All the heroes of the novel Pushkin's captain's daughter essay. The history of the creation of "The Captain's Daughter"

- the main character of the story " Captain's daughter».

Pyotr Andreevich is a young man of noble origin, raised by the eager Savelich and the children from the yard.

Peter treats his parents with respect. His father's word is law for him. He dreams of serving in the capital, but he is sent to Orenburg, to the Belogorsk fortress. The child obediently carries out his father's orders.

Grinev is inherent in the concepts of honor and dignity. He serves the Empress faithfully.

To be noble and honest - life principles Petra. Despite Savelich's indignation, he returns the lost money to Zurin. Because of Masha's insult, Shvabrin fights him in a duel.

Grinev is brave and courageous: he does not go over to the side of the Don Cossacks, and truthfully tells Pugachev that, if ordered, he will fight against his gang. Showing courage, and knowing that he could be killed, he takes Masha away from Shvabrin.

Peter committed a generous act that would be useful to him in the future: he gave Pugachev a fur coat, for which he was pardoned.

Masha Mironova– the heroine of the first plan is a young girl, the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress. Her image is the personification of morality and spiritual purity.

She is lonely, cowardly, taciturn, but her actions are always correct. She appreciated both Shvabrin and Grinev.

She has a difficult fate. Having survived the storming of the fortress, the death of her father and mother, and being captured by Shvabrin, Masha retained her fortitude and remained true to her moral statements.

At the end, when Masha saves Peter, she, not recognizing the empress, communicates as equals and even argues with her. Victory remains with Masha: with her help, Grinev emerges from captivity to freedom. The image of Masha Mironova contains all best qualities Russian girl.

Emelyan Pugachev- Ataman of the Cossack squad, leader-impostor. His image is presented from different sides.

After the first meeting, the unrecognized Pugachev seemed to Pyotr Grinev to be a poor man with cunning eyes. But when he captured the fortress, he looked like a king: he was wearing a caftan and a sable hat.

At the beginning of the story, Pugachev is a fierce rebel; he executes Masha’s parents with all cruelty. In conclusion, a more generous person.

His speech can be both ordinary, calm, and rude.

The chieftain is fair. He helped Grinev save his bride and punished Shvabrin for using violence.

Shvabrin- a representative of the noble class, ends up in the Belogorsk fortress for murder in a forbidden duel. Alexey Ivanovich is an educated and intelligent person, but is distinguished by low spiritual qualities.

He likes Masha Mironova, but she does not reciprocate his feelings. For this he takes revenge by slandering her. In the end, he mocks her and forces her to marry him.

Shvabrin is a vile traitor: during the siege of the fortress by bandits, despite his oath, he shamelessly goes over to their side. At the trial, he presented Grinev as an ally of Pugachev.

This character acts as an anti-hero in the story; he is opposed to Pyotr Grinev.

Arkhip Savelich- eager, faithful and devoted assistant, “good uncle” of Pyotr Grinev. He is indifferent to alcohol, for which he was entrusted with the upbringing and training of Peter. Having a truly Russian disposition, he treats the French tutor Beaupré with contempt.

An efficient, honest person who conscientiously carries out all the orders of his masters; but he often argues with Peter and lectures him.

Savelich devotedly takes care of Peter: he does not allow him to repay his debt to Zurin, at the upcoming execution of Peter he is ready for self-sacrifice, after the siege of the fortress he “brazenly” presents Pugachev with a list of looted belongings.

Savelich is an unfortunate serf, he gets it from his father Grinev at every opportunity.

Mironov Ivan Kuzmich- father of Masha Mironova. Despite his noble origins, he is poor. Unable to flatter his superiors, he devotes his entire life to military service, and in his old age remains with the rank of captain. For the last twenty-two years he has served as commandant of the Belogorsk fortress.

Ivan Kuzmich likes to drink, but remains a decent person. Sometimes he trusts his wife to make career decisions.

Vasilisa Egorovna-Mironov's wife. Contrary to her position in society, she looks very simple.

A faithful and devoted wife, a strong and wise woman, she manages not only the household, but also the affairs of Ivan Kuzmich.

During the capture of the fortress, the traits of a Russian female heroine appeared in her: courage, dedication, nobility.

Ivan Ignatyich- Lieutenant of the fortress. He is presented in the story as a simple Russian serviceman, faithful to duty, homeland, and moral principles. He is characterized by such qualities as decency and generosity.

Ivan Ignatievich does not recognize Pugachev’s authority, which is why he ends up next to the commandant on the gallows.

Zurin- captain of the hussar regiment, master, gambler and spendthrift, Grinev met him while heading to the Belogorsk fortress and losing a hundred rubles to him. He is talkative, not indifferent to alcohol, knows army jokes and tells them funny. Marriage and love are not his path.

Zurin is an honest officer. During the riot, the paths of Zurin and Grinev cross again, Peter goes to serve in the detachment of a young officer, where he serves until the end of the uprising.

