How to write an essay “Letter to a Literary Hero”: methodology, tips, sample. Essay on the topic of a letter to a literary hero Write a letter to a lyrical hero

I can’t help but express to you, Vera Nikolaevna, my indignation. It may be cruel of me, but every person has the right to their own opinion, and I want you to know it, despite the pain it may cause you. You are a cruel woman who did not want to understand the feelings of the person who idolized you. He loved the sublime, pure, platonic love, bowed before you. After all, perhaps this love would illuminate you life path, This is the kind of love you were waiting for. After all, you wanted to be loved; you won’t deny that sometimes you had crazy thoughts about the possibility of responding to this unearthly love?

But what held you back? Decency? Loyalty to your husband? Condemnation from relatives? No, fear! Yes, yes, exactly fear. You were mortally afraid to change the way of your life, the monotony you loved. And what have you achieved? You killed this love, you killed your admirer. It’s as if you pulled the trigger yourself. You, of course, repented and now quite often think about how your life would have turned out if you had responded to his noble love.

But now it’s too late, there’s no turning back, and you’ll be asking yourself this question all your life, and his death will be on your conscience. Perhaps I'm wrong. I have no right to condemn you, but still I condemn you for missing your only chance in life - to be loved. But you made your choice.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin as a person and a writer was shaped by the stormy time of the first Russian revolution. It was this that conveyed to Kuprin’s paintings - no matter how gloomy their truth was - a dream of the future, a passionate expectation of a storm that would cleanse and transform the world. The cherished thought of Kuprin the humanist about the tragic contradiction of existence: an initially beautiful person among a good and generous nature and a cruel, unnatural possessive system that brings him torment and death.

One of the remarkable creations of A. I. Kuprin is the story of love “ Garnet bracelet" The writer himself called her “sweet” and admitted that “... he has never written anything more chaste.” The plot of the story is simple: a young telegraph operator has long been hopelessly in love with Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. The young man cannot withstand the torment of love and voluntarily leaves his life, and Vera Nikolaevna understands what great love she has passed by. From a simple, even primitive plot, Kuprin was able to create a beautiful flower that has not faded for many decades.

Princess Vera is loved and loves her husband, “the former passionate love for her husband has long turned into a feeling of strong, faithful, true friendship, she helps the prince with all her might...” They occupy a prominent position in society: he is the leader of the nobility. The princess is surrounded by brilliant society, but where does this painful melancholy come from that does not leave her? Listening to her grandfather’s stories about “love,” Vera Nikolaevna understands that she knew a person who was capable of true love - “selfless, selfless, not waiting for reward. About which it is said, “strong as death”... the kind of love for which you can accomplish any feat , to give your life, to undergo torture is not work at all, but even joy.

going to torment is not work at all, but even joy... Love should be a tragedy..."

Isn’t this the kind of love experienced by the “little telegraph operator” Zheltkov? Kuprin brilliantly shows that high moral qualities do not depend on a person’s class affiliation. This is given by God - a soul capable of love can live in a poor shack and in a palace. For her there are no boundaries, no distances, no prohibitions. Zheltkov admits that he is unable to stop loving Princess Vera. Only death can end this beauty and tragic feeling. How consonant are the thoughts of the poor man Zheltkov and the aristocrat Anosov. The telegraph operator's "seven years of hopeless and polite love" give him the right to respect. Vera's husband, Vasily Lvovich, understood Zheltkov, perhaps envied this man's talent.

After Zheltkov’s death, Princess Vera is executed for not preventing his suicide, although she felt and foresaw such an end. She asks herself the question: “What was it: love or madness?” Vasily Lvovich admits to his wife that Zheltkov was not crazy. He was a great lover who could not imagine his life without love for Princess Vera, and when his last hope was gone, he died. An inexplicable melancholy seizes Princess Vera when she sees the dead Zheltkov and understands “that the love that every woman dreams of has passed her by...”

Kuprin does not give any assessments or moralizing. The writer only conveys the beautiful and sad story about love. The souls of the heroes woke up in response to great love, and that's the key.

