Speech by Tatyana Larina. Tatyana Larina - psychic and twilight witch, biography

Where the whole novel is simply permeated with the theme of love. This topic is close to everyone, which is why the work is read with ease and pleasure. Pushkin’s work introduces such heroes as Evgeny Onegin and Tatyana Larina. It is their love story that is shown to readers and we enjoy following this complex relationship. But today let's talk not about the love of heroes, but give a brief description of this wonderful girl, the main character, whom the author called Tatyana.

Tatyana Larina is a sweet, kind girl from the provinces, who, although she grew up on a fairly spacious estate, did not become arrogant and did not have a sense of complacency. Tatyana is very attached to the nanny, the same woman who told different stories and fairy tales.

To give a full description of Tatyana, let's turn to the quotes used in the novel. They will reveal to us the image of the girl who was in love with Onegin.

Tatyana Larina characterization of the hero with quotes

So, Tanya is a little wild, more often sad and silent than cheerful. She tries to be away from the company of people, is withdrawn and prefers to be alone. Tatyana likes to be outdoors in the forest, where she likes to talk with trees, like with friends. If we continue to talk about Larina and characterize her image, then it is worth saying that Tatyana is a girl with a truly Russian nature. She has a Russian soul, she loves the Russian winter, although at the same time, like many representatives of the noble class, Tatyana does not know Russian well, but speaks it well French. She believes in fortune telling and legends, she is worried about omens.

As a child, the girl does not play with dolls and games like other children, but she is well-read, educated and smart. At the same time, she really likes to read romance novels, where the heroes comprehend fiery love. This is just such a hero from her novel that Tatyana saw in Onegin. The girl falls in love with Evgeniy and even decides to write a letter. But here we do not see frivolity in the act; on the contrary, we see the simplicity of her soul and the courage of the girl.

Like we said, she's a sweet girl. The author does not give her the image of a beauty, in which her sister Olga is shown to us. Nevertheless, Tatyana, with her sincerity, kindness of soul, and her qualities, is much more interesting than her sister. But Evgeny was immediately unable to appreciate Tatyana, wounding her with his refusal.

Time passes. Now we see Tatyana not as a timid girl, but married woman who no longer believes in fairy tales, knows how to behave in society, she behaves majestically and inaccessibly. Right here

The image of Tatyana Larina absorbed all the author’s dreams about the female ideal. Tatyana remained forever the beloved heroine of the great poet and prose writer. For the first time, the reader meets the heroine in her parents’ estate, which is compassionately watched over by the mother of the Larin sisters. Tatyana’s father is a “kind fellow” who is a little “lagging” behind the modern march of time. Family life is calm, monotonous, patriarchal.

From the very youth Tatyana was sharply different from other village children. She did not like simple children's games, reminiscent of a “shy doe” who thrives in solitude. The girl was brought up on the legends of an old nanny and loved to while away her time reading books. The atmosphere of “old times” in her native estate instilled in Tatyana a belief in ancient customs, girls’ fortune-telling, and dream interpretation. Having matured, Tatyana turned into a dreamy and thoughtful young lady. Without possessing “screaming” beauty, she attracts rich people inner world, naturalness and simplicity.

It's time for love. Tatyana seemed to be living in anticipation when Onegin appeared on her horizon - mysterious and unknown. And the girl fell in love. Ardently, anxiously and with all my soul. Tormented by exciting torment, Tatyana decides to take a desperate step and writes a letter of recognition to her lover. She places the real confession and herself with it in the hands of Eugene Onegin. Tatyana hopes for reciprocity, but her chosen one rejects her. Such sincere feelings and impulses turned out to be alien to him.

Tatyana, without ceasing, loved Onegin. Even when he caused the death of Lensky, her sister’s fiancé. And when he left on a long trip. She visited his empty estate, trying to better understand the man she fell in love with. Two years later, the reader meets Tatyana again. She is married to a noble prince. There was no trace left of that inexperienced and outspoken girl. The “new” Tatiana matured spiritually, became unapproachable, but at the same time did not lose her natural simplicity. Rotation in high society and the nobility of her new position did not spoil her at all. The meeting with Onegin certainly stirred up a storm of feelings in Tatyana. But she didn't show it. Having received a letter of recognition from him, the heroine sheds tears of sadness, but does not honor her former lover with an answer. Finding herself alone with Onegin, Tatyana does not hide the fact that she still loves him, but at the same time she intends to remain faithful to her legal spouse. Tatyana doesn’t hold a grudge against Evgeniy, but she doesn’t leave any reason for his hopes.


