Means for creating the image of Andrei Sokolov. The image and characteristics of Andrei Sokolov in the story The Fate of a Man by Sholokhov essay

Essay on the topic: Andrey Sokolov. Work: The Fate of Man

The name of M. A. Sholokhov is known to all mankind. In the early spring of 1946, that is, in the first post-war spring, M.A. Sholokhov accidentally met an unknown man on the road and heard his confession story. For ten years the writer nurtured the idea of ​​the work, events became a thing of the past, and the need to speak out increased. And so in 1956 he wrote the story “The Fate of Man.” This is a story of great suffering and great resilience of the simple Soviet man. The best features of the Russian character, thanks to whose strength the victory in the Great Patriotic War was won, M. Sholokhov embodied in the main character of the story - Andrei Sokolov. These are traits such as perseverance, patience, modesty, and a sense of human dignity.

Andrei Sokolov is a tall man, stooped, his hands are large and dark from hard work. He was dressed in a burnt padded jacket, which had been mended by an inept male hand, and his general appearance was unkempt. But in the appearance of Sokolov, the author emphasizes “the eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes; filled with such inescapable melancholy.” And Andrei begins his confession with the words: “Why did you, life, cripple me like that? Why did you distort it like that?” And he cannot find the answer to this question.

The life of an ordinary person, the Russian soldier Andrei Sokolov, passes before us. . Since childhood, I learned how much a “pound is dashing”, in civil war fought against the enemies of Soviet power. Then he leaves his native Voronezh village for Kuban. Returns home, works as a carpenter, mechanic, driver, and starts a family.

With trepidation, Sokolov recalls pre-war life, when he had a family and was happy. The war ruined this man’s life, tore him away from home, from his family. Andrei Sokolov goes to the front. From the beginning of the war, in its very first months, he was wounded twice and shell-shocked. But the worst thing awaited the hero ahead - he falls into fascist captivity.

Sokolov had to experience inhuman torment, hardship, and torment. For two years, Andrei Sokolov steadfastly endured the horrors of fascist captivity. He tried to escape, but was unsuccessful; he dealt with a coward, a traitor who was ready to hand over the commander to save his own skin.

Andrei did not lose the dignity of a Soviet man in a duel with the commandant of the concentration camp. Although Sokolov was exhausted, exhausted, exhausted, he was still ready to face death with such courage and endurance that he amazed even the fascist. Andrei still manages to escape and becomes a soldier again. But troubles still haunt him: his home was destroyed, his wife and daughter were killed by a fascist bomb. In a word, Sokolov now lives only with the hope of meeting his son. And this meeting took place. IN last time a hero stands at the grave of his son who died in last days war.

It seemed that after all the trials that befell one person, he could become embittered, break down, and withdraw into himself. But this did not happen: realizing how difficult the loss of relatives is and the joylessness of loneliness, he adopts the boy Vanyusha, whose parents were taken away by the war. Andrey warmed and made the orphan's soul happy, and thanks to the warmth and gratitude of the child, he himself began to return to life. The story with Vanyushka is, as it were, the final line in the story of Andrei Sokolov. After all, if the decision to become Vanyushka’s father means saving the boy, then the subsequent action shows that Vanyushka also saves Andrei and gives him a meaning for his future life.

I think that Andrei Sokolov is not broken by his difficult life, he believes in his strength, and despite all the hardships and adversities, he still managed to find the strength to continue living and enjoy his life!

The image of Andrei Sokolov in the story “The Fate of a Man” by M. A. Sholokhov

M. Sholokhov's story “The Fate of a Man” is one of the writer’s pinnacle works. At its center is the confession of a simple Russian man who went through two wars, survived the inhuman torments of captivity and not only preserved his moral principles, but also turned out to be able to give love and care to the orphan Vanyushka. Andrei Sokolov's life path was a path of trials. He lived in dramatic times: the story mentions the civil war, famine, the years of recovery from devastation, the first five-year plans. But it is characteristic that in the story these times are only mentioned, without the usual ideological labels and political assessments, simply as conditions of existence. The main character's attention is focused on something completely different. He speaks in detail, with undisguised admiration, about his wife, about his children, about the work that he liked (“I was attracted by cars”), about this other wealth (“the children eat porridge with milk, there is a roof over their heads, they are dressed, be okay"). These simple earthly values ​​are the main moral achievements of Andrei Sokolov in the pre-war period; this is his moral basis.

