Dmitry Malikov biography personal life wife. Successful musician and pianist

Lena Malikova is very concerned about her reputation. It is more important for her to be correct than sincere, and this is a conscious choice. I don't know if it's true.

But it’s always difficult for me when a person controls himself so much that it’s impossible to talk to him about what worries, worries, hurts. But the Malikov couple is impeccably stable, and even impeccable in appearance. No one will say anything bad about Dima and Lena. But there is a danger: you can drown in perfection, because, like any living person, Malikova has real dramas and problems. She just doesn't intend to talk about them. Lena is a wise woman and an ideal wife creative person. The interview turned into just a conversation. But I still love the Malikovs.

Elena Malikova: Is the recording already underway?

Ksenia Sobchak: Yes.

EAT.: Ah, well, that's it then. We must remain silent. (Laughs.)

K.S.: Why? Tell me, are you still involved in all Dimina’s (singer Dmitry Malikov is Elena’s husband. – SNC note) affairs?

EAT.: I'm a costume designer.

K.S.: Okay, don’t be modest! (Laughs.) You really are a manager, a director, a costume designer, and an adviser—an irreplaceable person. In fact, the same wife who is not even the right hand, but both hands of the creative spouse.

EAT.: Not really. We've just been together for a very long time under the same roof. And over time, I became like this for Dima... God. He doesn’t hear my wishes, but when he needs something, he immediately turns to me. (Laughs.) That's how it happened. People who have lived together for twenty-three years are either truly together, or they see each other exclusively on a family walk with the children in the park.

K.S.: Don’t you get tired of administrative work? Besides being a wife, you are also the mother of a big creative child.

EAT.: Don't you understand me? (Laughs.)

K.S.: Yes already. (Laughs.)

EAT.: No, helping Dmitry is not a burden for me, but a creative process. The process is interesting and not boring. It helps you live, constantly rediscover yourself from new angles. If I didn't have fun, I wouldn't do it. I would find another use for it.

K.S.: Are you a strong person?

EAT.: I wanted to say: “Unfortunately, yes,” but, probably: “Fortunately, yes.” I am such a cunningly strong person. I never dominate. I won’t tell my husband: “Hey, go do whatever you want, but bring me a goldfish.” And in principle, a man should not say that under any circumstances. He won't forgive this. Sooner or later, patience will run out... With all the consequences... Or the husband will become, even worse, henpecked with a hidden feeling of unhappiness. Am I a strong person? I keep everything under wraps (except for my husband): what will the child eat? Where did she go? Is there gasoline in the car, sour cream in the refrigerator? But these are things that need to be let go. Things that accomplished people...

K.S.: ...may no longer decide.

EAT.: Not that they “can”. They must no longer decide. And I constantly have: control, control, control. This is my flaw.

K.S.: As far as I know, you are older than Dima (by five years - SNC note). This is such a rarity! Usually popular, let's say, men choose younger girls. Do you feel the age difference? Are you worried? Or, on the contrary, are you proud that you have such a non-standard story?

EAT.: Pride is not mine at all. As for the difference, it just happened that way. When we met, no one looked at the passport. Funny story: Dima saw me in a photo album while visiting. There was no age indicated in that album.

K.S.: You look so amazing that I don’t think it even occurred to him to ask how old you are.

EAT.: I think that a completely different thought came to his mind on the day we met. Excuse me, it was in 1992! (laughs).

K.S.: By the way, why am I asking this question? Yesterday I was sitting with my girlfriends and saw a man: “What a nice guy!” A friend says: “I’m just not married. How old is he?" They answer: “Thirty-two.” I’m not looking - my husband and I are doing well. But I’m thirty-four, and the feeling that he’s thirty-two is somehow embarrassing. No, I wouldn’t have thought about this myself and wouldn’t have asked... It’s just psychologically important to me that the man be older.

EAT.: Probably right. Even though I had no one before Dmitry.

K.S.: What do you mean, there was no one there?

EAT.: There were men who tried to court me. (Laughs.)

K.S.: Ah, that’s what wise women say. (Laughs.)

EAT.: They were older - five to seven years. All. Men no longer tried to court me (Laughs.) I never thought that I would choose a young man as my companion. By the time Dima and I met, I was a mature person. With a child (Elena’s eldest daughter is photographer Olga Izakson. – SNC note).

K.S.: How old were you?

EAT.: Twenty seven. I successfully worked for an Austrian company. Perestroika is in the offing. We traded who knows what: Chinese jackets, Cypriot suits, Turkish jackets, Uzbek cotton.

K.S.: Speculated?

EAT.: No, I didn't speculate. By that time it was already called business. I constantly went abroad on business trips and prepared contracts. In principle, speculation is the same thing, but without contracts. In general, she was such a businesswoman. A good career was shaping up, I found a common language with both foreigners and brave guys in 1992. And suddenly Dima appears. A friend calls me: “Len, forgive me, I understand that what I’m going to say is absurd, but please don’t refuse.” - "What's happened? What's the matter?" - “Do you know the singer Malikov?” - “Well, I know. Handsome guy. Sings beautiful songs about love.” - “He really wants to meet you! Lena, I beg you, go somewhere with us!”

K.S.: Did he see you in that same album?

EAT.: Yes, in someone else's family album. Funny story.

K.S.: And you and him are similar in appearance.

EAT.: We weren't alike at all.

K.S.: It turns out that they have become stronger over the years?

