Names for girls with a happy destiny. What names are considered lucky for boys?

A name is something that is given to a person once and for the rest of his life. Many parents expecting the birth of a baby know the names they will give to their children long before they see a couple of lines on the test. Others have doubts until the very birth, and some do not even know what name to give the baby after his birth. Of course, each family will have to make their own choice, but it would be a good idea to learn about the meanings of names and their influence on a person. Let's clarify which names are considered lucky for girls and, of course, for boys.

The happiest names for girls

Most astrologers and psychologists agree that the happiest female name is “Elena.” Girls with such names most often have an easy fate. They manage to build a career and personal life with ease. Elenas usually easily find a common language with other people, become loved and respected.

Also among the lucky names is the name “Natalia”. Owners of this name are distinguished by self-confidence; they easily defend their point of view. Therefore, they can withstand various difficulties.

Once popular name"Tatiana" can also bring good luck. Girls with this name go through life with a positive attitude. And even various life difficulties do not affect their mood, which allows them to solve problems with ease.

Another famous female name “Irina” radiates the energy of activity and determination. Owners of this name are capable of achieving remarkable success both on the personal front and on the career ladder. Irina sets clear goals for herself and is able to actively achieve them.

More good names for girls, happy ones are Olga and Ekaterina.

Many psychologists are sure that the name “Olga” will be a wonderful name for a girl. Girls with this name have data that allows them to be loved and achieve financial well-being. Olgas are able to be guided by the arguments of reason, but at the same time they have remarkable intuition. This is precisely why they become winners in various situations.

Among the lucky names is the name “Ekaterina”. Owners of this name are characterized by common sense and know how to achieve their goals no matter what. They are ambitious, active and very positive, which gives them the opportunity to always remain on top.

What names are considered lucky for boys?

Astrologers and psychologists say that the happiest and strong name the boy's name will be "Alexander". Men named by this name are the concentration of strength - both physical and moral. They are distinguished by courage, self-confidence, a sharp mind and, often, authority. Alexandras are able to achieve their goals and become leaders.

Many psychologists are sure that a classic name will be a wonderful name for a boy. Russian name"Ivan." It is not for nothing that the owners of such a name in all Slavic fairy tales become winners and achieve prosperity. IN modern world Ivans usually have an easy-going and non-conflict character; they say that fate itself protects them from all sorts of troubles.

Another lucky name is the famous name “Nikolai”. It has been noticed that the owners of this name are particularly strong and firm. They are able to save face and take a blow even in quite difficult situations. life situations. Nikolai has prudence and assertiveness, they confidently achieve their goals.

Also lucky names for boys are “Alexey” and “Anatoly”. It has been noticed that men with these names have special strength, both physical and moral. Alexeys are distinguished by highly developed intuition, activity and will. In addition, they are quite creative individuals.
And Anatolias have special tenacity, perseverance and poise. They are clear about their goals and know how to achieve them.

Astrologers say that good names for boys, happy ones, are “Oleg” and “Mikhail”. According to such experts, owners of such names often miraculously avoid trouble. They have especially strong heavenly protectors, and it is noticed that it is as if someone is constantly guiding them on the right path. But at the same time, Mikhails tend to fall under the influence of their loved ones, and become narcissistic.
And Olegs are quite intolerant, they always have their own point of view and can feel “above” those around them. They are also characterized by pedantry, which, with proper upbringing, becomes a plus - concentration, accuracy and consistency.

Another great name for a boy would be the name “Igor”. It sounds especially euphonious and gives its owner perseverance. This helps Igors overcome all obstacles and difficulties in life with ease.

How to choose the most lucky name for your child?

When thinking about what to name your baby, listen to your soul. You should not choose among pretentious names, rare ones, or taken from other languages. It is unlikely that they will be able to make your child truly happy. In addition, psychologists have come to the conclusion that children with such names often encounter conflicts at school, and in adulthood they may decide to change their name.

Also remember that for a baby to grow up happy, a name alone is not enough. It is also necessary to create an optimal atmosphere for happiness, and only parents can do this.

