The problem of fathers and sons in business. The problem of “fathers and sons” (reflection on literary or life material)

The problem of fathers and children.

This problem has been relevant at all times, and it affects all generations. Conflict between fathers and children existed both before and now. This topic is as old as time. It is only part of that endless natural struggle between the old and the new, from which the new does not always emerge victorious, and it is difficult to say whether this is good or bad. In addition, in the family, from his parents, a person receives his first knowledge about life, about relationships between people, therefore, the relationship in the family, between parents and children, determines how in the future a person will relate to other people, what moral principles he will choose for himself, what will be the most important and sacred for him.

The conflict lies in the fact that the older generation teaches the younger “how to live”, imposes its opinion on them, trying to pass on its accumulated experience, and between generations there are differences in views on certain things or problems. However, it is not always only parents who are able to teach their children something; often children can give a lot to their parents. Recently, while watching the film “A Liter of Tears,” I heard the following phrase from the mother of a girl with an incurable disease: “I always thought that only I was raising my daughter, but it turned out that with her help I understood a lot.”

The problem of fathers and children has been raised more than once in Russian literature.

Different authors approach this problem in different ways. In addition to the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons", the very name of which shows that this theme is the most important in the novel, this problem exists in almost all works: in some it is presented more vividly, in others only hints appear for a more complete disclosure of the image of the hero. It is difficult to say who first raised the problem of fathers and children. It is so vital that it seems to have always existed on the pages of literary works. Fonvizin also touched on this problem in his work “Minor”

The problem of fathers and sons includes a number of important moral problems. This is also a problem of education, gratitude, misunderstanding. They are raised in various works, and each author tries to look at them in his own way.

I remember the proverb: “Like the father, so are the children.” But while this proverb is often true, sometimes the opposite is true. Then the problem of misunderstanding arises. Parents do not understand children, and children do not understand parents. Parents impose their morals and principles of life on their children, and the children do not want to accept them, but they cannot and do not always want to resist. This is the Kabanikha from Ostrovsky’s “The Thunderstorm”. She imposes her opinion on the children, orders them to do only as she wants. Kabanikha did not allow her son Tikhon and his wife, Katerina, to live normally.

The problem of “fathers and sons” is relevant at all times, because it is a deeply moral problem. Everything that is sacred for a person is passed on to him by his parents. The progress of society and its development gives rise to disagreements between the older and younger generations.

The problem of fathers and children is one of the most important problems in Russian classics. Very often in literary works the new, younger generation turns out to be more moral than the older ones. It sweeps away the old morality, replacing it with a new one. But we still shouldn’t forget our “fathers”; it’s terrible when the younger generation is less moral than the previous one. Therefore, the problem of “fathers and sons” lives on today, taking on a slightly different direction.


1. Boyko V.V. Love, family, society / V.V. Boyko. – M.: 2001. – 295 p.

2. Kravchenko A.I. Sociology: textbook / A.I. Kravchenko. – M.: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2005. – 536 p.

The topic of the problem of “fathers and sons” is still relevant today. This problem occurs in many families around the world. However, at different periods of development human history it manifested itself with varying degrees of severity. For example, during the existence of traditional and industrial types of society, young people, as a rule, could not freely express their thoughts and act in any situation as they saw fit. During the transition to a post-industrial society, family relationships also change. Nowadays, conflicts between two generations occur much more often.

This problem arises because all generations live in their own time and each has their own system of principles and values, which is very important to them, and each generation is ready to defend this system. The views of the older generation were once considered the basis of human existence. Quite often, children, adopting life experience their families, at the same time they strive to free themselves from the pressure of adults, to reject everything that came before them, thinking that they will arrange their lives differently.

Soviet and Russian sociologist V.T. Lisovsky, in his article “Fathers” and “sons”: for dialogue in relationships,” describes the sociological research he conducted using the example of Soviet and Russian society, considering the problem of dialogue between “fathers” and “children”. According to his research, 80% of society believes that this topic is relevant and should be considered. The article also describes the cause of the conflict: “The essence of the problem is a sharp break in the continuity of generations caused by the transition from one state (the Soviet period) to another (modern) and the socio-economic crisis.” According to V.T. Lisovsky, the solution to the problem lies in the education and morality of the younger generation. In matters of education, the main attention should be paid, first of all, to the formation of independence, the ability to consciously make decisions and be responsible for them, and the development of the desire to understand the world and self-knowledge. Issues of moral education deserve special attention, the solution of which should help overcome widespread ignorance among young people, and, consequently, increase the level of culture of the entire society and country. Unfortunately, nowadays the new generation has completely different ideas about the values ​​of life, and therefore the solution must also occupy the social sphere. For example, entering into adult life the younger generation inevitably faces modern problems society, such as corruption, social justice, decline in cultural and moral development.

But in addition to the so-called “gap of eras,” there are several more reasons for the problem of “fathers” and “sons,” and they are more likely on a psychological level. These reasons will exist at all times, regardless of the change of historical eras, the development of social spheres and society. These reasons are the “early maturation” of young people and the conflict of interests between children and parents. Young people consider themselves old enough to solve any problems on their own, but for parents their children will always remain small, inexperienced children who still need to be protected from the bad influences that exist in society. For the natural protection inherent in parents, they conduct various kinds of conversations, which are often presented as instructions, and children usually reject this solution to the conflict, since they believe that they are already old enough. Young people want to solve problems themselves and take responsibility for them. Of course, they may make the wrong decision, but it is necessary to understand that it is largely thanks to mistakes that young people gain life experience. Therefore, the solution to the problem on a psychological level must come from both generations. In my opinion, parents should change the form of conversation and their attitude towards their child, show that they do not intend to block his path in his affairs, but, on the contrary, are ready to support and help in anything. And on the part of the child, there must be an understanding that parents primarily care about his well-being, and do not violate his personal space.

As I wrote French writer and member of the French Academy A. Maurois: “The art of aging is to be a support for the young, not an obstacle, a teacher, not a rival, understanding, not indifferent.”

