Arguments on the topic of whether it is possible to judge the winners. Victory and defeat examples (Unified State Examination arguments)

If we consider these words from the point of view of their syntactic meaning, then they are antonyms. But why do they so often sound like one thing? The answer is suggested to me by the words of E. Hemingway: “Man was not created to suffer defeat... Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.”

Reflecting on this writer’s statement, I cannot but agree with him. Indeed, the physical destruction of a person is very often the result of his moral victory. Strong spirit a person cannot be broken, on the contrary, he is a winner.

Let us recall A. Fadeev’s novel “The Young Guard”. Boys and girls, almost teenagers who had just graduated from school, stood up to defend their homeland from the Nazi occupiers. Their organization was betrayed. Finding themselves in the dungeons of the Gestapo, they endured terrible torture, but did not betray their comrades.

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All the Young Guards died. Is this their victory or defeat? Definitely a victory. Because in this case, death is a victory for fortitude and fortitude. We still remember their names: Oleg Koshevoy, Ulyana Gromova, Lyubov Shevtsova, Sergey Tyulenin...

And who didn’t admire the exploits of the five girls in B. Vasilyev’s story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”?! These girls also gave their lives for our victory over fascism. The fact that they took up arms and went to the front voluntarily, knowing that death could await them, is already a feat, a victory over oneself. Each of them had their own dreams, each wanted to love and live. But each could already present its own account of the war. The war that took away their dreams, their youth, and ultimately their lives. Who dares to say that they have suffered defeat? Nobody! They may have met their last hour differently, but they won! It was people like them who endured all the hardships of the war and won Victory.

We, the young, bow our heads before the feat of those who fell during the Great Patriotic War. Thank you, the winners, for peace and spring!

Updated: 2016-11-20

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Every person wants to be a winner, wants everything in his life to be successful, happy, so that he can proudly tell others about his successes. But in reality, not everyone and it doesn’t always work out this way. Events often burst into our lives that can turn a person’s whole life upside down: illnesses, accidents, natural disasters, wars. In such situations, it is important to remain human, not to break in the face of danger, to gain victory over yourself, your weaknesses and ailments, and to overcome all obstacles.

When I think about people who have triumphed in difficult life circumstances, I remember “The Tale of a Real Man” by Boris Polevoy. This is the case when life turned out to be more amazing than any fiction, because the author wrote his work about a real person - a Hero Soviet Union pilot Alexei Maresyev. Almost all the facts stated in the work are true.

Polevoy named his hero Alexei Meresyev. During the war, while making a combat mission, Alexey was wounded in the legs. His plane was shot down. For several days he crawled through the snow, trying to get to his own people, and ended up with the partisans. He was taken by plane to the rear and had surgery. The pilot, who madly loved his job, found himself without legs, which were amputated at the knees. The first time after the operation, he was close to suicide: he would not be able to fly, he would not be able to defeat the Germans. Besides, how hard it is for any person, especially a young, healthy man, to feel like a cripple, a helpless invalid. Friends came to the rescue and restored his faith that he could overcome his disability and be able to fly. A man of strong will, Alexey began to learn to walk with prosthetics. At night he cried from pain, but no one saw his tears. In the sanatorium where he was sent after the hospital, he learns to dance on prosthetics. What pain and blood these dances gave him! But the desire to return to duty was stronger than any pain for him. Before the medical commission, Alexey danced in a squat, and the doctors were amazed by the strength of his spirit. He returned to duty, achieved his goal, conquered himself.

When you read about such people, you begin to be proud that you are human, that there are people who can overcome everything on the way to their goal.

In Vladislav Titov’s story “To Spite All Deaths”, based on real events, the fate of Sergei Petrov is shown. While rescuing his fellow miners during an accident, he suffers hand injuries. They have to be amputated. Sergei had to call upon all his will, determination, and courage to start new life. He also gains victory over himself, and, it seems to me, this is the true victory.

Reading about people who overcame their pain, weakness, fear, uncertainty, you understand how strong the human spirit, will, and determination can be. We are proud of such people, we take them as examples, because they, like light, help us see our path.

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Subject"Greatest Victory- this is a victory over oneself" .
Literary works used in argumentation:
- play by A.N. Ostrovsky" Storm";
- novel by I.A. Goncharova" Oblomov".


What is victory? It seems to me that this is success in battle, achieving what you strived for. Victory comes in different forms. You can win in board game and in an argument with a friend, in a duel and in war, but, as he claims

In my opinion, victory over yourself begins with recognizing your own imperfections, your shortcomings. Man is by nature a selfish creature, and sometimes it is easier for him to destroy another than to step over fear and false pride and admit that he is wrong.

To be defeated in the most difficult battle - the battle with oneself - means to destroy oneself, to lose one's essence. This is not always physical death, but an existence devoid of meaning and purpose can equate a person to the living dead.


As an example, I would like to cite one controversial work by Ostrovsky, “The Thunderstorm”. Katerina, a very pious, pure and kind girl, is married to an unloved man, Tikhon, and every day suffers attacks from his mother, Kabanikha. Having cheated on my husband once, main character, unable to endure the pangs of conscience, publicly admits to what he has done, and then, not seeing the point in further existence, throws himself off a cliff and dies. At first glance, you might think that the girl was defeated, but it seems to me that Katerina posthumously remained the winner. First of all, no one was able to break her soul, because, unfortunately, this was the only way to cope with the oppression of Kabanikha. And the main character went for it. Katerina also overcame herself, since being a Christian she understood perfectly well that suicide is a terrible sin, and not everyone is capable of deciding on such an act. But the girl won. She defeated herself, thereby defeating others. And her sacrifice was not in vain.

An example of complete defeat in a battle with oneself can be found in Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov.” Since childhood, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov has been accustomed to a measured, quiet life. He was always surrounded by care and grew up as a dependent person. The hero's favorite pastime was lying aimlessly on the couch. When problems arose, Oblomov postponed their solution again and again, waiting for outside help. Even love could not pull him out of the abyss of laziness. Ilya Ilyich was defeated in man's most difficult battle. Until the end of his days he lay on the sofa in his favorite robe. It seems to me that life is an eternal struggle with obstacles coming both from the outside and from the inside.


Indeed, a person who defeated not only his enemies, but also himself, can be called great. For real strong people not much, but they are distinguished by an indescribable will and desire to live.

An example of a final essay for the third direction from FIPI.

All victories begin with victory over yourself

Don't be afraid to go the wrong way -
be afraid not to go anywhere.
Dmitry Yemets.

Life is a long, long road, woven from victories and defeats, from ups and downs, on which events on a universal scale and personal scale take place. How not to get lost and confused in the universe of the time allotted to a person? How can you resist temptations and fatal mistakes so that you don’t feel bitter and offended later? And how to become a winner in your life?

There are many questions, almost no answers, but one thing is clear: this is not easy to do. Literary world is rich in examples confirming the fact of how a person walked through thorns to the stars and how he slipped into the world of greed, spiritual emptiness, losing himself, family and friends. My reader and life experience allow me to safely agree with the statement that “all victories begin with victory over oneself.”

The life of Santiago, an old man whose face is dotted with wrinkles, and whose hands are covered with deep scars from a string, and very old ones, is proof of this. When you read Ernest Hemingway's parable, at first you are perplexed about what kind of victory we can even talk about. The deplorable, plight of the frail old man is eloquently emphasized by one small but significant detail: a patched sail, reminiscent of “the banner of a completely defeated regiment.” What feelings could this old man evoke in me? Of course, pity, compassion. It is bitter to look at a lonely, old, hungry man, at his hut open to all the winds. The impression is also aggravated by the fact that for 84 days in a row he has been returning from the sea without a single fish. And this is 3 months of living from hand to mouth.

But! Amazing thing! Among all this despondency, we see the cheerful eyes of the old man, “the eyes of a man who does not give up.” Despite his age and streak of bad luck, he is ready to fight and overcome circumstances. I was interested to understand where Santiago got such confidence? After all, everyone had long since written off this unlucky old man; the parents of the boy who fished with him took their son and put him in a boat with another fisherman. But the devoted boy is here, taking care of the old man. Maybe it was he, who carefully covered Santiago with a newspaper and brought him food, who was the support he needed in old age? I think that it was the warmth of the little boy’s soul that warmed old age, softened the failures and the cold attitude of the fishermen. But even more important for Santiago himself is to convey the experience that a young fisherman needs, to prove that an experienced fisherman can catch a big fish, he just needs to sail further.

