How are yolks different from other little people? Character history

I. A. Kuprin can be called one of the “kings” of prose. Love occupies a special place in his works. The story “The Garnet Bracelet” is imbued with unearthly love. The plot of the work takes place in Kuprin’s beloved Odessa. It compares the great feeling of an official with the hardened soul of people standing above Zheltkov.

The hero of the story is Zheltkov. He holds the post of official of the Control Chamber. G.S has a pleasant appearance. He has blue eyes and long soft hair. Yolks are tall and have a thin build. He has a sublime feeling.

Zheltkov is in love with Vera Shenina, a cold aristocrat. He thinks she's extraordinary. He himself is also a very extraordinary person. From the letter that Zheltkov wrote on Vera’s name day, one can understand his spiritual appearance. He has nothing to hope for, but he is ready to sacrifice everything. His words convey admiration, respect, and courage. As a gift to Vera, he presented a garnet bracelet. It belonged to Mother Zheltkov, who was already deceased at that time, so he was a very valuable hero. In addition, the bracelet has interesting story. According to legend, it gives the gift of foresight and protects its owner from violent death.

The meaning of the hero's life was endless love. He didn't need anything else. Zheltkov was filled with sweet thoughts about his beloved. The hero believed that escaping the city would not be able to withstand his feelings. He wouldn't be able to let go of his dreams of Vera. Unfortunately, his love was not reciprocated. Unrequited love has destructive force. Zheltkov wrote in his letter that he was not interested in science, politics, or the world around him, in a word, absolutely nothing except his beloved Vera. His life consisted only of her. He wrote this letter before his suicide. With his appeal, he raised feelings to the level of tragedy. Now another world opens up before Vera, filled with unknown feelings. It turns out that Zheltkov loved until his last breath, until the last beat of his heart.

It doesn’t matter who you are: a turner, a boss, a writer, a deputy, a cashier, a commander—everyone is on the same level before love. Zheltkov evokes a feeling of compassion, since unrequited love is a heavy burden. But only in her did he see the meaning of life, only she gave him moments saturated with happiness and madness. Probably the worst thing is to be indifferent to everything around and see in front of you only the object of your admiration.

Essay by Yolks with portrait characteristics

Not a single work of Russian literature is devoted to the theme of love. This feeling in any of its manifestations moves people and the world. Relationships between lovers often become a habit. However, A. I. Kuprin endowed one of his heroes in the story “The Garnet Bracelet” with an immortal feeling - love that did not fade away until his death.

Even though general characteristics Zheltkova was not distinguished by either her bright appearance or special manifestations of male strength, actions and ideas, but at the end of the work this hero focuses the attention of everyone around her. It becomes understandable, reveals itself thanks to its rich inner world where pure, sincere love takes place.

Occupying the position of a small official “in some government institution,” he did not stand out for his merits or appearance. The unsightly appearance of a frail, short young man no older than forty years old was more reminiscent of a gentle girl with a dimple on the chin and “soft hair.” His pale skin, erratic movements, nervousness (“buttoned and unfastened buttons”) completed the image of a seemingly insecure, secretive man.

Zheltkov’s lack of his own housing confirmed his unfavorable financial situation. Judging by the description of the room he rented, he didn't have much money. He lived in an unlit, small room with old furniture. However, despite such characteristics, this man had endless energy, which gave him strength and the ability to endure any pressure. life path thanks to the moment when he first met Vera Sheina at the circus. From that moment on, love eclipsed everything. He saw no flaws in her, it was his ideal. At times, life seemed like torture to Zheltkov, since he did not see the slightest bit of reciprocity. His beloved was under his supervision all the years. But he did not want to change anything, enjoying the opportunity to love.

