In Rasputin, scripts for the evening of memory. Literary evening about Valentin Rasputin with presentation

In the service department, CHUNB was organized in memory of the writer, who became a Russian classic during his lifetime. His early essays and stories, stories, journalism, literature about his life and work, photographs from different years are presented.

On March 19, Russia said goodbye to Valentin Rasputin (1937-2015). The prose writer was buried on the territory of the Znamensky Monastery in Irkutsk. In today's literature there are undoubted names, without which neither we nor our descendants can imagine it. One of these names is Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin. His prose is instructive and at the same time highly artistic; it gives lessons similar to those that life itself gives us. We simply enter this world, created by a great master, and begin to empathize: suffer from pangs of conscience and believe in man, die and be reborn, love, and remember, and live together with his heroes. The name of Valentin Rasputin was and remains a symbol of the people's conscience.

From the books presented at the exhibition:

D 166050 - KH

Rasputin, V. G. Vasily and Vasilisa/ V. G. Rasputin // Man from this world: stories. - Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyar. book ed., 1967. - pp. 73-96.

The value of the publication was determined by the story “Vasily and Vasilisa”. Along with this story, a Russian writer was born - Valentin Rasputin. The brilliance of this story was not eclipsed by subsequent famous stories. Vasilisa is a great female character. It is from her that the gallery of bright types of Russian women will be drawn in the work of V. Rasputin. Vasily and Vasilisa lived together for twenty years and had seven children. For thirty years now they have been living side by side, but not together: Vasilisa does not forgive her husband for the sin he committed in his youth: because of him, she lost her unborn child. Her anger is replaced by cold indifference, jealousy by pity, but the desire to preserve feminine and especially maternal dignity remains unchanged. Only when death looks at an old sick man is Vasilisa able to forgive him his sin (“He gives her his hand, she shakes it and, sobbing, gets up”), and he himself is able to breathe more freely (“Now go,” he says. Now I feel better... - He smiles, lies and smiles”). This is not how life is lived. But the main thing for him is to at least die humanly, not to take with him the weight that has hung on his soul for decades. And she understands it. It is also a great lesson in forgiveness.


R 243
K 550302-ochz

Rasputin, V. G. Deadline/ V. G. Rasputin // Deadline: Sat. stories / Rasputin V. G. - Moscow: Young Guard, 2004. - P. 101-255.

With this story Rasputin gained full recognition and wide fame (first published in the magazine “Our Contemporary” in 1970). When asked which of his books he considered the main one, Rasputin often answered: “The last deadline.” The heroine of the story is a dying woman old woman Anna - resurrecting her life in memory, feels her involvement in the eternal cycle of natural existence, experiences the mystery of death as the main event in a person’s life. She is contrasted with her four children, who came to see their mother off at the last hour and were forced to stay with her for three days, for which God delayed her departure. Their preoccupation with everyday worries, their fussiness and vanity contrasts sharply with the spiritual work taking place in the fading consciousness of the old peasant woman. Writer and literary critic Pavel Basinsky says that for him Rasputin is especially valuable because of his attitude towards death. “Now he is gone, and this is especially on my mind. Rasputin’s story “The Last Term” is, so to speak, a teaching of how to die, death as a second birth for which a person must prepare his soul,” he believes.

K 405368-KH

Rasputin, V. G. French lessons/ V. G. Rasputin // French lessons: novels and short stories / Valentin Rasputin. - Moscow: Artist. lit., 1987. - pp. 401-428.

A wonderful autobiographical story, familiar to many from childhood. It is dedicated to Anastasia Prokopyevna Kopylova, mother of A. Vampilov, a talented teacher.
This work is a lesson in kindness, justice, nobility, generosity, humanity, which the young teacher gives in a completely different way. This is a story about the development of a strong boyish character in the conditions of post-war famine. The story of one person helping another, solidarity and support, without which life is impossible. French lessons are also lessons of beauty, love and femininity...

K 545386-KH

Rasputin, V. G. Live and Remember/ V. G. Rasputin // Live and remember. Farewell to Matera / Valentin Rasputin. - Moscow: Vagrius, - 2004. - P. 5-235.

The story, published in 1974 in the magazine “Our Contemporary”, was published about forty times, including on foreign languages; in 1977 she was awarded the USSR State Prize.
“Live and Remember” is Rasputin’s most painful work. Village woman Nastena commits suicide in order to save her deserter husband and not condemn her unborn child to shame. Before Rasputin, no one took on such a topic. Selflessness is the main quality of Nastena’s soul. According to the writer, the story was conceived as a book about love, “about the feminine in a woman.” Viktor Astafiev said very accurately: “... A sad and furious story, somewhat “ingratiating” in its quiet tonality, like all other stories by Rasputin, and therefore even more shocking with its deep tragedy...” But through this tragedy emerges a lesson of kindness and mercy that is never forgotten.

D 272803-KH

Rasputin, V. G.Siberia, Siberia.../ V. G. Rasputin; photo by B. Dmitriev. - Irkutsk: Artizdat LLC, 2000. - 256 p., ill.

