Why pregnancy does not develop in the early stages. Reliable signs of a non-developing pregnancy. Manifestations of undeveloped pregnancy

Undeveloped pregnancy - unfortunately, increasingly, such a diagnosis has begun to overshadow the happy existence of pregnant women. It happens that a very desired and long-awaited pregnancy freezes and stops developing. According to statistics, about 20% of women expecting a baby experience such a tragedy in their lives, and it can happen at any time. Every woman who has been diagnosed with this should be able to survive such a terrifying event. This article will present the symptoms, causes and all other aspects of a pregnancy that is not progressing.

In the process of researching the causes of pregnancy fading, it was found that during a certain period of time pregnancy is most vulnerable:

  1. The first 12 days of development, during this period implantation occurs.
  2. After this, at week 3, the period of embryogenesis begins, which lasts until week 8.
  3. The entire first 12 weeks, when the placenta is formed, is also a vulnerable period.
  4. At 20-24 weeks, the formation and development of the most important functions of the fetus occurs.

Symptoms of a non-developing pregnancy

  • On early stages One of the symptoms of pregnancy is the cessation of hCG growth ( human chorionic gonadotropin person). This hormone is produced by the chorion, and different conclusions can be drawn based on its indicators. During pregnancy, the growth of this hormone is usually not monitored. But you can do this yourself by donating blood for an hCG test. It will also be important to take a pregnancy test; if the pregnancy is frozen, it will be negative.
  • Abrupt cessation of signs of toxicosis. The symptoms gradually fade away over the course of 2 months, and if the embryo dies, the nausea stops immediately.
  • The swelling of the mammary glands stops; if the swelling was accompanied by pain, they also stop.
  • Stopping the growth of the uterus. At each routine examination, the gynecologist leading the pregnancy takes measurements of the size of the uterus. If the size does not correspond to the term, suspicions arise that the pregnancy has stopped developing. A low-lying uterine fundus may also indicate fetal freezing.
  • Painful sensations in the lower abdomen and red or red-brown discharge from the genital tract can also indicate the onset of a miscarriage, but this case does not always indicate that the fetus has died.
  • Absence of heartbeat on examination and ultrasound. In the early stages of up to 6 weeks, the embryo can be considered dead if heart rhythms are not detected on ultrasound. Anembryonia is a pathology when the fetus dies at a very early stage, when even an ultrasound does not detect it. This is indicated by an empty fertilized egg.
  • Absence or cessation of movements. From 18 to 20 weeks, every pregnant woman should already begin to feel the movements of her baby. If these are not observed, the woman is immediately sent for an ultrasound, and the same is done with those whose fetus has moved, but within 24 hours the woman stops feeling the tremors.

Causes of non-developing pregnancy

The beneficial development of pregnancy depends on many aspects, and a deviation in even one of them often leads to irreparable consequences. The reasons for miscarriage may be related to:

  • Infection entering the mother's body. Diseases that a woman had in the past, and with the onset of pregnancy for the first time became aggravated, these can be viral, bacterial and fungal diseases. The uterus may have been infected in the past, due to which the fertilized egg may not be able to successfully attach to the affected uterus and the pregnancy may fail. Or an infection that has entered the blood through the genitals reaches the embryo, which leads to its death.
  • Hormonal background. Hormonal levels change greatly with the onset of pregnancy, and there are times when these fluctuations go in the wrong direction. Thus, the hormone progesterone may be produced in insufficient quantities. Elevated levels of male hormones can also have a negative impact on the successful course of pregnancy.
  • Endocrine disorders. The endocrine system is strongly connected to the hormonal system. If, due to hormonal imbalance, a pregnant woman experiences weight problems, excessive increases or decreases, this affects the functioning of the thyroid gland. The state of pregnancy depends on its proper functioning.
  • Immunological incompatibility of the fetus and mother. When one of the parents has Rh negative blood, the fetus can inherit this trait. This combination of circumstances often leads to the fact that the mother’s body sees a foreign body in the developing embryo. This leads to the fetus being rejected.
    Bad habits. These include not only smoking and alcoholic beverages, but also unhealthy, unhealthy diets or nutritional deficiencies. Pregnancy largely depends on these factors. Blood circulation in the placenta, fetal nutrition and development directly depend on the mother’s lifestyle.
  • Long-term depression and constant stress are directly related to the development of the baby.
  • Women with an anatomically deformed uterus are also at risk.
  • Women who have had several abortions may also face the problem of a non-developing pregnancy in the future.
  • According to statistics, pregnancies that occur with the help of IVF more often end in miscarriage than natural fertilization.