This man did not have a special vision of the world. He was an ordinary man, capable of truly loving one woman all his life. Despite her marriage and coldness, hope for reciprocity glimmered in her soul. This feeling gave him unearthly strength and a feeling of happiness. The attitude towards the hero changes from the beginning to the end of the story. From a quiet, unknown person, he turns into a thinking man with raging passions. However, he remains alone with his feelings, expressing thoughts only in letters. He was true to himself and to Vera. And he’s happy just from the thought that he loves her dearly. Zheltkov’s gift in the form of a garnet bracelet is nothing more than a desire to feel an invisible spiritual connection with a woman after she receives it.

Thus, Kuprin endowed Zheltkov with a feeling that pushes a person to exploits. In the souls of such people there is room for kindness, patience, self-sacrifice and loyalty, the desire to give of oneself without reserve.

Nature has always been interesting to most Russian writers; it occupied a major part in their work. She also did not leave indifferent the writer Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev - he is a brilliant lyricist, his world is full of mystery and harmony.

No family is unthinkable without a child in the family. All these children need care, support, attention and protection. But from whom and what should they be protected?

A. I. Kuprin wrote a beautiful and sad story about the love that every person would like to experience. The story “The Garnet Bracelet” is about just such a sublime and selfless feeling. And now readers continue to debate whether the main character did the right thing by refusing her admirer. Or perhaps an admirer would make her happy? To talk about this topic, you need to characterize Zheltkov from “Garnet Bracelet”.

Description of the appearance of a fan of Vera

What is remarkable about this gentleman and why did the author decide to make him the main character? Maybe there is something unusual in the characterization of Zheltkov in the story “The Garnet Bracelet”? For example, in many romantic stories, the main characters have beautiful or memorable appearance. It should be immediately noted that the name of the main character is not indicated in the story (perhaps his name is George). This can be explained by the writer’s attempts to show the insignificance of a person in the eyes of society.

Zheltkov was tall and had a thin build. His face looks more like a girl’s: soft features, blue eyes and a stubborn chin with a dimple. It is the last point that indicates that despite the apparent pliability of nature, this person is actually stubborn and does not like to back down from his decisions.

He looked to be 30-35 years old, i.e. he was already an adult man and a fully formed personality. There was a nervousness in all his movements: his fingers were constantly fiddling with the buttons, and he himself was pale, which indicates his strong mental agitation. If we rely on the external characteristics of Zheltkov from “The Garnet Bracelet,” we can conclude that he has a soft, receptive nature, is prone to experiences, but at the same time is not devoid of perseverance.

The situation in the main character's room

For the first time, Kuprin “brings” his character to the reader during the visit of her husband and brother main character. Before this, its existence was known only through letters. To the characterization of Zheltkov in " Garnet bracelet"You can add a description of his living conditions. The sparse decoration of the room emphasizes his social status. After all, the reason that he could not openly communicate with Vera was social inequality.

The room had low ceilings and round windows barely illuminated it. The only furniture was a narrow bed, an old sofa and a table covered with a tablecloth. The whole situation suggests that the apartment is occupied by a person who is not at all rich and does not strive for comfort. But Zheltkov didn’t need this: there was only one woman in his life with whom he could be happy, but she was already married. Therefore, the man did not even think about starting a family. That is, Zheltkov’s characterization in “The Garnet Bracelet” is complemented by an important quality - he is monogamous.

The fact that the house has small windows is indicative. The room is a reflection of the existence of the main character. There were few joys in his life, it was full of difficulties and the only bright ray for the unfortunate man was Vera.

Zheltkov's character

Despite the insignificance of his position, main character had a sublime nature, otherwise he would not have been capable of such selfless love. The man served as an official in some chamber. The fact that he had money is informed to the reader from a letter in which Zheltkov writes that he could not give Vera a gift worthy of her due to limited funds.

Zheltkov was a well-mannered and modest person; he did not consider himself endowed with subtle taste. For the owner of the room he rented, Zheltkov became like his own son - his manner was so courteous and kind-hearted.