The book opens up to the reader the beautiful, protected “country of Siberia”, tells about its history, the exploits of the legendary Ermak and other pioneers, the contribution of the first Siberian cities to the development of trade and culture in the region. Reflecting on the past, present and future of Siberia, the author raises a passionate voice in its defense. “With love and protection” should refer to native land, there is no other option, says Valentin Rasputin.

(18 titles)

Read in liters (13 titles):

*Access is provided viaVirtual subscription CHUNB (register)

These twenty murderous years (Conversations between the famous publicist Viktor Kozhemyako and the writer Valentin Rasputin)
Unexpectedly (collection)
In bad weather
Live forever - love forever
Women's conversation
French lessons
What to tell the crow?
Live and Remember (collection)
Money for Maria
Live and remember


V. G. Rasputin was born on March 15, 1937 in the village of Atalanka, Ust-Udinsky district, Irkutsk region, into a peasant family. After graduating from local primary school, he was forced to move alone fifty kilometers from his home, where the high school was located (the famous story “French Lessons” would later be created about this period). After school I entered the Faculty of History and Philology (Irkutsk state university). During his student years, he became a freelance correspondent for a youth newspaper. One of his essays caught the editor's attention. Later, this essay under the title “I forgot to ask Lyoshka” was published in the anthology “Angara” (1961).

In 1979, he joined the editorial board of the book series “Literary Monuments of Siberia” of the East Siberian Book Publishing House (Irkutsk). In the 1980s, he was a member of the editorial board of the Roman-Gazeta magazine. Lived and worked in Irkutsk and Moscow.

After graduating from the university in 1959, Rasputin worked for several years in newspapers in Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk, and often visited the construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station and the Abakan-Taishet highway. Essays and stories about what he saw were later included in his collections “Bonfires of New Cities” and “The Land Near the Sky.”

In 1965, Rasputin showed several new stories to V. Chivilikhin, who came to Chita for a meeting of young writers of Siberia, who became the “godfather” of the aspiring prose writer.

Since 1966, Rasputin has been a professional writer. Since 1967, member of the Union of Writers of the USSR. Valentin Rasputin's first book, “The Land Near the Sky,” was published in Irkutsk in 1966. In 1967, the book “A Man from This World” was published in Krasnoyarsk. In the same year, the story “Money for Maria” was published in the Irkutsk almanac “Angara” (No. 4), and in 1968 it was published as a separate book in Moscow by the publishing house “Young Guard”.

The writer’s talent was revealed in full force in the story “The Deadline” (1970), declaring the maturity and originality of the author. This was followed by the story “French Lessons” (1973), the story “Live and Remember” (1974) and “Farewell to Matera” (1976). In 1981, new stories were published: “Natasha”, “What to convey to the crow”, “Live a century - love a century”. The appearance in 1985 of Rasputin’s story “Fire,” which is distinguished by its acuteness and modernity of the problem, aroused great interest among the reader.

IN recent years the writer devoted a lot of time and effort to social and journalistic activities. In 1995, his story “To the Same Land” was published; essays “Down the Lena River”; in 1996 - the stories “Memorial Day”; in 1997 - “Unexpectedly”; “Father's Limits” (“Vision” and “In the Evening”). In 2004 he published the book “Ivan’s Daughter, Ivan’s Mother.” In 2006, the third edition of the album of essays by the writer “Siberia” was published. In Irkutsk, Rasputin contributes to the publication of the Orthodox-patriotic newspaper “Literary Irkutsk”, and was on the board of the literary magazine “Siberia”. Since July 26, 2010 - member of the Patriarchal Council for Culture. Died on March 14, 2015 in Moscow. On March 18, at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill performed the funeral service for Valentin Rasputin. He was buried in his homeland in Irkutsk, on the territory of the Znamensky Monastery.

A. L. Noy, leading librarian of the OCZ

0 “Live a century, love a century” (based on the works of V. G. Rasputin)

Russia, Altai region, Slavgorod

MBOU "Secondary School No. 13"

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Karaseva V.I.

"Live forever, love forever"

(based on the works of V. G. Rasputin)

Goals: nurturing feelings of love and memory for the work of V. Rasputin, developing motivation for knowledge and creativity as the basis for the formation of educational requests and needs of children. Through theatrical art, help the child in the process of self-knowledge and self-development to maximize creative potential; development of individuality, personal culture, communication abilities.

Living room decoration: a portrait of Rasputin, the words “Live and love forever,” an exhibition of books and photographs of the writer with the words “Literature has one goal - to help a person, to breathe warmth and kindness into him while reading,” candles, a coffee table.


Music is playing

1. Presenter 1:

Contemporaries often do not understand their writers or do not realize their true place in literature, leaving it to the future to evaluate, determine their contribution, and place emphasis. There are plenty of examples of this. But in modern literature there are undoubted names, without which neither we nor our descendants can imagine it. One of these names is Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin.

2. Presenter 2:

Talking about Rasputin is easy and at the same time very difficult. He absorbed and reflected in his works the best of Russian classics. The style of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Other Russian and Soviet classics. Interceded in his creativity for little man. For Russian land. His works, filled with bitterness, pain, and love for Russia, tell us about the truth. The truth is - He who has no memory has no life.