Frenchman Beaupre- teacher of Peter Grinev. He approaches his duties without much passion. Beaupre likes to drink too much and is partial to the weaker sex, for which he is kicked out of the Grinev estate.

Parents of Peter Grinev. Father - Andrei Petrovich, retired military officer. Mother - Avdotya Vasilievna, daughter of poor nobles; gave birth to nine children, of whom the only survivor is Peter.

Both are intelligent and educated people. The father raises his son in severity, the mother in love and affection.

CatherineII- a minor character in the story. When meeting Masha Mironova, she appears as an important and calm, trustworthy woman. He releases Peter from prison and promises Masha to ensure their future.

General Andrei Karlovich- leader of the troops of the Orenburg province, friend of Andrei Petrovich Grinev. German origin, lonely old man, values ​​order in everything. A generous and educated man.

Essay Heroes of the work The Captain's Daughter

In The Captain's Daughter, Pushkin offers a whole kaleidoscope of main and secondary characters who create the outline of the narrative.

The captain's daughter in question is Maria Mironova, she is only 18 years old, she is modest and smart, she is the daughter of the commandant of the Belgorod fortress and his wife. She fell in love with Peter Grinev, a young nobleman who is two years younger and enters service in the fortress.

Peter is young and educated, but not very well; he studied somehow and expected to end up in St. Petersburg as part of the prestigious Semenovsky regiment. However, his father sends him near Orenburg to serve as an ensign in a not particularly prestigious location. Grinev Sr. enters In a similar way, so that his son could feel and get to know this world better.

Grinev’s father, Andrei, is not one of the main characters, but Pushkin reveals his image in more or less detail. In particular, he describes a retired prime minister who has a very substantial capital, but is not pampered by wealth. The elder Grinev is accustomed to strictness and tries to keep his son in such strictness.

In turn, Peter Grinev’s mother is not from a particularly wealthy family. She adores her only son and is a patient woman and a good housewife.

The fortress is managed by Ivan Kuzmich Mironov and his wife, Vasilisa Egorovna. Ivan Kuzmich has been serving for about 40 years, he only nominally controls the fortress, although he is an experienced military man and generally reasonable, kind person.

In fact, the fortress is gradually controlled by captain Vasilisa Egorovna, but it cannot be said that she has somehow usurped this power. Just an experienced housewife and a wise woman, she understands this world and is able to accept right decisions. Therefore, when it comes to some everyday matters, decisions in the fortress are often made by the captain.

Grinev's servant, Arkhip Savelyev, also called Savelich, is a devoted and kind person. This old man often grumbles and instructs Grinev in every possible way, but at the same time he actually loves the young man and is ready to protect him in every possible way.

Pugachev is the main negative character in the story, although he cannot be called completely negative, he is contradictory. That is why he became friends with Grinev, but did not lure him to his side. Pugachev is a Don Cossack and a schismatic, he has many negative traits, ranging from boastfulness and ending with trickery.

Of course, another historical figure should be noted - Catherine the Great, who is described quite vividly and in detail. The Empress meets Masha Mironova and the girl asks her to pardon Pyotr Grinev, who is considered a friend of Pugachev. In fact, Grinev never committed treason and, after listening to the explanations, the wise empress understands this fact and understands the essence of the matter.

Shvabrin continues the outline of negative characters. This officer serves in the fortress, but after Pugachev arrives, he goes over to the side of the robber and thus becomes a traitor, since the bulk of the people in the fortress do not obey him and remain to serve the sovereign. Shvabrin, in turn, is a completely deceitful and rather vile person, and these qualities determine his behavior in everything.

Ivan Ignatievich is an elderly officer who is friends with the Mironovs and is an experienced military man. He helps Vasilisa Yegorovna with the housework. Upon arrival, Pugachev does not go over to his side and ends up hanged next to the Mironovs.

Ivan Ivanovich Zurin, in turn, continues the outline of positive characters and, to some extent, is the opposite of Shvabrin. This young officer serves as captain of a hussar regiment, he wears a long mustache, never loses heart and has a good disposition. Grinev and Zurin turn out to be friends; after Zurin takes Peter into his hussar detachment, the young man remains there until the end of the riot.

Beaupre is a minor character, a teacher from France who was supposed to teach the younger Grinev. As a result, this drinker with a penchant for women did not teach the boy anything other than fencing. In fact, Beaupre is not professional teacher as such, in reality he was a barber and served as a soldier in his homeland.

In conclusion, we note Andrei Karlovich R., the general who controls the troops of the Orenburg region and, accordingly, took part in the suppression of the rebellion. This military man is from Germany, he is friends with Andrei Grinev and tries to adhere to order and economy in everything. This military commander does not have his own opinion (at least does not seek to approve it) and relies mostly on the opinion of the majority, avoiding risks, in particular Grinev’s project to liberate the Belgorod fortress.

Text 3

The work “The Captain's Daughter” is based on real life events that occurred in the mid-18th century. The basis of the plot of the book is the uprising of peasants under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev.