There are no political, ideological, or religious guidelines, but there are eternal, universal, national concepts (wife, children, home, work), filled with the warmth of cordiality. They became the spiritual supports of Andrei Sokolov for the rest of his life, and during the apocalyptic trials of the Great Patriotic War he comes in as a fully formed person. All subsequent events in the life of Andrei Sokolov represent a test of these moral foundations “to the breaking point.” The culmination of the story is the escape from captivity and a direct confrontation with the Nazis. It is very important that Andrei Sokolov treats them with some kind of epic calm. This calmness comes from the respectful understanding of the original essence of man brought up in him. This is the reason for Andrei Sokolov’s naive, at first glance, surprise when confronted with the barbaric cruelty of the Nazis and stunned at the fall of a personality corrupted by the ideology of fascism.

Andrei's clash with the Nazis is a struggle between healthy morality, based on the world experience of the people, and the world of antimorality. The essence of Andrei Sokolov’s victory lies not only in the fact that he forced Muller himself to capitulate to the human dignity of the Russian soldier, but also in the fact that with his proud behavior, at least for a moment, he awakened something human in Muller and his drinking companions (“they also laughed ", "they seem to look more softly"). The test of Andrei Sokolov's moral principles does not end with the mortal pangs of fascist captivity. The news of the death of his wife and daughter, the death of his son on the last day of the war, and the orphanhood of someone else’s child, Vanyushka, are also trials. And if in clashes with the Nazis Andrei retained his human dignity, his resistance to evil, then in the trials of his own and others’ misfortune he reveals unspent sensitivity, an uncorroded need to give warmth and care to others. An important feature of Andrei Sokolov’s life path is that he constantly judges himself: “Until my death, until my last hour, I will die, and I will not forgive myself for pushing her away!” This is the voice of conscience, elevating a person above the circumstances of life. In addition, every turn in the hero’s fate is marked by his heartfelt reaction to his own and other people’s actions, events, and the course of life: “When I remember, my heart still feels like it’s being cut with a dull knife...”, “When you remember the inhuman torment... the heart is no longer in the chest , and there is a beating in my throat, and it becomes difficult to breathe,” “my heart broke…” At the end of Andrei Sokolov’s confession, an image of a large human heart appears, which has accepted all the troubles of the world, a heart spent on love for people, on defending life.

M. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man” convinces us that the meaning of history, its driving “engine” is the struggle between humanity, nurtured through centuries of experience folk life, and everything that is hostile to “simple moral laws.” And only those who have absorbed these organic human values ​​into their flesh and blood, “heartened” them, can, with the power of their soul, resist the nightmare of dehumanization, save life, protect the meaning and truth of human existence itself.

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War always leaves a deep mark on the body of society. Many talented people wrote works that reflected the horrors of war. The famous Russian writer Mikhail Sholokhov also devoted many lines to this terrible topic.

In the story “The Fate of a Man,” Sholokhov talks about the fate of the main character Andrei Sokolov, who suffered all the hardships of military events. But why then is the story not named after the hero? Because his image personifies the common fate of the people who experienced a terrible tragedy.

The story is told in the first person. The narrator talks about his journey, during which he accidentally meets a man and his little son. The acquaintance is unobtrusive and frank. The man clearly needs someone to listen to him. But he does not complain about fate and does not expect pity from his interlocutor, but simply tells his story, knowing that now it is close to everyone, despite the fact that peacetime has come.

Andrei Sokolov begins his story from the days of his youth. He speaks honestly about his ardor, that he could have drunk too much. But he was very lucky with his wife. She was a truly understanding person. Even when Andrei came home drunk, she did not increase the scandal, but simply put him to bed and quietly stroked his head. In the morning, his wife calmly asked him not to drink so much anymore. And Sokolov felt so ashamed that he did not want to upset the wise woman anymore. Soon they had children: a son and two daughters. Sokolov earned money for a small house and they began to live, although not richly, but no worse than others.

