Biography of Laura Pergolizzi. Biography and review of the extraordinary LP Who performs the song lost on you

Laura Pergolizzi – American singer of Italian origin. She is like one continuous collection of uniqueness: from her non-standard appearance with the same curls, sunglasses and cross-shaped earrings, to her unusual performance of songs with heartfelt lyrics, powerful vocals, artistic whistling and ukulele accompaniment.

Surely there will be those who will not fail to reproach me that an article about Laura Pergolizzi is not the most suitable topic for a site about rock music. After all, she does not fit into the generally accepted framework of the definition of a “rock personality,” since, according to Wikipedia’s genre definition, LP (Laura Pergolizzi for short) is pop, pop-rock and indie pop (a more melodic and less abrasive subgenre than indie rock). And some even more so consider her work to be outright pop.

But here I will venture to argue. All these genre definitions are not so important when there is an emotional and semantic component: in spirit, the LP is a singer worthy of being considered a real rocker.

Why? Yes, because consumer pop music cannot carry such emotions as the music of the LP is imbued with! And I think you will agree that rock is not only about the sound, but equally about the emotions that are conveyed through the lyrics and the performer’s voice.

In addition, the LP began as a real rock and roller - 250 concerts a year, endless trips with the group to small towns in a shabby van and overnight stays in cheap hotels (often all together in one room).

It was then that the producers tried to squeeze her songs into formats in order to reach as many listeners as possible. Fortunately, they didn’t do it very well, and today we have what we have – an LP in its sincere image with that soulful creativity that many have already become quite fans of.

The beginning of the LP journey

Laura Pergolizzi, or rather her extraordinary appearance, at first sight often confusing - it is not always clear whether a man or a woman before your eyes. LP owes such a bright appearance to her parents: her Neapolitan mother and half-Sicilian, half-Irish father.

But once you hear her powerful, deep songs, it immediately becomes clear: Laura Pergolizzi – woman from cropped boyfriend jeans to the last curl (we’ll talk about orientation separately), although with a fair amount of tomboyishness.

Laura Pergolizzi's biography begins in Huntington, New York, where she was born in the spring of 1981.

The next 15 years of her life are rather poorly covered in the media - LP practically does not talk about this period in numerous interviews. Unless I mentioned somehow that As a child I was terribly embarrassed about my voice and preferred to sing with the lawnmower or vacuum cleaner running so no one could hear her.

And only in 1996 events began to occur that radically changed the life of the future singer.

After graduating from high school, Laura Pergolizzi moved to the capital of her home state. This is where LP’s biography begins as a singer-songwriter: she gathers his own group called Lionfish, with which he begins to give concerts, performing a repertoire of his own composition.

At the same time, Laura Pergolizzi first began to use her creative pseudonym - LP, although this nickname was assigned to her back in school summer camp.

First successes or popularity is still a long way off

In 1998, she was noticed by David Lowery from the group Cracker. He was so shocked by Laura’s voice that he invited her to participate in the recording of the album of his musical group. Subsequently, he also became the producer of the debut LP album “Heart-Shaped Scar” (2001).

The further biography of Laura Pergolizzi was marked by the release of another album - in 2004, “Suburban Sprawl & Alcogol” was released (I recommend listening to supporters of the opinion that the LP is pop), which was the result of a collaboration with Linda Perry from the group 4 Non Blondes.

Around the same time Laura Pergolizzi received as a gift from a friend a cross earring that he got from Madonna during the filming of one of her videos. Since then, Laura Pergolizzi has not left her side even for a day. At the same time, she claims that This cross does not have any religious meaning- just a favorite earring.

Laura Pergolizzi's first albums did not bring her fame, despite a fairly warm reception from music critics and a major tour in support of Suburban Sprawl & Alcogol. There was still a long way ahead.

Establishment period on the music scene

2010 was the beginning new era in LP's biography, she moves to Los Angeles. It is in this city that active musical activity Laura Pergolizzi.

In November, she collaborated with Rihanna on the song “Cheers (Drink to That).” Later collaborates with Christina Aguilera, Backstreet Boys, The Veronicas and Cher.

But LP has always perceived collaboration with pop music stars as an additional option to its creativity. Best songs, with deep personal overtones, she always kept for herself.

In 2012 The creative biography of the LP is marked by a breakthrough: music lovers have finally appreciated the track “Into the Wild” was released as a single, which would later be included on her 3rd album.