EAT.: I have a prepared joke for this question. “I used to be a beauty, but now we look alike.” (Laughs.)

K.S.: In general, Malikov left you no choice...

EAT.: I didn't leave it! So my friend begged! I say: “Okay, Oksana, this is how it should be. Thursday? “I even remember this day: March 21. “Malikov invites us to filming.” - “Well, for filming, then for filming.” 1992, television, some kind of concert... I remember I also asked: “Yes, he’s just a boy. Is he even twenty-five?” And a friend: “Yes, there definitely is!” Dima was twenty-two years old at that time. I got ready for the shoot. She has arrived. But Oksana hasn’t arrived yet. We should have met her in advance, like decent girls. And I see a tall, handsome, long-haired boy, terribly dressed, standing, waiting for me.

K.S.: That’s how everyone dressed then.

EAT.: Yes all. Jeans, patches... (Laughs.) A young man of extraordinary cleanliness. I've only read about these in fairy tales. And then when they drank some living water and became handsome. I have never met anyone like Dima in my life, neither in childhood, nor in adolescence, nor in adulthood.

K.S.: Do you mean cleanliness? Naivety?

EAT.: Yes. He was so pure, unprotected. Reminded me a little of my father. My father is intelligent, very subtle. Unfortunately, he is no longer there... They say about such people: “He never hurt a fly in his life.” And with this absurd, in those roaring 90s, charming subtlety and modesty - although this boy was packing stadiums, and crowds of girls were on duty at his entrance - he hit me with a direct blow to my heart.

K.S.: Right away, on that shoot? Did you realize so quickly that this is your person?

EAT.: I can’t say whether I understood or didn’t understand, but something clicked. And then I traveled a lot, he toured. Dima’s main earnings came not from corporate parties, but from performances at stadiums for four kopecks. Therefore, we rarely saw each other, but we talked on the phone for a long time. There were no mobile phones then, as you understand: “Ale-ale, girl, answer Murmansk.”

K.S.: So you didn’t start living together right away.

EAT.: Well, not on that day, of course, not March 21st. However, Dima somehow quickly moved in with me, taking with him a huge dog. (Laughs.)

K.S.: When did the first big money come? Still, before, artists didn’t earn much. Then the 2000s happened. Rustam Tariko, corporate parties, crazy fees.

EAT.“The 2000s have arrived, Rustam Tariko...” Like from a poem. (Laughs.) No, in fact, the money came to me earlier than Dima. Relatively large for those times. And Dima was not a poor student.

K.S.: Why did you stop doing business?

EAT.: Because she began to live with Dmitry. We didn't want to part. I went with him to Germany for some very long tours for military personnel and emigrants.

K.S.: But don’t you regret it now? You, in fact, are a talented, wise, systematic person. Essentially, she sacrificed her career in the interests of her husband.

EAT.: Life has no past, there is a present.

K.S.: But do you consider giving up your career a mistake?

EAT.: No, my God. I don't think so. Yes, for today it looks out of date and a “lost profit”, but it’s real love, my girl!

K.S.: Would you do the same now?

EAT.: I dont think about it. When it starts: “We didn’t do this and that,” we must say: stop! There is no past. Regrets about him are ruining us.

K.S.: Look, some women are directly created for the family hearth. They get a kick out of it. They want to live a home life and feel comfortable. It seems to me—maybe I’m wrong—that you’re not like that. You are strong. You want self-realization. And in fact, you sublimated all this into a project called “Dima Malikov.”

EAT.: Well, yes, somewhere like that – I’m in the shadow of a star. We are accustomed to the fact that love is when we are loved. “Love us, so good, beautiful, young, we have long legs, blue eyes”... But in fact, love is the ability to give and not think about what you will get in return. And in return you get what you should get.

K.S.: You have a very strong family. So many years together, and no scary stories in the magazine “Caravan” or in Malakhov’s studio about expenses and mistresses. How did you manage to arrange everything like this?

EAT.: I sometimes tell Dima: “You and I haven’t played such a card!” You and I can arrange such a divorce that all of Russia will cry.” (Laughs.) How could I? I don't know how I could. We probably did it together. This is also a kind of talent.

K.S.: Listen, well, any man after some time loses interest in a woman: a man is prone to promiscuity. I always like different ones, I want to try a lot. How did you keep Dima?

EAT.: Don't know. Nobody canceled emotional relationships. They influence the physical. On the one hand, yes, men are designed that way. On the other hand, everything is different. Some see only the body in women and change their passions for various reasons: fatigue at work, stress, selfishness, low level of consciousness, drop in hormonal status...

K.S.: At forty-five years old? Dima, by the way, how old is it now?

EAT.: Forty five. (Laughs.)

K.S.: It’s coming, listen. Be afraid, now he will buy a red Ferrari. This is the first sign, they say. Sport Car.

EAT.: No. He won't buy a red Ferrari. God forbid! (Laughs.)

K.S.: And he starts going to fitness persistently.

EAT.: He goes to fitness, although he used to protest: “I’m a pianist, I can’t put any strain on my arms.”

K.S.: You know, when a forty-five-year-old man starts flexing his biceps, dressing somehow wrong - this is the first sign that global *** is coming (the end of the relationship - SNC note).

EAT.: Yes Yes Yes.

EAT.: Well, testosterone is falling. You can, of course, go to the doctor, and they go to the bar! It's more fun this way. I understand them.

K.S.: But did you send yours to the doctor?

EAT.: No, not necessary yet!

K.S.: How can you tell if your hormonal status has dropped?

