The story is live and remember the story of creation. Essay based on Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember”


War... The word itself speaks of trouble and grief, misfortune and tears. How many people died during this terrible Great Patriotic War!.. But, dying, they knew that they were fighting for their land, for their family and friends. Death is scary, but the spiritual death of a person is much more terrible. This is exactly what V. Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember” tells about.

The author reveals the soul of deserter Andrei Guskov. This man was in the war and was wounded and shell-shocked more than once. But, having been discharged from the hospital, Andrei did not go to his unit, but stealthily made his way to his native village, becoming a deserter.

There is no detective plot in the story, there are few heroes, but all this only enhances the growing psychologism. V. Rasputin specifically portrays an ordinary person with average mental and spiritual abilities in the image of Andrei. He was not a coward; he conscientiously performed all his soldier’s duties at the front.

“He was afraid to go to the front,” says the author. - He prepared all of himself, to the last drop and to the last thought, for the meeting with his family - with his father, mother, Nastena - and lived by this, recovered and breathed by this, that’s all he knew... How could he go back, again under bullets, under death, when it’s nearby, in your own country, in Siberia? Is this right and fair? He just needs to be at home for one single day, to calm his soul - then he’s again ready for anything.” Yes, that’s exactly what Andrey wanted to do. But something broke in him, something changed. The road turned out to be long, he got used to the idea of ​​​​the impossibility of returning.

In the end, he burns all his bridges and becomes a deserter, and therefore a criminal. When Andrei found himself near his home, he realized the baseness of his act, realized that something terrible had happened and now he would have to hide from people all his life. It is in this vein that the image of the protagonist is most often interpreted. But it is worth considering that Andrei is still too young to become a heroic person. He had no intention of deserting, but the longing for his relatives, his family, his native village turned out to be the strongest, and the very day that he was not given for vacation becomes fatal.

This story is not only about how a soldier becomes a deserter. It is also about cruelty, the destructive power of war, which kills feelings and desires in a person. If this happens, a person is completely free to become a hero. If not, then the melancholy will usually be stronger. Therefore, Andrei Guskov is not just a traitor, he is a person doomed to death from the very beginning. He is weak, but can you blame him for being weak?

The tragedy of the story is enhanced by the fact that not only Andrei dies in it. Following him, he takes away both his young wife and unborn child. Nastena is a woman who is capable of sacrificing everything so that her loved one remains alive. But, despite her love for him, she still considers her husband to be guilty. Her pain intensifies the possible condemnation of her fellow villagers.

Like her husband, Nastena is a victim of a devastating war. But if Andrei can be blamed, then Nastena is an innocent victim. She is ready to take a blow, the suspicions of loved ones, the condemnation of neighbors, even punishment - all this evokes undeniable sympathy in the reader. “The war delayed Nastena’s happiness, but Nastena believed even during the war that it would come. Peace will come, Andrei will return, and everything that has stopped over these years will move forward again. Nastena couldn’t imagine her life any other way. But Andrei came ahead of time, before the victory, and confused everything, mixed it up, knocked it out of order - Nastena could not help but guess about this. Now I had to think not about happiness - about something else. And it, frightened, moved away somewhere, was eclipsed, obscured - there seemed to be no way for it from there, no hope.” The idea of ​​life is destroyed, and with them life itself. Having lost her support in this whirlpool, Nastena chooses another whirlpool: the river takes the woman to itself, freeing her from any other choice.

Valentin Rasputin, a humanist in essence, in the story “Live and Remember” depicts the inhumane nature of war, which kills even at a great distance.

The main character of the book is Andrei Guskov, “an efficient and brave guy who married Nastya early and lived with her for four years before the war.” But the Great Patriotic War unceremoniously invades the peaceful life of the Russian people. Together with the entire male part of the population, Andrei also went to war. Nothing foreshadowed such a strange and incomprehensible situation, and now, as an unexpected blow for Nastena, the news that her husband Andrei Guskov is a traitor. Not every person is given the opportunity to experience such grief and shame. This incident dramatically turns upside down and changes the life of Nastya Guskova. “...Where were you, man, what toys were you playing with when your destiny was assigned? Why did you agree with her? Why, without thinking, did you cut off your wings, just when you need them most, when you need to fly away from trouble, not by crawling?” Now she is under the power of her feelings and love. Lost in the depths of village life, women's drama is extracted and shown as a living picture, which is increasingly found against the backdrop of war.

