Ln Tolstoy after the ball is my opinion. Tolstoy "After the Ball"

The story evoked a lot of feelings. It is difficult to come to terms with the fact that a person can be so different, do so much different actions, without experiencing visible moral difficulties, as the colonel did. L.N. Tolstoy deliberately drew such a contrast in order to more deeply emphasize the fault lines in the souls of many people of that time. Probably now there are also people who change social roles, like masks, and in different places behave in completely opposite ways. Analysis by L.N. Tolstoy is even more subtle than N.V. Gogol or M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, because the same Gogol characters fundamentally cannot experience certain high feelings, such as love, open joy, inspiration; every moment of sincerity reveals in them people who are petty, envious and cynical. Tolstoy's colonel is not like that at all. He can be joyful, sincerely pleasant to talk to, and charming. But at the same time, he is ready, putting on the mask of an army commander, to act ruthlessly, with methodical cold rage. Man is by nature an integral being, and in his behavior he must try to proceed from common internal criteria. For L.N. For Tolstoy, these were Christian commandments. When these criteria are different, the whole personality disintegrates. The narrator instinctively retained this integrity within himself, refusing to enter a world where it was possible to succeed only by splitting and isolating different parts of the personality from each other. In a normal person, thought, word and deed are one, and when opposing thoughts are fenced off in the very core of the soul, a person ceases to be like God, in whose image he was created. Recognizing such people is much more difficult than Gogol’s characters, because they must be observed in different situations. You can imperceptibly become dependent on such a person, having imbued with initial trust in him, then afterwards a shock will arise, similar to what Ivan Vasilyevich experienced. The story teaches that integrity in all manifestations of life, loyalty to a single moral feeling is truly human qualities, they stand above changing social or racial differences.
The narrator is special artistic image, on whose behalf the narration in the work is conducted. Sometimes the narrator’s position approaches the author’s position, sometimes it diverges significantly from it. You can remember Leskov’s “Lefty”, Gogol’s “The Night Before Christmas”, “ Stone flower» Bazhov: in them the authors create vivid images of narrators.
There are two narrators: the first, obviously a young man, narrates in the first person - but not singular, but plural (“we asked,” “one of us said”), that is, the first narrator is, as it were, a collective person. He introduces us to a situation in which young people are talking about the influence of conditions on the formation of a person; “everyone respected Ivan Vasilyevich” takes part in the conversation. We see that this conversation is no exception: such conversations happen often: “Often he completely forgot the reason for which he was talking...”.




Left a comment on 10/21/2017:

The story begins with the idea that a person’s life is especially influenced by his environment, but just one case can change his fate even more dramatically. And this first thought has already taken possession of the hero.
I involuntarily plunged into the depths of the story, clearly imagining all the people and events described. All the emotions of Ivan Vasilyevich, the main character of this story, were conveyed to me. The story is told on his behalf, in which the most important role is played by Varenka B., his most strong love, and her father, Pyotr Vladislavovich. Ivan Vasilyevich describes Varenka with special trepidation, giving her almost angelic features.
The ball itself for Ivan Vasilyevich was a bright, bright, well-organized event, where everything was nice to him. His perception was largely influenced by falling in love with Varenka. This tender feeling was further reinforced when the narrator saw the girl’s father, who is portrayed as a stately and slender man. Ivan Vasilyevich read the same thing in it loving relationship to my daughter. And watching his father and Varenka dance, he united them into a single whole and experienced extraordinary tenderness.
But Ivan Vasilyevich’s mood changed dramatically when, after the ball, he saw a scene of cruel punishment of a soldier, Varenka’s father Pyotr Vladislavovich supervised this execution. Now he appeared before the narrator as a stern and merciless boss. Ivan Vasilyevich lost all his happy feelings and, to the point of nausea, did not understand what exactly had happened, why Pyotr Vladislavovich’s face turned out to be completely different. He could never find an answer to this question.
It is difficult for me to understand and judge the actions of the heroes of the story, but their characters seem to me quite natural, filled with life and evoking sincere emotions.