3. Presenter 1. Address to guests:

Dear friends, we have gathered today to touch the work of this Russian prose writer and publicist, to remember his amazing works

4. The song “I Dream of a Village” plays

5. Presenter 2:

Valentin Rasputin was born on March 15, 1937 in the Irkutsk region, in the village of Ust-Uda, located on the banks of the Angara River, three hundred kilometers from Irkutsk. The future writer entered first grade at the Atalanta Primary School in 1944. Here, in Atalanta, having learned to read, Rasputin fell in love with books forever.

6. Presenter 1:

After graduating from 4th grade in Atlanta, Rasputin. Of course, I wanted to continue my studies. But the school, where there was a fifth grade, was located only in the regional center of Ust-Uda, and this is 50 kilometers from his native village. You can’t run into people every day - you have to move there to live, alone, without parents, without family.

7. Presenter 2:

“So at the age of 11, my independent life began,” wrote Valentin Rasputin about the year 1948 in the story “French Lessons.” It was difficult to study: it was necessary to overcome hunger (his mother gave him bread and potatoes once a week, but there was always not enough of them. Rasputin studied conscientiously.

8. Presenter 1:

“What could I do? - Then I came here, I had no other business here... I hardly dared to go to school if even one lesson remained unlearned.” His knowledge was rated as excellent, except perhaps French- pronunciation was not given.

9. Presenter 2:

The writer did not leave his native place until he entered the Faculty of History and Philology of Irkutsk University, from which he graduated in 1959. At first, he didn’t think about a vocation as a writer - he just found himself without money one day (they didn’t give him a scholarship), he was offered to work without interrupting his studies.

10. Presenter 1:

He published a lot, wrote notes, reports, essays. Here Rasputin “got his chops”, learned to listen to people, have conversations with them, and think about their aspirations. All this is so necessary for a great writer.

11. Presenter 2:

In 1967, the story “Money for Maria” was published in the Angara almanac. By this time, Rasputin was accepted into the Union of Writers of the USSR and published three books of essays and stories. But it is with the story “Money for Maria” that critics associate the appearance of a great original writer in literature. The story brought Rasputin all-Union and worldwide fame.

12. Presenter 1:

Rasputin always had a special relationship with women, mothers, and old women. All his inconspicuous, quiet heroines have a restless and conscientious soul; they are worried that conscience is “thinner” in people. His shy, resigned and pure old women, all these Annas, Darias, Nastyas, Alenas, stood in the way of Evil and Fearlessness. The Patriarch once said: “...the white scarves of grandmothers saved the Orthodox Church from destruction.” The old women of Valentin Rasputin, our mothers and women of Russia saved the conscience of the people, warmed their soul, and breathed strength.

The story “The Deadline,” which V. Rasputin himself called the main one of his books, touched many moral problems. In the work, V. Rasputin showed relationships within the family, raised the problem of respect for parents, which is very relevant in our time, and raised the question of conscience and honor, which affected every hero of the story.

13.Staging of 2 scenes from “Deadline”.

14. Presenter 2:

In 1976, the story “Farewell to Matera” was published, which established Rasputin’s reputation as one of the leading Russian writers. A person can live fully only with love for the Motherland, preserving in his soul the centuries-old traditions of his people. In the story “Farewell to Matera,” Rasputin shows how the Russian people feel about the destruction of their national world “in the name of progress.” A simple Russian woman, Daria, has been resisting for 5 years, defending her old house and the entire village from a pogrom. For her, Matera and her home are the embodiment of the Motherland. Daria defends not the old hut, but the Motherland, where her grandfathers and great-grandfathers lived. Her Russian heart aches - “as if it were on fire, Christ’s heart, it burns and burns, aches and aches.”

15.Staging of a dialogue between a grandson and grandmother.

16. Presenter 1:

Siberia still holds tight to Valentin Rasputin, its singer and protector. Every spring he comes here, visits his native villages and lives until late autumn not far from Irkutsk, trying to stay longer where Baikal releases his daughter Angara. Rasputin’s father’s share turned out to be related to Baikal. It was truly a full cup of goodness and hardship that fell to be drunk on these shores...

17. Poem by heart. Slides about Baikal.

18. Presenter 2.

Dear friends! We think that you are also familiar with the work of Valentin Rasputin. What works of the writer have you read? Share your impressions.

19. Controversy with the audience. (words of girls - 6 people)

19. Presenter 2:

Thanks for your feedback. Each of you spoke about Rasputin’s heroines, about women, about mothers. The theme of a woman as a mother runs like a refrain through his prose. With the heroes of Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin's novels and stories, we are not afraid to live in the 21st century. We have Faith, Soul, Conscience. And that means Russia is eternal. Valentin Rasputin is still in service today. We wish him health, creative success and grateful readers.

And you, friends. Love your mothers, appreciate every minute of communication with them, take care of them.

There is a song about mom, slides.


