Fate is similar to Samson, which means. Russian Samson

Court. 16:1-3. What is described here testifies to Samson’s incredible physical strength, which is comparable only to his moral imperfection. This latter is also evidenced by the fact that, once finding himself in Gaza, a coastal city located almost 50 km from his native Tsora, Samson decided to have fun with a harlot. The Philistines, having learned that he was in the city, planned to guard him all night, so that in the morning, when he began to leave the house of the harlot, they would kill him.

But, having deceived their “vigilance,” Samson rose at midnight and, leaving Gaza, removed the doors of the city gates from their hinges, placing them together with the lock... on his shoulders, and carried them to the top of the mountain, which is on the way to Hebron. According to local legend, this was Mount El Montar, located east of Gaza. There is another version: we are talking about a mountain located half an hour’s walk from Gaza, to the north of it; it is supposedly called Samson's Mountain.

5) Once in the hands of Delilah, Samson loses his strength (16:4-22).

Court. 16:4-14. After this, Samson fell in love with a woman from the Sorek Valley. Her name was Dalida. Probably a Philistine, she bore a Semitic name meaning “dedicated”; this may indicate that she was a temple prostitute.

Owners The Philistines who came to Delilah to involve her in a conspiracy against Samson could be the mayors of the five largest Philistine cities. Each of them offered the woman huge money (one thousand and one hundred shekels of silver) for agreeing to find out what Samson’s great strength was and how it was possible to defeat him. Delilah's first three attempts to get Samson to reveal his secret were unsuccessful. He only teased her, inventing “means” that supposedly could weaken him and make him like other people.

Either he proposed to tie himself with seven raw bowstrings (made from the intestines of animals), or with new ropes (the unsuitability of which in his case had already been demonstrated; 15:13). Then he declared that he would become powerless if the seven braids of his head were woven into fabric and nailed to a loom. In the presence of the Philistine "representative" hidden in her bedroom, Delilah tried all three methods (apparently while Samson was fast asleep; compare 16:13), but none of them "worked." The insidious mistress seemed to be playing with Samson and teasing him, each time waking up the sleeping man with a cry: The Philistines are coming at you! In fact, this was a sign for the Philistine hidden with her - to be convinced of the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the next method.

Court. 16:15-17. In the end, unable to bear her reproaches and pestering, Samson told Delilah the truth about the source of his strength, which did not come from witchcraft, as the Philistines probably thought, but was given to him from above, from the Spirit of God (13:25; 14:6 ,19; 15:14). This supernatural action of a higher power in him was, however, made dependent on the special role assigned to Samson in the fulfillment of God's plans; his “separation” was clothed in the form of Nazarite status (for I am a Nazarite of God from my mother’s womb, Samson says to Delilah), the inviolable symbol of which for Samson was to be the hair on his head - a razor could not touch them throughout his entire life (13 :5). (Although it was not in the hair, of course, that Samson’s strength lay.) Violation of this condition would indicate Samson’s final and irreparable disobedience to the Lord, and this disobedience began at the moment when he revealed his secret to his mistress, whom he had no confidence in trusting. grounds.

Court. 16:18-22. So, Samson fell into the hands of the Philistines due to his foolishness. Delilah put him to sleep... and ordered... to cut off the seven braids of his head... and his strength departed from him. Waking up this time to the cry of Delilah: The Philistines are coming at you, Samson! - He tried, as in previous cases, to use his strength. And he did not know that the Lord had departed from him. The Spirit of the Lord left him, and Samson became a captive of the Philistines and ceased to be a judge of Israel.

Philistines they blinded Samson, who had lost his strength, and brought him to Gaza (most likely in retaliation for the insult that he inflicted on Gaza, carrying away its city gates on his shoulders, like a toy). There they chained him and forced him to grind grain in the prison where they put him, that is, to perform a woman’s work that is humiliating for a man. (It is quite possible that Samson grinded in a small hand mill, since it is not certain that large mills, in which work was done by the power of domestic animals, already existed at that time.)

