International competition-festival “Cradle of Russia” final! "the cradle of Russia" The registration fee is.

All-Russian annual festival-competition of lullaby songs

"Lullabies for the whole family"


Absentee viewing is carried out online

Gala concert and festival - Central House of Artists, Krymsky Val, 10. from 14:00 to 21:00

Goals and objectives of the competition:

  • to revive the culture of performing lullabies as a valuable cultural and social phenomenon that has become an integral traditional part of the Russian sphere of motherhood and childhood;
  • attach wide circle families of various nationalities inhabiting our country to their maternal song culture;
  • to reveal the creative and artistic potential of the lullaby genre through professional and amateur performance;
  • expand, expand and popularize the collection of lullabies in a variety of stylistic vocal and instrumental interpretations.

Procedure for the competition:

  • Performers aged from 3 to 99 years can take part in the online competition;
  • from June 1 to September 7 - accepting applications for participation in the online competition;
  • September - voting by professional jury members and interactive voting by the audience;
  • September 23 - The winners of the competition will perform at a gala concert on the same stage with the stars of popular TV shows, and the best lullabies will be included in the new collection “Lullabies for the Whole Family.”

Professional and amateur categories of competitive programs:

In nominations:

  • vocal performance (solo or ensemble)
  • instrumental performance (solo or ensemble)

In genres:

  • traditional national lullaby
  • author's own lullaby
  • modern popular lullaby
  • children (from 3 to 10 years)
  • teenagers (from 11 to 16 years old)
  • youth (from 17 to 25 years old)
  • adults (26 years and older)

Ensembles can be composed of participants from different age groups.

Competition requirements and competition procedure:

  • To participate in the competition, you must fill out an application on the website, make an entry fee and send a receipt of payment with a photograph attached to the letter, as well as a video recording of the work in your performance with an attachment or a link to a file hosting service on the website in the Comments field.
  • A high-quality studio phonogram of the competition work with original accompaniment is especially welcome, that is, specially performed and recorded in the studio or concert hall.
  • The performance of a lullaby should reflect the essence, traditions, culture and certain stylistic features of this musical genre.
  • The competition does not limit participants in choosing the nature of arrangements and their stylistic features.
  • Duration of one piece of music should not exceed 5 minutes.
  • After sending the completed form, the organizers of the competition confirm acceptance of the application for participation in the competition by a reply address letter.
  • From September 2, a list of participants who qualified for the 2nd round will be posted on the competition website.
  • Take an active role in communicating your participation to audience voting, posting a link to the video on all social networks with the hashtags #lullaby competition #lullabies for the whole family
  • Pay attention! Your video must be posted only on the organizer’s resource for the entire duration of the festival. Voting takes place on the festival's YouTube channel through the competition website.

The registration fee for participants is:

  • 1000 rubles - for youth and adult categories, including registration of an application 300 rubles per person
  • 500 rubles - for children's and teenage nominations.

Benefit of 50% from the cost of participation in the Competition is provided to the following participants on the basis of supporting documents:

  • Large families
  • Participating family members from 3 people
  • Benefit of 100%
  • People with disabilities
  • For orphans
  • Pensioners by age

Performer evaluation criteria:

  • expressiveness, sincerity and privacy of the performing style, disclosure of semantic load, warmth of sound;
  • general culture of sound production, intonation purity, phrasing features, cantilence of sound, articulatory clarity;
  • interesting harmonic and stylistic solution of the work;
  • semantic shades and timbre coloring of the voice and instruments, the use of special vocal and instrumental techniques, as well as interesting expressive techniques during the performance of the song;
  • dynamics of development of vocal and instrumental nuances;
  • the emotional coloring of the work, its conceptual orientation.

Determination and awarding of winners:

Evaluation of competition works takes place in two stages:

  • closed voting of members of the professional jury
  • interactive audience voting
  • When summing up the results, the competition organizers take into account the total number of points received by the work during professional voting and voting in the audience forum.
  • In each music category, 3 prizes and a Grand Prix will be awarded for all age categories and genres.
  • The Grand Prix of the competition is awarded to only one participant who has scored the highest total number of points, if the opinion of the professional jury and the opinion of the audience coincide in all respects specified in the general regulations of the festival-competition.
  • The winners of the Competition will be able to participate in the concert program of the Gala Concert of the festival on September 23 with the stars of the Voice show and in the ongoing programs of the Lullabies for the Whole Family project. The festival organizing committee reserves the right to select winners to participate in the festival concert program depending on the event scenario.
  • When selecting the winning number for the concert program, the performer independently gets to Moscow and participates in at least 1 rehearsal the day before.
  • The winners of amateur nominations will be awarded during the Gala concert on September 23, 2018. The award ceremony for the winners of professional categories is held on September 23, 2018 during the final gala concert with the participation of members of the professional jury.
  • All numbers and names of winners in all categories will be published on the festival website and on the pages of the “Lullabies for the Whole Family” project on social networks.
  • The jury has the right to award competition participants with special diplomas outside the designated framework for certain creative achievements.
  • Based on the results of the audience voting, the organizers of the competition award a special People's Choice Award to the most liked participant.


Prizes and diplomas from jury members and partners of the Competition.

Winner, Finalists, Best in nominations.

Additional information about prizes will be published on the website

Waiting for you:

At 18-30 interactive concert of lullabies to the accompaniment of live music from popular performers: Mariam Merabova, Natalia Faustova, Katerina Balykbaeva, Ella Khrustaleva, Victoria Andreeva, Evgenia Smolyaninova, Alina Rostotskaya and others! On this day, the winners of our competition “Lullabies for the whole family”, chosen by a professional jury and an open popular vote, will perform on the same stage with the stars. social networks.

From 15:00 Round table with the participation of professionals(psychologists, cultural experts, art therapists, musicians, editors of popular media for parents), who will talk about how to maintain a relationship with a baby in the age of digitalization, how bedtime songs heal premature babies and why a lullaby sung by mom or dad is so important for the baby. Sign up for the round tableafter registration.

Moms and dads, grandparents!

We know how difficult it is in our dynamic time to get together with the whole family and spend the day in joy and with meaning, communicating with loved ones, and not burying oneself in gadgets!

We invite you to the most heartfelt event designed to unite children and always busy adults - the First Festival-Competition “Lullabies for the Whole Family”!

Waiting for you:

  • At 18-30, an interactive concert of lullabies accompanied by live music from popular performers: Mariam Merabova, Natalia Faustova, Katerina Balykbaeva, Ella Khrustaleva, Victoria Andreeva, Evgenia Smolyaninova, Alina Rostotskaya and others! On this day, the winners of our “Lullabies for the Whole Family” competition, chosen by a professional jury and an open popular vote on social networks, will perform on the same stage with the stars.
  • You will hear the best modern, rare, original, folk, but equally magical love songs for you and your children!
  • From 2 p.m., a creative platform will open, where artists Anna Silivonchik, Maria and Vasily Peshkun and an exhibition and sale of your favorite paintings are waiting for you to visit.
  • Children's area with a variety of useful entertainment.
  • The oldest family club in Moscow, "Rozhdestvo", prepared applied workshops for festival guests. We will play outdoor games, make crafts, swaddle and cradle rag dolls.
  • The actors of the puppet theater "Our Town" together with the audience will come up with and perform a real performance!
  • You will also learn not only how to felt your favorite toys with your own hands, but also play on various musical instruments with music therapists and take a lot of very beautiful and funny photos in our photo zone.
  • Food zone. Cafe "Scenario" has prepared gastronomic masterpieces for children and adults in the best traditions of a family holiday.
  • From 15:00 Round table with the participation of professionals (psychologists, cultural experts, art therapists, musicians, editors of popular media for parents) who will talk about how to maintain relationships with your baby in the age of digitalization, how bedtime songs treat premature babies and why exactly A lullaby sung by mom or dad is so important to a child. (Registration for the round tableby registration

Friends, we are waiting for you! 0+

Tickets can be purchased on the official website and at the Central House of Artists box office the competition website , on the website of the ticket operator

. ensuring qualified examination of the results achieved by participants
. creating an environment in which participants and managers have access to the most up-to-date knowledge in their fields
. creating conditions for advanced training of teachers
. organization of educational forms in which participants can improve their professional level
. popularization of creativity of young talents
. conservation and development national cultures
. establishing creative contacts between teams and managers
. building the potential of the younger generation
. strengthening tolerant interfaith and ethnic relations between children and youth in the regions of the Russian Federation and countries near and far abroad

Foundation for the support and development of children's creativity "Planet of Talents".

The main composition of the jury: academicians, professors from leading universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk, honored workers and leading experts in the field of culture.

The competition is attended by both groups and individual performers working in concert organizations, theaters, radio, television, cinema, students of music and theater universities, students of primary, secondary and secondary special education. educational institutions arts and culture, as well as participants in amateur performances in the following categories: vocals, choral singing, instrumental music, choreography, fashion theater, original and theatrical genre, artistic expression.