The main character of the book is Pyotr Grinev. Peter was born into a noble family. He recently turned 16 years old. He was homeschooled and did not attend educational establishments. He was young and smart, also an educated nobleman. He is fluent with a blade, knows French and reads books by Russian writers.

The second main character of the book is Emelyan Pugachev. He was a Cossack and served in the army for about 18 years. After the army, he became a follower of the peasant uprising. Emelyan was cruel and merciless to his enemies, but at the same time he was trusting and kind to his friends. He knew how to understand all the Cossacks and leads them with him. He valued caring and kindness and was honest with everyone.

Main female image belongs to Maria Ivanovna Mironova. Maria was the daughter of the captain of the fortress. The girl was good-natured and smart and was born into a noble family. In the work, the Mironov family experienced financial difficulties. She was in love with Pyotr Grinev and believed in the power of her love.

Shvabrin Alexey Ivanovich was a nobleman and worked in the fortress together with Grinev. He had a difficult and bad temper and served for the good of his homeland. In addition to his homeland, he served with enemies. During the peasant revolt, Shvabrin went over to Pugachev's troops. After the attack on the Belgorod fortress, he became the head of this area.

Mironov Ivan Kuzmich is the captain of the military fortress and Masha's father. IN military army Kuzmich has been serving for 40 years. For the last 22 years he was the head of the Belgorod fortress. He was a kind boss with a gentle disposition. Because of his kindness, he managed the fortress poorly. Because he constantly forgave employees for their mistakes. In the work, he was executed at the hands of Pugachev.

Vasilisa Egorovna Mironova is the secondary heroine of the book. She is the wife of Ivan Kuzmich and works as a commandant in the Belgorod fortress. Vasilisa was inquisitive and tried to know about everything. She is noble and kind, loves her daughter and husband.

Arkhip Savelyev is considered a secondary image. Arkhip works as a serf on the Grinevs' estate. He was a thrifty, calm and kind man of advanced age. He loved Peter very much and was ready to give his life for him.

Ivan Ignatich was an experienced officer, although he had no special education. He was a friend of Captain Mironov. The hero was an opponent of the duel, and he tried to interfere with Grinev and Shvabrin. Because of his refusal to accept power, the hero was killed on the orders of Pugachev.

Ivan Ivanovich Zurin served in Simbirsk as a captain. He knew Peter and remained his best friend. During the peasant uprising, Zurin received the rank of major.

Andrei Petrovich Grinev was the father of young Peter, who retired. He stands out for his hardy and courageous disposition. Andrey Grinev was a nobleman. He raised his own son and gave him everything he needed.

Avdotya Vasilievna Grineva was the mother of Grinev Sr. She loved to do needlework and was distinguished by her integrity and was a loving mother.

Characteristics of heroes

The historical novel by A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter” was published for the first time in 1836 without indicating the name of the writer. The action of the work takes place during the period of the peasant uprising of Emelyan Pugachev in the second half of the 18th century. This event is called one of the bloodiest; it is not for nothing that the work itself contains the statement “God forbid that we see a Russian revolt, senseless and merciless.”

The main characters of the novel are Pyotr Grinev, Maria Mironova and Emelyan Pugachev. Minor characters– Shvabrin, Savelich, captain Mironov and his wife Vasilisa Egorovna, Zurin, Beaupre and others.

Peter Grinev- the central figure of the novel. The story is narrated from his perspective throughout the entire work. This is a young nobleman, 16 years old, who has been preparing for military service in St. Petersburg since childhood. But his father decides to send him to Orenburg, where the young man sees no prospects. But it is there, in the Belgorod fortress, that the adventures begin. Petya is a kind and sympathetic boy, as the reader is told by the episode with the hare sheepskin coat that he gave to Pugachev.

Masha Mironova- a girl of 18 years old, daughter of Captain Mironov. This is the title character, as the work is named after her. She is smart and sympathetic, but a poor noblewoman, “a girl without a dowry.” Despite this, Peter falls in love with the heroine, and she answers him in kind. Because of the rebellion, she experiences a huge loss - her parents die.

Image Emelyan Pugacheva copied from the real one historical figure. He is a Don Cossack, the leader of the rebellion. His personality in the novel evokes mixed feelings: on the one hand, he is a bloodthirsty robber, but on the other, he is an intelligent, savvy, freedom-loving person. His worldview is encapsulated in the quote: “Rather than feed on carrion for 300 years, it is better to drink living blood once.” At the end of the work he was executed.

Secondary characters are also important in the work, as they help reveal the character of the main characters.

Shvabrin- a young man from a good family, a former guardsman, as he was demoted for the murder of a colleague. At the beginning of the work, he and Peter strike up a friendship, but during the period of the uprising he takes the side of the rebellion and betrays the Russian army. Moreover, he betrays Grinev: he proposes to Masha after Peter shared his feelings for her. It's more likely negative character, a vile and materialistic person.

