. The list of recommended and prohibited foods remains generally the same, but you need to monitor how many calories you consume. This may seem like quite a daunting task at first, but it's actually quite simple.

Using special programs or - which is better - by consulting a doctor, you can calculate what amount of calories is optimal for you. Over time, it will become common for you to count what you eat; you can do this yourself, checking calorie tables, or, again, using specialized programs.

With hypertension, diet is important in any case, but if you have problems with weight, you need to take the most responsible approach to adjusting your overall lifestyle. Be active - but not at the expense of your overall health, so consult your doctor about physical activity as well.

Sample menu

The menu for a week for hypertension can be compiled according to the following scheme:

First day

  • breakfast – omelet and tea with milk;
  • snack with a baked apple;
  • lunch – half a portion of vegetable soup and steamed meat cutlets with pilaf;
  • afternoon snack – cottage cheese casserole;
  • dinner - boiled fish with potatoes and rosehip broth;
  • before bed - kefir.

Second day

  • breakfast - oatmeal with dried fruits and milk, juice;
  • snack with berries (100 g);
  • lunch - fish soup, pearl barley with boiled meat;
  • afternoon snack - cottage cheese soufflé;
  • dinner – baked turkey, salad, tea with milk:
  • before bed - a glass of milk.

Third day

  • breakfast - cottage cheese and a couple of breads, fruit drink;
  • snack – fruit jelly;
  • lunch – borscht with a piece of black bread, steamed kritsa, greens;
  • afternoon snack - banana;
  • dinner – baked potatoes, jellied fish compote;
  • before bed - yogurt.

By alternating products in this way, you can safely create a menu yourself.