Laura Pergolizzi began to use artistic whistling in songs precisely after this song. In the studio, preparing to perform “Into the Wild,” LP, out of habit, whistled the melody. The producer and director liked the sound so much that they decided to record it. Since then almost No Laura Pergolizzi performance is complete without whistling..

In 2014, the full-length LP “Forever for Now” was released. Its release was preceded by two singles - “Night Like This” (March 2014) and “Someday” (June 2014).

Album "Forever for Now" was highly praised by music critics. Thus, on the official LP page on Wikipedia it is said that Stephen Thomas Irlewine in his review awarded the disc 5 stars. And the American magazine “American Songwriter’s” noted that LP songs can take a leading place in the prime time of any radio station.

Finally deserved fame around the world

This period in the LP’s biography began with the release of the fourth album “Lost On You” in 2016.

The first single, “Muddy Waters,” from the then-unrecorded LP “Lost On You,” was released in September 2015, and the following summer it was featured in the finale of an episode of the popular TV series “Orange Is the New Black.” – in the original).

But The key track of the album was the song that gave it its name Laura Pergolizzi's "Lost On You". She first performed it at the Coca Cola Summer Festival 2016 in Rome. As a result, this composition reached the top of the charts on most European radio stations in record time.

And it’s not surprising, because "Lost On You"– the track is deeply frank and talks about the personal life of Laura Pergolizzi. In it, she literally depicted her own love tragedy.

Laura Pergolizzi's song "Lost On You" is dedicated to the performer's close friend Tamzin Brown, whose relationship ended in failure. This fact takes on special meaning when you find out that Laura Pergolizzi is a lesbian. However, LP does not hide this fact.

She claims that her parents were always loyal to any “eccentricities” of their daughter. True, Laura fully realized her sexual orientation and told everyone about it only after the death of her mother. The father only recently took this seriously, since he always preferred to consider this recognition of his daughter just a teenage hobby.

Verbatim translation of "Lost On You" sounds something like "Spent on you" or "Lost in You". True, in this form, this phrase taken out of context does not carry the semantic load that is inherent in it.

But if you look at the lyrics of the song, it becomes clearer what meaning Laura Pergolizzi put into this phrase. The key vector of the song is a question addressed to Laura's ex-friend (in the video she is played by model Laura Hanson Sims ) : “...all these things that I wasted [time] on you? nerve? feelings?], tell me - was it all in vain?

It turns out that the meaning of “Lost On You” is not in banal feelings about lost love, but in an attempt to understand whether this relationship left at least some trace in the soul of LP’s former passion. In addition, from the last frames of the video, in which Laura kisses her new girlfriend, Lauren Ruth Ward, it becomes clear that life goes on for her, despite the still fresh image of her former lover in her memory.

By the way, in December 2016, Lauren (she also sings well) published a video for her song “Make Love To Myself,” which also plays out an emotional lesbian story, and an LP appears in the finale, which is quite symbolic.

But Laura Pergolizzi is not far behind her new lover - at the beginning of 2017, she again pleased her fans with “delicious” new products, all with the same touch of her intimate experiences. On January 26, the premiere of two videos took place at once - for the tracks of the LP “Other People” (the background to the “Lost On You” video) and « Tightrope”, in which Lauren Ruth Ward played the main role (appearing in each other’s videos seems to be becoming a good tradition).

And in the middle of summer a video was released « When we’re high”, in which the already familiar lesbian theme simply abounds. All videos are thematically interconnected - each of them, like chapters in a novel, reveals new details of the plot of LP’s personal life.

By the way, this summer (in July) Laura and Lauren got engaged in Paris, where they were part of the triumphant LP tour of Europe. According to them, very soon they will officially become wife and wife :)

To sum it up, I dare to express the opinion that in the near future the work of Laura Pergolizzi, in terms of the level of contribution to the development modern music, will begin to be ranked alongside Bob Dylan, Roy Orbison (one of LP's idols) and other great musicians/performers revered by fans all over the world.

Last updated: September 13th, 2017 by Rockstar

LP and 9 more singers who dedicate songs to women

Everything on this planet is dedicated to women: victories, defeats, even the stars are named after them. But the simplest and most understandable way to express feelings is to dedicate a song to your beloved. And some women do not hesitate to do this on an equal basis with men, declaring their love to the whole world. We have collected 10 of the bravest and coolest.


