Yaroslavna's lament from the point of view of folklore means. Essay on the topic: Yaroslavna's Lament in the poem The Lay of Igor's Campaign


2 el. (in sent text)

7 el. (I gave it away, tell me who doesn’t have it) +

9 pages of the book by I.N. Sukhina (given to us on NG) pp. 129-130 and a small piece about metaphors on p. 128

Two tickets for "The Word". Since I wrote half of it by hand, I didn’t change the ticket and item numbers, just check the old list, there’s nothing new there, in general you won’t get confused!)

I am also sending you the full, coherent text, but since the GB asks us to divide everything into points, I divided it into points indicated on the tickets, there are numbers opposite the paragraphs.

Analysis of an episode of your choice. Yaroslavna's cry.

"Yaroslavna's Lament" is very important episode in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” The chronicle contained only a dry statement of facts, and the episode “Yaroslavna’s Lament” is an element inserted by the author of the Lay to enhance the emotional sound of the work. “Yaroslavna’s Lament” seems to return us to reality after lyrical digression the author, in which he recalls the first Russian princes and their numerous campaigns against the enemies of Rus' and contrasts them with contemporary events. This episode carries a huge emotional load: the author’s attitude to everything that happens is concentrated here. Apart from this episode, feelings are not expressed so openly anywhere else. The author was able to very accurately convey Yaroslavna’s suffering, thereby expressing the attitude of the entire Russian land to the events taking place. Indeed, for the history of Rus' this defeat was of considerable importance. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is imbued with heroic and tragic pathos, that is, the writer’s emotional and evaluative attitude towards the person depicted. Also, “Yaroslavna’s Lament” is very important for the composition “The Lay of Igor’s Campaign.” Turning to the forces of nature, asking them for help, Yaroslavna seems to be preparing the escape of Prince Igor from Polovtsian captivity. Without this episode, the logic of the narrative would have been disrupted; without it, in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” the idea could not have been expressed so clearly, that is, the condemnation of the internecine war and the call of the princes to unify, and the problem - fragmentation and the path to unification.

System of images.

15. System of images in the “Word”.

“The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is distinguished by a large number of different images.
“The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is a work of amazing integrity. The artistic form of “The Lay” very accurately corresponds to its ideological concept. All images of the “Lay” help to identify its main idea - the idea of ​​​​the unity of Rus'.

1) The author of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” embodied his call for unity, his sense of the unity of his homeland in a living, concrete image of the Russian land. The “Word” is dedicated to the entire Russian land as a whole. All the best feelings of the author are directed towards the Russian land. The image of the Russian land is central in the Lay; it is outlined by the author broadly and freely.
In the vast expanses of Rus', the power of the heroes of the Lay acquires hyperbolic proportions.

The wind, the sun, thunderclouds in which blue lightning flutters, morning fog, rain clouds, the tickling of a nightingale at night and the cry of a jackdaw in the morning, evening dawns and morning sunrises make up a huge, unusually wide background against which the action of “The Lay” unfolds, conveying the feeling the endless expanses of our homeland.

Wide open space native nature is also vividly felt in Yaroslavna’s crying. Yaroslavna turns to the wind, to the Dnieper, to the sun.

At the same time, the concept of homeland includes for the author “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” and its history.

2) The attitude of the author of the Lay towards the Russian princes is ambivalent: he sees them as representatives of Rus', he sympathizes with them, but condemns their selfish, narrowly local politics and their discord, their reluctance to jointly defend the Russian land.

3 ) A very special group is made up of female images. All of them are covered with thoughts about peace, about family, about home, imbued with tenderness and affection, a brightly folk principle.

4) The image of the singer-poet Boyan stands out in The Lay. He begins his speech with a memory of Boyan; he portrays him as a great poet of the past. Boyan - “prophetic”.
In the ideological plan, the image of Boyan is of significant importance.

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign" marked
the stamp of special humanity,
especially attentive attitude
to the human person...
The author of the Lay with exceptional care
penetrates into the emotional experiences of his characters.
D.S. Likhachev

The author of “The Lay” penetrates with exceptional care the spiritual experiences of his heroes. The contradictory feelings of Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich of Kyiv at the news of the defeat of Igor and Vsevolod appear before us in all their complexity. He loves them fatherly and fatherly reproaches them for the reckless idea of ​​​​a campaign against the Polovtsians without an agreement with the rest of the Russian princes: “ Do you sit down on my silver gray hair?».

