Development of a lesson for Bulychev's adventures of Alice. Open lesson

In the morning, Stas flew away in a bubble to a small bay behind the rocks of Zeus, Pashka Geraskin, of course, with him. At parting, Stas strictly ordered Mashenka and Natasha not to swim and not to come close to water at all: they had a terrible runny nose, and, as you know, by the end of the twenty-first century, humanity had coped with all diseases except for the runny nose.

After breakfast, Alice went ashore and called the dolphins - Grishka and Medea. The dolphins responded immediately and got bored during the night.

They tumbled, clicked, chirped, calling Alice to quickly dive into the water.

The morning was cool and fresh, but the sun had already begun to get hot - and in an hour or two it would become hot on the shore. And the water here is warm, like fresh milk, the same day and night.

Good morning, - Alice said to the dolphins. - Shall we sail to Kaliakris Bay?

Alice lowered her glasses over her eyes and, running up, crashed into the elastic, clear water, raising a sheaf of sparkling splashes. Natashka’s cry came from afar from the shore:

Be back by lunchtime!

Biologists have a friend Stas, a designer and underwater archaeologist. Many people believe that if he had done just one thing, he would have become a great man.

Great - yes,” agreed Stas. - But never happy. And it has not yet been proven which is better.

For example, if a discovery is brewing in a design bureau or important work is nearing completion, it turns out that another Atlantis has been found in the Mediterranean Sea. From that moment on, Stas works somehow, dreaming of only one thing - to quickly dive into the Mediterranean Sea and not get out until he pulls Atlantis out.

But before he has time to draw out his Atlantis, he receives a letter from his design friends - an amazing idea was born! And Atlantis immediately loses half of its attractiveness - now Stas is eager to return.

For the second week, biologists and dolphins lived as guests of underwater archaeologists on the island of Probos in the Mediterranean Sea. Stas took them on an expedition to raise from the bottom of the sea the fleet of the tyrant Diostur, who went missing two and a half thousand years ago. He went to conquer Athens and disappeared. Ancient historians said that the gods were unhappy with the behavior of the tyrant. Zeus threw a star at him, a desperate storm arose, the fleet was scattered across the waves and smashed against the rocks.

Many thought that the fleet never existed, and this whole story was a legend. And then in the spring, geologists, exploring the surroundings of the island of Probos, came across the remains of wooden ships scattered in the bay. And during the first dive, under a pile of fragments of clay amphorae, they found a golden crown with the ancient Greek inscription: “Diostur.”

Soon from different countries Underwater archaeologists flocked there to explore the lost fleet and bring anything interesting to the surface. Stas, without whom not a single underwater expedition could do, took young biologists and their friends - dolphins - to the island...

For some time, Alice rode on Grishka's back, then slipped into the water and swam with the dolphins in a race. Although Alice is a good swimmer, there has never been a person who could outrun a dolphin. So the dolphins swam slowly.

Here are three rocks sticking out of the sea, like the teeth of a drowned dragon. Behind them is the deep, secluded bay of Kaliakris. It has not yet been examined by archaeologists, and Alisa promised Stas to go there and see if there was a galley that had strayed from the fleet.

The bay seemed ominous: steep banks closed it on three sides, breakers and white spots of foam showed that jagged rocks approached the very surface. There were treacherous whirlpools in the bay, but Stas was not afraid for Alisa - he knew that when the dolphins were nearby, nothing would happen. And Alice knew this, besides, she was an excellent diver and could breathe under water for three hours - all she had to do was swallow a pill.

Alice dived. From above the water was blue, sunny, with reflections; deeper it turned green and darkened. Hairs of long algae rose from the depths, a jellyfish swam nearby, and Alice pulled back so as not to get burned. Dolphins were spinning around in the neighborhood, chasing a school of silver fish. Alice sank to the very bottom. Grishka slid next to her - he didn’t want to lose sight of Alice. Alice went around the rock, and a huge niche opened behind her, as if a giant had begun to gnaw a hole in the rock, but changed his mind.

Alice liked this place. It would be nice, she thought, to find a galley or even a sunken city here.

From a distance it was easy to convince oneself that the fragments of rocks were the ruins of palaces, but after looking at them, Alice was disappointed and decided to rise to the surface - no great discovery happened.

Only first it was worth examining the long rock in the very depths of the niche, littered with boulders.

It looked like someone had chiselled the rock before throwing it here. And then it became overgrown with shells and lichens.

Alice tore off the mussel and was surprised: under the shell there was a matte, smooth surface, similar to metal.

Alice slowly swam along the entire rock. And wherever she scraped it, there was the same smooth surface.

At first Alice thought it was a submarine that had once sunk, but she had never heard of a submarine that looked like an almond about twenty meters long.

What if this is a spaceship?

Alice liked this idea. Why not? They found a spaceship that fell to Earth three hundred thousand years ago in the Kalahari Desert!

But the spaceship must have a hatch.

The search for the hatch took about twenty minutes. The dolphins got tired of looking after their friend, and they rose higher. Sometimes Alice saw their shadows passing from above.

The hatch was difficult to find not only because it was overgrown with shells, but also because a piece of rock had once fallen next to it and jammed it tightly.

It was not easy to pull the wedge out, but when Alice finally rolled away the stone and scraped away the shells, she saw a thin line - the border of the hatch.

Alice inserted the point of a knife into this thread gap, and, to her surprise, the hatch opened easily, as if it had been lubricated just yesterday. There was also water inside.