(pop, jazz, academic, folk (including folklore and ethnography), song theater)

Evaluation criteria (when choosing criteria, the specifics of the type of vocal are taken into account):
. level of vocal technique
(the degree of falseness in the voice, the purity of the performance of the entire work, the purity of intonation, the range of the voice, techniques specific to this genre);

(artistry, aesthetics of costumes and props);
. compliance of the repertoire with the performing capabilities and age of the performer;
. performance culture
(behavior on stage, working with a microphone);
. for duets and ensembles - coherence, singing.

Participants perform 2 different pieces, the total duration of which should not exceed 8 minutes.
- It is recommended that at least one of the works be performed in Russian. This requirement does not apply to the jazz category.


Acceptable media for phonograms are flash cards. Phonograms must be of high sound quality. You must have phonograms with you on two media at once;
. For a flash card: the memory card should contain ONLY competition works, without any unnecessary information. The works must be signed in this way: “1 Ivanov Ivan - Gnome”, “2 Ivanov Ivan - Ladoshka”
. When evaluating competitive performances, lighting (various special lighting effects) is not taken into account;
. Vocal groups are allowed to use their own radio microphones or headsets, if this is not prevented technical specifications equipment (the team leader must inform about the need to connect his microphones in the notes to the application, as well as at the registration of the competition);
. Vocal groups must indicate the required number of microphones in the notes to the application;
. The maximum number of microphones provided is 8 pcs.
. It is prohibited for vocalists to perform to a phonogram in which the voice is registered;
. It is prohibited to use phonograms where the main part of the soloist is duplicated in the backing vocal parts;

The results of the competition and awards are carried out in all nominations separately, taking into account age categories and provide for the award of the title of Grand Prix winner, laureates of three prizes (I, II, III degree), diploma holders of I, II, III degree, and a participant diploma;

(academic, folk, pop)

Evaluation criteria:
. musicality, artistic interpretation of a musical work;
. purity of intonation and sound quality;
. complexity of the repertoire;
. compliance of the repertoire with the performing capabilities and age category of the performer;
. general artistic impression

Participants perform 3 pieces, one of which is a capella. Their total timing should not exceed 10 minutes.
* For junior choirs, performance of the third piece a capella is encouraged, but not a requirement.


. If a situation arises when there are no worthy candidates for the Grand Prix and prizes, they are not awarded.
See financial conditions for participation below.

(divided by musical instruments; VIAs are not accepted for participation due to the impossibility of providing a mixed jury; electronic instruments (including synthesizers) that require special tuning after connection are also not accepted for participation; in the “guitar” nomination, the program must be performed on a classical instrument, acoustic instruments are not accepted)

. Solo

. Orchestra

Evaluation criteria (when choosing criteria, the specifics of the instrument are taken into account):
. level of musical instrument proficiency
(quality of sound production, musical structure, purity of intonation);
. level of technical proficiency
(quality of setting of the gaming machine, rhythm, strokes, playing techniques, fingering);
. musicality
(expressiveness of the performance of a musical work, articulation, style, nuance, phrasing);
. emotional performance of a piece of music
(agogy, interpretation, characteristic features performed work);
. artistry, aesthetics
(aesthetics appearance, artistry);
. for ensembles: teamwork.
. general artistic impression
- The use of the score is allowed for ensembles of more than 5 people and orchestras;
- Participants perform 2 different pieces, the total duration of which should not exceed 10 minutes.
ATTENTION! Exceeding the established time is possible only in agreement with the organizing committee. If the time specified by the participants is exceeded, the organizers have the right to stop the performance. Significantly exceeding the established timing may affect the jury's assessment.

The results of the competition and awarding are carried out for musical instruments separately, taking into account age categories and provide for the award of the title of Grand Prix winner, laureates of three prizes (I, II, III degree), diploma winners of I, II, III degree, and a participant diploma.

See financial conditions for participation below.

. Children's dance (for the age category up to 10 years);
. Classical dance;
. Folk dance - ethnic, folk, characteristic. Dances of different nationalities, with consistency in style, technique and music;
. Stylized dance - performance of folk dances in modern adaptations;
. Sports and pop dance - a combination of choreography, acrobatics, gymnastics;
. Variety dance - traditional variety character dances, disco, mixed style;
. Jazz - COOL jazz, HOT jazz, WEAST-COAST or Street jazz, Ethno, Afro-jazz, Broadway jazz, Classic jazz, Blues, Lyrical jazz, Flash jazz, Soul jazz, Swing, etc.
. Modern dance- contemporary, modern, neofolk with consistency of style and technique, neoclassical;
. Demi-classical - modern vision, performance of classical dance;
. Stage ballroom dance;
. Dance show - in this nomination it is permissible to use vocals (it is not evaluated as a separate nomination), circus tricks, etc.;

Number of participants:
. Solo

Evaluation criteria:
. level of technical proficiency
(clean execution of technical techniques, rhythmic pattern);
. selection and embodiment of an artistic image in a performed work
(artistry, synchronicity, aesthetics of costumes and props);
. quality of music
(correspondence theme song the age of the performers, the correspondence of the production and the music, the intellectual and spiritual level of the text of the musical accompaniment);
. production quality ( compositional structure performances, mastery of stage space, drawing).
. For the “Dance Show” nomination, the main criterion is entertainment or the power of impact on the public, originality and creativity of the concept, story, idea or theme. Inventive and interesting visual effects. The use of acrobatic elements, lifts, spectacular jumps and other interesting effects is approved.
- Participants perform 2 dances, the total duration of which should not exceed 8 minutes. In special cases, by prior agreement with the organizing committee, the ensemble may perform one number; in this case, the score may be reduced at the discretion of the jury.
*An exception is for solo performers: 1 number is required to perform, and the artist can also enter a second number if desired.
- It is recommended to pay attention to the content of the musical accompaniment - it must correspond to the age of the dancers and have an adequate moral connotation.
- Dance theater - one fragment up to 10 minutes.
- Folklore - one ritual act or scene with a total duration of up to 10 minutes.

ATTENTION! Exceeding the established time is possible only in agreement with the organizing committee. If the time specified by the participants is exceeded, the organizers have the right to stop the performance. Significantly exceeding the established timing may affect the jury's assessment.
. The results of the competition and awards are carried out in all nominations separately, taking into account age categories and provide for the award of the title of Grand Prix winner, laureates of three prizes (I, II, III degree), diploma winners of I, II, III degree, and a participant diploma.
. If a situation arises when there are no worthy candidates for the Grand Prix and prizes, they are not awarded.

- For the best choreographer's work;
- For the best production;
- For the best costume, etc.
See financial conditions for participation below.

(ready-to-wear, evening wear, children's clothing, stage costume, historical costume, modern youth clothing)
The teams present a competition program (two collections) in the form of a show consisting of one or more themes.
Not divided into age groups

Evaluation criteria:
. costume design
. consistency in style (costume, hairstyle, choreography, musical accompaniment)
. originality of the author's solution, integrity of the collection
. unity of design, silhouette forms and color scheme
. artistry of performance
. complexity of artistic solution
One collection is required for participation, the second is allowed at the request of the participants; The duration of one collection should not exceed 5 minutes. If collections belong to different sub-nominations, then this is processed as 2 separate applications.

ATTENTION! Exceeding the established time is possible only in agreement with the organizing committee. If the time specified by the participants is exceeded, the organizers have the right to stop the performance. Significantly exceeding the established timing may affect the jury's assessment.
. The results of the competition and awards are carried out in all nominations separately, taking into account age categories and provide for the award of the title of Grand Prix winner, laureates of three prizes (I, II, III degree), diploma winners of I, II, III degree, and a participant diploma.
. If a situation arises when there are no worthy candidates for the Grand Prix and prizes, they are not awarded.
See financial conditions for participation below.

(plastic sketch, acrobatics, balancing act, antipode, rubber, juggling, clowning, etc.)
All types are allowed, except those associated with air and fire.
To the circus group It is proposed to present a circus composition.

Number of participants:
. Solo
. Ensemble (divided into duet, trio, quartet and ensemble)

Evaluation criteria:
. level of training and performance skills
. stage performance (plasticity, costume, performance culture, artistry)
. complexity of the executable program
. general artistic impression

Participants perform 2 numbers, the total timing of which should not exceed 15 minutes.
ATTENTION! Exceeding the established time is possible only in agreement with the organizing committee. If the time specified by the participants is exceeded, the organizers have the right to stop the performance. Significantly exceeding the established timing may affect the jury's assessment.
. The results of the competition and awards are carried out in all nominations separately, taking into account age categories and provide for the award of the title of Grand Prix winner, laureates of three prizes (I, II, III degree), diploma winners of I, II, III degree, and a participant diploma.
. If a situation arises when there are no worthy candidates for the Grand Prix and prizes, they are not awarded.
See financial conditions for participation below.