Vera's husband discerned in him a noble and honest nature that was incapable of deception. The main character immediately admits to him that he cannot stop loving Vera, because this feeling is stronger than him. But he will no longer bother her, because she asked for it, and the peace and happiness of his beloved is more important than anything else.

Zheltkov's love story for Vera

Despite the fact that this is an unrequited romance in letters, the writer was able to show a sublime feeling. Therefore, an unusual love story has occupied the minds of readers for several decades. As for Zheltkov’s characterization in “The Garnet Bracelet,” it is precisely his willingness to be content with little, his ability for selfless love, that reveals the nobility of his soul.

He first saw Vera 8 years ago and immediately realized that she was the one, simply because there is no better woman in the world.

And all this time Zhelktov continued to love her, not expecting any reciprocity. He followed her, wrote letters, but not for the purpose of persecution, but simply because he sincerely loved her. Zheltkov did not want anything for himself - for him, the most important thing was Vera’s well-being. The man did not understand what he did to deserve such happiness - bright feeling to her. Vera's tragedy is that she only realized at the very end that this was the very love that women dream of. She felt that Zheltkov forgave her because his love was selfless and sublime. In Kuprin's "Garnet Bracelet", Zheltkov's characterization is not a description of one person, but of a true, constant, precious feeling.

Creation of the image of the “little man” by Maxim Gorky

Maxim Gorky wrote a play "At the bottom" in which everything characters are "little people". The action takes place in a rooming house. All the dregs of society are gathered here: drunkards, murderers and thieves. They are all cruel, they have no sense of compassion, no desire to help their neighbor. Kleshch's wife dies, but he doesn't care. A sister cripples her own sister, everyone always drinks and no one cares about anyone else. They themselves are to blame for what happened to them; they do not have the strength and perseverance to fight fate. Insults are becoming the norm in this society. Nobody wants to say a kind, warm word to each other. Then Luka appears in their monotonous, cruel and vile life. He is able to sympathize and console people. And gradually, for a while, some people become a little kinder. Luke brings them hope for better life, he is gentle and kind with them. When he leaves, everyone is going to run after him, to look for him. And all only because this simple and also “little man” gave them hope and sympathy, everything that they had been waiting for for so long. Luke looks like a biblical character, like a pilgrim. He is the embodiment of goodness and justice. And this similarity is not accidental. Gorky draws the reader's attention to the fact that our lives lack sympathy and warmth. He calls to help your neighbor, and this is important for any person.

This is how Gorky painted for us" little man"in realistic works, which is fundamentally different from the heroes of his early romantic works. In the play "At the Bottom" we can draw an analogy with "Crime and Punishment".

Dostoevsky also called for compassion. In this, the views of Gorky and Dostoevsky coincide, which means Gorky also was influenced by the image of Pushkin’s “little man”, mediated by Nikolai Gogol.

“Little Man” in “Garnet Bracelet” by A.I. Kuprina

U A.I.Kuprina V " Garnet bracelet“Zheltkov is a “little man.” And again the hero belongs to the lower class. But he loves, and he loves in a way that many from high society are not capable of. Zheltkov fell in love with a girl and throughout his entire life he loved only her alone. He understood that that love is a sublime feeling, it is a chance given to him by fate, and it cannot be missed. His love is his life, his hope, Zheltkov commits suicide. But after the death of the hero, the woman understands that no one loved her as much as she did. He is Kuprin's hero - a man of an extraordinary soul, capable of self-sacrifice, able to truly love, and such a gift is rare. Therefore, the “little man” Zheltkov appears to us. a figure towering above those around him. He not oppressed like the heroes of Pushkin’s “little man”, rather, on the contrary, he is morally superior to everyone else, but this is what destroys him.