Alice turned on the flashlight attached to her forehead and saw a second hatch on the other side of the camera.

Grishka swam up from above, as if he had fallen from the sky, but Alice drove him away so as not to interfere.

Alice went inside and just touched the inner hatch when she felt the movement of water behind her. She turned around and saw that the outer hatch was quickly closing. Alice turned back, but was too late. The hatch closed.

The water quickly left the chamber - after a minute it was dry, and a light flashed overhead. The automation of the sunken ship was working.

The inner hatch opened, as if inviting her to go inside, which Alice did.

She found herself in the cabin. In front of her was a control panel, a mass of unfamiliar instruments.

At the far end of the cabin there was a transparent bathtub filled with a greenish liquid, and the astronaut's body floated in it.

Alice went to the bathtub and touched it with her hand - the bathtub was cold.

Until recently, when people did not know how to jump through space, every spaceship had such suspended animation baths. The astronauts fell into deep sleep, and time stopped for them.

And when they approached the desired planet, the signal turned on - and the astronauts came to their senses.

A bright light flashed overhead, and the lights on the remote control began to blink.

The bathtub lid began to move.

The astronaut moved. What luck! Alice managed not only to find a spaceship in distress from an unknown planet, but also to free an alien traveler from captivity!

The astronaut rested his four long brown arms on the edges of the bathtub and stood up.

He was terribly thin, three times thinner than a normal person. His face was flattened from the sides, as if in early childhood he tried to crawl through the narrow gap. There were no ears at all, and the long chin ended in a thin yellow beard.

Probably, for someone who had never encountered the inhabitants of other planets before, the sight of this unfortunate alien would have seemed unpleasant, but Alice knew that such different creatures live in the Galaxy that it is unreasonable to approach them with earthly standards. So Alice said:

Hello, I am very glad that I found your ship.

She spoke in cosmolingua, a galactic language that she knew very well.

The astronaut wrinkled his forehead, rubbed his temples, it seemed that he was collecting his thoughts.

“Sit down,” said Alice, pointing to the chair. - You need to come to your senses. Now I will go for help, and you will be raised to the surface.

The alien did not answer, but sat down in the chair.

Do you not understand me or did you fall so long ago that there was no cosmolingual yet?

“I understand everything,” the astronaut rasped, as if his voice was rusty.

When your ship fell, said Alice, a stone fell from above and jammed the hatch?

Yes, said the astronaut.

And you decided to plunge into suspended animation and wait until they find you?

What a blessing that I came across you...

Have you come to us from afar?

How long ago?

The astronaut was found to be taciturn.

Not to be intrusive, Alice said:

I will swim and call for help so that your ship can be raised. Archaeologists work nearby, they have equipment. In an hour you will be on the shore. Don't worry.

The astronaut did not answer, Alice went to the door.

The door was closed.

Open, please,” said Alice.

The astronaut was silent.

So what are you? - asked Alice.

The astronaut slowly rose from his chair and came close to Alice.

Before she had time to come to her senses, he painfully grabbed her shoulder with bony fingers and threw her against the wall.

Stay here,” he said quietly.

What do you? - Alice was surprised.

“I don’t like to repeat myself,” said the astronaut. He towered over Alice like a living skeleton. He smelled of rot. - I came here to conquer the Earth. It was two and a half thousand years ago. My ship was mistaken for a falling star, and the storm that arose when I fell into the sea destroyed the entire fleet. But, as luck would have it, I was buried under huge rocks...

When remembering this, the astronaut winced.

Why do you need to conquer the Earth? - asked Alice.

Because I was expelled from my own planet, declared a tyrant. I wanted to conquer the Earth, recruit an army here and brutally punish those who dared to raise a hand against me...

But now it’s too late... - said Alice.

It’s never too late,” replied the tyrant.

And the Earth is no longer what it was before. It is unlikely that we can be conquered.

Yes, the Earth is no longer the same... - said the tyrant. “In the first thousand years, I swore that I would give half of the Earth’s treasures to whoever saved me.” In the second thousand years I decided that I would let him live. And in the third thousand years...

“You swore to kill the savior,” Alice prompted.

Be quiet. Now you will see how close your guess is to the truth.

What's the point of killing me? - asked Alice.

“It makes sense,” the astronaut grinned. - I will kill you and take your form. It is not easy for me to conquer the Earth in my own form. But in your skin it will not be difficult to do this.

“You don’t know anything about me,” said Alice. - Even funny.

I will study your brain, read your thoughts, I will take you apart into atoms and put you back together. And it will only take me an hour. Then I will rise to the surface, and the fate of the Earth will be decided.

The tyrant approached the wall, pressed a button, and the wall moved apart. There was a niche with many devices.

“Don’t try to resist,” he said, “you can’t defeat me.” Nobody will come to your aid. Nobody knows that you are here... And be proud that in your former body the greatest tyrant of all times and peoples will live and act.

No,” Alice said quickly, “when I swam away, I left a note where to look for me.” My friends will definitely come here.

“You will no longer be alive at that time,” said the tyrant. - I will meet them in your guise and say that I found a spaceship, and in it a dead astronaut - my former body. Everything's been thought out, girl.

The astronaut began to prepare the instruments, but at the same time he did not take his back eye off Alice. Two hands were working, the other two were outstretched warningly towards Alice.

“You won’t succeed,” said Alice. - My friends are much more educated than you. Even if you kill me, you will be exposed in two days.