(dramatic, musical, puppet (without using picket equipment)

Evaluation criteria:

. opening and brightness artistic images
. stage presence (plasticity, presence of costumes and their correspondence to the performance, performance culture)
. artistic design of the performance, props
. diction of actors, emotionality of performers

. general artistic impression

Participants perform 1 piece with the duration specified in the application, the duration of which does not exceed 60 minutes. These can be small stage forms, one-man performances, etudes, scenes from performances and plays that have a compositionally complete character.

. The results of the competition and awards are carried out in all nominations separately, taking into account age categories and provide for the award of the title of Grand Prix winner, laureates of three prizes (I, II, III degree), diploma winners of I, II, III degree, and a participant diploma.
. If a situation arises when there are no worthy candidates for the Grand Prix and prizes, they are not awarded.
. Also, by decision of the jury, special diplomas can be awarded:
- Best Actor
- best actress
- for best director's work
- for the best script
- for the best performance and theatrical production
- for acting
- for the best scenography
- for the best acting ensemble (for coordinated and harmonious work in the play)
- special jury prize

- The organizing committee does not provide props for the performance (stump, throne, fence, etc.);
- The need to use a projector and screen must be indicated in the notes to the application. The program manager will contact the supervisor about the possibility of using this equipment.

(prose, poetry, tale, literary and musical composition)

Number of participants:
. Solo
. Ensemble (divided into duet, trio, quartet, etc.)

Evaluation criteria:
. completeness and expressiveness of the disclosure of the theme of the work
. artistry, revelation and brightness of artistic images, performance level
. diction
. complexity of the piece being performed
. correspondence of the repertoire to the age characteristics of the performers
. general artistic impression
- Participants perform 2 pieces, the total timing of which should not exceed 8 minutes. The works are performed without a microphone.
- Literary and musical composition - 1 piece no more than 10 minutes.

ATTENTION! Exceeding the established time is possible only in agreement with the organizing committee. If the time specified by the participants is exceeded, the organizers have the right to stop the performance. Significantly exceeding the established timing may affect the jury's assessment.

The need to use a projector and screen must be indicated in the notes to the application. The program manager will contact the supervisor about the possibility of using this equipment.

The results of the competition and awards are carried out in all nominations separately, taking into account age categories and provide for the award of the title of Grand Prix winner, laureates of three prizes (I, II, III degree), diploma winners of I, II, III degree, and a participant diploma.
If a situation arises when there are no worthy candidates for the Grand Prix and prizes, they are not awarded.
See financial conditions for participation below.

The main goals of the nomination are:
. popularization of the speech genre;
. identifying talented event presenters various forms;
. creating an environment for creative communication and exchange of experience among competition participants;
. development of creative potential and improvement of the professional level of specialists in cultural and leisure activities;
. establishing business and creative connections between presenters, directors and organizers of entertainment and game programs;
. preserving traditional and searching for new gaming technologies.

Number of participants:
. Solo
. Ensemble (divided into duet, trio, quartet, etc.)

2 exits, the duration of each exit is no more than 2 minutes.
First exit:
Opening of a gala concert of a competition-festival within the framework of an international project in which you are taking part.
Second output:
An original presentation of the city where the festival takes place.

ATTENTION! If the time specified by the participants is exceeded, the organizers have the right to stop the performance. Significantly exceeding the established timing may affect the jury's assessment.

Any form of presentation: prose, poetry, conversational genre, pantomime, synchronized buffoonery, sketches, interviews with artists, etc.
Notes for all stages of the competition:
. Special musical or noise accompaniment for the exit of the contestants is allowed and encouraged;
. The entertainer’s clothing must correspond to the task of the presenter’s appearance and be unique to him “ business card", work on his recognition, and also correspond to his age;
. in the case of using props in the entertainer's entrance, they should not be cumbersome, simple and should not require prior preparation of the technical team.
. Members of the festival jury, at their discretion, can ask the contestant questions, as well as invite the participant to find a way out of the simulated situation.

The competition evaluation criteria are:
. mastery of the presenter (organization of stage space, contact with the audience);
. level of performing skills (artistry, speech culture, stress placement, pronunciation, placement of accents, logical stress);
. originality of creative concept;
. directing game action;
. general artistic impression


The registration fee is:

Quantitative composition

Basic cost participation when submitting an application no later than 7 days

+30% to base*


2,000 rubles


1,250 rubles/person

RUB 1,625/person

Ensembles, incl. vocal, choreographic, instrumental, choirs, orchestras and fashion theaters:

from 3 to 5 people(inclusive)

1,100 rubles/person

RUR 1,430/person

from 6 to 8 people(inclusive)

800 rubles/person

1040 RUR/person

from 9 to 11 people(inclusive)

750 rubles/person

975 RUR/person

from 12 to 15 people(inclusive)

700 rubles/person

910 RUR/person

from 16 to 20 people(inclusive)

600 rubles/person

780 RUR/person

from 21 to 25 people(inclusive)

550 rubles/person

715 RUR/person

over 25 people

500 rubles/person (but not more than 15 thousand rubles)

650 RUR/person

Table 1

* The increase in the cost of participation for applications submitted in the last week before the competition is due to the fact that the overhead costs of organizing their performance increase significantly.

For THEATER COLLECTIVES the registration fee is:

Basic cost participation when submitting an application no later than 7 days before the start of the competition (inclusive)

Cost of participation when submitting an application later than 7 days before the start of the competition

+30% to base

Performance up to 20 minutes

4,500 rubles

Performance from 21 to 30 minutes

6,500 rubles

Performance from 31 to 45 minutes

10,000 rubles

Performance from 46 to 60 minutes

15,000 rubles

Table 2

Payment is made regardless of the number of participants in the THEATER COLLECTIVE

Additional payment for additional nomination:

- Participation of a person (or team) in an additional nomination is considered with a 30% discount from base cost participation in this nomination (Basic cost is indicated in Tables 1,2). Participation in each subsequent additional nomination is considered with a 50% discount from basic cost these nominations.


Solo performance is always considered the main nomination (for an ensemble member who also performs solo, it is participation in the ensemble that counts as a discount for an additional nomination).

If one ensemble is exhibited in two categories, the one with the most participants is considered the main one. Provided that the same children perform in both categories.

If one group exhibits two groups of children, then it is considered that these are two different ensembles. Payment is calculated based on the base cost for each group.

To calculate the payment amount, you must first submit an application

After receiving the application, the organizing committee calculates the payment amount and informs possible payment options for legal entities and individuals.

1. Payment in cash is possible upon registration of participants in the competition-festival.

2. The day of registration of participants in the competition-festival is last day acceptance of payment.

Travel to the festival city is at the expense of the participants. Tickets are purchased both ways. The place, date and time of arrival must be notified to the organizing committee in advance to ensure transfer.

For 20 participants in the competition, a free place is provided to the director.


8-800-100-07-09 - free telephone line for calls from all regions of Russia
from 9.00 to 18:00 Moscow time.

For calls from abroad +7-962-569-88-09.

Our VKontakte group:

Festival jury:

  • Attention!

    The jury is not complete and is at the formation stage. We work with specialists from the best creative universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg; local specialists are not invited to join the commission. The assessment is thus completely independent. New faces will appear in proportion to the number of applications submitted for the corresponding nomination.

  • Buyanova Natalia Borisovna

    Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodological Work at MGIM named after. A.G. Schnittke. Conductor-choirmaster. Laureate international competitions. Moscow

  • Anisimov Pavel Vasilievich

    Dean of the Faculty of Music of Moscow State Pedagogical University. Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of IASPE. Moscow

  • Gordadze Vakhtang Nikolaevich (Georgia)

    Honored Artist of Adjara, Honored Artist of Georgia, holder of the Order of "Professional of Russia". Artistic director of the Big Band jazz orchestra, professor, composer. Georgia

  • Dorokhova Ekaterina Anatolyevna

    Deputy Director of the State Center of Russian Folklore. Candidate of Art History. Leading researcher at the State Institute of Art History. Moscow

  • Egorova Irina Gennadievna

    Laureate of the international competition of Maria Callas and Marian Anderson (Washington).
    Union member theatrical figures. Full member of the Academy of Informatization. Course teacher Stas Namin (GITIS). Moscow

  • Khramov Denis Yurievich

    Head of the Department of Choral Conducting at the Academy of Choral Art named after. V.S. Popova, candidate of art history, professor. Honorary cultural worker of Moscow. Director and conductor of the youth choir of the Choral School named after. A.V. Sveshnikova. Moscow

  • Kudryavtsev Boris Nikolaevich

    People's Artist of Russia, professor, head of the department of vocal art at the Institute of Arts, Moscow State Pedagogical University. Moscow

  • Chalbash Emil Teyfukovich

    Doctor of Art History, Professor, laureate of international competitions, member of the International Academy of Sciences of San Marino (Italy), Moscow

  • Oblikin Igor Fedorovich

    Professor of the Department of Orchestral Conducting at the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography. People's Artist of Russia. Artistic director of the ensemble FENIST. Balalaika of the Russian State Television and Radio Center. Knight of the Order for Services to the Fatherland. Moscow