The author claims that Nastena is a victim of war and its laws. She could not act differently, not obeying her feelings and the will of fate. Nastya loves and pities Andrei, but when the shame of human judgment over herself and over her unborn child overcomes the power of love for her husband and life, she stepped overboard of the boat in the middle of the Angara, dying between two shores - the shore of her husband and the shore of all Russian people. Rasputin gives readers the right to judge the actions of Andrei and Nastena, to identify for themselves all the good and realize all the bad.

The author himself is a kind writer, inclined to forgive a person rather than condemn, much less condemn mercilessly. He tries to provide his heroes with an opportunity for correction. But there are such phenomena and events that are unbearable for the people around the heroes, and the author does not have the mental strength to comprehend them, but there is only one rejection. Valentin Rasputin, with inexhaustible purity of heart for a Russian writer, shows a resident of our village in the most unexpected situations.

The author compares Nastena’s nobility with Guskov’s wild mind. The example of how Andrei pounces on the calf and bullies it, it is clear that he has lost his human image and has completely moved away from people. Nastya is trying to reason with her and show her husband’s mistake, but she does it lovingly and does not insist. The author introduces a lot of thoughts about life into his story. We see this especially well when Andrey and Nastya meet. The characters languish in their thoughts not out of melancholy or idleness, but wanting to understand the purpose of human life.

The images described by Rasputin are great and multifaceted. Here is a collective image of grandfather Mikheich and his wife, the conservatively strict Semyonovna, typical of village life. And the image of the soldier Maxim Volozhin, courageous and heroic, sparing no effort, fighting for the Fatherland. The many-sided and contradictory image of a truly Russian woman - Nadya, left alone with three children. It is she who confirms the words of N.A. Nekrasov: “...a Russian share, a woman’s share.” Both life during the war and its happy ending were reflected in the fate of the village of Atamanovka.

Valentin Rasputin, with everything he wrote, convinces us that there is light in a person and it is difficult to extinguish it, no matter what the circumstances. In the heroes of V.G. Rasputin himself has a certain poetic feeling, opposed to the established perception of life. Follow the words of Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin: “Live forever, love forever.”

Other works on this work

The mastery of depicting folk life in one of the works of Russian literature of the 20th century. (V.G. Rasputin. “Live and Remember.”) The story of V. Rasputin "Live and Remember" Why "Live and Remember"? Problems of morality in modern literature

In Russian literature, Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin has earned the fame of one of the best representatives of “ village prose" The most striking and emotionally powerful was Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember,” in which he revealed the problems moral choice, duty, responsibility and love. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the analysis of the work, which will be useful for 11th grade students in preparation for a literature lesson.

Brief Analysis

Year of writing– 1974.

History of creation– Experiencing financial need, Rasputin entered into an agreement to write a book on the topic of building communism. However, in the end I submitted the manuscript, central character which was a deserter. The story immediately gained great popularity not only in the USSR, but also far beyond its borders.

SubjectCentral theme works - the moral choice of each of the heroes. The author also touches on the problems of duty, responsibility, compassion, and love.

Composition– The composition is based on an antithesis - the opposition of two human principles - Andrei and his wife Nastena. The composition includes an epilogue (description of the main characters and their lives), a plot (Andrei's departure to the front), developments (Andrei's hospitalization, his desertion), a climax (Nastena's suicide), and a denouement (the search for Andrei in the village).

Genre- A story.

Direction– Realism.

History of creation

According to Valentin Grigorievich, the story “Live and Remember” turned out to be completely unplanned: the writer did not nurture its idea for many months, did not collect bit by bit the material he needed.

In the 70s, finding himself in a cramped financial situation, Rasputin entered into an agreement to write a book dedicated to the construction of communism. However, as a result, instead of an ideological work, Rasputin wrote the deeply dramatic story “Live and Remember.”

