Drawing for February 23rd in watercolor. Options for funny pictures for Defender of the Fatherland Day

According to established tradition, on Defender of the Fatherland Day it is customary to congratulate not only military personnel and combat veterans, but also all men and even boys. I am especially pleased with the fact that this wonderful tradition is being instilled in children with early years. Postcards and drawings with pencils and paints with congratulatory inscriptions are prepared in kindergartens and schools to give to beloved fathers and grandfathers on February 23. Thematic competitions for children's creativity are often held, where participants demonstrate their artistic talents. But a child’s drawing for February 23 is not just an image of holiday symbols with congratulatory inscriptions, but also a sign of respect. A sign of respect for the defenders of the Motherland, brave warriors and real men! Next you will find simple step-by-step master classes drawings for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23, which are suitable for kindergarten and primary school.

Step-by-step drawing for dad on February 23, 2017 “Tank” in kindergarten in pencil

The first thematic drawings with pencils for dads and grandfathers in the form of symbolic tanks and airplanes on February 23, children learn to draw step by step in kindergarten. There they will learn for the first time what kind of holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day is and why it is so important to congratulate your close men on this day. And symbolic drawings help them get a correct idea of ​​the holiday as a whole. Next we offer you a simple master class step by step drawing for dad with a pencil to the Tank kindergarten on February 23, 2017, which even the youngest pupils can master.

Necessary materials for drawing with a pencil “Tank” for dad on February 23, 2017

  • album sheet
  • black thin pencil or gel pen
  • colored pencils
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions for drawing on February 23rd in kindergarten with a pencil “Tank”

Drawing for children “Warship” for school on February 23, master class step by step

Initially, February 23 was the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy, so the image of a warship can be safely used for congratulatory children's drawing to school. Just like a tank or an airplane, a drawing of a warship can be an excellent stand-alone gift or design for a greeting poster. Learn more about how to master the “Warship” drawing for children on February 23 to school step by step from the next master class.

Necessary materials for drawing on February 23 at school for children

  • album sheet
  • black felt-tip pen
  • pastels or colored pencils, paints

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a warship on February 23rd for school for children

Master class of drawing “Defender” on February 23, 2017 for a pencil competition for children, step by step

A variant of a themed pencil drawing for February 23rd for children called “Defender,” which you will find in the master class below, is perfect for the competition. It can also be used for decoration greeting card with your own hands or wall newspapers at school. A detailed master class on drawing “Defender” on February 23rd for a pencil competition for children below.

Necessary materials for the drawing “Defender” for February 23 for the pencil competition

  • album sheet
  • colored pencils, felt-tip pens
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • ruler

Step-by-step instructions for a drawing master class on February 23 for a pencil competition

Now you know that it’s not at all difficult to create a holiday drawing for February 23rd with your own hands as a gift for dad, for a competition or an exhibition. And our simple step-by-step master classes on drawings with pencils and paints for Defender of the Fatherland Day can easily be used for kindergarten and school. And if you want to draw a funny themed drawing dedicated to February 23, then pay attention to the option for children from the video below.

Fine art classes dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day are an excellent opportunity to practice drawing a person, including in motion. How to successfully solve this difficult problem, for example, using the addition method geometric shapes or other drawing methods are described on the pages of this section. With military equipment the situation is simpler. The creation of drawings and plasticine prints depicting tanks, planes, and ships is also described in this thematic section. Here you can find drawings for both toddlers and older preschoolers. Come in and use the experience of your colleagues in your creative activities with children by February 23!

All types of drawings for February 23, from a flag to a portrait of dad.

Click on the "photo" tab below to see only photos of children's drawings Contained in sections:
Includes sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 154.
All sections | Drawings for February 23. Drawing on the theme Defender of the Fatherland Day

Katya Kochergina When you start working with children, you always get up question: How to interest children, what new and educational things to give to children. And now on the eve of 23 February preliminary work has been done. We looked at the illustrations of our brave and strong warriors, then...

