Name of the event on Lindgren's creativity. Literary hour "Visiting Astrid Lindgren" outline of a reading lesson (4th grade) on the topic

On November 14, 2017, a book and illustrative exhibition dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren was organized and held in the library for students of the Samara Cadet Corps of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The exhibition featured the most famous works author, as well as biographical literature.

The writer, who gave children the charming Carlson and the cute Pippi Longstocking, became dear to all the children of the world. It's hard to find a person who hasn't read Astrid Lindgren's kind and fascinating books. She, like no one else, unraveled the child’s soul and found the path to it.

In Russia, the writer was awarded the Leo Tolstoy Medal, awarded to the most outstanding educators of children around the world. Almost everything literary works Astrid Lindgren have been filmed and based on them theater performances. She is rightfully considered one of the best storytellers in Scandinavia. It is not for nothing that the writer was called “the Andersen of our days” in her native country, and “the sorceress from Sweden” in the world.

The need to hold such exhibitions is to develop cadets’ interest in reading, to form the best human qualities in students, in expanding their horizons.

We thank our cadets for participating in the book and illustration exhibition. Throughout academic year they are active library readers

From March 20 to 25, events within the framework of Children's Book Week .

March 20 took place at the Children's Library educational and entertaining event “Asteroid Lindgren, or “Star Astrid” . The meeting began with an acquaintance with the biography of little Astrid, since she began her creative journey at school and one of her essays was published in the local newspaper. The guys together with the librarian O.V. Zhulanova we remembered such famous works of the author as “Pippi Longstocking”, the trilogy about “The Kid and Carlson”, which is considered a masterpiece of world literature and in Russia it is perhaps the most popular book. Having correctly solved the crossword about Malysh and Carlson, we ended up getting the name of the famous Swedish writer – Lindgren. The discovery for the guys was the message about the monument to fat Carlson, erected in Odessa. Every year, in September, Carlson’s birthday celebration takes place near it, to which orphans from nearby orphanages are invited. On behalf of the famous fat man, they are treated to fruits, sweets and, of course, Carlson’s favorite dish - jam from a large glass jar.

The children got acquainted with the works of the writer that were unfamiliar to them: “Emil from Lenneberga”, “Roni - the Robber’s Daughter”, “Mio, My Mio”, “The Adventures of Kalle Blumkvist”, “Rasmus the Tramp”, etc. The event was accompanied by a colorful presentation on the work of A . Lindgren and fragments of cartoons and feature films, based on the works of Astrid.
The children learned with interest that many of Lindgren’s works have been translated into more than 70 languages ​​and published in more than 100 countries. Astrid Lindgren became the first Swede to have a monument erected in Stockholm during her lifetime. And in 1996, the Russian Academy of Sciences turned to the writer with a request to agree to name asteroid No. 3204, discovered by scientists, after her, and she agreed and with a smile asked her to henceforth call it “Asteroid Lindgren.” At the end of the meeting, the children were offered the game “Add a word.” Divided into three teams, they put together different parts titles famous books Lindgren. For good job children received sweet prizes.

March 21 in the Children's Library they talked about the life and work of K.I. Chukovsky, whose 135th anniversary we celebrate on March 31. Participants educational and game program “Tales of Grandfather Korney” became students visiting the site of school No. 4. Librarian E.A. Nedbaylova introduced the children to the biography and work of the writer. Then, dividing into two teams, the guys competed in composing poems by Chukovsky, which were divided into parts and mixed. The presenter named the heroes of fairy tales, and the guys guessed what actions they committed. In the Confusion competition, you had to swap letters to make a word. Then the participants solved crossword puzzles. In the next stage, using pictures with different objects, they determined which of the fairy tale heroes they belonged to. The librarian read out quotes from the works of Korney Ivanovich, and the guys had to continue them. For correct answers, teams received tokens. At the end of all competitions, the results were summed up, all participants completed the tasks perfectly and received small sweet gifts as a reward.

