Results relay arts instrumental genre. Competition – conditions, participants and requirements for them

Moscow government

Moscow Department of Education

Organizing Committee

Moscow city complex target

youth education programs “Moscow Children Sing”

GBOU DO "Center for Creative Development"

and musical and aesthetic education

children and youth "Joy"

XVIMoscow International

children's and youth music festival


Within State program

"Decade of Childhood"

Report by students of the School of Journalism "FLASH.KA" of the Center "Joy" about the XVI Moscow International Children and Youth Music Festival "MOSCOW SOUNDS"

Dear participants!

Diplomas will be sent to participants in the absentee round by mail.

Nomination " Academic solo singing»

Results of competitive auditions
XVI Moscow International
children's and youth music festival
Nomination " Academic choral singing»

Results of competitive auditions
XVI Moscow International
children's and youth music festival
Nominations “Class choir”, “School choir”

Results of competitive auditions
XVI Moscow International
children's and youth music festival
International competition for the best performance
works of Orthodox and Western European sacred music

Results of competitive auditions
XVI Moscow International
children's and youth music festival
Nomination "People's solo singing»

Results of competitive auditions
XVI Moscow International
children's and youth music festival
Nomination " Folk choir singing»

2. “The children of the whole earth are friends” music by D. Lvov-Kompaneets, lyrics by V. Viktorov

3. “Hail! Music by M. Glinka, lyrics by S. Gorodetsky

4. “Friendship” by L. Beethoven (ATTENTION! The work is performed by the Combined Choir only in Russian twice.)

clavier choir part

5. “My Moscow” music by I. Dunaevsky, lyrics by M. Lisyansky

1. “Music” Music by A. Kalnins. Words by V. Purves, Russian text by O. Ulitina

Correspondence festival (for participants who are unable to come)

The results will be announced at the final award ceremony and published on the website of the Moscow Children Singing program (website) May 2, 2018

Teams participating in the festival in absentia will receive final documents by mail.

Participation in the festival and its competitions is free.

7. Procedure and deadlines for submitting documents

To participate in the festival you must no later than March 19, 2018:

Dear leaders!

Acceptance of applications for participation in the festival has ended!

1. Fill out online application on the website of the “Children of Moscow Singing” program.

2. Send to the competition email address ():

  • creative characteristics of the team;
  • creative characteristics of the leader;
  • list of team members indicating age;
  • color photograph of the team;
  • color photograph of the leader.

Attention!The performances of participants who do not send a complete package of documents will not be evaluated.

Competition video recording is provided!ONLY! participants of the Correspondence Festival. The video recording must meet the following requirements:

  • leader (or one of the team members) before execution competitive program must declare the category and name of the team;
  • The members of the ensemble and the conductor must be visible on the video recording;
  • the competition program must be performed in the format of a concert performance, without stopping (the use of microphones is permitted);
  • video filming must be carried out without turning off or stopping the video camera - from the beginning to the end of the competition program (subsequent editing is not allowed);
  • registration must be made no earlier than 2017.

The video recording of the competition performance must be posted on the YouTube video service ( Videos posted on other Internet services or sent by email are not accepted for participation in the festival.

Attention! When uploading videos to YouTube, you must specify:

In the “Video Title” field:



Team name.

In the "Description" field:

Name of the competition: “Moscow Sounds - 2018”;


Executable program;

Last name, first name, patronymic of the team leader.

Videos that do not meet these requirements will not be evaluated. The participant will be asked to submit a new video recording that meets the competition conditions.

8. Jury

The jury of the competition is formed from among specialists in the field of culture and art of Russia and foreign countries with outstanding achievements in the field of musical performance and pedagogy, as well as famous composers and conductors, representatives of the world musical community.

9. Evaluation of competitive performances

Competitive performances of groups are assessed on a 10-point scale:

  • 10 points - Grand Prix;
  • 9-9.9 points - 1st degree laureate;
  • 8-8.9 points - 2nd degree laureate;
  • 7-7.9 points - third degree laureate;
  • 6-6.9 points - diploma holder.

The 2017-2018 Arts Relay is one of the popular city festivals of children's and youth creativity, the main task of which for several years since its formation has been to identify talents among children and children's groups of all educational organizations in Moscow. It is this competition that many experts consider and regard as an excellent stage artistic development child and the formation of his cultural personality. If you are interested in this competition, then it’s time to get to know its main conditions better.

Competition and its position.

This type of competition or festival is held strictly within the framework of the state system for identifying young talents. The organizer of this festival is considered to be the City Methodological Center, and a special committee is created for its conduct and preparation.

Anyone from additional and general educational organizations whose age is not less than 5 and not more than 18 years can become participants in the festival.

In the future, all participants in the relay are necessarily divided into two leagues, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics.

  • 1 league. This includes children from kindergartens and general education organizations aged 5 to 7 years.
  • 2 league. Children from general education organizations and creative groups aged 7 to 18 years.