In their measured, quiet, but happy life, war invades. Andrei, like many others, receives a summons and is sent to the front. On the platform he says goodbye to his family. The wife, who always seemed so calm and wise, now looked as if she had lost her mind. She didn’t want to let Andrei go. He even had to push her away in the heat of the moment, which he would always regret later.

Sokolov’s image is courageous and strong, but with his words about his wife, it is noticeable how vulnerable he is.

At first, the war spared Sokolov, but later his luck ran out. He is captured by the Germans. They were locked in an old church and kept for later interrogation. Andrei accidentally overhears a conversation between two prisoners and learns that one of them wants to denounce a colleague in order to save himself. The main character cannot stay away and commits lynching. This act reveals the fair character of the hero. He cannot tolerate meanness towards others.

Sokolov – strong personality, and therefore decides to escape. But the first escape turns out to be unsuccessful. For disobedience, he is transferred to a punishment cell, and later, following a denunciation, Andrei is brought to the commandant for “spraying”. Here the German offers him a toast to the victory of German weapons, but Sokolov refuses. He does not ask for mercy, but is ready to withstand all torture. Sokolov surprised the commandant with his pride and courage. And he, surprisingly, spared the enemy, and even gave him some bread and lard. This food main character shares honestly with his comrades.

The war ended, Sokolov was able to survive, but none of his family was left because of a bomb that hit the house. At first, the hero does not know why he should continue to live, but one day he meets a little boy near the teahouse, who also has no one left, and he takes him in with him. Two lonely souls came together to become a family.

Full name: Eliseeva Alena Anatolyevna.


place of work: MBOU

"Klyuchevskaya secondary school" Tyulgansky district

Subject name: literature

UMK Literature, 9 Class, Korovina. Year of publication: 2013

Level of training: basic

Lesson topic: M. A. Sholokhov. A word about the writer. Composition of the story "The Fate of Man"

Total number of hours allocated to study the topic: 1

Place of the lesson in the system of lessons on the topic: 2nd lesson (out of 2).

Target: to clarify and supplement the image of Andrei Sokolov, his character traits based on the episodes read, the formation of the image of the Russian soldier-liberator, his character based on the story by M. Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man”.


1) Educational: Give a description of the main character - Andrei Sokolov, identify the features of this literary character; Compare the fate of the main character with the fate of the entire Russian people, who suffered the hardships of the Great Patriotic War, to identify strong character traits of a person in difficult life situations; to note a person’s ability to withstand life’s adversities.

2) Developmental:. develop analysis skills work of art; expand children's knowledge about the life of Russian prisoners of war in concentration camps;

3) Educational: to promote the education of spirituality and patriotism. to form in students ideas about the fate of people who went through the war; to cultivate moral qualities, a sense of empathy and compassion, a sense of patriotism, pride in the courage of the Russian people;

Equipment: textbook-reader, illustrations, recording of the film by S. Bondarchuk.

Planned results:

Subject: disclosure of ideological content through identified features of its composition; mastery of literary terminology during analysis literary work, fostering interest in reading works of a patriotic nature about the feat of the Russian people during the Great Patriotic War, developing students’ speech, practicing expressive reading skills, monologue and dialogic statements.

Cognitive UUD: search and selection of necessary information, conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral form, free orientation and perception of the text of a work of art, semantic reading; promoting the development of mental operations: comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization. Help in the development of creative imagination, cognitive activity, intellectual abilities.

Personal UUD: identifying what is embedded in the story moral values and them modern sound, fostering respect for the Fatherland, its past, the memory of the events of the Second World War, a sense of responsibility and duty to the Motherland;

Regulatory UUD: goal setting, planning, self-regulation, highlighting and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned.

Communicative UUD: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, observing the rules of speech behavior, the ability to express thoughts with sufficient completeness in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

Technical support lesson: laptop with speakers, fragment from the film “The Fate of Man,” projector, screen.

    Organizing time.

    Motivation educational activities.

    Updating knowledge.