In terms of the choice of topic, the Irkutsk writer turned out to be an innovator, since the main characters of his story turned out to be a deserter and his wife. The essence of the work is contained in the meaning of the title - live, but remember what you have done.

The story “Live and Remember” was first published in 1974 in the literary magazine “Our Contemporary”. Before this, small excerpts were published in newspapers. A year later, the story, which successfully survived literary criticism, was published as a separate book, after which it was reprinted several times and was translated into many foreign languages.

Rasputin's story was awarded literary prizes even during the writer’s lifetime, it formed the basis theatrical productions and opera, a feature film was made based on it.


The work is based on the theme of human moral choice during the harsh trials of life. In the story “Live and Remember,” war becomes a litmus test showing the true face of the heroes. As you know, it is in extreme, harsh conditions that a person is able to take off all his masks and reveal the true traits of his character.

The war becomes an insurmountable test for Andrei Guskov. At the front, he honestly fought for his homeland, not really thinking about possible death, and was wounded several times. But already at the very end of the war, finding himself in the hospital and learning about his premature return to the line of fire, Guskov broke down.

Finding himself in the grip of his own selfishness and cowardice, he decides to desert. However, the betrayal he committed leaves an imprint on his soul, on his entire fate. The sight of his native village no longer pleases Andrei, because he cannot openly show himself to his family - he is a deserter, a traitor, a renegade. The life that the hero treasured so much is no longer sweet to him: constant nervous tension, mental anguish, and the inability to relax turn him into a hunted animal.

However, not Andrey and his internal tragedy occupies the writer. Central to the story is the image of Nastena, his wife. The young woman combines all the best traits: mercy, kindness, concern and responsibility for other people, sincere belief in a good beginning.

Having learned about Andrei's betrayal, she nevertheless finds the strength to regret and help him. Against her will, Nastena becomes an accomplice to a terrible crime, for which, according to martial law, she faces execution. For the sake of her husband, whom she helps hide in the forest, she is forced to constantly lie, cheat, and live in constant fear.

Having survived all the horrors of war, the spouses understand that true happiness is home, family, love. However, a completely different fate is in store for them. Nastena believes that Andrey will be forgiven if he comes out to people and voluntarily repents. However, the man is too weak and cowardly to commit such an act. He finds countless excuses for his own cowardice, not worrying about the fact that, first of all, he is putting his entire family at risk.

The news of Nastena's pregnancy becomes a great happiness and, at the same time, a serious test for the woman. In the village she is accused of cheating on her husband, her father-in-law kicks her out of the house, and she is forced to endure endless humiliation. Unable to bear all the hardships that befell her, Nastena decides to commit suicide. The news of the death of his wife and their unborn child becomes a terrible blow for Andrei, who is destined to bear this cross until the end of his days.

The author emphasizes main idea of his work - there are no excuses for immoral actions. Everyone can stumble and make a mistake, but you need to find the strength to answer for your misdeeds before people, society, and your own conscience.


When analyzing the work in the story “Live and Remember,” it is necessary to note its compositional structure, based on antithesis. The characters of the main characters are especially clearly contrasted in the story: the weak, cowardly and weak-willed Andrei and his wife Nastena, an infinitely kind, sympathetic, conscientious woman.

The composition of the work includes:

  • epilogue- getting to know the main characters and the peculiarities of their life in a remote Siberian village;
  • plot- Andrey's departure to the front;
  • development events - Andrei's serious injury, the news of his premature return to the front, the hero's decision to voluntarily return to his native village;
  • climax- the suicide of Nastena, who could not withstand the mental anguish associated with Andrei’s betrayal;
  • denouement- news of Andrei's desertion, his search in the village.

Main characters


"Live and Remember" is written in literary genre story, and belongs to classical Russian prose. The story, which truthfully depicts the realities of wartime, belongs to the direction of realism.

Work test

Rating Analysis

Average rating: 4.7. Total ratings received: 187.

Today at school we met interesting work Rasputin, which bears the no less interesting name Live and Remember. To whom exactly does the author address this title, who should live and what should be remembered? We learn about this when we read the work of a prose writer.