Letter to a literary hero

I can’t help but express to you, Vera Nikolaevna, my indignation. It may be cruel of me, but every person has the right to their own opinion, and I want you to know it, despite the pain it may cause you.

You are a cruel woman who did not want to understand the feelings of the person who idolized you. He loved with a sublime, pure, platonic love, and bowed to you. After all, perhaps this love would illuminate your life path; you were waiting for just such love.

After all, you wanted to be loved; you won’t deny that sometimes you had crazy thoughts about the possibility of responding to this unearthly love? But what held you back? Decency? Loyalty to your husband? Condemnation from relatives? No, fear! Yes, yes, exactly fear. You were mortally afraid to change the way of your life, the monotony you loved. And what have you achieved? You killed this love, you killed your admirer. It’s as if you pulled the trigger yourself.

You, of course, repented and now quite often think about how your life would have turned out if you had responded to his noble love. But now it’s too late, there’s no turning back, and you’ll be asking yourself this question all your life, and his death will be on your conscience. Perhaps I'm wrong. I have no right to condemn you, but still I condemn you for missing your only chance in life - to be loved. But you made your choice.


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Species creative works there is a lot for students to develop their written language. One of them is a letter that is usually written after finishing studying a work. This type of work is now not very popular in high schools, since teaching essay writing is focused on Unified State Exam format and the final essay. And this work does not involve addressing the heroes of books.

Is this technique useful?

One cannot help but appreciate the benefits of such work. Firstly, the guys must choose for themselves which character they want to write. This means that the work was read by the student, conclusions were drawn, there are favorite and unloved characters. This technique makes it possible to combine the development of a child’s creative thinking and work on speech development. And from the details of the essay, the teacher can draw conclusions about how carefully the student read the work. The student learns to express his own attitude towards the character and his interaction with other characters, character, appearance, behavior, speech and actions. It doesn't have to be goodie. Contact negative character and pointing out his mistakes can be even more interesting. Secondly, this technique is interesting for children, motivates them to think about what they read, the work is not written according to templates, and most importantly, it does not allow them to copy.

Let's start with the basics: what is the epistolary genre?

A letter to the hero, like other letters, must be written adhering to the basic rules of the epistolary genre. Paper letters are a special, dying culture. Let us dwell on the characteristics of this genre. The texts of the letters contain both monologues and dialogues; a certain composition, especially in business letters; frequent contact with the recipient. A letter is sometimes the only form of communication that is possible between people who do not have the opportunity to talk in person.

Tip #1: Try to catch your mood and inspiration when you write. The heroes of the books should receive a letter imbued with good mood, feel a sincere attitude.

Tip No. 2. Remember all the details of the work that helped you reveal the character of the hero. Find your favorite moments in the text and analyze them. Emphasize the most turning points in the hero's life.

Tip #3: Before writing a letter literary hero think about what information you want to convey to him: warn him against actions, praise him, support him. Be honest with the recipient.

Structure of the essay “Letter to a Literary Hero”

As a rule, most essays have a standard structure. They usually consist of an introduction, a main body and a conclusion. The letter to the literary hero Oblomov will not differ in structure from other works. But don’t forget that you are writing a letter, which means it should look like a message to a real person. What does the introduction look like in such essays? You should definitely start it by addressing the hero. If the character is an adult, address him by his first name and patronymic. Tell him why you decided to write, what inspired you to do it. In the main part of the essay, you should tell how you feel about his actions and express your attitude towards them. Speaking about Oblomov, touch on his lifestyle, explain to him that lying on the sofa like this will not bring him any good. Remember what he was like in his youth, complain that from a lively boy and an interesting young man he has turned into a lump that is not easy to lift from the sofa. Talk to him about his work, about his failed career. Show how insignificant his friends are who come to visit him. And be sure to think about the love that came to him in the person of Olga Ilyinskaya. When finishing your essay, do not forget to summarize your thoughts and say goodbye to the hero.