After a short stay in prison, the hair on Samson's head began to grow back. The days of the Philistine festival arrived, and then Samson turned to the Lord with a prayer (verse 28) to give him strength for the final revenge on the Philistines (verses 29-30).

6) Samson's revenge on the Philistines.

Court. 16:23-30. The nobles of the Philistines gathered to make a great sacrifice to Dagon, their god. Dagon was a West Semitic grain harvest deity (1 Samuel 5:2-7; 1 Chronicles 10:10), adopted by the Philistines from the Amorites. Thinking that it was Dagon who delivered them from Samson, betraying him into their hands, they glorified their god and had fun, and for greater joy they summoned their all-powerful enemy from prison recently to entertain them (perhaps by his very appearance, i.e. . demonstration of one’s helplessness).

Philistine temples were usually long room, the roof of which was supported from the inside by two powerful pillars. Many Philistines gathered in the temple of Dagon (including three thousand people on its roof) and, probably, in the courtyard, and they all rejoiced and were glad as they looked at blind Samson. And then he asked the boy who was driving him to take him to the pillars of the temple in order to lean against them and rest.

It was then that Samson appealed to the Lord with a prayer to remember him and return him to his former strength only for the shortest time, so that last time take revenge on the enemies of your people, and then die with them. And God heard Samson's last prayer. And so Samson moved the two middle pillars on which the temple of the pagan god was built, and it fell on all the people who were in it. So, at his death... Samson killed more Philistines than during his lifetime. Before this last “slaughter” of the Philistines by Samson, he killed at least 1030 of them: 30 in Ashkelon (14:19) and 1000 in Ramath-Lehi (5:14-17).

7) Burial of Samson.

Court. 16:31. And Samson's brothers (until now they have not been mentioned) and all his relatives came to Gaza and, taking his body, went and buried him between Zorah (where he was born; 13:2) and Estaol (13:25; 18:2 ,8,11) in the tomb of Manoah his father. Thus ended the twenty-year reign of Samson, the twelfth judge of Israel (15:20).

Although Samson was given the power to act at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and his incredible physical strength came from Him, the last judge of Israel repeatedly fell into temptation, as a result of which he suffered. His life sounds from the pages of the Bible as a warning to all those who do not know how to restrain themselves from satisfying their carnal impulses and passions.

III. Epilogue: General Situation in the Days of the Judges (Chapters 17-21)

Theologically, chapters 17-21 form an epilogue illustrating the state of religious apostasy and social degradation so characteristic of the period of the judges. In the eyes of the author (probably writing in the early years of the king's reign), this atmosphere indicated that anarchy reigned in "Israel, which had no king" (17:6; 18:1; 19:1; 21:25).

In terms of historical event, described in chapters 17-21, form a kind of appendix to the book of Judges, since they all took place in previous and even quite ancient times. Their early dates are indicated by the fact that Aaron's grandson was still alive in the days in which they occurred (20:28), as well as by the reference to the ark at Bethel (20:27-28). It is possible that the events here related took place in the days of Othniel, the first judge.

The epilogue consists of two main sections: 1) Chapters 17-18, in which the story of the making of idols for home worship by Micah the Ephraimite and his mother and how Micah hired a certain Levite named Jonathan as a priest (18:30) is intertwined with an account of the migration of the tribe of Dan and its idolatry. 2) Chapters 19-21, which tell of the disgusting cruelty committed at Gibeah against the concubine of another Levite and the ensuing civil war against the tribe of Benjamin, cruel and rebellious; This war was a prelude to the disappearance of the tribe of Benjamin.

Joan of Arc, Samson and Russian history Gleb Vladimirovich Nosovsky

2.6. The tragic break in the fate of Samson-Zemshchina - first a hero, and then powerlessness and death

The Bible says that the hero Samson first defeated his enemies, but then, due to treacherous betrayal, he lost all his power and eventually died (Judges 15–16).