As a rule, the special committee created consists of employees of the methodological center of the city of Moscow. Regarding the festival itself, it should be noted that it consists of 3 stages, each of which is characterized not only by the timing, but also by the features certain conditions. What are these stages?

  • Phase 1. It is scheduled for the months of September and October. It is during this period of time that a review of all concert numbers of different genres presented by all educational organizations is held. As a rule, these events are held within each institution taking part in the relay. Among all the presented participants, the jury selects the best and selects numbers for the 2nd round. Based on the results of this stage, the jury members must compile a multi-genre program from the numbers selected for the second stage.
  • Stage 2. Will take place in November, December and January 2018. In order to become a participant in the second round, you must also register in October on the official website of the City Methodological Center. The entire registration process must be carried out directly by the teacher himself, who subsequently bears full responsibility for submitting this application. The entire concert program must necessarily take place according to a pre-drawn up and planned plan, the schedule of which is checked by the jury before the start. All tours must be held at a public level, and in order to participate in each of these tours, teams must prepare and present one performance in each individual age group. In the event that you decide to make a number on foreign language, then the jury members must be provided with the lyrics of the song and its translation. The duration of the concert performance should not be more than 5 minutes, and in the case of literary reading - exactly 3 minutes. The results of this stage are accepted collectively. But all participants must be aware of what points can be deducted. What are these cases?

    1. Aggression towards other festival participants or jury members.
    2. Using profanity during a speech.
    3. Use of religious or political themes.
    4. Using indecent gestures or shouting.

  • Phase 3. Scheduled for February, March and April 2018. The final concert of the laureates is always held in April.

Results and jury ratings.

As you know, the jury evaluates the performance of the groups and the competition itself according to the following criteria, which must also be communicated in advance.

  1. 1.Culture of performance and artistry, craftsmanship.
  2. 2.Aesthetic and artistic value numbers.
  3. 3.Quality and complexity of the performance.
  4. 4. Correspondence of the selected repertoire to the age of the performer.

As for the genres themselves, the following areas can be included in this list. This is a choral, vocal, instrumental, folklore, dance, original, ethnocultural performance, modern direction, artistic reading, performance of vocal and instrumental ensembles.

Regarding the results themselves, the absolute winners in their genre and age category are those who score the maximum number of points in the ratings table. The winners are all those who took second, third and fourth place in the rating table.

If you are interested in this competition, then you should definitely think about participating in it, and for this the best thing would be to visit the official website of the festival, where everyone can find answers to all the questions that concern and interest them.

II InternationalOnlinetalent festival

"Musical relay"

Moscow, Russia

Participation form: Correspondence

Vocals, Instrumental art.

Advantages of our festival

  • Each jury member leaves his or her review of the performance (indicate your request in the application).
  • The competitor receives a grade and a Diploma for each performance.
  • You will see the assessment of each jury member.
  • There is a system of discounts on payment for org. contribution.
  • It is possible to receive a gift certificate for free participation in our future festivals.
  • We do not have a multi-genre festival, but a festival of vocal and instrumental art, which means that the contestants are evaluated only by those jury members who are professionals in this field.
  • You receive a Diploma of participation in the Moscow festival without leaving anywhere.

The diploma will not indicate that the competition is in absentia. The winners will receive diplomas and special prizes.

Technical requirements:

  • The video recording will need to be uploaded to YouTube or the cloud and the link will need to be placed in a special field when filling out the application.
  • The video can be recorded in a regular hall, but in costumes. Videos shot at other competitions and festivals are also allowed.
  • Video recording of the performance must be done without turning off or stopping the video camera, from the beginning until the end of the performance of the work. During the performance, the hands, instrument and face of the performer must be clearly visible on the video, depending on the nomination. If an ensemble takes part in the competition, then all members of the ensemble must be clearly visible. Amateur format is allowed provided all technical conditions are met.
  • The use of installation is strictly prohibited!
  • The use of phonogram plus is prohibited. The phonogram (minus) should not contain anything other than music, it should be without the recorded BEC vocals!
  • Please note that the Festival organizers do not review the video. Therefore, if during viewing by members of the jury it is discovered that the video has been edited and does not meet the technical requirements, then the contestant’s number is removed from the program. In this case, org. the fee is not refundable.

The video recordings will be viewed by members of the jury:

Winners will be announced within a week.

After April 5, information about the winners will be posted in our organizer group. Later we will post a link on the wall where you can download the Diploma in scanned form. In order not to miss important news, everyone needs to join our group: VKontakte group.

  • If you want the Diploma to be sent to you by mail, then you need to pay an additional 150 rubles for this service.
  • The cost for printing the Diploma is 50 rubles.
  • The cost of sending the Diploma to your work or home address by registered mail is 100 rubles.

This amount is paid together with the amount of the registration fee.

Please note that if for some reason the letter is returned to us, then resending the letter costs 100 rubles.

How to fill out an application?