Observation and attentive attitude Individual epithets are noted for the human personality, which are given to its characters in the Lay.

Yaroslav the Wise is called “old,” and this emphasizes not only his age, not only the fact that he lived in “old” (former) times, but also his experience and intelligence. His brother Mstislav Vladimirovich the Great, who entered into single combat with Kasog Rededei in front of the front of both troops - Russian and Kasog - was called “brave”. Roman Svyatoslavich given the epithet “red”, that is, beautiful. Igor’s courageous and strong brother Vsevolod is called “buy tur” and “yar tur”. Vsevolod's wife- his “sweetheart at least” is “red”; wise and perspicacious Boyana the author of “The Lay” calls it “prophetic”, warriors of Roman Mstislavich- “iron”, etc.

The author of The Lay especially loves the epithet “brave.” Not only Mstislav, Igor, Boris Vyacheslavich are “brave”; not only the squad, the Olgovichs, all Russian sons are called “brave” - even the very thought of Roman Mstislavich is “brave”. This reflected the special predilection of the author of the Lay for military virtues.

The author is unusually sensitive to human suffering. The author of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” has an ambivalent attitude towards his hero. For the author, Igor is a brave but short-sighted commander who leads his troops on a campaign doomed to failure. Igor loves his homeland, Rus', but his main motivation is the desire for personal glory: “The prince’s mind was gripped by passion, and the desire to taste Don the Great overshadowed his omen.”

The author calls Svyatoslav “formidable, great.” Historians note that the author depicts Svyatoslav in all the splendor of ceremonial grandeur. He calls Svyatoslav the father of Igor and Vsevolod, although the Kiev prince was actually their cousin.

“The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is one of the most famous monuments that have come down to us. ancient Russian literature. The work was written in 1185 (according to other sources, one or two years later). His text is of particular interest to posterity because it paints a vivid and vivid picture of the events of that time.

In different years, philologists and writers, including poets V.A., have been involved in the translation of “The Word...” from Old Russian into modern. Zhukovsky, K.D. Balmont, N.A. Zabolotsky, E.A. Yevtushenko. In this article, excerpts from the work are translated by Nikolai Zabolotsky.

The plot of “The Words...” is based on real historical events. At the center of the story is the campaign against the Polovtsy of Igor Svyatoslavovich, Prince of Novgorod-Seversky. However, the historical context reflected in the work is much deeper than it seems at first glance. Behind a separate, albeit large-scale, fragment in a long series of Russian-Polovtsian wars is the idea of ​​uniting the rulers of all the appanage principalities of fragmented Rus'.

Nature in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”

The theme of nature plays a significant role in the story. She is humanized, spiritualized, it is through her that all human experiences are reproduced. Thus, it is not just a background against which events develop, but an active participant in the action.

So, at the very beginning of “The Lay...” a rare phenomenon occurs that could become a turning point in Igor’s campaign against the Polovtsians - a solar eclipse:

But, looking at the sun on this day,
Igor marveled at the luminary:
Broad daylight shadow of the night
The Russian militias were covered.

The prince did not want to see this as a bad omen, so he gave the order to continue the journey. Considering from time immemorial the established tradition of following the rituals and beliefs associated with natural phenomena, one can only marvel at the courage of Igor Svyatoslavovich. But the further the army advances into the steppe, the gloomier and more alarming the landscape becomes. Animals, which are believed to more subtly sense the approach of trouble, try with all their might to prevent the inevitable:

Birds rising above the oak trees
They soar with their plaintive cry,
Wolves howl through the ravines,
The cry of eagles comes from the darkness.

And, like a farewell wave of the hand, the words sound bitter:

O Russian land!
You're already over the hill.

“At dawn, on Friday, in the fogs...” the first battle takes place, which Igor’s army successfully wins. But the next morning nature foreshadows a difficult outcome:

The night has passed, and the bloody dawns
They announce disaster in the morning.
Clouds are moving in from the sea
For four princely tents.

How much blood will be shed in this campaign, how much grief will fill the souls of the Russian people! Nature is sad along with people:

The steppe is drooping, full of pity,
And the trees bowed their branches...
And the sky closed and it went out
White light over the Russian land.