Travel game conducted by a staff member of the Children's Library I.A. Ovsyankina, “And my grandmother will start telling me fairy tales...” introduces children to magical world fairy tales Reading an excerpt from a poem by I.Z. Surikov’s “Childhood” and demonstration of paintings by V.M. Maksimov “Grandmother’s Tales”, I.Ya. Bilibina “Ivan the Tsarevich and the Firebird”, V.M. Vasnetsov's "Magic Carpet" created the necessary fairy-tale atmosphere.
Traveling through the “Garden of Unprecedented Beauty”, the children guessed magical fairy-tale flowers, remembered the names of fairy tales and authors, and enjoyed the wonderful music of P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Nutcracker”. The game “Flower of Seven Flowers” ​​helped the children remember the author’s and folk tales, for this it was necessary to correctly fold two magnificent flowers.
Excerpt from animated film“Winnie the Pooh and the Day of Worries” based on the fairy tale by A. Milne not only amused the children, but also served as a kind of bridge between the stages of the game. The owl is a symbol of wisdom, so it’s natural to move on to the “What? Where? When?”, remembering the wisdom and mystery of this amazing bird. The children guessed excerpts from fairy tales, tried to unravel the mystery of the black box, looking at pictures of fairy-tale houses, and remembered “who lives in the house.” The game was accompanied by a demonstration of books. Unfortunately, the children, when correctly guessing fairy tales, do not always remember the names of the authors. Therefore, the covers of the books that were discussed were displayed on the last slide of the presentation so that the children would remember the material better.

When someone says the word “reserve,” not everyone around them will be able to explain what it is? Children visiting the site of the Children and Youth Creativity Center on theme hour conducted by an employee of the Children's Library Salnikova O.V. within project "Reserved Land" , learned to understand this concept.
They learned that a reserve is a part of land or water area (sea, lake, river), where people decided to preserve natural conditions as they are without human intervention, that any kind of activity is prohibited on the territory of the reserve. economic activity: construction, laying roads, deforestation, hunting, fishing, even picking mushrooms and berries. The boys were surprised to learn that they were already in primitive times It was the custom of many tribes to make any territory inaccessible for hunting, housing, and even visits by “ordinary people.” A kind of taboo was imposed on this territory - you can’t! True, they were prohibited not in order to preserve a piece of nature untouched, but because of a religious cult, the customs of the tribe...
The children were amazed by the information that currently there are more than a thousand nature reserves, national parks and about 70 thousand protected areas in the world. If we talk about Russia, today there are 110 nature reserves in our country, large and small, world famous and those whose fame does not extend beyond their native land. Is it a lot or a little? At first glance, this is a lot, but on the other hand, the total area of ​​the reserves is slightly more than 1% of the territory of our country.

It has already become a tradition to end Children's Book Week competition program "Reader of the Year". The event took place March 25, it was attended by readers of primary school age who had to go through several stages competitive program, consisting of a warm-up, qualifying round and main competition. All stages were united by the theme of literary characters from favorite children's books.
Everyone participated in the warm-up, answering the questions of the quiz “What does a book consist of” and competing in a game called “What does a book like?” The qualifying round also included all the children who came to the event - 15 people and consisted of 3 competitions: “Fairytale Mosaic”, “Literary Kaleidoscope” and “Riddles about Magic Objects”. Children recalled fairy tales based on the proposed plots, listed the heroes of the works, called the leading L.V. Shelepneva, from the illustrations they found the answer-object. For each correct answer, the guys received tokens, the number of which determined the participants in the main competition.
The first task, during which each participant had to introduce himself and talk about his hobbies, was followed by six more literary tests in the form of quizzes, charades, puzzles, games and crosswords. An intense struggle revealed the winners among the young bookworms. The prizes for the current best readers of the year were distributed as follows:
Grand Prix won Kukhtinova Angelina, 1st place took Turlevsky Luka, 2nd place got it Ivanov Mikhail, in the fight for 3rd place won Tselin Kirill. It is noteworthy that all the current winners study at school No. 4. The winners were traditionally given wonderful books as gifts.

Grand opening Children's Book Week "In the Land of Fantasies and Mischief, and Mischievous Inventions" V library branch No. 1 passed March 20. The event began with a presentation of all the events that were planned to be held in the library during spring break. Next, we held a literary quiz on the works of children's writers about heroic travelers. The children remembered the works of A. Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, L. Carroll “Alice in Wonderland”, N. Nosov “Dunno on the Moon” and others. Visitors took part in a variety of educational and fun competitions: “Portrait of a fairy-tale hero”, “The most inquisitive”, “Dedication to a bird”, etc.
Young readers got acquainted with the latest children's literature, visited an exhibition of works by participants in the environmental drawing and craft competition “Feathered Friends” and voted in the “Audience Award” nomination.
During the Week, librarians reviewed the book exhibition “The main feature is a smart book.” The children got acquainted with new books from the series “Great Russian Travelers”, “Encyclopedia of Great People” and “Children about Great People”.
March 25 conducted a quiz game “Old New Tales”. Russian folk and original fairy tales introduce children to culture and customs; they are a bottomless well for creating cartoons for children of all ages. The youngest readers - pupils preparatory group kindergarten, made a fabulous journey together with librarians. But before setting off, the guys had to pass a test of ingenuity and intelligence, which they easily passed. The children visited a sunny clearing of riddles, then found themselves in a dense forest near a hut on chicken legs - they remembered all the fairy tales where Baba Yaga is the heroine.
The event was accompanied by a bright colorful presentation. Resourcefulness and attentiveness helped the children solve all the questions of the quiz and find the necessary magic objects. The library hosted a book exhibition “The World of Good Fairy Tales”.