THE HAPPIEST MALE AND FEMALE NAMES Many astrologers and psychics are sure that a person’s name to a certain extent influences his destiny. In their opinion, each name emits its own energy, which can have a positive or negative effect on the owner of this name. Because of this, some names have maximum positive influence, while others can bring a lot of problems to their owner. Here are the happiest men and women female names that bring good luck. Female names Elena This name is considered one of the happiest. Most women with this name are awarded an easy fate. It is quite easy for them to move up the career ladder; they easily find a common language with the people around them. Owners of this name are usually loved, appreciated and respected by family and friends. Natalya Natashas are also quite lucky. They are confident in themselves and know how to defend their point of view. Thanks to this, they steadfastly overcome all difficulties and solve problems easily. Tatyana The name Tatyana also brings good luck. The owners of this name always live positively. Despite any difficulties in life, they always remain in a good mood. It is this attitude towards life that helps them cope with problems and feel happier than others. Irina This name radiates a strong energy of activity and determination. Thanks to this, its owners can easily achieve great success both in their personal lives and in their careers. They set bold goals and skillfully achieve them. Olga Olga is another beautiful and happy female name. Its owners have all the prerequisites to live in happiness, love and wealth. Although they trust their feelings and intuition, they often commit serious actions under the influence of the conclusions of their minds. Thanks to this approach, they successfully solve problems and emerge victorious from difficult life situations. Ekaterina The name Ekaterina not only brings happiness, it endows its owner with an analytical mind, determination and the ability to achieve her own. That is why most women with this name are ambitious, active and positive, which helps them achieve a lot in life. Unlucky female names. These experts include the names Nadezhda and Lyudmila. Nadezhda's problems in life may arise due to the fact that she is too passive in nature and tends to simply go with the flow. The energy of the name Lyudmila can attract various troubles. Lucky male names: Alexander, Alexey and Anatoly All these names are in first place in the ranking of the luckiest. Men with these names are endowed with special strength, both physical and moral. Most of them are strong in spirit and capable of achieving significant success, if, of course, they do not miss the opportunities that fate itself gives them. Ivan The name Ivan can also be called one of the luckiest. Those with this name are lucky to have a very strong guardian angel. It is thanks to him that they easily overcome even serious difficulties, because they have a protector who helps and protects them from troubles. Nikolay The owners of this name can also be classified as happy people. Name endowed strong energy– it is she who helps these men always be ahead of everyone and achieve their goals. Strength of character and the ability to find a common language with people greatly help them in life. Oleg and Mikhail The owners of these names have strong heavenly protectors. Guardian angels help them in everything, sometimes situations even arise when they miraculously manage to avoid trouble. It may seem as if someone is leading and directing them, suggesting the right path and protecting them from troubles. Unlucky male names are Yaroslav, Stanislav, Boris and Bogdan. From birth, Yaroslav is under the influence of the energy of aggression of the name; it will control him throughout his life and often interfere with his personal relationships and career. Because of the influence of his name, Stanislav becomes impulsive and finds it difficult to contact people. Bogdan can be too closely connected with his mother, which can interfere with adult life. Boris's whole life will be filled with difficulties that he will have to overcome.

How do our thoughts affect our health? In the East they say: “Man’s worst enemies would not wish him the troubles that his own thoughts can bring him.” One of the most famous healers of antiquity, Avicenna, said: “A doctor has three means to fight a disease - a word, a plant, a knife.” Please note - the word comes first. In one of the Parisian hospitals, the young psychologist Emily Qui, at her own peril and risk, citing the head physician, obliged her patients to repeat out loud or mentally 10 times the phrase “Every day I feel better and better” three times a day. And repeat this not mechanically, but as vividly as possible. So what do you think? Within a month, this doctor’s patients became the main source of conversation among the hospital’s medical staff, and then throughout France. Surprisingly, but true: seriously ill patients recovered within a month, some patients even lost the need for surgical intervention. That is, the guess of the great ancient scientist Paracelsus, who argued that faith works miracles, was confirmed. Our health is a direct consequence of human thinking. No one doubts that there is a direct connection between the mental and physical state of people. “The best protection against all diseases, against any infection is a firm belief in one’s own health and positive emotions,” says psychotherapist with more than twenty years of experience Andrei Metelsky. “Negative thoughts destroy. For example, anger causes gastrointestinal diseases. Over time, resentment leads to diseases of the liver, pancreas, and cholecystitis.” One of the most important psychological laws states: verbal expressions of love, sympathy and admiration enhance the vital energy of the person to whom it is addressed. And evil and unkind words reduce the energy of the listener. The total number of diseases associated with bad thoughts continues to grow steadily. To resist them, you need to follow the advice of the ancient sages - enjoy life, no matter how hard it may be! So, a person’s health, life and destiny directly depend on his thoughts. If you think about good things, expect good things. If you think about bad things, you will get bad things. Something we constantly think about develops into a belief that it should or can happen. And this faith gives birth to an event... That is why from today we begin to think only about the good, to hope only for the best. And also, never worry about trifles! Let's take into account the two golden rules of the American cardiologist Robert Eliot, a recognized specialist in the prevention of heart attacks and heart failure. Rule one: don’t be upset over trifles. Rule two: all nonsense