Analysis of the episode “Yaroslavna’s Lament”

And far away in Putivl the crying has not stopped since early morning. This is the voice of Yaroslavna, the wife of Prince Igor. She became the personification of all Russian women, whose husbands, sons and fathers - the people dearest to their hearts - will never return home. In desperation, she asks the Wind, who also becomes a full-fledged hero of the story:

What are you, Wind, telling viciously,
Why are the fogs swirling by the river,
Are you raising Polovtsian arrows?
Are you throwing them into Russian regiments?

Yaroslavna also addresses the Sun:

Why are you the army of a daring prince?
Did you burn with hot rays?

Behind the princess’s rhetorical questions there is a bitter realization that the dead cannot be brought back. And Yaroslavna asks the Dnieper only for one single person, Prince Igor:

Cherish the prince, sir,
Save on the far side.

Nature comes to the rescue, once again taking an active part in the action. It is under her cover that Igor escapes from captivity:

The earth shook
The grass rustled
The vezhi was stirred by a violent wind...
But the sun rises in the sky
Prince Igor appeared in Rus'.

The role of nature in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”

The description of nature is present in most works of literature, and in each it is assigned a certain role. In “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” grass and trees, rivers and steppes, animals and birds, the Sun and the Wind not only show feelings characteristic of humans, but also strive to come to the rescue of the heroes.

Solar eclipse, morning blood dawns... Despite the fact that Russian troops twice disobey what is much wiser and older than the entire human race, nature still does not punish Prince Igor for disobedience, but helps his escape.

The natural resources of our vast Motherland are fully reflected in the wonderful work of ancient Russian literature - “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”. The description of vast natural spaces reveals the fullness and power, beauty and generosity of the Russian soul, the ability to empathize and sympathize, as well as the desire to free native land from the attacks of enemies.

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The genius of the author historical work recognized by literary scholars of different eras. Most of them are trying to analyze the episode “Yaroslavna’s Lament”. This literary genre is extremely rare; it is closer to folk tales.

New genre

Literary scholars have found in Yaroslavna’s cry similarities with several literary genres: song, spell, lament, cry. The song motifs are confirmed by the lyricism of lamentation and repetition. Laments can be sung; they form a single plot, reminiscent of the usual songs of women at various ritual events. The spell is related to the content. A woman asks and demands at the same time. It’s as if she’s casting a spell, standing in the south, hoping to summon all the forces of nature to become her allies. The lament of a mother left alone and not knowing what her fate will be. Lamentation is grief, suffering, and it is this that underlies a woman’s speech.

Yaroslavna's tears are a cry from the soul. Each line carries a special meaning. The sincere Russian soul of a woman is exposed and united with nature. The author proves that connection with the elements lies at the heart of the Russian character. A strong forest, a wild river, a strong wind, a warm sun - the epithets of female love. She is strong, durable and unshakable. Love lives throughout life, changing its strength, it warms and blows dark clouds over the heads of its loved ones.

Appeal to the river

The analysis of “Yaroslavna’s Lament” begins with the woman’s appeal to the elements of nature. In “The Word...” crying occurs several times. Scientists have counted and listed all the laments used in the text: Yaroslavna, the wives of Russian soldiers, the mothers of Rostislav, Kyiv, Chernigov, all of Rus'. The significance of crying increases. From the tears of one woman, the author moves on to the grief of wives, widows, and mothers. Cities are crying. The most powerful cry is the entire Russian land. Rus' cries with the wind, rivers, the noise of trees, and the hubbub of birds.

Yaroslavna stands on the south, on the visors of the city fortress guarding Putivl. The cuckoo flies over the Danube and asks for help from the river. The Danube is the woman’s native river; it flows through her father’s principality. The flight of a woman is mental, figurative. She remembers the river, sees in it a huge force that should support her and help her husband.

Appeal to the wind

Yaroslavna is crying in the wind. This appeal is familiar to many from the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin. A mighty wind blows under the clouds, cherishes ships, caresses the blue sea. The wind broke through the stone mountains. He passed easily through the Polovtsian lands. The good wind once helped Svyatoslav. The woman asks the natural element why she changed her attitude and turned away from the Russian soldiers. Yaroslavn’s analysis of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is interesting by the strength of the female soul. She, like a bird, is not afraid of the wind. He flutters her wings, scatters her thoughts, but there are no cruel impulses in him. Here we can see the unity of the elements and women.