And we will see this big fish, or rather, its skeleton - evidence of the extraordinary victory of the old man, which he got at a huge price. In this story, you can endlessly ask a whole series of questions, among which there is one main one: “Was it worth risking yourself and dragging a narwhal accompanied by bloodthirsty sharks?” Many condemn the old man and see his defeat in this act, arguing that he overestimated his strength and underestimated the sharks. I associate this assessment with the stupid remark of tourists who saw the skeleton of a narwhal and were amazed that the shark (!) had such a beautiful tail. How can it be considered a defeat for Santiago to remain above himself, above the narwhal?! I will not join their voice and say that it was worth it. If he had to repeat this path, he would choose it. It was no coincidence that after this campaign he dreamed of lions. This victory was needed not only by Santiago, but also by the boy. He is still a child, he has a lot to learn from life, from such brave and courageous people as Santiago.

If a person does not learn to overcome circumstances, he becomes their slave. A striking example of a slave to his own destiny for me is Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin. Perhaps my statement will cause a storm of indignation, but how can you live your whole life in fear, submitting to everyone and everything, and at the same time grumble: “Leave me alone, why are you offending me?” It’s not about the overcoat, old and patched, but about the soul, patched with fears, lack of will, and lack of struggle. In the struggle over his weaknesses, a person grows stronger, step by step establishing himself in life, no matter how difficult and unbearable it may be. “To be”, not “to exist”! “To be” means to burn, to fight, to strive to give the warmth of your soul to people. After all, I found the same warmth in my heart little man Maxim Maksimych, who lived in the same period, but in more difficult conditions, in order to warm the captive Bela, Pechorin. Who did Akaki Akakievich caress?! Who did you help?! Whom did you bestow with your care and attention?! No one... If he fell in love with someone, he would not have time to feel sorry for himself. I feel sorry for him as a human being, but in today’s reading I associate this image with lack of will and lack of fortitude. With the absence of life. One must be, not exist. To live, and not to vegetate, like the wise minnow, like the Greek teacher Belikov and the like.

From all that has been said, I can draw the following conclusion. Life is a long, long road. The wheel of life lifts some above circumstances, and wipes others off the face of the earth. But the chariot of his own destiny is controlled by man himself. He may be wrong, but he must always remember that only a strong man who knows how to overcome himself can bear his story. “The falcon rises high when it flies” - wisdom confirming the movement up the ladder of one’s own destiny.

    Children, essay for 11/21/16. You choose ONE of the four - or rather, you’ve already chosen it! - and write on your own, not forgetting about the KEY words and the formulation of the problem. I am waiting!

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  1. Zamyatina Anastasia “Victory and defeat” PART 1
    “All victories begin with victory over oneself”
    To win a war, you first need to win the battle. By the word “war” I mean not only the fight between people, but also our everyday difficulties that come our way. How many times have you failed at something only because you told yourself “I won’t succeed” or “I won’t succeed”, “I don’t want it this way, what if something turns out wrong?”
    Freud said, “The only person you should compare yourself to is your past self. And the only person you should be better than is who you are now.” I believe that victory over oneself is the most important step towards all other victories. And this very victory over oneself is a change in oneself better side. In literature there are a thousand examples of struggle with oneself, in which there is both victory and, unfortunately, defeat.
    As a clear example of victory over oneself, I would like to take two small works: V. Soloukhin “The Avenger” and Y. Yakovlev “He Killed My Dog.”
    Confucius said: “If you hate, it means you have been defeated.” Soloukhin’s work “The Avenger” tells the story of two boys from Soviet times. Vitka Agafonov hit the protagonist between the shoulder blades with a rod and since then the author has been describing the conflict between revenge and decency. The narrator hated Vitka for his action and was preparing a plan for revenge, all the anger spoke for him. But can hatred and anger overcome the boy’s decency and kindness? As we read the story, we see how the main character's thoughts change. By the end of “The Avenger,” he no longer felt hatred and anger towards Vitka, he only felt the warmth of the relationship and saw him as his friend. This is called victory over oneself.

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  2. Zamyatina Anastasia. Part 2
    Yakovlev's second story, “He Killed My Dog,” shows us how one conversation can change a person. The work begins with the fact that an unremarkable, at first glance, boy enters the director's office. The director is long and thin. He was waiting “just for the right moment to unleash his thunder on this round, long-uncut head.” He didn't want to listen to the boy's story about the dog. But as the story progressed, he no longer thought of scolding him, he was just waiting for him to finish in order to let the boy go: “- That’s it? - asked the director. It was his fifth Taborka that day, and the director had no desire to continue the conversation. And if the boy had said “that’s it,” the director would have let him go.” Towards the end of the short work, the Director was no longer angry with Sasha, did not wait until he finished speaking to let him go, no... New feelings for Taborka awoke in the director’s soul. Sympathy, mercy, kindness. He kept his narrowed eyes on the boy until he finished speaking, and then offered to help him. He wanted to do everything to make the boy feel better. He offered to give Sashka a new dog. But he refused... The director will never forget this “unremarkable “round” boy”... From now on, the director will no longer wait for the moment when he can scold him and send him back to class. This is a victory over himself, because now he has become a kind, patient, understanding and sympathetic person.

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  3. Zamyatina Anastasia. Part 3.
    A striking example of defeat is Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember.” Andrei Guskov is an efficient and brave guy who is taken to the front in the first days of the war. He served well, and did not go first, and did not stand behind his comrade’s back. “In three years I managed to fight in a ski battalion, in reconnaissance, and in a howitzer battery.” He was wounded and shell-shocked more than once. But in the summer of 1944, Guskov was seriously wounded and taken to the hospital, where they said that, most likely, he would go home to the village. Andrei began to live with this thought about home, about family. When they told him that he was going back to the front, he felt only anger and resentment. He was afraid to go to the front. Selfishness got the better of him and he ran away. He sneaked into his native village as a thief, and thereby became a deserter. Andrei is becoming more and more callous in soul, increasingly moving away from people. As we read, we see how he becomes more and more like a wolf. He is now able to get his own food, in the most sadistic ways. Andrei's howl now merges with the howl of the wolf, and now he will no longer be able to return back to his native village and will never become the same “brave guy” that he was at the beginning. The story “Live and Remember” ends with the death of Andrei’s wife, Nastena. What happened to Andrei is no longer so important, because he died morally much earlier. Andrei could not overcome the difficulties and hatred within himself, all that happened to him was defeat over himself.
    In conclusion, I would like to once again agree with the statement: “All victories begin with victory over oneself.” Only the one who defeats himself wins in this life. Who conquered his fear, his laziness and his uncertainty. After all, without overcoming your weaknesses it is impossible to overcome external difficulties, as happened with the hero of one of the works I took.