Complications of a non-developing pregnancy

Consequences occur when a dead fetus remains in a woman’s body for a long time.

  1. It could be endometritis. In this case, inflammation of the uterine mucosa occurs.
  2. The decomposition process of the fetus can lead to sepsis and peritonitis.

Methods for removing a non-developing pregnancy

When this terrible diagnosis is confirmed, the question arises of how to solve this problem. Several options for further actions are possible.

  • Wait. After the fetus dies, hCG level in the blood begins to fall, which after some time leads to the expulsion of the fetus from the body. But a long wait is fraught with consequences, so after a few days another option is considered.
  • Interruption with medications. This option is possible up to 8 weeks. The patient takes the drug, and, after some time, a spontaneous miscarriage occurs.
  • Vacuum aspiration. Vacuum cleaning is a surgical intervention when the pregnancy has stopped for a long time, and it threatens complications for the woman’s body.
  • Curettage or curettage is used in the same cases as vacuum.
    The last two options take place under local or general anesthesia.

Prevention of undeveloped pregnancy

To minimize the likelihood of premature termination of pregnancy, you need to follow some rules.

  1. Finding out the cause of fetal death - pathogenetic factors.
  2. It is necessary to eliminate these factors or minimize their manifestation in future pregnancies.
  3. Get your mental and emotional state in order. There is no need to be embarrassed or afraid to contact a psychologist. A positive attitude is necessary for a healthy pregnancy. If necessary, you should take sedatives.
  4. Visits to the gynecologist should be regular.

New pregnancy. When is it possible?

After a pregnancy with a sad ending, some women for a long time cannot come to their senses and decide on a new one. But there are those who see their “salvation” in a new pregnancy. Such women almost immediately ask the question “when is it possible?”
After a non-developing pregnancy, a woman’s body needs time to rehabilitate. You need to wait for the body to recover and get stronger. This will take from six months to one and a half years.
This time should be taken to find out the reason for the fading of the last pregnancy, and to actively engage in the restoration and treatment of the body.


Naturally, after such a blow of fate, every woman asks the question: “why with my child? Why with me?” You shouldn’t get hung up on this, because nature knows better what to do. Factors such as natural selection and the struggle for existence are the driving forces of evolution, and they apply to everything, including humans!

In 90% of cases, after one undeveloped pregnancy at an early or late stage, you can become pregnant again. And it will be completed with a long-awaited and timely meeting with the dear baby.

It is worth remembering that planning a pregnancy is no less important than the pregnancy itself. A lot depends on the quality of planning. It is worth paying special attention to this period and thoroughly preparing for the onset of the long-awaited situation.
A pregnant woman must be careful and attentive to her condition. You should take all tests in a timely manner, follow the recommendations of doctors and, of course, your intuition.

Never lose hope! The first meeting with the baby is worth all the problems that life takes us through!

How beautiful pregnant women are! But sometimes an inexorable fate brings terrible and unbearable trials upon their shoulders.

One of them is non-developing pregnancy, death of the unborn baby.

This can happen at any stage of pregnancy. This pathology occurs in 10-20% of cases.


Crisis periods have been identified when the fetus is most vulnerable to negative influences:

  • 7-12 days of development (implantation period);
  • 3- development (embryogenesis period);
  • first (formation of the placenta);
  • 20- development (formation of the most important functions in the fetal body).

The most dangerous are the first days and weeks of the baby’s development. In the early stages of its development, the fetus is most sensitive to damaging, destructive factors.

What should a pregnant woman be wary of?

Diagnosis of the disease

Signs and symptoms

In most cases, a stop in the development of a child is not felt by pregnant women and is not accompanied by pronounced symptoms.

In the early stages:

  • disappearance;
  • increase in appetite;
  • reduction of pain in the mammary glands.

In the later stages:

  • the appearance of bloody discharge;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nagging pain in the lower back.

Such signals can also accompany the normal course of pregnancy. Only a specialist can definitively confirm the death of the embryo through ultrasound and research. Who is to blame for failed motherhood?


As a rule, a frozen pregnancy is the result of a combination of unfortunate circumstances and factors.

The reasons can be divided into several groups.

Genetics. Sometimes during the formation of an embryo, various changes occur in chromosomes, genetic disorders (a larger or smaller set of chromosomes).

The reason for this may be hereditary predisposition, drug use, alcohol use, or living in environmentally unsafe areas.