Savelich (Arkhip Savelyev)- servant under Peter. He has served his master since childhood and at the time of the story he is already an old man. He was sent with the young man to Orenburg and tried to protect him from bad influence. He is used to obeying orders, but teaches Peter life. At the same time, Savelich only wants the best for him and is ready to give his life for him.

Captain Mironov- an old officer, head of the fortress where Petya Grinev was exiled. He is experienced in war, but at the same time he is a hospitable and good-natured person. In fact, he is a bad leader and listens to his wife in almost everything.

Captain Vasilisa Egorovna- the captain's wife. She is a lively woman, essentially managing both her husband and the fortress. She was ready to follow her husband even to war.

Zurin– an officer over 30, likes to drink and gambling. The hero meets Peter in Simbirsk, where they play billiards. The inept Grinev loses him a large sum, but despite this, the heroes become friends. Zurin is an honest and responsible employee.

One of the secondary bright characters of the work is the wife of the friend of the main character of Chatsky’s comedy, Natalya Dmitrievna Gorich.

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    "Captain's daughter"historical novel, written in the form of a memoir. In this novel, the author painted a picture of a spontaneous peasant revolt. Pushkin managed to convey to us a lot interesting facts from the history of Pugachev's uprising.

    Characteristics of the main characters of "The Captain's Daughter"

    Description of the main characters of "The Captain's Daughter" will help you understand their character and the reasons for their actions.

    The image of Pyotr Grinev “The Captain's Daughter”

    Petr Andreevich Grinev - main character story "The Captain's Daughter". The son of a retired military man, a simple but honest man who puts honor above all else. The hero is raised by the serf Savelich, taught by Monsieur Beaupre. Until the age of 16, Peter lived as a small child, chasing pigeons.
    His father cannot realize himself. I think this is how Pushkin leads the reader to the idea that Pyotr Andreevich could have lived the most ordinary life if not for his father’s will. Throughout the story, Peter changes, from a crazy boy he turns first into a young man asserting independence, and then into a courageous and persistent adult.
    At the age of 16, he sends him and Savelich to the Belogorsk fortress, which is more like a village, so that he can “smell gunpowder.” In the fortress, Petrusha falls in love with Masha Mironova, which played an important role in the formation of his character. Grinev not only fell in love, but was ready to take full responsibility for his beloved. When he comes under siege by government troops, he sends Masha to her parents. When his beloved was left an orphan, Peter risked his life and honor, which is more important to him. He proved this during the capture of the Belogorsk fortress, when he refused the oath to Pugachev and any compromises with him, preferring death to the slightest deviation from the dictates of duty and honor. Finding himself in this critical situation, Grinev rapidly changes, grows spiritually and morally.
    After meeting with Emelyan in the Belogorsk fortress, Grinev becomes more decisive and courageous. Peter is still young, so out of frivolity he does not think about how his behavior is assessed from the outside when they accept Pugachev’s help in freeing Marya Petrovna. For the sake of his love, he asks the general to give him fifty soldiers and permission to liberate the captured fortress. Having received a refusal, the young man does not fall into despair, but resolutely goes to Pugachev’s lair.

    The image of Alexey Shvabrin “The Captain's Daughter”

    Shvabrin Alexey Ivanovich is a nobleman, the antipode of Grinev in the story.
    Shvabrin is dark, not good-looking, and lively. He has been serving in the Belogorsk fortress for five years. He was transferred here for “murder” (he stabbed a lieutenant to death in a duel). He is distinguished by mockery and even contempt (during the first meeting with Grinev, he very mockingly describes all the inhabitants of the fortress).
    The hero is very smart. Undoubtedly, he is more educated than Grinev. Shvabrin courted Masha Mironova, but was refused. Not forgiving her for this, he, taking revenge on the girl, spreads dirty rumors about her (recommends Grinev to give her not a poem, but earrings: “I know her character and customs from experience,” speaks of Masha as the last fool, etc.) All this speaks of the spiritual dishonor of the hero. During a duel with Grinev, who defended the honor of his beloved Masha, Shvabrin. stabs in the back (when the enemy looks back at the servant's call). Then the reader suspects Alesya of secretly informing Grinev’s parents about the duel. Because of this, Grinev’s father forbids him to marry Masha. The complete loss of ideas about honor leads Shvabrin to treason. He goes over to Pugachev’s side and becomes one of the commanders there. Using his power, Shvabrin tries to persuade Masha to an alliance, holding her captive. But when Pugachev, having learned about this, wants to punish Alexei, he lies at his feet. The hero's meanness turns into his shame. At the end of the story, having been captured by government troops, Shvabrin denounces Grinev. He claims that he also went over to Pugachev’s side. That is, in his meanness this hero reaches the end.