  • When filling out the application, you must fill out all the information in detail.
  • Capitalize last names, first names, and names of groups.
  • If you write the name of the team, first name, middle name or last name with a small letter, then it will be transferred to the Diploma in this form.
  • We put the name of the number in quotation marks, and also write it with a capital letter.
  • Be sure to include the middle name of the teachers.
  • In the section “Competitor's name” you do not need to write the full name of the teachers. There is another section for this.
  • If it is important for you that the institution is indicated on the Diploma, then fill out this field accordingly. If there is no institution, then write a dash or the word no in this line.
  • If a competitor wishes to receive feedback from the jury members about his work, then when filling out the application, he must indicate this in the appropriate section, not forgetting that the cost of the registration fee with feedback is higher than without feedback.
  • If you want to submit not one, but several numbers, then be sure to fill out a separate application for each number.
  • If you would like to receive your Diploma by registered mail, then fill in the fields in detail in the “Address” section. (Additional payment 150 rub.)
  • If it is enough for you to receive the Diploma in scanned form, then put a dash in the address sections.

Goals and objectives

Development of children's and youth creativity.

Identification and support of talented youth. Involving talented children in international cooperation programs.

Promoting the realization of creative abilities and harmonious development of youth.

Creating favorable conditions for cultural development and establishing creative contacts.

Carrying out creative competitions, enhancing the motivation of the activities of children's and youth creative centers.

Development of creative skills of young talents.

With the assistance of:

The production center of Dmitry Kiryanov and the Russian-Belarusian group "Belovezhskaya Pushcha".


The composition of the festival jury is formed by the Organizer and approved after receiving applications. The composition of the jury will not be disclosed until the start of the festival. The festival jury includes leading cultural and artistic figures of the Russian Federation (teachers from creative universities, etc.). The composition of the jury changes periodically from competition to competition.

Ratings, awards

  • Competitive performances are evaluated in each competitive nomination and in each age group according to the following criteria:
  • The jury gives scores from 1 to 10 points for each competition entry. Based on the results of the points scored, prize places are determined.
  • A competitor or team can submit an unlimited number of works for participation. For each work, the competitor pays 100% in advance without discounts.
  • Based on the results of competitive performances in all nominations in each age category, the competitors who took 1st, 2nd and 3rd places are awarded the title of Laureate of the competition of I, II and III degrees, respectively, and are awarded a diploma.
  • Contestants who take 4th, 5th, 6th places are awarded the title of Diploma of the competition of I, II, III degrees, respectively, and are awarded a diploma.
  • All others are awarded a Diploma of Competition Participant.
  • Diplomas are sent by mail (if the contestant pays for sending by registered mail in the amount of 150 rubles) or are posted on the group wall in scanned form.
  • The jury has the right not to award a prize in any of the nominations.
  • Based on the results of the competition, duplication of prize places in any of the nominations is allowed (two first places, two second, etc.)
  • Each jury member gives a rating and writes his own comment regarding the work (if the contestant has chosen a nomination with a comment from the jury). You can see both the rating and the commentary on your work on the channel; we will send you a link by email and post it on the group wall.
  • Special prizes have been established from the festival organizers and sponsors, regardless of the places occupied by the participants:
  • A special prize from the Dmitry Kiryanov Production Center with a nominal value of 5,000 rubles. up to 10,000 rub.
  • Special prize Free participation in III International Festival talent “Musical Relay Race”, which will take place in February-March 2019.
  • A special prize from partners - a Certificate for a 50% discount on a publication about the group (soloist) in the glossy magazine “Musical Path”.


Sponsors are invited to participate in the festival. The conditions for sponsors' participation are negotiated separately in each specific case. The sponsor has the right to establish its own prize(s) and place its advertising within the framework of competitive events.


NON-PROFESSIONAL and PROFESSIONAL participants aged 4 years and older with no age limit are allowed to participate in the festival - students of cultural centers, music schools; art schools; studios; state and non-state educational institutions, as well as institutions additional education etc.

The application must indicate which category the competitor belongs to: Prof. Or non-professional.

Competitive nominations and age categories

  • 4-5 years
  • 6-7 years
  • 8-10 years
  • 11-12 years old
  • 13-14 years old
  • 15-17 years old
  • 18-23 years old
  • 24-30 years old
  • From 31 years old
  • Mixed category


  • Folk singing
  • Pop vocals
  • Academic vocals
  • Jazz singing
  • Accapella performance (without music accompaniment).

Instrumental art

  • Keyboard instruments: piano, organ, harpsichord, button accordion, accordion, synthesizer, etc. (soloists and groups).
  • String instruments (soloists and groups).
  • Wind instruments (soloists and groups).
  • Percussion and plucked instruments (soloists and groups).
  • Chamber and orchestral music.

Conditions of participation

After receiving the Application, the Organizer sends the Participant a receipt for payment. The Participant sends a copy of the paid receipt to the Organizer’s email address.

Payment must be made.