“Well, quite a lot,” said the tyrant. - You can do a lot in two days.

You won't even have time to get out...

I'll make it. While I was lying in suspended animation, my devices monitored everything that was happening around me. I even know that you swam here with two huge fish. You cannot be denied courage.

These are tame dolphins, why be afraid of them? - said Alice.

If they don’t eat you, it means they are afraid of you,” answered the tyrant. - There is no other way. All living beings are divided into weak and strong, smart and stupid. The stupid and weak are destined to be enslaved by the strong. These fish are in your thrall, and you are in my thrall...

Not true! - Alice exclaimed. - After all, there is still friendship...

Friendship,” the tyrant waved with three hands. - This is a consolation for the weak. Friendship with fish!

He creaked, laughed and began to approach Alice, holding out a thin needle with a white light barely flickering at the end.

Don’t be afraid,” he said, “ha-ha-ha!” - He still couldn't laugh. - Everything will be instantaneous: an electric shock - and you’re gone.

At this time there was a knock on the door. Strong and confident.

The tyrant froze.

The tyrant threw away the needle, grabbed Alice and whispered:

What's happened? - Stas asked. - Why don’t you come out?

“Alice is my prisoner,” said the tyrant. - Do you hear? And if you come here, she will die. I have nothing to lose.

“I’m here,” said Alice. - Sorry, Stas, but I really am his prisoner. I didn't think he wanted to conquer Earth.

“Everything is fine,” said Stas. “I advise you, adventure lover, to immediately let go of the girl and open the door.” The earth is not a place for experiments on people.

Agree,” said Alice. - Stas doesn’t like to joke.

Where's the guarantee? - asked the tyrant.

“I’m tired of waiting,” said Stas. And at the same instant, a golden spark passed through the metal of the door like a ring, and a circle of metal with a diameter of a meter fell inside the cabin. Stas stood behind the door with a laser cutter in his hand.

Alice, come here,” he said.

The tyrant's grip weakened. Fortunately, he was not so crazy as to decide to do something stupid.

Behind the hatch at the bottom stood three archaeologists and Pashka Geraskin. We waited. Dolphins were spinning at a distance.

Grishka rushed to Alice. He looked guilty - he wouldn't have noticed it.

When everyone, including the captive tyrant, climbed into the boat waiting on the surface, Alice said:

I feel guilty about the dolphins.

Yes, they were really worried,” said Stas.

Grishka and Medea rushed to us like crazy and muttered that there was trouble with you. There was no face on them.

The gloomy tyrant sat with his face buried in his four hands.

How did they manage to come running? After all, everything was calculated! - he muttered in despair.

Have you really not understood anything? - Alice was surprised. - Not everyone is divided into masters and slaves. Dolphins are my friends.

Municipal public utility educational institution secondary school No. 7 in Rossoshi Methodological development of a literary reading lesson “Kir Bulychev “Alice’s Journey” (4th grade) UMK School of Russia Compiled by teacher I KK Anistratova Marina Ivanovna. 2013 Open lesson literary reading in 4th "A" class "Kir Bulychev. "Alice's Journey" Lesson objectives:

To introduce the life and work of science fiction writer K. Bulychev; to interest students in his works; get acquainted with an excerpt from the story “Alice’s Travels”; teach to analyze the actions of heroes; retell the text in the first person; practice fluent expressive reading skills; develop memory, speech, thinking, creative abilities of students Equipment: presentation of cards, tape recorder with recordings of music from films based on the works of Kir Bulychev, physical exercises; exhibition of books PROGRESS OF THE LESSON I. Organizational moment. 1. The bell rang for us. Everyone calmly entered the classroom. Everyone stood up at their desks nicely and greeted each other politely. They sat down quietly, with their backs straight. I see our class anywhere! Well, let's start the lesson then! 2. Speech warm-up. In one country, In a wonderful country, Where you and I would never be, A shoe with a black tongue laps up milk in the morning. And all day long, potatoes are looking through the window. The bottle sings with its neck, gives concerts in the evening, and the chair on bent legs dances to the accordion. In one country, In a wonderful country... Why don’t you believe me?

(I. Tokmakova) Read the poem in a low voice. Why did the poetess manage to create such a humorous poem? What is the name of the section of the textbook that we started studying? Today we will continue to study works from the “Fantasy Country” section, and try to tell me the name of the work yourself after listening to the musical excerpt. II. Introduction to the topic. Updating knowledge. 1. Music is playing from animated film"The Mystery of the Third Planet." What cartoon did the music come from? Guys, how many of you are familiar with the film “The Secret of the Third Planet”? Who is it main character? What do you know about her? How many of you have seen the film about her? Who wrote the story about Alisa Selezneva? (Kir Bulychev) 2. The story of the teacher and children about the writer. 1 student. Kir Bulychev (real name Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko) was born in Moscow on October 18, 1934. At the age of ten he wanted to become an artist and even entered the art school. True, he did not study there for long - he got sick, missed a lot, and then was afraid to go back. Igor was probably very worried and resentful of his mother for not persuading him or insisting, but he soon developed new hobbies, completely different ones - geology and paleontology. Igor really wanted to “travel, live in a tent. Imagining himself as an explorer of the Amazonian jungle, he walked up and down the Moscow region. He diligently studied books about expeditions to the Gobi Desert, collected extensive collections of minerals and, of course, imagined himself as a real geologist with a courageous face and weather-beaten hands... 2nd student. It seemed that he had a direct path to the geological exploration institute, but it so happened that, on a Komsomol voucher, Mozheiko was sent to the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages, and, having graduated from the translation department there, he went to work in a distant Asian country - Burma... At times it seemed to the young translator that that he found himself in some kind of fairy tale world. From the hotel window he could see thousands of ancient Buddhist temples. Before dawn they became blue, purple and somehow airy. Shocked by what he saw, Igor Mozheiko Having returned home, he entered graduate school at the Institute of Oriental Studies and in 1966 defended his dissertation on medieval Burma on the topic “The Pagan State.” 3rd student. Research has begun. Life seemed to be going along a well-worn track, but... At the same time, Mozheiko’s daughter Alisa was growing up. And especially for his daughter, Igor Vsevolodovich happily began to invent fantastic stories about a girl from the 21st century, whom, like his own child, he named Alice. A story invented by Mozheiko, “When did the dinosaurs go extinct?”, to make scientific discoveries.”