Soon the holiday of courage, honor, valor, courage will come - " Defender of the Fatherland Day". And according to tradition in all educational institutions Preparations are underway for this wonderful holiday. At the Children's Art School named after. A.I. Plotnova with 1st grade students of the “Art Department”...

Drawings for February 23. Drawing on the theme Defender of the Fatherland Day - Summary of a drawing lesson in the junior group “A tie as a gift for dad” for February 23

Publication “Summary of a drawing lesson in the junior group “A tie as a gift...” Abstract of GCD DRAWING. FIRST JUNIOR GROUP "A tie as a gift for dad." Goal: continue to teach children to draw horizontal lines, applying the necessary pressure. Strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly. Reinforce knowledge of primary colors. Freely place lines on the sheet. Develop...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Beloved Army Young and old know about the beloved army, and today everyone is happy about her, invincible. There are soldiers in the army, Tankers, sailors, All strong guys, They are not afraid of enemies! T. Bokova Over many years in preschool institutions There are certain traditions of holding various...

Notes on drawing "Soldier on duty" Abstract of GCD Drawing “Soldier on duty” Author: Erikhova Valentina Aleksandrovna Goal: broadening their horizons in terms of children’s ideas about Russian army, about the types, branches of troops and their purpose (land, air, sea. Tasks: to form in children the idea that in ...

Goal: Developing creative abilities and creating a festive mood. Objectives: 1 Continue to strengthen the ability to work with plasticine. Use non-traditional drawing techniques with plasticine balls and sausages 2 Develop fine motor skills, imagination,...

Drawings for February 23. Drawing on the theme Defender of the Fatherland Day - Photo report exhibition of drawings on February 23 dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day dedicated

February 23 of the USSR era After the war, in 1949, the holiday was renamed, and February 23 began to be called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. A tradition has developed to celebrate this event solemnly and on a grand scale: On this day, military parades were held, fireworks were arranged....

Summary of OOD on drawing “Soldier on duty” in the senior group Targets: The child has a developed imagination, which is realized in different types activities; the child has developed gross and fine motor skills. Objectives: Educational: To instill in children interest and respect for the Russian army. Developmental: Continue to develop children's...

Showing publications 11-20 of 154.
All sections | Drawings for February 23. Drawing on the theme Defender of the Fatherland Day

Every year, at the end of winter, 23 February, we all celebrate the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is an opportunity to once again remind children of what courage, bravery, nobility and courage are. There are defenders in every family : grandfathers, uncles, older brothers and, of course, ours...

Master class on making a “Paratrooper” postcard for February 23rd using appliqué techniques with drawing elements Master class on making postcards "Skydiver" using applique technique with elements drawing ko"Day defender of the fatherland» Olga Usacheva Hello, dear friends! I present to your attention a master class in making postcards "Skydiver" from colored paper using the technique...

Drawings for February 23. Drawing on the theme Defender of the Fatherland Day - Photo report on drawing flags for the holiday of February 23, with children of the middle group

Publication “Photo report on drawing flags for the holiday of February 23, with children...”
Goal: creating conditions for the development of children's creative abilities in drawing. Objectives: - strengthen children’s ability to draw rectangular objects; - create the simplest rhythm of images; - practice the ability to carefully paint over a drawing; - cultivate a desire to do...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Master class on plasticine printing “Medal for Defender of the Fatherland Day” in a preparatory school group Manual labor. Age 5-6 years. Plasticineography in the preparatory school group Goal: to create conditions for the ability to depict a medal on a horizontal plane by February 23 using the “plasticineography” technique. Objectives: expand knowledge about the medal, convey its image, observing order...

Drawing lesson “Our dear army” in the preparatory group Program content: Strengthen the ability to create a drawing based on literary works, conveying images of soldiers, pilots, sailors, depicting their life and service. Practice drawing and coloring pictures with colored pencils. Develop imagination, creativity,...

I present to your attention a photo report of the stage-by-stage preparation for the drawing competition "Bird Portrait" as part of the regional action "Eco-children - young defenders of wintering birds", children participating in the "Magic Brush" club. It should be noted that the members of my association "Magic...