Cost of participation

The cost of recalling all three jury members is 600 rubles. (indicate whether this service is needed in the application)

Cost without feedback from jury members if paid before February 25, 2018 with a discount:

  • Solo performer - 1200 rub. from one participant for one room, including registration of an application 300 rubles per person for one room
  • Duet, trio - 700 rub. from each participant for one number, including registration of the application 150 rubles per person for one room
  • Ensemble (from 4 to 7 participants) - 500 rub. from each participant for one number,
  • Ensemble (from 8 to 15 participants) - 400 rub. from each participant for one number,including registration of the application 10% of all rooms declared by participants per person
  • Ensemble (from 16 to 25 participants) - 300 rub. from each participant for one number, including registration of the application 10% of all rooms declared by participants per person
  • Ensemble (from 26 people or more) 200 rub. from each participant for one number, including registration of the application 10% of all rooms declared by participants per person
  • Solo performer - 1700 rub. from one participant for one number, including registration of the application 300 rubles per person for one room
  • Duet, trio - 1000 from each participant for one performance, including registration of the application 200 rubles per person for one room
  • Ensemble (from 4 to 7 participants) - 700 rub. from each participant for one number, including registration of the application 100 rubles per person for one room
  • Ensemble (from 8 to 15 participants) - 600 rub. from each participant for one number,including registration of the application 10% of all rooms declared by participants per person
  • Ensemble (from 16 to 25 participants) - 500 rub. from each participant for one number, including registration of the application 10% of all rooms declared by participants per person
  • Ensemble (from 26 people or more) 400 rub. from each participant for one number,including registration of the application 10% of all rooms declared by participants per person

In addition to the video, contestants also need to send 2-5 photos in costume during one of the performances. Photos must be of good quality.

Please note that the photos sent by the contestants can be used by the festival organizers as advertising in order to popularize the project without paying a fee to the contestants.

Participants who submitted applications but did not pay registration fee on time are not allowed to participate.

Please note: by submitting an Application to participate in the festival, you agree to the terms of these Regulations.

To participate in the festival, you must fill out an application and pay the registration fee. If the contestant did not manage to send the video on time, but paid for participation, in this case the contestant is given the opportunity to take part in the next correspondence festival “Music Relay Race”, which will take place in 2019.

1. General provisions

1.1. These Regulations define the conditions, procedure for organizing and conducting City festival of children's and youth creativity "Relay of Arts - 2018"(hereinafter referred to as the Festival) of educational institutions in Moscow in the 2017–2018 academic year.

1.2. The festival “Relay of Arts - 2018” is a form of artistic and aesthetic development of students, which is a necessary component of the formation of a basic personal culture, as well as the identification of gifted children and the best creative children's groups of educational organizations in Moscow.

1.3. The festival is held in order to implement the State “Concept of a national system for identifying and developing young talents” (dated April 3, 2012, Order No. 827), the provisions of the “State Strategy cultural policy for the period until 2030" (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 29, 2016 No. 326-r), "Strategies for the development of education in Russian Federation for the period until 2025" (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 29, 2015 No. 996-r), State program of the city of Moscow for the medium term (2012–2018) "Development of education in the city of Moscow ("Capital education")."

1.4. The organizer of the Festival is the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education.

1.5. An Organizing Committee is being created to prepare and conduct the Festival.

2. Goals and objectives of the Festival

2.1. Target: promoting the formation of the spiritual culture of the student’s personality through the development and performance of the best examples of classical and modern art.


Development of creative potential, imaginative and associative thinking of students;

Nurturing Russian civic identity, spirituality, emotional and value-based attitude towards peers, one’s city and country;

Creation of an aesthetically organized leisure activity;

Involving more children in artistic creativity.

3. Festival participants

3.1. Participants of the Festival are students of creative teams of general education organizations, institutions of additional education for children and institutions vocational education Department of Education of the city of Moscow aged 7 to 18 years:

Junior group: students in grades 1–4;

˗ middle group: students in grades 5–8;

˗ senior group: students in grades 9–11;

˗ mixed group: students from different age groups.

3.2. Information about participation in the Competition for pupils of preschool educational organizations aged 5–7 years is posted on the website in the Competitions and methodological space section Preschool education/Projects, competitions, festivals/Children's competitions, festivals.

4. Dates and stages of the Festival events

4.1. The festival is held from September 2017 to April 2018:

Stage I: September-October 2017;

Stage II: November-December 2017;

Stage III: January-April 2018.

5. Organizing Committee of the Festival

5.1. To organize and conduct the Festival, a city Festival Organizing Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee) is created.

5.2. The organizing committee consists of methodologists from the City Methodological Center (Appendix 1).

5.3. The work of the Organizing Committee is based on these Regulations and corresponds to the timing of the Festival.

5.4. The Organizing Committee performs the following functions:

Decides on the procedure for holding the Festival;

Determines the conditions, terms, stages of the Festival;

Organizes registration;

Determines the schedule and location of the III stage of the Festival;

Forms the Festival Jury taking into account genre affiliation;

Provides methodological support and information and organizational support;

Conducts consultations for Jury members, team leaders and individual performers as requested;

Determines the system of incentives and awards for Festival participants;

Prepares a post-release based on the results of the Festival for posting on the website of the City Methodological Center.