March 27 the ceremonial closing of Children's Book Week took place, which librarians helped the 9th grade students of school No. 5 to organize. The participants of the event traveled with literary heroes: Fairy tale, Cinderella, Pinocchio and Puss in Boots in the Land of cheerful childhood, and negative heroes fairy tales confused and disturbed everyone. In order to return everything to its place, the children solved riddles about the heroes of fairy tales and played the games “I, You, He, She”, “Starry Rain”. At the end, the best readers of the library were awarded.


2017 marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren. Her fairy-tale characters - Pippi Longstocking and Carlson - are familiar to the whole world, and both children and adults find pleasure in fictional stories.
April 27 members of the club - video lounge “Serpentine of Fairy Tales and Adventures”, as well as students of 3 “B” class of MBOU “Osh No. 15 of Yelets” (teacher L.V. Sotnikova) gathered in library branch No. 2 on literary game based on the works of A. Lindgren “Carlson, Pippi and others”. The guys did not come empty-handed, but brought with them drawings based on A. Lindgren’s books, which they drew especially for the event.

Leader of the meeting Deryugina N.V. introduced the guys to interesting biography writer, told the story of the origin of one of the heroines of A. Lindgren’s books - Pippi Longstocking.
Divided into two teams - “Pippi” and “Carlson”, the guys actively participated in a literary quiz and testing based on the fairy tales “Pippi Longstocking” and “Carlson Who Lives on the Roof”, solved a crossword puzzle, and completed the “Encryption” task, where they needed to determine the most catchphrase Carlson.

The participants showed that they know and love Astrid Lindgren’s books, so they did not have any difficulties in completing the tasks. But still, the girls’ team “Pippi” turned out to be faster and more active. Their captain, Marina Gerasimova, received a certificate of winner in literary game based on the work of Astrid Lindgren.
The event was accompanied by a display of bright and colorful slides.
Also for the children there was an exhibition of books by Astrid Lindgren from the library collection, which they were pleased to see and some of the books were taken home for reading.
At the end of the meeting, everyone watched an excerpt from the animated film “Kid and Carlson” directed by Boris Stepantsev.

Department of Culture and Site Protection

cultural heritage of the Vologda region

Budgetary cultural institution of the Vologda region

Vologda Regional Children's Library

Innovation and methodological department

Interesting reading:

event scenarios

on the works of children's writers

(from the experience of children's libraries in the Vologda region)

Dear colleagues!

This collection presents scenarios for events dedicated to the life and work of famous children's writers. It was compiled based on scenarios of events held in children's libraries in the region in 2012.

This material will be useful if you want to make your readers’ acquaintance with children’s authors interesting and memorable.

1 . Peppy, Carlson and others(literary show for the anniversary of A. Lindgren), …………………………..….3 p.

2. Syroezhkin – it’s me!(a fascinating journey based on the book by E. Veltistov “Electronics - a boy from a suitcase” for students of grades 4–5), Kichmengsko-Gorodetsky Children's Library…………………..….11 p.

3. The Wizard Korney Chukovsky or “He is the Great Washbasin. Famous Moidodyr"(literary and entertainment program), Nyxen Children's Library……………………………………16 p.

4. Thrice exiled(evening of L.N. Andreev’s book “Petka at the Dacha”), Ustyuzhensk Children's Library………………….……………..21 p.

Vashka Children's Library

Peppy, Carlson and others

(literary show for the anniversary of A. Lindgren)

Leading: Good afternoon to everyone who came to our library. Tell me, do you like to visit? ( Children's answers.) Today we will all go on a visit together and visit the House of Fairy Tales of the Swedish writer and a bit of a sorceress Astrid Lindgren. Many literary heroes live in this house, and we will meet some of them. And the owner of this house is known all over the world; her books have been translated into 80 languages. A star in the sky is named after the writer. She has a very funny order - the Order of Smile, which is awarded by children to their favorite writers. A. Lindgren was awarded the most important award for storytellers - the Gold Medal of G.X. Andersen as one of the best writers in the world.