How to write a letter to a literary hero. Sample (based on the novel by I. Goncharov "Oblomov")

Hello, dear Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. After much thought, I finally decided to write you a letter. What prompted this decision? Rumor has it that you spend a lot of time lying on the sofa in an old robe. Ilya Ilyich, how can you live your best years locked up, in a stuffy room, in boredom, because you are missing out on so much! Go outside, and at the same time grab Zakhara, look how fresh the air is, what lovely young ladies are walking along the boulevards, everything around here breathes life. Why are you burying yourself at such a young age? Your life is frozen in one place. The days drag on, but nothing changes, only Zakhar becomes more and more arrogant and shirks more often from work. Recently you received a letter informing you that things are going badly on the estate. If you do not act, you will lose it. For God's sake, do not trust Tarantiev, because he is a first-rate fraudster, and it is a shame that you do not see this. He'll rip you off like crazy!

An appeal to the hero’s childhood and wishes. Continuation

Ilya Ilyich, remember your childhood, remember what an inquisitive, lively little boy you were, until your loved ones killed your desire for knowledge. They were the ones who created the lout who sat on the sofa. And only in your power to change this situation. In your youth you were interested in poetry. Where is it all? Where have the youthful dreams and love for life gone? How did your world shrink to an old sofa? And love... Don’t you really want to fall in love? Yes, probably only love could lift you off the couch and make you live. But it is necessary true love, hot, one that can awaken life in you. Ilya Ilyich, be sure to listen to your doctor’s advice. Leading such a lifestyle, you will not live long: heart problems will begin. Dear Ilya Ilyich, I say goodbye and really hope that you will heed my advice and change.

Ipatova Irina, 4th grade B , gymnasium No. 196

Letter to your favorite book character

My favorite book is “Carlson Who Lives on the Roof”, and my favorite character is Carlson himself. He is funny, cheerful, funny, and most importantly a good friend. Carlson has a propeller on his back and a button on his stomach that makes him take off. Carlson loves to eat jam, cakes and sweets. These are his favorite treats. He also likes to have a little fun and fly over the city and walk on the rooftops.

He had no friends before, but Carlson became friends with one boy. Everyone called him Baby. He was loyal and a good friend. They flew together and scared the crooks, as Carlson called them. Carlson has a small house that might not have been noticed. And having touched him, all the chimney sweeps stumbled.

Carlson, you are my favorite hero! I wish you luck with your other books.

Maria Sakharova, 4th grade B, gymnasium No. 196

Letter to your favorite book character

They are interesting, funny and moralizing. From them I learned that you are very brave and kind. How were you not afraid to fight with Oorfene Deuce and his wooden soldiers! You have very good friends: the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, the Cowardly Lion and your favorite dog Toto. They are loyal and the best because they helped us overcome all the difficulties on the yellow brick road. I would really like to have such unusual friends!

I think you are very lucky that you got into magical land and made new friends! I look forward to hearing more stories about your adventures!

Bondareva Alena, 9 years old, Tsarskoe Selo Gymnasium of Arts named after A.A. Akhmatova

Hello Harry! My name is Alena. I am nine years old. I go to school.

I have read the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone many times.

You were probably afraid, but I doubt it. When I read the book, it was very scary. When I finished reading it, it seemed to me that you looked like me.

I am often scolded, just like you. I, too, don’t succeed in everything and have enemies, just like you, Malfoy. And my enemy is Lesha. He is also from my school. He, like Malfoy, has bodyguards - two Vans.

But I have best friends: Eva and Andrey. We also had many adventures, just like you. Goodbye Harry!

Nemykina Maria, 9 years old, Tsarskoe Selo Gymnasium of Arts named after A.A. Akhmatova

Hello, princess! I really like the fairy tale "O dead princess and seven heroes”, which was written by A.S. Pushkin. I've read it many times. What I like most is the beginning of the fairy tale. There is a lot of interesting and educational things in the fairy tale. You are my favorite heroine - kind, modest and shy. You and I have similar characters... Together with you, I lived through all the difficult cases and learned a lot. Goodbye Maria

Svyatoslav Ivanov, 2nd “B” grade, gymnasium 330

Hello Carlson! You are very funny and kind. I dream that you will come to visit me. I'll treat you to jam. I really want to play with you. I will give you a gift and you will fly away to your fairyland. Goodbye! Glory.