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    As an athlete, this topic is very close to my heart. If we think about why, the answer will be obvious: in order to win the upcoming matches, you need to work on yourself, on your skill and technique. Before the games, we (my team and I) prepare carefully and diligently, and there is almost no strength left for the last exercises in the training process that the coach gives us. If you give up now, you’ll give up next time. You can't give up, even if it's very hard. It is at this moment that the struggle with oneself occurs. Be patient. Fight your weakness. Through the pain, but do it. Develop willpower. Do what you want, but most importantly don’t give up, otherwise, feeling sorry for yourself, you won’t achieve anything. It's hard to learn, but it's easy to fight. Thus, by giving your best, the result will be visible - and then winning the match will be doubly pleasant. I have seen and heard the phrase “Victories start small” more than once. What is “small”? “Small things” are victories over oneself. Feelings of fear, laziness, and anger are stronger and more difficult to overcome. Therefore, the main task is to conquer yourself and your feelings in order to achieve certain goals.
    In connection with the construction of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station, the village must be flooded and the residents resettled. This sentence will be the beginning of my reasoning. Anyone who has read “Farewell to Matera” at least once will immediately understand that it is about this work that will be said next. Rasputin makes us think about the barbaric methods by which the construction of the hydroelectric power station was carried out. Tragic fate the village of Matera, or rather its flooding, and the relocation of residents does not leave old woman Daria and several other people indifferent (for example, Bogodula, Katerina or Nastasya). For your information, there will always be those who will be happy and look forward to such moments. But not Grandma Daria (that’s what the locals called her). Grandma Daria, the main character of V.G. Rasputin’s story “Farewell to Matera,” personifies the “guardian” of the memory and traditions of her ancestors. Her internal victory is a victory over herself that she did not succumb to the temptation of new technologies in the city that her neighbors and grandson told her about; that she remained unconvinced; that she did not betray the respect and memory of the past: “the truth is in memory. “Whoever has no memory has no life,” Daria believed. Daria could not imagine life anywhere else. Until recently, she did not leave the village; before burning and leaving, she completely put the hut in order, at a time when most of the residents of the village of Matera were indifferent to the fate of the village itself. and her act inspires me to truly appreciate my family, home, homeland. A similar situation involving the flooding of one’s home could happen to any of us. Preservation of the past, without the past there is no present and future - the heroes tried to convey to us. At the end of the story, Matera is enveloped in fog, which seems to be trying to hide the island from prying eyes. Grandma Daria, Bogodul, grandmother Sima with her grandson, Nastasya and Katerina did not want to leave the island and decided to die with him. No, this is not a defeat, They did not want to put up with the lawlessness happening in the country and among people who turn a blind eye to it or they just don't notice it. They remained undefeated, as E. Hemingway said: “Man was not created to suffer defeat... Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.” Rasputin sacrificed these heroes for the sake of the future, for the sake of victory, because if a person who reads this story has at least a small spark in his heart, or there is a drop of pain in this heart, then everything written is not in vain. Rasputin's victory is reflected in the reader's heart through the pain and experiences of the inhabitants of the village of Matera.

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      Another work that I would like to consider is E.M. Remarque “Life on Borrow”. Lilian and Clerfay are the two main characters. There is a struggle going on inside each of them. The fight against ourselves is the fight for life. Many of Remarque's heroes are either racing drivers or patients with tuberculosis. So it is in this novel: Lilian is a patient with tuberculosis, and Clerfay is a racing driver constantly risking his life. Lilian is forced to cling to life every day, Clerfay - only during the races. At first, Lillian doubted whether she would be able to escape from the sanatorium or not. Thanks to her acquaintance with Clerfe and the understanding that she could die at any moment, she gets out of this unpleasant place, we can say that she begins, greedily inhaling, life from the very beginning, and decides why not “live without listening to advice, without any prejudices, to live as one lives”? (YES! Her dream came true)
      Clerfay understands well that his life can end just as suddenly, but he consciously takes part in the race. His fate depends from race to race: “I’m afraid of something completely different: during races at a speed of two hundred kilometers, my front wheel tire may burst...” And what is the result of them internal struggle? For Lillian - at least once to feel the taste real life, to feel all its delights, and not stable (do everything according to a schedule, not a step left or right) like life, and I would call this not life - survival, in a sanatorium. For Clerfay, first of all, winning a race is a pleasure; racing is a part of his life. And they both manage to live the way they want. Isn't it a victory to be at least a little happy? Isn't that why they risk their lives? Exactly for this purpose. Being happy is a victory.
      Death is not scary for these heroes. In any case, a person will die, but there is a difference: happy or unhappy?..
      In life, it is difficult to judge a person only by his actions; he can do one thing and think completely differently. However, writers give us such an opportunity - to understand the thoughts of the characters - through the description of monologues, remarks, author's remarks, and especially through the description of nature. Therefore, the experiences, the internal struggle of the hero with himself - and this is victory or defeat - is much easier for the reader to see, and to understand that all victories and goals will be realized if a person is ready for this internally. Until you yourself want to achieve or achieve something, no one else will do it for you. Victory - you can find a way out of any situation if you understand your own strengths - victory over yourself.

  4. Katya, as an athlete, this topic is very close to my heart. - speech. 2. when you give your best, the result will be visible - a grammatical error. It is necessary: ​​I, as an athlete, ..” and When you give your best, you understand that...” or “when you give your best..., you see the result.”
    3.Consequently, the main task is to conquer yourself and your feelings in order to achieve certain goals.
    In connection with the construction of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station, the village must be flooded, and the residents resettled - there is no logical “bridge” in the transition from the introduction to the main part, for example: Let us turn to the work..., in which..."
    4.did not succumb to the temptation of new technologies in the city; before burning and leaving, she completely put the hut in order - speech again.
    5. Preservation of the past, without the past there is no present and future - the heroes tried to convey to us. - Not the heroes, but the author.
    6. Many of Remarque’s heroes are either racing drivers or patients with tuberculosis. - this is factual. How to understand? What is this? Generalization? In different works or what?
    Ah, what an interesting conclusion! Good! Well done. And in the text of the essay you hold the thread and don’t let it go. Everything is harmonious and logical, you always play on the key words of the topic, you don’t go into lengthy discussions when the topic is in itself, and the essay is in itself. 4+++. Nitpicking? but you will pay attention during the exam!

  5. Katya, I’m watching the deletion. Or did you still have a conclusion in mind? Why did you decide that? There were no words "Thus", "in conclusion"

  6. Yes.. I deleted it in order to make amendments (punctuation marks, in some places I changed the construction of the sentence, etc.) to the part beginning with the words “Another work...” - after a while the shortcomings are more noticeable.
    No, this was the expected conclusion. Fine. I understand you, I’ll take it into account in other essays

  • Essay on “Do defeat and victory taste the same?”
    Do defeat and victory taste the same? Quite a controversial issue. In a confrontation there is always a winning side and a losing side, so we can say that these phenomena are opposites. The winner, as a rule, experiences joy, happiness, euphoria, and a surge of strength. The loser experiences completely opposite feelings: sadness, despondency, despair. But it’s not for nothing that I wrote “as a rule.” After all, it happens that after a defeat he feels very good, because he fought the enemy with dignity. And it also happens that the winner does not feel satisfied with his victory. There is no clear answer to the question “Does defeat and victory taste the same?” Therefore, it deserves attention and careful study.
    You can find a lot of material for thought in works of literature. To begin with, we can consider a conventional war. Reveals it very brightly famous work L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”. It describes the feelings of both the winners of the battle and the losers. I would like to consider the descriptions of the Russians and French after the Battle of Borodino. The Russians drove along the Smolensk road, saddened, despondent, already having difficulty believing in victory. The French, on the contrary, went to Moscow inspired, as if they had won not a battle, but a war. They behave like winners in Moscow: they rob, drink, maraud, and abuse the population. But let's fast forward a month: the Russians realized that they had lured the enemy into a trap, and the defeat at the village of Borodino no longer seemed like a loss to them. At the same time, the French began to realize that they would soon run out of supplies and the harsh Russian winter would begin, which would be especially cold that year. They no longer feel inspired by that victory and feel cheated. This example clearly shows that with seemingly the same phenomenon of victory or defeat, people can experience completely different feelings, rather even opposite ones.

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  • Another type of conflict is a conflict between a small group of people, most often comrades, close friends, or relatives. This situation is well illustrated by Lermontov’s work “Hero of Our Time,” and specifically by the conflict between Pechorin and Grushnitsky. When Grushnitsky insulted Princess Mary, Pechorin stood up for her, demanding an apology. After refusing, he challenged Grushnitsky to a duel. In a duel, Pechorina kills Grushnitsky, who missed. But here is the point to which I would like to draw your attention: having killed Grushnitsky, Pechorin did not experience a feeling of satisfaction, much less joy. He understands that Grushnitsky was too young to realize what he was doing and to restrain his feelings and emotions. After the death of their comrade, Grushnitsky’s friends simply went their separate ways, without feeling disappointment or pity. Although they, one might say, lost this confrontation with Pechorin, they were not upset.
    I would also like to consider the conflict in the human soul. Here I would like to consider the work of V.A. Soloukhin “The Avenger”. A conflict occurred between classmates, Vitka Agafonov and the main character of the work. When the guys went to work in the fields, harvesting potatoes, Vitka threw a lump of earth at his friend and hit him in the back, which made the hero feel severe pain. Most likely, Vitka felt ashamed of his action, this is evident from the fact that he was afraid of the protagonist’s revenge. And although Vitka initially did not experience joy, the fact that his conscience awoke in him and he realized that he had acted vilely can already be called a victory. This becomes obvious when he happily agrees to go into the forest to “burn the greenhouse.” Now I propose to consider the main character. He came up with a plan to take revenge on Vitka for that act. During the time that they spent in the forest, the hero of the work wanted to implement his plan for revenge. But, fortunately, he kept putting it off. And although it would seem that his plan failed, and he never took revenge on Vitka, the hero at the end of the work experienced feelings of satisfaction and joy.
    In conclusion, I would like to say that every person, walking along the road of life, becomes both a winner and a loser, and how he feels depends only on how he perceives his victory or defeat. A person can perceive the greatest victory in his life as something insignificant, and turn a small failure into the tragedy of life. So there is no clear answer to the question “Do defeat and victory taste the same?” it is impossible to give, so everyone must decide for themselves whether what happened is a victory or a defeat. I would like to end with Ursula Le Guin’s aphorism: “Success is always someone else’s failure.”

