Description of the presentation Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol - writer - satirist Comedy “The Inspector General” on slides

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol - writer - satirist Comedy "The Inspector General"

“True - false” statements 1. N.V. Gogol - second writer half of the 19th century century. NO 2. In his youth, he brilliantly played the role of Prostakova in the play “The Minor.” YES 3. The plot of the comedy “The Inspector General” was suggested to Gogol by A.S. Pushkin. YES 4. The play premiered in Moscow. NO 5. The location of the comedy is a capital city. NO 6. Time period: second half of the 13th century. NO

“True - False” statements 1. N.V. Gogol is the creator of the works “Viy”, “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” Yes 2. N.V. Gogol was a very pious and religious person. YES 3. Gogol knew how to draw, knit and embroider. YES 4. A few days before his death, he burns the second volume “ Dead souls» YES 5. The main characters of the story “Taras Bulba” are Osip and Andrey. NO 6. Years of the writer’s life: 1809 – 1841 NO

Drama In the 30s of the 19th century, Gogol seriously thought about Russian comedy. He continued the development of the creative achievements of his predecessors: D. I. Fonvizin ("The Minor") A. S. Griboyedov ("Woe from Wit") It is known that in one of the meetings in October 1835, Pushkin conveyed the plot of "The Inspector General" to Gogol. The writer worked on the text of the comedy for 17 years.

Features of a dramatic work A dramatic work is intended to be staged. The play is divided into parts, actions, acts. There may be scenes, pictures, phenomena within the action. At the heart of a dramatic work is conflict. In the play, in dialogic and monologue forms, the speech of the characters is recreated, their actions and behavior in general are reproduced. Each period of the characters' speech is called a replica. The plays have stage directions (author's explanations) that help to introduce the characters and understand their actions.

Analysis of a dramatic work: Genre Composition (E. - Z. k. - R. d. - Kulm. -R.) Characters(actions, speech, characterization) Conflict Issues Meaning of the title Drama Tragedy Composition Climax Conflict Remark Replica Dialogue Monologue

Literary theory COMEDY is a dramatic work with a cheerful, funny plot, means of satire and humor, ridiculing the vices of society and man. COMEDY is a type of dramatic work based on ridicule of social and human imperfections. REMAARKA (from the French remarque - mark, note) - an author's note in the text of a play (for the reader, director, actor), an explanation containing a brief or detailed description of the playwright. actions, household parts, appearance characters, features of their behavior, speech, etc.

Image creation tools in dramatic work: Decoration (interior); Remarks; Character speech; Self-characteristics; Mutual characteristics of heroes; Characters' actions; Artistic detail; Speaking names;

The history of the creation of the comedy “The Inspector General” In October 1835, addressing A.S. Pushkin, Gogol asked: “Do me a favor, give me some kind of funny or unfunny, but purely Russian joke... Do me a favor, give me a plot, the spirit will be a comedy of five acts, and I swear it will be funnier than the devil!” The author chose high, noble laughter to combat everything bad that was in Tsarist Russia, because he was deeply convinced that “even those who are not afraid of anything are afraid of laughter.”

The first performance of "The Inspector General" took place on April 19, 1836 on stage Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. “In The Inspector General,” Gogol later recalled, “I decided to collect in one pile everything bad in Russia that I knew then, all the injustices that are done in those places and in those cases where justice is most required from a person, and for laugh at everything at once." Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich not only attended the premiere himself, but also ordered his ministers to watch The Inspector General. During the performance he clapped and laughed a lot, and when leaving the box he said: “Well, a play! Everyone got it, and I got it more than everyone else!”

““Everyone is against me...” Gogol complained in a letter to the famous actor Shchepkin. “The police are against me, the merchants are against me, the writers are against me.” After the production of “The Inspector General” on stage, Gogol is full of gloomy thoughts. He was not entirely satisfied with the acting. He is depressed by the general misunderstanding. The comedy “The Inspector General” is a broad picture of the bureaucratic and bureaucratic rule of feudal Russia in the 30s. Gogol managed to draw each image in such a way that it did not lose its individual originality, while at the same time representing a typical phenomenon of life of that period. The comedy, written with intelligence and talent, with true comic gaiety, was a complete success on stage: the general attention of the audience, applause, heartfelt and unanimous laughter, the challenge of the author after the first two performances, the greed of the audience for subsequent performances.