If you spent the last six months somewhere on Mars or in a deserted desert where there is no Internet or radio, then you most likely missed the appearance of the mischievous, curly-haired Laura Pergolizzi - an American singer and songwriter who blew up the dance floors with her “Lost on you”. The song, by the way, is dedicated to Laura’s ex-girlfriend, who does not hide her sexual orientation.


Her songs, which are clearly about a woman, speak best about her. Well, it’s impossible to imagine that, for example, “We are breaking” is about a man. In addition, a constant, hmm, companion has long appeared in Zemfira’s life. However, some journalists still continue to claim that the singer’s sphere of interests is exclusively men and even attribute her to an affair with Roman. Abramovich.

Svetlana Surganova

Svetlana Surganova says practically nothing about her personal life. But savvy fans of the singer’s work are absolutely sure that women interest her much more than men. Yes, and in the songs, no, no, and “female” endings slip through.

For me, the person himself is interesting, what he is like. I’m not going to get into anyone’s bed or personal life.

Diana Arbenina

Diana Arbenina still remains the permanent leader of the “Night Snipers” group, created back in 1993 in the company of Svetlana Surganova. By the way, during Surganova’s presence in the team, the girls were credited with romantic relationships, the breakdown of which led to Svetlana leaving the team. Today Diana has two beautiful children, born, as they say, from an unknown American businessman. But this is hard to believe.

Leisha Haley

Actress, producer and frontwoman of the group “Uh Uh Her”. She became most famous for one of the central roles in the TV series “The L word” - Leisha played journalist Alice, but before that she managed to appear in a number of TV series (“Supernatural”, “Grey’s Anatomy”, “CSI Crime Scene Investigation”, “Beautiful to Death” ") and even in yogurt advertising. According to friends, Haley is always on the move, always willing to try something new and have a lot of fun. Happy Hours don't watch!

Samantha Fox

Former British model and star of the 80s pop scene. The frankness and liberation of her songs, combined with her luxurious appearance, made Samantha Fox one of the sexiest pop singers - many dreamed of her while lying under cozy blankets at night. However, in February 2003, she made a statement about her personal life:

I can’t always say “Maybe” or deny. It's time for people to know where my heart is. People keep saying that I'm a lesbian. I don't know who I am. All I know is that I'm in love with Mira [Stratton, her manager]. I love her madly and want to spend my whole life with her.

Unfortunately, in 2005 Mira died of cancer.

Sinead O'Connor

According to the recent admission of the singer, who recently celebrated her 51st birthday, she is kind of messed up with men, so she doesn’t mind trying relationships with women. Well, it’s clear that the beard is gray, but the devil knows where. By the way, Sinead was never distinguished by a meek disposition, she often challenged society and played tricks to the fullest. Some are still convinced that the famous “Nothing compares to you” is dedicated to the artist’s mistress.

Melissa Etheridge

The winner of the Oscar and Grammy awards is offensively little known in Russia. However, according to critics, the uncompromising confessional lyrics, melodic folk rock and hoarse vocals allow Melissa to be compared with such classics of the genre as Bruce Springsteen and John Mellencamp. By the way, she received her first Grammy in 1993 for the album, which she called “Yes, I am,” in response to questions that tormented her about sexual orientation.

Linda Perry

American singer, songwriter and music producer, widely known for her work with Christina Aguilera (“Beautiful”), Gwen Stefani (“What are you waiting for?”) and Pink (“Get the party started”). She contributed her two cents to the glorification of women as the leader of the group 4 Non Blondes.

Kay Di Lang

Winner of four Grammy Awards, she is also known as a Buddhist, vegetarian, animal rights activist, open lesbian and LGBT activist. It is noteworthy that despite her rather brutal appearance, the singer’s voice is very gentle - mezzo-soprano.

Text: Aya Romanova

Quotes from S. Surganova

Photo at sunset:

Those who encounter the work of the LP singer for the first time often look puzzled. Her androgynous appearance, voice and energy, unique style that cannot be confined to one genre of music, delight some and repel others. Only one thing can be said for sure: LP, aka Laura Pergolizzi, does not leave anyone indifferent.