1. I understand Rasputin’s attitude towards a woman who is a mother, a woman who is a wife, and a woman who maintains family ties. In the story “Vasily and Vasilisa,” the author showed a heroine who was persistent, strong, and raised seven children. Vasilisa was never able to forgive her husband, who was responsible for the death of her unborn child. I agree with Rasputin’s position; not everything in life can be forgiven.

2. I respect the work of Rasputin, in which from the very beginning attention to women prevails. The heroine of his first story, “Money for Maria,” is a saleswoman at the only store in the entire village. The auditor discovered a shortage of 1000 rubles. It would seem that Rasputin should have burst into indignation over the theft of public property. But the writer did exactly the opposite, made Maria a heroine with a capital letter. Maria Kuzma's husband decides to collect money from the world one by one, borrowing from whomever he can. And the writer looks inside human soul, talks about who we are, reflects on where selfishness, callousness, and soullessness came from in people.

3. In my opinion, the most interesting is Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember.” I really sympathize with the main character, Nastena, who threw herself into the Angara River because of the desertion of her husband Andrei. The author himself wrote that Nastena “was not killed by the village,” she was killed by her husband’s desertion, by the unbearable mental anguish that she suffered in the close world of her fellow villagers and in her home. Nastena’s death, as Rasputin wrote, is “a severe test of the moral law.”

4.Rasputin was called a “countryman” for his passion for the countryside theme. However, the writer also raises the problems of the city on the pages of his works. The heroine of the story “To the Same Land,” published in 1995, Pashuta, lived in the city for more than 40 years, but everything here was completely foreign to her. The city is environmentally unfavorable; the largest aluminum smelter operates here. In such an atmosphere, both people and their souls broke. In the village world, everything is simple and wise, kind, humane.

5. In the story “Women’s Conversation,” Natalya “teaches life” to her granddaughter Vika, who has already stumbled in life. And both, grandmother and granddaughter, turn to the Lord, “Lord, have mercy!”

6. One of Rasputin’s last stories, “Ivan’s Daughter, Ivan’s Mother,” tells how the heroine of the story went against the usual course of life, in which a rapist, having given a bribe, can get away with impunity. The ending of this story is optimistic. The heroine's son Ivan, having served in the army, returns to his native place to build a church in the village with a team of carpenters. This story inspires faith in the formation of a new person who has found his place in the life of Russia.

In the Irkutsk ODB named after. Mark Sergeev told schoolchildren about life and work around the world famous writer, classic of Russian literature, Siberian prose writer Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin.

Memory lessons “The World and the Word of Valentin Rasputin” and literary hour“Military childhood” was held for high school students of the 39th and 46th schools and for 7th grade students of secondary school No. 11 in Irkutsk in the department of local history and bibliography of the Irkutsk Regional Children's Library named after. Mark Sergeeva. All events were dedicated to the birthday and anniversary of the death of the world famous writer, classic of Russian literature Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin.

A year has passed without V. G. Rasputin, who was only a few hours short of his birthday. During memory lessons, librarians introduced teenagers to the biography of the famous prose writer, whose childhood was spent in a remote Siberian village, 400 kilometers from Irkutsk. Subjects of the representative's works village prose, the prototypes of the heroes are taken mainly from his childhood years. As Valentin Grigorievich himself noted: “...A writer begins in childhood from the impressions with which he is imbued precisely then. He may then not know himself as a writer for a long time, and perhaps he will never know, but the soul is sown, fertilized, and if directed towards it, it is capable of producing a harvest at any moment.”

The conversation with schoolchildren was held with a slide presentation. It featured photographs by the famous Irkutsk photographer Boris Dmitriev, who, in particular, illustrated the collection of essays by Valentin Rasputin “Siberia, Siberia...”.

And of course, the main thing that was discussed with the readers of the younger generation was the writer’s love for his native Russia, Siberia, his struggle to preserve the purity of the Siberian pearl - Lake Baikal and the Angara River, with which the life of the prose writer was closely connected.

The high school students listened with interest to the librarian’s story. Coming from a peasant family, thanks to his talent and hard work, Valentin Rasputin became one of the classics of Russian literature. In general, he was a wonderful person, modest and delicate in everyday life, unapologetic and firm in defending the main human values. All of him works of art, journalism, speeches are an appeal to the human soul. It is not for nothing that Valentin Grigorievich is called the conscience of Russia.

Then the librarians invited young people to get acquainted with the book exhibition “All my life I wrote love for Russia”, which presented the works of V. G. Rasputin from different years. The readers' attention was especially attracted by the anniversary and gift editions of the author's books, collections of essays "Land near Baikal", as well as the story "Farewell to Matera", illustrated by Irkutsk resident, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Sergei Eloyan.

And during the literary hour “War Childhood,” seventh-graders watched excerpts from a film based on V. Rasputin’s story “French Lessons.” During the conversation, students actively asked questions, discussed the actions of the main character, and compared post-war life and the relationships of people of those years with our time. After the event, the guys did not leave for a long time, looking at the books at the exhibition with interest.

The idea of ​​the importance of reading and self-discovery ran through all the events. amazing world prose writer. A quote from Irkutsk critic V. Semenova sounded inspiring: “What does it mean to remember a writer? This means remembering the main thing for which he lived - his books. But first you need to read them!”

