Golden needle. Regulations on the All-Russian distance competition for teachers and directors of children's fashion theaters “pedagogical triumph The competition is held in three main categories

Association of Creative associations "Golden Needle"

City club "Golden Needle"

In 2000, on the basis of the costume studio “Northern Lights” of the Municipal Educational Institution of Children’s Education “CDT”, the city club “Golden Needle” was organized as a voluntary community of young craftsmen and master teachers. The city club “Golden Needle” includes creative groups from the city educational institution (children aged from 8 to 18 years), supporting the activities of the club, recognizing its purpose, objectives, requirements, regulations on the city club.

In its activities the club is guided by:

  • Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”;
  • Model regulations on establishment additional education children;
  • Charter of the Center for Children's Creativity;
  • Program of the Association of Children's Creative Associations "Golden Needle";
  • Regulations on the city club "Golden Needle".

The Golden Needle program contributes to the solution of educational, developmental, educational, communicative tasks:

  • stimulate the co-creation of young craftsmen and master teachers;
  • promote professional guidance of the younger generation;
  • promote the development of children's imagination and mastery of performance;
  • promote the socialization and life self-determination of adolescents;
  • develop children's intelligence, creative thinking and practical acumen;
  • contribute to the implementation of the idea “from a young craftsman to mastery”;
  • participate in the organization of leisure and health improvement;
  • help specialists in various fields of applied art in their creative growth, communication, and improvement of professional skills.

The club program is implemented through projects for creative workshops in areas of activity.

Project No. 1 "Creative Vacation" - work of creative workshops during the holidays in various areas decorative and applied art, modeling and clothing design.

School holidays are actually an inexhaustible reserve of spiritual and moral growth, a factor in enriching the social experience and self-realization of children and adolescents. The implementation of the Creative Vacations project is an opportunity to reach a new level of development of the vacation leisure system for children and adolescents. This is a search for new models for the content of the activities of temporary teams. The workshop is attended by children who are fascinated by creative exploration in their activities.

The results of the Creative Vacation are the following competitions:

  • “Ah, carnival...” - January;
  • exhibition “Man-Made Miracle” and competition for young fashion designers
  • “Meeting of Friends” - opening of the new season at the Golden Needle club - October, April.

Project 2. « Young Master " Valid throughout the year for gifted and specially interested children. The programs of these workshops are mandatory for the creative group of designing, modeling and sewing clothes, and for other club members at will.

  • Fashion laboratory.
  • Plastic movements.
  • Basics of design, etc.

Project No. 3."Rainbow of Good"

The purpose of this project is to involve in charitable social activities, thereby, the club joins the ongoing long-term program “From Heart to Heart”, adopted by the Association at the XII festival.

Areas of work:

  • organizing work to involve children with disabilities in the activities of the club;
  • connection with an orphanage and shelter;
  • connection with the day care hospital for elderly people “Dobrodeya”;
  • work with war and labor veterans.

Our affairs:

  • active participation in the action " Gift for Veteran", dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War;
  • “Gift to a Friend” campaign for children with disabilities;
  • organization of rotating exhibitions at the Dobrodeya hospital;
  • concerts, performances.

Project No. 4."Master class" - for teachers and leaders of creative associations it offers:

  • conducting workshops for children;
  • participation in the methodological association of additional education teachers “Master Class”.

Expected results:

  • integration of disparate children's groups and arts and crafts groups into the creative community;
  • identification, development and encouragement of talented teams and gifted children in the chosen type of activity;
  • nurturing the spiritual qualities of the individual, rallying children around “eternal values”;
  • strengthening cooperation between the CDT and secondary schools through the activities of the club, increasing the activity of schools in citywide events.

Association of Creative Associations "Golden Needle"

District club "Golden Needle"

The main idea of ​​creating a district club was to introduce children to the culture of the multinational district of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Russia through the focused work of children's creative associations in arts and crafts and modeling, designing and sewing clothes.

District club "Golden Needle"- a community of children, young craftsmen and master teachers engaged in arts and crafts in the district. Its main goal: to create conditions for creative communication and cooperation of children's specialized associations from various educational institutions of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Today the club includes more than 350 children of different ages and 40 teachers.

The main objectives of the club:

  • Stimulating and supporting gifted and talented children;
  • Assisting teachers in improving their professional skills;
  • Cultivating a sense of patriotism, citizenship and tolerance among young Yamal residents.
  • Strengthening cooperation and friendship between children of the Autonomous Okrug.

The program of the district club, developed on the basis of the activities of the Golden Needle association, has become one of the means of educational activities of the growing youth of the district.