A. Lindgren was born 105 years ago in Sweden, in a land where there are many beautiful forests and lakes, in a country where fairy tales, legends and traditions have long lived.

As a child, she lived in an old house, surrounded by an apple orchard, in a large and friendly peasant family. Like all rural children, she helped her parents with household chores, read books by Andersen and Mark Twain, and loved to invent different games and write captivating stories. Having become an adult, Astrid moved to the capital of Sweden, Stockholm, where, as you know, in the most ordinary house, on the most ordinary street, there lives a boy whom everyone calls... ( The children answer.) That's right, Baby. And he has a funny friend who loves fiction and pranks. What's his name? ( The children answer.) Carlson! Where does he live? ( The children answer.) That's right, on the roof. And who can tell me how the Kid invited Carlson to a meeting, with what object did he call him? ( The children answer.) That's right, the bell rang and called: “Come, come!” We also have a bell, and today it will help us meet the heroes of A. Lindgren’s books.

But first, you and I read the newspaper “News from the Roof”, let’s look at some of the columns of this newspaper, and you try to guess who wrote them or who they are talking about.


I'll fly to you for the holiday,

An inventor and a dreamer.

Me and the nanny, me and the master,

Both an artist and an actor.

I love cakes and buns

Mountains of sweets, candies,

And to the readers-guys

I send you a big, big hello! ( Carlson)

I am renting a villa for a long term, as I myself am going on a sea voyage to a distant Negro island. ( Pippi Longstocking)

Don't worry, I'm upstairs with Carlson, who lives on the roof. ( Baby)

I do tastings of large batches of buns. ( Carlson)

A strange object resembling a barrel is flying over Stockholm. It makes sounds similar to the hum of a motor. Airline representatives assumed that this was a spy satellite and that it should be handed over to the police. ( Carlson)

A search has been launched for the missing woman, her signs: a stern, tall, elderly lady, very decisive in her opinions and actions. ( Freken Bock)

Librarian: So, we learned some news from the roof, and now we will meet the heroes of the books. And the bell will help us with this. ( Rings the bell.)

Pippi runs into the hall to the sound of cheerful music, holding a suitcase with a frying pan and an empty bottle sticking out of it.

Pippi: Here I am! Hello girls and boys, those who have 100 freckles on their noses and those who have none. Hello, those with pigtails and bows, hello everyone, everyone, everyone! Don't you recognize me? Let me introduce myself - my name is Pippi. This is my short name, but actually my name is very beautiful and consists of several words. Which of you will remember my full name? (Children's answers.) Yes, I am Peppilotta-Victualina-Rolgardina Longstocking, a girl like a girl, though not an ordinary one.

Leading: Hello Pippi, we are glad to see you. Tell me, why did you bring this suitcase with you?

Pippi: Don't you like my suitcase? It's so wonderful, it's fun to play!

Leading: But how to play it?

Pippi: And so! You open it, take out what you need, close it again.

Host: That's all?

Pippi: No, then you open it, put everything in there and close it.

Leading: What a game! What an inventor you are! Why do you need a frying pan and an empty bottle?

Pippi: How why? Hurry up the frying pan, now we're going to bake pancakes! All we need is flour, salt, butter and an egg. But, unfortunately, I didn’t bring these products, do you happen to have them? ( Children's answers.) Then we won’t bake pancakes. And I always take an empty bottle with me, because my father taught me: you may forget to put on your shoes, but God forbid you forget an empty bottle when getting ready to go sailing.

Leading: Why is it needed?

Pippi: Haven't you ever heard of bottle mail? When they ask for help, they write a note, seal it in a bottle and throw it into the sea. Then it falls into the hands of those who save you. Like this!

Leading: Well, that's enough, Pippi, we know what a dreamer you are and how you love to come up with funny stories. Please tell us a little more about yourself.

Pippi: With pleasure. I am nine years old. I live in my villa, where I do whatever I want. My monkey lives with me. Who knows what her name is? ( The children answer.) That's right, Mr. Nilsson, and I also have a horse. It’s a pity that I don’t have a mother, but I have a dad – a captain, the storm of the seas. True, he was washed off the deck by a huge wave, but I am sure that my dad did not drown, but swam to the island and became the Negro king there. Dad will come for me, and I will become a black princess. Do you know that I am the strongest girl in the world? Do you have any doubts?