EAT.: This is no longer for Elena Malikova, but for Elena Malysheva!

K.S.: Well, how? I don't know.

EAT.: What “I don’t know”? You are a young, educated girl.

K.S.: Well, we have Loktev. How old are you, Loktev? Now you’re just over forty already.

Vlad Loktev: Yes. Forty one.

K.S.: Well, how can we determine what Loktev’s hormonal status is? You can't take blood for analysis.

EAT.: Everything is clear about him.

K.S.: How is it all clear? Wait. Here's a girl reading an article. Her man is forty-five. She’ll look at how awesome Lena Malikova is, what a wonderful family she has, and think: how can I figure out if mine will buy a Ferrari now?

E.M.: Listen, I’m not finished. There are men who dream of a Ferrari all their lives and will run all their lives. They were not loved or they did not find their woman.

K.S.: Okay. How do you know when it’s time for your husband to see a doctor? This is easy for women to understand. Menopause is coming. You need to take hormones. How can you understand this with men?

EAT.: I don `t want.

K.S.: That is, this is due to decreased sexual...

EAT.: Testosterone... Let's finish this topic. It also happens when a couple lives together for a long time, the woman begins to nag the man - to send him somewhere, to send him. And a normal adult man says: “Why do I need all this? I can find a person who will greet me from work with a smile and joy.” Understand? Smile and say: “It’s so good that you came.”

K.S.: And enjoy everything.

EAT.: Who wants to load up: “Why did this happen?”, “Why is she nagging me?”, “Why is he like that?” Not tormenting yourself and your man is a talent.

K.S.: It's true. Another talent is to look good. You look amazing. How are you doing? What are you doing? Do you strictly monitor your diet?

EAT.: I don't follow strictly. I'm not a vegetarian, I like fish, I eat a lot of vegetables, but I eat simply. Boiled, steamed something, no frills. But actually, it’s all in my head: I don’t think that I’m fifty, and I don’t think that I’m thirty either. As one smart Jew proved, everything is relative.

K.S.: But you can’t help but think about it. Even I wonder about age. It's getting scary. You understand that you are approaching old age and death.

EAT.: Oh, what a horror. Ksyusha, I can’t hear this. Why think about this? To spoil your mood... Such thoughts do not occur to me. Fortunately, I have good health– thanks to my parents and the Lord God. I play sports moderately. Sometimes I walk in the fresh air. But more often I'm stuck in traffic jams. (Laughs.)

K.S.: Why did you suddenly decide to start your own beachwear brand, Honeymoon? I remember she sent me very beautiful pareos, I was surprised. Beautiful and cool, but why all of a sudden?

EAT.: Thank you. While the children were growing up, we spent half the summer in Italy: vitamin D, iodine, sun, sea, pasta, pizza. This terribly endless, monotonous life is incredibly boring. I have a friend Anya Popova (publisher of Prime Russian Magazine, wife of Roman Popov, chairman of the board of the First Czech-Russian Bank - SNC note): by the way, I actually have a lot of friends your age. So, we met, and I said: “Anya, our life is boring. We need to find a couple of factories in Italy and get down to business. Stop lying in the sun. Harmful!” That's what we did. We took a translator, got into a car and drove to Florence, where there is a factory within a factory. They knocked on one door, then another, and after a third they agreed to cooperate. Then we mastered European professional exhibitions. And it started spinning. Something like this. With a slight movement of the arm, leg, head. (Laughs.)

K.S.: And where do you sell? Are you developing?

EAT.: In Italy, Russia, Monaco. We would probably have already developed into a large enterprise, but both Anya and I have additional income. This relaxes us to some extent.

K.S.: That is, laziness, relatively speaking, to invest more energy.

EAT.: Honeymoon is our hobby. Unfortunately, this is not structured like a big business. Probably in vain, because there is potential.

K.S.: Listen, you probably think that times are changing. The era of large corporate events has already passed.

EAT.: Passed. Yes. And there are fewer and fewer corporations.

K.S.: Now we live in a different reality, where there is no easy money: a crisis. And the first thing they save on is weddings and birthdays. Dmitry Malikov is no longer affordable for everyone. Moreover, there is a feeling that the fat times may not return. And you are accustomed to a certain standard of living: a vacation in the Maldives, expensive clothes, a good home. Have you discussed with Dima how you will live next?

EAT.: We realized that times are changing much earlier - about three years ago. And they discussed the prospects - but not from the perspective you are talking about. And the fact is that People’s Artist of Russia Dmitry Malikov, forty years old, a man who graduated from the conservatory, pianist, composer, does not want to jump around the stage and gradually become a parody of himself. Understand? Where to go? It’s hard and painful to cut off the huge, thick tail of a pop career into the classics. What to do? May Dima forgive me for saying this now, but a strange idea came to my mind: “Make a project for children who study music.” And he launched Music Lessons. With “Lessons” he traveled to 108 cities of Russia in two years. Awarded the Order of Friendship.

K.S.: What kind of project? Are people buying tickets?

EAT.: No. The project is supported by the government.

K.S.: Ministry of Culture?

EAT.: No. Everything is at the level of governors and city halls. Dima comes to the city, gathers children who study music to the local philharmonic. He gives a master class, plays four hands with them himself, and the children prepare in advance. He talks about how he started studying, about composers, about what music develops, and so on. Children are happy!

K.S.: Does it bring a stable income?

EAT.: Sponsors were found. This is a good, noble, beautiful, honest project.

