Maria Sittel: biography, career and family. Maria Sittel showed her bare breasts on a Bulgarian beach Maria Sittel in a swimsuit

Maria Sittel is a famous TV presenter who has long become a living symbol of the Rossiya TV channel. It is she who tells Russians and television viewers from some other countries about latest events of the day as part of daily television news broadcasts. Sometimes, looking at her, it seems that she knows absolutely everything.

But what do we know about her? To delve a little into the past of the famous TV presenter in order to introduce her to her readers detailed story we will try about her life and fate today.

Early years, childhood and family of Maria Sittel

Maria Sittel was born on November 9, 1975 in the city of Penza. Her father had German roots, and therefore our today's heroine was always brought up at the intersection of two cultures. Continuing the conversation about her childhood, we note that in the past Maria wanted to become a doctor and even studied for some time at a medical lyceum. However, at some point the girl decided to choose a slightly different path in life.

Having received secondary education, the girl submitted documents to the Penza Pedagogical University, where she began to study at the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology. In this place she established herself as a diligent student. She was loved by her teachers and peers. Perhaps that is why one fine day several of her university friends invited her to star in a humorous program that they were preparing for one of the Penza television channels.

The filming experience turned out to be successful, however, despite this, Maria Sittel did not even think about becoming a TV presenter. But fate still gave her the opportunity to think again about her path in life. In 1997, our today’s heroine received an offer from the Penza television company “Our House”. She was called to work as a presenter. And in the end, Maria finally decided to try herself in a fundamentally different role.

At first, the talented young TV presenter worked in the “Musical Souvenir” program, but later got a job as a reporter at a local news service. After working in a new capacity for several months, Maria Sittel moved from the Our House channel to the Express channel, where she also began working as a television news presenter. Her career developed very rapidly, and therefore the journalist also did not stay long in her new place. A year later, Maria exchanged the Express channel for central television city ​​- State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Penza".

M. Sittel - V. Borodinov - Paso Doble - Dancing with the Stars

Surprisingly, even then the girl did not take journalism seriously. For her new job was just an interesting hobby and in a great way earnings. After graduating pedagogical institute, Maria Sittel entered the Institute of Finance and Economics, where she began to study by correspondence with a degree in Finance and Credit.

In parallel with this, the talented native of Penza continued to work on local television. And over time, television work became for her something more than a favorite hobby.

Star Trek Maria Sittel on television

Thanks to her work on television, our today's heroine very soon became known and popular in her native Penza. They began to recognize her on the streets. And well-known figures of national television began to increasingly come to her with new proposals. As a result, after working at the Penza State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company for only two years, the TV presenter moved to the Rossiya TV channel, with which almost her entire professional career was subsequently connected.

In September 2001, Maria Sittel first appeared before viewers as the host of the Vesti news program. Dmitry Kiselev became her partner on the set. Subsequently, the talented television journalist also worked in tandem with Andrei Kondrashov.

Over time, Maria Sittel became a real star not only of the Rossiya TV channel, but of all Russian television. She often regularly appeared on television, and at some point she also began giving master classes for young journalists. As part of such activities, our today's heroine argued that reading newspapers, books, and magazines is as integral a part of the profession of a television journalist as live broadcasting. This multifaceted approach to business has become the basis of her signature style, and has also brought her great success.

In 2007, Maria Sittel received the Order of Friendship for her contribution to the development of television, and two years earlier she also received the TEFI Award as the best presenter of an information program.

The TV journalist’s personal achievements also include repeated meetings with top officials of the Russian state. Maria Sittel hosted the “Conversation with Vladimir Putin”, and also repeatedly covered the president’s activities as part of other projects. For this, our today's heroine was awarded a special letter of gratitude from the leader of the Russian Federation.

Personal life of Maria Sittel

In ordinary life, our today's heroine enjoys artistic photography, skiing and reading. modern literature. Maria Sittel has four children. Daughter Daria was born in her first marriage. Three subsequent children were born from the TV presenter’s current husband, a businessman named Alexander. The couple met while vacationing together in Cyprus. After a year-long romance, the lovers legalized their relationship. And in September 2016, Maria became a mother for the fifth time. The newborn baby was named Ekaterina.

Maria Sittel now

As for work outside of information and analytical journalism, in this regard it is worth noting the fact that Maria Sittel has repeatedly participated in various entertainment programs. Among these, it is worth highlighting the show projects “Fort Boyard” along with such heroes as Zhan Grigoriev-Milimerov, Pete Jason, Vyacheslav Bodolika, Marat Chanyshev, Tatyana Kolganova, as well as “Dancing with the Stars”. As part of the last of these programs, the Russian journalist managed to take first place, which allowed her to take part in the international show “Eurovision Dance” the following year.

Maria Sittel: “Do you believe?”