In the French version, Gilles de Rais also undergoes a tragic reversal of fate. First a marshal, second in command after the king, and then a fall, accusation of witchcraft, arrest, trial and death, see above and KhRON7, ch. 20.

The original of these events in the history of Rus'-Horde is the tragic fate of the zemshchina and its main leaders. The powerful party that opposed the tsar and the oprichnina was eventually broken. Its leaders were arrested, tried and executed.

Namely, the all-powerful equestrian Chelyadnin, the second person in the state, the head of the zemshchina, was exiled to the border church of Polotsk and to Kolomna, p. 132, 120. Then he was arrested, accused and executed.

Further, the tragic turning point in the fate of Metropolitan Philip Kolychev, a protege of the zemshchina, is also quite vivid. The all-powerful head of the Orthodox Church, who acquired enormous power, was eventually accused, arrested, convicted, sentenced to be burned, but instead was exiled to a monastery and then strangled by order of the tsar.

The fate of Khan Simeon Bekbulatovich, the head of the zemshchina, also follows this same line. First - the Tsar of All Rus', the ruler of the state, and then a turning point in life, resignation and, in fact, exile to Tver, p. 205.

And finally, the fate of Prince Simeon of Rostov, a supporter of the zemshchina, tragically changed. The ruler of Nizhny Novgorod, the all-powerful prince, after the fall of Chelyadnin, was arrested and executed, drowned by the guardsmen in the river, Prince. 3, vol. 9, ch. 2, column 59.

From the book Reconstruction of True History author

34. The biblical story of Samson is the struggle of the Zemshchina against the Oprichnina in Rus' under Ivan IV the Terrible Samson is an allegorical description of the Zemshchina in the person of its two main leaders and two others famous characters XVI centuryHe becomes the head of the zemstvo opposition to Ivan IV and the oprichnina

author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

34. The biblical story of Samson is the struggle of the Zemshchina against the Oprichnina in Rus' under Ivan IV the Terrible Samson is an allegorical description of the Zemshchina in the person of its two main leaders and two other famous characters of the 16th century. The head of the zemstvo opposition to Ivan IV and the oprichnina becomes

From the book Reconstruction of True History author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

Comparison of the story of Samson with the struggle of Zemshchina against the Oprichnina V, ch. 10, we found a correspondence between the biblical Samson and the French version of the story of Gilles de Rais. But the French version, like the Old Testament story, are just different reflections

From the book Mamai. The history of the "anti-hero" in history author Pochekaev Roman Yulianovich

About how Mamai first acted on the side of the false Kildibek, and then against him. So, Mamai strengthened himself in the Crimea, and with him were potential contenders for the throne - the young descendants of Batu. However, not all supporters of the legitimate Khan dynasty were satisfied with the fact that

author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2. Comparing the story of Samson with the struggle of the zemshchina against the oprichnina reveals a striking parallelism 2.0. A Brief Visual Diagram of Parallelism In Chapter 10 we discovered a correspondence between the biblical Samson and the French version of the story of Gilles de Rais. But, as it now turns out,

From the book Book 1. Western myth [“Ancient” Rome and the “German” Habsburgs are reflections of the Russian-Horde history of the 14th–17th centuries. The legacy of the Great Empire in cult author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.7. The city of Tver is somehow connected with the biography of Samson the zemshchina. It is curious that in the biographies of all three zemshchina leaders who contributed to the biblical image of Samson, the city of Tver and the Tver principality are present. The head of the zemshchina, Chelyadnin, has possessions in Tver. "He belonged

From the book Book 1. Western myth [“Ancient” Rome and the “German” Habsburgs are reflections of the Russian-Horde history of the 14th–17th centuries. The legacy of the Great Empire in cult author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.10. Arrest and prison as a consequence of revealing the secret of Samson-Zemshchina The Bible says that as a result of Delilah's betrayal, the Philistines manage to arrest Samson and throw him into prison (Judges 16:21). The French version also talks about the arrest of Gilles de Rais and his imprisonment