Thus, from all of the above we can conclude that the problem of “fathers” and “sons” has always given rise not only to a lot of disputes and contradictions, but also to many ways to solve it. The topic of intrafamily relationships has been, remains and will be relevant at all times.

Bibliographic link

Tarasenko D.N., Lekatsa A.N. THE PROBLEM OF “FATHERS” AND “CHILDREN” IN MODERN SOCIETY // International Journal of Experimental Education. – 2015. – No. 11-6. – P. 962-963;
URL: (access date: 02.25.2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

The problem of fathers and children

God expelled Adam and Eve from paradise because they disobeyed him...

This passage from the Bible is the best evidence that the problem of “fathers and sons” will always be relevant.

Children cannot obey and indulge their parents in everything, because this is inherent in all of us. Each of us is an individual and each has his own point of view.

We cannot copy anyone, including our parents. The most we can do to be more like them is to choose the same path in life as our ancestors. Some, for example, serve in the army because their father, grandfather, great-grandfather, etc. were military, and some treat people, just like their father and like Evgeny Bazarov.

Bazarov cannot be repeated and at the same time there is something from each of us in him. This is a man of considerable intelligence, who has his own point of view and knows how to defend it.

In the novel “Fathers and Sons” we can observe a rare picture for literature of the 17th century - a confrontation of opinions of different generations. “Old people” are more conservative, while young people are supporters of progress. Therefore, there is a sticking point.

In the novel, the fathers defend aristocracy, respect for authority, the Russian people and love. But, speaking about many things, they often forget about little things: for example, Arkady’s father talks about love, loving Fenichka, and still (until the time of the conversation) is not married to her, there were probably good reasons for this.

Children defend their interests and point of view, and do it well. But their worldview lacks what every person should have - compassion and romanticism. Perhaps this was the reason that Bazarov died without ever enjoying life (as it seems to me). But the point is not that they deprived themselves of passionate feelings inside, long expectations of their beloved for a date, and painful separation from her. All this came to them, but to some early (to Arkady), and to others late (to Bazarov). Arkady, perhaps, will taste the joys of life with Katya, but Bazarov was not destined to wake up from the coma in which he lived all this time before he fell ill.

In addition to differences between generations, there is also that wonderful feeling, without which the world is a grave, and this feeling is love. It is impossible to imagine a child not loving his mother and father. Likewise, in the novel, “children” love their parents very much, but each expresses this in their own way: some throw themselves on the neck, others calmly extend their hand for a handshake, but the soul of each of them yearns for their parents, no matter what he thinks about the world around him.

But, speaking of “fathers and sons,” one cannot fail to mention peasants and landowners, because the landowner is the father, and the peasant is his child (not by origin, but by affiliation and responsibility). Relations between these layers of society and at the same time “relatives” are simpler than between real relatives. They are based only on mutual benefit for themselves, in very rare cases taking into account feelings for each other.

There is “Father and Sons” in the world, the relationship between which can be described as the warmest [i] . The Father is God, and the Sons are people, disagreements are impossible in this family: the children are grateful to him for giving them life and earthly joys, the Father, in turn, loves his children and does not demand anything in return.

Expressing a purely personal opinion on this matter, I can say that the problem of “Fathers and Sons” is, in principle, solvable, but not completely. The most important thing is to respect each other, because love and understanding are based on respect, that is, what we so lack in life.


To prepare this work, materials were used from the site

Kiryukhina S. 8th grade.

The work examines the problem of “fathers and sons” in classical and modern literature.



City scientific and practical conference of students

"Into science step by step."


"The problem of fathers and children"".

Completed by an 8th grade student

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 20"

Kiryukhina Sofya Mikhailovna.

Head: Russian language teacher

and literature

Manina Elena Nikolaevna.

G. Donskoy, 2014


People at all times have been worried about the eternal problems of existence: the problems of life and death, love and marriage, choosing the right path... Everything changes in this world, and only universal human moral needs remain unchanged no matter what time it is. Each person has his own view of things. People of the same time have somewhat similar points of view, which usually cannot be said about the views of representatives of different generations, so a clash of different points of view is inevitable, and because of this, global problems of relations between the older generation and the generation of “children” arise. The problem of “fathers and sons” is still relevant todaybecause this is a deeply moral issue. In my opinion, this topic is much more relevant today than before. This is due to social, political, economic changes in the society in which we live. However, today it has acquired a slightly different color and a different direction. Everything that is sacred for a person is passed on to him by his parents. The progress of society and its development give rise to disagreements between the older and younger generations, disagreements that are so well known to us. The problem of “fathers and sons” is one of the most important problems in Russian classics. Very often in literary works the new, younger generation turns out to be more moral than the older ones. It sweeps away the old morality, replacing it with a new one. But we still don’t need to become Ivans who don’t remember kinship; it’s terrible when the younger generation is less moral than the previous one.Naturally, this theme is reflected in many works of Russian literature. Therefore, I believe that studying the relationship between children and their parents is a relevant topic for discussion. After all, this problem cannot be treated indifferently!It includes a number of important moral problems. This is the problem of education, the problem of choosing moral rules, the problem of gratitude, the problem of misunderstanding. They are raised in various works, and each author tries to look at them in his own way.
In my work, I will try to consider works in which, in my opinion, the authors address the problem of “fathers and sons.” In connection with the above, I decided to choose this topic for my research work. I would like to prove, using examples of works of literature, that this problem was relevant in society at any stage of its development. To do this, I turned to various texts that touch on this issue.

To achieve this, I have formulated the following goals and objectives:

1. Consider and analyze the authors’ attitude to this problem, prove that this topic has always been relevant in society.

2. Conduct a micro-research to find out the point of view of my peers on the problem under consideration.

3.Analyze the material and draw a conclusion.

II. Main part.

Like the dad, so are the kids.”

(Russian proverb).