So, she was called Tatyana.
Not your sister's beauty,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She wouldn't attract anyone's attention.

Dick, sad, silent,
Like a forest deer is timid,
She is in her own family
The girl seemed like a stranger.

She didn't know how to caress
To your father, nor to your mother;
Child herself, in a crowd of children
I didn’t want to play or jump
And often alone all day
I sat silently by the window...

Thoughtfulness, her friend
From the most lullabies of days,
The flow of rural leisure
Decorated her with dreams.

And there were children's pranks
Alien to her: scary stories
In winter in the dark of nights
They captivated her heart more...

She liked novels early on;
They replaced everything for her;
She fell in love with deceptions
And Richardson and Russo...

Her imagination has long been
Burning with bliss and melancholy,
Hungry for fatal food;
Long-time heartache
Her young breasts were tight;
The soul was waiting... for someone...

In Alexander Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin", of course, the main in a feminine way is Tatyana Larina. The love story of this girl was later sung by both playwrights and composers. In our article, the characterization of Tatyana Larina is constructed from the point of view of her assessment by the author and in comparison with her sister Olga. Both of these characters in the work are shown as completely opposite natures. Of course, we must not forget about love line novel. In relation to Onegin, the heroine also shows us certain sides of her character. We will analyze all these aspects further so that the characterization of Tatyana Larina is as complete as possible. First, let's get to know her sister and herself.

We can talk about the main character of the novel for a very long time and a lot. But Pushkin showed the image of her sister, Olga Larina, quite succinctly. The poet considers her virtues to be modesty, obedience, simplicity and cheerfulness. The author saw the same character traits in almost every village young lady, so he makes it clear to the reader that he is bored describing her. Olga has the banal feel of a village girl. But the author presents the image of Tatyana Larina as more mysterious and complex. If we talk about Olga, then main value for her is a cheerful, carefree life. Of course, Lensky’s love is present in her, but she does not understand his feelings. Here Pushkin is trying to show her pride, which is absent if we consider the character of Tatyana Larina. Olga, this simple-minded girl, is unfamiliar with complex spiritual work, so she took the death of her groom lightly, quickly replacing him with the “love flattery” of another man.

Comparative analysis of the image of Tatyana Larina

Against the backdrop of her sister’s rustic simplicity, Tatyana seems to us and the author to be a perfect woman. Pushkin states this quite directly, calling the heroine of his work a “sweet ideal.” Brief description Tatiana Larina is inappropriate here. This is a multifaceted character, the girl understands the reasons for her feelings and actions, and even analyzes them. This once again proves that Tatyana and Olga Larina are absolute opposites, although they are sisters and were brought up in the same cultural environment.

Author's assessment of Tatyana's character

What kind of main character does Pushkin present to us? Tatyana is characterized by simplicity, leisurely, and thoughtfulness. The poet pays special attention to such a quality of her character as belief in mysticism. Signs, legends, changes in the phase of the moon - she notices and analyzes all this. The girl loves to tell fortunes and also attaches great importance to dreams. Pushkin did not ignore Tatyana’s love of reading. Brought up on typical women's fashion novels, the heroine sees her love as if through a book prism, idealizing it. She loves winter with all its disadvantages: darkness, twilight, cold and snow. Pushkin also emphasizes that the heroine of the novel has a “Russian soul” - this is an important point in order for the characterization of Tatyana Larina to be the most complete and understandable to the reader.

The influence of village customs on the character of the heroine

Pay attention to the time in which the subject of our conversation lives. This is the first half of the 19th century, which means that the characteristics of Tatyana Larina are, in fact, the characteristics of Pushkin’s contemporaries. The character of the heroine is reserved and modest, and reading her description given to us by the poet, we can note that we learn practically nothing about the girl’s appearance. Thus, Pushkin makes it clear that it is not important external beauty, but internal character traits. Tatyana is young, but looks like an adult and an established person. She did not like children's games and playing with dolls; she was attracted to mysterious stories and love suffering. After all, the heroines of your favorite novels always go through a number of difficulties and experience suffering. Tatyana Larina's image is harmonious, dim, but surprisingly sensual. Such people are often found in real life.

Tatyana Larina in a love relationship with Evgeny Onegin

How do we see the main character when it comes to love? She meets Evgeniy Onegin, already being internally ready for a relationship. She is “waiting for... someone,” Alexander Pushkin carefully points this out to us. But don’t forget where Tatyana Larina lives. Characteristics of her love relationship depends on the strange village customs. This is manifested in the fact that Eugene Onegin visits the girl’s family only once, but people around are already talking about engagement and marriage. In response to these rumors, Tatyana begins to consider the main character as the object of her admiration. From this we can conclude that Tatyana’s experiences are far-fetched and artificial. She carries all her thoughts within herself, melancholy and sadness live in her loving soul.