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    Victory is a term whose definition is not limited to a specific aspect. Victory can be achieved by a person in a conflict situation, a country or the world. But where do all victories begin? From victory over yourself. And not everyone is able to achieve this victory, that is, to step over oneself, strive, try to achieve the goal, show patience, show character and willpower. And if you are truly capable of it, then you are definitely capable of becoming a winner.

    The literature presents a huge list of works that confirm the idea that victory over oneself is truly the most important element, without which all further victories in a person’s life become practically unattainable.

    The work of Daniil Granin “Clavdia Vilor” shows the real victory of a Russian soldier in captivity, in a fascist concentration camp, who did not succumb to torture, with honor enduring all the pain, all the torment that befell him. The amazing resilience of the Russian soldier is amazing; the victory of the Russian people was largely built on the inflexibility of people like Claudia Vilor. More than accepting the betrayal of the Motherland, even under endless torture, blows, pain - this is a real victory. It would seem that such an insignificant victory for one person, but it is thanks to such victories that the victory of the entire nation is built. We have no right to judge those who betrayed their Motherland and were unable to defeat themselves, but what became of them is known. One such example is the sailor Victor, who boasted of his betrayal. He lived according to the rule: “While you are alive, you must live as best as possible.” It would seem that everything was fine, Klava ran away and they forgot about him, but she herself, quite by accident, noticed him, and the sweet life ended for him. Another example demonstrating that everything comes back. And one cannot help but note those internal victories of the people who let Klava in in order to help her, to hide the hero from the Germans who were looking for her. Indeed, many were afraid, someone was driving her away, but still, in the end, people helped Klava. These victories are also an invaluable contribution to the victory of Russia. After all, if they had not helped, then, most likely, they would not have caught Victor and 20 more of the same traitors whom Klava discovered, and so on...

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  • The victory of the entire country is built on the small victories of all the inhabitants of the country, thanks to which a happy ending is achieved, therefore victory over oneself in such a terrible event as war is extremely important and priceless, it is with it that the victory of your entire Motherland begins.

    Another work that fully demonstrates that victory over oneself is the beginning of all other victories is the work of Anatoly Aleksin “Meanwhile, somewhere.” This story talks about moral choice, the victory of the young boy Serezha, who gave up the trip he dreamed of for the sake of another person, for the sake of ex-woman his father. An unexpected letter from Nina Georgievna, the same ex-woman of his father, who, by the way, was also named Sergei, prompted the boy to go and defend exemplary behavior, that is, the honor of his family. But in conversations with this woman, Seryozha Jr. learns that his father owes a lot to Nina Georgievna, she gave all her strength to cure his severe insomnia, and then his father went to the front. Sergei Sr. never came to Nina Georgievna after that, although she called him more than once. The woman is not offended, you understand everything, but, with a high degree of probability, deep down in her soul she does not give up hope that someday they will meet, but the boy’s father does not even think about meeting her. And then there was the departure of her adopted son, without saying goodbye, whom she took from orphanage, whom she raised, protected, loved and treated like her own son. Seryozha Jr., who has become a friend for the woman, understands that Nina Georgievna now has no one. The woman refuses a vacation for the sake of the boy, but writes that she will not be offended if he cannot spend the summer with her. The boy makes a mature decision - he cannot become her third loss. Seryozha sacrifices his dream because he understands that he must be with her, and this is the decision of a man who has conquered his dream, and therefore himself.

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  • This act of the boy shows that age is not always an indicator of moral development, the ability to sacrifice oneself, one’s plans for the sake of another person who needs help and support. This is a real victory over oneself, which suggests that the boy will grow up to be a person who can always be relied on, who will never give or leave in difficult times.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that not in every case a person immediately achieves his goal, dream, victory, but the main thing is not to give up, not to give up this goal or dream, to motivate and conquer yourself. And then, sooner or later, a person will achieve the victory that he strived for and walked towards. And the most important thing is that, most likely, a person will remember - if he had not then begun to conquer himself, he would not have achieved any victories.

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    1. Seryozha, “victory over oneself is truly the most important element, without which all further victories in a person’s life become practically unattainable.” Victory is not an element! Speech error.
      Is it a typo that is more unacceptable than betrayal of the Motherland? what is this, please explain.
      in such a terrible event - event. Another work that fully demonstrates is grammar. what event? demonstrating.
      And then there’s the departure of her adopted son, without saying goodbye, whom she took from an orphanage, whom she raised, protected, loved and treated like her own son - the gerund is “stitched” to what? And the aspectual-temporal plan of verbs is violated.
      conquered his dream, and therefore himself. - maybe better than “sacrificed his dream for the sake of...”

    2. Seryozha, you are a great fellow. What right interesting essay, your conclusions. Simply wonderful. Conclusions of an adult. Speech, Her Majesty's speech... I give it 4+++. At the exam, you will remember about the criterion “quality of speech”! Is it true?

    3. More unacceptable than betrayal of the Motherland, that is, a complete rejection of thoughts about betrayal of the Motherland, is a non-discussable issue for a person when there is only one way - not to betray, no matter what happens.
      Most likely, it would be more accurate to write this way - a complete rejection of thoughts about betraying the Motherland.

  • A story that will not leave readers of all ages unattended. "The Spark of Life" by Erich Maria Remarque. From the name alone, you can understand that again there is some kind of internal and external state of man and nature. An incredible struggle, a struggle for life, for the light that is so necessary, for the sky, for everything that surrounds a person. Only knowing that all this incredibly beautiful, unique can disappear in an instant, our hero believes in “Victory”, he does not give up, he fights to the end. but still, what an elongated, deep word “Victory”. Has anyone ever thought about what to do in a given situation? Well, for example, when you are faced with the choice of “Win” or surrender. Well, there are people and fictional characters, for whom this question decides their fate. And just imagine for a moment that you are an exhausted, lost, forgotten person. And exhausted from what, probably from life, (yes). If you were unable to make the right decision, choose the right road. and now what do you choose: “Victory”, which sounds so loud, or defeat, no, you have time to think, but while you are thinking, time passes. And you can't bring back the past. What I mean is that every person who has gone astray should unconditionally choose “Victory”, because no matter what situation you are in, you don’t have to give up! Fight, Fight! As for me, “Defeat” is chosen only by those who are weak in spirit. and no matter what circumstances you face! “Victory”, it is always alive in us, like blood flowing in our veins. Like oxygen, like a sip of water, so why are we, PEOPLE, who know our history, living under God, afraid of making mistakes and choosing “Defeat”. Well, who said that “Defeat” is the way out of any situation. I don't believe! We must “Win” and fight for Victory, otherwise there will be no point in moving anywhere further. Well, remember our “Soldiers”, our defenders! When they ran towards the enemy, they shouted together in unison, like one big family. They shouted HURRAY, HURRAY, HURRAY! That is, Victory, Victory, Victory! Going towards the enemy, they didn’t think that anyone would die, they fled without fear of death! And believing in "Victory"