  • Bobysheva Valentina Antonovna

    Professor of the Department of Folk Performing Arts at MGIM. A.G. Schnittke (Moscow State Institute of Music). Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. Artistic director and conductor of the orchestra "Vivat, accordion!" Moscow

  • Butushina Lyubov Nikolaevna

    Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor of the Department of Orchestral Conducting at the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography. Ex-artist of NAONIR named after. N.P. Osipova. Academician of the Moscow Aviation Institute at the UN. Moscow

  • Mozgovenko Nikolay Vasilievich

    People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. Moscow

  • Evseeva Marina Sergeevna

    Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Candidate of Art History. Professor of the piano department of the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky. Moscow

  • Esakov Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich

    Candidate of Art History. Associate Professor of the Department of Piano Art at MGIM. A.G. Schnittke. Moscow

  • Shershnev Viktor Grigorievich

    Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, laureate of International choreographic competitions, choreographer State Ensemble"Russian North", State Ensemble of Chuvashia, cultural program 22 Olympic Games, expert choreographer of the Moscow Department of Culture. Publicist, teacher. Moscow

  • Sokratov Yakov Vladimirovich

    Choreographer. Model show director. Soloist of the State Ballet Academic Theater Moscow operetta. Moscow

  • Forbes Jordanes

    Professional dancer, holder of the certification degree “First Soloist” (De Primer Nivel de SOLISTA) of the Republic of Cuba. Finalist of the show “Dance!” on Channel One. Cuba

  • Krechetova Tatyana Removna

    Honored Artist of Russia. Actress of the Moscow Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Moscow

  • Tursunova Irina Anatolyevna

    Deputy Dean of the Theater and Directing Faculty, Professor of the Department of Stage Speech at the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography. Professor of the Department of Art History and Humanities of the Higher School performing arts K. Raikina. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Moscow

  • Fesak Rustem Vladimirovich

    Director of the Russian Academic Youth Theater. Moscow


International competition-festival “Cradle of Russia”, Moscow
April 13-16, 2017

April 14
Competitive performances in the nominations vocal pop, theater genre, artistic expression
April 15
Competitive performances in the nominations pop vocal, folk vocal, theater genre, artistic expression, choreography
April 16
Competitive performances in the vocal variety nominations
Gala concert, awards ceremony

Registration of Participants from 9-14 hours.
April 13

April 14
Competitive performances nominations instrumental genre
April 15
Competitive performances in the nominations instrumental genre, academic vocals


    Final of the Competition-Festival within the framework of the International Project

    "Cradle of Russia" Moscow


    Skolkova Elena 8-965-611-60-36

    Cultural Center “Inspiration” (7 Litovsky Boulevard, Yasenevo metro station)

    Kazelsky Dmitry - 8-963-297-29-98

    Smirnov Gleb - 8-960-840-16-75

    Performance Program ManagerChildren's Music School named after. YA. Shaporina

    GBOU HE at Moscow State Institute Music named after A.G. Schnittke
    (Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya st., 7)

    Isaenko Yana 8-965-262-62-00


    Leaders, teachers and accompanists are invited to the round tables. No pre-registration required.

    Pop vocals

    Venue:Cultural Center “Inspiration” (7 Litovsky Boulevard, Yasenevo metro station)

    15.04 - at 19:20

    Folk vocals

    Venue:Cultural Center “Inspiration” (7 Litovsky Boulevard, Yasenevo metro station)

    15.04 - at 19:20

    Academic vocals, choral singing

    Venue:Children's Music School named after. YA. Shaporina

    State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education at the Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke

    (Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya st., 7)

    15.04 - at 19:30

    Artistic word, theatrical genre

    Venue:Cultural Center “Inspiration” (7 Litovsky Boulevard, Yasenevo metro station)

    15.04 - at 15:00

    Choreography, original genre, fashion theater

    Venue:Cultural Center “Inspiration” (7 Litovsky Boulevard, Yasenevo metro station)

    15.04 - at 18:00

    Instrumental genre for 13.04

    Venue:Children's Music School named after. YA. Shaporina

    State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education at the Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke

    (Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya st., 7)

    13.04 - at 20:00

    Instrumental genre for 14.04

    Venue:Children's Music School named after. YA. Shaporina

    State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education at the Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke

    (Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya st., 7)

    14.04 - at 20:00

    Instrumental genre for 15.04

    Venue:Children's Music School named after. YA. Shaporina

    State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education at the Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke
    What you should know:

    Before the festival starts

    1. The first step to performing at our festival is submitting an application.

    - To submit an application You must select the competition you are interested in on this page of our website: and click the “Submit Application” button.

    - Upon first login the system will ask you to enter your e-mail, then proceed to selecting a nomination and filling out an application form. Upon subsequent logins (from the same computer), the system will immediately redirect you to selecting a nomination. This point must be treated with the utmost care, since it is through the specified address that managers will contact you in the future.

    - After submitting an application An automatic letter with your application number (ID) and further instructions will be sent to your email address. You can also always find out the application number in personal account, where the system will prompt you to go immediately after submitting your application.

    Attached to this letter file with payment options. You can choose the most convenient for you - cash, bank transfer or advance transfer to bank card. Please note that any advance payment will help you avoid a possible queue to see an accountant on the day of registration.

    1a. If any difficulties arise with submitting an application, you must report them in writing (to the address) or by calling the hotline 8-800-100-07-09.

    2. We ask you to be as careful as possible when filling out the application. All information you enter will be included in the competition documents. in the form in which it was included in the questionnaire.

    3. Please note that in the “Additional information” field you must provide complete information everything you need for your performance:

    - number of radio microphones and stands,

    - the ability to play a phonogram (for participants in the nominations artistic expression, academic vocals, instrumental genre, folk vocals),

    - number of chairs, etc.

    And also at this point to indicate the possibility or impossibility of performing on any of the dates of the festival

    4. After the application has been sent, a response with an ID number has been received, and you have decided on the payment option, you need wait for the day when detailed name the program of performances will be posted on our website(usually this happens on Sunday-Monday before the start of the competition, that is, 3-4 days before).

    - The program appears in the “Upcoming festivals” section on the main page, and a link to it can always be found in the news.

    To view the detailed list of speakers, you need to select your nomination and download the file to your computer(*The file opens with Excel). Please note that performances in one nomination may take place on different days, so if your participant is not in the first open file, see if there is a performance in this nomination on another day.

    5. After you have found yourself on the list of speakers and found out the start time of the technical rehearsal of your block, you must check that all information provided is correct- it is in this form that it will be transferred to your diploma.

    If there are any clarifications, then you need to inform the organizing committee about this by writing a letter to [email protected] or to the email address of the program manager for this festival. This e-mail is indicated in the preliminary program posted on the website, as well as in the automatic response letter that arrived immediately after submitting the application.

    The information will go to the festival manager, who will make changes to the program. Changes in the program posted on the website may not be deposited immediately after you send a letter with corrections.

    Usually the program with all the corrections is updated 1-2 times before the festival (pay attention to the exact time when the latest version of the program was posted - it is indicated in the same news as the link to the program file).

    6. If you find out the time of your performance and have made payment in advance, then you are completely it is not necessary to come to registration.

    You just need to look at the site again in the evening after registration and make sure that no changes have occurred.

    Then simply arrive at the performance venue at the time indicated in the program (15 minutes before the start of the technical rehearsal).

    7. If you are going to register participants, be sure to check the information on our website the day before about the place and time of it.

    At the festival

    1. Day one - registration day. Everyone participants who perform on this day(in any nomination), you DO NOT need to register, you immediately go to the beginning of the rehearsal of your block.

    If you have organizational questions, you can ask them to the organizer who is leading the rehearsal, or to the organizing committee at the place of the performance. As a rule, in the first five minutes of the rehearsal, a representative of the organizing committee gives all the necessary explanations about the festival.

    2. When entering the site, you will definitely be met by a hostess (greeter) who has a competition program. He will escort you to the dressing room/changing area. If the hostess is not there immediately upon entering, wait literally 1-2 minutes, and he will definitely appear.

    - Start time of the technical rehearsal, competitive viewing/listening of your block, location of the organizing committee’s office, buffet, photographer, dressing rooms, restroom- that's the one information held by the hostess, for other questions it is better to contact the organizing committee.

    3. What is technical rehearsal and why do you need it.

    The technical rehearsal for any nomination begins:

    · with a welcoming speech from the organizers, after which you will learn how the rehearsal is going, how the competition program is going, who and why you can and should contact, when you find out the results and receive awards, when you can attend a round table and a master class, as well as specific nuances related specifically to your nomination;

    · from the roll call of the contestants;

    pop vocals - This is a sound test. As part of the rehearsal, about 30 seconds are given for one song for soloists, and about 1 minute for ensembles. If you have a long introduction, then you need to ask the sound engineer to fast forward it, specifying how long (“up to 45 seconds,” for example). During the technical rehearsal, two songs are tried out in a row. If you have an ensemble entered into a competition where the number of participants is more than 3, then you definitely need to remember which microphones you used during the technical rehearsal.