When do we receive subtle energy? We receive subtle energy when: • we are hungry; • perform breathing exercises; • retire; • we take a vow of silence for some time; • walking (or just being) along the seashore, in the mountains, contemplating beautiful scenery nature; • we engage in selfless creativity; • we praise a worthy person for his sublime qualities and actions; • we laugh, rejoice, smile from the heart; • we help someone unselfishly; • show modesty; • we pray before meals; • eat foods full of prana ( vital energy) – natural cereals, porridges, ghee, honey, fruits, vegetables; • we sleep from 9-10 pm until two am (at other times the nervous system does not rest, no matter how much we sleep); • we receive a good massage from a harmonious person. Or do self-massage; • we douse ourselves with cold water, especially in the morning and the most powerful effect is if we stand barefoot on the ground; • we sacrifice our time and money; • we see the divine will behind everything. When do we lose energy? Loss of energy is caused by: • despondency, dissatisfaction with fate, regret about the past and fear, rejection of the future; • setting and pursuing selfish goals; • aimless existence; • grievances; • overeating; • uncontrolled wandering of the mind, inability to concentrate; • when we eat fried or old food, food prepared by a person in anger or experiencing other negative emotions, when using a microwave oven, foods containing preservatives, chemical additives, grown in artificial conditions, using chemical fertilizers; • eating food devoid of prana - coffee, black tea, white sugar, white flour, meat, alcohol; • eating in a hurry and on the go; • smoking; • empty talk, especially if we criticize or condemn someone; • improper breathing, for example, too fast and deep; • exposure to direct rays of the Sun, from 12 to 4 days, especially in the desert; • promiscuity, sex without desire and especially without love for a partner; • excessive sleep, sleeping after 7 am, lack of sleep; • tension of mind and body; • greed and greed.

Surely you have heard about the “magic” wish card. This is a whole collage of your goals, plans, numerous “wants”, this is the story of your life. Future life. Are you ready for beautiful life? Then let's start making a wish map! Take paper or even a sheet of Whatman paper. Divide the sheet into 9 equal parts. Now arm yourself with scissors, magazines, colored pencils, paints and photographs! In each sector, paste cut out pictures of your desires, or draw what you want to achieve. To the center - health, southeast - money, wealth, south - fame, fame, southwest - love, marriage, west - children, creativity, northwest - travel, assistants, north - career, northeast - knowledge , wisdom, east – family. Please note that on the wish map, north is at the bottom, south is at the top, east is on the left, west is on the right. The pictures must match what you want. If you want a red car, find a photo of a red car, and not the same one, but black. If you want money, indicate exactly how much. Set a deadline for fulfilling your desires. Be sure to sign each of your pictures! When drawing up a wish map, feel joy and happiness, as if everything has already come true, then the fulfillment of your desires will not take long. Be sure to paste in your photo, or draw a picture of yourself. You should look happy in the image. You can “try on” new clothes, “drive” a brand new car, “conclude” deals, “sunbathe” by the sea, and so on.