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    Victory and defeat
    All victories begin with victory over yourself
    Every day a person makes small victories, or suffers small defeats, but this does not necessarily happen in society, because you can win a victory over yourself. After all, all people are different; for some, going to bed half an hour earlier is a victory over oneself; for others, victory over oneself is overcoming one’s laziness and going to the sports section. Such victories may not be significant, if many of them can lead to great success.
    In Soloukhin’s story “The Avenger,” the boys and girls were happy that they would dig potatoes for a lesson, they fooled around and played in the plot, the main entertainment was to put a clod of earth on a flexible stick and throw it further. The narrator bent down to make a heavier lump, and at that moment one such lump flew into his back and hit him painfully on the back. When he got up, he saw Vitka Agafonov running away with a rod in his hand. The narrator wanted to cry, but not from physical pain, but from resentment and injustice. The main question in his head was this why he hit me? The narrator immediately began to think about a plan of revenge. But when the time had already come for revenge, and the plan for revenge was to call him into the forest, then there he would take revenge. At first he wanted to hit him, but in the back, so as not to like Vitka, and then he thought and decided that Vitka would hit him in the back, which means he should do the same, and when Vitka bends down for a dry branch, he will crack him in the ear, and when he turns, then also in the nose. When on the appointed day the narrator approached Vitka to invite him into the forest, Vitka at first refused, fearing that the narrator would take revenge. But the narrator calmed him down, saying that he wouldn’t, and they would just burn the greenhouse. And after such a conversation it was difficult to carry out my plan, because it is one thing to simply lure him into the forest and hit him, and another after such a conversation. When they walked into the forest, the narrator kept thinking about how hurt and offended he was when Vitka threw a clod of earth at him. When Vitka bent down, the narrator immediately thought that now was the most best moment to put his plan into action, but Vitka said that he found a hole from which a bumblebee flew out and offered to dig it up, check if there was honey there, the narrator agreed and thought that he would dig up this hole, but then he would take revenge. And every time there was a moment to take revenge, the author thought that he would do this and then immediately take revenge; at that moment he did not even suspect that he was achieving victory over himself. In the end, the narrator realized that it is very difficult to hit a person who trustingly walks in front of you. He realized that it was not necessary to take revenge; in Vitka he saw a good boy with whom he had a good day. The narrator achieved a very great victory over himself by deciding not to take revenge on Vitka.

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  • Another work that shows us that all victories begin with victory over oneself is “Meanwhile, Somewhere” by Aleksin. The story tells about the boy Seryozha, who lived in a “model” family, but Seryozha himself did not comply with the laws of heredity. When the parents went on a business trip, they took turns writing letters home to their son, who stayed with his grandmother. Since his father’s name was also Sergei, when he saw the letter addressed to his first and last name, Seryozha thought that it was from his parents and was surprised when he read the letter, as he further understood it was addressed to his father. From the letter, Seryozha learns that his father once had a woman, Nina Georgievna, who married him after the war and then they separated. She wrote that she forgives everything and doesn’t complain about anything, but now her adopted son Shurik is leaving her, but she understands this too, because he has found parents. Gradually, Seryozha became friends with Nina Georgievna and filled the void that had formed around her. The story ends with the fact that when his parents bought the long-awaited trip to the sea, which Seryozha had dreamed of for so long, he found out that Nina Georgievna refused her vacation in order to see him, he refused the trip to the sea and decided to stay with Nina Georgievna. Seryozha acts not like a boy, but like an adult man, having chosen the right path of moral maturation. He chooses to help a person in need of support. Seryozha triumphs over himself, choosing between the sea and Nina Georgievna.
    In conclusion, I want to say that I completely agree with the saying “all victories begin with victories over oneself,” because in order to achieve something you need to step over yourself. If a person sets goals and dreams, then in order to achieve them, and not give up in the middle, you need to defeat yourself first and then the result will not be long in coming.

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    All victories begin with victory over yourself.
    As the philosopher Cicero said: “The greatest victory is victory over oneself,” and indeed there are many victories, victory in war, in competitions and over oneself. Many people fight every day for their happiness, for life, for the opportunity to improve.
    In addition to life, many examples of victory over oneself are displayed in literature. For example, Boris Vasiliev’s work “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” is a story about women participating in the war. Under the leadership of Sergeant Major Vaskov, they received an order to intercept the enemy. During the execution of this order, each of the heroes struggles with their fears, but I was most struck by Sergeant Major Vaskov, because he saw the death of four of his subordinates, who became his friends. But he overcame himself and, with a wound in his hand, and with a feeling of guilt for not being able to save the girls, he was still able to stop the enemy. I believe that this work teaches us to fight our fears and experiences in order to achieve our goals and win.
    In addition to victory, we suffer defeats, because not every person has the strength to withstand difficulties. Defeat over oneself is clearly shown in Rasputin’s work “Live and Remember.” Andrei Guskov is an ordinary village guy who was called to the front, the words “He served well, and did not interfere first, and did not stand behind his comrade. In three years he managed to fight in a ski battalion, in reconnaissance, and in a howitzer battery,” confirming that he took a responsible approach to service. In the summer of 1944, Guskov was seriously wounded and taken to the hospital, where they said that he would go home and be able to see his loved ones, but unexpectedly for him, he was told that he would go back to the front. The news about being sent to the front made him feel resentful, because he was thinking about meeting his wife. He decides to run away and becomes a deserter, he secretly arrived in the village, and only Nasten’s wife knew about his presence. Having lived such a life, he suffers defeat over himself, because he becomes cruel and selfish, even Nastena’s death does not bother him.
    But what about real life? After all, it also contains examples of victory over oneself. In my opinion, one of the most striking examples of victory over oneself is a man named Nick Vujicic. He was born without arms and legs, but he was able to get two higher education, got married and became a father. Each of his speeches inspires others to live without looking back at their circumstances. This man proves every day that each of us can achieve many victories in life, we just need to fight ourselves.
    In conclusion, I want to say that conquering ourselves is one of the important actions in our lives; by conquering ourselves, we open up to new opportunities. Yes, sometimes we suffer defeats, but this is not a reason to stop, they show our weak points that we need to correct, as the writer Henry Ward Beecher said: “Failure is the school from which truth always emerges stronger.”

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    Osipov Timur, part 1

    "All victories begin with victory over yourself"
    What is victory? Victory is success in something, achieving goals and overcoming obstacles and difficulties. But what do you need to do to conquer everything you want? You need to start with yourself. After all, most problems lie not somewhere in the world, but in the person himself. We can do much more than we think. But a person can open up completely only after defeating himself. There are many examples in the literature to support these thoughts. We will consider them.

    One of them is “Crime and Punishment”. The main character, Rodion Raskolnikov, puts forward a theory about “two categories of people”: “trembling creatures”, people who must be obedient and live simply for the continuation of humanity, and “higher” people who are allowed to do anything for the sake of a “bright” future . They do not recognize any laws and commandments that are characteristic of “ordinary” people. Testing this theory, Raskolnikov committed a grave sin - the murder of the old pawnbroker. He decides that he “has the right” to “blood according to his conscience.” After all, the old woman is just an evil louse, whose death will only make many people feel better. But after the murder, he begins to become alienated from the outside world and suffer. Then he does a good deed - he gives his last money for Marmeladov’s funeral. Having done this, he again began to feel a sense of community with people. An internal struggle begins within him. He feels both fear and desire to be exposed. After all, the denial of all moral principles leads to a loss of connection with the best side of our life. And our hero begins to realize this. He admits to his crime. In hard labor he begins his correction. He sees a dream - “People killed each other in senseless anger,” until the entire human race was exterminated, except for a few “pure and chosen ones.” Rodin sees that pride leads only to death, and humility to the purity of the soul. It awakens in him true love to Sonya and with the Gospel in his hands, he begins the path to “resurrection.” The murder of the old woman and Lizaveta can be called a lost “battle”, but not a war. Having conquered himself, Raskolnikov discovered new paths for himself and made our world a better place.