Childhood and youth

Laura Pergolizzi, better known by her stage name LP, was born on March 18, 1981 in Long Island, New York, USA. The singer has Italian roots: Laura’s mother is from Naples, and her father has Sicilian and Irish blood flowing in her veins. Since childhood, Pergolizzi dreamed of devoting herself to music, and she chose, as role models. In 1996, the girl graduated from school and moved to New York, hoping that there she would find her way to the stage.

The road to success and recognition was not easy. In an interview, the singer admitted that performing a couple of times a month in some bar already seemed like a great success. Laura did not have any connections in the musical environment; before, she had not thought at all about what show business was. After writing her first song, Pergolizzi couldn't believe it was true:

“Was I able to do this? Is this really possible?”

The stage name “LP” appeared in her youth - that’s what her friends from summer camp. Later, in New York, Pergolizzi got a job in a restaurant. Among her colleagues there was already one Laura, so the future celebrity, in order to avoid confusion, asked to call herself LP. The girl never liked her real name. According to her, parents name their children without thinking about how they will grow up and how harmoniously the names they received at birth will combine with their character.


In 1998, fate brought Laura together with David Lowery, founder of the rock band Cracker. Having heard this girl sing, the musician immediately invited her to participate in the recording of a new album. As a result of their collaboration, “Cinderella” was born, one of the first songs on the LP recorded in the studio. The composition was released on the Cracker group’s album “Gentleman’s blues” as a bonus track. In addition, together with David’s team, the young singer went on tour as a backing vocalist.

By the way, it was Lowry who became the producer of Pergolizzi’s debut album, which was called “Heart-shaped scar” and was released in 2001. AllMusic reviewer Tom Jurek described the album's content as "American rock and roll, made with a soul that is rarely seen these days."

“Her voice is unique enough to last an album or two,” Jurek said, but he was wrong.

Despite the fact that the first LP albums - both “Heart-shaped scar” and “Suburban sprawl & alcohol” (2004) - were not very successful, the girl continued to work hard.

LP song "Wasted"

Relations with record companies also did not work out. In 2006, the singer appeared at the South by Southwest music conference, where her performance created a sensation. Several large companies competed for the right to work with Laura, and she ultimately signed a contract with Island Def Jam Music Group, a subsidiary label of the media holding Universal Music Group.

However, the collaboration soon ended due to creative differences. In 2007, LP began working with the independent label SoBe Entertainment. Soon one of the recorded songs, "Wasted", became the theme for the television series "South of Nowhere". Much more in demand during this period creative biography The LP featured songs she had written for other artists. To collaborate with celebrities, Pergolizzi moved from New York to Los Angeles in 2010.

The first big success was the composition “Cheers (Drink to that)”, on the creation of which a number of authors worked together with Laura. When performed, the song became a real hit. In addition, LP wrote for and other performers.

In June 2011, Pergolizzi contributed to the song "Afraid to Sleep", which was performed by The Voice finalist Vicki Martinez. The song became popular and reached number 10 on the iTunes chart. In the fall of that year, LP signed a contract with Warner Bros. Records.

LP song "Into the wild"

Soon after, she recorded the song "Into the wild", which was used in a Citibank advertising campaign. Already in 2012, the album “Into the wild: Live at EastWest Studios” was released, followed by solo concerts and participation in music festivals.

In 2014, the singer released the album “Forever for now,” which included 13 tracks. In September 2015, the LP presented listeners with the first single, “Muddy waters,” from the upcoming album. This song was later featured in the Season 4 finale of the Netflix series “Orange is the New Black.” In November, the single “Lost on you” was released, which became the title of the new album. The composition took 1st place in the charts of a number of European countries, and received platinum status in Italy, Greece and Poland.

Song LP "Lost on You"

In 2017, Pergolizzi performed in Sochi at the opening International competition young performers of popular music “New Wave”, where she performed the songs “Lost on you” and “Other people”.

As it turned out, this is not the first time LP has visited Russia: she previously came to perform at private events. Laura has several Russian friends who periodically introduce the singer to the music of their country. In an interview, Pergolizzi admitted that she was impressed by Russian love songs - so much so that she got a tattoo with the word “love” written in Cyrillic.

Personal life

LP does not hide the fact that he adheres to a non-traditional sexual orientation. In an interview, the singer said that her mother died without knowing that her daughter was a lesbian. For a long time, her father believed that Laura’s passion for women would pass with age. But when I realized that this was not so, I took my daughter’s choice calmly.