From the book Book 1. Western myth [“Ancient” Rome and the “German” Habsburgs are reflections of the Russian-Horde history of the 14th–17th centuries. The legacy of the Great Empire in cult author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.14. Death of Samson the Zemshchina under the rubble of the temple after the “trial” Old Testament Samson dies under the rubble of the temple (Judges 16:30). In the French version, “Gilles de Rais” was BURNED at the stake, see chapter 10. According to other sources, Gilles de Rais was STRANGLED, p. 91.His prototype in the history of Rus'-Horde,

From the book Book 1. Western myth [“Ancient” Rome and the “German” Habsburgs are reflections of the Russian-Horde history of the 14th–17th centuries. The legacy of the Great Empire in cult author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.16. Destruction of a large temple during the death of Samson the Zemshchina The Old Testament says that the hero Samson FALLED A BIG HOUSE, dying under its rubble and killing thousands of people with him (Judges 16:30). What really happened in Rus'-Horde of the 16th century? What is it telling us here?

From the book Russia and Japan: Knots of Contradictions author Koshkin Anatoly Arkadevich

First China, then Russia The completion of the Japanese intervention did not lead to a final settlement between the RSFSR and Japan. Occupied Northern Sakhalin remained under Japanese control, the countries had no diplomatic relations with each other, there were no

author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2. Comparing the story of Samson with the struggle of the zemshchina against the oprichnina reveals a striking parallelism 2.0. A Brief Visual Diagram of Parallelism In the previous chapter we discovered parallelism between the biblical Samson and the French version of the story of Gilles de Rais. But how now

From the book Joan of Arc, Samson and Russian History author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.6. The tragic turning point in the fate of Samson the Zemshchina - first the hero, and then powerlessness and death. The Bible says that the hero Samson first defeated his enemies, but then, due to insidious betrayal, he lost all his power and eventually died (Judges 15–16). In French

From the book Joan of Arc, Samson and Russian History author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.7. The city of Tver is somehow connected with the biography of Samson the zemshchina. It is curious that in the biographies of the THREE leaders of the zemshchina who contributed to the biblical image of Samson, the city of Tver and the Tver principality are present. The head of the zemshchina, Chelyadnin, has possessions in Tver. "He belonged

From the book Joan of Arc, Samson and Russian History author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.10. Arrest and prison as a consequence of revealing the secret of Samson-Zemshchina The Bible says that as a result of Delilah's betrayal, the Philistines manage to arrest Samson and imprison him (Judges 16:21). The French version also talks about the arrest of Gilles de Rais and his imprisonment

From the book Joan of Arc, Samson and Russian History author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.14. The death of Samson the Zemshchina under the rubble of the temple after the “trial” The biblical Samson dies under the rubble of the temple (Judges 16:30). In the French version, “Gilles de Rais” was BURNED at the stake, see above and KhRON7, ch. 20. According to other sources, Gilles de Rais was STRANGLED, p. 91.His prototype in history

From the book Joan of Arc, Samson and Russian History author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.16. Destruction of a large temple during the death of Samson the Zemshchina The Bible says that the hero Samson FALLED A BIG HOUSE, dying under its rubble and killing thousands of people with him (Judges 16:30). What really happened in Rus'-Horde of the 16th century? What is it telling us here?

It has been known since ancient times that each name has its own special, unusual meaning. This is explained by the fact that for a long time, at the birth of a child, parents gave him a name, which, they believed, would influence his fate or character.

The meaning of the name Samson is “sunny.” He has Hebrew roots. The people of Judea worshiped the sun and considered it a gift from the Almighty.

Samson - the meaning of the name, character and fate

A person named Samson is likely to be an introvert. He does not care about what is happening in the world and throughout the universe, because his own problems and thoughts are much more important than global problems. Does not like to assign his responsibilities to others and talk about his failures and problems. Samson's thoughts are the book of his own life, which he rereads again and again. It is necessary to note that the bearer of the name is a born joker. His jokes are sometimes very realistic and it can seem like he is telling the truth. Usually this fact scares people around. What fate awaits a man named Samson? The meaning of a name is always of interest to its owners and people close to them. Let's find out what the name Samson means.