EMOTIONAL CLEANSING All diseases do not originate primarily in the physical body. Therefore, it is also very important to cleanse yourself of mental and emotional problems. Even modern doctors have come to the conclusion that many physical diseases arise from negative thoughts and emotions. If a person is pessimistic or thinks about someone with anger, this reflects on him. For emotional cleansing: ● Try to get rid of negative emotions. The emotion of anger is especially destructive; it instantly triggers dangerous biochemical processes in the body. We need to take care of ourselves and avoid negative thoughts, because they complicate our lives in the first place. Even if you are very attentive to emotions, you can be influenced by other people's energy. Just like you can get dirty physical body , the emotional body can also be desecrated. And even if you just communicated with a negative or, as they say in modern psychology, unresourceful person who is riddled with fear, you can become infected with this mood. It seems that before this you lived calmly, but here you also begin to have similar fears. All this deforms the subtle body, and over time, problems begin on the physical level, and life difficulties: a person attracts a certain reality into his life and, as a result, cannot achieve anything in his career, in his personal life, and so on. ● Don't become dependent on memories. We need memories as the realization of a certain experience. If we tried to walk along the road twice and fell twice because there was a hole in the middle, this means that there is no need to go there a third time. At the same time, an ordinary person most often regrets the past and dreams of the future. But our strength is to live in the present. Negative memories and grievances take away the most energy from us. It happens that a person was offended at school, and he remembers it all his adult life. Some studies even show that resentment causes serious illnesses such as cancer. There is no need to suppress memories or ignore them. But, if memories come, you need to observe them without emotional coloring; yes, it happened and passed. It’s even worth drawing such a diagram: draw a straight line and mark on it all the periods when something unpleasant happened to you. And in this place, draw flowers or something else that you associate with love. Imagine how the energy of love fills these periods. And if you do this sincerely once or twice, then usually the negative thoughts will go away. ● For an emotional state, it is also advisable to take a shower - cool in the morning and warm in the evening. You can even say: “Where there is water, there is trouble” (sleep, illness, etc.). This, by the way, was accepted in Russia; Slavic healers taught me this. At the same time, you need to imagine that everything unpleasant leaves you with water. ● Talk to interesting, wise people who can teach you something. Light forms of meditation are very helpful. Now many people think that in order to meditate, you need to be a yogi or live in the Himalayas. But that's not true. If you come home from work upset in the evening, try meditating. Take a shower, turn off the TV. And sit for 10 minutes in silence, watch your breathing, watch your mind. Yogis have a “pranayama” system, when a person breathes in a certain way, and all negative things go away. It is also very important to say: “I wish everyone divine love” or “I wish everyone happiness” - and imagine how the energy of love and bliss permeates every cell of yours and goes from you to other people. First of all, to your offenders. This clears the mind.

SLEEP: AYURVEDA RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Before going to bed, wash your feet with cool water and then rub them with oil - this is a natural sedative. If a person massages his feet with sesame oil every day, he will never get sick, as he restores his immune system. 2. Before going to bed, take a few minutes to do breathing exercises or meditation. 3. When sleeping, you should wear as little clothing as possible; sleeping in socks is especially harmful. 4. It is recommended to sleep with your head facing east. 5. Never sleep in the kitchen, and also do not store food in the bedroom. 6. When sleeping, do not cover your face with a blanket. The habit of covering your face is very harmful because it forces you to breathe in already exhausted air. 7. Sleeping outdoors in summer is very useful, but if it is foggy, raining or too high humidity outside, it is better to sleep indoors. 8. Sleeping on a damp or damp bed is very harmful; the bed should be comfortable. 9. Ayurveda recommends sleeping on your side. Sleeping on the left side facilitates digestion and gives a person energy, while sleeping on the right side allows for proper rest. This is because when a person sleeps on the left side, the right nostril primarily works, which gives positive energy to the body and helps in digestion as well as warmth. If the room is cold, then you need to lie on your left side, and then natural warmth will be maintained in the body. 10. Ayurveda does not recommend sleeping on your back, because Sleeping on your back is bad for your brain. This is especially bad for people of the vata type, because this causes both nostrils to work and the balance of the body is disturbed (the vata dosha is excited). 11. The worst thing to do is sleep on your stomach because it completely disrupts your breathing. Sleeping under the open sun is very harmful, but sleeping under the open moon is beneficial. 12. By not getting enough sleep or not going to bed at all, you are greatly harming your health. This dries out the body and weakens the digestive fire. 13. Try to get up early and go to bed early. With proper sleep patterns, health improves and vitality increases. 14. It is especially harmful for the body to sleep at sunset. Eating at this time of day also upsets digestion and is therefore highly undesirable. 15. Sleeping during the daytime leads to diseases of the respiratory system, heaviness in the head and a number of other disorders. Daytime sleep is allowed for healthy people who are tired from hard physical labor, as well as for patients experiencing severe pain or suffering from diseases of the respiratory system and nausea. A short nap during the day is also allowed for patients with gastrological disorders, as well as for those who are fasting and feel the urge to take a nap. For people living in very warm climates, it is useful to get a little sleep during the day during the hours of the most unbearable heat; they should rest only in a shady, cool place. Despite these recommendations, ancient yoga texts generally prohibit sleeping during the day, except in cases of illness. 16. Those who go to bed with a full stomach will not get enough rest during sleep and will not be able to fully digest food, in which case the amount of toxins in the body increases. 17. The air in the room in which you sleep should be fresh. Sleeping in a stuffy, poorly ventilated room is very harmful. 18. According to Ayurveda, it is recommended that if a person forcibly (not due to habit) did not sleep at night, he should sleep for half the prescribed time the next morning without eating. 19. Those suffering from insomnia or insufficient sleep are advised to drink warm milk with a pinch of nutmeg and a few veins of saffron, do an oil massage on the body, take baths, and find refuge in a sense of calm and pleasant memories. This will make up for good sleep. 20. Pregnant women are not recommended to oversleep, as this may cause the baby to be lazy.