Among Maria Sittel’s other successes, we note her small role in the TV series “Goddess of Prime Time.” It is quite noteworthy that, according to writer Tatyana Ustinova, the original book on which the series was based was written under the impression of the work of Maria Sittel. IN

Currently, our today's heroine still works on the Rossiya channel. At VGTRK, the television journalist hosts the Vesti program, and also often appears in the “optional” observer project “Special Correspondent”.

Maria Sittel is a Russian TV presenter who has become the symbol of the Vesti TV program on the Rossiya TV channel.


Maria Eduardovna was born on November 9, 1975 in Penza. The girl’s family was quite wealthy - Masha’s father, Eduard Anatolyevich, had his own business, Larisa Pavlovna’s mother was a housewife and devoted all her time to raising children and running the household.

Masha had a younger sister, Anya, who followed in the footsteps famous sister and now hosts the TV show “Vesti-Penza”.

Several nationalities were mixed in Mary's blood - her father had German roots, while her mother was Jewish by origin. From childhood, her family emphasized her responsibility and helped her in her desire to become a doctor.

At first, Maria was sent to a comprehensive school. There were 45 students in Masha’s class, many of them were from low-income families and were registered in the children’s room of the police.

Larisa Pavlovna did not like this environment for the girl, and later her parents sent their daughter to a medical lyceum. After graduating from the Lyceum, Sittel faced a difficult choice of university.

The girl wanted to apply to the Samara Medical Institute, but her mother didn’t like the fact that Masha wanted to go so far. Therefore, under the influence of her mother, Sittel entered the Penza Pedagogical University.

Having chosen the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, Masha studied there for a year, after which she finally transferred to Samara Medical University. However, due to financial difficulties, the girl was forced to return to her native Penza.

Upon returning, Maria was reinstated at the Pedagogical University. There she was known as a very diligent and diligent student. However, Maria did not forget about her active life outside the university walls.

One day, her university friends invited her to star in a humorous video that the guys were preparing for a Penza channel. At first the girl refused, but after persuasion from her friends she changed her mind.

The filming went well, but after that Sittel still didn’t even think about becoming a TV presenter. Back then, education came first for her.

After graduating from the university, Maria applied for the specialty “finance and credit” at the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics.

The girl was advised by her mother to get a second education, concerned about her daughter’s financial situation. At that time, Maria had already given birth to a child and divorced her first husband, so she was in dire need of money.

Getting started on television

In 1997, the opportunity presented itself to appear on television. Then the local TV channel “Our House” invited her to work as a TV presenter of the “Musical Souvenir” program.

After working for six months, Sittel was appointed host of the newly created news section on the Express TV channel.

During her time working on the Express TV channel, Sittel grew noticeably professionally. A year later, the management of the central city television "Penza" offered Maria the position of presenter.

Soon Maria began to be recognized on the street, the girl began to be perceived as a local TV star. Soon they learned about the charming presenter outside of Penza.

Vesti program

Sittel’s career was rapidly growing, and within two years she received her first serious offer from the federal channel.

The famous media manager Oleg Dobrodeev once called Maria, offering her the position of presenter for the Vesti news program on the Russia-1 channel. Maria immediately accepted this tempting offer.

In September 2001, the first program with Sittel as the host was released. Maria was assigned to anchor the afternoon newscast. According to the TV presenter herself, it was the Vesti program that became the beginning of her career as a TV presenter.

Three years later, Maria was assigned to the evening editions of the news program to replace presenter Sergei Brilev. Gradually more and more people learned about Sittel.

Maria began teaching master classes in journalism, sharing her experience with less experienced journalists. As Sittel herself states, the key to a successful career as a journalist is reading books, newspapers and magazines.

In 2005, Sittel was awarded the TEFI award in the category “Best News Broadcast Presenter”; a year later, together with the popular presenter Dmitry Kiselyov, the girl hosted extended news broadcasts.

In 2007, the TV presenter’s list of awards was supplemented by the Order of Friendship, awarded to Maria for her significant contribution to the development of television.

Together with her colleague Nikolai Svanidze, the girl commented on the farewell ceremony for Boris Yeltsin in April 2007. Then the ceremony was broadcast on Channel One and Rossiya.

From September 2009 to December 2011, the girl hosted the “Special Correspondent” program, aired on the Rossiya TV channel.

Maria also met with the top officials of Russia several times. Thus, the girl hosted the program “Conversation with Vladimir Putin” and often covered his activities as part of other programs. For this, Sittel was awarded a letter of gratitude from Vladimir Putin.

In addition, Maria’s collection of awards includes a victory in the “Golden Image of Extravagance” category at the Fashion People Awards.

Participation in television projects

In addition to news programs, Maria took part in the television project “Dancing with the Stars.” On a television project that aired in 2006, the girl performed in tandem with Vladislav Borodinov. Their duet showed incredible skill and grace, taking first place in the finals of the competition.