    Technical rehearsal for the nomination folk vocals - This is a test of the sound, the acoustics of the hall. About 30 seconds are given for one number. It is necessary to immediately decide at the rehearsal what your competitor needs for the performance (microphones, stands). During the technical rehearsal, both songs are sampled back to back.

    Technical rehearsal for the nomination academic vocals - this is a test of sound and instrument. You have about a minute per number. During the technical rehearsal, both songs are sampled at once.

    Technical rehearsal for the nomination choral singing - this is a test of sound, instrument, going on stage and leaving. Each choir has 7 minutes to try out all the elements.

    choreography, original genre, fashion theater- this is a sample scene. Exactly 1 minute is given for one competition number. If your team has more than two numbers displayed in one block, you need to tell the rehearsal leader about this in order to go through all the numbers in a row. Technical rehearsal is carried out under the count (without music). After testing the scene, the director approaches the sound engineer to hand over the soundtracks.

    Technical rehearsal for the nomination instrumental genre - This is a test of the instrument. One minute is given for one number. During a technical rehearsal, two pieces are performed at once.

    Technical rehearsal of nominations artistic expression and entertainment - This is a test of the stage and the acoustics of the hall. It is necessary to immediately decide at the rehearsal what your competitor needs for the performance (stand, microphone, help carrying out the props). During the technical rehearsal, both pieces are sampled consecutively for 1 minute.

    Technical rehearsal for the nomination theatrical genre- this is the time to install the props. For any participant in this nomination (regardless of the duration theatrical production) 10 minutes are allocated to set up the props.

    4. In all competitions from the Planet of Talents Foundation, a round-robin system of performances operates in the following categories:

    · Pop vocals

    · Choreography, original genre, fashion theater

    · Artistic speech, entertainment

    The principle of the circular system speeches:

    Whole block competitive program usually consists of 30 participants, each of whom shows 2 numbers. In this case, the block is divided into tens, where each ten protrudes in a circle.

    For example, participants from numbers 1 to 10 (1st round) first perform the first piece, and then again they perform the second piece in the same sequence. This way, participants have the opportunity to change clothes between performances.

    After the 10th number has performed his second piece, the 2nd round immediately begins, namely the contestants from the 11th to the 20th numbers. They also perform first the first piece, and then, in the same sequence, the second.

    And, accordingly, after the 20th number has performed his second piece, the 3rd circle begins (from the 21st to the 30th numbers) in the same format.

    The circles in the competition program are highlighted with a large bold line with the captions “1st circle”, “2nd circle”, “3rd circle”.

    If the number of participants in a block is different, the circles are drawn up in such a way that the number of competitors in the circles is approximately the same. The operating principle remains the same.

    There are no breaks between laps. The program runs non-stop. There are breaks only between blocks, however, the break time is the rehearsal time for the next block.

    5. Find out yours results You can only at a gala concert, the time and location of which is always available on the information stands of the competition program sites, on the website and in the “VKontakte” group

Starts on August 1, 2018 and ends 7 days (inclusive) before the start of the competition-festival.
- Applications submitted after the end of the specified period will be accepted if there are free places in this nomination or will be placed on a waiting list, the participants of which are invited by the organizing committee as free places become available.
- If participants in any of the nominations exceed the number of places, then applications may be placed on the waiting list earlier than 7 days.
- Applications submitted in advance, the organizing committee has the opportunity to arrange in the program in an optimal way.


(pop, jazz, academic, folk (including folklore and ethnography), stylized folk, song theater)

Evaluation criteria (when choosing criteria, the specifics of the type of vocal are taken into account):
. level of vocal technique
(the degree of falseness in the voice, the purity of the performance of the entire work, the purity of intonation, the range of the voice, techniques specific to this genre);

(artistry, aesthetics of costumes and props);
. compliance of the repertoire with the performing capabilities and age of the performer;
. performance culture
(behavior on stage, working with a microphone);
. for duets and ensembles - coherence, singing.

Participants perform 2 different pieces, the total duration of which should not exceed 8 minutes.
- It is recommended that at least one of the works be performed in Russian. This requirement does not apply to the jazz category.


Acceptable media for phonograms are flash cards. Phonograms must be of high sound quality. You must have phonograms with you on two media at once;
. For a flash card: the memory card should contain ONLY competition works, without any unnecessary information. The works must be signed in this way: “1 Ivanov Ivan - Gnome”, “2 Ivanov Ivan - Ladoshka”
. When evaluating competitive performances, lighting (various special lighting effects) is not taken into account;
. Vocal groups are allowed to use their own radio microphones or headsets, if this is not prevented by the technical characteristics of the equipment (the head of the group must inform about the need to connect their microphones in the notes to the application, as well as at the registration of the competition);
. Vocal groups must indicate the required number of microphones in the notes to the application;
. The maximum number of microphones provided is 8 pcs.
. If the performance of pop or folk vocals requires an instrument or is accompanied by an orchestra, then this must be stated in a note to the application;
. It is prohibited for vocalists to perform to a phonogram in which the voice is registered;
. It is prohibited to use phonograms where the main part of the soloist is duplicated in the backing vocal parts;

The results of the competition and awards are carried out in all nominations separately, taking into account age categories and provide for the award of the title of Grand Prix winner, laureates of three prizes (I, II, III degree), diploma holders of I, II, III degree, and a participant diploma;

(academic, folk, pop)

Evaluation criteria:
. vocal and choral culture (sound quality, tuning, ensemble)
. musicality, artistic interpretation of a musical work;
. complexity of the repertoire;
. compliance of the repertoire with the performing capabilities and age category of the performer;
. general artistic impression

Participants perform 3 pieces, one of which is a capella. Their total timing should not exceed 10 minutes.
* For junior choirs, performance of the third piece a capella is encouraged, but not a requirement.

. If a situation arises when there are no worthy candidates for the Grand Prix and prizes, they are not awarded.
See financial conditions for participation below.

(divided by musical instruments; VIAs are not accepted for participation due to the impossibility of providing a mixed jury; electronic instruments (including synthesizers) that require special tuning after connection, as well as percussion instruments are also not accepted. In the “guitar” nomination the program must be performed on a classical instrument, acoustic instruments are not accepted)

. Solo
. Orchestra

Evaluation criteria (when choosing criteria, the specifics of the instrument are taken into account):
. level of musical instrument proficiency
(quality of sound production, musical structure, purity of intonation);
. level of technical proficiency
(quality of setting of the gaming machine, rhythm, strokes, playing techniques, fingering);
. musicality
(expressiveness of the performance of a musical work, articulation, style, nuance, phrasing);
. emotional performance of a piece of music
(agogy, interpretation, characteristic features of the work being performed);
. artistry, aesthetics
(aesthetics of appearance, artistry);
. for ensembles: teamwork.
. general artistic impression
- The use of the score is allowed for ensembles of more than 5 people and orchestras;
- Participants perform 2 different pieces, the total duration of which should not exceed 10 minutes.
ATTENTION! Exceeding the established time is possible only in agreement with the organizing committee. If the time specified by the participants is exceeded, the organizers have the right to stop the performance. Significantly exceeding the established timing may affect the jury's assessment.

The results of the competition and awarding are carried out for musical instruments separately, taking into account age categories and provide for the award of the title of Grand Prix winner, laureates of three prizes (I, II, III degree), diploma winners of I, II, III degree, and a participant diploma.
See financial conditions for participation below.

. Children's dance (for the age category up to 10 years);
. Classical dance;
. Folk dance - ethnic, folk, characteristic. Dances of different nationalities, with consistency in style, technique and music;
. Stylized dance - performance of folk dances in modern adaptations;
. Sports and pop dance - a combination of choreography, acrobatics, gymnastics;
. Pop dance - traditional pop character dances, disco, mixed style;
. Jazz - COOL jazz, HOT jazz, WEAST-COAST or Street jazz, Ethno, Afro-jazz, Broadway jazz, Classic jazz, Blues, Lyrical jazz, Flash jazz, Soul jazz, Swing, etc.
. Contemporary dance - contemporary, modern, neofolk with consistent style and technique, neoclassical;
. Demi-classical - modern vision, performance of classical dance;
. Stage ballroom dance;
. Dance show - in this nomination it is permissible to use vocals (it is not evaluated as a separate nomination), circus tricks, etc.;

Number of participants:
. Solo
. Small ensemble (divided into duet, trio, quartet)
. Ensemble

Evaluation criteria:
. level of technical proficiency
(clean execution of technical techniques, rhythmic pattern);
. selection and embodiment of an artistic image in a performed work
(artistry, synchronicity, aesthetics of costumes and props);
. quality of music
(correspondence of the musical theme to the age of the performers, correspondence of the production and music, intellectual and spiritual level of the text of the musical accompaniment);
. quality of production (compositional structure of the act, mastery of stage space, design).
. For the “Dance Show” nomination, the main criterion is entertainment or the power of impact on the public, originality and creativity of the concept, story, idea or theme. Inventive and interesting visual effects. The use of acrobatic elements, lifts, spectacular jumps and other interesting effects is approved.
- Participants perform 2 dances, the total duration of which should not exceed 8 minutes. In special cases, by prior agreement with the organizing committee, the ensemble may perform one number; in this case, the score may be reduced at the discretion of the jury.
*An exception is for solo performers: 1 number is required to perform, and the artist can also enter a second number if desired.
- It is recommended to pay attention to the content of the musical accompaniment - it must correspond to the age of the dancers and have an adequate moral connotation.
- Dance theater - one fragment up to 10 minutes.
- Folklore - one ritual act or scene with a total duration of up to 10 minutes.