The theme of the “little man” by A.N. Ostrovsky

U A.N. Ostrovsky ideas about the “little man” are more similar to Chekhov’s, but there is also something from Dostoevsky in them. In the play "Dowry" The “little man” is Karandyshev. He does not want to feel like a third-class person, as Chekhov did, but at the same time he is aware of his inadequacy in society, like Dostoevsky’s characters. Karandyshev wants to join this society, a society where he is not welcome, where no one needs him. But at the same time, he wants to humiliate those who humiliated him. This desire for revenge makes him insensitive towards his fiancee, to whom Karandyshev’s behavior causes torment. In "The Thunderstorm" Tikhon and Boris, despite their external dissimilarity, are equally weak-willed. Neither the author nor the readers have any respect for them. Women's images in these plays, on the contrary, they are very bright. The main character of the play "Dowry" is Larisa Ogudalova. Her mother’s advice is as follows: “We are poor people, we have to humiliate ourselves all our lives. It’s better to humiliate yourself from a young age, so that later you can live like a human being... And pretend and lie! Happiness will not follow you if you run from it yourself.” But Larisa Ogudalova is a person of integrity, incapable of dodging and lying. Her soul is open to people. And she doesn’t want to live any other way. Katerina Kabanova, like Larisa, is ready to die, but not to live in a vulgar, deceitful world. Death becomes the only way out for both of them. Larisa Ogudalova and Katerina Kabanova look like Sonya Marmeladova. They don't blend in total mass petty and bilious people. Sonya is a spiritual person, she is not offended by anyone and helps everyone. Larisa is also not like everyone else, she does not follow the rule: “You can’t live in the world without cunning.” Before her death, she forgives everyone, although, probably, she is not offended by anyone. Despite all their identical spiritual qualities, the external manifestations of these The heroines are different. Sonya seems to be a very modest and even timid person. Larisa and Katerina are more determined and strong in appearance, but they are all equally strong spiritually. Ostrovsky’s position coincides with the position of Turgenev, who portrayed his girls as morally higher than those around them. men.

“Garnet Bracelet”, a petty official who is unrequitedly in love with the princess. He pursues the object of his passion with letters, and at the end of the story he commits suicide.

History of creation

Alexander Kuprin worked on the “Garnet Bracelet” in Odessa in the fall of 1910. The work was originally conceived as a story, but grew into a story. The work dragged on, and at the beginning of December, judging by Kuprin’s letters, the story was not yet finished.

The plot was based on true story which happened to the wife of State Council member D.N. Lyubimova. The prototype of Zheltkov was a certain petty telegraph official Zheltikov, who was unrequitedly in love with this lady.

"Garnet Bracelet"

Zheltkov is a minor official of the control chamber, 30-35 years old. A tall and thin man with soft, long hair. Zheltkov’s appearance reveals a delicate mental organization - pale skin, a gentle “girlish” face, a childish chin with a dimple, blue eyes and nervous thin fingers. The hero’s hands constantly betray his nervous state - they tremble, fiddle with buttons, “run” over his face and clothes.

Zheltkov - the main character of the story "Garnet Bracelet"

The hero earns little and considers himself a person devoid of subtle taste, therefore he has neither the opportunity nor the right to present expensive gifts to the object of his unrequited passion - the princess. The hero saw a lady in a circus box and immediately fell in love with her. Eight years have passed since then, and all this time the lover Zheltkov has been writing letters to Vera. At first, the hero was still waiting for reciprocity and thought that the young lady from the box would answer his letters, but Vera never paid attention to the unlucky admirer.

Over time, Zheltkov ceases to hope for reciprocity, but continues to write to Vera from time to time and secretly monitor her life. In his letters, Zheltkov describes exactly where and with whom he saw Vera, even what dress she was wearing. Apart from the object of his passion, the hero is not interested in anything - neither science, nor politics, nor the lives of his own and other people.

The hero keeps Vera's things. A handkerchief that the lady forgot at the ball, and the hero appropriated. The exhibition program that Vera left on the chair, and so on. Even a note written by Vera, in which she forbade the hero to write to her, became a relic for Zheltkov. Zheltkov sees the only meaning in Vera own life, however, despite all this, he does not consider himself a maniac, but only a lover.