K.S.: What about business? I know Dima tried to invest - he told me - in real estate, in something else. Is it burned out?

EAT.: Question for Dima. He is a man of art, and he needs to do art.

K.S.: But you can’t make much money from art now.

EAT.: Well, listen, everyone has their own path. Someone makes dumplings well. Feeds with pleasure. This is also work and a good deed.

K.S.: Still, you didn’t advise Dima to do something else other than show business? Many artists, I know, buy apartments. They distribute their money somewhere so that it generates income.

EAT.: I advise, but I do not insist. On the one hand, I am a very strong person, on the other hand, I am a very soft person. Sometimes he reproaches me: “You advised, but did not insist.”

K.S.: Have you ever thought that you could engage in entrepreneurial activity? Since this is the story. There is a crisis in the country. Chinese things. Some markets. This is a huge income, huge money.

EAT.: The time of Chinese markets is over. This is not my level, and I am not interested at all.

K.S.: Money doesn’t smell, what’s the difference?

EAT.: They smell. For what? I'm interested in staging a play for teenagers as a producer (which is what I'm doing now) in order to raise their intellectual and spiritual level. Dmitry will be the narrator. God willing, we will succeed. There is already a script. This project interests me. “Commodity-money-commodity” - no.

K.S.: Were there any cases when you told Dima: “No. There’s no need to do this,” and he went and did it in defiance? For example: “You don’t need to take part in the play” or “You don’t need to record a song.”

EAT.: Certainly. But again, I don’t insist, I tell the truth what I feel. Sometimes I criticize songs, for which I get a lot of irritation in response. I think that he has already outgrown girl songs, he doesn’t want to understand it. Oh, can this all stay in our kitchen? (Laughs.)

K.S.: Well, I agree. It also seems to me that Dima is deeper than his image. Somehow I found out that he was interested in Brodsky.

EAT.: Yes, Dima knows Brodsky almost by heart. He is very deep and versatile. He is well versed in painting.

K.S.: And of course, this does not correspond to the image of such a sweet, sunny, romantic boy. Dima never had a bad image. Despite the fact that he is in pop music, he, unlike Nikolai Baskov, was never reproached for this. Malikov’s image is not vulgar. Tell me, is it true that you monitor PR very carefully? Because from the outside you look even too flawless. So much so that you don’t really believe it. In the entire history - not a single scandal.

EAT.: There was a scandal on the eve of the concert in the Kremlin. One magazine interviewed me about our impeccable life - I told without hiding anything. The editor-in-chief calls - not to me, but to Dima: “Everything is bland, so sweet, it’s disgusting to read.” We were on vacation, and Dima asked: “Add something to make it not so sweet. Otherwise, nothing will be released at all.” - “Dima, leave me alone. Then you won’t be happy if I finish it.” - “No, finish it.” I think: “Well, hold on!” And she wrote about how he came drunk after his birthday, his fortieth birthday, and hit me somewhere. (Laughs.).

K.S.: ...That he hit you.

EAT.: I complain to him, and he says to me: “Leave me alone, leave me alone!” I’m forty years old, I danced with the guys” - and “I’m freaking out!” All of Russia is still discussing it, manicurists are telling how Dima Malikov beats his unfortunate wife. In fact, this was not the case.

K.S.: He was probably stunned.

EAT.: I also wrote about some beauty pageant participant who called closer to midnight wishing her sweet dreams. She indicated the name of that girl.

K.S.: Sukhinova, or what?

EAT.: No no no. Sukhinova is a family friend. I don’t even remember what her name was. She let her down a little, poor thing - maybe she didn’t mean anything by wishing her married man “good night” (Laughs.)

K.S.: Were there any other stories when girls were attracted to Dima in front of you?

EAT.: It happens, and often: some semi-beautiful, provincial girl is sitting across from me in a restaurant. And we are in company at the next table. And bad performances of Sharon Stone’s scenes from the movie “Basic Instinct” begin (Laughs.) – cross-legged under the table, broadcasting signs like “I’m going to go to the toilet”... It’s very funny.

K.S.: Your daughter Stesha will soon be sixteen. What can you say about this generation? How is it different from yours and mine?

EAT.: I saw how my eldest daughter grew up - she is now thirty. She is my friend, she never went against my life, my desires - sometimes it seemed to me that this little girl was wiser than me. I'm so lucky. We must pay tribute - thank her very much, not just for a catchphrase. Everyone who knows Olya says: “Len, what a daughter you have.” This is the most intelligent person who will never say anything bad about anyone. Smart, educated, very subtle.

K.S.: And the youngest?

EAT.: Who is Stefania Malikova today? This is a character. The character is complex, smart, fortunately, kind. At sixteen, she is a trendsetter for young people. She has more than two hundred thousand subscribers on Instagram. She runs She gets asked a million questions.

K.S.: What does she want to do?

E.M.: Just recently I wanted to enter the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine at Moscow State University. We invited a teacher, he explained what they would teach there. Stesha says: “I won’t dissect frogs and mice even for the sake of science.” I had to sharply retrain and become interested in literature. I'm glad she reads a lot.

K.S.: In my opinion, she wants to go into show business.