The district club is guided by the following regulatory framework:

  • by law Russian Federation“On Education”;
  • Model regulations on the establishment of additional education;
  • SPO-FDO program;
  • Charter and program of the Association of Children's Creative Associations "Golden Needle";
  • Regulations on the district club "Golden Needle".

The intramural and correspondence activities of the district club include holding competitions, exhibitions, workshops, seminars, master classes, creating educational teaching materials, videos, collections, booklets.


About holding an open festival-competition of ethnic costume

Children's fashion theaters and costume studios

"Echoes of Times"

1. Goals and objectives:

Preservation and development of traditions of multinational folk culture.

Joining research and development efforts traditional culture, as well as conservation various types arts and crafts.

Introducing children to the art of creating clothes, stimulating creative search and aesthetic taste, developing the creative abilities of children and youth.

Development of interest in the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of the world and the formation of socio-historical experience.

Creating conditions for professional creative and personal development of participants.

Support for original technological solutions, the ability of children and adolescents to achieve high quality and skill in making presentation costumes.

Promoting the establishment and expansion of creative connections between teams and participants, exchange of experience

2. Organizers of the festival-competition:

Association of children's creative associations "Golden Needle", Moscow

Municipal autonomous institution culture "Perm City Palace of Culture named after. S. M. Kirov" Perm

3. Partners of the festival-competition:

Regional public fund for the support and professional development of aspiring entrepreneurs in the fashion industry “High Season”.

The competition is held with the support of the Perm city administration.

4. Participants of the festival-competition:

Children's and youth fashion theaters, costume studios of cultural institutions, educational institutions of all types and types. The age of participants is from 8 years to 21 years.

5. Time and place:

The festival-competition is held on October 29, 2016, MAUK “Perm City Palace of Culture named after. S. M. Kirov." Perm, st. Kirovogradskaya, 26

The competition is held in three main categories:

1. "Fashion in ethno style"

Collections reflecting ethnic trends in youth fashion, ethnic motifs in avant-garde fashion, ethno-glamour, and stage ethno costume can be submitted to the competition.

2. "Science and Fashion"

3. " Debut"

The author (from 14 to 18 years old) presents 1 author's model, the show of which is carried out with musical accompaniment chosen by the author himself (the duration of the show is no more than 1 minute). The author's model must be developed specifically for the “Debut” nomination and must not be presented in any of the collections.

The collections can use any fabrics, auxiliary materials, various processing and decoration techniques, and accessories are allowed.

The demonstration of the collection is carried out accompanied by a musical soundtrack.

Duration of display of the collection is no more than 3 minutes.

In the nomination, each participating team represents no more than 1 collection in each age group.

The number of models in the collection is at the discretion of the team.

4. " Arts and crafts »

The competition accepts works made in any arts and crafts technique, as well as fashionable additions to clothing, designer costume elements, and handmade accessories.

The works are exhibited at the exhibition before the start of the competition.

In the nomination, each participating team presents works completed by one or more participants.

General criteria for evaluating competitive works:

Compliance of competitive works with the stated topic

Novelty of ideas, originality, design

Innovation, creativity in the use of materials and technological solutions

Entertainment, musical and artistic embodiment of the competition work

Quality and craftsmanship of competition works

Age groups:

Junior group 8-11 years

Middle group 12-16 years old

Senior group 17-21 years old

Competition jury:

The jury includes leading experts in the field of children's fashion and arts and crafts of the Perm region, representatives National competition"Golden Needle" Moscow

7. Conditions of participation:

Collections and works made in accordance with the evaluation criteria of the competition are allowed to participate in the competition.

Applications for participation are submitted by email [email protected] until October 14, 2016 according to the specified form (Appendix No. 1).

Phonograms for the performance must be presented on a CD or flash drive

8. Financial conditions:

The competition is held on a self-financing basis.

The participation fee for the competition is 500 rubles for each team member.

⃰ For members of the association of children's creative associations "Golden Needle" the fee for participation in the competition is 400 rubles for each team member

Travel, meals and accommodation of participants are paid for by the sending party.

The cost of lunch on the day of the competition is 200 rubles per person upon prior request.

Hotel reservations for non-resident participants are made by the head of the sending party independently.

Hotel "Yubileinaya", st. Kirovogradskaya, 14 (within walking distance from the S. M. Kirov Palace of Culture) t. /342/ 283-69-64

Hotel "Cruise", st. Fontannaya, 1a, t. /342/ 216-41-29

Hostel “7 Rooms”, st. N. Ostrovsky, 49, t. /342/ 259-68-87

Hostel "Cashmere", st. N. Ostrovsky, 40, t. /342/ 259-68-87

The first hostel in Perm, st. Lenina, 67, t. /342/ 2147-847

If you need positive emotions and confidence that the younger generation is talented, and the fashion of the future has its own prospects, then a better event than the National Competition of Children's Fashion Theaters and Costume Studios "Golden Needle" has not yet been invented. There are no analogues to it in the whole world! This is a competition of creative ideas and mastery of execution.