    Analysis of the work.

    Dynamic pause.

    Analysis of the work.

    Implementation of individual homework.

    Lesson summary.

    Homework assignment.


1. Organizing time.

2. Motivation for learning activities.

introduction teachers

The question arose at any time -

What is life? What is it for?

A hundred wise men were looking for the answer

The stars, gods, earth, water, fire.

What is known? Same as at the beginning -

On old secret old armor.

So, maybe we need to approach it differently

To a known unsolvable problem

And to state the essence in another aspect -

Since it exists, how can we live it?

Which literary hero asked yourself such questions, thought about the meaning of life? (Pechorin)

Have you ever asked yourself such questions?

The people are like a huge tree on which you cannot count the leaves. And everything that we do good adds strength to it. But not every tree has roots. Without roots, even a slight wind would have knocked it down. Roots nourish the tree and connect it to the earth. Roots are what we lived with yesterday, a year ago, a hundred, a thousand years ago. This is our history and spiritual traditions.
In today's lesson we will continue to work on a work that takes us back to one of the most important and tragic events in the history of our Motherland - the Great Patriotic War. "If you really want to understand why Soviet Russia won great victory in the Second World War, read the story “The Fate of Man,” as one English newspaper wrote.

- Let's turn to the topic of the lesson. Tell me, what will be the subject of our conversation?

(Having followed life path Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the story, we will not only learn about his fate, but also about the fate of the entire people who survived the war, we will reveal the strong character traits of the Russian man in difficult times. life situation, and also reveal the meaning of the title of the story)

- What character should a Russian person have in order to overcome the moral tests sent by fate? What could you keep in your soul? This is what we talked about in class.

III. Updating students' knowledge. Analytical conversation based on the materials of the first lesson.

Prove that from the hero’s biography one can trace the main stages of the path traversed by the entire country. What are these stages?

IV. Analysis of the story.
- How does the hero’s character manifest itself in peacetime? What does A.S. see as his happiness in pre-war life? ( The hero of the story does not talk about wealth, about jewelry, he rejoices in little, it would seem. But this is the most valuable thing on earth: home, harmony in the family, children’s health, respect for each other. Andrei Sokolov concludes his story with the words: “What more do you need?” Everything in his life is harmonious, the future is clear.)

What changes the established order in the family so much? ( War breaks into a world built with care and love. People's lives are inseparable from historical events. This is how history interferes with a person’s fate.)

Why does Andrei Sokolov begin his story about the war with memories of peaceful life? (He went through many trials, and what seemed ordinary became more expensive.)

– M. Sholokhov’s story about the war. Why do we practically not see the main character with a weapon in his hands in a battle situation? (The author has a unique approach to depicting war. He contrasts the monstrous machine of fascism not with the power of weapons, but with something else. So? The writer explores not the war itself, but the possibilities of the human spirit. Is a person beautiful in soul - that’s the main thing. In the soul - one of sources of victory.)

What was the military fate of Andrei Sokolov?

Captivity.Episode in the Church

For what purpose did Sholokhov introduce the description of captivity? ( He showed how heroically and honorably the Russian people behaved in captivity, how much they overcame.).

In which episodes does the hero's character manifest itself most powerfully? Let's take a closer look at them.

What is the significance of the episode "In the Church"? (reveals possible types of human behavior in inhumane circumstances.)

What types of human behavior does Sholokhov depict in this scene?

– Which life position is closest to Sokolov? (Under any conditions, remaining yourself, not betraying your duty - this is the position of Sokolov himself. The hero does not accept either submission or opposition of his life to the lives of other people. The episode "In the Church" shows how the hero's character is cruelly tested. Life confronts him with the need to choose. The hero acts as his conscience tells him.)

Why do you think the author introduces the image of a traitor into the story? (1. Submission to circumstances, cowardice, meanness, hypocrisy influenced the fate of this person.
2. He accepted death at the hands of those whose lives he wanted to give to the enemy in the name of his salvation.
3. An ordinary act of a doctor turns out to be a heroic act against the backdrop of betrayal.)

Episode in the camp. Illustration: in captivity.