ATTENTION! Exceeding the established time is possible only in agreement with the organizing committee. If the time specified by the participants is exceeded, the organizers have the right to stop the performance. Significantly exceeding the established timing may affect the jury's assessment.
. The results of the competition and awards are carried out in all nominations separately, taking into account age categories and provide for the award of the title of Grand Prix winner, laureates of three prizes (I, II, III degree), diploma winners of I, II, III degree, and a participant diploma.
. If a situation arises when there are no worthy candidates for the Grand Prix and prizes, they are not awarded.
- For the best choreographer's work;
- For the best production;
- For the best costume, etc.
See financial conditions for participation below.

(ready-to-wear, evening wear, children's clothing, stage costume, historical costume, modern youth clothing)
The teams present a competition program (two collections) in the form of a show consisting of one or more themes.
Not divided into age groups

Evaluation criteria:
. costume design
. consistency in style (costume, hairstyle, choreography, musical accompaniment)
. originality of the author's solution, integrity of the collection
. unity of concept, silhouette forms and color scheme
. artistry of performance
. complexity of artistic solution
One collection is required for participation, the second is allowed at the request of the participants; The duration of one collection should not exceed 5 minutes. If collections belong to different sub-nominations, then this is processed as 2 separate applications.

ATTENTION! Exceeding the established time is possible only in agreement with the organizing committee. If the time specified by the participants is exceeded, the organizers have the right to stop the performance. Significantly exceeding the established timing may affect the jury's assessment.
. The results of the competition and awards are carried out in all nominations separately, taking into account age categories and provide for the award of the title of Grand Prix winner, laureates of three prizes (I, II, III degree), diploma winners of I, II, III degree, and a participant diploma.
. If a situation arises when there are no worthy candidates for the Grand Prix and prizes, they are not awarded.
See financial conditions for participation below.

(plastic sketch, acrobatics, balancing act, antipode, rubber, juggling, clowning, etc.)
All types are allowed, except those associated with air and fire.
The circus group is invited to present a circus composition.

Number of participants:
. Solo
. Ensemble (divided into duet, trio, quartet and ensemble)

Evaluation criteria:
. level of training and performance skills
. stage performance (plasticity, costume, performance culture, artistry)
. complexity of the executable program
. general artistic impression

Participants perform 2 numbers, the total timing of which should not exceed 15 minutes.
ATTENTION! Exceeding the established time is possible only in agreement with the organizing committee. If the time specified by the participants is exceeded, the organizers have the right to stop the performance. Significantly exceeding the established timing may affect the jury's assessment.
. The results of the competition and awards are carried out in all nominations separately, taking into account age categories and provide for the award of the title of Grand Prix winner, laureates of three prizes (I, II, III degree), diploma winners of I, II, III degree, and a participant diploma.
. If a situation arises when there are no worthy candidates for the Grand Prix and prizes, they are not awarded.
See financial conditions for participation below.

(dramatic, musical, puppet (without the use of picket equipment), literary and musical composition)

Evaluation criteria:
. disclosure and brightness of artistic images
. stage presence (plasticity, presence of costumes and their correspondence to the performance, performance culture)
. artistic design of the performance, props
. diction of actors, emotionality of performers
. general artistic impression

Participants perform 1 piece with the duration specified in the application, the duration of which does not exceed 60 minutes. These can be small stage forms, one-man performances, etudes, scenes from performances and plays that have a compositionally complete character.

. The results of the competition and awards are carried out in all nominations separately, taking into account age categories and provide for the award of the title of Grand Prix winner, laureates of three prizes (I, II, III degree), diploma winners of I, II, III degree, and a participant diploma.
. If a situation arises when there are no worthy candidates for the Grand Prix and prizes, they are not awarded.
. Also, by decision of the jury, special diplomas can be awarded:
- Best Actor
- best actress
- for best director's work
- for the best script
- for the best performance and theatrical production
- for acting
- for the best scenography
- for the best acting ensemble (for coordinated and harmonious work in the play)
- special jury prize

- The organizing committee does not provide props for the performance (stump, throne, fence, etc.);
- The need to use a projector and screen must be indicated in the notes to the application. The program manager will contact the supervisor about the possibility of using this equipment.

See financial conditions for participation below.

(prose, poetry, tale, literary and musical composition)

Number of participants:
. Solo
. Ensemble (divided into duet, trio, quartet, etc.)

Evaluation criteria:
. completeness and expressiveness of the disclosure of the theme of the work
. artistry, revelation and brightness of artistic images, performance level
. diction
. complexity of the piece being performed
. correspondence of the repertoire to the age characteristics of the performers
. general artistic impression
- Participants perform 2 pieces, the total timing of which should not exceed 8 minutes. The works are performed without a microphone.
- Literary and musical composition - 1 piece no more than 10 minutes.

ATTENTION! Exceeding the established time is possible only in agreement with the organizing committee. If the time specified by the participants is exceeded, the organizers have the right to stop the performance. Significantly exceeding the established timing may affect the jury's assessment.

The need to use a projector and screen must be indicated in the notes to the application. The program manager will contact the supervisor about the possibility of using this equipment.

The results of the competition and awards are carried out in all nominations separately, taking into account age categories and provide for the award of the title of Grand Prix winner, laureates of three prizes (I, II, III degree), diploma winners of I, II, III degree, and a participant diploma.
If a situation arises when there are no worthy candidates for the Grand Prix and prizes, they are not awarded.
See financial conditions for participation below.

The main goals of the nomination are:
. popularization of the speech genre;
. identifying talented presenters of events of various forms;
. creating an environment for creative communication and exchange of experience among competition participants;
. development of creative potential and improvement of the professional level of specialists in cultural and leisure activities;
. establishing business and creative connections between presenters, directors and organizers of entertainment and gaming programs;
. preserving traditional and searching for new gaming technologies.

Number of participants:
. Solo
. Ensemble (divided into duet, trio, quartet, etc.)

2 exits, the duration of each exit is no more than 2 minutes.
First exit:
Opening of the gala concert of the competition-festival in which you are taking part.
Second output:
An original presentation of the city where the festival takes place.

ATTENTION! If the time specified by the participants is exceeded, the organizers have the right to stop the performance. Significantly exceeding the established timing may affect the jury's assessment.

Any form of presentation: prose, poetry, conversational genre, pantomime, synchronized buffoonery, sketches, interviews with artists, etc.
Notes for all stages of the competition:
. Special musical or noise accompaniment for the exit of the contestants is allowed and encouraged;
. the entertainer’s clothing should correspond to the task of the presenter’s appearance, be his unique “calling card”, work for his recognition, and also correspond to his age;
. in the case of using props in the entertainer's entrance, they should not be cumbersome, simple and should not require prior preparation of the technical team.
. Members of the festival jury, at their discretion, can ask the contestant questions, as well as invite the participant to find a way out of the simulated situation.

The competition evaluation criteria are:
. mastery of the presenter (organization of stage space, contact with the audience);
. level of performing skills (artistry, speech culture, stress placement, pronunciation, placement of accents, logical stress);
. originality of creative concept;
. directing game action;
. general artistic impression


The registration fee is:

Quantitative composition

Basic costparticipation when submitting an applicationno later than 7 days

+30% to base*


2,000 rubles


1400 rubles/person

1820 RUR/person

Ensembles, incl. vocal, choreographic, instrumental, choirs, orchestras and fashion theaters:

from 3 to 5 people(inclusive)

1,100 rubles/person

1430 RUR/person

from 6 to 8 people(inclusive)

800 rubles/person

1040 RUR/person

from 9 to 11 people(inclusive)

750 rubles/person

975 RUR/person

from 12 to 14 people(inclusive)

700 rubles/person

910 RUR/person

from 15 to 17 people(inclusive)

650 rubles/person

845 RUR/person

from 18 to 20 people(inclusive)

600 rubles/person

780 RUR/person

from 21 to 25 people(inclusive)

550 rubles/person

715 RUR/person

over 25 people

500 rubles/person (but not more than 15 thousand rubles)

650 RUR/person

Table 1

* The increase in the cost of participation for applications submitted in the last week before the competition is due to the fact that the overhead costs of organizing their performance increase significantly.