EAT.: And it seemed to me that a television career would not bypass us. There are already proposals, but for now they are in the spirit of: “Let Stesha go to parties and do interviews.” I answer: “Thanks, not yet.” I would like to find a more serious use for it. We were talking just recently. “Perhaps a philosophical one at Moscow State University?” “Or maybe,” I suggest, “VGIK?” True, you will wait your whole life for the director’s call.” Stesha replies: “Then I want to be a director myself.” In general, this is a girl who knows how to get her way. She is persistent and hardworking. Reminds me of another girl who is sitting opposite me now (laughs). But, really, it’s not so shocking yet, to my happiness. (Laughs).

K.S.: Everything is ahead. If your daughters asked you: “Mom, give me three pieces of advice on how to behave with men and people in general.” What would you say?

EAT.: The first wisdom is to love. Specifically with men? Don't edify, don't push, be kind and cheerful. Definitely fun. With a good sense of humor. Any man, if not a fool, will appreciate this. You must have common sense - this is a prerequisite. Kind heart, patience. The list goes on.

K.S.: Do you have all this?

EAT.: Well, it's hard for me to talk about myself. But, in any case, I'm trying. I have one drawback.

K.S.: Well, tell me, otherwise we will also end up with some kind of oil.

EAT.: I am intolerant of stupid people. Unfortunately. I snap at them. This is my flaw as a person. A decent person has no right to do this. He should always be calm and friendly, but it tears me up. True, within five seconds after the breakdown I can regret, cry and apologize a hundred times.

K.S.: My husband always tells me: “Your computer has a Pentium 1 processor, and you have a Pentium 5.” You can't yell at someone because they have a Pentium 1. He's just slower on the uptake." For some reason, it still seems to me that your daughter’s suitors will have a difficult time with you.

EAT.: No. In no case. I'm not crazy. What are we - we started for health, we end for peace (Laughs.

K.S.: It seems to me that you are strict.

EAT.: No. I will never interfere in my daughters' personal lives. Olga has a boyfriend. We have a great relationship. I will never allow myself to spoil them. In all twenty-three years, I have never entered my husband’s office without calling first.

K.S.: And I never looked at my phone or read any text messages?

EAT.: No.

K.S.: You're lying.

EAT.: No, it's beneath my dignity. If I need to check something, I will delve inside myself. Like this!

Was Dmitry Malikov lucky with his wife?

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Biography, life story of Dmitry Malikov

Malikov Dmitry Yurievich - domestic singer, composer.

First person

"I met my parents on January 5, 1965 famous singer Maria Lukach. Then Yuri Malikov studied at the conservatory, and Lyudmila Vyunkova was a soloist of the Moscow Music Hall. She was 19, her father was 21. My father immediately fell in love with my mother, and a year later, on December 9, 1966, their wedding took place. They have been together for many years, but they love each other and are truly happy.

I was born on January 29, 1970. I was told that from childhood I was very musical and already at the age of one and a half years I put on headphones and listened to records that my father brought from abroad. He graduated from the conservatory as a double bassist and performed a lot. And in 1971, Yuri Malikov became the founder and artistic director of the Gems ensemble, which in the seventies was very popular in our country and easily attracted entire stadiums to its concerts.

When I was little, we lived on Preobrazhenka in the so-called “House of Composers”. My parents were constantly on tour and I was raised by my grandmother Valentina Feoktistovna, whom I love very much. One day, when dad was at home, he decided to take a walk with me. It was winter. He took me on a sled and I fell out somewhere along the way. Grandma meets him near the entrance, and he says: “What a nice walk we had.” He looks back, but I’m not there. They found me in a snowdrift, where I was lying and screaming like crazy. I remember that I really loved it when my grandfather Alexander Vasilyevich came to us. I didn’t want to let him go home and hid the shoes under my bed.

Every year in the summer we rented a dacha at the 55th kilometer in the village of Repikha. I had a very great love there. Her name was Vlada and I gave her dandelions. Vlada’s parents were against our acquaintance, so we met only in the summer, which I waited for like manna from heaven. Once I spent a whole month outside the city in kindergarten on a five-day week. There were some love experiences there too. I fell in love with Tanya, who looked like the girl depicted on the Alenka chocolate bar. But another boy Ruslan also liked her, and one day we had a serious fight because of her. This love did not last long - I was bored in the garden and soon they took me home.


I remember that when I was a child, one very instructive story happened to me. We, three friends, decided to pool the money our parents gave us and bury the treasure. They hid it in a secluded place. When we once again gathered to look at our wealth, it was not there. One of the three took and appropriated the money. I don’t know who, but it definitely wasn’t me.

I have always been very athletic and spent a lot of time outside - playing football in the summer and hockey in the winter. When my parents invited a music teacher home to teach me, I didn’t like it so much that I ran away from him. He rang the doorbell, I jumped out the window and ran to play at the stadium, fortunately we lived on the first floor. The teacher swore heavily and reprimanded my grandmother: “He will never become a musician with you, never.” But his prophecies never came true!

At the age of five I was sent to a music school at the Nikitsky Gate. At home, no one could control how I practiced the piano. Therefore, when dad returned from tour, he laid out his belt on the piano to intimidate. As soon as he left, I immediately took off the belt. But this story repeated itself again. When he arrived, he was surprised where the belt went every time, and pulled out a new one. Later, when they moved the piano away, there was a whole warehouse of belts there and all questions immediately disappeared.

When I was five years old, I met him at the New Year's party in the Kremlin. He was already 7 years old. He became my friend and playmate. He started doing pop music before me and his success was very contagious. After all, I never thought that I would be in show business. I was always predicted to have a future as a pianist, and I have been seriously involved in classical music since childhood.