    Image of Masha Mironova “The Captain's Daughter”

    Masha Mironova is a young girl, the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress. This is exactly what the author had in mind when giving the title to his story.
    This image personifies high morality and spiritual purity. This detail is interesting: the story contains very few conversations, or Masha’s words at all. This is no coincidence, since the strength of this heroine is not in words, but in the fact that her words and actions are always unmistakable. All this testifies to the extraordinary integrity of Masha Mironova. Masha combines a high moral sense with simplicity. She immediately correctly assessed human qualities Shvabrina and Grineva. And in the days of trials, of which many befell her (the capture of the fortress by Pugachev, the death of both parents, captivity at Shvabrin), Masha maintains unshakable steadfastness and presence of mind, loyalty to her principles. Finally, at the end of the story, saving her beloved Grinev, Masha, as an equal, talks with the empress, whom she does not recognize, and even contradicts her. As a result, the heroine wins, freeing Grinev from prison. Thus, the captain’s daughter Masha Mironova is the bearer of the best features of the Russian national character.

    Pugachev's image "The Captain's Daughter"

    Pugachev Emelyan is the leader of the anti-noble uprising, calling himself the “great sovereign” Peter III.
    This image in the story is multifaceted: P. is evil, and generous, and boastful, and wise, and disgusting, and omnipotent, and dependent on the opinions of those around him.
    The image of P. is given in the story through the eyes of Grinev, an uninterested person. According to the author, this should ensure the objectivity of the hero’s presentation.
    At the first meeting of Grinev with P., the rebel’s appearance is unremarkable: he is a 40-year-old man of average height, thin, broad-shouldered, with a gray-streaked black beard, shifty eyes, and a pleasant, but roguish expression on his face.
    The second meeting with P., in a besieged fortress, gives a different image. The impostor sits in chairs, then prances on horses surrounded by Cossacks. Here he cruelly and mercilessly deals with the defenders of the fortress who did not swear allegiance to him. One gets the feeling that P. is playing, portraying a “real sovereign.” He, from the royal hand, “executes like this, executes like this, shows mercy like this.”
    And only during the third meeting with Grinev P. opens up completely. At the Cossack feast, the ferocity of the leader disappears. P. sings his favorite song (“Don’t make noise, mother green oak tree”) and tells a fairy tale about an eagle and a raven, which reflect the philosophy of the impostor. P. understands what a dangerous game he has started, and what the price will be if he loses. He doesn't trust anyone, not even his closest associates. But still he hopes for the best: “Isn’t there good luck for the daring?” But P.’s hopes are not justified. He is arrested and executed: “and he nodded his head, which a minute later, dead and bloody, was shown to the people.”
    P. is inseparable from the popular element, he leads it behind him, but at the same time depends on it. It is no coincidence that the first time in the story he appears during a snowstorm, among which he easily finds his way. But, at the same time, he can no longer turn away from this path. The pacification of the riot is tantamount to P.'s death, which is what happens at the end of the story.


    1.Introduction. Minor - the main character of the story

    2. Main part.

    a) Grinev and Shvabrin, opposition

    b) Coward Masha and her courage

    c) Pugachev is the personification of Russia

    d) Ivan Kuzmich and the “brave lady” Vasilisa Egorovna

    3. Conclusion. Supporting characters and the last meeting of the main characters.

    The one whom Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin decided to put at the center of his story "The Captain's Daughter" is not at all romantic hero, familiar to literature early XIX century. A simple provincial urchin, raised by Savelich, chosen as his uncle for his sober lifestyle. A poor noble family that had three hundred serf souls.

    Father, who rose to the rank of prime major, mother, a kind soul who did not dare to say a word against her husband, and he, Petrusha, chased pigeons until he was sixteen years old. It was he, who had neither a pedigree to be proud of nor a good education, who became the personification of noble honor in an abandoned fortress. But this is how we characterize him.

    Peter himself does not consider himself a hero at all. He simply lives the way a nobleman should. The reader does not learn anything about his appearance, because the story is told on his behalf. Shvabrin looks much more like a hero. He has this opinion about himself. Service in an abandoned garrison is like exile for him. Undeserved, of course, for a young man from a wealthy and well-born family. Although he was demoted from the guard for the murder of his comrade. However, he is confident that he deserves much more. His appearance also does not inspire favor. Short, with a very ugly, dark, but lively face.

    Masha Mironova may appear at first minor character. A kind girl from a simple family of an officer who rose from the ranks of the soldiers. Chubby, ruddy, brown hair, combed behind the ears. Her main quality, which is immediately noted, is kindness. The ingenuous Savelich calls her an angel of God. Such a bride, as he says, does not need a dowry. What she doesn't seem at all to be is brave. Even her mother describes her as a coward who is still afraid of the sound of gunfire. But later the girl turns out to be able to resist all of Shvabrin’s intrigues, even after remaining an orphan. At the end of the story, her simplicity and meekness even captivates the empress, who pardons Peter at her request.

    Third central character the story is, of course, Emelyan Pugachev. Thin, of average height, with broad shoulders and eyes that dart from side to side. At the first meeting during a snowstorm, he impresses Peter as a rogue and a fugitive drunkard. But it is he who personifies Russia in The Captain's Daughter. Unrighteous anger, revelry, and then mercy towards a person “for his virtue.” Emelyan understands perfectly well that he has become foam on a wave that will sooner or later break on land. Moreover, he knows that he will be betrayed not by anyone, but by his comrades. But it’s too late to try to change anything. He tells this to Pyotr Grinev, whom he apparently trusts more than his circle.