Dream in the reflection of mirrors...
The shadows are gone...
Unexpected feelings yesterday's ball...
Don't forget...
A glass is split in two...
Bouquet of lilacs...
Everything that has gone to be crossed out... to be reloved...

The crystal chandeliers went out at sunset...
Dawn is not needed...
Cold eyes night agate...
Toccata of phrases...

And on the lips there is dope-nutmeg...
The light is so pearly...
You are only right in that WE are with you... and there is no US...

The crystal chandeliers went out. The grand ballroom was lit only by the uneven glow of the moon. The light, half-hidden by a veil of clouds, fell through windows reminiscent of Gothic stained glass, onto the shiny parquet floor and was reflected in the huge mirrors located on the opposite wall. The echo of the last ball has long died down. Dark...
She sat silently by the window, lowered onto the windowsill, from which the fluffy skirt of her pale blue ball gown took the shape of a slightly open magnolia bud... Through this silence, merging with the silhouettes of spring trees, she seemed only an invisible image...

The dull emptiness of space, swallowed up in darkness, was comparable to infinity... But despite this, she knew that there, in the depths of this infinity, leaning on the high back of an ebony chair, he was standing.
Her gaze did not dare to steal a single moment, which later could be called “together”... He, without looking away, watched as moonlight gently rests on her eyelashes, dripping a salty drop down her cheek, wraps her bare shoulders in a shawl and gets lost in the folds of her fluffy skirt.
Both were silent. But this dialogue of silence said too much to add anything.
The air was filled with the scent of lilac... Large, magenta-colored clusters of flowers, still wet from the recent rain and fresh from the wind playing with them, lay slightly carelessly on the floor, timidly snatched by the dim light.
One might think that now her thoughts were incredibly far away... But she was too “close”... In the reflection of the glass fogged by the breath, she looked for his eyes... Perhaps in order to ask something... perhaps in order to understand something... At the moment, she herself would hardly be able to answer this question. But as soon as the moonlight reflected such a long-awaited moment of glance, she immediately lowered her eyelashes, as if hiding from the cold agate of sad eyes... his eyes...
Outside the window, the wind quickly drove the clouds beyond the horizon, which dissolved in this strange, sleepless night, and was visible, probably, only to him.
In the darkness of the hall, on the snow-white surface of the marble console, there was a glass. His thin, graceful leg shone with the honey-sweet color of muscat wine, almost untouched that evening.
The silence became unbearable, and at the same time no one dared to break it...
From somewhere in the depths an echo of footsteps was heard... Her heart sank... Suddenly, out of nowhere, a sharp ringing sound - the thin glass of a crystal glass shattered. A deep crack curved like a line of life allowed a pearly drop of muscatel wine to leak out, which, for a moment, lingering on the smooth wall, wrapped itself like a snake around the leg and touched the cold marble... The steps stopped.
And in the temples, like a pendulum, something whispered again and again: “Right...” Just evening... A look... a breath... spinning to the magical sounds of an unforgettable waltz, similar to life in that it is so so short... and just as unique...
She stood up. She took out a wax candle from the candelabra, which was burnt by less than half and still retained its grace, lit it and slowly walked across “infinity”... pausing only for a breath in front of a black chair with a high back...
Soon the rustling of a silk skirt, enveloped in the matte light of playful candles and the echo of memories, disappeared into the empty corridors of the night.
There was no one else in the room except her...