Drawings for February 23. Drawing on the theme Defender of the Fatherland Day - Notes on drawing “For me, my dad is always a hero”

Abstract of GCD for aesthetic development. Drawing. Topic: “For me, my dad is always a hero.” Program objectives: To promote the harmonization of child-parent relationships. Promote the harmonization of parent-child relationships. Introduce children to the tradition of celebrating...

GCD for drawing in the preparatory group. Drawing based on the idea “I’m with dad. Couple portrait in profile" Age: senior group Purpose: creating conditions for developing the ability to draw a paired portrait in profile teaching: to develop the ability to draw a paired portrait, trying to convey features appearance, the character and mood of specific people; developing: continue acquaintance...

Goal: to orient parents towards the moral and aesthetic education of children through joint artistic activity. Objectives: - teach techniques for joint activities, involving family members in the work; - introduce children and parents to a new unconventional drawing technique -...

Since 2013 I have been working in depth

According to established tradition, on Defender of the Fatherland Day it is customary to congratulate not only military personnel and combat veterans, but also all men and even boys. It is especially gratifying that this wonderful tradition is instilled in children from an early age. Postcards and drawings with pencils and paints with congratulatory inscriptions are prepared in kindergartens and schools to give to beloved fathers and grandfathers on February 23. Thematic competitions for children's creativity are often held, where participants demonstrate their artistic talents. But a child’s drawing for February 23 is not just an image of holiday symbols with congratulatory inscriptions, but also a sign of respect. A sign of respect for the defenders of the Motherland, brave warriors and real men! Next, you will find simple step-by-step master classes on drawings for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23, which are suitable for kindergarten and elementary school.

The first thematic pencil drawings for dads and grandfathers in the form of symbolic tanks and airplanes on February 23. Children learn to draw step by step in kindergarten. There they will learn for the first time what kind of holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day is and why it is so important to congratulate your close men on this day. And symbolic drawings help them get a correct idea of ​​the holiday as a whole. Next, we offer you a simple master class on step-by-step pencil drawing for dad in kindergarten “Tank” on February 23, 2017, which even the youngest pupils can master.

  • album sheet
  • black thin pencil or gel pen
  • colored pencils
  • eraser
  • Let's start drawing the tank from the barrel. To do this, draw two parallel lines 4-5 cm long in the middle of the sheet and leave approximately 1 cm between them. On the left we will connect the lines in a semicircle, and on the right we will draw the beginning of the barrel.
  • Now let's move on to drawing the tower. Approximately 2 cm below and to the right of the muzzle, draw the base - two parallel lines 10-12 cm in length. Draw a semicircle above the base and connect it to the barrel.
  • At the next stage we draw the caterpillars. To do this, below the base of the tower we draw the silhouette of the caterpillars, as shown in the photo below.
  • In the middle of the base of the caterpillars we draw 5 circles and paint them black. We draw a five-pointed star on the tower.
  • In conclusion, we draw the silhouette of a waving flag on the tower.
  • All that remains is to color the finished drawing with colored pencils and add the congratulatory inscription “Happy February 23rd.” You can give such a drawing to your dad in a postcard for Defender of the Fatherland Day or decorate a greeting poster with such a tank.
  • Initially, February 23 was the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy, so the image of a warship can be safely used for a congratulatory children's drawing for school. Just like a tank or an airplane, a drawing of a warship can be an excellent stand-alone gift or design for a greeting poster. Learn more about how to master the “Warship” drawing for children on February 23 to school step by step from the next master class.