We have already said that there is a persistent belief about “lucky” and “unlucky” names. Today we will talk about male names that are believed to bring good luck and luck to their owners.


Alexander, according to astrologers, is the most “lucky” name for the stronger sex. Men named this way personify strength - both physical and moral; they are brave, self-confident, smart, often powerful, able to achieve their goals and lead people. Alexander is a born leader and winner.

In practice: most famous Alexander in world history - this is Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia from 336, commander, conqueror, creator of the largest state in history Ancient world. The nickname “The Great” has firmly stuck to him since ancient times, and the image of Alexander entered world culture.

Among the Alexanders born on Russian soil, the most famous is St. Alexander Nevsky, Prince of Novgorod and Grand Duke of Vladimir. With victories over the Swedes (1240) and German knights (Battle on the Ice, 1242), he secured the western borders of Rus', and through skillful policies he eased the burdens of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Another famous commander is Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov (1730-1800), Count of Rymnik, Prince of Italy, Russian commander and generalissimo, who led the Empire to many victories.

“Portrait of Alexander Suvorov”, K. Steuben (1815)

Three emperors with these names did a lot for Russia - Alexander I, Alexander II and Alexander III. But Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev, an outstanding Russian thinker, writer and publicist, was “on the other side of the barricades,” but he was just as passionate about the fate of his native country.

Among the Alexanders there are a huge number of talented artists. This is Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov, writer and public figure; and Alexander Pavlovich Bryullov, architect, draftsman, watercolorist; and Alexander Andreevich Ivanov, artist; and Alexander Sergeevich Dargomyzhsky, composer and musician; and Alexander Vasilyevich Sukhovo-Kobylin, philosopher, playwright, translator; and Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky, playwright; and Alexander Porfirievich Borodin, composer and chemist; and Alexander Mikhailovich Opekushin, sculptor and, of course, “the sun of Russian poetry” - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

The series of “brilliant Alexanders” was continued by the talents of the 20th century: science fiction writer Alexander Green, poet Alexander Blok, director Alexander Tairov, writer and playwright Alexander Volkov, painter and sculptor Alexander Rodchenko, conductor and composer Alexander Gauk, singer, poet and composer Alexander Vertinsky and many, many others. The number of wonderful actors among the Alexanders is also amazing: who doesn’t know such outstanding actors as Alexander Zbruev, Alexander Lazarev, Alexander Porokhovshchikov or Alexander Kalyagin?

In addition to the name Alexander, other names starting with the letter “A” are considered one of the luckiest for a man, such as Alexey and Anatoly. They say that the first letter in the alphabet speaks for itself - it is characteristic of leaders and winners.


Still from the cartoon “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf-2” film company “STV”

Ivan, according to popular belief, is also a very lucky name - it’s not for nothing that it has come to us from time immemorial. Let us remember, for example, the Russians folk tales- in them Ivan achieves all kinds of prosperity and certainly marries the princess. They say that fate itself protects Ivanov from troubles and adversity - perhaps due to his easy, non-conflict character.

In practice: Among the Russian rulers there were many Ivans: for example, Ivan I Danilovich Kalita, Prince of Moscow (from 1325), Grand Duke of Vladimir (from 1328). He laid the foundations for the political and economic power of Moscow, and also obtained from the Golden Horde the right to collect Mongol-Tatar tribute in Rus'. Ivan III is also known, during whose reign a significant part of the Russian lands were united around Moscow and turned into the center of a single state. Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible - the Grand Duke of “All Rus'” and the first Russian Tsar - is a controversial figure, but no less significant for Russian history.

Among the Ivans at all times there were many talented inventors and innovators who moved progress forward: this is Ivan Fedorov, the famous pioneer printer in Rus' and Ukraine; and Ivan Ivanovich Polzunov - one of the most famous domestic inventors, and Ivan Petrovich Kulibin, a gifted self-taught mechanic, and Ivan Ivanovich Orlov, an inventor in the field of printing production. The name “Ivan” in the minds of those who know history is also associated with the names of famous travelers - for example, with the admiral and great navigator Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern.