By the way, the androgynous style that the singer prefers confuses many listeners - Pergolizzi wears clothes of a men's cut. Suits that fit her figure emphasize the singer’s slimness (her weight is 54 kg with a height of 174 cm).

Not much is known about Laura’s personal life. According to available sources, she dated actress Tamzin Brown in 2012. Neither party disclosed the details of this affair. LP fans conducted a thorough analysis of both girls’ social networks, from which it became clear only that they broke up in 2015. The breakdown of relations with Tamzin inspired Pergolizzi to write the song “Lost on you” - the singer mentioned this in several interviews.

Interestingly, Laura’s new girlfriend, singer and composer Lauren Ruth Ward, first appeared in the last seconds of the video for the song “Lost on you.” There is no information about how exactly they met - it is only known that Lauren supported LP after breaking up with Tamzin. Soon the friendly feelings grew into deeper ones. The lovers even got paired tattoos in the form of the number “7”, symbolizing the start date of their relationship.

LP now

Laura's musical career continues to develop rapidly. In June 2018, news about a new album appeared on the singer’s official Facebook page. The announcement of the album was followed by the release of the single "Girls go wild" and a video of the same name. In addition, LP continues to collaborate with other artists.

Song LP and Mylène Farmer “N"oublie pas”

On June 22, the singer presented listeners with the song “N"oublie pas,” recorded in a duet with the legendary. Immediately after its release, the song took 1st place on the French iTunes chart. In July, fans were able to appreciate another collaboration, this time with the Russian trio Swanky Tunes Together they recorded the track “Day by day”.

You can learn about Pergolizzi's personal life from “Instagram” and the social networks of her girlfriend Lauren Ruth Ward, both often post joint photos. They now live in Los Angeles with their four-legged pet, Brussels Griffon Orsen. While Laura gives concerts in different parts of the world, Lauren looks after the pet. In an interview, LP shared her dream that someday the three of them would travel the world.


  • 2001 - “Heart-Shaped Scar”
  • 2004 - “Suburban Sprawl & Alcohol”
  • 2012 - “Into the Wild: Live at EastWest Studios”
  • 2012 - “Spotify Sessions”
  • 2014 - “Forever for Now”
  • 2016 - “Death Valley”
  • 2016 - “Lost on You”

Laura Pergolizzi or LP (her stage name) is an Italian-born American pop rock singer-songwriter. Completely unconventional, she instantly won the hearts of a multi-million public, making connoisseurs of soulful and sensual music fall in love with her. The creative path and biography of the LP singer turned out to be just as interesting and extraordinary. There are few such unique performers on stage who create their own bright musical style.

Childhood and youth

And although the LP singer does not share her biography very willingly with journalists, some information still reaches the press. It is known that Laura was born in 1981 in Long Island in the family of a Neapolitan woman and a Sicilian-Irish man, who emigrated from Italy to America. Both parents were Catholics and raised her in strict Catholicism. Laura's mother, an opera singer, died quite early, and her father was in charge of raising the girl. As a child, little Laura was embarrassed to sing and show her voice, so she did it only in the company of someone or when no one heard her. In 1996, having barely graduated from high school, she moved to New York, even then having big plans and goals for developing herself as a singer.

Musical career. Rising Star

Immediately after moving to New York, Laura took the pseudonym LP (the first letters of her name) and began her difficult path to fame. Regarding the name change, she replies that it was given by her parents full name it seemed too pretentious and official to her. In addition, upon arrival in New York, Laura got a job in a small restaurant where, oddly enough, there was already a singer with the same name. Then friends, in order to somehow distinguish between the two girls, began to call her LP. For some time she performed with the group Lionfish. And a little later, in 2001, she recorded her first album, Heart Shaped Scar. The album might never have seen the light of day if not for the band's manager, Cracker, who, upon hearing LP's vocals, was instantly captivated and invited her to join his band. She later recorded another album. But both the first and subsequent albums remained virtually unknown. The public did not accept the LP, and fame did not come. And her hit Lost on you was generally rejected by recording studios.


Having not received the desired popularity, LP begins to actively promote himself as an author. She writes songs for those famous performers, like Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, Cher and others. According to the singer, she could have been writing songs for a long time, but the dream of performing what she wrote herself turned out to be stronger and eventually took its toll.