Appeal to the sun

The sun gives everyone warmth. It's beautiful in the sky. Every living thing on earth depends on it. Yaroslavna asks the sun why it burned the steppe and deprived it of water. The burning rays disturbed the Russian soldiers and tormented them with thirst. The sun twisted its bows. The languor “shut up” the quivers. It was hard for the prince’s army. Yaroslavna sings of the power of the sun and cries for the dead. The described battle through landscape paintings of the woman’s speech becomes even more significant. All the hardships of the battle become more clear and visible.

The meaning of nature

In lamentation, nature is not the background, it is the hero of the battle. The Russian landscape cries with Yaroslavna and rejoices at Igor’s return and release from captivity. The lamenting song connects with the wind, the sun, and flows over the river. The fabulousness of the character and the reality of the event merge, making it impossible for the author to be distracted from the woman’s speech. Nature, like a magnet, attracts the listener, distracts and calms the reader.

A woman's cry cannot go unnoticed. Crying in work of art has the same force.

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The central place in it is given to the chronicle work “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” or simply “The Lay...”. This is truly a masterpiece that has managed to survive to this day, revealing to the world the unique culture of our ancestors in its pure form. The image of Yaroslavna in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is not the main one, but it can safely be called one of the best. But let's talk about everything in order.

The plot of the epic work

Before considering the image of Yaroslavna in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” it is worth knowing the entire plot of the work. It begins with an introduction in which the author (he is unknown) glorifies the heroism of the history of his people. In short lines he mentions the legendary singer Boyan, and Trajan, and the epic heroes, and talks about the battles of the princes of the Russian land. They also contain echoes of pagan beliefs: the author talks about the deities of the sun, winds, and livestock, which were worshiped by the ancestors of the Russians.

The image of Yaroslavna in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” appears only in the third chapter, and before that the unknown poet talks about Igor, the Novgorod-Seversk prince, who is preparing to go on a campaign against the Polovtsians. He encourages his warriors and goes on a hike, despite the strange signs bestowed by fate. He ignores the eclipse, which promises failure, and throws his army into battle. Inspired by his first success, he is in no hurry to return, for which he pays cruelly. When the main forces of the nomads arrived, the Russians were not ready. As a result, almost the entire prince's squad perishes, and the surviving soldiers are captured.

The news of the tragedy quickly spreads across the Russian land and overtakes the young wife of Prince Igor in Putivl. The Grand Duke of Kiev gathers all the rulers of the appanage principalities, calling on them to unite and ransom Igor from captivity. The so-called golden word of Svyatoslav calls on the Russians to unite, because then they will become a thunderstorm for everyone. Then Igor’s escape from captivity and the pursuit sent by the nomads after him are described. But he successfully reached his native lands and returned to his faithful wife.

The image of Yaroslavna in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”

Yaroslavna is a young princess, Igor's wife. She remained in Putivl to wait for her husband to return from the campaign. It was there that the news of the tragedy that happened to him found her; it was in the castle of this city that “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” introduces her to the reader. It is impossible to briefly describe the image of Yaroslavna, although the author devoted only a few lines to the woman. But she appears before us as if alive. She has a subtle, vulnerable soul, a strong character, and self-sacrifice is close to her. She does not think about herself and all her thoughts are with her beloved.

The image of Yaroslavna in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is not only a portrait of a loving wife who is ready to do anything to help her husband. She is ready to turn into a bird to wash his wounds, she turns to the forces of nature with reproach for why they allowed this to happen. But she thinks not only about Igor, but also about his army, which shared the fate of their prince. Therefore, the image of Yaroslavna in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is assembled portrait all Russian women whose husbands went to war with the enemy. This is the image of the keeper of the hearth, the protector of the family, because the husband will definitely return, since they are so eagerly awaiting him.

In those few lines one can feel the woman’s enormous love, her compassion, her desire to be close to her chosen one, her deep sadness and tenderness. That is why “Yaroslavna’s Lament” has attracted writers and readers so much for so many years.