Vera Sheina from the story "Garnet Bracelet"

One day Zheltkov sends the princess a gift for her name day - a family garnet bracelet that belonged to the hero’s great-grandmother, and then to his late mother. The princess's brother, Nikolai, loses his temper over this gift and decides to intervene in order to stop Zheltkov's "harassment" once and for all.

Nikolai finds where the hero lives and demands that he stop pursuing his sister, and otherwise threatens to take action. Vera herself also treats Zheltkov unfriendly and asks him to leave her alone. That same evening, the hero dies by committing suicide, but in his suicide note he does not blame Vera for his own death, but still writes about his love for her. Only at parting did Vera realize that she strong love, which every woman dreams of, was so close, but she abandoned it.

Zheltkov had a soft and tactful character. The landlady called the hero a “wonderful man” and treated him like her own son. Zheltkov is sincere and incapable of lying, he is decent. The hero has a weak voice and calligraphic handwriting. The man loves music, especially. The hero has one brother among his relatives.

Illustration for the story "Garnet Bracelet"

The hero rented a room in a multi-story building on Lutheran Street. This is a poor house, where the stairwells are dark and smell of kerosene, mice and laundry. Zheltkov’s room is poorly lit, has a low ceiling, and is poorly furnished. The hero has only a narrow bed, a shabby sofa and a table.

Zheltkov is a contradictory character who showed cowardice in love, but considerable courage when deciding to shoot himself.

Film adaptations

In 1964, a film adaptation of “The Pomegranate Bracelet” was released, directed by Abram Room. The image of Zheltkov in this film was embodied by actor Igor Ozerov. Mr. Zheltkov, whose exact name is not indicated in the story, is called Georgiy Stepanovich in the film. In the story, the hero signs with the initials G.S.Zh., and the landlady from whom Zheltkov rented a house called the hero “Pan Ezhiy,” which corresponds to the Polish version of the name “George.” However, it is impossible to say for sure what the hero’s name was.

The film also starred actors Yuri Averin (in the role of Gustav Ivanovich von Friesse) and in the role of Prince Shein, the husband of the main character Vera Sheina, whose role was played by the actress.


“It so happened that I am not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people - for me, my whole life lies only in you.”
“Think about what I should have done? Run away to another city? All the same, my heart was always near you, at your feet, every moment of the day was filled with you, with thoughts about you, dreams about you...”
“I checked myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love.”