    The fortress, where Peter ended up at the request of his father, was a village surrounded by a wooden fence. Disabled people made up the garrison, an unusable cannon made up the fortress artillery. But this is precisely what allows us to admire the courage of these people even more. All they could do was die. And they did it. Without loud words, gun salvos, flash of swords. The parents of the machines, the commandant of the nondescript fortress Ivan Kuzmich and his wife Vasilisa Egorovna, are not much different from the serfs of the Grinev nobles. He is an officer who served the nobility, being a descendant of soldiers' children. She is also a simple village woman. However, even Shvabrin calls her a brave lady. She manages to command not only her husband, but also the fortress. And he, Ivan Kuzmich, despite being an experienced and brave soldier, is a real henpecked man. Hospitable host and kindest soul a man, but a worthless leader. But they die in a way that not every noble person can. Simply because that is their service. They are guided by simple human feelings. There is no such word as debt even in their dictionary. Just don’t swear allegiance, in fact, to a “thief and impostor.”

    The remaining characters in the story play a supporting role in it. This is Beaupre, a big drinker, who was hired as a teacher for young Petrusha. He did not torment his pupil with lessons, and they were quite happy with each other. But his parents kicked him out anyway. We can also mention the commander of the troops in the Orenburg province. Andrei Karlovich is a kind and lonely servant, an old comrade-in-arms of Father Pyotr Grinev. The German native, who loves order and discipline, did not help the son of an old friend when he asked to send a military unit to free Masha. But it was precisely because of this that Peter’s third meeting with Pugachev took place, when the leader of the uprising revealed himself to him from a new side. There was one more, the last one, when the rebel nodded to his acquaintance with his head, which was chopped off a minute later by the executioner.

    “The Captain's Daughter” - a story by A.S. Pushkin, published in 1836, representing the memoirs of landowner Pyotr Andreevich Grinev about his youth. This is a story about eternal values ​​- duty, loyalty, love and gratitude against the backdrop of events unfolding in the country. historical events— the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev.

    Interesting fact. The first edition of the story was published in one of the issues of the Sovremennik magazine without indicating the author of the work.

    IN school curriculum An obligatory item is an essay on this work, where it is necessary to indicate quotes that characterize one or another hero of the story. We offer examples, using which you can supplement your text with the necessary details.

    Petr Andreevich Grinev

    Petrusha Grinev appears before us as a very young man.

    ...Meanwhile, I was sixteen years old...

    He is of noble origin.

    ...I am a natural nobleman...

    The only son of a rather rich, by the standards of that time, landowner.

    ...There were nine of us children. All my brothers and sisters died in infancy...

    ...father has three hundred souls of peasants...

    The hero is not very educated, but not so much through his own fault, but because of the very principle of education at that time. my twelfth year I learned to read and write in Russian and could very sensibly judge the properties of a greyhound dog. At this time, the priest hired a Frenchman for me, Monsieur Beaupré...<…>and although according to the contract he was obliged to teach me French, German and all sciences, he preferred to quickly learn from me how to chat in Russian - and then each of us went about our own business...

    Yes, this is especially unnecessary for him, because his future has already been predetermined by his father.

    ...Mother was still pregnant with me, when I was already enrolled in the Semenovsky regiment as a sergeant...

    However, he suddenly changes his decision and sends his son to serve in Orenburg. the side, deaf and distant...

    ...No, let him serve in the army, let him pull the strap, let him smell gunpowder, let him be a soldier, not a chamaton...

    There, Grinev quickly advances in his career without making significant efforts.

    ...I was promoted to officer. The service did not burden me...

    Personal qualities:
    Peter is a man of word and honor.

    ...Just don’t demand what is contrary to my honor and Christian conscience...
    ...the duty of honor required my presence in the army of the empress...

    At the same time, the young man is quite ambitious and stubborn.

    ...My pride triumphed...
    ...Shvabrin was more skillful than me, but I am stronger and braver...
    ...The reasoning of the prudent lieutenant did not sway me. I stuck to my intention...
    ...I would prefer the most brutal execution to such vile humiliation... (kissing Pugachev's hands)...

    Generosity is not alien to him.

    ...I did not want to triumph over the destroyed enemy and turned my eyes in the other direction...

    One of the strengths of the hero's character is his truthfulness.

    ...decided to declare the real truth before the court, believing this method of justification to be the simplest, and at the same time the most reliable...

    At the same time, he has the strength to admit his guilt if he was wrong.

    ...Finally I told him: “Well, well, Savelich! that's enough, let's make peace, it's my fault; I see for myself that I am to blame...

    In personal relationships, Peter's romantic but very serious attitude is manifested.