Rasputin's story Live and Remember is a story about a man who could not stand the test of war and became a deserter, violating his military duty. Is the hero to blame for this? It’s not for us to judge, because who knows what we would have done in this situation, but for now, let’s make the works Live and Remember.

Live and remember a brief analysis of the work

Andrey Guskov is a brave young, hard-working man. He got married and, like all people, lived in labor and family worries. He lived until disaster came to the country in the form of the Great Patriotic War.

The guy had to go with everyone to the front. He fought and did not rush forward, but he never hid behind anyone’s back. Shortly before its end, the guy was wounded. This is where the whole tragedy begins, because in the military hospital he was not allowed to go home on leave for several days. And he really wanted to see his family and friends. For some reason, right now he was thinking about death and the fact that he could live last days.

He wanted to see his wife so much, he wanted to ask for forgiveness for all the bad things he had done to her. This desire was so strong that in Rasputin’s story he decides to go home without permission, and only on the road does he realize his betrayal towards the Motherland and the people. Close to home, he understands what desertion threatens him with, but there is no turning back. Now he has to hide and live on the run. The worst thing is that his desertion also affects the innocent Nastya, his wife.

Andrey, having met his wife, persuades her to help him sit out in the forest and she agrees. The girl understands that desertion is bad, that her husband is a traitor, that victory in the war is now not their victory. Nastya brings food to her husband, brings gunpowder, but at the same time it is excruciatingly painful for her to realize her actions. She doomed herself to a life of shame and deception. She has to simultaneously share the fate and difficulties of the war period with her fellow villagers and at the same time has to hide the deserter.

Nastya secretly meets with her husband. These encounters are both wonderful and terrible. Beautiful because your loved one is nearby. Their love grows every day. But everything else is terrible, betrayal, deception, and then there’s the news of pregnancy. They have been waiting for this child for so long, but how to tell this good news? What to do when her husband is at the front for everyone?

Nastya can’t live a full life, she doesn’t have fun with her friends, she can’t really cry anymore. And there is no joy from motherhood, just as there is no joy from love. Somehow everything is stolen now. Stolen love, stolen motherhood, stolen life. It’s scary to live, it’s a shame to live, so Nastya jumps into the water, dooming herself and her unborn child to death, fleeing the people’s court.

Valentin Rasputin seems to be punishing the hero for his action, taking away his loved ones and dear people. Live and remember how you fought back in difficult times for the country. Live and remember what it led to. With his story, the author also addresses us, as if he is telling us and pointing out to us that it is impossible to live normally further, being apart from the fate of an entire people.

The story “Live and Remember” (1974), as well as the stories “The Last Term” (1970) and “Farewell to Matera” (1976), secured the Irkutsk writer’s fame as one of the best representatives of the so-called “village prose”. The story “Live and Remember” was first published in the magazine “Our Contemporary” in 1974. In 1977 he was awarded the USSR State Prize for it.

The artistic world of the writer Rasputin

Works modern writers acutely describe our everyday everyday life, showing its shortcomings and omissions, as well as strengths in people's behavior. Writers on different episodes of modern reality try to identify, identify and show the positive and negative sides of social and individual life people. And Valentin Rasputin is one of these writers.

The work of Valentin Rasputin is often contrasted with “urban prose.” And the action almost always takes place in the village, and the main characters more precisely the heroines, in most cases, “old old women,” and his sympathies are given not to the new, but to that ancient, primordial thing that is irretrievably passing away from life. All this is true and not true. The critic A. Bocharov rightly noted that between the “urban” Yu. Trifonov and the “rural” V. Rasputin, despite all their differences, there is much in common. Both seek high human morality, both are interested in the place of the individual in history. Both talk about influence past life for the present and the future, both do not accept individualists, “iron” business supermen and spineless conformists who have forgotten about the highest purpose of man. In short, both writers are developing philosophical issues, although they do it deeply individually.