seemed the most successful to the employees, and it was urgently inserted into the release. But how to sign such an unexpected creation? “Igor Mozheiko” seems inconvenient. After all, a historian, a scientist, and here are some dinosaurs in jars. “The wife’s name plus the mother’s maiden name,” the author decided and wrote “Kir Bulychev” under the manuscript. This is how one of the most popular modern science fiction writers appeared. 4th student. The serious historian Mozheiko began writing “frivolous” fiction. And, apparently, he really liked this activity, because after the first short stories that laid the foundation for the stories “about Alice”, real “big” books appeared: “The Girl from the Earth” (1974), “One Hundred Years Ago” (1978) ), “A Million Adventures” (1982), “Fidget” (1985), “The New Adventures of Alice” (1990)... And once Alisa Seleznyova even became a movie star - scripts were written for the animated film “The Secret of the Third Planet” and a five-part series feature film"Guest from the future." And each new meeting with a girl from the 21st century caused both readers and viewers great delight. 5th student. At the same time, Igor Vsevolodovich did not abandon his scientific studies. At the same time as the science fiction writer Bulychev, the historian Mozheiko tirelessly wrote his works. He published several monographs, popular science books “7 and 37 Wonders”, “Pirates, Corsairs, Raiders”, “1185. EastWest". He also defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Buddhism in Burma.” Igor Vsevolodovich died on September 5, 2003 after a long illness at the age of 68. Films have been made based on the works of Kir Bulychev. What do you remember about Kir Bulychev? III. Reading and analysis of an excerpt from the story “Alice’s Journey” 1. Vocabulary work. Space boat space boat is a small vessel or warship. Porthole is a hermetically sealed, usually round window on a ship, airplane, etc. The wardroom is a general room for the ship's command staff, serving as a dining room, meeting place and rest. A compartment isolated from other compartments of a ship or aircraft. A mechanic is a specialist who repairs and maintains one or more types of equipment. 2. Primary reading along the chain. IV. Physical exercise to music. V. Work on the text. 1. Conversation on the content of the story. Which Alice's adventure did you read about? What is unusual, fantastic about everything that happened? On whose behalf is the story being told? Prove it. What do you think of the narrator? What is his character?

How did the characters react to the story with the bushes at the beginning? Did their attitude change later? Explain. Describe Alice. What was she like? 2.Selective reading (based on the plots of the drawings) 3.Working with the test. Test. Mark the correct answers. 1. The spacecraft saw greenery in the hollow at... sunset. 1) twentieth, 2) eighteenth, 3) nineteenth, 4) seventeenth. 2. The travelers dug up... bushes. 1) six, 2) five, 3) ten, 4) two. 3. The space boat was called…. 1) Pegasus, 2) Vostok, 3) Soyuz, 4) Lunokhod. 4. The name of the mechanic of the spaceboat was…. 1) Red, 2) Blue, 3) Green, 4) Yellow. 5. The singing of the bushes foreshadowed…. 1) sandstorm, 2) bright sun, 3) cold morning, 4) rainy weather. 6.Professor Seleznev protected Alice from the bushes... 1) shovel, 2) mop, 3) broom, 4) gun.

7. Alice watered the bushes from…. 1) watering cans, 2) mugs, 3) buckets, 4) glasses. 8. Alice's dad was... 1) chemist, 2) biologist, 3) mathematician, 4) mechanic. 9. The smallest bush loved…. 1) compote, 2) lemonade, 3) jelly, 4) juice. 10. Alice was... 1) capricious, 2) absent-minded, 3) kind, 4) resourceful. (Checking the correctness of the test.) 4. Reading excerpts from fairy tales that the guys came up with for the “Space Fantasies” competition. And now we will listen to the guys who themselves tried to write fairy tales about traveling into space. (children's performances) VI. Lesson summary. - Did you want to read the whole book? Do you like fantasy literature? VII. Homework. A brief retelling on behalf of Alice.

Test. Mark the correct answers. 1. The spacecraft saw greenery in the hollow at... sunset. 1) twentieth, 2) eighteenth, 3) nineteenth, 4) seventeenth. 2. The travelers dug up... bushes. 1) six, 2) five, 3) ten, 4) two. 3. The space boat was called…. 1) Pegasus, 2) Vostok, 3) Soyuz, 4) Lunokhod. 4. The name of the mechanic of the spaceboat was…. 1) Red, 2) Blue, 3) Green, 4) Yellow.