Song Lost on you. Breakthrough

After performing at one of the festivals in Italy, the track Lost on you instantly blew up all the charts and topped all sorts of ratings in Italy and Greece. And then it scattered like a bullet to all corners of the world. In Russia, the song was also received with great enthusiasm. As the singer herself jokes: “I wonder what a person feels now who rejected a song that became a worldwide hit many years ago?” The single became business card LP and was finally appreciated. According to the singer herself, this song is dedicated to her past love - Tamzin Brown. And she talks about the strong feelings that she had for the girl.

Personal life

The LP singer is not very willing to talk about her personal life, as well as her biography. But rumors about her unconventional orientation have been circulating since she was just starting her career. creative path. Today she openly declares that she is a lesbian. And in 2011, her affair with Tamzin Brown was actively discussed in the press. But a few years later their relationship comes to an end. At first, LP suffers from lost love, delving into creativity, but soon enough he begins dating Lauren Ruth Ward. And already this summer they burst big changes in the biography of the singer LP. The photo she recently posted on her page was captioned with the good news: Lauren proposed marriage to LP. To which the latter responded positively.

Fans instantly reacted to the post and began to congratulate the couple on their engagement, which took place in Paris. She demonstrates her freedom-loving lifestyle on her Instagram page, where she posts details of her biography and photos of her personal life. The LP singer is not yet planning to have children, and, apparently, the company of her lover and close friends is quite enough for her now.

Clothing style

In addition to amazing singing abilities, one cannot help but pay attention to the extravagant appearance singers. LP has been following one style direction for many years. She herself characterizes it as androgyny. So, for example, her eternal companion is sunglasses. She explains her love for tinted glass as convenience and protection from the outside world. Talking about her biography, the LP singer also admitted that in her youth she was delighted with which she also made sunglasses part of her image.

Another interesting detail of LP’s style is the ever-present earring in the form of a small cross, which she received from Madonna 15 years ago and is very fond of. The singer's clothing style is very original. She prefers men's style - strict, but comfortable. Blazers with a masculine cut, tailored to the figure, a leather jacket, tapered dark trousers, rough boots and massive rings in the shape of skulls. We can say that this image completely reflects her way of thinking, biography and personal life of the singer. The photo of the LP on the cover of the third album perfectly shows the essence of her non-standard image.

And what certainly distinguishes her from the sleek divas of the music industry is that LP does not use makeup at all, making an exception only for filming and her concerts.

Extraordinarily talented, unique and free as a bird, she deserves to be at the top of the music industry.

Not so long ago, the star who ascended to the world Olympus has already managed to win the hearts of millions of idols. Her name is Laura Pergolizzi or LP. Her biography is as unusual and interesting as the image of the singer herself. The 37-year-old performer has come a long way until she has become popular and recognizable in many countries. For some, her image may seem very strange and extraordinary. However, even in real life her personality is far from standard.

The singer's childhood and youth

The future star was born on March 18, 1981 in Long Island. Her parents are immigrants from a small Italian town. The mother is of Neapolitan descent, and the father is half Sicilian and half Irish. The girl inherited her unusual appearance and curly hair from her parents. She got her extraordinary voice from her mother: she was opera singer. And she inherited her strong and very hot-tempered character and inflexibility in her views from her father.

From the very early childhood the singer LP had a very powerful and strong voice. With her crying and screaming, she could drown out the sound of a running vacuum cleaner and even (!) a lawn mower. She also started singing early. According to her, even before she learned to speak. Her tunes unusually pleased the parents, who were proud of their little daughter, however, they caused significant discomfort to the neighbors, since Laura did not like to sing quietly.

Her favorites musical instruments- these are classical and ukulele guitars, which she mastered playing as a child. A lot of time has passed since then. Nevertheless, the singer Laura still almost never parted with them and, every now and then, composes new and new melodies.

The girl firmly decided that she would become a singer. early years. By the way, LP’s stage name also comes from her childhood: That’s what Laura was nicknamed by her friends from summer camp. It’s easy to guess that this is an abbreviation of her first and last name.

After graduating from school in 1996, the young talent goes to New York, believing that this city is best place to develop your singing talents and self-realization. However, the huge city with a population of millions did not welcome the aspiring performer very warmly.