    • album sheet
    • black felt-tip pen
    • pastels or colored pencils, paints
  • We conditionally divide a sheet of paper into two parts. Below, a wavy line denotes the surface of the water. We draw the stern on top, as shown in the photo.
  • Ahead at the stern we draw a cannon. In the middle of the stern we draw the captain's cabin and radar.
  • At the next stage, we draw a battery of torpedoes and portholes, as in the next photo.
  • Add an image of a developing flag. You can also draw several checkmarks that imitate the silhouettes of seagulls. Add a congratulatory inscription if desired.
  • We move on to coloring the picture: we paint the water blue, and the warship blue-gray. We make sure to decorate the flag in national colors. Drawing of a warship for February 23rd for school - ready!
  • A variant of a themed pencil drawing for February 23rd for children called “Defender,” which you will find in the master class below, is perfect for the competition. It can also be used to design a DIY greeting card or a wall newspaper at school. A detailed master class on drawing “Defender” on February 23rd for a pencil competition for children below.

    • album sheet
    • colored pencils, felt-tip pens
    • simple pencil
    • eraser
    • ruler
  • As you might guess, the figure “Defender” will depict a valiant military man. Divide a sheet of paper vertically in half. We sketch for the head and shoulders.
  • Based on the markings, we draw the silhouette of a soldier. We draw the head, neck and shoulders in detail. Then we make sketches of the winter uniform - a hat with earflaps and a pea coat.
  • We draw the face, details of the uniform and hands.
  • Our defender will be holding a machine gun in his hands. We start drawing the weapon from a sketch and gradually add small details, as in the photo below.
  • At the next stage, we add the protective coloring of the form and the background.
  • To the left of the soldier we draw the inscription “Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day.” We continue to detail the background.
  • Color the drawing with colored pencils or felt-tip pens.
  • Now you know that it’s not at all difficult to create a holiday drawing for February 23rd with your own hands as a gift for dad, for a competition or an exhibition. And our simple step-by-step master classes on drawings with pencils and paints for Defender of the Fatherland Day can easily be used for kindergarten and school. And if you want to draw a funny themed drawing dedicated to February 23, then pay attention to the option for children from the video below.

    Showing publications 41-50 of 154.
    All sections | Drawings for February 23. Drawing on the theme Defender of the Fatherland Day

    Target: teach children draw a portrait of a man(dads) from memory. Tasks: - develop observation, the ability to notice characteristic features person's face (dads) and transfer them by means drawing(shape, proportions); - encourage children to connect in one drawing different...

    Telling children a short history holiday 23 February, you should not be like the cunning political scientists and historians who refute everything positive and confirm the fact of surrender on the above date. After all, it is much more important for schoolchildren to feel the spirit of heroism and patriotism. Explain...

    Drawings for February 23. Drawing on the theme Defender of the Fatherland Day - Drawing “Tank” dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day

    Publication “Drawing “Tank” dedicated to the defender’s holiday...” On the eve of the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday on February 23! IN younger group"Cornflower" MDOU Kindergarten "Emerald City" 99, conversations were held on the topic: "Defenders of the Fatherland" the guys looked at various equipment. And one girl named Sasha Zlobnova, who is only three...

    Image library "MAAM-pictures"

    Master class: “Postcard for Defender of the Fatherland Day”, using plasticineography technique. Description: this master class is intended for children preschool age and younger schoolchildren, teachers and parents. Purpose: gift for dad, brother. Purpose: making a holiday card...

    Drawing “Our army is dear” Program content. Strengthen the ability to create drawings based on literary works, conveying images of soldiers, pilots, sailors; depict their life and service. Practice drawing and coloring pictures with colored pencils. Develop imagination, creativity...

    Notes on drawing in the senior group “Soldier on duty” Program content. To promote children’s ability to create the image of a warrior in a drawing, conveying the characteristic features of costume, pose, and weapons. Strengthen the ability to place an image on a sheet of paper and draw large. Use drawing and painting skills...

    Drawings for February 23. Drawing on the theme Defender of the Fatherland Day - Drawing for February 23

    The holiday of real men is approaching. February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day. Of course, this holiday cannot be ignored in kindergarten either, because this is where the future defenders of our country grow up. In older and preparatory groups The teachers and I are preparing...

    Program content: 1. Teach children to create the image of a soldier in a drawing. 2. Learn to convey the characteristic features of a soldier’s costume. 3. Strengthen the ability to place an image on a sheet of paper and draw large. 4. Reinforce how to sketch with a simple pencil With...