Genetic disorders are the most important causes of this pathology (up to 70% of all cases). “Wrong” genes can be inherited from both parents.

Infections. Infectious diseases expectant mother is the second most common cause of undeveloped pregnancy:

  • viral - enterovirus;
  • bacterial - mycoplasmas, streptococci, gonococci, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis.

As a result of any infection, acquired or chronic, in a pregnant woman, the fetal egg becomes infected.

Infection can occur in three ways:

  1. With the inflammatory process of the uterine mucosa and its appendages(endometritis, salpingoophoritis) microbes penetrate the fertilized egg. In this case, the woman’s uterus itself is not ready to bear a child, the fertilized egg is not attached tightly enough, and it is rejected.
  2. With inflammatory processes in the vagina itself(fungi,) bacteria penetrate the fertilized egg through the cervix. The embryo becomes infected and amniotic fluid, which is fraught with rupture of the fetal bladder itself.
  3. In case of previous viral infections(, acute respiratory infections,) microbes penetrate the fertilized egg through the bloodstream through the placenta. The supply of oxygen and nutrients to the unborn baby is significantly deteriorating

When infected, the fetus stops developing and the child dies.

Do not forget that pregnancy is accompanied by severe suppression of the entire immune system. An exacerbation of all latent infectious diseases in a woman may begin.

Therefore, it is very important to treat all hidden infections in a timely manner before planning motherhood and do everything possible to avoid catching a cold while pregnant.

Immunology. Sometimes a woman may have various predisposing factors that can cause the death of the embryo. This is the appearance of protective antibodies to the hormone produced by the fertilized egg (antiphospholipid syndrome), incompatibility at the immune level of the father and mother.

Immunological incompatibility can be expressed by increased thrombus formation. In all cases, the nutrition of the embryo is disrupted, its development stops and the death of the fetus occurs.

Endocrinology. The pathological state of the endocrine system of a pregnant woman can provoke fetal death. Causes of disruption of the proper functioning of the endocrine system and hormonal disorders there may be many.

The most common of them are:

  • increased amount of sex hormones according to the male type (hyperandrogenism). In 20% of cases during pregnancy, there is a sharp jump in the level of male hormones.
  • increased amounts of the hormone that stimulates milk production (hyperprolactinemia).
  • violation proper development ovaries (), which affects menstrual cycle and the production of female sex hormones.
  • improper functioning of the thyroid gland (dystrophy, obesity).
  • underdevelopment of reproductive female organs(infantilism).

In case of disruption of the endocrine system the body produces in insufficient quantities a hormone that is responsible for preparing everything female body to pregnancy. The embryo, which is weakly attached to the uterus, receives insufficient nutrients and dies.

Women may be considered at risk who lead an incorrect lifestyle that is harmful to the state of pregnancy. Constant stress, overexertion, long-term depression. Work in unsuitable conditions (high humidity, constant stuffiness).

All this can lead to the appearance and abruption of the placenta, which disrupts the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus and, as a result, the death of the unborn baby.

Multiple abortions, transferred . Woman's age(in case of the first one), features of the anatomical structure of the uterus(saddle-shaped,) - all this refers to the provoking factors for the appearance of pathology during pregnancy.

According to the observations of experts, pregnancy, compared to natural pregnancy, has a greater chance of becoming frozen and ending in the death of the embryo.

What awaits a woman who has had one or more unsuccessful pregnancies, what do doctors say about this?

Consequences of a non-developing pregnancy

As a rule, the vast majority of women have every chance of conceiving a child again and carrying it safely to term.

According to statistics, this is 80-90% of all women who are faced with a frozen pregnancy.

If conception ends in the death of the fetus in two or more cases of pregnancy, then the non-developing pregnancy becomes “habitual”.

In this case, in order to safely carry the baby, a thorough examination of both spouses is required.

Pregnancy after illness

Planning your next pregnancy permitted six months after failure.

This break is aimed at the complete restoration of hormonal status and reproductive functions of the body and includes the following mandatory examinations:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • PCR diagnostics (detection of urogenital infections);
  • blood test for autoantibody levels;
  • blood test to detect antibody titer;
  • determination of the level of thyroid hormones in the blood.

This list may have many more items. Each woman is treated with an individual examination plan, which is prescribed by a gynecologist.

But how is a non-developing pregnancy treated, what do doctors do in this case?

Treatment of non-developing pregnancy

If a pregnant woman is found to have a frozen fetus, doctors develop tactics for taking measures for delivery, based on each specific case.