Manifestation of character in childhood

What is the meaning of the name Samson for a child? From childhood you can observe his agility and mobility. It’s difficult to keep up with a boy with that name and force something into him if he doesn’t want it himself. It is worth noting that a child named Samson is an inventor of something extreme and unrealistic, because of which not only he, but also other children and adults may suffer. That is why parents have to monitor him around the clock to avoid any problems. Although it is precisely because of this character that his peers love him and consider him the ringleader, so Samson is extremely rarely bored.

Demonstration of character in studies

When Samson goes to school, a lack of perseverance becomes noticeable, making it difficult for the child to concentrate his thoughts on one subject and study it seriously. But it is worth noting that the boy easily manages to learn new things. educational material- He absorbs it like a sponge. This speaks to its basic positive qualities: observation and wit.

Character in adolescence

What is the meaning of the name Samson for a boy or youth? Its owner in adolescence calms down a little. A calmer, more stable and balanced character begins to form. At this age, he develops the ability to think about his actions, which has a positive effect on his future. On the threshold adult life he learns to rely only on his own strength.

IN emergency situations he demonstrates the ability to behave calmly and not succumb to the surrounding imbalance, which speaks of him as a person with a persistent and persistent character, who is difficult to break and defeat.

Character in adulthood

What does the name Samson mean for an adult man? It is worn by a purposeful person who always achieves his goal and strives to get something better than what he currently has. Samson can achieve his desired goal by any means, but he will never neglect friendship, love, and family. It is worth considering that Samson has the qualities of a leader, which is why he strives to take this place.

For Samson, the word “friendship” has never been and will never be in last place. He honors and respects his friends, and is always ready to help them in difficult situations, both physically and morally, as well as materially.

Samson is not a sociopath. He gets along well with people and can restore both business and friendship relationships with anyone. Thanks to his sociability, Samson has many friends and comrades who are ready to help him in any way. life situation. It is also worth noting that the bearer of the name Samson is excellent at moving up the social and career ladder.

Character in relationships with women

What is the meaning of the name Samson in your personal life? How does it affect relationships with the opposite sex? Considering Samson is never deprived of female attention, because he is eloquent, gallant and knows how to look after beautifully. But family relationships may be in danger precisely because of this, because Samson’s desire to flirt appears in his youth.

Samson prefers to treat the family superficially: he believes that the wife should be directly involved in the children and the home, and he, in turn, should be engaged in making money. But despite this, he is a loving husband and father. He treats children very carefully - monitors their progress, participates in creative life. It is worth noting that Samson always respects older people and is ready to help them if they need help.

Samson believes that there should be no secrets from anyone in the family, which is why his wife and children are aware of his problems.

Career and business

Of course, we should not forget that the bearer of the name Samson has a lot of talents, but he must build his career in the following fields of activity: law, directing, electrical engineering, art, medicine, design. This is how his name is interpreted in relation to life and career growth.

Often the owner of the name Samson is a bright leader and a constant winner, which makes him a leader as a result. At such posts, Samson is happy to start necessary connections, which comes out easily and simply for him, which he will use in the future for personal purposes and with great benefit.

Samson sometimes treats people harshly and rudely, but only if he is sure that the person is in the wrong place or is interfering with himself or the work process. In this case, Samson can go into conflict. Moreover, due to his behavior, he may change jobs.

Talents of the bearer of the name Samson

Starting from early childhood Samson should absolutely not be scared. This is explained by the fact that the child, the owner of the name Samson, is too vulnerable and takes everything very to heart. From childhood, he must be taught to behave well in society and to be in the center of attention, because it is then that his worldview is formed and all his talents are discovered.