Children do everything from a sketch to the presentation of their own hand-made costumes on the big stage on their own under the strict guidance of their teachers. And they don’t just do it, they create within the framework certain conditions and topics. The tasks become more complicated every year, but the creative teams also become more experienced year after year, so their products amaze not only the professional jury, which is headed by Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Zaitsev, but also everyone who admires them.

Throughout the year, children's fashion theaters and costume studios prepare their collections and take part in regional qualifying rounds to get to the finals in Moscow.

And from April 5 to April 7, 2018 in concert hall“Izmailovo” you can see everything with your own eyes and feel the atmosphere of children's creativity. More than 400 prize-winners from 50 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Belarus will present their works to the jury and spectators so that the best of the best in various nominations and categories are selected.

Subject XXII National Competition "Golden Needle" - "The Charm of Russian Art." The topic is very broad and complex at the same time, but for children it is like a difficult task - the more difficult it is, the more interesting it is. It is precisely this socially significant topic that guides teenagers to express their civic position, develops imagination, skill, and helps to reveal the intellectual and creative abilities of young designers, artists, seamstresses, embroidery and lace-making virtuosos, makeup artists, and hairdressers. In addition, an interesting task gives birth to masterpieces worthy of the collections of the world of high fashion.

In addition to creative development, the Golden Needle competition encourages teenagers to master the professional skills of future fashion industry specialists.

The competition is held in nominations that cover almost all stages of preparation, creation and display of the collection:

  • research work on a given topic;
  • preliminary design;
  • doll and costume;
  • young hairdresser;
  • designer textiles, etc.

For the first time this year, so-called professional tests will be held. Young tailors will show their skills in cutting a straight skirt, and young fashion designers will show their imagination and ability to make creative sketch on a topic given before the start of the competition.

The National Competition will include creative master classes and events for children and teachers in various areas, as well as a rich cultural program. Such an integrated approach within the framework of an educational project creates a creative learning environment for the country’s talented children and helps them acquire theoretical and practical skills necessary in a modern creative profession, and communication with jury members is a great master class from high fashion professionals.

Organizer of the National Competition - Association of children's creative associations "Golden Needle". The competition is supported by Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, National Academy of Fashion Industry, SPO-FDO, Fashion house "Vemina", company "Grimoire", group of companies of the Endea trademark, trademark "Kotofey". Becoming a partner of the Competition is very simple. To do this, you need to be in love with your business and have a desire to see our future beautiful.

Photo: Association of Children's Creative Associations "Golden Needle"



The most sincere emotions are children's! And the indescribable sparkle of the eyes from one’s own participation in a collective cause, and cries of delight from victory, and tears of resentment from defeat...

I sincerely feel sorry for the jury, which had to make this difficult choice of winners among two dozen talented groups - children's fashion theaters. Because choosing one from these bright, spectacular and exciting performances is not just difficult, but unrealistic. ALL are good!

The originality of the costumes, the complexity of their execution - everything is adult, and even cooler! The emotional presentation is childishly contagious and has an electrifying effect on all viewers...

A storm of emotions and a storm of applause fell on the Chairman of the Jury, Vyacheslav Zaitsev. This childish delight caused by the appearance of an idol cannot be compared with anything!

And... away we go! Each team “played Fashion” in its own way, as specified by the theme of the competition. Having gone through all the preparatory stages of a large educational project, including studying the history of fashion, creating their own sketches, learning the basics of sewing and decorating, acquiring acting skills and fashion shows, children's fashion theaters from different parts of our vast land presented their creativity to the jury.

The judges were “severe”, but with such love and admiration in their eyes that it immediately became clear that they would have given great pleasure a single fashion verdict: Children’s Fashion in Russia has declared itself loudly, and it IS!

Sincere words of gratitude to the teachers and curators of the project, who, day after day, hour after hour, educate children in the ability to live and create in a team! Moreover, to create and present things that children themselves dream of.

Someone was delighted by the collection “Imaginary Friends” of the fashion theater “Vasilisa” (Moscow), someone was fascinated by the celebration of national traditions in the collection “Kutafiya’s Daughters” of the fashion theater “Alice” (Ivanovo), someone was touched by “ Blue-Eyed Rhapsody”, designed in the porcelain style of Gzhel masters - fashion theater “Gloria” (Vladimir), someone was impressed by the collection “I’m cool” of the fashion theater “Style” (Kovrov), and someone could not take it away eye from the “Stained Glass” collection of the “Fashion Design” Laboratory (Moscow).