Tatyana's famous message, its motives and consequences

And the feelings turn out to be so strong that there is a need to express them by continuing the relationship with Evgeniy, but he no longer comes. According to the etiquette requirements of those times, it was impossible for a girl to take the first step; it was considered a frivolous and ugly act. But Tatyana finds a way out - she writes a love letter to Onegin. Reading it, we see that Tatyana is a very noble, pure person, high thoughts reign in her soul, she is strict with herself. Eugene’s refusal to accept her love girl is, of course, discouraging, but the feeling in his heart does not go away. She tries to understand his actions, and she succeeds.

Tatyana after unsuccessful love

Realizing that Onegin prefers quick hobbies, Tatyana goes to Moscow. Here we already see a completely different person in her. She overcame the blind, unrequited feeling within herself.

But Tatyana feels like a stranger, she is far from his bustle, glitter, gossip and attends dinners most often in the company of her mother. Unsuccessful made her indifferent to all subsequent hobbies of the opposite sex. The integral character that we observed at the beginning of the novel “Eugene Onegin” is shown by Pushkin as broken and destroyed by the end of the work. As a result, Tatyana Larina remained a “black sheep” in high society, but her inner purity and pride were able to help others see a true lady in her. Her aloof behavior and at the same time unmistakable knowledge of the rules of etiquette, politeness and hospitality attracted attention, but at the same time forced her to remain at a distance, so Tatyana was above gossip.

The final choice of the heroine

At the end of the novel “Eugene Onegin,” Pushkin, completing the plot, gives his “sweet ideal” a happy family life. Tatyana Larina has grown spiritually, but even in the last lines of the novel she confesses her love to Eugene Onegin. At the same time, this feeling no longer has power over her; she makes a conscious choice in favor of loyalty to her lawful husband and virtue.

Onegin also pays attention to Tatyana, “new” to him. He doesn’t even suspect that she hasn’t changed, she just “outgrew” him and “got over” her former painful love. Therefore, she rejected his advances. This is what appears before us main character"Eugene Onegin". Her main character traits are strong will, self-confidence, and kind character. Unfortunately, Pushkin showed in his work how unhappy such people can be, because they see that the world is not at all what they would like. Tatyana has a difficult fate, but her desire for personal happiness helps her overcome all adversity.

Tatyana Larina is one of central characters Pushkin’s poem “Eugene Onegin” occupies an important place in this work, because it was in her image that the brilliant poet concentrated all the best feminine qualities that he had ever encountered in his life. For him, “Tatyana, dear Tatiana” is a concentration of ideal ideas about what a real Russian woman should be and one of the most beloved heroines, to whom he himself confesses his passionate feelings: “I love my dear Tatiana so much.”

Pushkin describes his heroine with great tenderness and trepidation throughout the entire poem. He sincerely empathizes with her about unrequited feelings for Onegin and is proud of how nobly and honestly she acts in the finale, rejecting his love for the sake of duty to her unloved, but God-given husband.

Characteristics of the heroine

We meet Tatyana Larina in the quiet village estate of her parents, where she was born and raised, her mother is a good wife and caring housewife, giving all of herself to her husband and children, her father is a “kind fellow”, a little stuck in the last century. Their eldest daughter appears before us as a very little girl, who, despite her young age, has unique, extraordinary character traits: calmness, thoughtfulness, silence and some external detachment, which distinguish her from all other children and in particular from her younger sister Olga.

(Illustration for the novel "Eugene Onegin" by artist E.P. Samokish-Sudkovskaya)

“Tatiana, Russian at heart” loves the nature surrounding her parents’ estate, subtly senses its beauty and experiences real pleasure from being united with it. The vast expanses of the secluded little Motherland are sweeter and closer to her heart than the “hateful life” of the St. Petersburg high society, which she never wants to exchange for what has forever become a part of her soul.

Raised, like Pushkin, by a simple woman from the people, from childhood she was in love with Russian fairy tales, legends and traditions, and was prone to mysticism, to mysterious and enigmatic folk beliefs and ancient rituals. Already in adulthood she opens up fascinating world novels that she read avidly, forcing her to experience dizzying adventures and various life vicissitudes with her heroes. Tatyana is a sensitive and dreamy girl, living in her secluded little world, surrounded by dreams and fantasies, completely alien to the reality around her.