Comedy "The Inspector General" City officials NN. . ... if you drive from here for three years, you won’t reach any state.

Plot and composition What is exposition? Which part is an exposition to The Inspector General? When does the conflict begin? What events take place in acts 1-2 of the comedy? Why is there no indication of the city name? How does the district town N appear before us?

Social conflict Why were officials so frightened by the news about the auditor? What do they see as salvation? “There is no person who does not have some sins behind him” (Governor) “ “Oh, oh, ho, ho-x! sinful, sinful in many ways... Oh my God, my God! (Instead of a hat he wants to put on a paper case) Orders from the mayor!

A satirical denunciation of bureaucracy in a comedy What “sins” could an auditor detect in each of the officials? What character traits did the author give to the officials? What do they have in common? Fill out the table (group work) Select from the comedy text the most striking, “talking” lines of the characters, indicating the real state of affairs in the provincial town.

NN City Officials Position Name Speech characteristics(quotes!) What's wrong with his work? What are the “sins”? Main character traits Mayor Superintendent of schools Judge Trustee of charitable institutions Postmaster

Which of the characters in the comedy... Took bribes with greyhound puppies (Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin) Finds it difficult to communicate with the sick because he doesn’t know Russian (doctor Christian Ivanovich) Out of curiosity, reads other people’s letters (Postmaster) for the sake of order, puts flashlights under everyone’s eyes - both right and wrong. (policeman Derzhimorda) After all, you heard that Cheptovich and Varkhovinsky started a lawsuit, and now I have the luxury of hunting hares on the lands of both. (judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin)

Who speaks about whom: He’s lying, he’s lying - and it won’t end anywhere! But what a nondescript, short one, it seems that he would have crushed him with a fingernail. (Governor about Khlestakov) ...... but when I got to Alexander the Great, I can’t tell you what happened to him. I thought it was a fire, by God! He ran away from the pulpit and with all the strength he had, he slammed the chair on the floor. (The mayor about the history teacher) And deliberately look at the children: not one of them looks like Dobchinsky, but everyone, even the little girl, is like the spitting image of a judge. (A.F. Strawberry to Khlestakov about Lyapkin-Tyapkin) If only I could find out what he is and to what extent I need to be afraid of him. (Governor about Khlestakov)

The head of the city, Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky Gorodnichy, was a representative of the local administration in the 19th century. , carried out police functions in the city, monitored the condition of the mountains. institutions. “Already old in the service and a very intelligent man in his own way. Although he is a bribe-taker, he behaves respectably; he is quite serious, even somewhat resonant... His every word is significant... The transition from fear to joy, from meanness to arrogance is quite fast, like in a person with roughly developed inclinations of the soul. » Has a wife and daughter.

Anna Andreevna is the mayor’s wife. “A provincial coquette, not yet quite old, brought up half on novels and albums, half on the chores in her pantry and maid’s room. She is very curious and shows vanity on occasion. » Marya Antonovna is the daughter of the mayor.

Education Luka Lukich Khlopov Position - superintendent of schools Rank - titular councilor Class - IXIX “Of course, Alexander the Great is a hero, but why break chairs? »

Court Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin Position - judge Chin - collegiate assessor Class - VIII “A person who has read five or six books, and therefore is somewhat free-thinking... He gives weight to each of his words. »

Healthcare, social provision Atremy Filippovich Strawberry Position - trustee of charitable institutions Rank - court councilor Class - VIIVII ". . . A sly and a rogue. Very helpful and fussy. “Since I took over, it may even seem incredible to you, everyone has been recovering like flies. The patient will not have time to enter the infirmary before he is already healthy; and not so much with medications, but with honesty and order.

Mail, telegraph Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin postmaster (head of the post office) Rank - court councilor Class - VIIVII “A man who is simple-minded to the point of naivety. »

City landowners Pyotr Ivanovich Bobchinsky Pyotr Ivanovich Dobchinsky “Both are short, short, very curious... both speak quickly and help a lot with gestures and hands. »

Final question: What social vices does Gogol expose in the activities of the mayor and officials of the district town?