Whether it is an accident or not, Ivans often prove themselves to be heroes both in war and in peacetime. We all remember such names as Ivan Stepanovich Konev, Marshal Soviet Union, twice Hero of the Soviet Union; Ivan Danilovich Chernyakhovsky, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front, army general; Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, the most successful fighter pilot in Allied aviation, three times Hero of the Soviet Union; Ivan Vasilyevich Turkenich, commander of the underground anti-fascist Komsomol organization “Young Guard”, which operated in German-occupied Krasnodon, and, of course, Ivan Dmitrievich Papanin, hero of the Arctic, leader of the North Pole-1 expedition, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

What about the Ivanovs with their creative component? They show themselves and how talented writers(Ivan Andreevich Krylov, Ivan Ivanovich Lazhechnikov, Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, etc.), and as gifted artists (Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin, Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy, Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky). There are many famous actors and directors among people with this name: from Ivan Aleksandrovich Pyryev to Ivan Okhlobystin.

Ivan Okhlobystin Legion-media


The name Nikolai is credited with special strength and firmness. They say that Nikolai is always, even in the most difficult situations, able to “save face”, show prudence and firmness, so men named so confidently achieve their goals. By the way, this name is translated from ancient Greek as “conqueror of nations.”

In practice: It is unclear whether this can be considered a coincidence, but among the Nikolaevs we find, perhaps, the largest number of public and political figures, each of whom, based on their own convictions, wanted the good of their country. For example, Nikolai Ivanovich Turgenev, Decembrist. Or Nikolai Aleksandrovich Speshnev, a Russian revolutionary from the nobility. Or Nikolai Nikolaevich Yudenich, infantry general, one of the most successful generals Russian Empire during the First World War, and during Civil War- commander of the troops operating against Soviet power in the North-Western direction. Or Nikolai Semenovich Chkheidze - Russian-Georgian politician, one of the leaders of the Mensheviks. In the series of famous revolutionaries named Nikolai there are Nikolai Ernestovich Bauman (revolutionary pseudonym Grach), and Nikolai Aleksandrovich Alekseev, a member of the RSDLP since 1897, an employee of Iskra, and Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin, a participant in the revolution of 1905-1907. and October 1917, and many others.

Closely associated with them are progressive-minded publicists such as Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Dobrolyubov and Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky.

“Portrait of N.M. Karamzin", A. Venetsianov (1828)

Our history also knows many outstanding scientists with this name: such as Nikolai Nikolaevich Zinin, a Russian organic chemist, founder of the Russian scientific school; Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky - great Russian mathematician, creator of non-Euclidean geometry, Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, Russian surgeon, anatomist and teacher, Nikolai Nikolaevich Beketov, founder of the Russian school of physical chemists, Nikolai Vasilyevich Sklifosovsky, brilliant surgeon and researcher, Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky, founder of modern hydrodynamics and aerodynamics , Nikolai Dmitrievich Zelinsky, the author of fundamental discoveries in the field of hydrocarbon synthesis, and Nikolai Vasilyevich Nikitin, according to whose design the Ostankino Tower was built in Moscow.

There are many truly great writers and poets among Nikolaev: Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, Nikolai Semenovich Leskov, Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov, Nikolai Alekseevich Ostrovsky, Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov.

Among our contemporaries in Nikolai there are many wonderful actors, singers and athletes: Nikolai Fomenko, Nikolai Gnatyuk, Nikolai Rastorguev, Nikolai Baskov, gymnast Nikolai Andrianov, boxer Nikolai Valuev.

There are other male names that are considered lucky. For example, Oleg and Mikhail. But we will tell you about them next time.

What does science say?

The science of anthroponymy studies first names, patronymics, last names, nicknames, pseudonyms, as well as their origin and evolution. With its help, several practical recommendations have been developed that are probably worth listening to:

It is important that the name goes well with the surname and patronymic. You need to pay attention to the length of these words, the number of vowels and consonants in them. The more pleasant and melodious the combination of first name and patronymic sounds, the faster a person will win over those around him;

It is better that the child’s name corresponds to the norms and criteria of the society in which he will live. Names that are too ornate and obviously borrowed often cause rejection;

For girls, it is preferable that the name be “rubber”: then many diminutive forms can be formed from it. For example, Ksenia, Ksyusha, Ksyushenka, Ksyunya, Ksyuta, etc.;

You should not name your children after relatives - and not at all because they can repeat their fate. But simply because by doing so you drive your child into a certain framework and expect certain behavior and actions from him;

A similar rule applies to creative parents who want to name their offspring after some famous person. It is quite possible that Comandante Che Guevara is dear to your heart, and you will want to name your child Ernesto. But what if, as an adult, your child chooses Jawaharlal Nehru as his idol?