For THEATER COLLECTIVES the registration fee is:

Basic costparticipation when submitting an applicationno later than 7 daysbefore the start of the competition (inclusive)

Cost of participation when submitting an application later than 7 days before the start of the competition

+30% to base

Performance up to 20 minutes

4,500 rubles

RUR 5,850

Performance from 21 to 30 minutes

7,000 rubles

RUR 9,100

Performance from 31 to 40 minutes

10,000 rubles

13,000 rub.

Performance from 41 to 50 minutes

12,500 rubles

RUB 16,250

Performance from 51 to 60 minutes

15,000 rubles

RUB 19,500

Table 2

Payment is made regardless of the number of participants in the THEATER COLLECTIVE.
If the performance time is actually exceeded, you must contact the organizing committee.

Additional payment for additional nomination:
- Participation of a person (or a team) in an additional nomination is considered with a 30% discount from the base cost of participation in this nomination (The base cost is indicated in Tables 1,2). Participation in each subsequent additional nomination is considered with a 50% discount on the base cost of these nominations.

- A solo performance is always considered the main nomination (for an ensemble member who also performs solo, it is participation in the ensemble that counts as a discount for an additional nomination).
- If one ensemble is exhibited in two categories, the one with the most participants is considered the main one. Provided that the same children perform in both categories.
- If one group exhibits two groups of children, then it is considered that these are two different ensembles. Payment is calculated based on the base cost for each group.

Nonresident participants are offered accommodation on a package from the Planet of Talents Foundation:
Attention! Preliminary cost indicated. She can change. The final payment amount must be clarified with the competition accountant after submitting the application.

The price includes: hotel accommodation (check room category with the accommodation manager), 3 meals a day, transfer railway station - hotel - railway station.
* the price of a 4-day trip includes a sightseeing tour, centralized transfer to the gala concert and back (transport for all participants with a fixed departure time from the hotel and back).

Attention! To reserve hotel rooms, you must make an advance payment of 80% no later than 14 days before the start of the competition-festival.
Attention! In case of cancellation of the trip later than 7 days before the start of the festival, a participant or an entire group must reimburse the organizers for actual expenses.
Attention! The place, date and time of arrival must be notified to the organizing committee in advance to ensure transfer. The completed transfer sheet must be sent to your reception manager no later than 10 days before arrival, this is due to the need to obtain permission for transfer to the police department. Otherwise, difficulties may arise with transporting children.

Paid separately: registration fee for participation in the competition-festival (see conditions above)

Additional services (are optional, therefore they are calculated and ordered separately):
1. Additional transfer (to be ordered no later than 5 days before arrival). Transfer options:
- Airport - hotel - airport;
- Hotel - performance venue - hotel;
2. Accommodation in a single room (to be ordered no later than 14 days before arrival)
3. Excursion service

Travel to the festival city is at the expense of the participants. Tickets are purchased both ways.
For 20 participants in the competition, a free place is provided to the director.

The organizing committee bears all costs of organizing the competition.

8-800-100-07-09 - free telephone line for calls from all regions of Russia
from 9.00 to 18:00 Moscow time.
For calls from abroad +7-962-569-88-09.

Email: [email protected] on general issues
Additional information on the website:
Our VKontakte group:
Instagram account: #planetatalantov

We are supported by:

With information support from the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Tula City Administration



« Teacher and student. How can they find each other? » - Both teachers and competition participants are invited to the lesson.

Presenter - Podgorny Andrey Petrovich. Honored Artist of Russia. Member of the Presidium of the International Union of Musicians. Member of the Education Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Artistic director and conductor of the Moscow Chamber Symphony Orchestra. Gnesins. Moscow

Age restrictions - no


Date and time: 03.11 at 17:30


« New information about articulation and strokes in musical intonation" - What is articulation and pronunciation in music? How do you achieve strong, expressive playing that can excite everyone? What is intonation and how to achieve it on different instruments? It will practically be shown on a button accordion, but it can be worked with any instruments. What is a new understanding of strokes is not the same as in the classical method. What are strokes in relation to articulation? Practical lesson with error correction

Presenter - Imkhanitsky Mikhail Iosifovich. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Doctor of Art History. Professor of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. Composer. Academician. Moscow

Age restrictions - no

Venue: Tula regional children's school music school them. Raikhel (Lenin Ave. 95A)

Date and time: 03.11 at 17:40


"Fundamentals of Sound Production" - Practical lesson for participants and teachers.

Presenter - Evseeva Marina Sergeevna. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Candidate of Art History. Professor of the piano department of the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky. Moscow

Age restrictions - no

Venue: Tula Regional Children's Music School named after. Raikhel (Lenin Ave. 95A)

Date and time: 03.11 at 17:30

- After submitting an application An automatic letter with your application number (ID) and further instructions will be sent to your email address. You can also always find out the application number in your personal account, where the system will prompt you to go immediately after submitting your application.

Attached to this letter file with payment options. You can choose the most convenient for you - cash, non-cash payment or preliminary transfer to a bank card. Please note that any advance payment will help you avoid a possible queue to see an accountant on the day of registration.

1a. If any difficulties arise with submitting an application, you must report them in writing (to the address) or by calling the hotline 8-800-100-07-09.

2. We ask you to be as careful as possible when filling out the application. All information you enter will be included in the competition documents. in the form in which it was included in the questionnaire.

3. Please note that in the “Additional information” field you must provide complete information everything you need for your performance:

- number of radio microphones and stands,

- the ability to play a phonogram (for participants in the nominations artistic expression, academic vocals, instrumental genre, folk vocals),

- number of chairs, etc.

And also at this point to indicate the possibility or impossibility of performing on any of the dates of the festival

4. After the application has been sent, a response with an ID number has been received, and you have decided on the payment option, you need wait for the day when detailed name the program of performances will be posted on our website(usually this happens on Sunday-Monday before the start of the competition, that is, 3-4 days before).

- The program appears in the “Upcoming festivals” section on the main page, and a link to it can always be found in the news.

To view the detailed list of speakers, you need to select your nomination and download the file to your computer(*The file opens with Excel). Please note that performances in one nomination may take place on different days, so if your participant is not in the first open file, see if there is a performance in this nomination on another day.

5. After you have found yourself on the list of speakers and found out the start time of the technical rehearsal of your block, you must check that all information provided is correct- it is in this form that it will be transferred to your diploma.

If there are any clarifications, then you need to inform the organizing committee about this by writing a letter to [email protected] or to the email address of the program manager for this festival. This e-mail is indicated in the preliminary program posted on the website, as well as in the automatic response letter that arrived immediately after submitting the application.

The information will go to the festival manager, who will make changes to the program. Changes in the program posted on the website may not be deposited immediately after you send a letter with corrections.

Usually the program with all the corrections is updated 1-2 times before the festival (pay attention to the exact time when the latest version of the program was posted - it is indicated in the same news as the link to the program file).

6. If you find out the time of your performance and have made payment in advance, then you are completely it is not necessary to come to registration.

You just need to look at the site again in the evening after registration and make sure that no changes have occurred.

Then simply arrive at the performance venue at the time indicated in the program (15 minutes before the start of the technical rehearsal).

7. If you are going to register participants, be sure to check the information on our website the day before about the place and time of it.

At the festival

1. Day one - registration day. Everyone participants who perform on this day(in any nomination), you DO NOT need to register, you immediately go to the beginning of the rehearsal of your block.

If you have organizational questions, you can ask them to the organizer who is leading the rehearsal, or to the organizing committee at the place of the performance. As a rule, in the first five minutes of the rehearsal, a representative of the organizing committee gives all the necessary explanations about the festival.

2. When entering the site, you will definitely be met by a hostess (greeter) who has a competition program. He will escort you to the dressing room/changing area. If the hostess is not there immediately upon entering, wait literally 1-2 minutes, and he will definitely appear.

- Start time of the technical rehearsal, competitive viewing/listening of your block, location of the organizing committee’s office, buffet, photographer, dressing rooms, restroom- that's the one information held by the hostess, for other questions it is better to contact the organizing committee.

3. What is technical rehearsal and why do you need it.

The technical rehearsal for any nomination begins:

· with a welcoming speech from the organizers, after which you will learn how the rehearsal is going, how the competition program is going, who and why you can and should contact, when you find out the results and receive awards, when you can attend a round table and a master class, as well as specific nuances related specifically to your nomination;

· from the roll call of the contestants;

pop vocals - This is a sound test. As part of the rehearsal, about 30 seconds are given for one song for soloists, and about 1 minute for ensembles. If you have a long introduction, then you need to ask the sound engineer to fast forward it, specifying how long (“up to 45 seconds,” for example). During the technical rehearsal, two songs are tried out in a row. If you have an ensemble entered into a competition where the number of participants is more than 3, then you definitely need to remember which microphones you used during the technical rehearsal.

Technical rehearsal for the nomination folk vocals - This is a test of the sound, the acoustics of the hall. About 30 seconds are given for one number. It is necessary to immediately decide at the rehearsal what your competitor needs for the performance (microphones, stands). During the technical rehearsal, both songs are sampled back to back.