Samson's abilities and talents can be defined in the following forms: organization and athletic achievements. At school, his mathematical mindset manifests itself (he prefers mathematics, physics), because he loves to solve complex problems and participate in intellectual competitions, where he often wins. It is worth noting that Samson prefers chess, considering it one of the most intellectual games.

In general, the bearer of the name Samson is an extremely versatile person who prefers to develop himself from all sides. People around him usually show him respect and respect, as they consider him an excellent professional who knows his business. But this does not flatter Samson, because he does not like to pay attention to others - he is completely immersed in his work and thoughts. Thanks to this, Samson is not a conflict person, often making compromises.

Mystical characteristics

What do various horoscopes say about a person with the name we are discussing?

  • Zodiac sign - Capricorn.
  • Patron planet - the Sun.
  • The color associated with luck is light yellow.
  • A tree from a number of favorable ones is pine.
  • Patron plant - lotus.
  • The mascot animal is a white horse.
  • The stone used as a talisman is amber.

Samson - the meaning of the name

The Bible in part of the Old Testament tells the story of young Samson, who was treacherously killed by Delilah. The name carries the imprint of innocence and faith in people. The owner of the name Samson can celebrate his name day twice a year:

  • January 12. It was on this day, during the time of Emperor Julian, that the martyr Samson died interceding for Jesus Christ.
  • July 10. In the evening of this day, one of the largest institutions was opened in the form of a shelter for the elderly and sick people, lost wanderers. This house was opened by the great Samson the Host.

Name Samson in omens

It is believed that if there is heavy rain during the day, on the 10th of July, it means that it will continue until autumn, the hay harvested on this day will rot, and the Indian summer will be damp and cold.

It is worth concluding that Samson is a name (the meaning of which we considered) bright, sunny, characteristic of people with a fighting and strong character, sociable, with leadership inclinations. However, such an extraordinary name obliges a lot, and the boy constantly needs to improve himself. The bearer of the name Samson is a person who achieves a lot in his life, making it brighter and more colorful.


In no country has such a powerful family of greatest masters emerged in such a short period of time artistic word, as in Russia of the 19th century. But we consider Pushkin to be the founder of classical Russian literature. Gogol said: “At the name of Pushkin, the thought of a Russian national poet immediately dawns on me... He has Russian nature, Russian soul, Russian language, Russian character...”

In 1830, A. S. Pushkin created five prose works, united under the common title “Belkin’s Tales.” They are written in precise, clear and concise language. From "Belkin's Tales" of exceptional importance for further development Russian literature had "The Station Agent". The very truthful image of the caretaker, warmed by the author’s sympathy, opens the gallery of “poor people” created by subsequent Russian writers, humiliated and insulted by the social relations of the then reality, which were most difficult for the common man.

It is this surrounding reality that is to blame, it seems to me, for the tragic fate stationmaster Samson Vyrin. He had his only beloved daughter, the intelligent and agile Dunya, who helped her father with his work at the station. She was his only joy, but it was she who brought her father “gray hair, deep wrinkles on his face that had not been shaved for a long time” and a “hunched back”; literally three or four years turned “a vigorous man into a frail old man.” At the end of his life, the stationmaster found himself abandoned by his daughter, although he himself does not blame anyone for this: “... you can’t avoid trouble; what is destined cannot be avoided.”

From childhood, his favorite knew how to flirt, spoke “without any timidity, like a girl who has seen the world,” and this attracted passing young people, and one day she ran away from her father with a passing hussar. Samson Vyrin himself allowed Dunya to ride with the hussar to the church: “blindness came over him,” and then “his heart began to ache and ache, and anxiety took possession of him to such an extent that he could not resist and went to mass himself.” Dunya was nowhere to be found, and the coachman who returned in the evening reported: “Dunya went on from that station with the hussar.” The old man fell ill from this news and because he learned that the hussar had pretended to be sick and was already planning to take Dunya away.