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  • Osipov Timur, part 2

    I will also touch on Daniel Defoe's work "Robinson Crusoe". It tells the story of how a man, thirsting for sea adventures, ends up on a desert island. He leaves his parents' house to try his luck at sea. Having failed twice, warned by a recurring storm, he finds himself stranded on the island all alone. And it is from here that we begin to follow the formation of Man. The joy of a saved person is replaced by grief for his dead comrades. When examining the area, he realizes that there is no one on the island except him. At such moments, many would give up. But the thirst for life overcomes all sad thoughts and our hero begins to act. He takes many useful things from the ship before it is smashed into pieces. He arranges his home and begins to adapt to environment. He is faced with the task of surviving. This is a struggle not only with the sea, bad weather, wild flora and fauna. First of all, it is a struggle with oneself. Finding the strength to fight, no matter what, not giving up under any circumstances, seeing the positive aspects in everything - that’s what you should do. real man to myself. Robinson masters many “professions”. Now he is a hunter, a carpenter, a farmer, a livestock breeder, a builder, and a cook. All this strengthens his body and spirit. Even when another ship crashes near his island, he is not very upset that he was unable to escape and that the loot is not so great. After all, he stands firmly on his feet and fully provides for himself. This shows that it has grown stronger over the years than ever before. But even on his calm island, unpleasant things happen. Bloodthirsty cannibals have their meals there. This awakens anger and hatred in our hero. During the next visit of the cannibals, Robinson heroically recaptures the captive from the villains and takes him to his place. After this, we see in him not only a strong and seasoned person, but also a person with a pure soul who values ​​\u200b\u200bmorality and ethics. With his new friend, "Friday", he began to live with a new life. He accepts him even though he is also an ogre. Robinson teaches him good and useful things. Communicating with him, he pours out his soul, which has been hungry for people for such a long time. Subsequently, he recaptures two more captives from the savages, and then a rebellious crew who wants to deal with honest people ends up on his island. Our hero prevents this and restores justice. Finally he can go home. He leaves the villains on the island, sharing with them not only supplies, but also valuable survival experience. This once again shows us that he is a man of great soul. At home in England, he begins a new life with a calm soul. After all, he won. Nature, injustice, and most importantly, yourself.

    In conclusion, we can say that a person is capable of much. Regardless of abilities, age, gender and other things. After all, the most important thing is to go towards your goals, no matter what, never give up, because if you conquer yourself, you will conquer everything in this world.

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  • Semirikov Kirill part 1
    Direction: “Victory and defeat”
    Topic: “All victories begin with victory over oneself”
    Victory over yourself. For some, these are just words, a reason for celebration and rejoicing. However, real victory over oneself is a test and hard work, which not everyone can overcome. Only those who are not afraid to go through this path, no matter how difficult it may be, can overcome their difficulties with the help of perseverance, diligence and self-confidence.
    In Mikhail Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man,” the main character Andrei Sokolov has a very difficult life path. Being a real Russian soldier, he was not afraid to risk his life for the sake of his comrades and the Motherland, he volunteered to carry ammunition for an artillery battery to the front line, saving a colleague from a traitor in captivity, he got his hands dirty by strangling a traitor from his squad, he shared honestly deserved food between career prisoners . Without losing the honor of a Russian soldier, Andrei behaved with dignity, without bending under the fascists and their oppression. Even the Germans themselves admired his bravery in front of them, and therefore spared his life. He soon learned that his entire family was killed, realizing that he had lost everything: family and home. Showing true courage and willpower, he overcame all these obstacles, he did not break, having won a victory over himself. After everything, Andrei decided to give a new life to the orphaned boy Vanyushka. The author is trying to convey how important it is not to give up and remain yourself, despite even the most terrible trials that befall you
    This topic also echoes the work of Sergei Aleksandrovich Khmelkov “Attack of the Dead.” The author was a participant in this historical page of our state, writes about the siege by the Nazis of the Osovets fortress, which is of great strategic importance. After two hundred days of artillery fire and holding positions, the German command gives the order to use gas weapons. Hoping that our soldiers would lay down their arms and anticipating victory, the Germans could not even imagine what awaited them. From the poisonous cloud, coughing, choking and half-blind from chemical gases, Russian chains move towards them. Soldiers who defend their Motherland until their last breath are heroes. Patriots who doomed themselves to death, but who fight with hostility. With just his appearance he forced seven thousand fascists to flee. But not everyone is capable of such an act, self-sacrifice for the good of their Motherland, wives, children. Scientific work Sergei Alexandrovich showed what a person who conquered his fear and gained courage is capable of in order to give a future to his people

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  • part 2
    You can also consider this topic in Valentin Rasputin’s work “Live and Remember.” One of the main characters, Andrei, who served until the forty-fourth year in the war, was wounded and went to the hospital on leave. Expecting that this would free him from further service, he dreams of hugging Nastenka and his parents and living happily. However, he decides to go home on his own to visit his family and realizes that there is no turning back. He hides in the old estate, where Nastenka helps him, but over time, gradually, he turns into a beast, even howls like a wolf. Nastena invites him to come to the village and admit his desertion. After all, his parents are there, they will understand. However, Andrei's mind is increasingly clouded by selfishness and pride, and his soul becomes callous, he forgets about any feelings for his parents. Soon, he loses everything he had, growing a beard and leading the life of a savage, the words “Live and Remember” will forever accompany and torment him. The author shows how scary it can be when a person does not want to overcome himself, find the strength and courage to go out to people and confess to a crime
    In conclusion, I want to say that this is indeed true, all victories begin with victory over oneself. Let it be in small steps, but we must go towards the goal, overcome all the obstacles and trials that are in store for us. After all, if a person conquers himself, he will conquer everything

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    Silin Evgeniy
    Essay on the topic “No victory can bring as much as one defeat can take away”
    Throughout life, an internal struggle occurs in a person. Every day and every hour we think and reflect on our problems, concerns, and the future. It is on these victories or defeats that people’s future lives depend.
    We build our own lives. All people are different: some are rich, some are poor. It is those people who have achieved some heights in life that are the winners. You can be rich both mentally, physically and financially. But all this is achieved precisely by those difficult victories that people have been striving for all their lives. But there are very few such people, and most often we give up and lose everything we had: friends, love, family, all our property. Sometimes a person has won many victories, but once he stumbles, his whole life goes downhill. This is exactly the situation that is described in V. Rasputin’s work “Live and Remember,” which tells about the fate of Andrei, a simple village guy who went to war and won quite a few victories over the enemy there. He was respected by his friends and comrades in arms. “Among the intelligence officers, Guskov was considered a reliable comrade. The soldiers valued him for his strength...” But after being seriously wounded, when he was not allowed to go home on leave, but was about to be sent back to the front, he suddenly broke down and completely lost heart. The war was coming to an end and I really wanted to return alive. Lying in the hospital, Andrei only thought about returning home. His soul was tormented by the thought: either do the honorable thing and return to the front, or “Spit on everything and go. Close, really close. Take what was taken away yourself.” He lost the fight with himself. The desire to live and see his father’s house, his wife, and his parents was so great that it overshadowed his conscience and honor. And then, frightened and confused, he realized what he had done, because there was no turning back. What kind of mental torment he doomed himself and his loved ones to. As a result, a man who has achieved a lot in life, but who made just one mistake, suffered just one defeat, lost everything: his wife, child, family and his life too. Another striking example of the fact that all previous victories can be overshadowed by one defeat is the work of A.S. Pushkin Evgeny Onegin. The main character of the novel walked through life easily and enjoyed success in society. Throughout the entire work, he made quite a few mistakes and suffered two crushing defeats: in friendship and in love, which overshadowed all his achievements and changed his life forever.
    In conclusion, I want to say that a person can win many victories in life, but he cannot live without defeats. Unfortunately, it often happens that the price of defeat is incommensurately higher than the price of all previously achieved victories. But it depends only on the person himself whether he can rise and live on.

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    Essay on "Victory and Defeat"
    “Is it necessary and possible to judge the winners?”
    “The winners are not judged,” the author of this quote is said to be Catherine II; she said this phrase in defense of Suvorov when he launched an attack on the Turkish fortress without the consent of the commander-in-chief. I believe that in sports and in those types of competitions where honesty and personal qualities are important, you cannot go beyond what is permitted, but in other cases I absolutely agree with this statement.
    It’s true that sometimes life itself judges the winners. For example, in the work of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky “Roadside Picnic”. The main character, Redrick Shewhart, won. He found the legend of the zone, the greatest artifact “Golden Ball”, but how did he win. How many people died to make the map, how many Redrick himself sacrificed. And in the end? What did he get? He found a legend, he reached the place of wish fulfillment. But he was empty, he had no thoughts of his own, he was filled with despair, anger and hopelessness. He wandered and repeated the words like a prayer: “I am an animal, you see, I am an animal. I have no words, they didn’t teach me words, I don’t know how to think, these bastards didn’t let me learn to think. But if you really are like that... all-powerful, all-powerful, all-understanding... figure it out! Look into my soul, I know that everything you need is there. It must be. After all, I have never sold my soul to anyone! She is mine, human! Get out of me yourself what I want - it can’t be that I want bad things! THE OFFENDED WILL NOT LEAVE!” He believed that it was he who should reach the ball, that he would resolve everything. But in the end he repeated the words of one of those whom he sacrificed. Can this be called a victory?? In my opinion no. How many victims, how many spoiled destinies. And for what? They rushed towards this ball as if in delirium. This victory was tantamount to defeat, and the manner in which it was achieved was condemned.
    I would also like to cite the work of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky again, “The Doomed City”. At the end of the work main character Andrei was able to go beyond the borders, he believed that he had won, that he had passed the experiment, he left all his family, work, friends, he achieved his goal. How many events happened, how many people made their choice: murder, revolution, suicide. He set out to get through and get out of this devilry; he was driven by the phobia inherent in all people, “fear of the unknown.” But what's the end result? Mentor’s phrase Well, Andrei, the Mentor’s voice said with some solemnity: “You have completed the first round. Just a minute ago, all this was completely different from what it is now - much more ordinary and familiar. It had no future. Or rather, separately from the future...Andrey aimlessly smoothed out the newspaper and said:
    - First? Why the first?
    “Because there are still many of them ahead,” said the voice of the Mentor.”
    Is this what the main character wanted? No. Can we condemn his path to his goal? No. After all, everyone goes their own way.
    People want to know everything, and sometimes their methods are cruel and immoral, people want to win and this desire turns them into animals. Victory and defeat, what is it for people, why do you have to do bad things to others in order to achieve something? People will not find the answer to these questions for many years. In the meantime, everyone lives by the principle of not judging the winners.