And in vain, because I, jokingly, threw two thieves who once got in on me... Why am I telling you everything, because you read the book about me? ( Children's answers.)

Leading: But we will check this now. Pippi and I will arrange a short exam for you. Anyone who has read the book “Pippi Longstocking” will easily answer our questions. But first, I will tell you how this girl was born. It all started like this. Astrid Lindgren's little daughter, Karin, who was 7 years old, became ill and asked her mother to tell her something every evening. “Tell me about Pippi Longstocking,” the daughter asked, she came up with this name herself, and since it was unusual, A. Lindgren came up with the name to match unusual girl. For several years, she often told her daughter about Pippi, but had no intention of writing a book about her. But then, one winter, when it was snowing and the streets were very slippery, Lindgren fell and broke her leg. It was a misfortune for her, but not for Pippi.

Pippi: Yes, yes, don't be surprised! After all, it was after this evening that Astrid Lindgren had a lot of free time, and she wrote down all my exciting adventures, sent the book manuscript to a children's publishing house, and a year later, at a children's book competition, everyone admired me so much that they almost went crazy with joy, and the editor in chief presented me with the main prize.

Guys, did you like my adventures? Let's see if you read the book about me carefully.

Leading: Listen carefully and choose the correct answer.

    Where did Pippi the horse live?

On the terrace. In the living room. In the stable. In the kitchen.

2. What dish did Pippi love most?

Rhubarb cream. Semolina porridge. Vegetable soup. Buns.

3. What did Pippi treat the police with?

Buns. Buns. Brushwood. Pies.

4. Name the money that was in use in the country where Pippi lived.

Crowns. Rubles. Dollars. Stamps.

5. What game did the children play at Pippi’s birthday?

Jumping. Don't step on the floor. Don't peek. Salochki.

6. What did Pippi want to become when she grew up?

A teacher. Sea Robbery. A real lady. No one.

7. How old was Pippi?

Five. Nine. Twenty. Ten.

8. Where did Pippi roll out the dough for scones?

On the table. On the chest. On the floor. Nowhere.

9. How Pippi liked to sleep:

Putting your feet on the pillow and covering your head with a blanket. On the floor under the bed. In the garden in a hammock.

Leading: Well done, guys! You have completed this task. And now we will solve the crossword puzzle. Anyone who has read the book about Pippi Longstocking will easily solve the crossword puzzle called “Pippi’s Tricks.”

Crossword puzzle "Pippi's tricks"


1. What game did Pippi play with the police? ( Salochki)

2. The fish that Pippi fought with. ( Shark)

3. What were the different colors in Pippi’s clothes? ( Stockings)

4. Villa Pippi. (" Chicken")

5. Pippi's father's schooner. (" Jumper»)

6. The country to which Pippi sailed. ( Veselia)

7. What did Pippi hang around her neck in the menagerie? ( snake)

8. What did Pippi once put on her head? ( Bank)

9. Pippi’s riddle: “They go, they go, they won’t leave their place.” ( Watch)


A word coined by Pippi. (Kukaryamba)

Pippi: How smart you all are! This is what it means to go to school! Well, it’s time for me to go, although I had a lot of fun with you. It’s just a pity that not all the children know me. But that’s okay, I’m waiting for you on the pages of my book. See you!

Leading: Astrid Lindgren once said: “I don’t want to write for adults. I want to write for the kind of readers who can create miracles. But miracles are created only by children, and also by those who remain a child at heart until the end of their lives.” Guys, you have read everything at least interesting book Astrid Lindgren "Baby and Carlson." Probably every child on earth dreams of having someone fly to him fairy tale hero named Carlson. This little prankster with a motor on his back always invents something, creates a good mood and pleases with his funny stories. And I even want all childhood illnesses to be treated with cherry jam, and not with pills. And if you are lonely, or you are in trouble and your mood has worsened, close your eyes for a minute and imagine that now a little funny man, Carlson, will knock on your window... ( Rings the bell.)

Carlson: Can I land here for a minute? Allow me to introduce myself - Carlson, the best in the world, a moderately well-fed man in full bloom. Everyone knows about this - both adults and children. After all, I am the world’s best flyer, inventor, builder, dog breeder, joker, ghost, nanny, jam eater, fireman...

Leading: Enough, enough, Carlson! We all know that you are our very best... We are very glad that you came to us, because today we are traveling through the books of A. Lindgren.