(K. I. Rudakova, painting "Eugene Onegin. Meeting in the Garden" 1949)

However, having met the hero of her dreams, Onegin, who seemed to her to be a mysterious and original personality, noticeably standing out from the surrounding crowd, the girl, discarding shyness and uncertainty, passionately and sincerely tells him about her love, writing a touching and naive letter, full of sublime simplicity and deep feelings. This act reveals both her willfulness and openness, as well as the spirituality and poetry of a subtle girl’s soul.

The image of the heroine in the work

Pure in soul, sincere and naive, Tatyana falls in love with Onegin, being very young, and carries this feeling throughout her life. Having written this touching letter to her chosen one, she is not afraid of condemnation and anxiously awaits an answer. Pushkin is tenderly touched by the bright feelings of his heroine and asks readers for indulgence for her, because she is so naive and pure, so simple and natural, and it is precisely these qualities for the author of the poem, who has been burned more than once at the stake of his feelings, that play a very important role in life .

Having received a bitter lesson that Onegin taught her, who read her painful moral teachings and rejected her feelings for fear of losing freedom and tying the knot, she experiences her unrequited love hard. But this tragedy does not embitter her; she will forever preserve in the depths of her soul these sublime bright feelings to a person with whom you will never be together.

Having met Onegin a few years later in St. Petersburg, already being a brilliant high-society lady with feelings and reason shackled in the impenetrable armor of secular decency and love for him hidden deep in her soul, she does not revel in her triumph, does not want to take revenge on him or humiliate him. The inner purity and sincerity of her soul, the shine of which has not dimmed in the least in the dirt of metropolitan life, does not allow her to stoop to empty and false social games. Tatyana still loves Onegin, but cannot tarnish the honor and reputation of her elderly husband and therefore rejects his such ardent, but too late love.

Tatyana Larina is a person of high moral culture with a deeply conscious sense of self-worth, her image literary critics called " in an ideal way Russian woman”, which Pushkin created to glorify the nobility, loyalty and great purity of their unsullied life of the Russian soul.

Tatyana appears in Chapter II of the novel. The choice of the heroine’s name and the author’s thoughts on this matter seem to indicate a distinctive character compared to others. actors line:

Her sister's name was Tatyana...
Tender pages of the novel
For the first time with such a name
We willfully sanctify.

In these lines, the author introduces Tatyana to the reader for the first time. We see the image of a simple provincial girl with very peculiar features. Tatyana is “wild, sad, silent”, “she seemed like a stranger in her own family”, “often she sat silently by the window all day long.” She did not play with her sister Olga’s friends, “she was bored by their ringing laughter and the noise of their windy pleasures.” Larina grows up thoughtful and lonely. The environment to which parents, relatives, guests belong, i.e. the society of local nobles is something alien to her, which has almost no influence on Tatyana. Other aspects of her being have a stronger influence on the formation of her personality. She is captivated by “terrible stories in the dark of night in winter,” i.e. fairy tales of a serf nanny. She loves nature, reads the novels of Richardson and Rousseau, which cultivate her sensitivity and develop her imagination.

The appearance of Onegin, who immediately struck Tatyana with his peculiarity, his dissimilarity with others whom she saw around, leads to the fact that love flares up in Tatyana.
The girl in love turns to books again: after all, she has no one to trust her secret to, no one to talk to.
Sincere and strong love does not willingly take on the character of those passionate and strong feelings with which the loving and suffering heroines of the books they read are endowed.
So, Tatiana was strongly influenced by the sentimental West, but the European novel. But this, of course, was not the main factor in Tatyana’s development.

A lot for understanding the image of Tatiana is given by the episode of Tatiana’s conversation with the nanny and the letter to Onegin. This whole scene - one of the best in the novel - is something amazing, beautiful, whole.

The nature of Tatyana's frank conversation with the old nanny is such that we see great intimacy between them. The image of Filipyevna carries the beginnings of folk wisdom; her words reflect the experience of the long and difficult life of a simple Russian woman. The story is short and simple, but it contains imagery, expressiveness, purity and power of thought and truly folk language. And we vividly imagine Tatyana in her room at night, and

On the bench
With a scarf on his gray head,
Before the young heroine,
An old woman in a long padded jacket.

We begin to understand how much the nanny and closeness to her meant to Tatyana; We note those purely Russian influences that will occupy the main place in the formation of Tatiana.
Tatyana perfectly understands the nanny’s common speech; this language is native to her. Her speech is figurative and at the same time clear; it also contains elements of popular vernacular: “I’m sick,” “what do I need,” “let him tell him”... etc.
Tatyana's letter to Onegin is a desperate act, but it is completely alien to the young girl's surroundings. Larina was guided only by feeling, but not by reason. The love letter does not contain coquetry or antics - Tatyana writes frankly, as her heart tells her.