It has long been believed that the Father is God, and the Sons are people; disagreements are impossible in this family: the children are grateful to him for giving them life and earthly joys, but the father, in turn, loves his children and does not demand anything in return. In principle, the problem of “fathers and sons” can be solved, but not completely. Problems in mutual understanding between adults and children increasingly remain unresolved. We need to understand this and draw a conclusion why this is happening. And the easiest way to do this is to start by considering examples from Russian classical literature. After all, each author has his own approach to this problem and describes it from different angles. This problem concerns all of humanity, especially in modern world. Exacerbation in Lately interest in this problem is a noticeable side of both ordinary and theoretical consciousness. This interest has important political and cultural reasons. Many people focus their attention on the problem of relationships between people of different generations. I would like to give an example of a poem that clearly shows us that this is an eternal problem.

Fathers and children are an eternal problem...

Well, who among us has not plunged into it?

But life does not give us a ready-made scheme,

We have become adults, but are we any wiser?

And the children are growing up little by little,

They have secrets

They hang out in their own world,

But we don’t understand - we scream!

“Shame on you, you’re an adult!

I was walking around again and didn’t study my lessons!”

He is not silent, our tall child,

He's rude to us. Oh, where did my obedient son go?

Well, here he is, my beloved son,

And the unruly bangs on the forehead:

“I need to get my hair cut urgently!” “No, I won’t,

So cool, mom, I want to be stylish!”

Who does it remind me of now?

My teenage son, the naughty son?

Yes, exactly, my memory serves me right -

And I once took everything with hostility.

And I dared my mother on Saturdays,

When I wanted to run away to the dance,

And I boldly cut off my braid,

To be fashionable, like this, with a bouffant.

Here is the eternal problem for you -

Was, and is, and will be forever...

Help, understand, after all, we are adults -

There is simply no point in shouting here.

It follows that the problem of relationships between people, generations, and social strata is one of the most common.

1. The problem of relationships between generations in the comedy of A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit".

Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" is an outstanding work of Russian literature. The main problem of the work is the problem of two worldviews: the “past century,” which defends the old foundations, and the “present century,” which advocates decisive changes. The comedy ridicules the vices of society: serfdom, martinetism, careerism, sycophancy, bureaucracy, low level of education, admiration for everything foreign, servility, sycophancy, the fact that in society it is not the personal qualities of a person that are valued, but the “souls of two thousand clans,” rank, money. Famusov is a representative of the “past” century, a typical Moscow gentleman with all the views, manners and way of thinking characteristic of that time. The only thing he bows to is rank and wealth. Famusov lives the old fashioned way, considers his uncle, Maxim Petrovich, as his ideal, who “promotes him to rank” and “gives pensions.” He is “either on silver or gold; Ate on gold; one hundred people at your service; All in orders; I was always traveling in a train" 1 . However, for all his arrogant disposition, “He bent over backwards” in front of his superiors when it was necessary to curry favor. Poverty is considered a big vice in Famus society. So Famusov directly declares to Sophia, his daughter: “Whoever is poor is not a match for you,” or: “We have had it since ancient times, That according to father and son, honor, Be inferior, but if there are two thousand family souls, He is the groom.” 2 . At the same time, a caring father shows truly worldly wisdom, caring about the future of his daughter.
An even greater vice in society is learning and education: “Learning is a plague, learning is the reason, What is worse now than when people, deeds, and opinions were crazy.”
The world of interests of the Famus society is quite narrow. It is limited to balls, dinners, dances, name days.
A bright representative of the “present century” is Alexander Andreevich Chatsky, who embodies the features of the advanced noble youth of that time. He is the bearer of new views. This he proves by his behavior, way of life, but especially by his passionate speeches denouncing the foundations of the “past century,” which he clearly disdains:
And as if the world began to grow stupid,
You can say with a sigh;
How to compare and see
The present century and the past:
As he was famous,
Whose neck bent more often...
Traditions days gone by too strong. Chatsky himself turns out to be their victim. With his directness, wit, and audacity, he becomes a disturber of social rules and norms. And society takes revenge on him. At the first meeting with him, Famusov calls him “carbonari.” However, in a conversation with Skalozub, he speaks well of him, says that he is “a guy with a head,” “writes and translates nicely,” while regretting that Chatsky does not serve. But Chatsky has his own opinion on this matter: he wants to serve the cause, not individuals. At first it may seem that the conflict between Chatsky and Famusov is a conflict of different generations, a “conflict between fathers and children,” but this is not so. After all, Sophia and Molchalin are almost the same age as Chatsky, but they fully belong to the “past century.” Sophia is not stupid. Chatsky’s love for her can also serve as proof of this. But she absorbed the philosophy of her father and his society. Her chosen one is Molchalin. He is also young, but also a child of that old environment. He fully supports the morals and customs of old lordly Moscow. Both Sofia and Famusov speak well of Molchalin. The latter keeps him in his service “because he’s businesslike,” and Sophia sharply rejects Chatsky’s attacks on her lover. She says:
Of course, he doesn’t have this mind
What a genius is to some, but a plague to others...
Chatsky is not only a bearer of new views and ideas, but also advocates new standards of life.
In addition to the public tragedy, Chatsky is experiencing a personal tragedy. He is rejected by his beloved Sophia, to whom he “flew and trembled.” Moreover, with her light hand he is declared crazy.
Chatsky, who does not accept the ideas and morals of the “past century,” becomes a troublemaker in Famus society. And it rejects him. Chatsky is a mocker, a wit, a troublemaker and even an insulter. Famusov, of course, loves his daughter and wishes her happiness. But he understands happiness in his own way: happiness for him is money. He accustoms his daughter to the idea of ​​profit and thereby commits a real crime, because Sophia can become like Molchalin, who adopted only one principle from her father: to seek profit wherever possible. The fathers tried to teach their children about life, in their instructions they conveyed to them what was most important and significant for themselves. As a result, for Chichikov, the “penny” has become the meaning of life, and in order to “preserve and save” it, he is ready for any meanness, betrayal, flattery and humiliation. And Pyotr Grinev, following his father’s instructions, will remain an honest and noble man in all situations in which he had to find himself; honor and conscience remain above all else for him throughout his life.

