What is Iowa's real name? Lyrics of songs (words) of the group IOWA

Ekaterina Ivanchikova is a very emotional and expressive singer, better known as the lead singer of the popular youth group IOWA. Since childhood, the girl dreamed of devoting her life to show business, touring with concerts and having thousands of fans.

It's safe to say that her childhood dream has become a reality. Since the creation of the group, she has been a true inspiration for listeners and bandmates.

Childhood of Ekaterina Ivanchikova

Katya was born on August 18, 1987 in the Belarusian town of Chausy. The girl grew up in an ordinary, but very friendly family, trying to be an obedient daughter. Her parents, in turn, supported her in all her endeavors and tried with all their might to provide their daughter with a decent life.

Katya often “delighted” her parents with yet another selected street animal, which she brought home to feed and, in case of physical injury, to heal.

The girl was rarely alone; most often she was in the company of her best friends, of whom she always had many.

Study of Ekaterina Ivanchikova

WITH youth it was clear that Katya was growing up to be a very active, and most importantly, versatile girl. Despite her activity, she was a good student at school and often pleased her parents with good grades.

From an early age she had a craving for music, so her parents enrolled their daughter in music school, where she spent all her free time. There she studied all the basics of playing the piano, however, these were not all her hobbies. In addition, Katya was interested in singing, dancing and even drawing, so her day was planned literally minute by minute.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova on the show “One to One!” Smile IOWA Group

During these same school years, the girl fell in love for the first time. New, previously unfamiliar feelings discovered another talent in her - writing poetry. It was then that she wanted to create her own group, whose songs in the future could inspire and delight listeners.

After graduating from school, Katya thought not about a hobby, but about her future, so she decided to get a profession that would probably be stable and generate income.

She moved to Minsk and submitted documents to the Belarusian Pedagogical University. Maxim Tank. Four years later Katya received higher education in two directions at once - “Journalism” and “Philology”.

The beginning of Ekaterina's IOWA career

In 2009, the girl again returned to the dream of creating her own music group, so she found equally ambitious and talented people with whom she created a new youth group, IOWA.

In the future, its participants became not only colleagues, but also good friends. In the group, Katya serves as a vocalist and is responsible for writing lyrics for songs. Initially, she was also a bass guitarist, but soon began to devote all her strength only to high-quality singing.

Spectators who regularly attend concerts of the IOWA group note how energetic and professional Katya is during her performance. The girl not only puts all her energy into the performance, but also charges everyone present with it, from colleagues to devoted listeners. The songs that the girl writes are based solely on personal emotions and experiences, so it seems to every listener that the lyrics are written for each person.

For a whole year after its founding, the group performed concerts in the largest cities of the Republic of Belarus, however, in order to win an even larger audience, the entire team decided to move to the creative city of St. Petersburg.

Interview with Ekaterina Ivanchikova, lead singer of the group “IOWA”

Initially, they went there for a few days with concerts, but soon moved to a permanent place of residence. It was there that “IOWA” began to truly develop, literally from the very first performances, residents Russian Federation loved the visiting group.

History of the name of the group "Iowa"

Many people are interested in the question of what the name “IOWA” means and why the group members approved it. In fact, that’s what (Iowa) Katya was called by her comrades with whom she had previously performed. At that time, she was interested in heavy music, so her friends named her after one of the albums of the metal band Slipknot.

Having told a friend from America about her nickname, the girl learned that in the states this abbreviation stands for “Idiots Out Wandering Around,” which literally means “Idiots wandering along the street.” At the time of the creation of the group, the girl believed that such a name would be original and could be remembered by future fans.

Personal life of Ekaterina Ivanchikova

Despite the busy musical career, the girl still finds time for her boyfriend, who is the guitarist of her group Leonid Tereshchenko.

The couple had a friendly relationship for a very long time, after which they were in a romantic relationship for several years, and already in 2015 it became known that Ekaterina and Leonid would finally get married.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova today

It is worth noting that the group not only performed at various concerts, but also took part in numerous competitions. So, in 2012, “IOWA” became a participant in two competitions at once - “Red Star” on the First and “New Wave”. And even though they didn’t manage to win, they were still able to win over their audience and receive the “Love Radio Listeners’ Choice” prize.

In the spring of the same year, the video for the beloved song “Mama” collected a million views on the Internet. At the end of the year, it became one of the 20 best songs of 2012.