Music career LP

However, despite everything, she quickly managed to establish a relationship with the popular group The Plan, with whom she subsequently gave concerts on tour and recorded several singles together. The persistent and ambitious girl did not stop there: she began working with other famous groups, while simultaneously composing songs for her first solo album, which was released in 2001.

The fact that the released album did not bring the expected popularity did not force the singer to give up. Listeners actively bought it, which greatly encouraged the girl. In this regard, she decided to release another album together with Linda Perry in 2004. After this event, Laura attracted the attention of journalists. However, such close attention was associated not so much with the singer’s work, how much with her unconventional orientation.

However, LP soon decides to take another step: she begins to write music for already famous performers, such as Rihanna, Cher, Christina Aguilera, Rita Ora, Joe Walsh, Backstreet Boys, The Veronicas and other equally popular singers. This could not but affect Laura's career. Her musical style is becoming very popular and recognizable, she began performing at national concerts, participating in music shows and various festivals (Laura Wass, biography in Russian).

In 2006, representatives of several recording studios vied with each other to offer her a contract with them. In 2011, she already gave solo concerts, and the composition from her first album took the top lines of the charts. Finally, singer Laura (that’s how her name sounds in the American style) made her childhood dream come true and felt like a real star.

As you know, artists are extraordinary individuals with great charisma and strong energy. However, about many of them it can be said that they are “not of this world” and are not like everyone else. And Laura is no exception. Some facts from Laura’s biography will not leave connoisseurs of her work indifferent:

Laura Pergolizzi's childhood dream came true: she became a celebrity, which characterizes her as a strong-willed and purposeful person.

Personal life of a star

It's no secret that Laura Pergolizzi is a representative of a gay woman. Her personal life has always been of interest to fans and the press. The girl decided to openly declare her inclinations only after the death of her mother, who died quite early. Her father considered her youthful hobbies to be nothing more than a rebellion against social norms. However, having made sure that Laura’s love for the female sex is not just a momentary whim, but a natural feature of the girl, he came to terms with this fact, taking it for granted.

Laura herself doesn’t like to talk about her sexuality too much. Laura’s personal life, however, cannot be hidden from camera lenses for too long, since she is a fairly well-known person.

For the first time, her close relationship with a representative of the fairer sex became known in 2012. Her chosen one was the British actress Tamzin Brown, known at that time only in her homeland. Subsequently, LP will conclude that the girl wanted to become famous outside her country in such an unusual way. The singer and actress appeared together at all social events, parties and award ceremonies, which could not help but draw attention to the latter’s personality. Tamzin insisted on publicly displaying her feelings for her partner and even offered to formalize the relationship, but LP managed to unravel the girl’s insidious plan in time and convict her of insincerity.

The couple separated in 2015. Soon after this, the singer’s single “Lost on You” was released, in which she sings about her feelings and past love. This song is Laura’s cry from the soul, thanks to which she has earned such wide popularity among listeners. She sincerely hopes that the time spent with her former lover will leave at least some trace and pleasant memories in Brown’s heart.

However, LP didn’t have to long for her former love for a long time: six months later she meets a girl named Lauren Ruth Ward, who took Tamzin’s place and starred in the already mentioned video for the song “Lost on You,” where she appears at the very end.

The newly-made passion turned out to be no less eccentric person, and soon the couple got married in France. Photos appeared on Instagram of lovers hugging and kissing against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower and the Champs Elysees.

The singer's discography

Laura has four studio albums to her credit, which were released under the labels Koch Records, Lightswitch Records, Warner Bros. Records and Vagrant Records. Among them the following names are known:

  • Heart-Shaped Scar, released in 2001.
  • 2004 Suburban Sprawl & Alcohol.
  • Forever for Now, released in 2014.
  • Lost on You, an epochal album that was released in 2016.

Among the singles included in these albums are the following:

  • "Into the Wild" (2012).
  • "Night Like This" (2014).
  • "Someday" (2014).
  • "Muddy Waters" (2015).
  • "Lost on You" (2015).
  • "Other People" (2016).

Some of these hits, including the well-known “Lost on You,” reached the top of the charts in many countries around the world.

By his example, LP once again confirms that you need to believe in your dream and go towards it at all costs, overcoming all the obstacles and obstacles on your way. Despite the fact that the girl was born into a simple family, this did not stop her from achieving success and recognition. Undoubtedly, many more achievements, awards and praise from grateful viewers await her ahead.

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