Natalia Grebenko

1. What impressions, feelings and thoughts did you have in connection with reading the story? Who are its main characters? From whose perspective is the story being told? What period of his life does Ivan Vasilyevich talk about? How does the narrator describe Varenka? What does Ivan Vasilyevich say about the atmosphere of the ball, about his mood at the ball? How can this mood be explained? How is Varenka's father portrayed? How does the narrator feel about him? What changed Ivan Vasilyevich’s mood? How is the colonel shown in the scene in the square? Which is the true face of the colonel? How did you perceive the characters and actions of the characters? Tell us about it.
The story begins with the idea that a person’s life is especially influenced by his environment, but just one incident can change his fate even more dramatically. And this first thought has already taken possession of the hero.
I involuntarily plunged into the depths of the story, clearly imagining all the people and events described. All the emotions of Ivan Vasilyevich, the main character of this story, were conveyed to me. The story is told on his behalf, in which the most important role is played by Varenka B., his strongest love, and her father, Pyotr Vladislavovich. Ivan Vasilyevich describes Varenka with special trepidation, giving her almost angelic features.
The ball itself for Ivan Vasilyevich was a bright, bright, well-organized event, where everything was nice to him. His perception was largely influenced by falling in love with Varenka. This tender feeling was further reinforced when the narrator saw the girl’s father, who is portrayed as a stately and slender man. Ivan Vasilyevich read in him the same loving attitude towards his daughter. And watching his father and Varenka dance, he united them into a single whole and experienced extraordinary tenderness.
But Ivan Vasilyevich’s mood changed dramatically when, after the ball, he saw a scene of cruel punishment of a soldier, Varenka’s father Pyotr Vladislavovich supervised this execution. Now he appeared before the narrator as a stern and merciless boss. Ivan Vasilyevich lost all his happy feelings and, to the point of nausea, did not understand what exactly had happened, why Pyotr Vladislavovich’s face turned out to be completely different. He could never find an answer to this question.
It is difficult for me to understand and judge the actions of the heroes of the story, but their characters seem to me quite natural, filled with life and evoking sincere emotions.

2. Why is the story called by the author not “The Ball”, but “After the Ball”, although the description of the ball occupies a significant part of the work?
For some reason, the story is not called “The Ball”, but “After the Ball”. And, in my opinion, this reason is obvious. Despite the fact that the description of the ball, its atmosphere, guests, dances and everything that goes with it makes up the majority of the work, the meaning main idea story is contained in a smaller passage at the end of the story. We see that very incident that can change a person’s entire being, his life in the scene of the punishment of a Tatar for escaping. It is here that Ivan Vasilyevich loses his magical mood, he encounters another face of his previously beloved Pyotr Vladislavovich, with the inexplicable cruelty of what is happening. And after this incident, such a seemingly strong love soon wanes, leaving him with only a memory.

3. How can we explain the behavior of Varenka’s father after the ball - by his character or by the order in the army of that time?
The behavior of Varenka’s father is not entirely easy to explain with clarity. We are introduced to his character in only two scenes, which are given somewhat incompletely and cannot fully reveal him to us. Although we can say for sure that he is a complex and seasoned person. The last scene with his participation is indeed shocking with the cruelty of his behavior, but there is one detail: he quickly turns away from Ivan Vasilyevich, as if not noticing him. Perhaps at that time he regretted that he saw him in an unpleasant scene that was unusual for him, dictated by the strictest military orders of the time, which actually took place.
In any case, it is impossible to immediately say about Pyotr Vladislavovich that he is a hypocrite and a tyrant; it is better to simply leave it unsaid.

4. Can we say that L.N. Tolstoy’s story reveals to us one of the pages of Russia’s historical past? Which one exactly?
We can easily say that this story reveals to us one of the pages of Russian history, namely the era of the reign of Emperor Nicholas I, since the narrator mentions that “it was in the forties.” In addition, about appearance He says of Pyotr Vladislavovich: “His face was very ruddy, with a white, curled mustache à la Nicolas I...”. But an even more accurate idea of ​​time is given to us by the scene of the beating of an offending soldier with sticks. Such punishment was widespread precisely during the reign of Nicholas I. As another hero says in another story by L.N. Tolstoy: “Then they didn’t take off sticks and trousers for 50; and 150, 200, 300... were screwed to death.” And for the exceptional severity and frequency of such measures, the emperor was even nicknamed Nikolai Palkin.