Prisoner of war Sokolov, camp number 331, goes on call, preparing for death. Is it possible to prepare for death, to get used to it? ?(You can’t get used to death, you can’t prepare for it. But you can accept it in different ways, depending on whether a person has character, the so-called core. Sokolov’s strength is in love and pride for his Motherland, for a Russian person.)

- Why did Mueller need a drinking ritual before executing a prisoner?

– What is the hero’s physical condition? Why does he agree to drink but refuse a snack? ( Emphasizes his moral fortitude.)

What have we learned about Mueller as a person? (read out)

Why did Commandant Müller “generously” give Andrei Sokolov his life?

Are his words dear to us?

Thus, the dialogue with Muller is not an armed fight between two enemies, but a psychological duel from which Sokolov emerges victorious, which Muller himself is forced to admit.

– What words express Sokolov’s view of the duty of a person, a man, a soldier? (Willingness to endure, to “endure”, while maintaining human dignity, becomes Sokolov’s life credo: “That’s why you’re a man, that’s why you’re a soldier, to endure everything, to endure everything, if need calls for it”)
– What do you think was the most terrible event from military life for the hero of the story? (The worst thing for Sokolov was the loss of loved ones.)

Illustration: Farewell to family.

Twice the hero interrupts his story, and both times when he remembers his dead wife and children. It is in these places that Sholokhov gives expressive portrait details and remarks. How great must be the pain that this person experiences if he, more than once, looking into the face of death, never giving in to the enemy, says: “Why did you, life, cripple me like that? Why did you distort it like that?” The hero’s heart is “petrified with grief” so much that he is not even able to cry.

– Sholokhov is a master of detail. With one phrase, a writer can reveal everything that is in the hero’s soul. What detail at the beginning of the story does the writer convey the depth of the hero’s grief?

– Popular wisdom says: G laza – mirror of the soul" Eyes say a lot about a person. Everything that a person has experienced, all his suffering can be read in his eyes...
"As if sprinkled with ashes » – that is, what kind, what color?

– Why is the color of the eyes not just gray, but similar to the color of ash? (Ashes are where everything is burned, destroyed. In the hero’s soul there is ashes, disappointment, emptiness.)

Thus, the color detail helps to understand the state of the hero. The war took everything away from Sokolov. No family, house destroyed. My hometown has become a stranger. And he went wherever his eyes led him, to Uryupinsk, with a dried-up heart, alone. How can a person find himself in such a difficult situation change? (A person can become bitter, hate everyone, especially children, who would remind him of his own. At such moments, a person can take his own life, losing faith in its meaning)
– Did this happen to Andrei Sokolov? (He continued to live. Sholokhov writes sparingly about this period of his hero’s life. He worked, began to drink, until he met a boy.)

V. Dynamic pause.

Watching an excerpt from S. Bondarchuk’s film “The Fate of Man” Meeting with Vanyushka.