Summing up the results of the City Festival of Children and Youth Creativity “Relay of Arts – 2018”;

Organizes and conducts a Gala concert following the results of the Festival.

5.5. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to change the dates of the Festival stages.

6. Procedure for the Festival

6.1. Stage I of the Festival (school)

6.1.1. The first stage of the Festival takes place within educational organizations subordinate to the Moscow Department of Education, and provides for an in-person review of multi-genre concert performances.

6.1.2. The jury of educational organizations selects and presents the best concert performances at the II stage of the Festival.

6.1.3. To participate in the II stage of the Festival, educational organizations must from October 1, 2017 register an application on the website of the City Methodological Center. – "Arts Relay - 2018" by genre. For the reliability of information in personal account The leader of the group or soloist is responsible.

6.2. II stage of the Festival (external)

6.2.1. Stage II of the Festival provides for an in-person review of concert performances by genre.

6.2.2. To participate in the II stage of the Festival, a creative team or individual performer presents one concert performance in one genre and in one age group. In the genre of “Artistic reading”, no more than 3 issues are provided from each structural unit of the educational complex.

6.2.3. When registering an application on the website of the City Methodological Center - “Relay of Arts - 2018” in your genre, you must upload a link to a video with the performance of a participant or group on the YouTube video service in a closed access.

6.2.4. Based on the results of the II stage of the Festival, the Organizing Committee forms a list of participants for the full-time III stage of the Festival.

6.3. III stage of the Festival (city)

6.3.1. Stage III of the Festival provides for an in-person review of concert performances by genre in accordance with the schedule posted on the website of the City Methodological Center in the methodological space Educational work/Creative competitions/Festivals, competitions.

6.3.2. The best concert numbers in the genre directions: “Vocal”, “Choral”, “Folklore”, “Dance” and “Artistic Reading” have the opportunity to take part in city Competitions for schoolchildren held by higher education institutions educational institutions city ​​of Moscow.

6.3.3. The Organizing Committee of the Festival forms the Jury of the III stage of the Festival, which includes at least 3 experts in the genre direction;

6.3.4. Based on the results of the III stage of the Festival, the best concert numbers recommended by the Jury will be presented at the final Gala concert, which will take place in April 2018.

6.3.5. To participate in the Gala concert, individual performers provide the Organizing Committee with permission from their legal representatives to post personal information (Appendix 2).

7. Festival genres

- "Vocal"(academic vocals, pop vocals, original song). The duration of the speech is up to 5 minutes. Main characteristics and requirements of the vocal genre (Appendix 3);

- "Choral"(choirs, vocal and choral ensembles - live sound, no microphones). Participants perform from 2 to 4 different works, the duration of the performance is up to 8 minutes. Main characteristics and requirements of the choral genre (Appendix 4);

- "Folklore"(folk singing, folk ensembles - live sound, without microphones). The duration of the speech is up to 5 minutes. Main characteristics and requirements folklore genre(Appendix 5);

- "Dance"(classical and modern choreography, folk, pop, ballroom and sports ballroom dance). The duration of the speech is up to 4 minutes. Main characteristics and requirements of the dance genre (Appendix 6);

- "Art in Sports"(rhythmic gymnastics, cheerleading, pop-sports dance, aerobics, acrobatics). The duration of the speech is up to 4 minutes. Main characteristics and requirements of the genre “Art in Sports” (Appendix 7);

- "Original"(circus art: magic tricks, pantomime, clowning, balancing act, eccentricity, circus training). The duration of the speech is up to 4 minutes. Main characteristics and requirements of the original genre (Appendix 8);

- "Artistic reading". The duration of the speech is up to 3 minutes. Main characteristics and requirements of the genre “Literary Reading” (Appendix 9);

- “Different directions of modern youth culture”(hip-hop, rap, soul, r&b, beat-boxing, breakdancing, etc.). The duration of the speech is up to 4 minutes. Main characteristics and requirements of the genre (Appendix 10);

- “Concert numbers of ethnoculture” in national costumes (vocal and dance art). The duration of the speech is up to 4 minutes. Main characteristics and requirements of the genre (Appendix 11);

- "Instrumental"(orchestras, ensembles and instrumental soloists). The duration of the speech is up to 4 minutes. Main characteristics and requirements of the instrumental genre (Appendix 12);

- "Vocal and instrumental ensemble". No more than two works with a total duration of up to 8 minutes. Main characteristics and requirements of the VIA genre (Appendix 13);

- "Show group". The duration of the performance is up to 8 minutes. Main characteristics and requirements of the “Show Group” genre (Appendix 14).

8. Evaluation criteria

8.1. The concert performance presented at the Festival is assessed taking into account the age groups of the participants on a 10-point scale.