Boris Egorov, 2 “B” grade, gymnasium 330

Hello, dear Gulliver! My name is Borya. I am eight years old, I am in second grade. I really enjoy your adventures. I read them when I was six years old. I often imagined myself traveling through different countries. I have a lot of LEGO toy people. And I played Lilliput. Only my little men didn’t quarrel. And I was also very worried about you when you were in Brobdingnag. It must have been very scary to fight wasps and be the giants' toy.

Dear Gulliver, take me with you on a new journey. Goodbye, Borya.

Andrey Pantyushin, 2nd “B” grade, gymnasium 330

Hello, Johnny Sparrow! My name is Andrey. I'm in second grade. I met you and Jennifer Cotes three years ago after reading the book “Pirates of the Cat Sea - Boarding!” The story about sailors and treasure hunters fascinated me. I learned a lot of sea signs and legends. Johnny, I liked you because you are kind, brave and courageous. I'm looking forward to the fourth book about your adventures. Goodbye, Andrey!

Karina Bogdanova, 2 "B" class, gymnasium 330

Hello Ellie! Karina, a 2nd grade student, is writing to you. Over the summer I read a book about your adventures. I would like to ask you, did you return to the Tin Woodman, the Scarecrow and others? If so, I would really like to know how they are doing, what’s new with them, have they made new friends, has anything happened to them? How do you think? I would like a friend like you. It's a pity that you live in a fairy tale. Karina.

Grodzinsky Sasha, 3rd grade, )

Letter to your favorite book character

Hello, Deniska!

That's it over summer holidays, and a new one began academic year. So many interesting and funny things happened during the summer holiday - just like in the book that my grandfather once gave me to read. This book was called "Red Ball in the Blue Sky" and was written by Viktor Dragunsky. Grandfather said that my dad read this book when he was the same age as I am now. That made it even more interesting to read.

On the pages of stories about a boy. whose name was Deniska Korablev, and his faithful friend Mishka, that’s how I met you. I really enjoyed reading about yours school life and fun adventures. I often laughed when I read about your and Mishka’s adventures, and I really wanted to be your friend. I could take part in concerts with you, go to New Year holidays, sing songs about Vasya’s dad, who is good at math, and sit with a firefly in a box. because it is alive and glowing.

I re-read the stories that I liked most several times. After all, it was very interesting to read, because you and I are the same age, and similar incidents happen to us. That’s why I consider you, Deniska Korablev, to be my best book hero, and whenever I want to meet you, I just open a book and read the stories I love.

Novgorodsky Ivan, 3rd grade, GUVK "Comprehensive school No. 53 - multidisciplinary lyceum" (Ukraine )

Letter to your favorite book character

Hello, Deniska Korablev!

A 3rd grade student from Novgorod, Vanya, is writing to you. I first learned about you when I was very young, when my mother read Victor Dragunsky’s book “Deniska’s Stories” to me. What I liked most in the book was the story about semolina porridge How you threw it out the window and landed on your uncle’s hat, and told your mother that you ate it. After that, I don’t deceive my mother, because I know: the secret becomes clear.

A little later on TV I saw a film about you and your best friend Teddy bear. I liked most how you exchanged the new car and the firefly. Then I realized that you are a kind boy, not greedy and you love wildlife. While watching the film, I dreamed of getting into your yard, building a rocket with your friends, riding a motorized bicycle, going to a circus show, designing a costume for a carnival. Even my mother, when I go to visit, tells me in words from the film: “Vanya, don’t disgrace your family!!!”

How did you feel about your toys? I also have a favorite bear, whom I consider a friend from childhood. I really want many boys and girls to read stories about you, Deniska, and they all fall in love and make friends with you just like me.

Khrenova Liza, 4th grade, GBOU school No. 530 with in-depth study of the natural and mathematical cycle

Letter to your favorite book character

Hello, dear Winnie the Pooh!

I had the opportunity to write you a letter. I live in the 21st century, nowadays every apartment has a computer and the Internet. It's very convenient and great. You can learn a lot of interesting things. Here, for example: if you want to lose weight, then type any diet into Yandex and follow the advice. You still don't know about mobile phone. I don’t know how people used to live without it?! After all, I can contact friends, people close to me, no matter where I am! If only we could move magical objects into your fairy tale, then we could communicate on Skype and write emails.