Katya and her group often become invited guests on various TV shows and programs. For example, in 2013, “IOWA” performed the song “Looking for a Husband” on the famous Channel One project “Let’s Get Married” as a guest of the presenters Roza Syabitova and Larisa Guzeeva.

In 2014, the team actively continues to record new hits and perform with them throughout the country. In addition, some compositions became soundtracks for popular domestic TV series. For example, the hits “The Same Thing” and “Smile” were heard in the series “Kitchen”, and “Simple Song” became the soundtrack to the beloved series “Fizruk”, in which Dmitry Nagiyev plays the main role.

IOWA - Smile

The group's songs have repeatedly taken first place in the iTunes top charts. At the end of 2014, they finally recorded their first album, “Export”.

In 2015, IOWA was repeatedly nominated for various prestigious awards, including “ Best Group"at the RU.TV Awards, "Breakthrough of the Year" and "Best Song" at the Muz-TV Awards and "Best Russian Artist" at the MTV EMA Awards.

In April 2015, the musical group gave its first serious concert, which took place in Moscow, and a month later in Minsk.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova is a popular singer, songwriter and creator of the group “IOWA”, originally from Belarus, born on August 18, 1987.


The girl’s childhood was creative, although she was born into a simple family that had nothing to do with art. But, noticing the little girl’s artistic abilities that emerged very early, the father and mother made great efforts to develop their daughter’s talents and provide her with a good education and a wonderful future, for which Katya is very grateful to them.

In turn, she was a problem-free child who studied diligently and obeyed her parents. The only reason for periodically arising disagreements were homeless animals, which compassionate Katya constantly dragged into the house.

While she grew up, cats, dogs, birds and even small rodents managed to visit the apartment. However, the girl had less and less time for them every year.

In parallel with regular school, Katya enjoyed studying in music school. A little later, dancing was added to the music. As a teenager, she also became interested in drawing. And having fallen in love, while still very young, she suddenly began to write poetry and compose her own songs. Naturally, about love.

That’s when the idea of ​​creating her own musical group first occurred to the young hothead.

First steps

And although Katya saw herself in her dreams famous singer, performing original songs, but seriousness and prudence prevailed when the question of choosing a profession arose. The girl entered the Faculty of Philology and at the same time graduated from the Faculty of Journalism. This is what it means to be able to do everything at once, which she developed at school.

In 2009, Katya moved to Mogilev, where she began working in her specialty. However, the childhood dream of having her own group can’t get out of her head. Being a regular at various musical parties, Katya meets fellow musicians who later formed the backbone of the Iowa group.

The repertoire was based on songs composed by Katya in modern youth arrangements. Later, guitarist Lenya Tereshchenko joined in writing music.

The group tries to perform at every opportunity, and soon enough they begin to be invited to various clubs, including capital ones, and to corporate events. The popularity of guys in Belarus is growing every day. But this is not enough for young artists. Having saved up some money and created a full-fledged and fairly high-quality repertoire, the guys decide to go to Moscow.

Conquest of Moscow

The Russian capital received them coldly, as, indeed, it receives all strangers without serious connections or substantial sums of money. It is clear that the guys had neither one nor the other. The accumulated savings quickly disappeared. And during this time they failed to find not only a music producer, but even a stable job in a decent metropolitan club.

IOWA Group

In order to somehow stay afloat, musicians begin to play on the streets and passages. This brings in a small but constant income that allows you to survive in a big city. Who knows how soon even stubborn Katya, who was the ideological inspirer of the team and the initiator of the move, would have given up if not for the chance given to them by fate.

During this period, a new music show “Red Star” was launched on one of the TV channels in Moscow. The talented guys went to test their strength and passed the casting surprisingly easily. This is how they first appeared on one of the central television channels. The audience liked the group, but literally a month later no one remembered them.

However, as former TV show participants they were already considered more seriously in clubs, so the first stable earnings. Realizing that they won’t last long, Katya persuades the guys to spend their newly accumulated small savings on a video clip. After a short search, we managed to find the artist behind this idea, and within a few weeks the group’s first video for the song “Mama” appeared on YouTube.

In the first week alone, the clip received more than a million views. After that, the guys managed to find a sponsor who helped them go to the New Wave youth music festival in Jurmala. And although the group did not receive any prize, they managed to make themselves known quite loudly and gain thousands of fans - the festival was broadcast on all central channels.