The plot of each story by Valentin Rasputin is connected with a test, a choice, and death. “The Last Term” talks about the dying days of the old woman Anna and her children gathered at the bedside of their dying mother. Death highlights the characters of all the characters, and first of all, the old woman herself. In “Live and Remember,” the action moves from 1945, when the hero of the story, Andrei Guskov, did not want to die at the front and he deserted. The writer’s focus is on moral and philosophical problems, standing both in front of Andrei himself and, to an even greater extent, in front of his wife Nastena. “Farewell to Matera” describes the flooded islands on which an old Siberian village is located for the needs of a hydroelectric power station, the last days before the flood of the old men and women remaining on Matera. Under these conditions, the question of the meaning of life, the relationship between morality and progress, death and immortality becomes more acute.

In all three stories, Valentin Rasputin creates images of Russian women, bearers moral values the people, their philosophical worldview, the literary successors of Sholokhov’s Ilyinichna and Solzhenitsyn’s Matryona, developing and enriching the image of the rural righteous woman. All of them have a feeling of enormous responsibility for what is happening, a feeling of guilt without guilt, an awareness of their unity with the world, both human and natural. In all the writer’s stories, old men and women, the bearers of people’s memory, are opposed by those who, using an expression from the story “Farewell to Matera,” can be called “seeders.”

Taking a closer look at the contradictions modern world, Valentin Rasputin, like other writers - “villagers”, sees the origins of lack of spirituality in social reality (a person was deprived of the sense of master, made a cog, an executor of other people’s decisions). At the same time, the writer places increased demands on the individual himself. Individualism and neglect of such national values ​​as Home, work, ancestors’ graves, and procreation are not acceptable to him. All these concepts acquire material embodiment in the writer’s prose and are described in a lyrical and poetic manner. Sometimes even heroes who have partially lost their spirituality are morally resurrected for a while, finding themselves under the spell of these concepts. From story to story in the works of Valentin Rasputin, the tragedy of the author's worldview intensifies.

And yet, the writer believes in the spiritual health of the Russian people, conveying his faith in symbolic images such as the sun, a mysterious animal, etc. In the works of Valentin Rasputin, there is a contrast between the rich folk language and the spiritualless official speech. The writer’s favorite characters speak in a lively figurative language, not without dialect words. In the climactic scenes, their speech becomes aphoristic, close to proverbs and sayings that embody folk wisdom. Later creativity the writer underwent some stylistic changes. In some stories “Live forever, love forever” and “What should I tell the crow?” the writer, developing the psychological and symbolic artistic techniques, at the same time overcomes the boundaries of pure life-likeness through the use of irrational situations, speaks of the mystery of human existence, the connection of a variety of phenomena with the laws of the Cosmos, the desire of man to go beyond the limits of ordinary life and his responsibility for spiritual and physical decline. On the other hand, in the stories “Live a Century, Love a Century,” “I Can’t,” and especially in the story “Fire,” the author’s journalistic pathos prevails. At the same time main character story - the driver Ivan Petrovich Egorov is not just a mouthpiece for the author's ideas. This is a completely Rasputin character: a man of conscience, not so much blaming his fellow countrymen as executing himself. The fire helped him overcome moral fatigue and discard the cowardly thought of leaving. And here the author, leaving the ending open, nevertheless makes it clear to the reader that life is not over, that his hero emerged from the ordeal that befell him more tempered, that he will still fight.

The story "Live and Remember"

In any work of art The title plays a very important role for the reader. The title of the story “Live and Remember” leads us to a deeper concept and understanding of the work. These words “Live and Remember” tell us that everything that is written on the pages of the book should become an unshakable eternal lesson in a person’s life. The events described in the story take place in the winter of 1945, the last war year, in the village of Atamanovka. “...Atamanovka lay on the right bank and was only thirty yards long - not a village, but a hamlet.” The name, it would seem, is loud, and in the recent past even more intimidating - Razboinikovo.

“... Once in the old days, the local men did not disdain one quiet and profitable trade: they checked the gold miners coming from the Lena.”

But the inhabitants of the village had long been quiet and harmless and did not engage in robbery, so the village was renamed. But the Great Patriotic War unceremoniously invades the peaceful life of the Russian people.