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  • All victories begin with victory over yourself.

    Cicero said: “The greatest victory is victory over oneself,” and I cannot but agree with this wise statement. Every day in the life of the most ordinary person, various battles take place. This could be a work in progress important project which you don’t manage to do on time due to laziness; it could be a sports match in which the opponent is much stronger than you; Yes, even a quarrel with a loved one is already a battle, and first of all with yourself.

    If a person cannot overcome his laziness, then he will never complete the work on time or at all. If an athlete gives up in front of a strong opponent, he will lose confidence in his abilities and will not lose in this competition to his opponent, but first of all, HE WILL LOSE TO HIMSELF. If a son quarrels with his mother, but is in no hurry to ask for forgiveness, is this not a loss to his selfishness? After such a defeat to yourself, is it possible to achieve victory in anything else? Why is it so important not to lose in a battle with yourself? How are “internal” battles related to “external” battles? The answers to these questions are hidden in the works classical literature. Let's turn to them.

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      So, first, let's look at the work of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. The novel “Crime and Punishment” is a vivid example of internal struggle. Student Rodion Raskolnikov (what a name alone is worth!) is in an extremely difficult situation. There was not enough money for clothes, food, or studies; lives in an apartment that “looks like a coffin;” and the old money-lender demands that her debts be returned to her! Yes, and it would be worth testing the theory about “trembling creatures” and “having the right”... But this old woman has that very reserve of money so necessary for normal life. Well, it's decided. You just need to get rid of it, no one needs it anyway, and the money is already in your pocket. We, the readers, see that this decision was difficult for the poor student. Even while thinking about his plan, he constantly hesitated, doubted, and was emotionally and physically weak. But still Rodion decides to commit such a crime. He makes his way to the old woman and kills her, also managing to take the life of the “permanently pregnant” Lizaveta. Raskolnikov was amazed by what he had done, by the fact that he had encroached on the most sacred thing - life!, and more than one. He did not take the money, because it was not worth these sins. He leaves the old woman's apartment. And now Rodion is in an unbalanced state: his head is filled with endless thoughts, his soul is torn from torment, his mind is lost due to shock and stress. But our hero did not fall to the bottom. We see his torment and understand that Rodion is not doomed. Yes, he lost to life’s circumstances, to his selfish desires, but can he win in this struggle of decency, morality, reason and pain, despair, recklessness? And at this moment in his life, Sonechka appears, working “on a yellow ticket,” but with a “pure” soul. She is a person who did not give up under the pressure of circumstances, who defeated external battles, remaining pure and immaculate. She, even if unconsciously, became a light for the student. She became the light that became his salvation. He confesses to Sonya about the crime he has committed, and she advises him to “repent,” which Raskolnikov does after a while. Rodion confesses his sin not so much to the office and the law, but to himself, thereby letting HIMSELF understand that he can atone for the crime. He will be able to defeat himself through pain and suffering. But this victory will definitely happen. Thus, readers conclude that “internal” battles are closely intertwined with “external” ones. The actions in the second directly depend on the outcome of the first. Even if everything in life goes wrong, even if life itself seems to be turning against you, it is important not to give up inside. It is important not to lose to your obsessive thoughts, your despair, your pain. YOURSELF. And then it won’t be you who adapt to life and circumstances, but YOU YOURSELF will create it.

  • As a second example, I would like to take the work “Not on the Lists” by Boris Vasiliev. The main character, Nikolai Pluzhnikov, was sent to serve in the Brest Fortress just before the start of the war. Literally on the first night of his arrival, the German invaders try to occupy Brest. But our lieutenant is not a fool, even though luck has snatched him from the clutches of death more than once; he honestly defended, tried to protect people, to protect this small piece of land from enemies. He did not lose a single external battle, although he had opportunities to escape. After all, Nikolai “was not on the lists,” in fact, he was a free man, he would not be a traitor. But duty, honor and courage did not allow him to do this. He knew that this land was HIS. This is HIS Motherland. And no one except HIM can protect her. He did not seek glory through these actions, he only wanted to see the peaceful sky above his head once again.

    But war is a terrible thing. It breaks not only lives, destinies, cities, but also Man. But she did not break our Hero. Yes, there were moments when Nikolai was on the verge, no one would condemn him, but at that time there were people who helped him. Salnikov, Fedorchuk, Volkov, the foreman, Semishny, other soldiers... Mirrochka... When they all leave his life, he will no longer fight with himself. He has already won “inside.” And he knows that he must also win from the outside. So, readers come to the conclusion that “internal” victories lead to “external” victories. That by conquering oneself, a person becomes a Human. He gains strength, will and self-confidence. Such a person will be able to overcome any life circumstances.

  • Ultimately, we come to the conclusion that, indeed, all victories begin with victory over oneself. Still, the main “activity” of a person occurs inside him, inside his heart and soul. And it is from there that all “external” decisions and actions arise. Therefore, it is very important to be in balance with yourself and be able to overcome yourself when life demands it.

    Anastasia Kalmutskaya

    P.S. Lord, what difficult topics you gave, Oksana Petrovna. Do you know how many days I sat on the introduction? Three days!

  • He will be able to defeat himself through pain and suffering. - speech. The word is lost after passing.
    She became the light that became his salvation. - unjustified repetition.
    And no one except HIM can protect her. - a comma is lost.
    Oh, Nastyushka, how dear your exclamation, your cry from the heart is to me! But what a job! Mmmm! It’s hard to learn, it’s easy... you know where! but how proud I am of my students and pupils, smart, kind, well-mannered, developed, subtle and able to see what a thick-skinned person does not see or feel. Pupils and students who know how to speak a language other than birds, who know how to appreciate the Russian language. love him, talk fully, convincingly, knowing how to be good, competent and well-read interlocutors! 5To begin with, I would like to give an example from life. Paralympians, without arms or legs, manage to show very good results. Let’s even say that not every athlete is capable of this. After all, they have a goal. They work not for money, but for the sake of their victory, they were able to overcome all the pain and all the difficulties in themselves, and strive for the best. These people deserve to be called successful.
    Also, many works reflect the struggle over oneself. But in V. Rasputin’s work “Live and Remember,” the hero Andrei Guskov is a peasant guy who was called to the front, who served well, was a good and faithful comrade, “and did not interfere first, and did not stand behind his comrade’s back,” as the author writes. This indicates that he performed his service well. But one day, after being seriously wounded, being hospitalized, he is given the opportunity to go home to his wife. But afterwards, he is told the unpleasant thought that he is being returned to the front. With just the thought of seeing his wife, he decides to run away and meet his wife, at least for a short time. Thus, he shows weakness, absolutely everyone at the front dreamed of seeing his family, but everyone fought, they convinced themselves, defeated themselves, and thus the Soviet people won, which Guskov could not do. Moreover, Guskov becomes not just a deserter, but begins to completely lose his human qualities. He begins to not care about his wife Nastya, who was the only one who knew about his existence, he becomes selfish. He lost the war within himself.
    But in the work of B. Vasiliev “And the dawns here are quiet...” the victory over themselves of Sergeant Major Vaskov and five anti-aircraft gunners is shown. During the Great Patriotic War, the crew of anti-aircraft installations under the command of Vaskov, having found themselves in a quiet environment, lead a riotous lifestyle. After which the command sent “non-drinkers” to Vaskov; these were two squads of female anti-aircraft gunners. After one of the anti-aircraft gunners noticed 2 saboteurs, the command gave the order to intercept enemy troops, Vaskov recruits a group of five girls and goes to carry out the order. Each of these girls thinks about their problems and they manage to overcome themselves and their fear. After all the girls died, the foreman, feeling guilty and overcoming himself, stopped the enemy. If not for the internal victory of the girls and the foreman, the order would not have been carried out. That is why the first ones are happy. And the latter pretend to be happy. But who are these winners? Not the chosen ones, and not born under a lucky star. These are ordinary people who stepped over themselves more than once, did not stop there, becoming better every day - not just anyone! - ourselves. These people simply one day realized that the key to all victories is victory over themselves, achieved through long, painstaking work on their vices. But why is this so important? And how not to lose in a battle with the most indestructible opponent - yourself...?