Today, the Iowa group has become successful and popular. The guys shot and aired six more videos, and their repertoire already includes several dozen high-quality compositions. The group has big creative plans, but nevertheless they continue to work on improving their professional skills, believing that even light music must be performed with high quality.

Personal life

Katya Ivanchikova carefully protects her personal life from journalists. Many people are surprised how such a smart and beautiful woman manages to remain alone. But in early years Katya was burned in her first relationship and for a long time was not ready to start another. And when the heart wound healed, she completely devoted herself to music - her only love in those years was “Iowa”.

Until now, no one knows 100% whether Katya even has a permanent boyfriend. Online publications are full of various gossip and photographs of men who are passed off as “Ivanchikova’s husband.” But what we know for sure is that there is no stamp about legal marriage in the singer’s passport. And she herself said in one of her interviews that her heart is free, but the moral requirements for her chosen one are high.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova is a promising and eccentric singer, better known to her fans under the pseudonym Iowa (IOWA). Since childhood, she dreamed of performing on stage and basking in the applause of fans, touring hundreds of cities with her repertoire. At the moment, she has managed to take a significant place in the top of Russian and Belarusian show business.

Childhood and youth

The soloist was born in the Belarusian city of Chausy in August 1987. Katya grew up in an ordinary family of a mechanic and a teacher. kindergarten, but the parents did not deny their talent anything. Success awaited the girl in any endeavor, and her family helped her daughter find her place in the sun and help her with a brilliant future. From childhood, she had to become independent: mom and dad worked until late in the evening, so the whole day was at the complete disposal of young Catherine. Very fond of animals and girlfriends, Iowa never had time to get bored and always found something pleasant to do.

From the moment she studied, everyone realized that the girl was growing up to be a diverse person. She had a desire for many things and rarely failed. Despite good grades, by the time she was in high school, Katya was simultaneously interested in hard rock and put together a group of inveterate guys with whom she made noise in the educational institution. She began to dream about a career as a singer quite early, and lived this dream until it became reality. But first she had to go through a series of trials on the way to her goal.


It was not possible to get the desired education: the Mogilev School accepted students with academic vocals. Ekaterina thought about a stable profession that would help generate income. Therefore, the beauty went to the capital and submitted documents to the Bellaru Institute, where she received an education in two branches: philology and journalism. It's funny, but these two professions were never useful.

During training in the specialty begins creative path girls. She managed to get on the famous program, which is analogous to the “Star Factory”. She failed to become the winner, but thanks to unforeseen circumstances and the illness of the finalist, she was invited to take pride of place on the podium.

On the threshold of 2009, the craving for music woke up again. Ivanchikova was inspired by the idea of ​​​​creating a group consisting of promising and ambitious people. She found the musicians and out of her love for Slipknot the name IOWA was collectively born. Soon the guys began best friends, and in addition to writing songs, the girl played the guitar.

After a while, Ekaterina gives preference to vocals and begins to study them seriously. Songs and words based on the experiences of the soloist always captivated the audience. The girl writes from the bottom of her heart about pressing problems, which is clearly something for every fan.

For a whole year, the newly formed group traveled around the cities of Belarus and delighted people with an unusual and pleasant sound. IOWA's music blew up the audience, the performers were well-known for a long time, and their work inspired the best. Realizing that they need to grow and reach new heights, young guys move to St. Petersburg, where new roads are opening for active participants, so the songs of rockers were warmly received in the cultural capital of Russia.

Gaining widespread popularity, Ekaterina is developing rapidly and writing hit after hit. New songs get on well-known radio stations, which is a good jump. The track “Mom” was included in the top 20 playlist in 2012. This news was followed by a video work on the favorite tune, which gained millions of views on YouTube.

Many songs soon became soundtracks for popular Russian TV series and programs, which helped the performer climb the Olympus of the domestic pop scene. More than once, Katya’s songs occupy the highest places on the iTunes chart. The group began to be invited to various festivals, where they were nominated for the “Best Group”, “Breakthrough of the Year” and “Best Artist” awards.

In 2014, the group’s second album was released, which was well appreciated by many music critics, and for listeners the record was a discovery and a new sound. However, 2014-2015 became the most productive years for artists. They have received dozens of awards for different nominations and left a huge imprint on music. The guys received their first award at the 20th Golden Gramophone ceremony.

Personal life

The girl met her first love in high school. Despite the fact that they don’t communicate now, their first experience influenced Katya’s development as an artist. Thanks to her boyfriend, she began to write poetry and love music.