5. The singing of the bushes foreshadowed…. 1) sandstorm, 2) bright sun, 3) cold morning, 4) rainy weather. 6.Professor Seleznev protected Alice from the bushes... 1) shovel, 2) mop, 3) broom, 4) gun. 7. Alice watered the bushes from…. 1) watering cans, 2) mugs, 3) buckets, 4) glasses. 8. Alice's dad was... 1) chemist, 2) biologist, 3) mathematician, 4) mechanic. 9. The smallest bush loved…. 1) compote, 2) lemonade, 3) jelly, 4) juice. 10. Alice was... 1) capricious, 2) absent-minded, 3) kind, 4) resourceful.

Kir Bulychev (real name - Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko) was born in Moscow

Arbat boy Igor Mozheiko was always interested in something. When I was very young, I loved stories about scouts and border guard Karatsupa. At the age of ten, he wanted to become an artist and even entered art school. True, he did not study there for long - he got sick, missed a lot, and then was afraid to go back. Igor was probably very worried and resentful of his mother for not persuading him or insisting, but he soon developed new hobbies, completely different ones - geology and paleontology.

Igor really wanted “travel, live in a tent, make scientific discoveries”. Imagining himself as an explorer of the Amazonian jungle, he traveled up and down the Moscow region. He diligently studied Ivan Efremov’s books about paleontological expeditions to the Gobi Desert, collected extensive collections of minerals and, of course, imagined himself as a real geologist with a courageous face and weather-beaten hands...

It seemed that he had a direct path to the geological exploration institute, but it so happened that, according to the Komsomol order, Mozheiko was sent to the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages, and, having graduated from the translation department there, he went to work in a distant Asian country - Burma...

At times it seemed to the young translator that he found himself in some kind of fairy-tale world. From the hotel window he could see thousands of ancient Buddhist temples. Before dawn they became blue, purple and somehow airy.

Shocked by what he saw, Igor Mozheiko, returning to his homeland, entered graduate school at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences and in 1966 defended his dissertation on medieval Burma on the topic “The Pagan State.”

Research and work on monographs began. Life seemed to be going along a well-worn track, but... At the same time, Mozheiko’s daughter Alisa was growing up. She was not too interested in the history of Burma, but she really wanted her dad to forget about his business and tell her something completely unusual.

And especially for his daughter, Igor Vsevolodovich happily began to invent fantastic stories about a girl from the 21st century, whom, like his own child, he named Alice.

These stories, entitled “The Girl to Whom Nothing Happens,” were published in 1965 in the popular anthology “World of Adventures.” And soon an interesting story happened with the Iskatel magazine, which published detective stories and science fiction. Somehow a real emergency happened in the editorial office of this glorious publication. Just before submitting the materials to the printing house, it was decided not to publish one of the foreign science fiction stories. However, as luck would have it, the cover of the upcoming issue with an illustration for this story had already been printed. From the cover, a tiny dinosaur sitting in a jar looked sadly at the upset editorial staff.

The drawing urgently required an explanation, and several people, saving the situation, decided to write a fantastic story, the best of which was to be included in the collection the next day. Orientalist scientist Igor Mozheiko also took part in the unexpected competition. He honestly sat at the typewriter all night, and in the morning he brought his essay to the editorial office. The story invented by Mozheiko (“When did the dinosaurs go extinct?”) seemed to the staff the most successful, and it was urgently inserted into the issue. But how to sign such an unexpected creation? “Igor Mozheiko” seems inconvenient. After all, he’s a historian, a scientist, but here are some dinosaurs in jars. "Wife's name plus mother's maiden name"- the author decided and wrote “Kir Bulychev” under the manuscript. This is how one of the most popular modern science fiction writers appeared.

Be that as it may, the fact remains: the serious historian Mozheiko began writing “frivolous” fiction. And, apparently, he really liked this activity, because after the first short stories that laid the foundation for the stories “about Alice”, real “big” books appeared: “The Girl from the Earth” (1974), “One Hundred Years Ahead” (1978) ), “A Million Adventures” (1982), “Fidget” (1985), “The New Adventures of Alice” (1990)... And once Alisa Seleznyova even became a movie star - scripts were written for the animated film “The Secret of the Third Planet” and the five-part feature film “The Guest” from the future." And each new meeting with a girl from the 21st century caused both readers and viewers great delight.

But Kir Bulychev did not want to write only about Alice. His pen includes a great many completely different, completely different similar friends on a friend of books: an ironic epic about the provincial town of Velikiy Guslyar and its glorious resident Cornelius Udalov, an “adult” series about the space doctor Vladislav Pavlysh and much, much more...

At the same time, Igor Vsevolodovich did not abandon his scientific studies. At the same time as the science fiction writer Bulychev, the historian Mozheiko tirelessly wrote his works. He published several monographs, popular science books “7 and 37 Wonders”, “Pirates, Corsairs, Raiders”, “1185. East-West". He also defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Buddhism in Burma.”

One can only wonder how Igor Vsevolodovich had enough time and energy for everything. However, no, there just wasn’t enough time, and the science fiction writer Bulychev, together with the historian Mozheiko, dreamed more than anything else about how to somehow increase the day...

Igor Vsevolodovich died on September 5, 2003 after a long illness at the age of 69. He didn’t live 1.5 months before his anniversary.

Films have been made based on the works of Kir Bulychev.

Short films.