I am writing to you - what more?
What more can I say?

And following these simple and touching words, in which one can hear trepidation and suppressed excitement, Tatyana, with ever-increasing delight, with excitement already openly pouring out in the lines of the letter, reveals this “trusting soul” of hers to Onegin. The central part of the letter is the image of Onegin, as he appeared to Tatyana in her imagination, inspired by love. The end of the letter is as sincere as its beginning. The girl is fully aware of her actions:

I'm cumming! It's scary to read...
But your honor is my guarantee,
I freeze with shame and fear...
And I boldly entrust myself to her...

The letter scene is over. Tatyana is waiting for an answer. Sparing details indicate her state, her immersion in the feeling that possessed her:
Second date with Onegin and his cold “reprimand”. But Tatyana does not stop loving.

Love's mad suffering
Haven't stopped worrying
Young soul...

Chapter V opens with a landscape of late but suddenly arrived winter. It is noteworthy that the purely Russian landscape of the winter estate and village is given through Tatyana’s perception of it.

Waking up early
Trees in winter silver,
Tatiana saw through the window
Forty merry ones in the yard
In the morning the whitewashed yard,
And softly carpeted mountains

And in direct connection with the paintings native nature the author's statement of the national, Russian appearance of the heroine is expressed:

Tatiana (Russian soul,
With her cold beauty
Without knowing why)
I loved Russian winter...

Poetic pictures of Christmas fortune-telling also connect Tatyana with Russian, national, popular beginning.
“...Tatiana, on the advice of the nanny” casts spells at night in the bathhouse.
Russian national features come to the fore more and more clearly in the development of Tatiana's image.

In his portrayal of Tatyana, Pushkin completely abandons all irony, and in this sense, Tatyana is the only character in the novel for whom, from the moment of her appearance to the end, we feel only the author’s love and respect. The poet more than once calls Tatyana “sweetheart” and declares: “I love my dear Tatyana so much.”
Tatiana's dream is a fantastic combination of motifs from the nanny's fairy tales, pictures that arose in the play of Tatiana's own imagination, but at the same time - and real life impressions. The artistic meaning of the dream in the story about Tatyana is an expression state of mind the heroine, her thoughts about Onegin (even in her dreams he appears strong to her, but also menacing, dangerous, terrible), and at the same time - a premonition of future misfortunes.

All subsequent tragedies: Lensky's death, Evgeniy's departure, her sister's imminent marriage - deeply touched Tatiana's heart. The impressions gained from reading books are supplemented by harsh life lessons. Gradually Tatyana is gaining life experience and seriously thinks about his fate. The image of Tatyana is increasingly enriched as events unfold, but by nature Tatyana is still the same, and her “fiery and tender heart” is still given over to the feeling that has taken possession of her once and for all.
Visiting Onegin’s house, Tatyana’s “greedy soul” indulges in reading. Byron's poems and novels are added to the sentimental novels read earlier.

Reading Onegin's books - new level in Tatiana's development. She does not freely compare what she knows about Onegin with what she learns from books. A whole swarm of new thoughts and assumptions. In the last stanzas of Chapter VII, Tatyana is in Moscow society. She “... doesn’t feel well at the housewarming party,” she seems strange to the young ladies of the Moscow noble circle, she is still reserved and silent
At the end of the work, Tatyana appears to us as a lady secular society, but Pushkin clearly singles her out from the circle into which fate brought her. Depicting her appearance at a social event, the poet emphasizes both Tatyana’s aristocracy, in the high Pushkin sense of the word, and her simplicity.

She was leisurely
Without these little antics,
Not cold, not talkative,
No imitative ideas...
Without an insolent look for everyone,
Everything was quiet, it was just there...

Episodes of meetings with Onegin after many years of separation emphasize Tatiana's complete self-control. Larina turned into a society lady, into an “indifferent princess,” “the unapproachable goddess of the luxurious, royal Neva.” But her worldview has not changed, her principles and foundations remain the same. It was these principles that prevailed over Tatiana’s innermost feeling: over her love for Eugene. The whole essence of Larina’s character is revealed in her last monologue:

...You must
I know: in your heart there is
And pride and direct honor...
I ask you to leave me;
And pride and direct honor...

In our imagination, the image of Tatyana will forever remain something lofty, unshakable, pure and beautiful.
We also understand all the poet’s love for his creation when, in the last stanza of the novel, saying goodbye to the characters, he remembers “Tatyana’s sweet ideal.”