Despite touring and limited time for personal life, IOWA met with famous guitarist Leonid Tereshchenko. Their strong romance lasted for many years. According to the artist herself, the guy proposed to his beloved back in 2012, but the couple did not dare to take a responsible step.

In 2015, it became known that the newlyweds were planning a wedding, and were preparing for the ceremony and choosing a dress. This is where the secrets of personal life end for journalists, and the wedding itself was secret, so only relatives and close friends were present at the celebration.

Subscribers and the press learned about the happy event from Instagram, where the girl posted photos with her beloved husband. The couple decided to live in their beloved St. Petersburg, which has recently become a homeland for both.

The singer is involved in charity work designed to support sick children. According to the girl, in 10 years life together she quarreled with her husband only once.

Zemfira remains the only idol and mystery for IOWA.

Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, Catherine suffered a tragedy: her accumulated money was stolen. To survive the first time in a new city, the group had to write an anthem for the hockey club, with which they won the championship.

At the peak of her popularity, the girl received an offer to sing a duet with the famous rocker Serj Tankian.

IOWA is a group originally from Belarus. She became popular thanks to a new and unique style, a bizarre mixture of jazz, pop and R&B, which was soon nicknamed indie pop. At the very beginning of her career, the band's vocalist Ekaterina Ivanchikova, choosing her own style, experimented with heavy music, during which she received the nickname Iowa.

The singer's devoted and attentive fans have put forward their own version of the origin of the group's name, saying that it comes from the American idiom IOWA (to wander around idle). Also the name has a lot to do with the North American state of Iowa, where most people are farmers, all the shops close early, so people living there have no choice but to hang around and look for entertainment elsewhere.

The group has a simple composition - guitarist, lead singer, drummer.

Guitarist Leonid Tereshchenko studied at the Moscow State Music College named after Rimsky-Korsakov. I would be very happy to play a duet with the outstanding guitarist Al Di Meola. He is also proud that his dreams come true every day: “As they say, if you don’t want to work your whole life, do what you love!”

Leonid organized his first “solo” concerts as a child. “When I was sitting on the floor, holding brooms and loudly singing the hit “Apples of Stallions,” my mother immediately realized that she had to do something about it,” Tereshchenko laughs. As a child, he received the nickname The White, but still does not know why.

One of family traditions Leonida - drink tea from very large mugs. He listens to and loves completely different music: “The main thing is professional performance, personal contact with the stage image, voice and sincerity.” Leonid believes that simplicity is the mother of health, so he tries to live every day “like his last,” because the main thing is to remain yourself.

He would be delighted to attend a concert of 17th-century music and listen to the works of Bach performed by the author. “Competitions have always meant great experience! I'm looking forward to unique emotions, meetings and atmosphere! This is the step I want to take! New experience and development. I wish all finalists to remain themselves! »

Vasily Bulatov- drummer of the band. He took part in competitions where the first prizes were performances alongside famous artists. Vasily devotes all his free time to studying the basics of sound engineering. Enjoys swimming. He admits that he would gladly sing a duet with A. Levin (lead singer of the group “Maroon 5”) or accompany him as a drummer instead of M. Flint.

Bulanov wants to visit the place where Michael Jackson is buried, ride on a really big yacht and go scuba diving. He is proud that his mother is happy with him. At the age of 15, Vasily asked his mother to buy him a guitar, this was the first step into the world of music.

“After a while I changed my guitar and sat down at the drum kit,” the musician laughs. His favorite holiday is Victory Day. As a child, he had the nickname Red. “I imagined that I was singing and playing in front of a million people, it gave me a real thrill.”

Bulanov is interested in the history of the period of Peter the Great.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova studied at Belorussian state university named after M. Tank (its main subject is philology Belarusian language, journalism).

Ekaterina is a finalist in the television project “Star Stagecoach”, “Stairway to Heaven” (Belarus). She loves to draw. Ekaterina is now happy to combine rest and work: “These are our road tours of Russian cities with the IOWA group.

Every far corner of Russia has its own unique cuisine and traditions! You work, relax and fill in the gaps in your geography course.” She prefers Vivienne Westwood's bold clothing style, as well as a combination of retro and modern. “When I was five years old, I announced to everyone that I wanted to become a singer. After a few years, the family got used to this information.”