5. What is the story “After the Ball” directed against? What, according to the author, determines changes in human relationships?
This story may be directed against the military policy of Nicholas I, since Tolstoy describes the army with obvious hostility not only in this story, but also in his other works. And here the scene of punishment is not only described “in all its glory”: the terrible beating of a soldier to an unnatural state, a strange, seemingly gloating procession, the mercilessness of the commander, but is also a very unpleasant turning point in the life of the main character.
But the story can also be directed against fleeting feelings, or more precisely, against the confusion between infatuation and love. After all, Ivan Vasilyevich calls his love for Varenka the strongest in his life, and he himself makes it clear that it is just a “spark” that easily went out after the horror he saw. Moreover, this horror was connected with her indirectly, through her father, but Ivan Vasilyevich transfers it to his beloved.
You must always soberly assess your emotions in order to avoid severe disappointment.

6. According to Tolstoy, in the course of Russian history two Russias arose: educated Russia, far from nature, and peasant Russia, close to nature. For the writer, this was the drama of Russian life. He dreamed that these two principles would unite, so that Russia would become united. But. being a realist writer, he depicted the reality that he saw and which he assessed from the point of view of his artistic and historical views. How were the writer’s historical views reflected in the story “After the Ball”?
Story by L.N. Tolstoy reveals to us the writer’s views on a specific historical era in life Russian Empire, the era of the reign of Nicholas I. This time was marked by the autocratic confidence and cruelty of the tsar himself and all the orders he established, the incredible cynicism and cold firmness of the emperor and his loyal subordinates. The embodiment of all this reality is in the story “After the Ball” the last part with a picture of a soldier being punished with sticks. Probably, Lev Nikolayevich even conveyed his own feelings through the sensations of the main character, feelings that are incomprehensible, but certainly unpleasant, causing melancholy, nausea and disgust from the external harmony and decency inspired by the appearance of the colonel and the strict, gloomy procession. This discrepancy, according to Tolstoy, is disgusting and must be eradicated.

7. What does L.N. Tolstoy achieve with composition and contrast of events?
The composition of the story is very interesting. It is a triple frame. The first frame is the construction of the story at the level of the writer himself, his temporal and spatial position. Then comes the second frame - this is the narrative of Ivan Vasilyevich in a circle of interlocutors, which also refers to a certain time and place. The third level is an event from the protagonist’s past, which also differs in all respects from the previous two. This composition allows the writer to repeatedly and successfully immerse the reader in the work so that its perception turns out to be the most accurate.
The contrast between the light, brilliant, joyful ball and the tough, bloody last scene allows the reader to fully feel the “click” that occurred in the mind of Ivan Vasilyevich, to feel his emotions and thoughts at that moment.
In this regard, L.N. Tolstoy is a real master.

8. In the process of creation work of art L.N. Tolstoy said: “... the artist does not reason, but guesses types with direct feeling.” Consequently, for Tolstoy, intuition is a way of “guessing.” At the same time, Tolstoy, relying on a real prototype, wrote: “I would be ashamed to be published if all my work consisted in copying the portrait, finding out, remembering.” What does it mean? How do you understand this statement of the great writer? Tolstoy told Goldenweiser: “I don’t understand how you can write and not redo everything many times. I almost never read my already printed things, but if I happen to come across some page, it always seems to me: it all needs to be redone.” How do you explain these words? What character trait of the writer are they talking about?
In his first statement great writer speaks of guessing the character of the characters in a work as a fundamental way of constructing individual interesting images and the overall impression of them. It seems to Tolstoy to cling to some detail, to complete it in a special way the best method than a simple, “dumb” copying of reality.
The second saying of Lev Nikolaevich reveals him to us as a seeking nature, constantly trying to reach the best, to the truth in his creative searches. He does not stop there, thereby even caring about the reader’s in-depth perception of his works. Moreover, he seems to be a person always ready for self-improvement; a frozen state and complacency are alien to him. And this is his personal and literary strength.