8.2. The criteria for evaluating the Festival's concert performances are specified by genre in the appendices.

9. Work of the Festival Jury

9.1. An independent professional Jury of the II and III stages of the Festival reviews concert performances by genre.

9.2. The decision of the Jury cannot be challenged. The jury has the right to refuse to comment on its decision without giving reasons.

9.3. Participants who exceed the performance limits at stage II are not allowed to participate in stage III of the Festival.

10. Summing up

10.1. The jury of the II stage of the Festival sums up the results in genre areas, taking into account the evaluation criteria.

10.2. Based on the ratings, the participants who score the most points are invited to the full-time III stage of the Festival.

10.3. Groups and individual performers who took part in the II stage of the Festival are awarded the status of “Participant in the II stage of the City Festival of Children and Youth Creativity “Relay of Arts - 2018”. The certificate is placed in electronic form in your personal account.

10.4. Groups and individual performers who became diploma winners and laureates of the III stage of the Festival are awarded diplomas.

11. Additional terms

11.1. Registration of an application for participation in the Festival constitutes agreement with the terms of these Regulations.

11.2. By taking part in the Festival, teachers consent to the processing of personal data.

11.3. Responsibility for the life and health of Festival participants at all stages and concert events lies with accompanying teachers, group leaders, and legal representatives.

11.4. During the final Gala concert of the city Festival laureates, video and photography are allowed. These materials can be used in the media and on the Internet. Mention of the source (City Festival of Children and Youth Creativity “Relay of Arts – 2018”) is required.

11.5. During the Festival it is unacceptable:

Use of profanity;

Displaying aggressive behavior towards the Jury and other participants;

Using indecent gestures and shouts while dancing;

Using a concert theme that touches on political or religious views.

IV All-Russian Festival of Choreographic Art " Dance relay»

Moscow city, Russia

For those wishing to receive a discount on participation, payment must be made by April 20, 2018.


Venue: Moscow city. Academy of Watercolor and Fine Arts of Sergei Andriyaka.Varga Street, 15. Stage 10 by 6 meters. Hall 380 seats.

We cover the stage with a special coating for comfortable performance of the numbers.

The duration of the competition program is set at June 2-3, 2018 (Saturday-Sunday). The exact date of participation for a specific group of participants in a specific nomination will be announced 2 weeks before the start of the festival.

Advantages of our festival

  • Awarding on the day of the festival, after each block.
  • We do not have a multi-genre festival, but a festival of choreographic art, which means that the contestants are evaluated only by those jury members who are professionals in this field.
  • We present cups not only to Laureates, but also to Diploma recipients.
  • There is a system of discounts on payment for org. contribution.
  • It is possible to receive a gift certificate for free participation in our festivals, which are also held in Moscow.
  • The competitor receives a Title for each declared performance, regardless of whether they are in a different nomination or the same.
  • Entrance to the hall is free for everyone

Financial conditions for participation in the competition:

  • Solo performer - 3500 (three thousand five hundred) rubles for one number, including registration of an application 500 rubles per person per number
  • Duet - 2000 (two thousand) rubles from each participant for one number
  • Small form (from 3 to 5 participants) - 1500 (One thousand five hundred) rubles from each participant for one number , including registration of the application 300 rubles per person per room
  • Ensemble (from 6 to 10 participants) - 1200 (one thousand two hundred) rubles from each participant for one performance , including registration of the application 300 rubles per person per room
  • Ensemble (from 11 to 19 participants) - 1000 (one thousand) rubles from each participant for one performance , including registration of the application 200 rubles per person per room
  • Ensemble (from 20 or more participants) - 800 (eight hundred) rubles per person for one performance , including registration of the application 150 rubles per person per room
  • Solo performer - 4000 (four thousand) rubles for one performance, including registration of the application 500 rubles per person per room
  • Duet - 2500 (two thousand five hundred) rubles from each participant for one number per number
  • Small form (from 3 to 5 participants) - 2100 (Two thousand one hundred) rubles from each participant for one number , including registration of the application 300 rubles per person per room
  • Ensemble (from 6 to 10 participants) - 1600 (one thousand six hundred) rubles from each participant for one performance , including registration of the application 300 rubles per person per room
  • Ensemble (from 11 to 19 participants) - 1400 (one thousand four hundred) rubles from each participant for one performance , including registration of the application 300 rubles per person per room
  • Ensemble (20 or more participants) - 1200 (One thousand two hundred) rubles per person for one performance , including registration of the application 300 rubles per person per room

The competitor may declare no more than 15 numbers and take part in several nominations.

The festival provides professional Photo and Video shooting. Anyone can use the service.

Check with the organizers for the cost of video and photos of one act.

The application must indicate whether this service is needed.

You can also order medals. The cost of 1 piece is 150 rubles.

How to fill out an application

When filling out the application, you must fill out all the information in detail.