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Almost every name gives its owner a certain set of useful qualities. The main thing is to find and realize these qualities.

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When we receive a name at birth, we receive character, talents, and abilities. This set makes each name unique. Knowing the potential opportunities hidden in the name, everyone can become luckier and find themselves in life.

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Each of the names helps its owner in different ways: one is strong in its meaning, the other is stronger than most in its energy, the third is easier to pronounce and sounds more beautiful.



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Male names that bring good luck


Pronunciation and sound of the name

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Men must be strong in spirit. Their character is determined by their resistance to problems and failures. Real men usually accept all adversities without showing strong emotions. The presence of hard consonants in a name significantly increases masculinity. Naturally, this does not mean the opposite - soft letters do not make a man feminine. Among the truly “solid” and masculine names, the following names should be highlighted: Victor, Alexander, Valery, Arthur, Yaroslav.


Someone may be luckier, since his name may have more than one merit. In this case, you should note names like David, Dmitry, Vladislav, Vladimir, Andrey, Evgeny, Daniil, Grigory, Georgy, Oleg, Egor, Leonid. These names sound loud, firm and not always difficult. By the way, the simpler the name, the more likely it is that a man will succeed in business. I would also like to note that all of the above works for any names, even foreign ones, which is very important.


Men with softer names are diplomatic, but are not as confident and are less likely to achieve great success in the financial sphere if they go ahead. In their case, everything will be decided by the ability to negotiate, look for beneficial compromises, or even manipulate people for their own purposes.



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Energy name


Where would we be without energy? A man should be able to change the world around him, and a name with a strong and independent aura is the best assistant in this matter. Not all names are capable of transforming energy space and attracting good luck. Previously, we wrote about the 10 most powerful male names, but now we will highlight the very best. This may include Alexander, Victor, Igor, Mikhail, Sergey, Dmitry and Vladimir.


Getting into the personal space of these men, not only women, but also other men can feel their powerful biofield. This occurs due to the contrast of energy fields. These names interact with each other without such an effect, so try to ensure that the energy of your children’s names coincides with the energy of their father’s name.



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Rarity of the name


For women, in this regard, everything is much simpler - the more unique the name, the greater the chances of success in any area of ​​life. In the world of men, everything is a little different. The rarity of the name is important for those who want their child to be more creative. Typically, boys and men with rare names are much more successful in any field of art.


As an example, the following names can be mentioned: Augustin, Rostislav, Denis, Yaroslav, Valentin, Vlas, Almaz, Arthur, Gleb, German, Efim, Mark, Zakhar, Oscar. There is a widespread belief that rare names allow you to make a greater impression on women. Some psychologists are confident in the veracity of this statement.



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Name meaning


For men, the meaning of the name plays an important role in the development life principles, character and outlook on life. Male names bring good luck to their owners, but only those that mean something unique and truly powerful.

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Among these names we should highlight Vladislav, Vladimir, Daniil, Oleg, Kirill, Artem, Svyatoslav. When translated from various languages, these names mean something very important. Kirill, for example, is translated as “master,” which cannot but affect success in business and family life. These men are usually very respected and have many friends. Vladimir creates an aura of love and warmth around himself, because he “owns the world,” not only in the material, but also in the spiritual sense.


Any name known to history can be considered as a key to one’s own possibilities.

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Female names that bring good luck


All female names bring good luck to some extent, but in different areas of life.

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Name meaning


The most obvious factor that makes a given female name lucky is the translation, its original meaning. Fate is determined by what was put into this name at the creation stage.

  • For example, if Victoria means “victory”, then she will be more likely to achieve success, because this in itself attracts success.
  • Anastasia means “immortal,” so women with this name are also very lucky, but this is manifested in their incredible resilience.
  • Olga translates to "holy" or "wise", so she is very happily married, rarely offends people without good reason, and has many loved ones.

There can be many examples, but sometimes the translation does not mean something important, so traces of luck should be looked for in something else. Study the meaning and mystery of your name to find out where you might be lucky in life.



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The best way to find out how lucky you can be is to check the energy of your name. Previously, we wrote about the 10 most energetically powerful female names. This is an indication that these ladies are luckier than usual. However, other names often contain secret keys to success.