Goodbye! Best regards, Lisa

Katya Kozhemyakina, 4th grade, GBOU school No. 530 with in-depth study of natural and mathematical subjects

Letter to your favorite book character

My beloved fairy tale hero every child knows.

Hello, Harry Potter!

I dream that one day I will receive an invitation to the school of Witchcraft and Witchcraft. I know that only a select few can get there.

I like that they teach you to do good and help people. We are also taught good and good deeds at school.

I will be waiting for your answer!

Masterskikh Andrey, 4th grade, GBOU school No. 530 with in-depth study of subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle

Hello, Mishka!

Andrey Mastersky is writing to you from the city of Pushkin. I am interested in reading stories about your adventures, authored by Victor Dragunsky. Most of all I like the stories: “Mishkina Porridge”, “Telephone”, “Friend”, “Knock-Knock-Knock”. You are brave, cheerful, resourceful. I would really like to have a friend like you and we could play together. I would be very glad if you came to visit us. We have beautiful city. There are parks where you can walk, bike, and in winter you can ski. We have a lot of fun. Come. Will wait.

Ganiev Denis , 3 classes ass, Borovskaya Secondary School (Republic of Belarus)

Letter to your favorite book character

L. Lagina “Old Man Hottabych”. Together with Volka Kostylkov, I became friends with an unusual old man - a genie. His name was Old Man Hottabych. The old man was very funny. He always wanted to give palaces and treasures. The genie did not understand that ordinary boys did not need this.

I am 13 years old, like Volka. I would ask the old man for a long life for my grandfather. He is my beekeeper. The bees, like trained ones, listen and understand their grandfather. They don't even bite him. For my mother, I would ask for an easy job. She is a policeman. Mom often stays late at work and comes home tired. I feel very sorry for her. And let old Hottabych give dad a new car. We would use it to visit grandpa more often. For myself, I would ask for a brother or sister. And let Hottabych give my old dog Naida a puppy. She doesn't have her own puppies. That's why she's sad.

No treasure can replace loved ones, family! Hottabych, may everyone have a good time!

Zagorets Alina, 5-A class, GUVK "Comprehensive school No. 53 - multidisciplinary lyceum" (Ukraine)

Letter to your favorite book character

Hello, Dunno!

I have started a new school year. Lessons, textbooks, homework began. And then I remembered about you, about my favorite literary hero! After all, you also mastered the science of being a musician, being an artist, you wanted to learn how to write poetry, you even wanted to become a mechanic! And it didn’t always work out for you, let’s be honest, it didn’t work out at all.

So here I am, I moved to 5th grade and thought that everything was going well with my studies. But no, new obstacles and difficulties await me along the way. But it’s okay, I’m not discouraged, I’m used to overcoming new obstacles. It's even more interesting this way. I wish the same for you, my dear Dunno! Try, try, move forward and, if it doesn’t work, start again. And you will definitely learn to play the balalaika, the violin, and the trumpet. I just ask you very much: be patient and hardworking.

I think you will succeed. Say hello to all the shorties from Flower City! Goodbye.

Your reader Alina Zagorets.

Municipal educational institution

“Secondary school with. Olshanka

Chernyansky district, Belgorod region"

Letter to your favorite literary character

(methodological development Russian language lesson)

Prepared by: B

teacher of Russian language and literature

Letter to your favorite literary character

Goals: to revive the epistolary genre of students’ creative works;

ensure the development and improvement of the culture of speech and culture of feelings;

concentrate students' attention on the values ​​of their native language.

I . Speech warm-up.

And the sheet in the envelope is clean,

There are no letters or lines on it,

A leaf smells like autumn -

A fallen leaf from a tree.

Just your address and name

I'll write on the envelope,

I'll find the blue box

I'll put down my piece of paper.

You will receive my letter

And suddenly you will be happy:

Life in the world is much better,

If a friend remembered a friend.

(Ya. Akim)

Read the poem to yourself.

What is main idea this poem?