VI. Analysis of the story.

Illustration: With Vanyusha

– What do the fates of Andrei Sokolov and Vanyusha have in common? (Two orphans whose lives were twisted by war)
– The image of Vanyushka appears in the story along with the image of Andrey. But portrait characteristic the author does not give immediately, but again through artistic details. It is worth paying special attention to Vanya’s eyes. How are they described in the work? (“Light as the sky”, “little eyes like stars at night after the rain.”)
– What is the color meaning of this image? (Here we mean a bright blue color. Pure, immaculate, unspoiled by any hardships of life. But this definition is not enough for the author. He gradually strengthens the image: “little eyes like stars at night after rain” . The boy’s eyes shine with a bright yellow, starry, unearthly color. Let us pay attention to the diminutive suffixes (nebUSHKO, Zvezdochki): they give out and author's attitude)
– Andrei Sokolov, having gone through the war, having lost during these terrible years Everything that was possible, completely devastated, meets Vanyushka with eyes as clear as the sky, like stars washed by the rain. What does the comparison of Vanyusha’s eyes with the light of stars show? (Shows that he became for Sokolov, as it were, a guiding light in a life filled with black grief).
– As you can see, Vanya warmed the heart of Andrei Sokolov, his life regained meaning.
– Is it possible to trustfully cling to every person like this, just like that? Small child?
– Now let’s turn again to the beginning of the story. Where does Sholokhov begin the work? ( From a description of nature)
– Imagine this picture. What colors are contrasted in the description? (dead white, snowy color of winter and vibrant brown, dirty yellow, gray color of early spring)
– What does this opposition symbolize? (Just as winter with white coldness is replaced by a warm, albeit not yet festive, spring, so life conquers death).
– What kind of sky does the author draw at the beginning of the story? (Blue, with white, busty clouds floating in the faded blue).
– What do these details indicate? (About the coming peace, about the feeling of peace and tranquility)
– The story describes tragic events, but still there is a place of hot, bright sun. Support this with an example from the text. Why does Sholokhov repeat the words about the sun several times? (More and more sun, shine, warmth are given to the heroes of the story. More and more more peace penetrates their soul. Yellow sunny color symbolizes upcoming happiness)
– Thus, the description of nature given at the beginning of the story is key to understanding the meaning of the work. But, interestingly, we understand the significance of this landscape sketch only after finishing reading.
– Now let’s turn to the final episode of the story.
– Name the phrases the author uses to define the characters (grains of sand thrown into foreign lands by a hurricane of unprecedented power - a man of unbending will)
– What does Sholokhov emphasize when he calls the hero a grain of sand in the last lines? (Andrei Sokolov does not at all appear to be an epic hero, he is not a person with supernatural abilities. He is ordinary, like everyone else).

According to Sholokhov's concept, a person is a grain of sand, a blade of grass in the wind, a trembling leaf pressed to a branch; these are the metaphors the writer uses in the story, describing the characters.
-What is fate?

Vocabulary work: Fate – 1. A confluence of circumstances independent of a person’s will, the course of life circumstances; 2. Share, fate; 3. The history of the existence of someone or something; 4. Future, what will happen (Dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov).

– In what sense is this word used in the title of the story? (In the title of the story, the word fate is used in several lexical meanings. It can be considered as the story of Andrei Sokolov, and his fate, and a coincidence of circumstances)
– Then how does a person live from Sholokhov’s point of view? What can he oppose to fate? (Love, kindness, human dignity)
– If you have cultivated human dignity in yourself, it will help you preserve a person in any situation.
VII. Implementation of individual homework.

We live in peacetime, but it is not always peaceful on Russian soil. Right now it is necessary to rethink the greatness of the feat of those who survived the war. These are not only soldiers at the front, these are also boys who stood at the machines, and village women who fed the army and the country, and people whose feat could be simply to remain people in inhumane conditions occupation. At home, if you wish, you had to prepare a message about the fate of your relative or fellow villager.

VIIISumming up the lesson

– Re-read the ending of the story. Why does the author speak at the end about the “heavy sadness” that gripped him under the influence of what he heard? (Nothing will ever console Andrei Sokolov, will not help him forget what he experienced, will not compensate for his terrible losses. At the same time, he, a simple man, is not only not broken, but has also retained the most precious thing in himself - living soul. These two orphaned people find in each other their new common destiny, mutually affirming each other in life.


Essay on the topic “War in the destinies of our compatriots”

The name of M. A. Sholokhov is known to all mankind. In the early spring of 1946, that is, in the first post-war spring, M.A. Sholokhov accidentally met an unknown man on the road and heard his confession story. For ten years the writer nurtured the idea of ​​the work, events became a thing of the past, and the need to speak out increased. And so in 1956 he wrote the story “The Fate of Man.” This is a story about the great suffering and great resilience of the ordinary Soviet man. The best features of the Russian character, thanks to whose strength the victory in the Great Patriotic War was won, M. Sholokhov embodied in the main character of the story - Andrei Sokolov. These are traits such as perseverance, patience, modesty, and a sense of human dignity.

Andrei Sokolov is a tall man, stooped, his hands are large and dark from hard work. He was dressed in a burnt padded jacket, which had been mended by an inept male hand, and his general appearance was unkempt. But in the appearance of Sokolov, the author emphasizes “the eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes; filled with such inescapable melancholy.” And Andrei begins his confession with the words: “Why did you, life, cripple me like that? Why did you distort it like that?” And he cannot find the answer to this question.