So, in “Woe from Wit” our theme is presented in such a way that children interfere with their fathers, fathers become enemies of children, and children respond in kind. The only thing that unites them is mutual vindictiveness and “public opinion.” The conflict between fathers and sons is that the previous generation will never be able to understand the current one, all generations have their own values ​​and views on life, priorities are diverse and unique. Griboyedov revealed the complex and contradictory inner world heroes, their attitude to wealth and ranks (Chatsky - “ranks are given by people, but people can be deceived” Famus Society- “Without money there is no reason” 4 ), attitude towards Moscow morals (Chatsky - “what new will Moscow show me, today is a ball, and tomorrow there are two” Famus Society - “living at home - you can’t get a rank” 5 .

2. “Fathers and Sons” in the novel by I.S. Turgenev.

Different authors approach the problem of “fathers and sons” in different ways. But in the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" the title itself shows that this theme is the main one in the work. The writing of the novel “Fathers and Sons” coincided with the most important reforms of the nineteenth century, namely the abolition of serfdom. The century marked the development of industry and natural sciences. Connections with Europe have expanded. In Russia, the ideas of Westernism began to be accepted. The “fathers” adhered to the old views. The younger generation welcomed the abolition of serfdom and the reforms. The generation who is leaving is painfully aware of its weakness; it is in vain that the young are so confident in their strengths - in the struggle of “fathers” and “children” there are no winners. Everyone loses. But if there is no struggle, there is no progress. If there is no denial of the past, there is no future. All this became the basis for the creation of the work. Although the conflict between “fathers and sons” depicted in it goes far beyond family boundaries - it is a social conflict between the old nobility and aristocracy and the young revolutionary-democratic intelligentsia. Children cannot obey their parents and indulge them in everything, because this is inherent in all of us. Each of us is an individual and each has his own point of view. We cannot copy anyone, including our parents. The biggest thing we can do to be more like them is to choose the same path in life as our ancestors. Some, for example, serve in the army because their father, grandfather, great-grandfather, etc. were military, and some treat people, just like their father, and like Evgeny Bazarov. It seems to me that the problem of “fathers and sons” in the novel is only a reason for conflict, and the reason is that fathers and sons were representatives of different ideas. It is in the relationship between the young nihilist Bazarov and the representative of the nobility Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, Bazarov with his parents, as well as through the example of relationships within the Kirsanov family that we can consider this problem.I think that when Bazarov meets his parents, the generational conflict reaches its climax. This is manifested primarily in the fact that neither Bazarov himself, nor, perhaps, even the author, know how it really is main character relates to his parents. His feelings are contradictory: on the one hand, in a fit of frankness, he admits that he loves his parents, and on the other, his words show contempt for the “stupid life of fathers.” And this contempt is not superficial, like Arkady’s, it is dictated by his position in life and firm convictions. Relations with Madame Odintsova and with her parents prove that even Bazarov cannot completely suppress his feelings and obey only his mind. It is difficult to explain what feeling will not allow him to completely renounce his parents: a feeling of love, pity, and, perhaps, a feeling of gratitude for the fact that it was they who gave the first impulses and laid the foundation for the development of his personality. In a conversation with Arkady Bazarov asserts that “every person should educate himself - well, at least like me” 6 . Here, I think, Bazarov is wrong. Exactly parental education, their example or, on the contrary, their mistake created the ground for Bazarov’s intellectual growth. He, like all children, went further than his parents and became so distant that he lost the ability to understand them, accept them as they are, and forgive them. This gap is great and insurmountable, and Bazarov himself does not want to get close to the old people, considering this a step back. Having gotten to know his parents better, he would have realized that RussiaIt rests precisely on such people, on the strength of their souls, on their faith and love. The problem also concerns fathers and children within the Kirsanov family. It seems to me that it is not deep. Arkady looks like his father. He has essentially the same values ​​- home, family, peace. He prefers such simple happiness to caring for the world's good. Throughout the entire novel, the subordination of a weak nature to a stronger one is observed: Arkady to Bazarov, and this is precisely the reason for the discord within the Kirsanov family. A major disagreement arose between “friends” in a conversation about the role of nature in human life. Here Arkady’s resistance to Bazarov’s views is already visible; gradually the “student” emerges from the power of the “teacher.” Bazarov hates many, but Arkady has no enemies. "You, gentle soul, are a slob" 7 “, says Bazarov, realizing that Arkady can no longer be his associate. The “disciple” cannot live without principles.Older generation Kirsanov doubts “the usefulness of his influence on Arkady.” But Bazarov leaves Arkady’s life, and everything falls into place.

The author, comparing the characters and life positions of Bazarov and Kirsanov, shows the problem of “fathers and sons” in disputes. In a dispute, truth is born, and Turgenev wants to convey this truth to the reader. The author tries to show that the positions of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich are extreme: in one we see remnants of the past, and in the other - intolerance. Thus, the truth eludes the disputing parties: Kirsanov lacks understanding, and Bazarov lacks respect for his parents.

So, before us are two completely different heroes. Evgeny Bazarov appears before us as a person cut off from the outside world, gloomy and at the same time possessing enormous inner strength and energy. Describing Bazarov, the author focuses on his mind. The description of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, on the contrary, consists mainly of external characteristics. He is an attractive man, wears starched white shirts and patent leather ankle boots. Pavel Petrovich is always impeccable and elegant.

This person leads the life of a typical representative of an aristocratic society - he spends his time in idleness and idleness. Unlike him, Bazarov brings real benefits to people and deals with specific problems. In my opinion, the problem of “fathers and sons” is most deeply shown in the novel precisely in the relationship between these two heroes, despite the fact that they are not related. The conflict that arose between Bazarov and Kirsanov proves that the problem of “fathers and sons” in Turgenev’s novel is a problem of two generations, and the problem of a clash between two different socio-political societies, since the disputes touched on almost all the main issues on which they differed in their views they are democrats-commoners and liberals.

Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” became one of the best classic works of Russian literature, because the author impartially conveyed all the positive and negative aspects of generations: he saw youth as a powerful force capable of leading to changes in society. This power was like an iron plow, sparing neither art, nor poetry, nor even love itself. Turgenev could not disagree with this. He understood that without these simple things, life would be dull, joyless, “not real.” Therefore, Ivan Sergeevich was closer to “aristocratic” judgments about life. Undoubtedly, the aristocrats were not as energetic as the nihilists, but living in a family, taking care of their ostentatious appearance, and carelessly managing the household, they were happy in their own way. And the most important thing that a person must strive for is happiness. In my opinion, Turgenev wanted to show “fatherhood” in the broad sense of the word, which presupposes the love of the older generation for the younger, tolerance, and wisdom. But understanding between fathers and sons exists only ideally. IN real life There are always conflicts between fathers and children. This is what Turgenev showed in his work, and by choosing Bazarov as the main character, with a strong character, with new ideas. Thus, the conflict became even more visible.

3. The problem of “fathers and sons” in the works of modern writers.

The problem of “fathers and sons” continued to worry writers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, because communication between different generations led to serious conflicts, because everyone has their own moral principles, opinions, concepts and much more, because everyone is individual. I want to consider the story “Reckoning” by V. Tendryakov, because in it, as in the novel by I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”, the problem of the relationship between two generations is raised - parents and children. Only the actions, as we understand it, described in the story “Reckoning” take place in the modern world. At the center of the story tragic fate Kolya Koryakin. We see in front of us a tall, thin teenager with an “elongated neck, a sharp chin, a pale, inarticulate grimace.” 8 . He is not even sixteen, and he is already a murderer - the murderer of his own father... But not one Kolya is to blame for this tragedy. The adults who surrounded the boy did not prevent the trouble; they thought only about their own problems. None of them tried to look into the soul of a growing child. No one understood that it was most difficult for him in this difficult situation. First of all, of course, Kolya’s father, Rafail Koryakin, is to blame, since he must be responsible for his child, for his upbringing. With his wild, drunken, cruel life, he daily provoked his son to commit a crime. He became like this because Rafail’s mother Evdokia gave birth to a son very young, almost a girl. “I conceived in disgrace. She nursed me through sorrows,” she often recalled. In a conversation with investigator Sulimov, Evdokia admitted that she “did not love her child even in the womb.” And Raphael felt unloved all his life, useless to anyone, not even his own mother. He didn’t learn to love, he even hated himself, well, what kind of love for his son can we talk about then? While he mocked his wife and son every day, he mocked himself. The guilt is not removed from Kolya’s mother, a quiet, weak, long-suffering woman. For the sake of her son, she had to muster all her inner strength and will to divorce her cruel husband and give the boy the opportunity to grow up in a normal family environment. A calm childhood for a child is the first responsibility of a mother. Didn’t she really understand that the growing son would no longer be able to endure his father’s bullying and sooner or later would rush to his mother’s defense? In his prison cell, Kolka suddenly realizes that he loved his father and cannot find salvation from pity for him. He remembers everything good, bright, pure that happened in his life with his father, and executes himself with such an execution, which was not and is not more terrible: “When a murderer loves the murdered man, this is no longer repentance, this is already mortal torment, a strong and reasonable man does not will survive, and the child even more so...” 9 V. Tendryakov leads readers to the idea that adults are always responsible for the actions of their children. After all, children are a copy of their parents. And each of us has often heard from people around us: “Like children, so are parents.” In this work, parents do not even think about who they will raise. By their behavior, the elders provoked the child to such an act. The boy simply mentally could not stand this whole situation. Although everyone has very difficult life situations questions that cannot be solved, immediately select the correct answer. To be able to find compromises, to use flexibility in solving problems - this is called life wisdom, but a sixteen-year-old boy hardly has life experience. He did everything as he considered necessary for himself, and therefore the death of a loved one occurred.