Kashirtseva Irina Nikolaevna, chief librarian,
Zhuravleva Ekaterina Leonidovna,chief public relations specialist
Irkutsk Regional Children's Library named after. Mark Sergeeva
Photo by I. N. Kashirtseva

Extracurricular event about the life and work of V. G. Rasputin"Born of Siberia for Russia"

Goals: Introduce children to the work of the writer and fellow countryman V.G. Rasputin, with the works that he writes for children. To cultivate pride in one’s compatriot, love for one’s native land, for native nature, to the Motherland.

Progress of the event

  1. Teacher's opening speech

“There are such concepts: spiritual memory and spiritual experience of a person, which should be present in each of us, regardless of our age.”

V. Rasputin

2 years passed without V. G. Rasputin, who only a few hours did not live to see his birthday. March 152017 is the 80th anniversary of the birth of Valentin Rasputin. “There are such concepts: spiritual memory and spiritual experience of a person, which should be present in each of us, regardless of our age,” said the writer. I think you and I will listen to his words and try to learn as much as possible about new things for ourselves. famous writer, about his richspiritual experience, unique, inexhaustible, and let’s try to understand where such a powerful talent came from, which sparkled with the brightest facets.

Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin entered our literature immediately, almost without a start and as a true master of words. It is difficult to imagine Russian literature today without the novels and stories of our fellow countryman. His works have gained well-deserved popularity in our country and abroad.

Valentin Rasputin's path to literature has been determined in the best possible way: in a short time the young writer became on a par with the great masters of prose.

We invite you to listen to the 7th grade children who will tell us about the life and work of the writer.

Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin (born March 15, 1937, Ust-Uda village, Irkutsk region) - Russian prose writer, representative of the so-called. "village prose".

Born into a peasant family; spent his childhood in the village of Atalanka. Having graduated from the local elementary school, he was forced to move alone fifty kilometers from home, where the secondary school was located (the famous story “French Lessons” - 1972) would later be created about this period.

Let's watch an excerpt from a documentary where Rasputin talks about his childhood.

Slide 3. After school I entered the Faculty of History and Philology of Irkutsk University. During his student years, he became a freelance correspondent for a youth newspaper. One of his essays caught the editor's attention. Later, this essay under the title “I forgot to ask Lyoshka” was published in the anthology “Angara” (1961).

When you entered university, did you dream of writing?

Valentin Rasputin: No, I didn’t dream of it. True, I really loved literature at school. Like many teenagers, he wrote poetry. I almost wrote a poem for graduation. But there were no high thoughts. I went to history and philology only to return to the village and become a teacher. It seemed to me: this is the most I can do. Yes, I was drawn to this.

During my senior years I had to work part-time on the radio and in a youth newspaper. At that time I became friends with Vampilov. He studied a year younger, but already then he published a book of stories, and I envied him a little. "Why am I worse?" - I thought and also began to write stories. They were, of course, naive.

Slide 4. After graduating from the university in 1959, Rasputin worked for several years in newspapers in Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk, and often visited the construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station and the Abakan-Taishet highway. Essays and stories about what he saw were later included in his collections “Bonfires of New Cities” and “The Land Near the Sky.”

Slide 5. In 1965, Rasputin showed several new stories to V. Chivilikhin, who came to Chita for a meeting of young writers of Siberia, who became the “godfather” of the aspiring prose writer.

Since 1966, Rasputin has been a professional writer. Since 1967, member of the Union of Writers of the USSR.

Slide 6. Rasputin’s first book of stories, “A Man from This World,” was published in 1967 in Krasnoyarsk. In the same year, the story “Money for Maria” was published.

The writer’s talent was revealed in full force in the story “The Deadline” (1970), declaring the maturity and originality of the author.

Slide 7. This was followed by the story “French Lessons” (1973), the story “Live and Remember” (1974) and “Farewell to Matera” (1976).

In 1981, new stories were published: “Natasha”, “What to convey to the crow”, “Live a century - love a century”.

The appearance in 1985 of Rasputin’s story “Fire,” which is distinguished by its acuteness and modernity of the problem, aroused great interest among the reader

Slide 8. In recent years, the writer has devoted a lot of time and effort to social and journalistic activities, without interrupting his creativity. In 1995, his story “To the Same Land” was published; essays “Down the Lena River”; in 1996 - the stories “Memorial Day”; in 1997 - “Unexpectedly”; “Father's Limits” (“Vision” and “In the Evening”).

Slide 9. In recent years, the writer has devoted a lot of time and effort to social and journalistic activities, without interrupting his creativity. In 1995, his story “To the Same Land” was published; essays “Down the Lena River”; in 1996 - the stories “Memorial Day”; in 1997 - “Unexpectedly”; “Father's Limits” (“Vision” and “In the Evening”).

In 2006, the third edition of the album of essays by the writer “Siberia, Siberia” was published (previous editions were 1991, 2000). Lives and works in Irkutsk.

Slide 10. 1971 writer travels to Bulgaria as part of the club of the Soviet-Bulgarian youth creative intelligentsia.