Spontaneous. Shortly after the death of the embryo, the woman’s level of placental hormones sharply decreases, which leads to spontaneous miscarriage.

With the help of medications. In the early stages of a frozen pregnancy (up to 8 weeks), doctors can use the antagonist drug mifepristone (progesterone) in combination with misoprostol (an analogue of prostaglandin E1). After these two drugs enter the body, the embryo is rejected and miscarried.

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Frozen or non-developing is a pregnancy in which the embryo or fetus dies before development, but does not develop contractile activity and there are no symptoms of external bleeding. In this case, the fertilized egg can linger in the uterine cavity for many weeks and even months.

information Frozen pregnancy occurs in 45-90% of all spontaneous abortions in the early stages. In the International Classification of Diseases, X revision, this pathology is called “failed miscarriage.”

Highlight 2 options of this pathology:

  1. . In this case, the embryo is not laid at all or is resorbed (detected before -), while the fetal sac can grow for some time before spontaneous miscarriage begins due to the preserved blood flow.
  2. Death embryo (before) or fetus (-).


The causes of fetal death are varied and often intertwined. The main ones are the following:

  1. Infection. But here there are 2 options:
    • During acute infection in early pregnancy, direct damage to the embryo occurs by infectious agents.
    • The presence of chronic inflammation leads to disruption of the process of implantation of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus and disruption of its blood supply. All this leads to primary placental insufficiency and, ultimately, to fetal death.
  1. Hormonal disorders. It is believed that severe disturbances in a woman’s hormonal status lead to infertility, and pregnancy is possible only with erased forms of the pathology, but it most often ends in termination at one time or another. The main forms of hormonal disorders leading to missed abortion include:
    • with defective function of the corpus luteum, production decreases (the main hormone that supports pregnancy);
    • increased production of androgens (male sex hormones);
    • (especially an increase in her hormone levels);
    • neuroendocrine syndromes.
  1. development genital organs, preventing the normal growth and development of the embryo.
  2. Chromosomal abnormalities. Occur as a result of disruption of the process of fusion of maternal and paternal material.
  3. Disorders of the blood coagulation system. This includes antiphospholipid syndrome, when the mother’s body produces antibodies to platelets and thrombosis occurs in the vessels feeding the fertilized egg.
  4. Socio-biological factors: there has been a significant deterioration in recent decades ecological environment (various types pollution, for example, radiation and chemical); poor living conditions (unbalanced diet, deficiency); a variety of occupational hazards that can affect both before pregnancy and in its initial stages; mother's age.


In the early stages (before), the main clinical manifestation will be the disappearance of subjective symptoms (morning nausea and vomiting, drooling). At a later date, these symptoms lose their relevance, since normally they should have passed and the absence or cessation of sensation comes to the fore. On days 3-6 after the development of the embryo stops, the mammary glands soften and milk is released from them.

dangerous When a dead fetus remains in the uterus for more than 4 weeks, some women develop signs of general intoxication (weakness, malaise, fever) associated with infection of the ovum.

Signs such as absence, emergence from the genital tract (as a sign that it has begun) most often appear only 6 weeks after the embryo has stopped developing.


Sign Early deadline Late deadline
Reducing cyanosis of the vagina and cervix4-5 weeks after embryo deathIn 6-8 weeks
Reduction or lag in size of the uterusMore typicalLess typical
Opening of the cervical canalNo1-2 cm
from the cervical canal when examined in the speculumMost often absent, but extremely rarely there may be minor ichoricIf the dead fetus is in the uterine cavity for more than 4 weeks -
-signsThere is no embryo in the fertilized egg after pregnancy or it is not detectable
  • absence ;
  • fetal discrepancy;
  • abnormal fetal position;
  • pronounced changes in .
(chorionic gonadotropin) in the bloodReduced by 8 times compared to normal pregnancyReduced by 3 times


Treatment of frozen pregnancy includes 2 main points:

  • careful removal of the dead fertilized egg from the uterine cavity;
  • anti-inflammatory therapy.

The method of evacuation of the fertilized egg depends on the stage of pregnancy:

  • Up to 14-16 weeks perform instrumental emptying of the uterine cavity () or. The resulting material must be sent for histological examination. In some cases, it is possible to determine why the embryo stopped developing.
  • When due more than 16 weeks Special solutions are injected into the amniotic cavity, and drugs are also administered intravenously to stimulate uterine contractions. After the incident, scraping is performed.

additionally IN lately works have appeared on the use hormonal drugs V . These include 2 groups of drugs: (cause detachment of the amniotic sac) and (promote the removal of the contents of the uterine cavity).