  • If the competitor is not a group, but a soloist, then in this case in the “Name of the group” field, first write the First and Last Name of the soloist and then in the same line the name of the group (if any).
  • If you are entering a duet, be sure to write the first and last names of the participants. Be sure to indicate the patronymic name of the teacher and dance director.
  • All this information will be included in the Diploma. Therefore, if you write the name of the team or surname with a small letter, then it will be transferred to the Diploma in this form.
  • If you write the name of the dance or the name of the group in the application without quotation marks, then they will also be included in the Diploma without quotation marks.
  • If it is important for you that the institution is indicated on the Diploma, then fill out this field accordingly. If there is no institution, then write a dash or the word no in this line.
  • If you want the city in which you live to be indicated on the Diploma, then indicate the city in the field where you indicate the Institution.
  • When filling out the “age category” section, do not indicate multiple age categories. There can only be one. Therefore, if the age of the contestants does not fit into any age limits, then write “Mixed”. This is what this nomination is for.
  • If you want to submit not one, but several numbers, then be sure to fill out a separate application for each number.
  • If you received a discount certificate at one of our festivals or events, then when filling out the application, indicate which certificate you received and send a photo of the certificate by email. mail.
  • The organizer reserves the right to complete the acceptance of applications earlier than the specified period in general or for individual nominations, in the case of a large number of participants.

Goals and objectives:

  • Development of children's and youth creativity.
  • Identification and support of talented youth. Involving talented children in international cooperation programs.
  • Promoting the realization of creative abilities and harmonious development of youth.
  • Creating favorable conditions for cultural development and establishing creative contacts between groups.
  • Conducting creative competitions that enhance the motivation of the activities of children's and youth creative centers.
  • Development of creative skills of young talents.

With the assistance of:

Producing center of Dmitry Kiryanov and the Russian-Belarusian group “Belovezhskaya Pushcha”


The composition of the festival jury is formed by the Organizer and approved after receiving applications. The composition of the jury will not be disclosed until the start of the festival. The festival jury includes leading cultural and artistic figures of the Russian Federation (teachers from creative universities, famous artists, leaders of famous creative groups, etc.). The composition of the jury changes periodically from competition to competition.

Evaluation criteria, awards.

Competitive performances are evaluated in each competitive nomination and in each age group according to the following criteria:

  1. Performance technique (plasticity, craftsmanship)
  2. Compositional structure numbers (idea, theme)
  3. Stage performance (costumes and props)
  4. Artistry, revealing the artistic image

The jury gives scores from 1 to 10 points for each competition entry. Based on the results of the points scored, prize places are determined. Voting is closed.

The competitor performs one number on which he is judged. If a participant wants to perform 2 or more numbers, then the competitor receives a Title and Diploma for each number, even if the numbers are in the same nomination and in the same age category.

One team can show no more than 15 numbers.

The contestant pays for each number.

Based on the results of competitive performances in all nominations in each age category, the competitors who took 1st, 2nd and 3rd places are awarded the title of Laureates of the competition of I, II and III degrees, respectively, and are awarded a cup for the team, a diploma for the team and a diploma to each participant.

Each participant who receives the title of 1st degree Laureate receives a medal.

Contestants who take 4th, 5th, 6th places are awarded the title of Diploma of the competition of I, II, III degrees, respectively, and are awarded a diploma, a cup for the team and a diploma for each participant.

All others are awarded a Diploma of Competition Participant.

The jury has the right not to award a prize in any of the nominations.

At the competition, not a competitive, but a qualified principle of evaluating the competitive program is applied, taking into account the age of the performers.

  • If there are no more participants in your nomination and age category except your team, this does not mean that your team will definitely receive a prize.
  • Places are allocated to competitors based on the average score that the competitor has earned.
  • Based on the results of the competition, duplication of prize places in any of the nominations is allowed (two first places, two second, etc.)
  • If desired, the contestant can receive more detailed feedback from the jury members. The collection of information about the performance of the contestants is formed within 1-2 months after the festival, because The judges re-watch the video of your performance. This service is paid separately. The cost of the service is 250 rubles. (Information from one of the jury members).
  • If a contestant wishes to receive feedback from all three jury members, the cost of the service will be 750 rubles. Payment can be made after the festival.
  • Please note that the organizing committee is not responsible for the assessment of jury members and the awarding of titles to participants!

Special prizes have been established from the festival organizers and sponsors, regardless of the places occupied by the participants:

  • Cup and diploma for the best choreographer's work.
  • A special prize from the Dmitry Kiryanov Production Center and the Russian-Belarusian group “Belovezhskaya Pushcha” - a cash prize with a face value of 10,000 to 30,000 rubles.
  • A special prize from partners - a Certificate for a 50% discount on a publication about the group (soloist) in the glossy magazine “Musical Path”.
  • Certificate for free participation with one performance in the V All-Russian Festival of Choreographic Art "Dance Relay", which will take place on December 15-16, 2018.
  • Each team (soloist) receives a certificate for a 20% discount on participation in the V All-Russian Festival of Choreographic Groups “Dance Relay Race”, which will take place on December 15-16, 2018
  • Each teacher will be awarded a diploma for his contribution to the development of choreographic art.
  • Groups, duets, soloists with the most striking performances will be invited to participate in festive concerts in Moscow.