She loves different music, regardless of genres and trends: “The important thing is that it must be professional, sincere and creative. I love the style of Lady of the Throne, its way of presentation. Or the exact opposite of this music: “Guano Apes.” Her favorite holiday New Year: “New Year is a kind of holiday, only it is for the soul, not for the body. If something goes wrong, there is always a chance to start over.” She doesn't believe in omens, she believes in God.

Back in 2008, vocalist Ekaterina Ivanchikova sang in the musical Prophet Ilya Oleinikov. And in 2009, the IOWA group was formed in Mogilev. IN music world came in 2009, after a series of successful concerts in St. Petersburg.

As a result, they settled there permanently, where the members and producer of the group Oleg Baranov still live today. They continue to gain popularity, huge audiences at concerts and millions of views on music videos. In March 2012, she became a participant in the popular TV show “Red Star” on the first.

In July of the same year, the group represented Russia on a new wave. At the beginning of 2014, she released her sixth video, this time for the song “Spring”. One of IOWA became the soundtrack to the Russian popular TV series “Kitchen”.

The group is a laureate International competition classical guitar players in Belgorod; she is also the first prize-winner of the republican competition “Stairway to Heaven”.

Video clip "Beats the Beat" IOWA groups:

The whole country knows her voice from Moscow to the very outskirts. And this is not a joke. First there was “A Simple Song”, then “Mom”, “Smile”... And now the ubiquitous “Minibus” is tearing up the charts, and with them the speakers of both broken “sixes” and “Cayennes” polished to a shine. Meet the lead singer of the super popular group IOWA Ekaterina Ivanchikova.

As often happens, recognition of the IOWA group, led by soloist Ekaterina Ivanchikova, first came in the regions. For a long time, satiated Moscow did not notice the nuggets from the Belarusian Mogilev. But when the first album, called Export, entered the top five best-selling albums on iTunes, the capital could not resist their charm. But here’s what’s surprising: only loyal fans and visitors to their concerts know the face of the IOWA group. What’s even more surprising is that this fact only makes the band’s frontmen happy. the site met with Ekaterina Ivanchikova and found out how to catch up with a dream by hitchhiking, live for 2 weeks on 500 rubles and why home and work are one thing for her.

Together with my mother, our guitarist Leonid Tereshchenko and friends, I vacationed in Thailand. This is a place where you can't escape anything. You will definitely be caught up with sunrise and sunset, entertainment and new experiences. I remember the 80-meter waterfall on Koh Samui. First we went through its horizontal part, and then the vertical part began. That's where we had to climb. Usually no one climbs to the top, but our team placed their flag in the form of a photograph at the peak. This path strengthens team spirit. Responsibilities are distributed and relationships within the team change. It seems exciting game, but that's life.

E.I.: If we talk about the group IOWA, then our guitarist Lenya paved the way for us. But in life I prefer to find my own path. I don’t like it when someone leads me - then I lose control and fall asleep.

E.I.: I didn’t see myself in anything else. I started singing as soon as I spoke. It feels like someone made a choice for me and decided everything.

Since childhood, I have had a thirst for music. Despite all the doubts, my mother always supported and helped me prepare for concerts. As a child, I performed on the stage of the House of Culture in Mogilev. She constantly took part in shows and competitions because she quickly memorized texts and got into the desired image.

website: How was the IOWA group born?

E.I.: Everything happened by chance. At the age of 15 I started writing songs, but I didn’t do anything with them. And in the tenth grade, I began to run to Mogilev every weekend, getting there by hitchhiking. Then I lived in the neighboring small town of Chausy...

E.I.: I just always tried to get the drivers to talk, asking about their childhood. And our conversation created positive energy, I stopped being afraid.

Grown men are generally not very talkative. They communicate with their wives only on business, they are constantly working, and they have no one to chat with mentally. And here I am. Accordingly, if a person opened up to me, then he had no intention of offending me. And these trips to the big city strengthened me. You can say that then I learned to communicate with people and learned the basics of psychology.

website: So what happened in Mogilev?

E.I.: There I met people, went to their concerts, and realized that I could perform better. Then I wanted to create my own team. Gradually I was drawn into the rock scene. I met a guy who made arrangements for me. He helped me find Lenya (Leonid Tereshchenko today is the guitarist and songwriter of the IOWA group, - website note).

website: How did you and Leonid find a common language?