Slide 11. 1979 – trip to France.

1981 – Rasputin was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

1983 – trip to Germany to a meeting organized by the Interlit-82 club.

1984 – trip to Mexico at the invitation of the Institute of Fine Arts.

1985 – trip to Kansas City (USA) at the invitation of the university. Lectures on modern prose.

  1. – trip to Bulgaria, Japan, Sweden.

1987 – stay in West Berlin and Germany as part of a delegation studying environmental and cultural problems

  • Laureate State Prize of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in the field of humanitarian work 2012 ()
  • Presidential Award Winner Russian Federation in the field of literature and art () ,
  • Laureate of the Russian Government Prize for outstanding achievements in the field of culture (),
  • Laureate USSR State Prize (, ),
  • Laureate of the Irkutsk Komsomol Prize named after. Joseph Utkin (),
  • Winner of the award named after. L. N. Tolstoy (),
  • Laureate of the Prize of the Foundation for the Development of Culture and Art under the Committee of Culture of the Irkutsk Region (),
  • Winner of the award named after.Saint Innocent of Irkutsk (),
  • Laureate of the magazine "Siberia » im. A. V. Zvereva ,
  • Laureate Alexander Solzhenitsyn Prize (),
  • Laureate of the Literary Prize named after. F. M. Dostoevsky (),
  • Winner of the award named after. Alexander Nevsky "Russia's faithful sons" (),
  • Winner of the Best Foreign Novel of the Year award. XXI century" (China,),
  • Laureate of the All-Russian literary prize named after Sergei Aksakov (),
  • Laureate of the International Foundation for the Unity of Orthodox Peoples Prize (),
  • Winner of the Yasnaya Polyana Prize (),

Honorary Citizen of Irkutsk () , Honorary Citizen of the Irkutsk Region () .

Slide 15 The main task of his whole life was caring for the unique Lake Baikal. He was not afraid of anyone and always advocated the preservation of its purity and ecology; he was an ardent opponent of building up the shores of Lake Baikal with industrial enterprises and the use of its water for industrial needs.

Valentin Rasputin descended to a depth of 800 meters on the Mir deep-sea vehicle, near the coast of Buryatia. The duration of the dive is about 3 hours.

« There is order, special beauty, peace, friendliness and, most importantly, a complete absence of aggression. Yes, lower organisms live there, but they are somehow higher than us“- said Valentin Rasputin after the dive.

Daughter Maria Daughter - Maria Rasputina (May 8 - July 9 ), musicologist, organist , teacher Moscow Conservatory

There are people without whom it is difficult to imagine our native land. This is Valentin Rasputin for us.

From March 11 to March 31, the libraries of the Irkutsk region host Days of Remembrance of Valentin Rasputin, our fellow countryman, the famous Russian prose writer. He passed away a year ago, 4 hours short of his 78th birthday.

During these days, public libraries in the Ust-Ilimsk region also hosted events dedicated to the memory of the writer.

The literary hour “Feeling of the Motherland” with a slide presentation was held by the MKUK “Intersettlement central library"for fourth grade students of Zheleznodorozhny Secondary School No. 2. The children got acquainted with the work of a modern classic, learned more about the author’s children’s works: “The Land Near the Sky”, “On the Angara River”, “In the Taiga Above Baikal”, “What to Tell the Crow” and others. All of them are united by one thing: the desire to help the reader become kinder, more merciful, more compassionate and more attentive to others.

A review of the book exhibition “Rasputin: Life and Fate” was held at the Sedanovskaya Rural Library. Particular attention was paid to the new book “Along the Angara...”, which was based on impressions from the last trip of Valentin Rasputin and a group of writers along the Siberian river. The response from the audience showed that our fellow countryman is remembered, read, and loved.

For students of the secondary school, the Educhansky Rural Library held a literary hour “Live and Remember,” which introduced the children to the life and work of the famous fellow countryman. The event ended with a quiz on the writer’s works. Also, within the walls of the library on the Days of Memory of Valentin Rasputin is open book exhibition"Live according to your conscience."

In the Badarma Rural Library No. 1, the book exhibition “I grew up here and this region is dear to me” was presented, which revealed all the facets of Valentin Grigorievich’s creativity as a writer, prose writer, publicist, and philosopher.

In Tubinsky municipal formation employees of the local cultural center held a memorial evening “I love my land and sing its praises.” Those present were introduced to the writer’s biography, watched a slide presentation “Life is like an open book,” and at the end, participants in the literary club “Dialogues about Beauty” showed an excerpt from the work “Farewell to Matera.” Young people and older generation, they touched upon the problem of memory, respect for the past and one’s roots, and man’s relationship with nature. For schoolchildren, the village library staff has prepared recommended literature lists “Valentin Rasputin: Education of the Soul.”

In the Podjelansky rural library, for students in grades 6-9, library lesson“I come from Siberia” during which the guys discussed the works “French Lessons” and “Farewell to Matera”.

The writer left. But he lives in his works and his words ring out for our edification: “Everything that happens is for the better, to make life more interesting and happier. Well, live: don’t look back, don’t think about it” - Valentin Rasputin.