Another writer touches on this problem in his work -Valentin Rasputin. He is one of the most famous and talented writers Russian literature of the twentieth century. His works are filled with vivid images and thoughts that help reveal the changes taking place in the psychology of modern man.In the story “The Deadline,” the problem of “fathers and sons” is deeper and more multifaceted than it might seem at first glance. The problem is considered by the writer in the context of such concepts as memory, clan, family, home, mother, which should be fundamental for every person.In the center of the story is the image of the old woman Anna, who found herself on the verge of death. Her children gather at the bedside of a dying mother, those for whom she lived, to whom she gave her heart, her love. Anna raised five children, she buried five more, and three died in the war. All her life she knew only one thing: “...children who need to be fed, watered, washed, prepared ahead of time, so that they have something to drink, feed them tomorrow.” 10 . Old woman Anna is the house, its essence, its soul, its hearth. She lived her whole life caring for the House, for harmony and harmony in the family. She often said to her children: “I will die, but you still have to live and live. And you will see each other and come to visit each other. After all, they are not strangers, from the same father and mother. Just go visit more often, don’t forget brother sister, sister brother. And come here too, our whole family is here...” 11. Also V.G. Belinsky wrote: “There is nothing holier and more selfless than a mother’s love; every attachment, every love, every passion is either weak or self-interested in comparison with her!.. Her highest happiness is to see you next to her, and she sends you to where, in her opinion, you have more fun; for your benefit, your happiness, she is ready to decide on permanent separation from you.” 12 . So Anna came to terms with the separation: her children left, arranged their lives as they wanted, and... forgot about the old woman - their mother. “When you need potatoes or something else,” only Varvara comes, and the rest “as if there were no people in the world.” The children, who arrived by telegram from brother Mikhail, give their mother an unexpectedly last term: the joy is such that the mother seems to have changed her mind about dying. Are children happy to have minutes of communication with their mother, whom they saw so rarely in last years and which will never be seen again? Do they understand that Anna’s apparent recovery is only the “last push”, the last breath of life before the inevitable end? With horror and indignation we see that these days are a burden to them, that all of them - Lyusya, Varvara, Ilya - are waiting for their mother to die. They wait, repeating several times whether she is alive, and getting annoyed that she is still alive. For them, the days of their last meeting with Anna are just wasted time. Absorption in everyday life and the vanity of everyday life have so hardened and devastated their souls that they are not able to comprehend or feel everything that is happening to their mother. The tension that shackled everyone in the first minutes of being next to the sick Anna gradually subsides. The solemnity of the moment is disrupted, conversations become free - about earnings, about mushrooms, about vodka. Seeing that the mother got out of bed, the children feel that they came in vain and are going to go home. They don’t even hide their irritation and annoyance that they had to waste their time. It is bitter to realize this for an unhappy mother. She peers into the faces of the children and does not want, cannot accept the changes that have happened to them. My favorite Tatyana did not come to say goodbye to her mother at all. And although Anna understands that it is useless to wait for her daughter’s arrival, her heart refuses to come to terms with this. That’s why she so easily believes Mikhail’s “white lies”, who says that he himself wrote to his sister that her mother felt better and there was no need to come. Anna realizes that she is useless to her children, and the only thing she wants now is to die as soon as possible. To die in order to free her children from the painful need to stay close to her - even in her last minutes she thinks about how not to cause inconvenience to them, not to be a burden for them. Anna's amazing conscientiousness, honesty, wisdom, patience, her thirst for life, all-consuming love for children contrasts so much with the callousness, coldness, indifference, spiritual emptiness and even cruelty of her children that the desperate words of her mother, begging her relatives not to die, are painfully etched into our hearts. to leave, to stay even for a little while: “I’ll die, I’ll die. You'll see. Sedni. Wait a moment. I tell you that I will die, and I will die." 13 . But even this cry from the soul is not able to touch the hearts of children. Without waiting for their mother to die, they go home. With the departure of the children, the last threads connecting Anna with life are cut off. Now nothing holds her, there is no reason for her to live, the fire in her heart that warmed and illuminated her days has gone out. She died that same night. “The children kept her in this world. The children left, life left.” The death of a mother becomes a test for adult children. A test they failed.In this work, the author poses the problem of generations. Children have become different, this can be seen in their attitude towards death: they cannot take death for granted, the anticipation of death is occupied with rituals. Varvara teaches crying, Lyusya sews a black dress, and the sons drink a box of vodka in the bathhouse; they do not feel the scale of the losses. On the first day, the illusion of the clan was created in the house, on the second the children began to feel guilty, and memory began to awaken, nature reminds them of childhood, on the third day the clan broke up, everyone left. When everyone has left the house, the mother dies, we can say that she dies alone and abandoned by everyone, such is the memory and gratitude of the children. The old woman considers herself to blame for the fact that the children grew up differently. They have become envious, strive for material accumulation, have become detached from the earth, cut off from their roots.V. Rasputin warns us with alarm: “You cannot live and work without the memory of your people, your clan, your family. Otherwise, we will become so disconnected and feel alone that it could destroy us.”In my opinion, the story “The Deadline” is still relevant today, since children should always remember and respect their parents, their home, and remember their roots.Current life has brought new colors to the eternal problem of “fathers and sons”: FATHERLESS in the literal and figurative sense. This is the subject of a documentary modern writer Viktor Nikolaev “Fatherlessness” (2008). The heroes of his book are children with distorted lives, for whom the street is their mother and the basement is their father. We are talking about boys and girls who, by an evil irony of fate, ended up behind bars. And each child in this book has his own truth, which adults taught him. Many of them only learned in prison what clean linen and a bed were, and only after getting behind barbed wire did they learn to eat with a spoon and fork. Some guys turn around in surprise when their last and first names are called - they are used to nicknames, most do not know how to write or read.

The terrible stories of children in prison are not easy to read; it was also difficult for the author to visit prisons, talk with teenagers, listen to the stories that these souls growing up behind barbed wire carry within them. Most of the orphans who for their short life we saw so much bad things that an ordinary middle-aged person could never even dream of. These children are our reality: these are drinking neighbors who mutilate their children, these are the children of dead relatives who are sent to orphanages, these are refuseniks - babies in maternity hospitals, this is fatherlessness with living parents... The fates of children pass before us in succession. Petka, who was left without parents, but lived with his grandparents, is zealously social workers sent to an orphanage, from where he escaped. And then the street, company, theft. Similar fate and Valerka, who was left to his own devices - the drinking mother had no time for her son. At the age of ten, he commits a robbery against a drunken neighbor. Further - Orphanage, escape, theft. Stories about the fates of children are interspersed with authentic letters from teenagers who broke the law. Children, once in a colony, gradually begin to realize their guilt, their sins. One teenager in his letter tells how his mother’s cross saved him from suicide. Another writes that the temple that stands in their area helps a lot, that the Divine Liturgy should be held every day. This is the only way, he says, to at least partially cleanse your soul. Where is the reason for teenage crimes, immorality and debauchery that reigns in society in our time? V. Nikolaev gives his answer to this difficult question. He believes that these are not the consequences of yesterday, not the forties - nineties. The root of this lies much deeper - in the rejection of God, God the Father. And the name of what is happening is Fatherlessness. And one cannot but agree with the author. After all, even in past centuries, when all Russian people lived by faith in God and introduced their children to it, the whole family lived as one. Honoring parents was on the same level as honoring God, since it is the Lord who commands to honor parents. In the ten commandments given by God through the prophet Moses, we see that the fifth commandment is: “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long on earth...” 14 Both children and parents lived by one thing - fulfilling God's Law. Now, when few families are built on a single spiritual principle, on the faith of God, we need to turn again to the roots. In order not to become “Ivans who do not remember their kinship,” we must try with all our might to restore peace and understanding in the family and learn to forgive. After all, there are no people closer than parents and children.

The famous Russian philosopher I.A. Ilyin said: “It is the family that gives a person two sacred prototypes, which he carries within himself all his life, and in a living relationship to which his soul grows and his spirit strengthens: the prototype of a pure mother, bringing love, mercy and protection; and the prototype of the good father, who gives nourishment, justice and understanding. Woe to the man who has no place in his soul for these constructive and leading prototypes, these living symbols and at the same time creative sources of spiritual love and spiritual faith!”

4.Results of the study.

The problem of “fathers and sons” arises in almost all forms of organization of human life: in the family, in the work team, in society as a whole. After all, each generation has its own system of views and values, which is very important for it, and each generation is ready to defend this system of values.