Television films and plays.

state budgetary professional educational institution

Rostov region

"Zernogradsky teacher training college»


literary reading lesson,

held on April 18, 2017 in 4 "A" class

MBOU Secondary School of Public Inspectorate of Public Inspectorate of Zernograd

student of GBPOU RO "ZernPK"

Tereshchenko Daria Dmitrievna

Teacher: Lavrentsova N.A.

Methodist: Reznikova A. A.




Class: 4 "A"

Lesson topic: « »

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge

Target: introduce the life and work of science fiction writer K. Bulychev; interest him in his works; read an excerpt from the story “Alice’s Travels”;

Learning Objectives:

aimed at achieving personal results : The teacher will have the following:

    showing respect for educational books, careful use, awareness of the benefits of books and reading for oneself, for one’s personal growth, justification* of the motives for visiting the library and choosing books based on one’s interest

    develop motives educational activities and form a personal meaning of the teaching.

aimed at achieving meta-subject learning outcomes: the student will learn:

    master the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, search for means of its implementation;

    active use of speech means to solve communicative and cognitive problems;

    willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, recognize different points of view and the right of everyone to have and express their opinion and argue their point of view and assessment of events;

aimed at achieving subject learning outcomes: students will learn:

    predicting the content of a work,

    determination of the features of fantastic stories, the reader’s talent, the reader’s imagination in the process of reading fantastic works, independent compilation of fantastic stories

Lesson equipment:

Materials for students: textbook“Literary reading”, writing materials, cards with text speech warm-up

Teacher materials (equipment): textbook"Literary reading" presentation, technological map, : video projector, video materials from the cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet”.

Lesson progress

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities


Teaching methods

1. Motivation for learning activities

Hello children. My name is Daria Dmitrievna, today I will teach you a literary reading lesson.

Guys, listen to the poem and answer the questions at the end. (Slide 1)

What is it about?

How did you understand it?

Read the poem with different intonations: sad, cunning, joyful, neutral (4-5 people listen)

    Name objects that act as if they were alive. (Tongue, peephole, neck, chair.)

Find ambiguous word. (Tongue.)

Greetings from teachers

Listen and answer questions

Read from cards with different intonations (sad, sly, joyful, neutral)

They are called: tongue, peephole, neck, chair.

L: self-determination to activity

Formation of readiness for perception educational material

2. Update background knowledge

I suggest you watch a fragment of the cartoon

(View video footage from the cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet.”)

    Guys, how many of you are familiar with this cartoon?

    What is the name of his heroine?

    What do you know about her?

    How many of you have seen a movie about her?

    Who wrote the story about Alisa Selezneva? (Kir Bulychev.)

    Determine the objectives of the lesson.

    Read on p. 150 of the textbook is the name of the passage we will read today. Didn't it seem strange to you?

    What do you think such a work might be talking about?

Alisa Selezneva

She's from the future, loves animals, her dad - cosmobiologist, director of the space zoo - studies and collects animals throughout the Galaxy.

Kir Bulychev

TO: the student’s use of adequate verbal expressions

R: make necessary adjustments to the action

Repetition method

Oral survey

3. Organization of cognitive activity

3.1. Goal setting

3.2. Discovery of new knowledge.

3.3.Primary consolidation

3.4. Independent work

Getting to know the life and work of Kir Bulychev

    Decipher what is written here and you will find out the real name of the writer. (Igor Vsevolodov and Mozheiko.)


Guys, listen to his biography


Guys, you will come across difficult words in the text, let’s look at their meaning. What do you think this word means?

Working on an excerpt from the story "Alice's Travels"

Guys, listen to an excerpt from the story

Asks questions about a fragment

What was the name of the ship they traveled on?

What was so interesting and strange did they see?

What were these bushes and what did they do with them?

What happened to them?

    Which Alice's adventure did you read about?

    What is fantastic and unusual about what happened in the story?

Decrypt Igor Vsevolodov Mozheiko

Listen to the teacher's story

Express their opinion, look at the slide

Answer questions

Read the text independently

R: plan your actions in accordance with the task

TO: the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication

R: correction

R: determine and formulate the goal in the lesson with the help of the teacher; plan your action in accordance with the task

P: apply basic knowledge to solve a given problem

P: knowledge structuring

P: use different types reading

P: semantic reading, analysis and synthesis

TO: mastery of monologue and dialogic forms of speech

Story, illustration method


Working with a book

4. Reflection on learning activities

Summing up the lesson

    Continue with the sentences.

    Today in class I learned...

    In this lesson I would praise myself for...

    After the lesson I wanted...

    Today I managed...

VIII. Summing up the lesson

    What new did you learn in the lesson?

Answer questions

Write down homework



Build self-esteem, the ability to analyze and manage your actions; introspection



1.Lesson topic: « Kir Bulychev "Alice's Journey". Features of the fantasy genre »

2.The class is active and functional.

3. A lesson in discovering new knowledge.

4.Purpose: to introduce the life and work of science fiction writer K. Bulychev; interest him in his works; read an excerpt from the story "Alice's Travels"

5. Tasks aimed at achieving personal learning results were solved at the stages of motivation, reflection of educational activities, using methods: conversations, creating situations of success.

6.- Tasks aimed at achieving subject results were solved at the stage of organizing cognitive activity using methods: work from a textbook, conversation, work with a textbook, practical work.

Tasks aimed at achieving communicative learning outcomes were solved at the following stages: updating basic knowledge, organizing cognitive activity, reflecting on activities in the lesson, using conversation methods, encouragement, practical work, reading, working from a textbook.