War... The word itself tells us about trouble and grief, about misfortune and tears, about losses and partings. How many people died during this terrible Great Patriotic War!.. But, dying, they knew that they were fighting for their land, for their relatives and friends, for their homeland. Death is scary, but much more terrible is spiritual death and the fall of man. This is exactly what Valentin Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember” tells about.

Against the backdrop of the pristine and wild nature of the village of Atamanovka, the main event of the story takes place - the betrayal of Andrei Guskov. Together with the entire male part of the population, Andrei also went to war. During the war, this man was wounded and shell-shocked more than once.

“He had the opportunity to experience everything: tank attacks, attacks on German machine guns, night ski raids, and an exhaustingly long, stubborn hunt for the “language.” In the summer of forty-four, Guskov was hospitalized once again. After discharge, he was allowed to go home for ten days, but when the time came, which he was so impatiently waiting for, he was deafened: “to the front.” He was afraid to go to the front, but more than this fear was resentment and anger at everything that brought him back to the war, not allowing him to stay at home. Therefore, Andrei did not go to his unit, but stealthily made his way to his native village, becoming a deserter, inventing an excuse for himself that “he is not made of iron: he has been at war for more than three years - as long as possible!”

There is no detective plot in the story, there are few heroes, but all this only enhances the growing psychologism. Valentin Rasputin specifically portrays an ordinary person with average mental and spiritual abilities in the image of Andrei. At the front, he conscientiously fulfilled all his soldier’s duties and fought with only one thought: the war would end and he would see all his relatives - his father and mother and Nastena. This helped him to hold on during the difficult war.

But something broke in him, something changed. The time for the long-awaited meeting never came, Andrei was tired of waiting. In the end, he decides to commit a crime and becomes a deserter. Previously, he had never even thought about this, but the longing for his relatives, his family, his native village turned out to be the strongest. And the very day on which he was not given a vacation becomes fatal and turns the life of the hero and his family upside down.

When Andrei found himself near his home, he realized the baseness of his act, realized that something terrible had happened and now he would have to hide from people all his life, look back, be afraid of every rustle.

This story is not only about how a soldier becomes a deserter. It is also about cruelty, the destructive power of war, which kills feelings and desires in a person. If a soldier in a war thinks only about victory, he can become a hero. If not, then the melancholy will usually be stronger. Constantly thinking about meeting his family, the soldier mentally strives to see all his relatives and friends, to quickly get to his home. In Andrei these feelings were very strong and clearly expressed. And therefore he is a person doomed to death from the very beginning, since from the minute the war began until the last moment he lived in memories and in anticipation of a meeting.

The tragedy of the story is enhanced by the fact that not only Andrei dies in it. Following him, he takes away both his young wife and unborn child. His wife, Nastena, is a woman who is capable of sacrificing everything so that her loved one remains alive.

Andrey’s act changed Nastena’s whole life: all her dreams were destroyed. Now she is under the power of her feelings and love. She could not act in any other way without obeying her feelings and the will of fate. Nastena loves and pities Andrei and takes his guilt upon herself. She believes that she has no right to condemn her husband: if fate wants it this way, then it should be so and nothing else. She, on the contrary, tried to save her husband and did not tell anyone about him, as he asked. She brought him food and other necessary things to his winter hut. Nastena tried to reason and show her husband’s mistake, but she did it lovingly, without insisting, and, in the end, agreed with Andrei’s choice. But nevertheless, she continued to ask herself the same question: “How can I continue to live?”

Like her husband, Nastena is a victim of the all-crushing war and its laws. But if Andrei can be blamed, then Nastena is an innocent victim. She is ready to take the blow, the suspicions of loved ones, the condemnation of neighbors and even punishment. All this evokes undeniable sympathy in the reader. “The war delayed Nastena’s happiness, but Nastena believed even during the war that it would come. Peace will come, Andrei will return, and everything that has stopped over these years will move forward again. Nastena couldn’t imagine her life any other way. But Andrei came ahead of time, before the victory, and confused everything, mixed it up, knocked it out of order - Nastena could not help but guess about this. Now I had to think not about happiness - about something else. And it, frightened, moved away somewhere, was eclipsed, obscured - there seemed to be no way for it from there, no hope.” The idea of ​​life is destroyed, and with them life itself. Not every person is given the opportunity to experience such grief and shame as Nastena took upon herself. She constantly had to lie, get out of difficult situations, figure out what to say to her fellow villagers and Mikheich and Semyonovna.