At the age of seven, I went to a pioneer camp for the first time with my beloved grandfather, who led a circle there. He was a true master of sawing and burning and taught me his craft. I had fun there, enjoyed going to discos and participating in war games like Zarnitsa.


In 1985, Dmitry entered the music school at the Moscow Conservatory. The young man studied well and regularly followed all the teachers’ instructions. In 1989 he successfully graduated educational institution, after which he decided to continue his studies at the Moscow State Conservatory. Malikov was accepted into the piano and composition class. In 1994, he became a graduate of the conservatory, and not just an ordinary one, but a graduate with honors.


The rise of Dmitry Malikov’s career began back in 1985. A talented young man was already writing pretty good songs. As a college student, Dima already had a taste of the big stage - he played the piano in “Gems” and composed music. Many of Dmitry's works were included in the group's repertoire.

Real success came to Dmitry Yuryevich in 1988. His songs “Moonlight Dream”, “Until Tomorrow” and “You Will Never Be Mine”, as soon as they appeared in rotation, instantly took the first lines of all kinds of charts. That year Malikov became “Discovery of the Year”. Over the next two years, Dmitry was recognized as “Singer of the Year”. His popularity grew, as they say, by leaps and bounds. In late autumn 1990, Dmitry Malikov gave his first solo concert in Moscow.

In 1993, Dmitry Malikov’s debut album “With You” was released. The records sold out like hot cakes. In the same year, Malikov’s second album, “Until Tomorrow,” was released. In total, from 1993 to 2013, Dmitry Yuryevich released fifteen collections of pop songs and instrumental compositions.

Dmitry did not forget about his youthful hobby - about classical music. In 1997, the first piano concerts of the gifted musician took place in Germany. His music has been featured in many television shows and films. Malikov the composer became no less famous than Malikov the singer. Since then, since the late 90s, Dmitry began to actively tour the world, giving his loyal listeners amazing and unique melodies. Dmitry often performed on large stages with famous symphony orchestras.

In 2007, Dmitry Yuryevich created the Pianomaniya project - a unique musical show that successfully combines classical and ethnic music, modern arrangements and traditional motifs.

Film and television

In 1992, young Malikov starred in Alexander Proshkin’s melodrama “See Paris and Die.” Malikov played the role of a promising pianist, whom his mother passionately dreams of sending to study in France by all means available to her.

Malikov did not become a film actor, although this was the only feature film with his participation that had some success. Apparently, Dima decided that the main thing in his life was music.

In 2012, Dmitry Yuryevich tried his hand as a TV presenter in the kindest program on our TV " Good night, kids!"


At the beginning of winter 2011, Dmitry Yuryevich Malikov created the Penetrating the Heart Foundation, the main task of which was to help sick children.

Personal life

For some time, Dmitry Malikov lived with the singer, but they were never able to create a strong family.

In 1992, Dmitry found his love - a girl, Elena, who came to Moscow from Tula. Elena is a designer by profession. She already had a daughter, Olga (born in 1985) from her first marriage, but this did not frighten the artist - he, like a true man, took upon himself all the responsibilities for raising the girl. And in 2000, Lena and Dima had another daughter. She was given the beautiful name Stefania. After Stefania's birth, Dmitry and Elena registered their relationship.

The daughters of the Malikovs, as one might expect, showed creative abilities from childhood. Olga, having matured, chose the profession of a photographer. Stefania, while still at school, actively began dancing, drawing, playing the guitar and piano, and singing. Besides, youngest daughter The composer began to become interested in modeling in her teens.

Awards, titles, bonuses

Dmitry Malikov, for his amazing musical abilities, has been repeatedly awarded a variety of honors, the most important of which can be considered the title of People's Artist of Russia (2010) and the title of Honored Artist of Russia (1999).

Elena Malikova, better known to the general public as the wife of singer Dmitry Malikov, is a successful person, raises children, and devotes every free minute to her family.

Few people know that Elena - creative person, implemented in many directions. Currently, the woman has her own fashion brand, known as “Honeymoon”.

Childhood and early years

Elena Valevskaya (that was her maiden name), born in 1963, February 14, in Kazan. Due to the fact that Elena grew up alone in the family, the girl was not deprived of attention and was brought up with care and love from her parents and loved ones.

The creative and warm atmosphere that reigned in their home encouraged Elena to enter the art school of the city of Kazan.

First steps in adult life and education

After successfully graduating from art school, young Elena went to Moscow to gain further prospects. In 1990, the girl entered the VGIK for the Faculty of Directing. Her student years gave her a wealth of experience, thanks to the considerable efforts of famous directing masters.

In the same year, Malikova gained her first acting experience, starring in little-known films. A little later, she played a role in a short film. Having acquired such skills, Elena took a big step in her career, taking on the responsibilities of a screenwriter, artist and director simultaneously.

After finishing her studies, the young graduate tried her hand at art school, working with children. The woman also gained experience in economics. But she managed to achieve real triumph precisely in fashion. Elena released a successful collection of beachwear in her home country and Italy. This activity brought her the expected success.

From the personal life of a celebrity

First experience family life Elena, took place at the age of eighteen. A fairly early union may have been the reason for its collapse. However, during the period of her life together with a businessman, the girl did not need anything and the marriage could have been quite successful, but fate decreed otherwise.

By the age of 25, the young woman realized that she was out of place, and the prospect of life in a “golden cage” did not allow her to be happy. In memory of Elena's first marriage survived by daughter Olga.