Tasks aimed at achieving cognitive learning outcomes were solved at the stage of organizing cognitive activity, using methods: conversation, practical work, observation, generalization, story, work with a textbook.

Tasks aimed at achieving regulatory learning outcomes were solved at the stages: updating basic knowledge, organizing cognitive activity, reflecting on activities in the lesson, using methods: conversation, practical work, working with a textbook.

7.I tried to include the children in the planned activities at all stages of the lesson. I believe that the lesson achieved its goal; the criterion for this assessment is the acquired demonstrated knowledge.

MBOU secondary school No. 15

Lesson summary

By literary reading

4th grade

Lesson topic:

« Kir Bulychev

"Alice's Journey"

Teacher: Fedorenko E.A.
Yelets 2012
Lesson topic: Kir Bulychev. "Alice's Journey"

Lesson objectives:

  • introduce the life and work of science fiction writer K. Bulychev;

  • to interest students in his works;

  • read an excerpt from the story “Alice’s Travels”;

  • practice fluent expressive reading skills;

  • develop cognitive interest, memory, ingenuity,

  • instill an interest in reading science fiction literature.
Equipment: multimedia projector, cards with crossword puzzles, with individual tasks.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Organizational moment. slide 1
The bell has rung for us

Everyone calmly entered the classroom.

Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully,

We greeted each other politely.

They sat down quietly, with their backs straight.

I see our class anywhere!

Well, let's start the lesson then!

  1. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson. slide 2
- Today in class we will get acquainted with the life and work of the wonderful science fiction writer Kir Bulychev, remember the previously studied work from the “Fiction” section, meet the girl Alice, her friends, and learn about her adventures. I hope you will be attentive, active in the lesson, and you will be interested in this work. So, the topic of the lesson: Kir Bulychev “Alice’s Journey”

  1. Speech warm-up. slide 3
They are visible and invisible,

You can't count them!

And who just invented them -

Cheerful, blue?

Must have been torn off

A piece of the sky

We did a little magic

And they made a flower.

(E. Serova)

Read the poem "Bird Market".

How did you understand what flower they were talking about?

What helped her with this? (Fantasy.)

Read the first two lines with delight, the next two with surprise, the rest with mystery.

  1. Checking homework. slide 4
1. Individual work. Solve the crossword .


2 E



3 C




4 C






6 D






5 m




























1. The name of the professor, the creator of the robot boy.

2. Robot boy name

3. The name of the real boy the robot looked like.

4. His name.

5. In what month did these amazing adventures begin?

6. The hotel where the professor stayed.

b) Reading syncwines.

3. Checking individual work.

What keyword did you get from the crossword puzzle? (Mozheiko)

  1. Getting to know the life and work of the writer.
1. Teacher's story. slide 5

Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko is the real name of Kir Bulychev. He was born in Moscow on October 18, 1934. slide 6

Arbat boy Igor Mozheiko was always interested in something. When I was very young, I loved stories about scouts. At the age of ten, he wanted to become an artist and even entered art school. True, he did not study there for long - he got sick, missed a lot, and then was afraid to go back. Igor was probably very worried and resentful of his mother for not persuading him or insisting, but he soon developed new hobbies, completely different ones - geology and paleontology.

Igor really wanted “travel, live in a tent, make scientific discoveries”. Imagining himself as a researcher, he walked the length and breadth of the Moscow region. He diligently studied Ivan Efremov’s books about paleontological expeditions to the Gobi Desert, collected extensive collections of minerals and, of course, imagined himself as a real geologist with a courageous face and weather-beaten hands...

It seemed that he had a direct path to the geological exploration institute, but it so happened that Mozheiko entered the Moscow Institute foreign languages, and after graduating from the translation department there, he went to work in a distant Asian country - Burma...

At times it seemed to the young translator that he found himself in some kind of fairy-tale world. From the hotel window he could see thousands of ancient Buddhist temples. Before dawn they became blue, purple and somehow airy.

Shocked by what he saw, Igor Mozheiko, returning to his homeland, entered graduate school at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences and in 1966 defended his dissertation on medieval Burma on the topic “The Pagan State.”

Research and work on monographs began. Life seemed to be going along a well-worn track, but... At the same time, Mozheiko’s daughter Alisa was growing up. She was not too interested in the history of Burma, but she really wanted her dad to forget about his business and tell her something completely unusual.

And especially for his daughter, Igor Vsevolodovich happily began to invent fantastic stories about a girl from the 21st century, whom, like his own child, he named Alice. slide 7

These stories, entitled “The Girl to Whom Nothing Happens,” were published in 1965 in the popular anthology “World of Adventures.” And soon an interesting story happened with the Iskatel magazine, which published detective stories and science fiction. Somehow a real emergency happened in the editorial office of this glorious publication. Just before submitting the materials to the printing house, it was decided not to publish one of the foreign science fiction stories. However, as luck would have it, the cover of the upcoming issue with an illustration for this story had already been printed. From the cover, a tiny dinosaur sitting in a jar looked sadly at the upset editorial staff. slide 8