V.T. Litovsky describes the sociological surveys he conducted, considering the problem of dialogue between “fathers” and “children”. Thus, when asked whether the problem is relevant in our time, it is noted that about 80% of respondents considered this problem to exist. This means that in the social consciousness of one generation the perceptions of the “other” generation are formed, relations with which are considered problematic. The essence of the problem is a sharp break in the continuity of generations, caused by the transition from one state (the Soviet period) to another (modern) and the socio-economic crisis.

V.T. Litovsky believes that the ways to solve this problem lie in education; it should be aimed at the formation of an independent, socially active personality, capable of competently making decisions and being responsible for them, constantly developing oneself, and participating in real affairs. Also, special attention should be paid to moral education, which will help overcome widespread ignorance among young people.

I also decided to conduct a survey among students and find out the attitude of my peers to the problem under consideration.

  1. Is there a problem of “fathers and sons” in the modern world?

A) Yes

B) No

  1. What are the causes of the “fathers and sons” problem?

A) Misunderstanding

B) desire to exalt oneself in front of the older or younger generation.

IN) The older generation, wanting to help the younger, offers their own method of solving this or that issue

3.What is the root of the problem of “fathers and sons”?

A) in basic disrespect for each other;
B) in fear of loss of influence;
C) in the selfishness of both sides;
D) in the absence of love;
D) unwillingness to understand each other;
E) in parents’ misunderstanding of the meaning of their children’s lives.

A) Yes

B) No

B) Not completely

If yes, then identify ways to solve the problem of “fathers and sons”?

After conducting a survey in the eighth and eleventh grade, I received the following results:

Is there a problem of “fathers and sons” in the modern world?

What is the root of the “fathers and sons” problem?

Is the problem of “fathers and sons” solvable in our time?

Some students offered their vision of solving this problem. For example, we need to listen to each other, although this is very difficult. It takes a lot of patience and mutual understanding. Others suggest that when a problem arises, adults should remember themselves in their youth and put themselves in our position. Another solution to the problem is to simply spend more time together. Well, most teenagers believe that they need to stop thinking only about themselves.

As a result of the study, it was revealed that eleventh grade gymnasium students unanimously (100%) believe that the problem of “fathers and sons” exists in the modern world. Eighth grade students, on the contrary, mostly (83%) believe that this problem does not stand out to them. This means that my classmates practically have no problems with their parents!

III .3 conclusion.

While working on the project, I came to the conclusion that the problem of “fathers and sons” is one of the most dramatic and popular themes in Russian classics, which is why it has found its expression in many works of Russian writers. This topic has truly become the theme of various centuries.

It's not even that soviet people They look at the world differently than the modern generation, and it’s not a matter of eras at all. The main reason is a conflict of interest. Parents are worried about the child, and naturally, they try to protect him and protect him from problems. They forbid you to walk late in the evenings with an unknown company, force you to go to school and study, and constantly read some kind of moral teaching. Parents, for humane reasons, do not want anything bad to happen to their child. But the child does not understand this because he constantly needs new things. And parents not only do not give this new thing, but also try to protect it. It doesn’t matter to the child for what reasons this is done. He, like his parents, experiences internal conflict. He also does not want to cause pain and tears to his parents. But at the same time, he has an inner impulse for something new. He wants to experience new feelings and does not want to lag behind his peers.

Adults often fall behind. They think that children are still children. That they are not ready for anything yet. And “adult” fifteen-year-old teenagers want independence. And they get the feeling that their parents’ care is dragging them down. As a result, misunderstanding grows between the child and the father, developing into an abyss. There is no dialogue between father and son or daughter and mother. This contradiction gives rise to the problem of “fathers and sons.”

In my opinion, the materials of this project may be of interest to literature teachers, psychologists, sociologists for the purpose of using extracurricular activities, in literature lessons, psychological trainings and in everyday life to resolve conflict situations.

IV. Bibliography.

During my work I used the following books:

1. Griboyedov A.S. Woe from the mind. - Essays. M., 1956.

2. Natalya Nikiforova. Problems of a modern family

3..Nikolaev V.N. Without Fatherhood.-Publishing houseSoftizdat. – 2008.

4. Tendryakov V.F. Pay-Collected works: in 4 volumes / V. F. Tendryakov - 1988

5. Rasputin V.G. Deadline - M.: Publishing House "Fiction" - 1937

6. Internet resources.

7. Sociological journalism. Lisovsky V.T. "Fathers and Sons"

8. Turgenev I.S. Fathers and Sons. – Collection soch., vol. 3. M., 1953.

9. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. – M.: Education, 1997.

V. Appendix.

1 (page 5) .

2 (page 5) Griboyedov A.S. Comedy “Woe from Wit” - 210 pages..

3 (page 5)

4 (page 6) Griboyedov A.S. Comedy “Woe from Wit” - 210 pp.

5 (page 6). Griboyedov A.S. Comedy “Woe from Wit” - 210 pp.

6 (p. 7) Turgenev I.S. Novel “Fathers and Sons” -360 pp.

7 (p. 8) Turgenev I.S. Novel “Fathers and Sons” -360 pages.

8 (page 10)

9 (page 10) Tendryakov V.F. Collection of prose “Reckoning” - 250 pp.

10 (page 11).

11 (page 11) Rasputin V.G. Tale “The Deadline” - 390 pages.

12 (page 11) Rasputin V.G. Tale “The Deadline” - 390 pages.

13 (page 12) Rasputin V.G. Tale “The Deadline” - 390 pages.

14 (page 13) Nikolaev V.N. Documentary story “Fatherless” - 620 pages.

Review of an essay on literature “The problem of “fathers and sons””, written by a student of grade 8 “A” of the MBOU “Gymnasium No. 20” Sofia Kiryukhina.

This topic of research work was not chosen by chance, since Sofia Kiryukhina believes that the problem of “fathers and sons” is much more relevant today than before, because the progress of society and its development give rise to disagreements between the older and younger generations.

In this regard, when writing the work, the student set herself the goal of using examples of works of literature to prove the relevance of this problem at any stage of the development of society.

Kiryukhina Sophia begins her research by considering the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”, where the “present century” and the “past century” collide.

Then the student turns to the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons", in which fathers and children are representatives of different social ideas.