The life of an ordinary person, the Russian soldier Andrei Sokolov, passes before us. . Since childhood, I learned how much a “pound is worth,” and during the civil war he fought against the enemies of Soviet power. Then he leaves his native Voronezh village for Kuban. Returns home, works as a carpenter, mechanic, driver, and starts a family.

With trepidation, Sokolov recalls pre-war life, when he had a family and was happy. The war ruined this man’s life, tore him away from home, from his family. Andrei Sokolov goes to the front. From the beginning of the war, in its very first months, he was wounded twice and shell-shocked. But the worst thing awaited the hero ahead - he falls into fascist captivity.

Sokolov had to experience inhuman torment, hardship, and torment. For two years, Andrei Sokolov steadfastly endured the horrors of fascist captivity. He tried to escape, but was unsuccessful; he dealt with a coward, a traitor who was ready to hand over the commander to save his own skin.

Andrei did not lose the dignity of a Soviet man in a duel with the commandant of the concentration camp. Although Sokolov was exhausted, exhausted, exhausted, he was still ready to face death with such courage and endurance that he amazed even the fascist. Andrei still manages to escape and becomes a soldier again. But troubles still haunt him: his home was destroyed, his wife and daughter were killed by a fascist bomb. In a word, Sokolov now lives only with the hope of meeting his son. And this meeting took place. For the last time, the hero stands at the grave of his son, who died in the last days of the war.

It seemed that after all the trials that befell one person, he could become embittered, break down, and withdraw into himself. But this did not happen: realizing how difficult the loss of relatives is and the joylessness of loneliness, he adopts the boy Vanyusha, whose parents were taken away by the war. Andrey warmed and made the orphan's soul happy, and thanks to the warmth and gratitude of the child, he himself began to return to life. The story with Vanyushka is, as it were, the final line in the story of Andrei Sokolov. After all, if the decision to become Vanyushka’s father means saving the boy, then the subsequent action shows that Vanyushka also saves Andrei and gives him a meaning for his future life.

I think that Andrei Sokolov is not broken by his difficult life, he believes in his strength, and despite all the hardships and adversities, he still managed to find the strength to continue living and enjoy his life!

The image of Andrei Sokolov in the story “The Fate of a Man” by M. A. Sholokhov

M. Sholokhov's story “The Fate of a Man” is one of the writer’s pinnacle works. At its center is the confession of a simple Russian man who went through two wars, survived the inhuman torments of captivity and not only preserved his moral principles, but also turned out to be able to give love and care to the orphan Vanyushka. Andrei Sokolov's life path was a path of trials. He lived in dramatic times: the story mentions the civil war, famine, the years of recovery from devastation, the first five-year plans. But it is characteristic that in the story these times are only mentioned, without the usual ideological labels and political assessments, simply as conditions of existence. The main character's attention is focused on something completely different. He speaks in detail, with undisguised admiration, about his wife, about his children, about the work that he liked (“I was attracted by cars”), about this other wealth (“the children eat porridge with milk, there is a roof over their heads, they are dressed, be okay"). These simple earthly values ​​are the main moral achievements of Andrei Sokolov in the pre-war period; this is his moral basis.

There are no political, ideological, or religious guidelines, but there are eternal, universal, national concepts (wife, children, home, work), filled with the warmth of cordiality. They became the spiritual supports of Andrei Sokolov for the rest of his life, and he entered the apocalyptic trials of the Great Patriotic War as a fully formed person. All subsequent events in the life of Andrei Sokolov represent a test of these moral foundations “to the breaking point.” The culmination of the story is the escape from captivity and a direct confrontation with the Nazis. It is very important that Andrei Sokolov treats them with some kind of epic calm. This calmness comes from the respectful understanding of the original essence of man brought up in him. This is the reason for Andrei Sokolov’s naive, at first glance, surprise when confronted with the barbaric cruelty of the Nazis and stunned at the fall of a personality corrupted by the ideology of fascism.