The victory in the program gave the duo the right to participate in the dance Eurovision 2007. There Maria and Vladislav took seventh place.

Maria also participated in the famous TV show “Fort Boyard”. In 2002 and 2004 she was a member of the team from the Rossiya TV and Radio Broadcasting Company.

In 2005, the TV presenter also showed her acting skills to the audience. Her film debut was playing herself in the first episode of the television series Prime Time Goddess.

Personal life

At the age of twenty, Maria got married for the first time. In this marriage, the girl had a daughter, Daria. Sittel does not say anything about her first marriage; journalists could not even find out the name of her first husband. The couple divorced almost immediately after the birth of their daughter.

With daughter Daria

When Maria received an offer from Russia-1, she decided to move to Moscow, leaving the child with her parents.

After participating in the television project “Dancing with the Stars,” journalists began to talk about office romance Maria and Vladislav Borodinov. However, the young people denied the rumors, saying that their relationship was exclusively friendly and working.

Sittel met her future husband, Alexander Tereshchenkov, while on vacation in Cyprus. The lovers spent all their time together, and very soon Alexander proposed to the girl.

Maria was surprised by such a rush and pondered the proposal for a whole year. As a result, in 2009, the lovers got married. The newlyweds held a modest wedding ceremony, inviting only relatives.

With children

One of the most beautiful Russian TV presenters, Maria Sittel, is a happy mother of many children. She and her husband are raising five children.

Maria spends a lot of time at work, her schedule is very busy, the woman gets very tired, but this does not stop her from paying attention to her family. Sittel spends every free minute with her loved ones – her husband and children.

Childhood. Youth

The biography of Maria Sittel is very interesting. During her school years, she did not even think about a career in television, but was going to devote her life to medicine. Presenter Sittel Maria Eduardovna was born on November 9, 1975. Her place of birth is the city of Penza.

Maria's family was quite wealthy. Her dad was a successful businessman, and her mother took care of the house and raising children. At school, the girl was a good student, but among Maria’s classmates there were many hooligans who did not want to study at all. The parents were very worried about their daughter and in the end decided that the atmosphere at school was not good for Masha. After this, the girl was transferred to a medical school.

Since childhood, Sittel dreamed of becoming a doctor to help people. Our heroine’s goal was to enter a medical institute in Samara. However, the mother did not want to part with her daughter and let her go so far. Maria was forced to submit documents to the Penza Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology.

After studying in Penza for some time, Maria finally decided and entered the Samara Medical Institute. In Samara, the girl began studying to become a doctor, but soon she had financial difficulties and had to return home. She was reinstated at the Penza Pedagogical Institute and continued her studies. As a student, Maria devoted all her time to her studies. Parties, noisy companies, bars and discos did not attract the girl. She was always serious, responsible and purposeful.

One day, her classmates decided to film an amateur comedy show. Maria was offered to act as a presenter. The girl initially refused, and her friends tried to persuade her for two whole weeks. As a result, Sittel agreed and thus starred in her very first program. She coped with her role simply superbly. Everyone around her insisted that being a leader was her calling. However, then Maria was not at all attracted to this path. Her goal was to become a doctor, no matter what, sooner or later.

After graduating from the institute, Maria Sittel, a certified teacher of chemistry and biology, became a student again, enrolling in the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics. Then Maria already had a child and was divorced. Her mother advised the girl to enroll in a correspondence institute.


Sittel never even dreamed of becoming a TV presenter, but since her school years she has been writing excellent articles. One day, together with her classmates, the girl visited a television studio and met its director. He immediately noticed something special in Masha and invited her to work on Penza television. At first, our heroine worked as the host of the “Musical Souvenir” program and coped with her task simply superbly.

The director of the channel highly appreciated Sittel’s work and invited her to host news broadcasts. At first, the young presenter conducted the program in her own style. However, her style was considered too “highly artistic”, and Maria began to be criticized. The TV presenter was forced to start working as her bosses demanded. Sittel devoted herself entirely to her work, climbing higher and higher up the career ladder.

Soon the girl was invited to the state television and radio company Penza. It was quite prestigious for the little one provincial town. This is how Sittel became popular: the presenter was recognized on the street, and she gained her first fans. The leading TV channels learned about the young TV presenter.

Two years later, Maria received her first serious offer. The head of VGTRK Oleg Dobrodeev contacted her by phone and invited her to Moscow to work as a presenter of the Vesti program. Maria happily agreed.

After working for two years, the young presenter replaced Sergei Brilev and began hosting the nightly news. This made her even more popular. Cooperation with the Russia-1 channel turned out to be the leading runway in his career. Maria simply loves her work. Since 2004, she began hosting the “Minority Report” program. In 2006, together with Dmitry Kiselev, she hosted newscasts.