Vices (morals) of a district town (based on N.V. Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General”) Bribery Lawlessness and arbitrariness of authorities Arbitrariness of the “owners” of the city Embezzlement Humiliation of human dignity Cynicism of actions, vulgarity Robbery of the population Drinking parties, card games, gossip Laziness Extremely low education Fraud Impunity

Comedy “The Inspector General” The image of Khlestakov Khlestakovshchina as a moral phenomenon “Khlestakov is the most difficult image in the play”

Comment on the quote No, I don’t know, but I really like this kind of life. Wow! exceeded a thousand. . . Come on, now, captain, come on, catch me now! Let's see who wins! I'm not telling you this jokingly. . . I can go crazy with love. I love to eat. After all, you live to pick flowers of pleasure.

Think and answer What does Osip say about Khlestakov? How does Khlestakov transform into significant person? How do Khlestakov’s actions and speech characterize him? What is Khlestakov’s opinion about all officials (letter!)? What role does the “scene of lies” play in understanding the image of Khlestakov (act. 3, scene VI)?

What is the mystery of Khlestakov’s character? Officials see perfectly well that he is stupid, but the height of his rank overshadows any human qualities. Literary scholars argue: G. Gukovsky showed that in the “scene of lies” Khlestakov says what is expected of him, and V. Ermilov - that Khlestakov’s fear forced him to play the role of “auditor”. Which opinion would you subscribe to? What do you think?

Characteristics of the hero: 1. Place occupied by the hero in the work 2. Social and marital status hero 3. Portrait, costume features, manners 4. Actions, behavioral characteristics, feelings 5. Life goals, interests, habits 6. Relationships with other characters 7. Speech as a means of characterizing the hero 8. Meaning literary hero(typing)

KHLESTAKOV is... Khlestakov is central character comedies. This is a young man of about twenty-three, thin, skinny, despised by everyone. Even his own servant does not respect him. Khlestakov is an official, has a low rank, “elistrate”. He is flighty, “without a king in his head,” and is dissatisfied with his life, but his stupidity does not allow him to try to change his life. Khlestakov’s life goal is entertainment. Likes to lie. Card player.

Typification of the image The image of Khlestakov is a brilliant artistic generalization of Gogol. The meaning of this image is that it represents an indissoluble unity of “significance” and insignificance, grandiose claims and inner emptiness. Khlestakov is a typical representative of the era; it is a concentration of many traits in one person. That is why the life of the era was reflected in “The Government Inspector” with enormous force, and the images of Gogol’s comedy became those artistic types that make it possible to more clearly understand the social phenomena of that time.

What is “Khlestakovism”? Everyone, at least for a minute. . . was or is being made by Khlestakov, but, naturally, he just doesn’t want to admit it. And a clever guards officer will sometimes turn out to be a Khlestakov, and a statesman will sometimes turn out to be a Khlestakov, and so will our brother, a sinful writer. . . In short, it’s rare that someone won’t be one at least once in their life. . . (N.V. Gogol. Excerpt from a letter after the first performance of “The Inspector General”)

What is “Khlestakovism”? KHLESTAKOVSHCHINA - KHLESTAKOVSHCHINA, (colloquial) - Shameless, unbridled boasting [named after Khlestakov, the hero of Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General”]. ( Dictionary Ozhegova) Impudent, deceitfully frivolous boasting, boasting, boasting, fanfare, self-praise, boasting.

The finale of the comedy Gogol believed that in comedy the honest, noble face was LAUGHTER. What kind of laughter—entertaining or menacing—was he talking about? Can the ending of a comedy be considered funny? Why? What paths would have been possible for Khlestakov if he had stayed in the city? What is the meaning of the “silent scene”? Why is it so important?

Conclusions How did you understand the meaning of the epigraph preceding the comedy? What do you think the comedy “The Inspector General” is about? What problems does the author make you think about? What is interesting about the creative style of Gogol, a satirist? Write a syncwine for the word “Khlestakov”

Homework: Know the content of the comedy; prepare for test work based on the comedy by N.V. Gogol; Read “On the novelty of “The Inspector General””, answer the questions in the textbook (pp. 352 -358);

(“The story of how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich”)

Working on “The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich,” Gogol wants to reveal the comic outside tragic conflicts life, in the area of ​​“boring”. It is wide, this area - from the seemingly idyllic forms of existence within the neglected estate of the Tovstogubs to the anecdotal quarrel and litigation of two Mirgorod friends Pererepenko and Dovgochkhun, the story of which ends with the famous words: “It’s boring in this world, gentlemen!”