Andrei's clash with the Nazis is a struggle between healthy morality, based on the world experience of the people, and the world of antimorality. The essence of Andrei Sokolov’s victory lies not only in the fact that he forced Muller himself to capitulate to the human dignity of the Russian soldier, but also in the fact that with his proud behavior, at least for a moment, he awakened something human in Muller and his drinking companions (“they also laughed ", "they seem to look more softly"). The test of Andrei Sokolov's moral principles does not end with the mortal pangs of fascist captivity. The news of the death of his wife and daughter, the death of his son on the last day of the war, and the orphanhood of someone else’s child, Vanyushka, are also trials. And if in clashes with the Nazis Andrei retained his human dignity, his resistance to evil, then in the trials of his own and others’ misfortune he reveals unspent sensitivity, an uncorroded need to give warmth and care to others. An important feature of Andrei Sokolov’s life path is that he constantly judges himself: “Until my death, until my last hour, I will die, and I will not forgive myself for pushing her away!” This is the voice of conscience, elevating a person above the circumstances of life. In addition, every turn in the hero’s fate is marked by his heartfelt reaction to his own and other people’s actions, events, and the course of life: “When I remember, my heart still feels like it’s being cut with a dull knife...”, “When you remember the inhuman torment... the heart is no longer in the chest , and there is a beating in my throat, and it becomes difficult to breathe,” “my heart broke…” At the end of Andrei Sokolov’s confession, an image of a large human heart appears, which has accepted all the troubles of the world, a heart spent on love for people, on defending life.

M. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man” convinces us that the meaning of history, its driving “engine” is the struggle between humanity, nurtured through the centuries-old experience of people’s life, and everything that is hostile to the “simple laws of morality.” And only those who have absorbed these organic human values ​​into their flesh and blood, “heartened” them, can, with the power of their soul, resist the nightmare of dehumanization, save life, protect the meaning and truth of human existence itself.

The great work of Mikhail Sholokhov “The Fate of Man” is familiar to every person. His story tells about the fate of an ordinary Soviet man who suffered the hardships of war, the hardships associated with captivity, and the loss of his family. The confession of an ordinary person in those difficult years introduces the reader to his life path, showing at the same time the history of the USSR: the civil war, famine, the first five-year plans, the Great Patriotic War.

At the beginning of his story, the main character tells his random travel companion that in the pre-war years his family lived in abundance. This fact indicates that Sokolov is a caring man who is not alien to family values.

His heart is not occupied by the situation in the country, nor by religious problems, nor by the ideological desire to be useful to society; human concepts are important to him: home, family, work. It is his wife and children who become the life guide for Andrei, for the sake of which he does not give up and survives in captivity. Further tragic fate The main character is presented as a test of strength of the main values.

The fact that Sokolov was captured is not an example of the main character’s cowardice, it is just an example of an unfortunate combination of circumstances. In the old church, where prisoners await their fate, Sokolov, killing the traitor, positions himself as strong man with great endurance and spirit.

Only a strong, purposeful person can attempt an escape from captivity, even if it turns out to be unsuccessful.

A conversation with the fascists who are going to shoot him is a new test for Sokolov. With his bravery and bravery, he awakens humanity in German officers, who are surprised at this very courage and good spirits of a captured soldier. They admit defeat to his willpower and patriotism, granting him life.

A way to escape from captivity appears, Sokolov implements it, taking the “tongue” with him. Andrei is so devoted to his ideals, to his dreams of a long-awaited meeting with his family, that no one can stop this man.

Sokolov returns to duty and fights for his homeland and for his relatives. And now a new blow awaits him. In captivity, Andrei lives without losing his self-esteem and hope for the future, but the news of the death of his family refracts his proud character. Sokolov experiences his tragedy, but feels killed. His dream speaks about this: Andrei sees himself behind barbed wire, and his relatives alive and free. He wants to go to them, but cannot.

A meeting with the orphan Vanyushka forces him to become at least partly a self-confident person again, overcome his negative habits and live.

Mikhail Sholokhov's story tells that human values ​​will never fade under the onslaught of troubles and troubles.