Mikheich, a typical image of village life, and his wife, the conservatively strict Semyonovna, are the parents of Andrei Guskov. Nastena lived in their house while Andrei was at war and for four years with Andrei before the war. Nastena helped them in every possible way around the house and did all the difficult things.

This story compares the nobility of Nastena with the wild mind of Andrei Guskov. The example of how Andrei learned to howl like a wolf and attacks a calf and kills it shows that he has lost his human image and has completely moved away from people. The author introduces a lot of thoughts about life into the story “Live and Remember”. We see this especially well during Andrei’s meetings with Nastena. They not only remember the most vivid impressions from the past, but also reflect on the future. In my opinion, the boundary between the past and future lives of Nastena and Andrey is very clearly distinguished here. From their conversations it is clear that they used to live happily: this is proven by the many joyful incidents and moments they recalled. They imagine them very clearly, as if it happened just recently. But they cannot imagine their future life. How is it possible to live far from all human people, not to see mother and father and friends? You can’t hide from everyone and be afraid of everything for the rest of your life! But they have no other way and the heroes understand this. It is worth noting that Nastena and Andrey mostly talk about the one happy life, and not about what will happen. They try to banish thoughts about the future and live in the present. Nastena still hopes that Andrey will change his mind and return to the village, because everything can be endured if you always stick together. But Andrey does not agree with this. He understood that it was hard for Nastena and even wanted to leave, leaving her alone to continue living, but Nastena was even offended by these words and said that she would stay with him. Throughout all the meetings, the characters languish in their thoughts, not out of melancholy and idleness, but wanting to understand the purpose of human life.

The story ends tragic death Nastena and her unborn child. She was tired of living such a life - a life away from all living things. Nastena no longer believed anything; it seemed to her that she had invented it all herself. “My head was really pounding. Nastena was ready to tear off her skin. She tried to think and move less - she had nothing to think about, nowhere to move. Enough... She's tired. If anyone knew how tired she is and how much she wants to rest!” She jumped over the side of the boat and... The author didn’t even write this word - she drowned. He described all this in figurative words. “Far, far away from within there was a flickering, as if from an eerie, beautiful fairy tale.” There is a noticeable play on words – “creepy” and “beautiful” fairy tales. This is probably how it is - creepy, because it is still death, and beautiful, because it was she who saved Nastena from all her torment and suffering.


Life during the war and its end reflected and affected the life of the village of Atamanovka, all its joyful and sad sides. Joyful moments are those when the men returned from the war, the celebration of victory.

The images described by Valentin Rasputin are great and varied. Here we see images of grandfather Mikheich and his wife Semyonovna. Soldier Maxim Vologzhin, courageous and heroic, sparing no effort, fighting for the Fatherland. The many-sided and contradictory image of a truly Russian woman - Nadka, who was left alone with three children after the war. The fate she faced was not easy, but she endured it. And this confirms the strength of female character. Despite the difficult fate that befell her, she also supported Nastena in difficult times. The image of Innokenty Ivanovich sticking his nose in everywhere, which may have killed Nastena.

All these images and their lives are intertwined in the story “Live and Remember.” And the reader can trace how their characters and behavior change from the first to the last page, who remains true to their views and who does not.


  1. V. G. Rasputin. Novels and stories. – Yoshkar-Ola: Mari Book Publishing House, 1989. – 464 p.
  2. I. A. Pankeev. Valentin Rasputin: According to the pages of works. – M.: Education, 1990. – 144 p.
  3. Russian literature of the 20th century. 11th grade. Textbook for general education. Institutions. In 2 parts – Ed. V. P. Zhuravleva. – 6th ed. – M.: Education, 2001. – 384 p.
  4. V. G. Rasputin. Live forever, love forever. Stories. Stories - M.: Izvestia, 1985 - 576 p.
  5. Russian literature of the twentieth century. 11th grade: Textbook. for general education educational institutions. – In 2 parts – Ed. V.V. Agenosova. – 4th ed. – M.: Bustard, 1999. – 352 p.