Samson Vyrin went to St. Petersburg in the hope of finding and picking up his daughter, but Captain Minsky did not give him Dunya and kicked him out the door, putting money up his sleeve. Vyrin made another attempt to see his daughter, but Dunya, seeing him, fainted, and Minsky again kicked him out. In the tragic fate of the stationmaster

The class division of society is also to blame, allowing higher ranks to cruelly and rudely treat people of lower ranks. Minsky considered it natural for himself to simply take Dunya away (and not even ask her father for her hand in marriage), and kick out the old man, and yell at him.

The tragedy of Samson Vyrin is that in his declining years he was left completely alone, shedding tears for his lost daughter. Not for his grandchildren, but for strangers, he carved pipes; he fussed with other people’s children and treated them to nuts. The tragedy of his situation is that his beloved daughter came to him not during his lifetime, but after his death. From the story it is clear that Minsky really loved Dunya and did not abandon her, she had happy life in abundance. “A beautiful lady... was riding... in a carriage of six horses, with three little barts and a nurse.” Having learned “that the old caretaker had died... she began to cry” and went to the cemetery. Dunya is also to blame for her father’s tragic fate. She left him, she acted inhumanely. I think the thought of this haunted her - after all, she came, albeit late, to her father, who died alone, forgotten by everyone, and by his own daughter too.

Very simple and in clear words Pushkin showed us tragic fate an ordinary person - stationmaster Samson Vyrin, and I am very sorry for this old man.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Samson, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

What does the name Samson mean? solar (the name Samson is of Hebrew origin).

Short meaning of the name Samson: Samonya, Samokha, Monya.

Patronymic name Samson: Samsonovich, Samsonovna; decomposition Samsonych.

Angel Samson Day: The name Samson celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • January 12 (December 30) - The Holy Martyr Samson and his comrades suffered for Christ during the time of Julian the Apostate.
  • July 10 (June 27) - The Monk Samson the Host, a doctor, built a house in Constantinople for wanderers, the poor and the sick, and he himself served them with zeal and love for the sake of God and the salvation of the soul.

Signs of the name Samson: July 10 - Samson-senognoy. If it rains on this day, it will be wet until Indian summer.

  • Samson's Zodiac - Capricorn
  • Planet - Sun
  • The color of the name Samson is pale yellow.
  • Auspicious tree - pine
  • Samson's treasured plant - lotus
  • The patron of the name Samson is the white horse
  • Samson Samson's talisman stone - amber

Characteristics of the name Samson

Positive features: In numerology, the meaning of the name Samson is characterized by the number 3, which indicates a very sociable and energetic person who easily absorbs knowledge and adapts to the environment. He is able to do things that will bring immediate benefit, and he often chooses even his friends according to social status and financial situation.

Negative features: Samson is an introvert, he is immersed in his own thoughts and is little interested in the events of the world. He doesn't like to share his experiences. He seems to be reading his own life... although, if circumstances force him to take care of someone else, to interfere in someone else’s life, then a man named Samson accepts his troubles as his own.

Character of the name Samson: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Samson?

Having matured, Samson becomes calmer and more balanced, and can carefully consider his actions and words. Most often, he is calm and remains calm even in extreme situations. The name Samson is a purposeful person and strives to make all his desires come true. Moreover, this is more than possible, since Samson’s business qualities and perseverance contribute to the implementation of his plans.

Samson and his personal life

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Samson promise happiness in love? In the family, Samson is a loving and beloved person. He treats his family with care, honors the elderly, monitors the successes of children, and is especially happy if they attend technical clubs or participate in mathematical Olympiads. His wife and children are aware of his problems scientific activity.

Samson has few friends, he does not like to visit, he gets tired of house parties, but he obeys his wife in these events. For Samson, order and stability in his lifestyle are very important. The wife needs to give him the opportunity to organize his territory, to retire when necessary.