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  • Let's turn to the literature. I think the task of every author is to show how the hero changes from the beginning to the end of the work, what his thoughts, feelings, views become... For example, in the story “Ionych” the author shows the hero’s changes through degradation, both moral and physical . If at the beginning of the work the main character is intelligent, smart and educated, loves art, then at the end he lives boringly, is not interested in anything, only eats, sleeps and plays cards. The hero's name even changes! He was Dmitry Ionych (to be called by name and patronymic means to treat him with respect) but became simply Ionych (that is, he lost his name, and therefore his face). And the story is of the same name. I think this is no coincidence. They say that it's not scary to fall, but it's scary not to get up. So, calling his story “Ionych”, A.P. Chekhov wanted to convey to readers that the main character fell, but would never rise again. He will no longer, as before, excitedly talk about his work (it is no longer his favorite), he will not show a keen interest in music and literature (after all, now he is only interested in cards)... He will not walk, because now there are horses !
    And here is the first answer why it is so important to conquer yourself and fight your shortcomings: there will be movement forward. Otherwise, degradation is the surest path to the bottom.

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  • But in order to fight your shortcomings, you first need to see them. Andrei Bolkonsky managed to do this from the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Andrey realized the pettiness of his views on life and revised them. For example, he renounced the glory that he once craved for himself. He realized that he could not be selfish, especially in war, when he needed to be in unity with his people, believe in their victory and fight for it. And Prince Andrei also learned to forgive, which is undoubtedly a real feat! True, this great wisdom came to him only before his death. But she came, and that’s all that matters. When Andrei realized that he had forgiven his enemy, Anatole, whom he had previously wanted to kill, a new happiness was revealed to him. “Yes, love, but not the kind of love that loves for something, but the kind of love that I experienced for the first time when, dying, I saw my enemy and still loved him.” Andrei felt that he had found peace, and his soul was now calm. “You can love a dear person with human love; but only an enemy can be loved with Divine love.” Prince Andrei managed to realize that there was no point in carrying a grudge in his heart. Will this make you any happier?! Real happiness is letting go of this very resentment, the heaviness that pulls you to the bottom. Let go with ease. No regrets. Prince Andrei was able to do this. He became free, cleansed his soul. Which means he won.

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  • As for me, I can hardly call myself a winner. At least for now. I give up quickly. If something doesn’t work out, I quit. Because I want everything to work out right away. No effort - and on you! - victory. But it doesn’t happen like that... When I stop believing, my hands immediately let go. When you have faith in yourself, everything comes easy. And when it is not there, any, even the most insignificant obstacle seems to be an insurmountable barrier. If you think about it like that, these are all justifications. And only losers make excuses... But still, where to look for this very belief in yourself? From what corner of the soul do you need to draw strength in order not to give up, but to move forward? You can reason, think, guess a lot... But I still don’t know the answer. And what are the words? Just water... The main thing is to start doing it, and the rest doesn’t matter...
    What else would you like to say? Probably, winning or losing is fate, sudden luck, and simple chance... But defeating yourself is a choice. Victory over oneself is the basis of all other victories, because it gives freedom. And when you are free, you never try to be better than someone else. Because you know that the only person you have to become better than is yourself. As Pierre Bezukhov said: “You have to live. You have to love. You have to believe.” Here it is, the cherished winning formula! And that magic word is “must”. You must be able to admit mistakes. And you have to overcome yourself. Bite your elbows, clench your teeth, but overpower. Even when it seems like everything around you is against you. That everything is lost. You have to be stronger than the pain. Stronger than circumstances. Stronger than fears. Stronger than laziness. It’s difficult, but if you manage to get over yourself and overcome seemingly indestructible barriers, then everything else will be within your reach... And if it seems that the days are dragging on in a familiar and boring sequence, we must remember that every morning is a chance to start living again !

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    Do defeat and victory taste the same?

    What is victory? What is defeat? Are they the same? Victory is success achieved in a battle, competition, or any undertaking. It signifies joy, inspiration, satisfaction with the achieved result. Defeat is the opposite event of victory, failure in any confrontation. These two concepts are sides of the same coin. There will always be a loser and a winner. It cannot be said that the concepts of “victory and defeat” are the same, because are opposite results of the same event, but they can cause different feelings. There are times when the winner does not feel satisfied with the result, while the loser is happy even with such a result. The exact answer to the question “Does defeat and victory taste the same?” It is impossible to give, but you can consider specific cases and try to answer.

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      Let us turn to literary works as the best material for reflection. Let's take literary work“Boris Vasiliev was not on the lists.” The main character is Nikolai Pluzhnikov, a nineteen-year-old lieutenant who was sent to serve in the Brest Fortress. On the very first night, Brest is attacked by German invaders. It is on this night that Nikolai makes the most important decision - to stay in the fortress and fight. The hero had a chance to escape, but he stayed. He remained to defend people, the fortress, the land, and the homeland from enemies. The writer takes his hero through the most difficult trials and Pluzhnikov withstands them with honor and dignity. Nikolai Pluzhnikov, the unconquered son of an unconquered homeland, did not feel defeated until his death. Even his enemies recognize the superiority of the exhausted, dying Russian. He dies, but his spirit is not broken. This example clearly demonstrates Pluzhnikov’s defeat. His comrades, his beloved and her child were killed, he sacrificed himself to stop the Nazis, but still Pluzhnikov won. What did he win? The fact that he fought for his land, his Motherland. He was not broken spiritually, although everything already indicated that the Nazis were moving on.

  • As a second example, I would like to take another work by Boris Vasiliev. “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet” is a story about female heroism in wartime. In this story, Vasiliev describes the life and death of five female anti-aircraft gunners: Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komilkova, Galya Chertvertak, Lisa Brichkina and Sonya Gurvich. How many girls, so many destinies. They received orders not to let the Germans through to railway, and they fulfilled it. Five girls, having gone on a mission, died defending their homeland. There are five of them, but each of them dies differently. Someone accomplishes a feat, and someone is in fear, but we must understand each of them. War is scary. And they went to the front themselves, voluntarily, knowing (!) what could await them - this is a feat on their part. They received an order not to let the Germans get to the railway, and they carried it out. Five girls, having gone on a mission, died defending their homeland. The lives of young people were cut short - this is a defeat. After all, even Vaskov, a man who has seen a lot, cannot resist tears when anti-aircraft gunners die. He, single-handedly, captured several Germans! But we understand that it was all thanks to those little girls who sacrificed themselves. Perseverance, faith, heroism is victory. I would also like to mention Rita Osyanina’s son, Alik, the future rocket captain, who embodies victory, but victory over death itself!

  • In conclusion, I would like to say that every person throughout his life will be both a loser and a winner. I believe that defeats are important because they make a person stronger. And the stronger a person is, the greater the chance that he will win. Give one answer to the question “Do victory and defeat taste the same?” impossible. Each person looks at the current situation differently and it is up to him to decide whether he won or lost.


    P.S. Excuse me for the long writing of the essay, but it’s really difficult for me. Unfortunately, I didn’t take Remarque’s Spark of Life, because... morally I could barely cope with Vasiliev. The topic is interesting, but it is very painful to write about.