Is it possible to convey the exciting sensations of seeing the “Live with Convenience” collection of the fashion theater “Yabloko” (Kopeysk), created for children with disabilities? How to find the words to describe the pride felt in the display of Russian traditions in the collections “Good News” of the Renaissance Fashion Theater (Cherepovets), “Karkulya” of the Galina Fashion Theater (Chelyabinsk), “Kvitki” of the Lyubava Fashion Theater "(Kopeysk) and "Zavalinka" of the fashion theater "Rus" (Sarov)?

For those who still believe in fairy tales, the shows of the “Fairy Tale Tells” collection of the Svetlana Fashion Theater (Barnaul), “Shapito” of the Oblik Fashion Theater (Moscow) and a completely unusual approach to the Gothic were impressive. and sweetly expressed in the “Such a Fairy Tale” collection of the “Kolibri” fashion theater (Dzerzhinsk).

The captivating show of the “Love Spell” collection of the fashion theater “Diva” (Perm), made in the boho style, immediately captivated the audience.

You can even look at flies completely differently if the Fontanevia Fashion Theater (St. Petersburg) gets down to business. Their “Flies-Tsokotuhi” from the “beautiful” series! By the way, “Owl” can be a very bright creation of nature in the vision of the “Lora” fashion theater (Orenburg).

Childhood is unthinkable without the poems of Agnia Barto, so the collection “Skirts for Lyubochka” by the fashion tetra “Plot” (Noyabrsk) was dedicated specifically to her.

“Stylish, fashionable, youthful” is not a slogan, but the name of the original collection of the fashion theater “Abstraction” (Velikiye Luki). No less impressive are the youth collections “Mondriano” of the fashion theater “De Light” (Glazov) and “15-17” of the art studio “Mirage” (Ivanovo)

The nomination “Hats” was opened by the fashion theater “Rus” (Sarov) with the collection “Poteshki”.

When “White Sails” of the fashion theater “Glamour” (Nizhny Tagil) “floated” onto the podium, I wanted to photograph every detail of these unusual headdresses made using the “macrame” and “filigree” techniques. The well-deserved laurels of championship went to this collection.

A flurry of emotions was also caused by hats from the collections “Cheerful Sweet Tooths” of the Fashion Design Laboratory (Moscow) and “There Can’t Be Too Many Cats” by the fashion tetra “Galina” (Chelyabinsk), “Aelita 20-16” by the fashion theater “Start” "(Moscow). Not only the headdresses were amazing, but also the mass of details decorating them in the “Mad Tea Party” collection of the Fonteneviia fashion theater (St. Petersburg). The “Sounds of the World” collection of the Gothic Theater (Nizhny Tagil) seems to have collected all the colors and shapes of the world...

Using perforated felt for its collection, the fashion theater “Diva” (Perm) created the most interesting headdresses for the image of Snow Maidens in the collection “In the Kingdom of Berendey”.

Individual creative works were presented by the guys in the “Debut” and “Costume as an Art Object” nominations.

The first league competitors showed their vision of the theme “Children's fashion of all times. “We play fashion”, revealing it in the collections “My Tapestry” (“M-Style”, Chapaevsk), “Your Way” (“Gothic”, Nizhny Tagil), “Secretika” (“Edelweiss”, Sorochinsk ), “Chiaroscuro” (“Clothing Design Studio”, St. Petersburg), “Mind Games” (“Chic”, Nizhny Tagil), “Fashionistas-Gardeners” (“Tomiris”, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan) , “Cornflowers” ​​(“Style”, Voronezh), “It’s spring outside the window” (“87 plus”, Saratov)

It is very pleasant that among the jury members were our best headwear manufacturers Tatyana Semendyaeva (Grimoire company) and Vyacheslav Vakushin (Mexico City company), as well as the Endea company, who not only evaluated the creative works of the teams, but also donated winding machines to the winners !

Sets of fabrics from the Vemina Trading House and cash prizes for teachers - gifts to the winners from the project sponsors!

Continuity of generations is very important in the fashion industry, so the growing talented designers were evaluated by a competent jury represented by the legendary Fur Queen Irina Krutikova, Vice-President of the Academy of the Fashion Industry Lyudmila Ivanova, Head of the Department of Textile Design of Textile Design of the Ivanovo State Polytechnic University Natalya Grigorievna Mizonova...

Many thanks to the President of the Association of Children's Creative Associations "Golden Needle" Larisa Kostrova for the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of children's creativity and see with my own eyes these triumphant shows of the best children's fashion theaters.

I sincerely believe that the real golden needle, donated by Marina Suslova, head of the Moscow Public Relations Committee, will really pierce the entire globe, gathering like-minded people all over the planet.