Samson is a true friend. He is always able to come to the rescue and provide not only moral, but also financial support. He has a winning appearance, and this helps Samson establish contacts with people. Of course, he does not have any problems communicating with the female sex. Samson is witty, gallant, and does not skimp on compliments. Naturally, this is precisely why women adore him. But life together may be complicated by this very thing - Samson loves to flirt. He treats his family superficially. She loves her children, but prefers that her wife raise them.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: In addition, Samson often has numerous talents, which also sets him apart from total mass. He can choose the profession of a prosecutor, an artist, an electronics engineer, a programmer, a dentist, an artist, a cutter, or a fashion designer. Often a man named Samson becomes a leader. Although it must be said that leadership position for the name Samson is not an end in itself. He can equally demonstrate his talents both in the Kremlin as a boss and in the position of a subordinate. In any case, the name Samson acquires useful connections.

Business and career: Samson is a bright, versatile personality. He is excellent at exact, natural sciences. He can be a scientist, teacher, athlete, coach, surgeon, radiologist. He is proud and strives for leadership. His high professionalism and knowledge command the respect of others. Samson is immersed in work, so he has no conflict; he has no time to pay attention to the surrounding bustle. But he has enough strength to reform established traditions in the team, and is not afraid of risks in production activities. But Samson can be quite cruel to people who are clearly inappropriate for the task at hand and who, as he believes, interfere with creative activity. The name Samson becomes explosive and it may happen that he himself will have to change his place of work.

Health and energy

Health and talents: Meaning of the name Samson in childhood. Little Samson should not be frightened by telling him scary tales. He is impressionable and takes everything seriously. Samson is a little unsociable, try to invite his friends to your home, accustom him to society, to the opposite sex.

At school, Samson has authority, has organizational skills, loves sports, and participates in competitions. He loves mathematics, solves complex problems easily, and helps his friends. He loves chess and spends a lot of time solving chess problems.

Parents often say that it is simply impossible to cope with Samson. Indeed, he is growing up to be an incredibly nimble and active boy, and therefore you have to make an effort to keep track of him. This is especially true when the name Samson once again comes up with some kind of extreme entertainment. But this is precisely why Samson’s peers love him - it’s never boring with him. Having become a schoolboy, a boy cannot begin to study hard, since lack of perseverance plays a major role in this. But Samson quickly learns new material. He is witty and observant. Sometimes his parodies and jokes are so realistic that adults are even a little afraid of them.

Samson's fate in history

What does the name Samson mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Samson is one of the most romantic biblical characters. An angel announced to the expectant mother that she would give birth to a son who would defeat the Philistines. He also warned that Samson should never eat the juice of the vine or cut his hair, for his strength would be contained in the hair. The biblical stories about Samson consist of several episodes, sometimes funny and touching, sometimes cruel and tragic. Fate, as if on purpose, tested the hero, and it turned out that he fell in love with a Philistine woman.
  2. Samson Yakovlevich Makintsev (1776-1849) - adventurer, sergeant of the Russian service, deserted to Persia. Having entered the Persian service, Makintsev, or, as he was called in Persia, Samson Khan, began to recruit Russian deserters, for which he was consistently promoted. In 1820-1821 participated in the war between Persia and Turkey and contributed to the Persian victory at Toprak-kala; during the war between Russia and Persia, he refused to fight against the Russians; later pacified the uprising in Khorasan.
  3. Samson Ksenofontovich Sukhanov (1766-?) - one of the best masons in St. Petersburg, whose hands created the majestic buildings of the Neva capital. In 1807-1808, Samson Sukhanov took on the construction of a semicircular embankment on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island in front of the Exchange building. The descents to the Neva and the granite wall were completed under his supervision. At the same time, Sukhanov worked on the construction, according to the design of the architect Tomon, of two rostral columns on the sides of the Exchange. He and his comrades carved four large figures from limestone, depicting Russian rivers. The figures are placed at the bases of the rostral columns. Under the leadership of sculptors Pimenov and Demut-Malinovsky, Sukhanov also had to work at the Admiralty. The statues of the elements ascended to the tower were carved by his hands.