Fateful acquaintance

The meeting of future spouses cannot be called a coincidence. Having once seen Elena in a photograph, Dmitry Malikov persuaded mutual friends to organize their acquaintance. The fateful meeting took place, and despite the fact that the woman was much older than Dmitry, by as much as 7 years, their union took place.

The singer, without hiding his sincere feelings, claims that it was true love at first sight. Elena, in turn, was amazed and delighted by the young guy who reminded her of her father.

The year was 1992, and the young people were already living together, civil marriage. Dmitry and Elena entered into a legal marriage only in 2000, after the birth of her daughter Stesha.

Children of Elena Malikova

Dmitry turned out to be a wonderful family man and loving husband. He happily received his wife’s daughter from his first union, who returned from Austria, where she studied. Olga, like her mother, became a creative person, but not so public. The girl is interested in photography, is married and has a little daughter.

Stephanie Malikova is the joint fruit of the love of Elena and Dmitry. girl with early childhood was surrounded by care and attention from her parents. Since she was born in a creative tandem, the question of her future career was decided very quickly - the girl decided to follow in her mother’s footsteps. However, she is not alien to the musical direction.

Stesha leads active work on your Instagram account, so her images and outfits are exposed to public discussion almost every day.

The star daughter is very often criticized by evil tongues who talk about the lack of talent and taste of the young lady. Many users believe that Stefania gets everything too easily, due to the connections and influence of her parents.

Unexpected addition

January 2018 was a shock not only fans of the famous couple, but also their close circle. Internet and television news shouted a loud statement: “The Malikov couple had a baby!” Rumor has it that even daughter Stefania did not know about this news.

As it turned out later, the baby was born as a result surrogacy at the clinic in St. Petersburg. The couple took this step because the singer dreamed of an heir.

The couple kept silent about their plans so as not to cause a wave of emotions from the press, fans and ill-wishers. And they made the right choice.

After the news was announced, the public was divided in its statements. Some wished happiness to the parents and the baby, others brought down a barrage of criticism on the creative Malikov family.

Elena Malikova today

Currently Elena at 55 years old is engaged in raising the future heir, takes care of the family, develops his business and pays attention to creative career husband.

Family doesn't pay attention to negativity, coming to them from the public, because they never take squabbles and scandals outside their home. And everything that is said about them is just speculation and the evil tongues of ill-wishers.

0 March 15, 2016, 5:13 pm

Dmitry Malikov Jr. with his uncle, Malikov Sr.

17 year old nephew famous singer Dmitry Malikov - Dmitry Malikov Jr. - is actively interested in the restaurant business, plays sports and is friends with many stars of Russian show business and their children. What else do we know about Inna Malikova’s son?


Dmitry Malikov Jr. is the son of 39-year-old singer Inna Malikova and her mysterious ex-husband- businessman Vladimir, about whom very little is known. Dima is also the nephew of the famous singer Dmitry Malikov and his namesake. The guy spends a lot of time with his family, as evidenced by the photo on his Instagram account. The young man’s profile contains many photographs with his mother Inna, uncle Dmitry and cousin Stesha.


Malikov Jr. is seriously interested in the restaurant business. He learns to cook in the kitchens of popular restaurants together with recognized chefs, delights his friends and family with delicious dishes, and visits factories in various countries to better understand the intricacies of cooking. Whether the young man dreams of becoming a chef in the future is still unknown.

Dima is not threatened by the calories gained during numerous feasts - he is actively involved in sports. The young “restaurateur” loves cross-country skiing, which he rides in Austria. Malikov Jr. often posts selfies from the gym, where he is not too lazy to stop by after school.


Looking at Dmitry Malikov Jr.’s Instagram, it seems that he best friend almost all celebrities of Russian show business. Dima publishes photographs with enviable regularity with Valeria, Joseph Prigozhin, Stas Mikhailov, Oleg Gazmanov. Despite the serious age difference, Dima gets along well with celebrities and invites them to dinners, surprising them with his culinary talents.

Malikov Jr. is also friends with peers: Arseny Shulgin - the son of Valeria, Philip Gazmanov - the son of Oleg Gazmanov, Nikita Novikov - the son of restaurateur Arkady Novikov and many others.

Dmitry Malikov and Stas Mikhailov

Instagram photo

Malikov is a multiple winner of a video clip competition; he works in the style of romantic pop music with elements of classical and folklore.

Born on January 29, 1970 in Moscow. Father - Malikov Yuri Fedorovich, Honored Artist of Russia, artistic director of the VIA "Gems". Mother - Lyudmila Mikhailovna Vyunkova, a former dancer, now works as the director of D. Malikov’s group. Sister - Malikova Inna, graduated from the acting department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts, and in 2000 she made her debut as a singer with the album “Who Was Right”. Wife - Elena. Daughter - Stefania (born 2000).

The parents introduced their son to music early and still remember with a smile how one-and-a-half-year-old Dima put on headphones and could endlessly listen to Beatles records brought by his father from abroad. Since childhood, he was surrounded by a creative atmosphere of discussing new songs and concert performances. Before his eyes, great fame and success came to his parents, who have always been and remain for him the clearest example of hard work and perseverance in achieving their goals.

As a child, Dmitry dreamed of being a hockey player, and from the age of five he studied in music school in piano, went on tour a lot with my parents. Dmitry's first performances as a pianist took place at school festivals. At the age of eight, he and his friend Volodya Presnyakov, who played the drums, organized a small ensemble. At the age of 14, Dmitry composed his first song, “Iron Soul.” It was then that he finally abandoned his childhood dream of hockey, deciding to become a professional musician. From now on, the desire to make music grew into a need of the soul. The piano becomes the second part of his “I”.