Other images in The Lay

The main character of the work is Igor, who organized an unsuccessful campaign. This event was preceded by another campaign - a successful military campaign of the Russians with joint forces, in which many princes of Rus' participated, except Igor. Therefore, he appears as someone who was thinking about glory, and not about good preparation for war. He is short-sighted because he does not pay attention to bad sounds, he only craves fame and reward.

Another image is the Prince of Kiev Svyatoslav, into whose mouth the author puts the idea of ​​unification. This current problem Rus' at that time: there was a march for supreme power. Therefore, the country suffered from external enemies who tried to tear away a tasty morsel from it, and from internal ones. Only together it was possible to fight back against the offenders, and this is exactly what the author calls for.

Meaning of the work

This is a special essay. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” (the image of Yaroslavna, the princes in particular) makes it possible to get a general picture of the life of Rus' at the end of the 12th century, its way of life, its reality. The melodic language of the work, full of comparisons and epithets, is a source of inspiration for creative people- poets, writers, artists. But the ancient author also teaches a lesson to future generations, an old but forgotten truth: only together can we repel enemies, only together are the people invincible.

The Lay is especially special because it can be called a folk epic with all its contradictions. For example, the author often refers to the image of nature and phenomena, Yaroslavna also speaks to the wind, sun, river, she does not pray to God, although the country has long been considered Christian.

Instead of an afterword

It is a pity that such a work as “The Lay” was lost in its original version. It's sad that we don't know the author of this literary masterpiece. But, fortunately, we have the opportunity to read it in translation and admire the depth of the images, the sincerity of feelings and the relevance of the problem described almost a thousand years ago.

1. “Yaroslavna’s Lament” is a very important episode in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” The episode “Yaroslavna’s Lament” is an element inserted by the author of “The Lay” to enhance the emotional sound of the work. “Yaroslavna’s Lament” seems to return us to reality after the author’s lyrical digression, in which he recalls the first Russian princes and their numerous campaigns against the enemies of Rus' and contrasts them with contemporary events. Also, “Yaroslavna’s Lament” is very important for the composition “The Lay of Igor’s Campaign.” Turning to the forces of nature, asking them for help, Yaroslavna seems to be preparing the escape of Prince Igor from Polovtsian captivity.
Without this episode, the logic of the narrative would have been disrupted; without it, in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” the idea could not have been expressed so clearly, that is, the condemnation of the internecine war and the call of the princes to unify, and the problem - fragmentation and the path to unification.

2. This episode carries a huge emotional load: the author’s attitude to everything that is happening is concentrated here. Apart from this episode, feelings are not expressed so openly anywhere else. The author was able to very accurately convey Yaroslavna’s suffering, thereby expressing the attitude of the entire Russian land to the events taking place. Indeed, for the history of Rus' this defeat was of considerable importance.
3. Yaroslavna’s patriotism, expressed in her crying, is multifaceted and passionate. By the depth of lyricism, artistic expression Yaroslavna's lament is an unsurpassed masterpiece of oratory, the likes of which have never been seen in either domestic or world literature. In it, nature and the entire Russian land empathize with Yaroslavna, mourn the defeat of Igor, and help him escape from captivity. Thus, Igor makes his young wife a direct participant in heroic-tragic events, endows her with a high understanding of patriotic duty, which helps to more fully reveal the ideological concept of the poem.

4. The space in the “Word” is constantly changing, sometimes expanding, sometimes narrowing. At this moment, the artistic space in the work narrows to Putivl. In the episode itself, the space expands to enormous limits, since Yaroslavna, in her cry, reminiscent of a lyrical folk song, addresses all the forces of nature at the same time: the wind, the Donets, and the sun. “Nature in the Lay is not the background of events, not the scenery in which the action takes place - it is itself character, something like an ancient choir” (D.S. Likhachev). Appeal to all the forces of nature creates the feeling that a person is surrounded by a huge space. This conveys the views of the people of that time, that is, the 12th century, on the world: “...medieval man strives to embrace the world as fully and widely as possible, reducing it in his perception, creating a “model” of the world - a kind of microcosm...” ( Likhachev D.S. Poetics of Old Russian literature // Poetics of artistic space). A large number of personifications are used, since Yaroslavna addresses the wind, the river and the sun, as if they were alive: “My glorious Dnieper! "," The sun is three times bright! ”, “What are you, Wind...”