The story opens with a deliberately enthusiastic description of Ivan Ivanovich’s costume, house and garden. And the more the writer “admires” his hero, the greater the worthlessness of this person is revealed to us. With undisguised sarcasm, Gogol describes the “pious man Ivan Ivanovich,” who goes to church only to talk with the poor after the service, find out their needs, but do not give anything. He reasons “very logically”:

What are you worth? I'm not hitting you...

Ivan Ivanovich loves it very much if someone gives him a gift or presents him with a present. He really likes it. A couch potato and a windbag, Ivan Ivanovich, due to the habits of those around him and thanks to his property status, is considered a decent person in Mirgorod.

His neighbor Ivan Nikiforovich is just as “good”. It is not so much high as it “extends in thickness.” He is a couch potato and a grumbler, does not watch his speech and sometimes allows such words that his neighbor Ivan Ivanovich, an “esthete,” only says in response: “Enough, enough, Ivan Nikiforovich; It’s better to go out into the sun rather than say such ungodly words.” However, the author concludes, despite some differences, both friends are “wonderful people.”

A carefree and idle life made these landowners idle, busy only with how to entertain and amuse their idleness. We are not talking about any spiritual growth or personal self-improvement. These heroes don’t even know these words. They are purely busy with their own personalities, satisfying their most primitive needs. And when the slightest obstacle arises in the way of these needs, then a real battle breaks out. Moreover, the methods used by both sides are as unworthy as their perpetrators.

With unsurpassed skill and humor, Gogol shows how lightning quickly Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich turn from bosom friends to sworn enemies. “Military actions” unfold between them, ending with the damage to Ivan Nikiforovich’s goose barn, carried out with “knightly fearlessness” by Ivan Ivanovich.

With undisguised sarcasm, Gogol describes Mirgorod, in which these events took place. What kind of spirituality and heights of thought can one expect from the inhabitants of a city whose main attraction was “an amazing puddle!” The only one you have ever seen! It occupies almost the entire area. Beautiful puddle! Houses and small houses, which from a distance can be mistaken for haystacks, circle around and marvel at its beauty...”

The heroes of the story perked up and perked up when the quarrel arose. They now have a purpose in life. Everyone wants to win a battle in court. They go to the city, submit papers to all authorities, spend their income on gifts to officials of all ranks, but do not achieve any visible results. They stand on the same rung of the social ladder. Therefore, “their work” is unlikely to end in the foreseeable future. It will end only with the death of one of those on trial. But neither Ivan Ivanovich nor Ivan Nikiforovich understands this. They take the illusion of life for life itself, drowning in litigation and slander, they have lost the original comfort and well-being that they had.

“The story of how Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich quarreled” was included in the collection “Mirgorod” along with the historical and heroic story “Taras Bulba”. Such proximity helped the writer to show all the pettiness and baseness of the actions and thoughts of Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich in comparison with the real exploits of Taras and his comrades. The author becomes bored from contemplating his heroes. Are the times of great deeds really gone?! The author continues this theme in his brilliant work “ Dead souls”.

Working on “The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich,” Gogol wants to reveal the comic outside the tragic conflicts of life, in the area of ​​the “boring.” It is wide, this area - from the apparently idyllic forms of existence within the confines of the neglected Tovstogub estate to the anecdotal quarrel and litigation of two Mirgorod friends Pererepenko and Dovgochkhun, the story of which ends with the famous words: “It’s boring in this world, gentlemen!”
The story opens with a deliberately enthusiastic description of the costume, house and garden