    ...I imagined myself as her knight. I longed to prove that I was worthy of her trust, and began to eagerly await the decisive moment...

    ...But love strongly advised me to stay with Marya Ivanovna and be her protector and patron...

    In relation to the girl he loves, he is sensitive and sincere.

    ...I took the poor girl’s hand and kissed it, watering it with tears...
    ..Farewell, my angel, - I said, - goodbye, my sweetheart, my desired one! Whatever happens to me, believe that my last thought and last prayer will be about you!

    Maria Ivanovna Mironova

    A young girl, two years older than Pyotr Grinev, has an ordinary appearance.

    ...Then a girl of about eighteen came in, chubby, ruddy, with light brown hair combed smoothly behind her ears, which were on fire...

    Masha is the only daughter of Ivan Kuzmich and Vasilisa Egorovna Mironov, poor nobles.

    ...a girl of marriageable age, what is her dowry? a fine comb, a broom, and an altyn of money (God forgive me!), with which to go to the bathhouse...

    The girl, although gullible and naive, behaves modestly and judiciously.

    ...with all the credulity of youth and love...
    ...I found in her a prudent and sensitive girl...
    ...was extremely gifted with modesty and caution...

    The heroine differs from the cutesy girls of the noble circle of that era in her naturalness and sincerity.

    ...She, without any affectation, admitted to me her heartfelt inclination...
    ...Marya Ivanovna listened to me simply, without feigned shyness, without fancy excuses...

    One of the most beautiful features of Masha’s character is her ability to truly love herself and wish her beloved only happiness, even if not with her.

    ...Whether we will have to see each other or not, God alone knows; but I will never forget you; Until your grave you will remain alone in my heart...

    ...If you find yourself a betrothed, if you fall in love with another, God be with you, Pyotr Andreich; and I am for both of you...

    For all her timidity and gentleness, the girl is devoted to her fiancé and can decide to take extreme measures if necessary.

    …My husband! – she repeated. - He is not my husband. I will never be his wife! I better decided to die, and I will die if they don’t deliver me... (About Shvabrina)

    Emelyan Pugachev

    A middle-aged man whose most notable feature was his eyes.

    ...His appearance seemed remarkable to me: he was about forty, average height, thin and broad-shouldered. His black beard showed streaks of gray; the lively big eyes kept darting around. His face had a rather pleasant, but roguish expression. The hair was cut into a circle; he was wearing a tattered overcoat and Tatar trousers... big eyes just ran around...
    ...Pugachev fixed his fiery eyes on me...
    ...his sparkling eyes...
    ...I looked at the lady and saw a black beard and two sparkling eyes...
    ...A tall sable hat with golden tassels was pulled down over his sparkling eyes...

    The hero has special signs.

    ...And in the bathhouse, you can hear, he showed his royal signs on his chest: on one, a double-headed eagle the size of a nickel, and on the other, his person...

    The fact that Pugachev is from the Don is also evidenced by his manner of dressing.

    ...Don Cossack and schismatic...
    ...He was wearing a red Cossack caftan trimmed with braid...

    Given his background, it is not surprising that he is illiterate, but he himself does not want to openly admit it.

    ...Pugachev accepted the paper and looked at it for a long time with a significant air. “Why are you writing so cleverly? - he said finally. “Our bright eyes can’t make out anything here.” Where is my chief secretary?

    ...Gentlemen enarals! - Pugachev proclaimed importantly...

    A rebel is a freedom-loving, ambitious and arrogant person, but with clear leadership qualities and the ability to influence people.

    ...God knows. My street is cramped; I have little will...
    ... committing unforgivable insolence by taking on the name of the late Emperor Peter III...
    ...a drunkard wandering around inns, besieging fortresses and shaking the state!...
    ...I fight anywhere...
    ...The impostor's face depicted satisfied pride...
    ...The appeal was written in rude but strong terms and was intended to make a dangerous impression on the minds of ordinary people...

    Pugachev is smart, cunning, far-sighted and cold-blooded.

    ...His sharpness and subtlety of instinct amazed me...
    ...I have to keep my ears open; at the first failure, they will ransom their neck with my head...
    ...His composure encouraged me...
    aware of his actions and accepting responsibility for his actions
    …it’s too late for me to repent. There will be no mercy for me. I will continue as I started...

    A nobleman from a noble, wealthy family.

    ...has a good surname, and has a fortune...

    She has a rather ugly appearance, and over time she undergoes strong changes for the worse.

    ...short stature, with a dark and distinctly ugly face, but extremely lively...

    ...I was amazed at his change. He was terribly thin and pale. His hair, recently jet black, was completely grey; the long beard was disheveled...

    Shvabrin was transferred to the Belogorsk fortress from the guard as punishment.

    ...this is the fifth year since he was transferred to us for murder. God knows what sin befell him; As you can see, he went out of town with one lieutenant, and they took swords with them, and, well, they stabbed each other; and Alexey Ivanovich stabbed the lieutenant, and in front of two witnesses!...

    Proud and smart, the hero uses these qualities for bad purposes.