Methodist-bibliographer of MKUK “MCB” E.V. Kondratyuk

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Books by A.F. Karnaukhova

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    “Flashes of the Singing Soul” is dedicated to love lyrics. The poems printed in the book awaken hopes for a good future. They reveal a person’s inexhaustible faith in the power of love, which can ennoble him and the world, giving them an impetus to prosperity and development.

    The story “Where the Eagles Nest” is about proud and beautiful birds, with a mighty wingspan, selfless and devoted love; about proud and beautiful people, with their mighty scope of deeds and accomplishments, with their courage and love for the harsh Siberian nature.

    The poems published in the book “Star Twinkles” are poems about the Motherland, love and the beauty of human life. Lyrics dedicated to the great people of the earth, as well as reflections on biblical and mythological topics.

    The collection of poems “Geometry of Life” is about the beloved village of Nevon, which is located on the banks of the Angara, about the author’s family. There are poems dedicated to the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, when not only adults, but also children made their contribution to the treasury of the common victory. The author paid due attention in his poems to the great poets of the earth, historical events, as well as problems that concern a thinking person.

    The story “Dashing” is based on a true fact that happened during the Great Patriotic War with private cavalryman Yegor, originally from the village of Nevon. Majority characters mentioned in the story are real people.

    The collection “Taiga Hops” reflects the author’s impressions of hunting, nature, and the taiga. The poems are distinguished by the originality inherent in the inhabitants of the taiga region.

    “Palette of Time” is the fifth poetry book by Anatoly Karnaukhov. In it, the author talks about his love for his small homeland and the world around him. The poems and poems posted in the book are filled with feelings of patriotism and spirituality. They reflect the author’s deep faith in goodness and justice, in the sense of beauty and eternity.

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    The publication presents selected pages from the diaries of the outstanding Russian traveler N.M. Przhevalsky, which present a fascinating story about expeditions to the Ussuri region, Mongolia, China, the Gobi Desert and Tibet. The protected Ussuri taiga, the bare Mongolian steppes, the outlandish landscapes of China, the dangerous mountain paths of Lamaist Tibet, the withering heat of the Gobi and Taklamakan deserts - he went through all this, and more than once, in order to more closely connect its own Far Eastern outskirts with Russia. Thanks to his tireless efforts, Mongolia, China and Tibet became closer to Russia. N.M. Przhevalsky was elected an honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society. After the first expedition to Central Asia, he was awarded the Konstantinovsky medal of the Russian Geographical Society, became an honorary doctor of several universities, and after the third expedition, Przhevalsky’s merits were recognized by the entire world community. This richly illustrated publication tells of the adventures and extreme incidents that await travelers in the wild, exotic corners of the Earth.

    The strait, sea, archipelago and island are named after the famous Russian navigator, captain-commander Vitus Jonassen Bering (1681-1741). The book contains documents and reports from participants in the First (1725-1730) and Second (1734-1742) Kamchatka expeditions, detailing the progress of research in difficult, sometimes deadly conditions of trips to little-explored areas of Siberia and the Far East. In a unique publication, in addition to the documents of the expeditions and the writings of their participants: Sven Waxel, G. Miller and S.P. Krasheninnikov, also included review works by the historian of the Russian fleet and maritime geographical discoveries V.N. Top and the German geographer F. Gehlwald. Thanks to the heroism and dedication of Russian pioneers, Russian geographical science has enriched humanity with invaluable knowledge about distant lands. The visuals that complement the narrative, represented by hundreds of maps, black-and-white and color ancient paintings and drawings, will allow you, while reading about the events, to vividly imagine the environment in which they took place.

    The book “Frigate “Pallada”” by Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov (1812-1891) is a unique phenomenon in its own way. None of the classics of Russian literature, either before or after Goncharov, took part in such a journey. 160 years ago, the frigate Pallada weighed anchor and left the Kronstadt roadstead. Fate would have it that the remarkable master of words I.A. would go on this ship on one of the most outstanding voyages. Goncharov. For two and a half years, thousands of kilometers by land and sea, a responsible diplomatic mission moved through Britain, Madeira, the Atlantic, South Africa, Indonesia, Singapore, Japan, China, Philippines. Ivan Goncharov was aware of his duty to his readers and the need to describe the journey, and already two months after his return, the first essays about the expedition appeared, and two years later the first complete edition of “The Frigate “Pallada”” was published, which went through many reprints and is today presented on court modern reader in this book.

    A fascinating story about an amazing journey undertaken in the 60s - early 70s of the 15th century. the brave Russian merchant Afanasy Nikitin to distant, mysterious India forms the basis of this book. The unique literary monument “Walking across Three Seas” continues the “Great Journeys” series, beloved by readers. The Appendices contain interesting stories about travels made in different years “before and after Nikitin” to the same regions of India and neighboring countries. Thanks to this, this volume is distinguished by an amazing factual richness and abundance of material. Numerous ancient images of the described places give a clear idea of ​​what they were like 500 years ago. The publication is addressed to everyone interested in the dramatic history of geographical discoveries and ancient oriental exoticism.