Read the poem, highlighting intonation pauses and words that have logical emphasis.

Write on the board:

    “Epistola” - “message”, translation from Latin. The “epistolary” genre is one of the lyrical genres in the form of a letter addressed to a friend or lover in prose and poetry.

· This is an excerpt from a personal letter:
“I don’t know how to write letters. Why are they even written? Perhaps, by storing them, you can see that views and handwriting change over time, and it even begins to seem that the person who wrote them has changed. Evolution in letters could be useful for observations by Darwin, who, if desired, would have seen the extinction of atavisms in words and actions. Life experience is the accumulation of atavisms and their gradual loss. Controversial?

II . Work on the topic.

1. Introductory speech from the teacher

– Our lesson will be devoted to the ancient, noble, but, unfortunately, lost art of ours - the ability to write letters.
A modern young man does not hesitate to say: “I don’t know how to write letters, I’d rather call you on the phone, send you an SMS...”
It won’t even occur to him that admitting this is almost as indecent as if he had artlessly declared: “You know, I won’t be able to read this - I haven’t mastered literacy?”
This is a fact, there is no escape from it. The art of writing letters has been lost. They began to write much less and greeting cards. And if on one of the pre-holiday days you look at these colored cards at the post office, you will be amazed at the poverty of the texts of traditional congratulations to friends, family, and loved ones.
But once upon a time our compatriots knew how and loved to write. Then they didn’t grab a postcard to quickly write on it... and happiness in their personal life! Then they carefully selected the words, respecting themselves and the correspondent, whitewashing the draft so that the search for the word that expressed pain and joy would remain the secret of the writer, and the reader would perceive what was found - the only one.
It is good that many literary works have preserved examples of this art and the writing process itself. Let's remember them. (students’ answers: “Eugene Onegin”, Pushkin, “War and Peace” by Tolstoy, “Garnet Bracelet” by Kuprin, “Crime and Punishment”, “Poor People” by Dostoevsky.)
Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the need to revive lost cultural traditions, voices are being heard about the importance and significance of the epistolary genre. And I would like to call our lesson like this: “Learn to write letters!” I encourage you to be part of the revival of the art of epistolary writing.
– Why do you think it is so important to be able to write letters? Why did people even invent writing?
Working with an epigraph written on the board.
This is an excerpt from a personal letter:
I don't know how to write letters. Why are they even written? Perhaps, by storing them, you can see that views and handwriting change over time, and it even begins to seem that the person who wrote them has changed. Evolution in letters could be useful for observations by Darwin, who, if desired, would have seen the extinction of atavisms in words and actions. Life experience is the accumulation of atavisms and their gradual loss. Controversial?
– What is controversial in this statement?
– How does the author feel about letters?
– Which lines from his passage convince us that letters are very important?
Letters really shorten distances and make it possible to bring your dear one closer, at least for a few minutes, loved one. They make it possible for a meaningful, mutually enriching dialogue to take place: they to some extent form a person’s character, or at least polish it. After all, in a letter, as in a diary. A person concentrates, sort of systematizes and “summarizes” himself, knows himself, explains himself to another.
The epistolary syllable has undoubtedly always been an indicator of a person’s culture and self-awareness.

2. Understanding the concept of “Epistolary genre”

Let's remember what you know about the epistolary genre.

What types of letters do you know?

What are the main parts of a letter?

What speech formulas are appropriate to use in the beginning. the main part, the end of the letter?

How to register the address correctly?

What rules should you follow when writing a letter to a friend?

3. Work on editing the text of the letter.

Hello S.
I am writing to you from home on February 24 of this year. So I decided to write to you.
Everything is as usual with us. What about you?
Soon we will have a show of amateur performances. During the last winter holidays we went to the Kremlin to celebrate the Christmas tree. I really enjoyed the New Year's performance there.
Okay, I'm done writing to you. There is nothing more to write.

Well, bye.

– Does the text of this letter meet the requirements for statements in the epistolary genre? Let's look at the material from previous lessons. What compositional parts are missing? (There is no main part in which the addressee would tell in detail about his life, there are no questions for the interlocutor, the etiquette form of the end of the letter is not observed.)
– What tasks of the epistolary genre have not been fulfilled? (No extension, no desire to be an interesting conversationalist.)
– Correct the text, edit the main part, come up with options for final phrases.