E.I.: In general, everyone used to call him “Lenya-Dynamo”, because he could not answer calls if he became uninterested, and would disappear for several days. It was simply impossible to do business with him. Now he is the complete opposite of his past image.

Lena liked my material then, and already at the second rehearsal he politely kicked out all the other musicians and invited Vasya (Vasily Bulanov - drummer and DJ in the IOWA group - website note). And thanks to Lena, the group started playing what was in my head. I still thought that this was impossible. And now I understand that our meeting is a miracle.

E.I.: For some reason, the guys from the rock crowd started calling me that, even before our team appeared. The band Slipknot has an album with that name, and from there I got this nickname. Everyone around suddenly began to say: “You are IOWA!”

website: Why, after moving to Russia, did you stop in St. Petersburg?

E.I.: I had been there more than once before moving and fell in love with this city. I've never seen anything like it. Pictures of Venice, Rome and Paris do not count.

St. Petersburg never seemed to me somehow slushy and gray. We arrived in the summer, at that moment there was no cloudy days at all. It just happened that we were invited there by a novice concert organizer to perform at an apartment building. I don’t know how he took the risk, because he could have invited a local group. This was in 2011. We took with us 100 dollars for three (laughs).

At the station, when we tried to exchange currency for rubles, we were deceived. Instead of two and a half thousand at the current exchange rate, we received only 500 rubles. I think this is how the city tested us.

website: How did you manage to survive at first?

E.I.: Local girls came to our concert. We got to talking with them, and they invited us to their three-room apartment. We lived there for two weeks. After that, with money from apartment owners, we rented a couple of rooms from a friend of mine in a five-room apartment on Petrogradka.

E.I.: I worked in a toy store. She made candles and toys from cotton wool with her own hands. True, I didn’t make money from them, but gave them to customers who came to us but couldn’t afford to buy anything. But then they brought with them entire delegations of friends. And they were already taking something.

website: In St. Petersburg you met your producer Oleg Baranov, and he helped you become popular. Are you recognized on the streets today?

E.I.: Few people yet identify me with the image from songs or videos. And this is so good, because I can calmly walk the streets and take the subway.

A year ago I was flying on a plane, a girl was sitting there and listening to the song “Smile.” She looked at me and didn’t know that it was me singing it. And this is a very interesting feeling. The main thing is that at the concert the fans recognize us, and then they don’t bother us. I like this period, I hope it lasts as long as possible, because you need to relax and be yourself.

website: How are your relationships in the team now?

E.I.: Vasya and Lenya are my dearest people, and I love them very much. Without this feeling nothing is created in my life. I feel good with my team. I’m ready to work and relax with the guys.

E.I.: All conversations about my personal life are now taboo for me. I know that someday I will talk about her, but not soon. In general, I believe that love can be built in a team, because it does not interfere with work.

Now I'm happy. Although for me, as a girl, it is important to have my own separate corner where my things are and the cat lives. In St. Petersburg I found such a place.

website: What qualities should your man have?

E.I.: First of all, he must have a sense of humor and wisdom - that is it, and not just intelligence. You can know everything in the world, but still not be able to use the knowledge. I also always liked it when a man could be a kind of lion. His subordinates should respect and fear him, but with me he can be a kitten. Being strong and strong-willed, he should not be afraid to be open, soft and gentle. Such men do exist, but most of our defenders were previously brought up with a belt. The boys were told not to cry, but to always be strong.

website: How do you manage to maintain a peaceful relationship with your lover?

E.I.: You need to talk a lot with your partner about what you like and don’t like, how you feel and what words hurt you. It is important not to accumulate all this in yourself.

If you endure for a long time, emotional breakdowns will constantly occur. Many people say that life without quarrels is not interesting. I think this is nonsense. I prefer to live and build healthy relationships, without scandals. And I like to spend most of the day with my loved one. You just need to try not to fill all the space.

website: How do you separate home and work?

E.I.: Creativity is not work. I don’t understand why it is necessary to separate life into work and home. Everything is much easier and simpler, you just don’t have to think about categories. If you both breathe music, then this will definitely not be a problem for you. And you need to be able to laugh at difficulties in time, then a wise person will understand what really lies behind it.

E.I.: I've been wanting children for a long time. I even know who I will have. It feels like they are already standing in line. I will give birth first to a boy, a real lion. I don't know where I got this feeling from. This is probably my inner intuition. Only the time has not yet come. It’s always been the case in my life that if you want something, then it takes you to it.