Ivan Ivanovich. And the more the writer “admires” his hero, the greater the worthlessness of this person is revealed to us. With undisguised sarcasm, Gogol describes the “pious man Ivan Ivanovich,” who goes to church only to talk with the poor after the service, find out their needs, but do not give anything. He reasons “very logically”:
- Why are you standing there? After all, I don't hit you.
Ivan Ivanovich loves it very much if someone gives him a gift or presents him with a present. He really likes it. A couch potato and a windbag, Ivan Ivanovich, due to the habits of those around him and thanks to his property status, is considered a decent person in Mirgorod.
His neighbor Ivan Nikiforovich is just as “good”. It is not so much high as it “extends in thickness.” He is a couch potato and a grumbler, does not watch his speech and sometimes allows such words that his neighbor Ivan Ivanovich, an “esthete,” only says in response: “Enough, enough, Ivan Nikiforovich; It’s better to go out into the sun rather than say such ungodly words.” However, the author concludes, despite some differences, both friends are “wonderful people.”
A carefree and idle life made these landowners idle, busy only with how to entertain and amuse their idleness. We are not talking about any spiritual growth or personal self-improvement. These heroes don’t even know these words. They are purely busy with their own personalities, satisfying their most primitive needs. And when the slightest obstacle arises in the way of these needs, then a real battle breaks out. Moreover, the methods used by both sides are as unworthy as their perpetrators.
With unsurpassed skill and humor, Gogol shows how lightning quickly Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich turn from bosom friends to sworn enemies. “Military actions” unfold between them, ending with the damage to Ivan Nikiforovich’s goose barn, carried out with “knightly fearlessness” by Ivan Ivanovich.
With undisguised sarcasm, Gogol describes Mirgorod, in which these events took place. What kind of spirituality and heights of thought can one expect from the inhabitants of a city whose main attraction was the “amazing puddle!” The only one you have ever seen! It occupies almost the entire area. Beautiful puddle! Houses and small houses, which from a distance can be mistaken for haystacks, when surrounded around, marvel at its beauty.”
The heroes of the story perked up and perked up when the quarrel arose. They now have a purpose in life. Everyone wants to win a battle in court. They go to the city, submit papers to all authorities, spend their income on gifts to officials of all ranks, but do not achieve any visible results. They stand on the same rung of the social ladder. Therefore, “their work” is unlikely to end in the foreseeable future. It will end only with the death of one of those on trial. But neither Ivan Ivanovich nor Ivan Nikiforovich understands this. They take the illusion of life for life itself, drowning in litigation and slander, they have lost the original comfort and well-being that they had.
“The story of how Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich quarreled” was included in the collection “Mirgorod” along with the historical and heroic story “Taras Bulba”. Such proximity helped the writer to show all the pettiness and baseness of the actions and thoughts of Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich in comparison with the real exploits of Taras and his comrades. The author becomes bored from contemplating his heroes. Are the times of great deeds really gone?! The author continues this theme in his brilliant work “Dead Souls”.