In which literary works Are there such letters and notes? Who wrote them?

Text No. 1



(A. Milne. Winnie - Pooh and everything - everything - everything; Christopher Robin)

Text No. 2

My dad and mom!

I live well. Simply wonderful. I have my own house. It's warm.

It has one room and a kitchen. And recently we found a treasure and bought a cow. And the tractor tr - tr Mitya. The tractor is good, but it doesn’t like gasoline, but likes soup.

(E. Uspensky. Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat; Uncle Fyodor)

Text No. 3

Place a pole of cutlets, three packets of malak and one fork on the white. pl. about new Gor., otherwise it will wake up your child.

(E. Uspensky. Kolobok follows the trail; Vasya)

Text No. 4

Ministry. The teacher torments me for every step I make. I ask that the measure has been taken and will give me health benefits for my studies, thank you. Khachu is getting his pension. For this, thank you and greetings again.

(L. Davydychev; I. Semenov)

Text No. 5

Dear mom!

I am so glad that you will come soon and take me to 1st grade yourself.

Come soon.

Your daughter.

(I. Tokmakova. Alya, Klyaksich and the letter “A”; Alya)

Which etiquette features are violated in these letters, and which ones are respected?

Today we will try to write a letter to a literary hero. Of course, you choose this hero yourself, because you should be well acquainted with his biography and his actions.

Before writing a letter, think about how you feel about him, what you want to tell him, what to tell him about.

Now I will introduce you to a letter from your peer, which he wrote to the heroes of the film Midshipmen, Forward!

Hello, midshipmen!

For a long time I did not dare to write you a letter, although I have long wanted to do this. Maybe you'd like to know what a boy living in the 90s thinks of youXXcentury.

I just recently learned about you, but I would really like to make friends with you, Alyosha Korsak, and with you, Sasha Belov, and with you, Nikita Olenev.

How I envy you, cadets of the navigation school, because you know how to fence, ride a horse, and shoot a pistol! It is on your skill, courage, nobility that the fate of Russia, the fate of many people depends - Anastasia Yaguzhinskaya, Chancellor Bestuzhev, Sofia Zotova, Vasily Lyadashchev.

Yes, you have had to fight with enemies more than once: bayonet cadet Kotov, Cavalier de Brilly, life surgeon Lestocq and many others. And luck always accompanied you, because you emerged victorious from all difficult, confusing situations.

What I also envy is your friendship. I thought about it a lot and realized that I was wrong because I almost lost my best friends. Now we are always together, like you, midshipmen.

Thank you for this.

Sincerely -

student of grade 7 “b” Vyacheslav Komarov.

Is the letter written correctly?

Why did the boy turn to the heroes of the literary work?

Are the three main parts of the letter followed?

What speech patterns, named in the table, were used by Vyacheslav Komarov?

Now let's write our letter to a literary hero.

Do you know which of the literary heroes lived at the address:

London, Baker Street, 221b? (Sherlock Holmes)

It is interesting that in London, on Baker Street, at house number 000b, there is a memorial plaque on which it is written that “from 1881 to 1903 the private detective Sherlock Holmes lived and worked here.” There is still a museum of the famous detective here. Almost every day letters from readers come to this address, but they do not disappear in the trash bin or disappear in the mail. Each such letter is answered by a special secretary, whose duties include working with Sherlock Holmes' correspondence. True, you may receive a letter with the following content:

“With all due respect to you, sir, we are no longer in a position to convey your letter to Mr. Holmes...” or “We believe, sir, that you should know: Mr. Holmes is no longer among us ...”

But still try to write a letter to the great detective.

How do you write the address? How will you contact him? Remember how this is done in England. What will you write about? What would you like to tell or ask for? How will you end your letter?

Reading and reviewing 1-2 letters.

III. Homework assignment.

Write a letter to one of the literary heroes with different goals:

A) whose actions you condemn;

B) whom you want to invite to visit;

C) to whom you would like to make a request;

D) other options.