    ...In his slander I saw the annoyance of offended pride...
    ...I understood the persistent slander with which Shvabrin pursued her...
    ...instead of rude and obscene ridicule, I saw in them deliberate slander...”
    ...I really didn’t like his constant jokes about the commandant’s family, especially his caustic remarks about Marya Ivanovna...

    Sometimes the character shows outright cruelty and is quite capable of vile acts.

    ...I saw Shvabrin standing. His face depicted gloomy anger...
    ...expressing his joy and zeal in vile terms...
    ...He grinned with an evil grin and, lifting his chains, got ahead of me...
    ...He treats me very cruelly...
    ...Alexey Ivanovich is forcing me to marry him...

    His character is characterized by vindictiveness and even treachery.

    ...all the tests that the vile Shvabrin subjected her to...
    ...And what is Shvabrin like, Alexey Ivanovich? After all, he cut his hair into a circle and now he’s feasting with them right there! Agile, nothing to say!..
    ...Alexei Ivanovich, who commands us in place of the late priest...

    Ivan Kuzmich Mironov

    Simple, uneducated, from the poor nobles.

    ...Ivan Kuzmich, who became an officer from the children of soldiers, was an uneducated and simple man, but the most honest and kind...
    ...And we, my father, only have one shower, one girl Palashka...

    A man of respectable age, who gave 40 years of service, 22 of which were in the Belogorsk fortress, participating in numerous battles.

    ...cheerful old man...
    ..the commandant, a cheerful and tall old man, wearing a cap and a Chinese robe...
    ...Why is Belogorskaya unreliable? Thank God, we have been living in it for twenty-two years. We saw both Bashkirs and Kyrgyzs...
    ...neither Prussian bayonets nor Turkish bullets touched you...

    A true officer, true to his word.

    ...The proximity of danger animated the old warrior with extraordinary vigor...
    ...Ivan Kuzmich, although he respected his wife very much, would never have told her the secret entrusted to him in his service...

    At the same time, the commandant is not a very good leader due to his soft character.

    ...Only glory that you teach the soldiers: neither they are given the service, nor do you know anything about it. I would sit at home and pray to God; it would be better...
    ...Ivan Kuzmich! Why are you yawning? Now seat them in different corners on bread and water so that their stupidity goes away...
    ...In the God-saved fortress there were no inspections, no exercises, no guards. The commandant, of his own accord, sometimes taught his soldiers; but I still couldn’t get them all to know which side was right and which was left...

    He is an honest and loyal man, fearless in his devotion to duty.

    ...The commandant, exhausted from his wound, collected last strength and answered in a firm voice: “You are not my sovereign, you are a thief and an impostor, hear you!”...

    An elderly woman, the wife of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress.

    ...An old woman in a padded jacket and with a scarf on her head was sitting by the window...
    ...It’s been twenty years since we were transferred here from the regiment...

    She is a good and hospitable hostess.

    ...what a master at salting mushrooms!......Vasilisa Egorovna received us easily and cordially and treated me as if she had known her for centuries...
    ...In the commandant's house I was received like family...

    She perceives the fortress as her home, and herself as the mistress of it.

    ...Vasilisa Egorovna looked at the affairs of the service as if they were her master’s, and ruled the fortress as accurately as she ruled her house...
    ...His wife managed him, which was consistent with his carelessness...

    This is a brave and determined woman.

    ...Yes, hear you,” said Ivan Kuzmich, “the woman is not a timid woman...

    Curiosity is no stranger to her.

    ...She called Ivan Ignatyich, with the firm intention of finding out from him the secret that tormented her ladylike curiosity...

    Devoted to her husband until her last breath.

    ...You are my light, Ivan Kuzmich, you brave little soldier! Neither Prussian bayonets nor Turkish bullets touched you; You didn’t put your belly in a fair fight...
    ...Live together, die together...

    Arkhip Savelich

    The Grinev serf family, who was entrusted with the upbringing and management of the affairs of Barchuk Petrusha.

    ...From the age of five I was given into the hands of the eager Savelich, who was granted my uncle for his sober behavior...
    ...To Savelich, who was a steward of money, linen, and my affairs...

    At the time when the events unfold, he is already an old man.

    ...God knows, I ran to shield you with my chest from Alexei Ivanovich’s sword! Damn old age got in the way... deign to be angry with me, your servant...
    ...I, not an old dog, but your faithful servant, obey the master’s orders and have always served you diligently and lived to see my gray hair...
    ...that’s your boyar’s will. For this I bow slavishly...
    ...Your faithful servant...
    ...If you have already decided to go, then I will follow you even on foot, but I will not leave you. So that I could sit behind a stone wall without you! Am I crazy? Your will, sir, and I will not leave you...
    ...Savelich lies at Pugachev’s feet. “Dear father! - said the poor guy. “What do you care about the death of the master’s child?” Let him go; They will give you a ransom for it; and for the sake of example and fear, order them to hang even me as an old man!”...