Carlson: Very good, I love travel and adventure, and especially all kinds of fun entertainment. You know, I felt a little sad. Let's remember the contents of the book about me and play as experts on the funniest book in the world, don't you agree?

Leading: Well, now we will check whether our children carefully read the book about the Kid and Carlson.

(The questions are divided into several categories: “Names”, “Objects”, “Carlson”, “Miscellaneous”. Teams take turns choosing categories of questions and giving answers.)


1. Say the name of the Baby's sister. (Bethan)

2. What was the name of Baby’s brother? (Bosse)

3. Name the girl, the Kid's friend. (Gunilla)

4. What was the name of the boy, Baby’s friend? (Christer)

5. What was the name of Malysh’s housekeeper? ( Freken Bock)

6. Say the name Freken Bock. (Hildur)

7. What did Carlson name the mummy? (Mommy)

8. What was the name of Baby's dog? (Bimbo)

9. What was the name of Uncle Baby? (Julius)

10. What is the baby's first and last name? (Svante Svanteson)


1. With what object did Carlson scare Uncle Julius so much that he fainted? (With a toy gun.)

2. What did the Kid give Carlson for his birthday? ( Whistle)

3. Which one musical instrument Carlson performed “The Cry of the Little Ghost? ( On the harmonica.)

4. What gifts did the Kid receive for his birthday? (Cake with 8 candles, box of paints, toy gun, book, new blue pants.)

5. What did Carlson build from cubes? (Tower)

6. What would Carlson prefer to see instead of one cake with 8 candles? (8 pies and 1 candle.)

    How did Carlson get into Baby's house? ( Through the window.)

    On Carlson’s wall there were two paintings that he painted himself. What did they show? (On one there is a fox, on the other there is a winged booger - rooster)

    Carlson didn’t have electricity, but what did he light in the evenings? ( Kerosene lamp)

    Name the best anti-fever remedy in the world and its recipe. (“Sugar powder”, cookies, candies, several lollipops, candied nuts, crush a piece of chocolate, mix.)


1. Continue Carlson’s statement: “I am handsome, smart and in moderation...”. ( A well-fed man in the prime of his life.)

2. What does “Carlson-style garbage chute” mean? (Throw garbage from the roof, debris fall height 20 meters. )

3. One day Carlson decided to do the same as Thumb. What did Carlson post all over the road so that Uncle Julius wouldn’t get lost? ( Pancakes)

4. Whom did Carlson try to calm down with these words: “Plute, spit, spit!” ( Baby Susanna.)

5. Continue Carlson’s statement: “Trouble is nothing...”. ( It's an everyday matter.)

6. Carlson took out colored crayons from his desk drawer and drew a scary face in one corner of the sheet. Then he took the scissors and quickly cut two holes for the eyes. What kind of game is this? ( Ghost game.)

7. Name three ways to tame housekeepers, according to Carlson. ( To bring down, tease, play.)

8. How often, according to Carlson, should you say pleasant and encouraging things? ( Every 5 minutes.)

9. What procedures did Carlson prescribe for Uncle Julius? (Tickling, angry, fooling around)

10. What did Carlson think it meant to “become a natural mother”? (Caring for the sick, giving coins, giving him sugary powder, giving him a chocolate bar.)

    What color was Carlson's house? ( Green)

    What did Carlson use to build the tall tower? ( From cubes and one meatball.)


1. The acquaintance of the Kid and Carlson happened on one of the unlucky days for the Kid. Why was it a bad day? (His mum scolded him for ripping his trousers and Bethan shouted at him to “Wipe your nose!” Dad was angry that the Kid came home late.)

2. How much did it cost to enter the performance called “An Evening of Miracles”? ( One candy.)

3. Who made the costume for the ghost? Kid or Carlson? ( Baby)

    Who fell into the mousetrap set by Carlson? (Freken Bock)

5. What did Freken Bock dream of? ( Appear on television.)

6. What drink did the Kid not like? ( Coffee)

    Name a small Swedish coin. ( Ere)

8. Name the breed of the puppy that was given to the Kid. ( Dachshund)

9. “Listen, dad,” said the Kid, “if I’m really worth a hundred thousand million, couldn’t I get some cash...” Why did the Kid need money? ( To buy a small puppy.)

10. What do Baby Carlson’s three calls mean? (The first call means "Come", the second call - “Come quickly”, third call - “Thank you for being there, Carlson.”)

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