9. Look at the illustrations for L.N. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball.” Find episodes depicted by artists in the text of the story. Do you think they managed to convey the mood and pathos of the story?
The first illustration that we encounter during the story refers to the episode in which young Varenka dances with her father. This particular moment can be found in the text: “When he ... fell on one knee, and she, smiling and adjusting her skirt, which he caught, smoothly walked around him, everyone applauded loudly.” In this illustration, we see the satisfied and joyful faces of the dancers, but we do not quite distinguish the reaction of everyone else, we do not see their obvious fun and delight.
The second illustration is a picture of a soldier being punished, which is already great feeling conveys to us the events described in the text. We actually see the tormented figure of a Tatar, a surprised blacksmith and a formidable colonel. The illustration, as it should, evokes the strange and gloomy feeling experienced by the main character at that moment.
I think these are good illustrations; they reflect the mood of the episodes and convey the emotions of the characters.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy - My impressions of L. N. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball”

My impressions of L. N. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball”

moi-vpechatleniya-ot-rasskaza-l.-n.-tolstogo-posle-balamy impressions of L.’s story. n. Tolstoy "after the ball"

“My whole life changed from one night, or rather morning,” - this is how Ivan Vasilyevich, the hero of Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball,” begins his story. You read it, and together with the characters you experience both this night and this morning.

Ivan Vasilyevich talks about the story of his first love. It was a long time ago, when the hero was young and carefree, and, like any young man, he loved evenings and balls. At one ball he met the beautiful Varenka B. He waltzed with her tirelessly, and by the end of the evening Varenka was dancing with her father - “a handsome, stately and fresh old man.” Everyone looked at this couple with delight and tenderness. Everyone was touched by the colonel’s reverent attitude towards his daughter. His boots were especially touching - not fashionable, but apparently “built by a battalion shoemaker.” After dinner, Ivan Vasilyevich danced a quadrille with Varenka and was immensely happy.

Ivan Vasilyevich’s happiness grew and grew. Returning home, he could not sleep for a long time and thought with tenderness about Varenka and her father. Early in the morning he went out into the field and witnessed the following scene: a Tatar was being punished for escaping. They led him, naked to the waist, between the rows, and the soldiers beat him with spitzrutens. Varenka’s dear father commanded the soldiers. When it suddenly seemed to him that one of the soldiers was taking pity on the arrested man, the colonel began to hit the soldier in the face with his strong hand in a suede glove.

Seeing Ivan Vasilyevich, the colonel turned away, as if he had never known him. Ivan Vasilyevich barely made it home, before his eyes there was a scene of punishment, the “wet, red, unnatural” back of a beaten man. Ivan Vasilyevich decides not to enlist in military service, and from that day love “waned”...

And I understand Ivan Vasilyevich. Between him and Varenka stood the terrible memories of “the colonel on the square.”

I would like to believe that the cruel colonel is gentle and courteous with his daughter, not only at the ball, “in public,” but also at home. I ask myself the question: “Is a person who shows cruelty towards a prisoner capable of showing it towards a loved one?” I hope not... In any case, I am happy about one thing - Ivan Vasilyevich chose to stay away from such a family and from such military service.

Title of the work: After the ball

Year of writing: 1903

Genre: story

Main characters: Ivan Vasilievich- narrator, Colonel, Varenka- daughter of a colonel.


The narrator is deeply in love with the girl and goes to the ball in the most rosy mood, in anticipation of a meeting and, perhaps, an explanation. At the ball, he meets Varenka's father - an old colonel, ruddy and cheerful, who was kind to his daughter. After the ball, the young man cannot sleep, he is so excited and happy, and he goes to wander around the city. Soon his attention is attracted by a strange and frightening noise. He comes closer and sees a crowd of people who are looking in horror at the ongoing massacre of the exhausted, pathetic soldier. He is driven through the gauntlet - beaten on the back with birch sticks as punishment for escaping from the army. This execution is controlled by the old colonel, suddenly he stops and hits the young soldier hard and sharply in the face, who, in his opinion, weakly hit the deserter’s bleeding back.

This incident made such a strong impression on the young man that his love passed away, and he did not go to military service, and could not find a worthy place for himself in the world.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Tolstoy, with extraordinary skill, was able to show two opposing pictures: a cheerful ball with elegant and happy people, And scary picture bloody punishment. He wanted to show that every incident, one way or another, affects fate. Main character story - a respected and famous person, he himself believes that this incident turned his soul upside down and changed his fate.