In 1985, after graduating from the 8th grade of high school, Dmitry entered the music school at the conservatory. At the same time, he takes his first independent steps on the stage, playing keyboards in the concert programs of VIA "Gems". Even then, the songs of the young composer entered the repertoire of the ensemble, as well as Larisa Dolina. Dmitry's television debut took place in 1986 in the program "Wider Circle" with the song "I am painting a picture." In Yuri Nikolaev’s program “Morning Mail” in 1987, D. Malikov presented new song"Terem-teremok".

Dmitry Malikov's first performances on the big stage took place in June 1988 at the Moscow Youth Palace and Gorky Park at the "Sound Track" concert with the songs "Moonlight Dream" and "You'll Never Be Mine." These compositions immediately topped all sorts of charts, and the song “Moonlight Dream” became the “Sound Track” record holder, remaining on the list best compositions within 12 months. In "New Year's Light" in 1989, Dmitry presented his new song - "Until Tomorrow", which is still considered his " business card". It most fully expresses the essence of his work - a beautiful melody, a carefully executed arrangement, light optimistic lyrics. This is how real success came - Malikov’s songs. Among them, in addition to those already mentioned, are “Student”, “Sing to me”, “Golden braids ", "Marriage Cortege", "Poor Heart", "Blue Sky", "Everything Will Return", "Dear Side", etc., which topped the country's leading charts, his performances attracted full concert halls, crowds of fans appeared. In August 1989, five of his songs entered the top twenty of the Sound Track.

After graduating from music school in 1989, Dmitry entered the piano department of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky (class of V. V. Kastelsky). He did not give up the pop stage; he combined studies at the conservatory with touring activities. Classical education became the necessary foundation on which all his work was now built.

In the summer of 1989, Dima was invited as a guest of honor to the Polish popular music festival in Sopot. D. Malikov's songs were successful here too. Noting the great popularity of the singer and the wide interest in his work, the Sopot News newspaper also wrote: “Dmitry Malikov is about

a professional in the music that people in Europe enjoy listening to in discos." The singer became widely known in the West thanks to the single "Don't be afraid" released in 1993 at the Coconut studio (Germany), performed by the duet "Baroque", consisting of black singer Oscar and Dmitry Malikov, where he acted as a composer, arranger and keyboard player - pianist. The duo repeatedly took part in television shows on the second channel of German TV.

D. Malikov's first solo concerts took place in 1990 at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, which seats 18 thousand spectators. In “Soundtrack” they wrote: “The concert lasting an hour and forty minutes presented Dima in all roles. All tickets were sold. And if we had done 3-4 more concerts, then they would have been sold out - that’s for sure.”

In 1992, Dmitry Malikov made his debut in a new acting field, playing the role of a pianist, a graduate of the conservatory in feature film"See Paris and Die" directed by A. Proshkin. In the same year, he released a collection of his first hits, “Search for the Soul” (later they were re-released twice more: in 1993, the album “With You” was released, in 1994, the album “Until Tomorrow”).

In 1994, Dmitry Malikov graduated from the conservatory with honors and simultaneously recorded new album- "Come to me". From that moment on, he regularly releases albums on which most of his songs are published. Each album has its own concept, and this is no coincidence, since the singer is in constant creative search, never stopping there. In the spring of 1997, Dmitry dramatically changed his image. His song “You are alone, you are like that” became a hit of the year, confidently and for a long time staying in all kinds of charts.

In April 1998, D. Malikov’s new song album “My Distant Star” was released. New motives appear in his work - the songs contain more soulful, soulful lyrics and irony. On this disc, D. Malikov performed for the first time several songs written by other composers. After finishing work on this album, Dmitry turned to composer and arranger P. Yesenin with a proposal to record several songs. As a result of this collaboration, a new hit, “Until Tomorrow,” appeared with a bright, stylish arrangement and a new, unexpected, manner of performance that bears little resemblance to the “former” Malikov. Now the singer’s repertoire includes songs by V. Reznikov, N. Shipilov, S. Sorokin and other composers. D. Malikov's regular co-authors, songwriters, are Liliya Vinogradova, Alexander Shaganov, Vladimir Baranov, Lara D" Eliya.

Viewers could appreciate Dmitry Malikov's performing skills as a pianist in 1995 in the television program "Paradise Cocktail", where he performed a concerto by F. Liszt with an orchestra conducted by Konstantin Kremets. Later, his piano concerts took place in Stuttgart (Germany). In the spring of 1997, he fulfilled his long-time desire to release an album instrumental music, called "Fear of Flying". This deliberately non-commercial experiment became a successful project and attracted the attention of many new listeners to his work.

In 2000, Malikov made his debut as a producer. In the new project "Plazma", produced by Dmitry, dance songs are performed on English language. In 2000, the company "Dance Paradise" released its first album, "Take My Love".

In 1995 at VII international festival"The World Music Awards" in Monte Carlo Dmitry Malikov was awarded in the category "Worlds best-selling recording-artist of the year". He was repeatedly recognized as a laureate of the “Song of the Year” program; became the winner of the people's award "Golden Gramophone" of the radio station "Russian Radio" (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999). Three times he received the “Stopudovy Hit” award from the radio “Hit-FM” (1998, 1999, 2000).