  1. The great Russian critic V. G. Belinsky said that the task of poetry is “to extract the poetry of life from the prose of life and to shock souls with a faithful image of this life.” This is the kind of writer...
  2. Reading the second act, let's focus our attention on the following questions: What does Osip tell about Khlestakov? Which scene is the most comical and why? Why are Mayor and Khlestakov behaving so ridiculously? How...
  3. Before you consider final scene, where the reading of Khlestakov’s letter takes place, the return of which is not possible, since by order of the mayor the best horses were given to him, let’s look at the previous text. Let's read it again...
  4. In his story “The Overcoat,” Gogol addresses the theme of the “little man.” Gogol writes about the fate of a poor, unremarkable St. Petersburg official - “the eternal titular adviser.” Deprived of external attractiveness, Bashmachkin discovers that...
  5. My thoughts, my name, my works will belong to Russia. Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol began writing the poem in 1835 on the persistent advice of Pushkin. After many years of wandering around Europe, Gogol...
  6. There is a famous saying relating to Gogol’s work: “laughter through tears.” Gogol's laughter. Why is he never carefree? Why even in “Sorochinskaya Fair”, one of the brightest and most cheerful works...
  7. Gogol's works cover the period of the 40s of the 19th century. It was a time of rampant bureaucracy and the bureaucratic apparatus in favorable conditions of Russian reality. Moreover, it was a time of merciless exploitation...
  8. There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked. Popular proverb Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is a wonderful Russian writer who knew how to notice and ridicule the negative aspects of Russian reality. Along with Fonvizin and Griboedov, Gogol...
  9. The great Russian writer, playwright, critic, publicist, Gogol began his journey in literature as the creator of a book of novellas and short stories from the Ukrainian folk life“Evenings on a farm near Dikanka” (1831-1832). Romantic...
  10. In the cheerful comedy and humor of “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka,” Belinsky saw the fullness of life, its truthful image: “This is a cheerful comedy, the smile of a young man greeting God’s beautiful world. Everything is bright here, everything...
  11. In “Dead Souls” Gogol widely depicted pictures of Russian reality. The writer created a huge epic canvas, which reflected all of Rus', albeit “on the one hand.” The main place in the poem is given to the gallery...
  12. The concept of “dead soul” in the poem has several meanings; Chichikov buys up “dead souls” in order to, having drawn up a bill of sale, pledge the purchased peasants as living ones to the guardianship council and receive for them...
  13. The events depicted in the story “Taras Bulba” date back to the distant past, when southern Russia was engulfed in the flames of the struggle against foreign conquerors. Plunging into the long past and comparing it with the present, Gogol...
  14. One of the cross-cutting themes of Russian literature of the nineteenth century was the theme of the “little man.” What is meant in literary criticism by the term “ little man"? This is a hero in whom there is nothing heroic. He's not nice...
  15. Phrases that reveal the typicality of Taras Bulba: “Taras was one of the indigenous, old colonels: he was all created for abusive alarm.” He belonged to the Cossacks who spent most of their lives in...
  16. Mayor (Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky Anton Antonovich) - The second (after Khlestakov) comedy character in importance; “Head” of the district town, from which “you’ll ride for 3 years and won’t reach any state.” Such a “middle” city should...
  17. The poem “Dead Souls” was written at a time when serfdom dominated in Russia. The landowners disposed of their peasants, like things or livestock, and could buy and sell them. The wealth of the landowner was determined...
  18. In the notes to the first volume of Dead Souls, Gogol wrote: “The idea of ​​the city. Gossip that went beyond limits, how all this arose from idleness and took on the expression of the ridiculous to the highest degree. The whole city with...
  19. The main characters of Nikolai Vasilevich Gogol's story “Taras Bulba” are Ostap and Andriy. Their father, the experienced Colonel Taras Bulba, had a great influence on them. Ostap completely agreed with...
  20. These themes and images were drawn by Gogol from the life of the Ukrainian people, from folk art. Even during his stay at the Nizhyn gymnasium, Gogol was keenly interested in folk life and creativity. In the “Book...


In 1852, after Gogol’s death, Nekrasov wrote a beautiful poem

a creation that can be an epigraph to Gogol’s entire work:

Feeding my chest with hatred,

Armed with satire,

He goes through a thorny path

With your punishing lyre.

These lines seem to give the exact definition of Gogo's satire.

Well, satire is an evil, sarcastic ridicule of not just general

human shortcomings, but also social vices. This is not a good laugh

sometimes “through tears invisible to the world,” because (and Gogol believed so)

it is the satirical ridicule of the negative in our lives that can serve

live for its correction. Laughter is a weapon, a sharp, military weapon, with

with whose help the writer struggled all his life with the “abominations of Russian action”


The great satirist began his creative path from a description of everyday life,

morals and customs of Ukraine, dear to his heart, gradually moving to a description

dignity of all vast Rus'. Nothing escaped the attentive eye

artist: neither the vulgarity and parasitism of the landowners, nor meanness and nothingness

the cruelty of the inhabitants. "Mirgorod", "Arabesque", "The Inspector General", "Marriage",

"Nose", "Dead Souls" - biting satire to existing reality.

Gogol became the first of the Russian writers whose work received

the clearest reflection of the negative phenomena of life. Belinsky called Go-

Golya head of the new realistic school: "With the time of publication

"Mirgorod" and "The Inspector General" Russian literature took on a completely new

direction." The critic believed that "the perfect truth of life in stories

Gogol is closely connected with the simplicity of fiction. He doesn't flatter life, but

does not slander her; he is happy to bring out everything that is beautiful in her -

racial, human, and at the same time does not hide its ugly

The satirical writer, referring to the “shadow of little things”, to the “cold,

fragmented, everyday characters", must have a subtle feeling

your measure, artistic tact, passionate love for nature. Knowing about

difficult, harsh field of a satirical writer, Gogol still did not renounce

from him and became one, taking the following words as the motto of his work:

the son of his homeland could, in the conditions of Nikolaev Russia, dare to bring to

light of the bitter truth in order to promote the shattered creativity

the reduction of the feudal-serf system, thereby promoting the movement

Russia forward.