The most successful television projects in which our heroine participated are:

  • "Musical souvenir"
  • "News."
  • "Minority Opinion"
  • "Special Correspondent"

In 2006, Maria participated in the TV show “Dancing with the Stars,” where she danced with Vladislav Borodinov. The couple took first place.

The popular TV presenter is the owner of the honorary Order of Friendship.

Personal life

Maria has always enjoyed success with members of the opposite sex. The most beautiful and successful men tried to court her. The presenter's personal life began when she was twenty years old. Maria does not talk about her first wife. It is known that in this marriage she had a daughter, Dasha. Soon after the birth of their daughter, the young couple separated.

The second husband of the TV presenter was Alexander Tereshchenko. Maria met him when she was vacationing in Cyprus. At first, the young people did not even suspect that they would get married. They met, spent a lot of time together, but did not think about the future.

Alexander immediately fell in love with Maria. After some time, he proposed to her, but the girl did not give a quick answer. It took her a whole year to make a decision. In 2009, Maria finally married Alexander. They played a beautiful, magnificent wedding, although there were few guests at it, only the closest people.

The couple had their first child, Ivan. Two years later, a second son, Savva, was born, and a year later, a third boy, Nikolai. And when our heroine turned forty, she gave birth to a beautiful girl, whom she named Ekaterina.

Maria Sittel has a large and friendly family. She is a happy wife and mother of five children. Despite her busy schedule, she takes care of the house and children, and spends a lot of time with her husband. Children and Alexander are her greatest happiness.

Now the presenter is taking care of her family and enjoying life. She loves to talk about her children and their achievements. Maria never considered her career as a presenter to be an obstacle to giving birth and raising children. Family always took first place in her life. In 2017, having barely returned from maternity leave, Sittel held her traditional “New Year’s Light”. Author: Irina Angelova

On the Black Sea, a TV star taught her six-month-old son Savva to swim

On the Black Sea, a TV star taught her six-month-old son Savva to swim

Maria SITTEL spent two weeks relaxing in an elite resort complex near Burgas. A few years ago, many stars bought apartments here: Philip KIRKOROV and Nadezhda BABKINA, LOLITA and Boris MOISEEV. The host of the “Special Correspondent” and “Vesti” programs on the Rossiya channel arrived on vacation with a large company - with her mother Larisa Pavlovna, 16-year-old daughter Dasha and two little sons - two-year-old Vanechka and six-month-old Savva. Sittel's current husband and the father of her children, businessman Alexander, were not around - apparently, important matters were not allowed to go to the Bulgarian coast.

A friendly family stayed in a small cozy villa “Shali”, located right by the sea, not far from the central building of the Emerald resort complex. The employees explained that there are four owners on the list of owners, and the names Sittel not among them. The three-room apartment occupied by the TV star belongs to Philip Kirkorov. But this does not mean at all that the singer, with a sweeping gesture, handed Maria the keys to his apartment with the words: “Live for free as long as you want.”

Philip simply rents out his square meters. (Which is understandable: in Emerald he has as many as 12 apartments, for the maintenance of which he regularly has to shell out a considerable amount in euros.) By the way, Kirkorov himself spent only a day in the complex this year during his concerts in Burgas and Varna.

Every morning, the 36-year-old TV presenter went with her family to the beach. Sometimes - like a wild one, but more often - like a regular one, “Emerald”. We swam a lot. The six-month-old toddler was especially happy with the water. “Okay, now we’ll dive!” - his mother told him and boldly plunged Savva headlong into the water. Then she dashingly threw him up - the boy squealed happily, demanding to repeat the procedure. Vanya swam in a circle nearby, under the supervision of his older sister and grandmother.

Those around the beach could not get enough of the family idyll.

What a great guy Masha is! - I once heard a conversation between two tanned women on a nearby sunbed. - Managing three children without nannies. Not an arrogant person, she is always friendly when she passes by, saying hello, asking how you are doing. Not like other “stars”. Guzeeva For example, this year I came with my old mother - she always wore dark glasses and turned up her nose.

I was also lucky enough to cross paths with Guzeeva. I’m lying quietly in the sauna, talking to a man - a woman in a robe comes in. Even though she was without makeup, I immediately recognized her as Larisa. He takes off his clothes and puts them next to him. And suddenly, after about two minutes, he makes a remark to me: “Stop chatting, there is a rest room for conversations!” It turns out that she ordered a “hammam” procedure - with body peeling, a scrub of medicinal herbs, a back massage, and nourishing her hair with green coconut - and believes that she bought the sauna. By the way, all this pleasure costs 92 euros. But, excuse me, I also paid money and I want to relax the way I want, and there’s no point in shutting my mouth! I also saw how Nadya Babkina a guy on the beach came up for an autograph, and she sent him almost three-story high: “Can’t you see, I’m on vacation?!” I wouldn’t see these stars for a century!