Valentin Rasputin's story "Live and Remember" attracts special attention. This story shows the importance of human choice. The choice is especially important in difficult times for the entire people, for example, as in this story - during the Great Patriotic War. A person is capable of great merit to his homeland, to his comrades, but everything can always change and the situation can worsen due to the wrong choice.

The story "Live and Remember" tells about Andrei Guskov, an ordinary soldier who, on his life path took a wrong turn. In the last months of the war, he escaped from the hospital to return to his native place, meet his family and friends, the war is a well-traveled path. He served bravely, defended his homeland, and the Soviet Union had very little left to finish off the enemy, but Andrei was wounded and was sent to the hospital. In war, people are needed, so without fully recovering, they want to send Andrei back to the front. Having learned about this, Guskov decides to escape from the hospital; he does not want to die in the last months of the war.

He is declared a deserter. This was a real death sentence for him. It was not his family and friends who were waiting for him at home, but the police and military. Therefore, the main character had to hide, since in those days deserters were shot without trial. The only person he could trust was his own wife, Nastya. They got married before the war and it cannot be said that it was a strong family. It cannot be said that she loved him very much.

Rumors spread that Nastya had a lover and was not faithful to her husband. Nastya was forced to endure contempt from those around her, but not give her husband away. She became pregnant and the rumors only intensified as she continued to help her husband. When rumors reached the police, they decided to follow her when she once again sailed on a boat into the forest to visit her native husband. Noticing this, she decides to commit suicide to save her husband.

Andrei Guskov is a deserter who did not serve for a couple of months, the war ended and his fellow villagers greeted everyone from the front as heroes, and he was destined to live and remember what his escape led to. Live and remember, Andrey Guskov.

Option 2

Rasputin’s work “Live and Remember” cannot leave anyone indifferent. The story gives a complete picture of what ordinary human choice is. This choice takes on particular importance at a turning point for the nation, in this case, during the merciless Great Patriotic War. Yes, a person can be honored, talented, have remarkable abilities, but in an instant everything can change due to the wrong choice.

In the work, the main character is Andrei Guskov, an ordinary soldier who turned down the wrong path in the course of his life. At the final stage of hostilities, he decided to leave the location of the military hospital, where he had been after being wounded. He made a difficult journey to his native place to see his long-forgotten relatives and friends. The fact that he honestly fought for his Motherland until the last drops of blood and sweat is undeniable. The enemy has not yet been finished off; new people are needed to get into the meat grinder. The God of War is irrepressible - he needs new victims. And Andrei has not yet fully recovered from physical and psychological injuries. That is why Guskov decides to take such a daring step as escaping from the hospital.

The soldier was declared a deserter, leaving his unit without permission. This was the collapse of his hopes. Law enforcement agencies were already waiting for him on the spot. At that time, those who left the unit without permission were subject to execution by firing squad. He had one support left - his wife, whom he married before the war.

The wife finds out that the husband who fled from the unit made it to his native place and lives in the forest not far from his native village. Following marital fidelity, she began to nurse him, carry food and clothes. Anastasia could not tell anyone about her misfortune.

But in a small village, of course, it is difficult to hide anything; her adventures in the forest have already become noticeable.

Employees decided to follow the woman law enforcement agencies, external surveillance caught her when she was making her usual journey along the river to her husband’s abode. Seeing that she was being pursued, she took radical measures and committed suicide so as not to give away Andrei’s location.

What is the idea of ​​the work? Everything must be done to the end, otherwise it may cause irreversible consequences. Serve main character to the end, he would return to his village with honor as a recognized hero. Instead, Andrei was forced to hide in the forests like an animal. It would be better to die at the front than to live such a life. Since the Motherland has entrusted us with beating the enemy on its territory, then we need to carry out the order. His action caused a chain reaction that affected his loved ones. The title of the work is no coincidence. Now he will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

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