The drawing urgently required an explanation, and several people, saving the situation, decided to write a fantastic story, the best of which was to be included in the collection the next day. Orientalist scientist Igor Mozheiko also took part in the unexpected competition. He honestly sat at the typewriter all night, and in the morning he brought his essay to the editorial office. The story invented by Mozheiko (“When did the dinosaurs go extinct?”) seemed to the staff the most successful, and it was urgently inserted into the issue. But how to sign such an unexpected creation? “Igor Mozheiko” seems inconvenient. After all, he’s a historian, a scientist, but here are some dinosaurs in jars. "Wife's name plus mother's maiden name"- the author decided and wrote “Kir Bulychev” under the manuscript. This is how one of the most popular modern science fiction writers appeared. slide 9

Be that as it may, the fact remains: the serious historian Mozheiko began writing “frivolous” fiction. And, apparently, he really liked this activity, because after the first short stories that laid the foundation for the stories “about Alice”, real “big” books appeared: “The Girl from the Earth” (1974), “One Hundred Years Ago” (1978) ), “A Million Adventures” (1982), “Fidget” (1985), “The New Adventures of Alice” (1990)... And once Alisa Seleznyova even became a movie star - scripts were written for the animated film “The Secret of the Third Planet” and the five-part feature film “The Guest” from the future." And each new meeting with a girl from the 21st century caused both readers and viewers great delight.

But Kir Bulychev did not want to write only about Alice. He has written a great many completely different books, completely different from each other: an ironic epic about the provincial town of Velikiy Guslyar and its glorious resident Cornelius Udalov, an “adult” series about the space doctor Vladislav Pavlysh and much, much more...

At the same time, Igor Vsevolodovich did not abandon his scientific studies. slide 10 Simultaneously with the science fiction writer Bulychev, the historian Mozheiko tirelessly wrote his works. He published several monographs, popular science books “7 and 37 Wonders”, “Pirates, Corsairs, Raiders”, “1185. East-West". He also defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Buddhism in Burma.”

One can only wonder how Igor Vsevolodovich had enough time and energy for everything. However, no, there just wasn’t enough time, and the science fiction writer Bulychev, together with the historian Mozheiko, dreamed more than anything else about how to somehow increase the day...

Igor Vsevolodovich died on September 5, 2003 after a long illness at the age of 69. He didn’t live 1.5 months before his anniversary. slide11

Films, cartoons, and performances have been staged based on the works of Kir Bulychev.

2. Test work. Mini-test on the writer's biography . slide12

1. Real name Bulycheva

a) Veltistov b) Mozheiko c) Gromov

2. Igor Vsevolodovich was born in

a) Moscow b) Yelets c) St. Petersburg

3. What did you not want to become as a child?

a) geologist b) mathematician c) artist

3. Mutual verification.

  1. Physical education minute. slide13
And now we are with you, children,

We're flying away on a rocket.

Get up on your toes,

And then hands down.

One, two, three, four -

Here's a rocket flying up! (1-2 - stand on your toes, arms up, palms forming a “rocket dome”; 3-4 - main stand.)

And now the step is in place

And now the step is in place.

Legs up! Stop, one, two! (Walk in place.)

Raise our shoulders higher

And then we lower them. (Raise and lower your shoulders.)

Place your hands in front of your chest

And we perform jerks. (Hands in front of chest, jerks with arms.)

We stretched with all our hearts, (Stretching - arms up and to the sides.)

And they returned to the place again. (Children sit down)

  1. Work on the topic of the lesson.
1. Introduction to the topic. slide 14

Introducing the characters of the work (excerpt from the cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet”).

Read the title of the passage. slide 15

2. Vocabulary work.

a) explanation of difficult words slide 16

Dunes, hollow, hold, porthole, wardroom, enchanted, compartment, flamethrower

b) reading difficult words syllable by syllable. Choral reading. slide17

space boat, reconnaissance boat, sandy, silvery, euphonious,

3. Primary reading along the chain.

Part 1 With. 150 to the words “And at that moment we heard quiet, euphonious singing.”

Where did you find the plants?

What did they look like?

What did the heroes hear?

part 2 With. 151 to the words “Green looked frightened, and his beard was flying as if from the wind.”

Who is Green?

Where was the singing coming from? What did this portend?

Part 3 With. 152 to the words “One by one the bushes followed their leader.”

What scared the mechanic Zeleny?

part 4 With. 154 to the words “... moved towards me in close formation.”

How did people behave?

How did the plants behave?

How this story ends, you will find out by reading the text to the end yourself with “buzz” reading.

How did you manage to pacify the plants?

How did Alice guess what they needed?

What is so fantastic about this story? What's closest to reality?

  1. Consolidation of what has been learned.
1. Conversation

On whose behalf is the story being told? Name the other characters in the story.

What did you like and remember about the story? What was the funniest, most exciting, or most intense moment?

2. Independent work. Compiling a syncwine. slide 18

Curious, smart.

He flies, gets acquainted, gets to know.

Alice explores outer space.


3. Checking independent work. (students read their work)

  1. Summing up the lesson.
1. Watch an excerpt from a cartoon. slide 19

2. Conversation.

Mechanic Zeleny considered his trip unsuccessful, but for Alice it was successful - many new impressions and friends. What do you think about the lesson? Have you acquired new knowledge?

3. Commenting and rating.

  1. Homework. slide20
Re-read the passage p. 150 - 156, compose a syncwine characterizing one of the characters, or prepare an illustration for the text.

  1. Reflection. slide 21
Evaluate your work in class by clapping your hands.

Many people like to sing and clap their hands, especially children, teenagers and young adults. And Israeli scientists from Ben Gurion University managed to prove that singing and clapping is good for health.