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Among the list of the most powerful names we can highlight Varvara, Victoria, Vladislav, Daria and Irina. Getting into the biofield of these women, any person feels their influence. If these ladies are angry, then they are feared more than others. If they are full of love and warmth, then when you get close to them, you will become infected with this warmth.


In principle, this property can act as an Achilles heel, but when the situation is stable and you need to win over a person, women with such names need to do almost nothing. This helps in love as well as business. If you are the owner of one of these names, you can make it your amulet.

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The presence of various letters and their combinations in a name also greatly influences luck in one or another area of ​​life. In business and financial sphere, as well as for career advancement, they will be firmly useful sounding names with a large number of voiced consonants: Arina, Diana, Lydia, Margarita, Daria, Inga, Valeria, Vera, Veronica, Galina and so on.



Soft names like Svetlana, Inessa, Nina, Christina, Tatiana, Anastasia, Faina or Ulyana, lucky in love and family life. They are subconsciously perceived by men as softer, since they lack sound amplification.

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The sound of a name is very important, but not only in terms of sonority. Common Slavic names are now slowly going out of fashion, and there are names that are completely forgotten and have almost completely lost popularity, such as Zinaida, Varvara, Yaroslava or Marfa. However, they are quite strong due to their connection with Rod. Just keep in mind when choosing a name for your baby that it is better to exclude options that are not entirely euphonious to the modern ear, otherwise your child will be subject to ridicule.

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Now Western-type names or unusual and modern-sounding names are gaining popularity: Madeleine, Martha, Nellie, Nika, Olivia, Rose, Vanessa and others. This brings children good luck, which develops into great success in all areas of life in the future. This has always been the case and this will be the case with all currently popular names.



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Rare names


The very last point is the rarity of the name. Vasilisa, Venus, Eva, Oktyabrina, Eleanor, Karina, Lilia- such women are always remembered, and men feel a certain zest in them, because they are rare and unusual names are very well imprinted in their memory.

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Many ladies have probably noticed that what more unique name, the more men like them, the more success they achieve in business. People have always been drawn to everything unusual. Be careful, because excessive attention can also play a cruel joke, because bad things are remembered better than good things. One wrong step, and no one will ever forget that you broke your heel before an important meeting, your son is a poor student, and your husband likes to drink. Attention can either give you luck or take it away from you forever.



We wish you that your name brings you only happiness. Remember that every woman has the right to success and good luck. Even if you don’t really like your name, it is not a curse, not an anathema, but a gift from parents and fate, which you must be able to unravel and decipher correctly. We wish you victories in all areas of life.

Astrologers and psychics claim that a person’s name to some extent determines his fate. Therefore, in some cases, names are the real keys to luck and success.

It is believed that each name emits a certain vibration, which has a positive or negative effect on its owner. Let's find out which names are the happiest.

Lucky female names

The name Elena is considered one of the happiest. A woman with this name gets an easy fate. She manages to move up the career ladder very easily, she easily finds a common language with the people around her, everyone loves, appreciates and respects her.

The name Natalya is also lucky. A woman named Natasha is confident in herself and knows how to defend her point of view, which makes her unshakable in the face of any difficulties.

Tatyana also brings good luck. The owner of such a name always lives with a positive attitude. Even despite the difficulties in life, she always remains in a good mood, which helps her cope with problems.

The name Irina radiates the energy of activity and determination. A woman with this name can achieve incredible success both in her personal life and in her career. Irina sets clear goals for herself and actively achieves them.

Olga is another lucky name for a woman. The bearers of this name have all the data to live in love and wealth. Olga is guided by the arguments of reason, but also does not forget about her feelings and intuition. This makes her a winner in many situations.

The name Ekaterina is also a happy name. It gives its owner common sense and the ability to achieve her goal. All Katyas are very ambitious, active and positive, which helps them always be on top.

Lucky male names

Alexander, Alexey and Anatoly are some of the luckiest names. Men with these names represent strength, both physical and moral.

The name Ivan is very lucky. The owner of this name has a very strong guardian angel who protects him from all life's troubles and troubles.

The name Nikolai is also a lucky name male name. It is endowed with a special energy that allows the wearer to always go ahead of everyone to achieve their goals.

The names Oleg and Mikhail have very strong heavenly protectors. The owners of these names miraculously manage to avoid trouble. It’s as if someone is leading them and directing them on the right path.

What to do if you haven't found your name

To begin with, do not rush to get upset. Of course, each name has its own strengths. You can visit our website or determine your best qualities