Sponsors are invited to participate in the festival. The conditions for sponsors' participation are negotiated separately in each specific case. The sponsor has the right to establish its own prize(s) and place its advertising within the framework of competitive events.

The announcement of results and awarding of winners occurs after the end of competitive performances on the day of the festival after each block. Therefore, the Gala concert is not planned.

All nominations are divided into blocks:

After the Award, Laureates of I, II, III degrees will be invited to a video interview.

The decision of the jury is final and is not subject to revision; voting protocols are not disclosed. Awards (diplomas) are not sent by mail.


NON-PROFESSIONAL (amateur) and PROFESSIONAL teams, duets and solo performers aged 5 years and older without age restrictions are allowed to participate in the festival - students of cultural centers, choreographic schools; art schools; choreographic and music studios; dance schools, show ballets, state and non-state educational institutions, as well as institutions of additional education, etc.

Solo performers, duets, small forms (from 3 to 5 participants) and ensembles (from 6 participants) are allowed to participate in the festival.

If the team has more than 30% of participants of a different age category, then they belong to a mixed age category.


Variety dance (children's dance, disco, pop dance)

Classical dance(ballet)

Modern dance(Jazz, Jazz-modern, modern, contemporary, experimental choreography)

Folk dance (flamenco, Russian dance, Irish dance, Spanish dance, oriental dance, gypsy dance, folk stylized dance, etc.)

Folk stylized dance

Club dancing (street dance, hip-hop, house, go-go, popping, locking, jazz-funk, vauge, break dance, etc.);

Acrobatic dance

Theatrical dance

Historical and everyday dance.

  • 5-7 years
  • 8-12 years
  • 13-16 years old
  • 17-25 years old
  • From 26 years old
  • Mixed group

Conditions of participation.

  • To participate in the festival, you must submit an Application for Participation in accordance with the established procedure before May 17, 2018 inclusive.
  • After receiving the Application, the Organizer sends the Participant a receipt for payment. The Participant sends a copy of the payment receipt to the Organizer’s email address.
  • Payment must be made no later than May 18, 2018.
  • Participants who submitted applications but did not pay the registration fee on time will not be allowed to participate.
  • To participate in the festival, each Participant (group or solo performer) is required to send a screenshot or photographed payment receipt. Along with the check, you must immediately send a phonogram in .mp3 format (WE DO NOT ACCEPT IN OTHER FORMAT) to the Organizer's email address (each sound recording must contain: the name of the group or the surname of a solo performer, the name of the competition number, nomination, and the duration of the work. Example: STAR COLLECTIVE. KITTENS DANCE. 3.35.
  • The same phonograms, each recorded on a separate flash drive in a regular audio format with high sound quality, must be carried by the Participant (group or solo performer) on the day of the festival.
  • Claims regarding the sound of phonograms during the festival will not be accepted. Submitted phonograms cannot be returned.
  • Each group or solo performer can submit a number for the competition (in one or in different nominations) lasting no more than 4 minutes each.
  • The order of performances is determined by the Organizer; changes to the order of performances are not permitted. Changes to the declared numbers after the deadline for submitting Applications for participation are not allowed.
  • Every time you send a letter to the organizer, write in the subject line the name of the group and the name of the Festival. Otherwise, your letter may remain unattended, because... There are a lot of teams and the Organizing Committee holds several competitions simultaneously.
  • Participants (teams) must have at least one accompanying person per 10 participants. The team leader is not an accompanying person.
  • Participants agree that photos and videos of competition performances made by the Organizer can be used by him at his discretion for further popularization of the project (without paying fees to participants)
  • By submitting an Application for participation, the legal representatives of minor Participants agree that competitive events may take place in the evening, but no later than 22.00.
  • Entrance to the hall is free for everyone.
  • Transport and other expenses of the competition participants and accompanying persons are borne by the sending party or the Participants themselves.
  • If the Participant fails to appear at the competition performance, the registration fee is non-refundable.
  • The team may refuse a competitive performance by notifying the Organizer in writing no later than May 17, 2018 inclusive, in which case the registration fee is refundable.
  • If, after paying the fee, one of the team members is unable to take part in the Festival, payment for this participant is not refundable, even if the competitor has a good reason.


  • It is prohibited to walk around the hall in the space in front of the stage during competitive performances.
  • It is prohibited to occupy seats from rows 1 to 6.
  • It is prohibited to show or suggest movements to students in front of the stage during the performance of the contestants.
  • Drinking and eating are prohibited in the auditorium.
  • It is prohibited to treat other competitors, as well as jury members and festival organizers with disrespect.
  • Please note that neither the organizers nor the Academy employees are responsible for the safety of personal belongings. Therefore, we kindly ask you not to leave valuables unattended, and also not to leave mobile phones charging unattended.
  • Please note: by submitting an Application to participate in the festival, you agree to the terms of these Regulations.