Continuing her research, Sophia considers V. Tendryakov’s story “Reckoning,” in which the author leads readers to the idea that adults are always responsible for the actions of their children.

In the story “The Last Term” by V. Rasputin, the student notes, the problem of “fathers and sons” is considered by the writer in the context of such concepts as clan, family, home, mother, which should be fundamental for every person.

Next, Sophia Kiryukhina turns to V. Nikolaev’s documentary story “Fatherlessness,” in which the author tries to explain the causes of teenage crimes, immorality and promiscuity that reign in modern society.

At the conclusion of her work, the student presents the results of a study she conducted among her peers on the problem under consideration.

The design of the work fully complies with the requirements for the abstract: content, links to the authors’ statements, list of references used.

This work deserves high praise.

We all live on the same planet and, as we often like to say, we make up one big happy family. We are all children of different eras. Each person has his own view of things. Among people of the same time, they (the views) are somewhat similar, which usually cannot be said about the views of representatives of different generations. Therefore, a clash of different points of view is inevitable.

The most important, in my opinion, is the problem of “fathers and children”, in other words, the problem of relations between the older generation and the generation of “children”. Communication between them is both necessary and inevitable. It is between “fathers” and “children” that many problems arise. The question of “fathers and sons” worried representatives of different eras; it was raised more than once in Russian literature. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev reflected on this question in the novel “Fathers and Sons.” In his work, the problem of “fathers and sons” is consonant with the time of writing, but has much in common with its modern version of sound. The author presents to the reader the judgments of his heroes: “... a son is not his father’s judge...”, “The pill is bitter - but you need to swallow it.”

The problem of “fathers and sons” is still relevant today. However, today it has acquired a slightly different color. In the modern world, it seems to me, this question arises from a misunderstanding, a desire to exalt oneself in front of the older or younger generation.

Misunderstanding is a flaw modern society, and the misunderstanding between “fathers” and “children” is a tragedy of two generations. It is main reason, a prerequisite for the problem to arise. In my opinion, misunderstanding arises at the slightest clash of different views on the same subject. To complete the presentation of this issue, I will give a fairly simple example...

Very often the problem I am considering arises in school, most often between a student and a teacher. As a rule, in our time, the role of a teacher is played by a person of the so-called old school, in other words, brought up in harsh war and post-war conditions. In his perception of life certain things have been established. new rules of conduct. For this person they are undeniable. Most often, such a teacher does not perceive a liberal attitude to life. He, naturally, shows the student the correct, as it seems to him, path of behavior. Here, rejection or misunderstanding of the student’s individual choice and opinion is manifested. But there is no problem with this yet. The student's reaction is important here. There are two options. One of them provides, if not complete submission, then some concessions on the part of the junior. This option is ideal in this case. However, another option is also possible, in which the student puts his individuality above the opinion of his elder. This is, I think, the problem. Here both sides show not so much selfishness as rejection of other people's opinions.

The second reason for the problem is the desire to exalt oneself. This may not be the most important reason, but it is of great importance. This phenomenon is not as selfish as it seems at first glance; it is rather of a natural nature, because it is inherent in the minds of most people by nature. And since this trait can manifest itself exclusively in communication, especially between different generations, it will primarily serve to create the problem I am considering. However, this is not the only drawback. It can be noted that a desire of this kind is also the immediate cause for the emergence of misunderstanding.

But as for the problem of “fathers and sons” in general, an analysis of its causes cannot lead to its solution. It occurs almost instantly, and it is impossible to prevent it. After a problem appears, a process of development of the so-called “problem situation” occurs. In my opinion, this point is the most interesting to consider. Development is the most painful stage. It involves a change in emotional tone between two parties, or rather an increase in tone. Of course, the event happens gradually. During this period, the representative of each side experiences the highest nervous tension.

In the family, this can be expressed by constant disputes between parents and children, in school - by the dissatisfaction of a student with a teacher or a teacher with a student. This stage is perhaps the longest in the entire development of relationships. And the longer it goes on, the more obvious the conflict outcome.

The next stage can be the conflict itself, although it is not necessary. In such a situation, both the younger and the older ones are patient, restrained, and well-mannered people. They cannot afford to lose their temper and thus show their negative side.

Conflict is a kind of completion of a problematic situation. However, the problem still remains unresolved.

Passing from generation to generation, it (the problem) turns out to be eternal. In confirmation of this, I want to say that Turgenev’s words still ring true for the older generation: “What you were taught - it turns out - is nonsense... good people don’t bother with such trifles anymore... you’re supposedly retarded kol-pak..." I conclude that the problem of "fathers and sons" will never find an ideal solution. From the problem I am considering, as from any other, there is a way out. It is possible, in my opinion, with partial concessions on both sides. The ideal relationship between “fathers and children” implies understanding and attention from both children and parents. But it seems to me that this is not always possible in real life. The older generation, wanting to help the younger, offers its own method of solving this or that issue. Most often based on personal experience and considering the proposed path optimal, they do not think about individuality human destiny and, as a rule, they gradually begin to simply impose their point of view. The relationship between parents and children must be one that both the elders and the younger will need. The upbringing of children is of paramount importance here. In this I see the only possible solution to the problem of “fathers and sons.” The fate of their child primarily depends on the parents at that stage when the best traits of his character are laid and developed in the child’s mind. Any person should know from an early age that he, like all people, has the right to his own opinion, that patience, understanding and respect for parents are qualities that will help him go through his long and difficult life path.

Our country will always remain the richest, the strongest, the very best, because nowhere will you meet people like Andrei Sokolov! Even if people begin to appear in Russia who are ready to spit on honor and conscience, their number will always be small compared to the number of decent people to whom honor and conscience are not alien. You can think this way ad infinitum. Now, having re-read what was written, I realized that the concepts of honor and conscience are very conditional, very subjective. They depend on the value system adopted in any country, in any circle. IN different countries, different people have completely different interpretations and meanings of conscience and honor. And I really want to hope that someday in the future the concepts of honor and conscience throughout the world will be the same, uniting in different countries now and those that existed before, but have not reached our time.

And I really want as many people as possible to have such virtues as honor and conscience.