    “Discovery of Antarctica” is a detailed travel diary kept by the outstanding Russian naval commander Thaddeus Faddeevich Bellingshausen during his famous circumnavigation of the world (1819-1821). Over these years, two Russian sloops - "Vostok" and "Mirny" - explored Antarctica, the last previously undiscovered part of the world, a mystery continent whose very existence many doubted.
    Book by F.F. Bellingshausen, even today, almost 200 years after it was written, captivates and captivates not only with the abundance of vivid, memorable details, but also with the very personality of the author. Bellingshausen vividly responds to everything that happened in foreign ports and on the open sea, expressively characterizes the expedition members, and writes with particular warmth about his faithful assistant, the commander of the Mirny, M.P. Lazarev. Thanks to the discoveries of F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev, Russian geographical science acquired global significance and gave a powerful impetus to the organization of the most famous Russian research organization XIX century - Russian Geographical Society. Dozens of color and more than three hundred old black and white paintings and drawings not only decorate the book - they allow you to literally look into the past, to see the expedition through the eyes of its participants.

    Journey to the Tien Shan is a fascinating, popular and humorous memoir written by the great Russian traveler, scientist and public figure Pyotr Petrovich Semenov-Tian-Shansky about his outstanding scientific feat - the expedition of 1856-1857. to a high mountainous country completely unknown to science at the junction of Central Asia and China: Tien Shan in Chinese means Heavenly Mountains. The book is replete with vivid details about the unique nature of the region, about appearance, the life and customs of the population, about meetings with wonderful people, including old friends, among others - F.M., who was serving exile in Semipalatinsk. Dostoevsky, with whom the author was familiar from Petrashevsky’s circle. The book is beautifully designed and richly illustrated with paintings, drawings and old photographs; is designed for everyone who is interested in the geography and history of Russia, meaningful and reliable stories about exotic corners of the Earth.

    In the galaxy of Russian navigators, Vasily Mikhailovich Golovnin (1776-1831) occupies a special place. Vice Admiral, Corresponding Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, he made a significant contribution to all areas of naval affairs, did a lot for the organization and construction of the Russian fleet, is known as a talented scientist and writer, and trained a whole galaxy of brave Russian sailors: F.P. Litke, F.P. Wrangel, F.F. Matyushkin and others. A cape on the southwestern coast of North America - the former “Russian America”, a mountain on the island of Novaya Zemlya, a strait in the Kuril Islands, and a bay in the Bering Sea are named after Golovnin.
    Always in spite of circumstances and fate - this was Golovnin’s life and this was his trip around the world on the sloop “Diana”. Having repaid his debt to the Motherland, Vasily Mikhailovich fulfilled his “obligations” to the reading public, opening in the book “Notes in Captivity of the Japanese” mysterious world Japan and its inhabitants. Unique material about a then unknown country and its people plus brilliant literary talent - it is not surprising that Golovnin’s book received a lot of rave reviews and was translated into many European languages. Like all publications in the “Great Travelers” series, V. M. Golovnin’s book is superbly designed and filled with a large number of rare illustrations, allowing you to look at the countries and peoples described by the author through the eyes of discoverers.

    “Journey through Siberia and the Arctic Sea” by Admiral Ferdinand Petrovich Wrangel is a geographical bestseller of the mid-19th century: its European translations appeared before the first Russian edition! The famous Russian navigator and polar explorer, who made three trips around the world, wrote a book full of wonderful descriptions of the natural resources of Siberia, the life and customs of the people who inhabited it, and the dangers and trials experienced during expeditions. In keeping with the wonderful tradition of the Great Journeys series, this book is adorned with hundreds of vintage color and black-and-white illustrations, allowing you to literally see what the author so excitingly talks about.

    The famous Russian traveler and ethnographer N. N. Miklouho-Maclay revealed to the civilized world the unique nature of New Guinea and the exotic culture of the aborigines who inhabited it. In his diaries, he spoke about life and adventures among the wild tribes of the Maclay Coast (so named during the explorer’s lifetime), the mysterious “Papuasia,” onto the shore of which he stepped off the ship’s ramp.
    The volume of selected works by the outstanding Russian ethnographer includes diary entries and articles that tell about visits to New Guinea in the 70s of the 19th century, about life among the aborigines, about the study of the nature and population of this region of Melanesia.

    In 1900, the young Russian correspondent Dmitry Yanchevetsky, on assignment from the newspaper “Novy Krai,” went to China to see the exotic country with his own eyes and describe the great uprising that shook the Celestial Empire. The notes made by Dmitry Yanchevetsky during this dangerous journey formed the basis of a stunningly reliable, unique book that will open to the reader pictures of the collision of medieval and modern China, an event that became the starting point of the amazing transformations of the ancient country.
    The appendix publishes the brilliant book “In China” by Alexander Vereshchagin. The opinion of a professional military man about the events of the early 20th century is interesting primarily because in defeated, destroyed, divided China, the author saw the emerging greatness of this country and for the first time in European history predicted its future power. Like all publications in the “Great Travels” series, this book is beautifully designed and filled with a large number of rare illustrations and photographs of eyewitnesses of the events described.