Kuprin's story "The Garnet Bracelet" was published in 1907. It is based on real events from the family chronicles of the Tugan-Baranovsky princes. This story became one of the most famous and profound works about love in Russian literature.
At its center is a story about the feelings of a minor official Zheltkov for the cold beauty Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. The Sheins are typical representatives of the Russian aristocracy of the early 20th century. The author notes that all members of this family bore, to one degree or another, the imprint of degeneration.
So, Vera Nikolaevna’s sister, Anna Nikolaevna, was unhappy in her marriage. The elderly and ugly husband did not attract her, and this still young woman sought solace in numerous novels, from which, however, she also did not get what she wanted. From her unloved husband, Anna Nikolaevna gave birth to weak and ugly children, who also bore the mark of degeneration.
Vera Nikolaevna's brother, Nikolai, was not married at all. He mockingly and contemptuously treated marriage and love, considering all this to be fiction and romantic fairy tales. And Vera Nikolaevna herself felt for her husband any kind of noble and sublime feelings, but not love.
Kuprin shows us that people have forgotten how to love. “ among people has taken such vulgar forms and has simply descended to some kind of everyday convenience, to a little entertainment,” - with these words of General Anosov, Kuprin conveys the contemporary state of affairs.
And in this wretched and essentially gray reality, a bright ray of light appears - the love of the petty official Zheltkov for Princess Vera. At first, this feeling is perceived by the heroine’s family completely negatively - frivolously, contemptuously and mockingly. Nikolai Nikolaevich is seething with indignation - how dare this plebeian bother his sister! Vasily Lvovich, the princess’s husband, sees in this story just a funny incident, an incident.
So what is the love story of the petty official Zheltkov? Kuprin explains it to us in sufficient detail in the story. First, we hear this story in a distorted, mocking and mocking form from Prince Shein, and Vera Nikolaevna’s husband speaks prophetically about the death of the little official. Then, gradually, as the action progresses, we learn about the real course of things.
G.S. Zheltkov served as an official of the control chamber. Once in his life (for sorrow or joy?) a fatal meeting took place - Zheltkov saw Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. He didn’t even talk to this young lady, who was still unmarried. And how dare he - their social status was too unequal. But a person is not subject to feelings of such strength, he is not able to control the life of his heart. Love captured Zheltkov so much that it became the meaning of his entire existence. From this man's farewell letter we learn that his feeling is “reverence, eternal admiration and slavish devotion.”
In addition, we learn that the official followed Vera Nikolaevna, tried to go where she was, in order to once again see the object of his adoration, breathe the same air with her, touch her things: “I mentally bow to the land of furniture, on the floor you sit on, the parquet floor you walk on, the trees you touch in passing, the servants you talk to.”
Vera Nikolaevna, and we, too, follow her, beginning to wonder - is this Zheltkov crazy? Perhaps his passionate and deep passion was a consequence of mental illness: “And what was it: love or madness?” But the hero himself answers this question in his last letter to the princess. He tested himself and concluded that his feeling was a gift from heaven, and not a disease. After all, Zheltkov does not claim the attention of his beloved; he felt good only from the realization that Vera Nikolaevna exists.
As a sign of his love, the official gives the princess the most valuable thing he has - a family jewel in the form of a garnet bracelet. Perhaps, financially, this bracelet was not of great value - unsightly, inflated, roughly processed. Its main decoration was five blood-red garnets, “diluted” by one green one located in the middle. “According to an ancient legend that has been preserved in our family, it has the ability to impart the gift of foresight to women who wear it and drives away heavy thoughts from them, while it protects men from violent death,” Zheltkov wrote in the accompanying letter to this gift.
The official gave Vera Nikolaevna the most expensive thing he had. I think that the princess, even forgiving herself, appreciated this gesture.
But Zheltkov’s sacrificial and sublime love ended tragically - he died of his own free will, so as not to interfere with Princess Sheina. This man even sacrificed his physical existence on the altar of high feelings. It is important that the hero did not talk to anyone about love, did not seek Vera Nikolaevna’s favor or attention. He simply lived, enjoying what fate gave him. And he passed away with a feeling of great gratitude for what he had experienced.
Kuprin shows that love of such strength and sacrifice could not help but leave a mark on the souls of the people involved in this story. In Vera Nikolaevna, Zheltkov awakened longing and bright sadness for love, and helped her to reveal her true needs. It is not for nothing that at the end of the story, while listening to a Beethoven sonata, the heroine cries: “Princess Vera hugged the trunk of the acacia tree, pressed herself against it and cried.” It seems to me that these tears are the heroine’s longing for true love, which people so often forget.
Even Vera Nikolaevna’s husband, Prince Shein, experienced involuntary respect for Zheltkov’s feelings: “I feel sorry for this man. And not only do I feel sorry, but I feel that I am present at some enormous tragedy of the soul, and I cannot clown around here.”
Thus, the love given to the little official Zheltkov from above filled his life with meaning and became a source of light not only for this person, but also for those around him. The story of Zheltkov’s feelings for Princess Vera once again confirmed that love is the most important thing in a person’s life. Without this feeling, life turns into a meaningless and empty existence, inevitably leading to death. The death of the soul and the divine spirit in us.