Technical rehearsal for the nomination academic vocals - this is a test of sound and instrument. You have about a minute per number. During the technical rehearsal, both songs are sampled at once.

Technical rehearsal for the nomination choral singing - this is a test of sound, instrument, going on stage and leaving. Each choir has 7 minutes to try out all the elements.

choreography, original genre, fashion theater- this is a sample scene. Exactly 1 minute is given for one competition number. If your team has more than two numbers displayed in one block, you need to tell the rehearsal leader about this in order to go through all the numbers in a row. Technical rehearsal is carried out under the count (without music). After testing the scene, the director approaches the sound engineer to hand over the soundtracks.

Technical rehearsal for the nomination instrumental genre - This is a test of the instrument. One minute is given for one number. During a technical rehearsal, two pieces are performed at once.

Technical rehearsal of nominations artistic expression and entertainment - This is a test of the stage and the acoustics of the hall. It is necessary to immediately decide at the rehearsal what your competitor needs for the performance (stand, microphone, help carrying out the props). During the technical rehearsal, both pieces are sampled consecutively for 1 minute.

Technical rehearsal for the nomination theatrical genre- this is the time to install the props. Any participant in this nomination (regardless of the duration of the theatrical production) is allocated 10 minutes to set up props.

4. In all competitions from the Planet of Talents Foundation, a round-robin system of performances operates in the following categories:

· Pop vocals

· Choreography, original genre, fashion theater

· Artistic speech, entertainment

The principle of the circular system speeches:

The entire block of the competition program usually consists of 30 participants, each of whom shows 2 numbers. In this case, the block is divided into tens, where each ten protrudes in a circle.

For example, participants from numbers 1 to 10 (1st round) first perform the first piece, and then again they perform the second piece in the same sequence. This way, participants have the opportunity to change clothes between performances.

After the 10th number has performed his second piece, the 2nd round immediately begins, namely the contestants from the 11th to the 20th numbers. They also perform first the first piece, and then, in the same sequence, the second.

And, accordingly, after the 20th number has performed his second piece, the 3rd circle begins (from the 21st to the 30th numbers) in the same format.

The circles in the competition program are highlighted with a large bold line with the captions “1st circle”, “2nd circle”, “3rd circle”.

If the number of participants in a block is different, the circles are drawn up in such a way that the number of competitors in the circles is approximately the same. The operating principle remains the same.

There are no breaks between laps. The program runs non-stop. There are breaks only between blocks, however, the break time is the rehearsal time for the next block.

5. Find out yours results You can only at a gala concert, the time and location of which is always available on the information stands of the competition program sites, on the website and in the “VKontakte” group


On June 1, 2018, the All-Russian online lullaby song competition started as part of Russia’s only soulful festival “LULLABIES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY.”

Official hashtag: #lullabiesfor the whole family

Since ancient times, every mother sang a lullaby to her child, not only to lull him to sleep. Thus, through the images and meanings filling the lullabies, she introduced her child to the world around him and its structure, the history and values ​​of the parental family and ancestors. The era of consumption dictates its own conditions: in the world of toys and gadgets, many parents and children lack simple communication, hugs, conversation, a quiet song.

It is not surprising that modern specialists use lullabies as music therapy in the treatment of various diseases in children's hospitals and clinics.

The competition brings together professional musicians and amateurs. Its task is to popularize the revival of the tradition of singing lullabies in every home, as well as to collect rare and original songs from all over our huge country, to give them new life. The best lullabies will be included in the collections of lullabies by Natalia Faustova.

Venue: Moscow, Central House of Artists concert hall, Krymsky Val, 10

Tickets can be purchased on the official website and at the Central House of Artists box office

Festival program:

1. GALA CONCERT from 18:30

The final of the competition will take place on September 23 in Moscow in the concert hall of the Central House of Artists. On this day, the winners of the competition, chosen by open popular vote on social networks and a professional jury, will perform on the same stage with the finalists and participants of popular musical television projects. The jury includes: festival founder Natalya Faustova, famous artists, soloists of the show “The Voice” and vocal teachers (Mariam Merabova, Lyudmila Swarovskaya, Katerina Balykbaeva, Ella Khrustaleva, Victoria Andreeva, Evgenia Smolyaninova, Alina Rostotskaya and others).


At the creative site of the festival (in the foyer of the Central House of Artists on the 2nd floor) from 14:00 until the evening there will be events for the whole family:

Art market “Lullaby”: exhibition and sale of works contemporary artists- Anna Silivonchik, Maria and Vasily Peshkun, sale of books, useful and educational toys.

Children's zone and master class zone: activities for children and teenagers with games and master classes from teachers, music therapists and actors. The oldest family club in Moscow, "Rozhdestvo", prepared applied workshops for festival guests. We will play outdoor games, make crafts, swaddle and cradle rag dolls.

The actors of the puppet theater "Our Town" together with the audience will come up with and perform a real performance! You will also learn not only how to make your favorite toys with your own hands, but also play various musical instruments with music therapists and take a lot of very beautiful and funny photos in our fabulous photo zone.

Food zone. Cafe "Scenario" has prepared gastronomic masterpieces for children and adults in the best traditions of a family holiday.


Press center of the Central House of Artists

Conducting a round table for specialists on the topic “Lullaby in the age of digitalization.”

The purpose of the round table is to discuss the meaning and benefits of lullabies in the crazy age of digitalization with the help of famous psychologists, art therapists, musicians, artists, painters and journalists. And at the same time, find interesting alternatives to the smartphone and ways to combat gadget addiction in children and teenagers.

What exactly will we talk about:

    About the role of a lullaby in the worldview of a modern family.

    About saving traditional culture in modern families.

    How to spend quality time with your child if you only have 2 hours a day.

    About the benefits and harms of gadgets in childhood.

    How to protect your child from digital addiction and how to replace a tablet.

Moderator and organizer of the round table - Natalya Faustova, producer, singer, music therapist, author of the International socio-cultural project "Lullabies for the whole family", psychologists Ekaterina Burmistrova and Zhanna Zasypkina, culturologist Anastasia Abramova, art therapists, pediatricians, defectologists, music therapists, phoniatrist Ekaterina Osipenko, sleep specialist Elena Muradova, singer and music therapist Evgenia Smolyaninova, media representatives Anastasia Khramuticheva, editor-in-chief of, and others.

Sign up for the round table by registering

The organizer of the Festival and competition is the International socio-cultural project of Natalia Faustova “Lullabies for the whole family”, founded in 2012.

“The mission of the project,” says Natalya Faustova, “is to revive the culture of singing lullabies as a necessary connection between generations, the multilateral development of children and art therapy for all family members, and also to give a little homely warmth to those children who have no one to sing lullabies. In hospitals and orphanages, lullabies help compensate for the lack of home environment and relatives nearby. We donate the books and CDs of lullabies we have created to the wards of charitable foundations and hospitals, so that in the evening every child falls asleep with a smile, feeling comfort, security and love.”

He has many years of experience in creative and organizational work in the music, photography and design fields. Graduated from VSMU named after. Gnessins in vocal class, REA named after. Plekhanov, passed certification in the course “Music therapist in neurological practice.”

Member of the Russian Union of Photographers and a regular participant in Russian and international photo exhibitions.

Since 2003, after the birth of her daughter, Natalya Faustova began working on the creation of the “Lullabies for the Whole Family” project, which became not only the realization of singing talent, but an expression of personal social responsibility. Natalya actively gives concerts, conducts master classes, and runs an information website where there is everything about lullabies.


Lullaby competition

Attention! The most soulful competition in the country!

Our friends - a unique project "Lullabies for the whole family" announce the first All-Russian competition lullaby song. Soul and project leader Natalia Faustova - certified music therapist, singer and mother collects the most touching lullabies from around the world and performs them for your children. For more than 6 years, her books with discs “Lullabies for the whole family” have been used to inspire parents and learn to sing lullabies, and children fall asleep sweetly.

5 reasons to take part in the lullaby competition:

    This is the most heartfelt competition in Russia for professionals and amateurs!

    You can participate with the whole family or solo!

    It doesn't matter how old you are! We are waiting for participants - from 3 to 99 years old!

    By participating in the competition, you benefit not only your family, but also children who have no one to sing lullabies to! We donate our music books with lullabies and fairy tales to charity!

    The winning lullabies will be included in a new musical book of lullabies for the whole family!


    Vocal performance (solo or ensemble);

    Instrumental performance (solo or ensemble)


    Traditional national lullaby

    Contemporary popular lullaby

    children (from 3 to 10 years)

    teenagers (from 11 to 16 years old)

    youth (from 17 to 25 years old)

    adults (26 years and older)

Ensembles can be composed of participants from different age groups

Prize for the winner:

The winners of the competition will perform at a gala concert on September 23 in Moscow at the Central House of Artists on the same stage with participants in vocal television shows, and the best lullabies will be included in the new collection “Lullabies for the Whole Family”

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