In "The Inspector General" Gogol "collected into one pile everything bad in Russia"

brought out a whole gallery of bribe takers, embezzlers, ignoramuses, fools, liars

etc. Everything in The Inspector General is funny: the plot itself, when the first person of the city

mistakes for an auditor from the capital a idle talker, a man with an extraordinary

ease of thought", Khlestakov's transformation from the cowardly "elistra-

Tishki" into "general" (after all, those around him take him for the general-

la), the scene of Khlestakov’s lies, the scene of a declaration of love for two yes-

mom, and, of course, the denouement and the silent comedy scene.

Gogol did not bring out in his comedy " positive hero". Polo

living principle in The Inspector General, which embodied the high moral

the writer’s personal and social ideal, which underlies his satire,

became “laughter,” the only “honest face” in comedy. It was laughter, pi-

sal Gogol, “who completely flies away from the bright nature of man...

because at its bottom there is an eternally flowing spring, which deepens

the object, makes something stand out brightly that would have slipped through without

the penetrating power of which the trifles and emptiness of life would not frighten so much


Satirically depicting the nobility and bureaucratic society,

endlessly loves his native country and its people. Evil satire serves precisely

this great love. Condemning everything bad in the public and state

a way out in serf Rus'. Gogol writes with deep love about the people

de. There is no more accusatory satire here, only sadness about

some aspects of the life of the people generated by serfdom. Write-

I am optimistic and deeply believe in the bright future of Russia.

I would like to finish the work with the lines of Nekrasov:

They curse him from all sides,

And just seeing his corpse,

They will understand how much he has done

And how he loved while hating.

The great satirist began his creative journey with a description of the life, morals and customs of Ukraine, gradually moving on to a description of all of vast Russia. Nothing escaped the artist’s attentive eye: neither the vulgarity and parasitism of the landowners, nor the meanness and insignificance of the inhabitants. “Mirgorod”, “Arabesques”, “The Inspector General”, “Marriage”, “The Nose”, “Dead Souls” - a caustic satire on reality. Gogol became the first of the Russian writers in whose work the negative phenomena of life were most clearly reflected. Belinsky called Gogol the head of the new realistic school: “Since the publication of Mirgorod and The Inspector General, Russian literature has taken a completely new direction.” The critic believed that “the perfect truth of life in Gogol’s stories is closely connected with the simplicity of fiction. He does not flatter life, but he does not slander it either: he is happy to expose everything that is beautiful and human in it, and at the same time does not hide its ugliness.”

A satirical writer, turning to the “shadow of little things”, to “cold, fragmented, everyday characters,” must have a subtle sense of proportion, artistic tact, and a passionate love of truth. Gogol took the following words as the motto for his work: “Who, if not the author, should tell the holy truth!”

Being a very observant person, even in his youth, in Nizhyn, the writer had the opportunity to get acquainted with the life and customs of provincial “beings”. Life in St. Petersburg expanded his ideas about the bureaucratic world, about the world of urban landowners, about merchants and townspeople. And he fully armed began to create immortal comedy"Inspector". The ideological and artistic wealth of Gogol's comedy lies in the breadth of its coverage of the life of social strata in Russia, the demonstration of typical living conditions of that era and the extraordinary power of generalization. Before us is a small county town with its characteristic arbitrariness of local authorities, the lack of necessary control over order, and the ignorance of its inhabitants.

Gogol’s manner of “collecting everything bad in Russia into one pile and making everyone laugh at once” is revealed in full in this brilliant work. 7 In the images of officials and landowners, Gogol castigates vulgarity, savagery, bribery, embezzlement, unscrupulousness, and mental emptiness.

Gogol did not bring out a positive hero in his comedy. The positive beginning in The Inspector General, the embodiment of the writer’s high moral and social ideal, was “laughter” - the only “honest face” in comedy. “It was laughter,” Gogol wrote, “which completely flows out of the bright nature of man... because at the bottom of it lies an ever-bubbling spring of it, which deepens the subject, makes to appear brightly that which would have slipped, without the permeable power of which it is a trifle.” and the emptiness of life would not frighten a person so much.”

Satirically depicting the nobility and bureaucratic society, the worthlessness of their existence, Gogol glorifies the Russian people, whose strength is not used. Gogol writes about the people with special feeling: there is no longer accusatory satire, but there is regret and sadness. And yet, the writer is inherently optimistic; he believes in a bright future for Russia.