This technique, of course, is more gentle for women, but it is difficult to obtain material for research and there is a risk of complications from taking these drugs.


All consequences of a frozen pregnancy can be divided into two groups:

  • arising against the background of a non-developing pregnancy and in the near future after removal of the fertilized egg;
  • appearing later.

If we talk about the first ones, then most often they are infectious in nature and depend on where the infectious agents ended up:

  • When the process is localized only in the uterus, acute endometritis can develop. And after treatment of a non-developing pregnancy, due to the fact that the inflamed uterus is not able to adequately contract, blood clots are retained in the cavity, and repeated curettage will be required.
  • If a dead embryo or fetus remains in the uterine cavity for a long time, peritonitis may develop. when infectious agents enter the abdominal cavity, or sepsis if they enter the blood.
  • Early consequences also include severe disorders in the coagulation system in women, which is associated with the entry of toxic products into the blood.

As for the second group, they primarily depend on the cause of freezing and the correct approach to its treatment and rehabilitation. The possibility of subsequent pregnancy and its outcome will depend on this. According to research, during rehabilitation in the postoperative period, pregnancy occurs in 85% of cases and ends in childbirth in 70%, without restorative treatment - in 83 and 18%, respectively.


In conclusion, it should be noted that no matter how difficult this loss was, this is not a point in history, but only a sad stage. Everything will be fine, the main thing is to take care of your health.

What every woman should know about frozen pregnancy

A frozen or non-developing pregnancy is a pregnancy in which there is a stop in development, and then the death of the fetus in the early stages due to a disruption in the normal course of pregnancy.

Failure to develop pregnancy can occur early and before 28 weeks of pregnancy. But the most dangerous period- This is the first trimester of pregnancy.

Timing of frozen pregnancy

For most pregnant women, a non-developing pregnancy occurs before 12 weeks. But after 12 and up to 28 weeks it is less common.

Frozen pregnancy can occur both with the first pregnancy and after the second and third successfully completed pregnancy.

Why is a frozen pregnancy dangerous?

The danger of a frozen pregnancy is that if the fetus remains in the woman’s body for a long time after death, intoxication (poisoning) of the pregnant woman’s body develops. The body temperature begins to rise, and unpleasant or painful sensations appear in the uterine cavity. The woman feels weakness throughout her body, malaise, often dizziness and drowsiness.

If the embryo remains in the uterine cavity for more than seven weeks after death, then this leads to DIC syndrome (disseminated intravascular coagulation).

The coagulating properties of the circulatory system lose their ability to clot blood, and as a result, massive bleeding from the uterine cavity opens - a complication of undeveloped pregnancies. The onset of bleeding can lead to death (unless, of course, qualified medical assistance is provided to the pregnant woman in time).

In some cases - cases that are successful for a woman’s health, the pregnant woman’s body is capable of rejecting the fetus itself after its development stops - the woman begins to have a spontaneous miscarriage.

In some cases, a non-developing pregnancy can pass for quite a long period of time without any symptoms or signs.

Signs of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages

But there are still several signs by which one can determine the onset of a non-developing (frozen) pregnancy.

In the early stages of pregnancy, when the fetus or ovum dies, decline basal temperature - body temperature, which is measured in the rectum. Hormonal fluctuations are determined using basal temperature. As the hormone increases, the temperature increases. Consequently, pregnancy progresses. The decrease tells us the opposite.

- Indicators (human chorionic gonadotropin) stop growing. In dynamics, the growth of the hormone stops or increases slightly in comparison with standard indicators - which indicates a pathology in the development of a normal pregnancy.

- Brown or bloody discharge from the genital tract- this is the first signal that something has gone wrong during a normal pregnancy. It is necessary to immediately contact your doctor to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment for a pregnant woman.

- Appearance of general malaise, drowsiness or a feeling of coldness in the body accompanied by muscle tremors. A number of such signs indicate poisoning of the body with decay products that enter directly into the mother’s blood.

- Increase in body temperature. An increase in temperature indicates that the body of a pregnant woman is beginning to inflammatory process and the body can no longer cope on its own. Immediate medical intervention is required.

- Stopping breast enlargement. The hormone progesterone decreases and, consequently, the enlargement (swelling) of the mammary glands decreases or disappears.

- Pain in the lower abdomen of various types(aching, cutting, pulling, stitching or cramping). Typically, pain begins to bother a woman on the fifth to seventh day after the death of the unborn child.

In women with early toxicosis(nausea, vomiting) - sharp, rapid without any reason termination also indicates a deviation in the development of a progressive pregnancy.

- Delayed growth of uterine size(the dimensions of the uterine cavity do not correspond to the expected gestational age). To do this, the attending physician monitors the dynamics of the growth of the uterine cavity at each visit to the pregnant woman.

The most reliable and accurate sign is stopped or absent fetal heartbeat, which is recorded on an ultrasound machine.

- In the second trimester, a sign of a frozen pregnancy is the cessation (absence) of movement of the unborn baby. It is for these purposes that doctors prescribe that a pregnant woman monitor the motor activity of her baby throughout the day. With the help of movement, you can judge the condition of the fetus.

Why does pregnancy not develop?

Doctors identify three main causes of this pathology.

1.Genetic (chromosomal damage) pathology of the fetus

Genetic pathology occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, from six to eight weeks of pregnancy. But sometimes the fetus can live and develop until later in pregnancy. There is a pathological formation of internal organs or systems in the embryo. Chromosomal damage leads to arrest in development and death of the embryo.

An abnormality of fetal development can occur in completely healthy parents, or it can be inherited from one of the parents. With the condition that one of the parents has a certain genetic change. Often many people are not even aware of their genetics, since at first glance they are absolutely healthy. Only when faced with problems during conception or gestation during pregnancy do they find out about it.

Genetic pathology can be identified in seemingly healthy parents by donating blood for karyotyping analysis.

The analysis is taken once in a lifetime. Karyotyping of spouses shows the complete set of chromosomes contained in the genes. From biology lessons school curriculum Everyone knows that women have a set of chromosomes equal to 46 XX, and men - 46XY. Sometimes the set of chromosomes changes. This leads to the impossibility of procreation.

2. Infectious diseases of spouses.

The most dangerous and serious infectious diseases– these are rubella, herpes infection, CMV (cytomegalovirus infection), toxoplasmosis, and sexually transmitted infections: trichomoniasis, gonorrheal infection, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia and mycoplasmosis. A number of hidden infections in a woman’s body must be investigated before beginning. If a woman, for example, is found to have no immunity to measles rubella, it is advisable for the expectant mother to be vaccinated, lbecause if sexually transmitted infections are detected, both spouses should undergo a full course of treatment. Then plan the upcoming pregnancy.

These factors are may also affect the course pregnancy.

A lack of progesterone or an excess of male sex hormones in a pregnant woman’s body can cause a missed abortion.Women with excess or insufficient production of insulin (diabetes) or thyroid hormone have a much higher risk of unsuccessful pregnancy.

There are also indirect reasons for a non-developing pregnancy.

These include:

4. Blood coagulation disorder leads to disruption of the uterine placental blood flow, to the formation of blood clots and damage to the placentaand its improper development and functioning, therefore, the embryo or fetus will receive an insufficient amount of nutrients, which will lead to developmental delays and death.

5.Drinking and smoking who can easilypenetrate the embryo through the blood. The influence of alcohol and smoking is especially harmful in the early stages of pregnancy, when the formation of the baby’s future organs occurs.

6. Obesity or underweight during pregnancy– one morepredisposing factor for the onset of frozen pregnancy.

With increased or insufficientbody weight occurs hormonal imbalance. This is how steroid hormones accumulate in adipose tissue, interfering with the development and bearing of the unborn child. If you are underweight, a woman’s body, on the contrary, is not able to produce the required amount of hormones and necessary substances for the development of a normal pregnancy. There is a risk of miscarriage.

7.Use before planning pregnancy or duringpregnancy medicines which can cause undeveloped pregnancy. A certain group of drugs has a dangerous ability to accumulate in the tissues of the embryo, causing its pathological development.

Chemicals have a harmful effect on the embryo. For example, if a woman works in hazardous work and has to come into contact with vapors of harmful substances.

8. During pregnancy that occurs during the IVF program, the risk ofnon-developing pregnancy is several times higher. Since women with problems conceiving or carrying a pregnancy are initially preparing for the procedure.

9. Multiple pregnancies are a risk of miscarriagepregnancy, since the body of a pregnant woman is placed on two or even three times more load. At multiple pregnancy It is more difficult to diagnose the death of one of the fetuses in the early stages.

To reduce the likelihood of a frozen pregnancy, expectant mothers and fathers need to conduct a timely examination of the body before planning a pregnancy.