Notebook interaction with the music director in the dhow. Pedagogical interaction between the teacher and the music director in order to improve the process of musical development of children

Anna Smirnova
Pedagogical interaction between the teacher and music director to improve the process musical development children

Problem pedagogical interaction between the teacher and the music director in preschool educational institution - one of important: success depends on its solution.

Often teacher considers it his duty only to attend musical lesson - with a purpose maintaining discipline. And some don’t even consider it necessary to attend - they say, during this time they will be able to do some things in the group. Meanwhile, without active help teacher productivity musical employment is much lower than possible.

Educator, being in constant contact with children, is usually inactive in implementing musical education and teaching preschoolers. Usage music in everyday life kindergarten, in classes on speech development, fine arts- very rare. Music classes, held twice a week, and several holiday matinees throughout the year cannot satisfy the need children in music, musical development.

I like music director, I would like to see interest teachers during a music lesson. When a child sees that teacher performs all tasks with interest, then he himself gets involved in process with even more inspiration. After all teacher for him there is absolute authority, and no matter what happens in class, the child will constantly focus on teacher. Therefore I advise educators try on the role of a child who is interested in everything class: sing songs in chorus, dance fervently, listen thoughtfully musical works but don't forget what's coming pedagogical process which needs to be controlled.

What rules should be followed for successful the process of musical development of preschool children?

1. On musical During the lesson, children must be smartly dressed, have comfortable shoes on their feet, and girls must wear skirts.

2. Starting from the middle group children need to be built, alternating between a boy and a girl.

3. You should arrive to class 1-2 minutes before the start to line up and get set up children for class.

4. Educator Brings a notebook and pen with you to write down the words of songs, games, dance movements, recommendations, etc.

5. During class, it is advisable not to leave the room so as not to be distracted. children and don’t miss any material.

6. Do exercises with your children. Movements of dancing, games, singing songs, etc.

7. Monitor the correct execution of movements by children.

8. In free activities, consolidate the material received in class.

An important place when solving a problem improving the process of musical development of preschool children, belongs to holidays and entertainment that remain in memory for a long time children, And memories which are often prompted children to independent musical activity .

A holiday in kindergarten is a common cause! Huge and labor-intensive work team: educators, specialists, housekeepers, cooks, administration, etc. Each has their own role and responsibilities.

I believe that the successful holding of a holiday depends on joint organized work teachers.

1. Notify children and their parents that children dress smartly for the holiday and according to their wishes (if costumes are not specified in the holiday script).

2. Before the matinee in the group, it is necessary to create a festive atmosphere.

3. To the teacher you need to be smart, have suitable shoes, meet children in high spirits.

4. When preparing for the holiday, involve everyone as much as possible children.

5. Learn poems, roles, etc. with children.

6. Both must be present at the holiday itself educators.

7. The presenter must pronounce the text emotionally, loudly, clearly, without fear of the guests, maintaining a friendly atmosphere at the holiday.

8. When children perform dances and round dances, perform movements with them.

I'm like musical director I try to help in solving such an important problem musical education how to develop the ability to be independent musical activity.

In a group with educators we create conditions so that children listen on their own initiative music, sang, played children's musical instruments, staged songs, performed round dances, etc.

Musical games and dances have great opportunities for independent actions children. Among the games, the main place is occupied by « music lessons » and concerts based on the experiences children have gained in the classroom.

Playing music lesson, the guys distribute roles teacher, music director. IN process games copy the structure of the lesson, behavior and intonation of adults.

In the concert, children organize a rotation of different numbers performed by the group children-"artists", for my comrades - "spectators".

Children in independent musical activities often use the game for DMI.

In independent practice children a hearing may also take place music. Educator at their request, uses a tape recorder, and everyone listens to vocal and instrumental music together music.

In independent activity, the child chooses his own activity and realizes his plans. But this does not mean that he is left to his own devices. to myself:

1. The teacher organizes the conditions, promoting development of children's activities on their initiative.

2. Educator tries to influence child's musical impressions received by him in kindergarten and family.

3. Educator must be tactful, become, as it were, an accomplice in children's games.

Thus, successful and systematic interaction between music director and teacher kindergarten in carrying out tasks musical and artistic education preschoolers allows you to achieve goals and objectives defined educational program Preschool educational institutions in the educational field « Music» , and most importantly develop activity in children, independence and initiative.

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Modern trends in education require teachers to take a new approach to the upbringing and development of children. Development of musical and artistic activities, introduction to musical art, the music director carries out in close contact with kindergarten teachers. The task of a music director is not to educate a musician, but to educate a child’s harmonious personality, to introduce the child to the world of music, to teach him to understand it, enjoy it, and form a moral and aesthetic attitude towards it. This makes it possible to act adequately to the real situation, developing it in the right direction, identifying and taking into account the interests of the child’s personality that arise in the process of learning and upbringing. This is a very important circumstance, which is determined by the following: the teacher, being in constant contact with the children, knowing the characteristics of family upbringing, can give a description of each child. Based on the information received, the music director adjusts his work. Success in this work can only be achieved through close interaction between preschool teachers.

Pedagogical strategy interaction presupposes the feasible contribution of each participant in the interaction in solving a common problem. It is based on understanding and acceptance of the child as an individual, the ability to take his position, respect his interests and development prospects. With such interaction, the main tactics of teachers become cooperation and partnership. Most effective educational objectives are resolved if teachers take into account the principle of integration of educational areas, which implies the interaction of the music director and teachers. Such classes combine knowledge from different educational fields on an equal basis, complementing each other.

Great importance is given to the interaction between the music director and the teacher. This is a very important circumstance, which is determined by the following: the teacher, being in constant contact with the children, knowing the characteristics of family upbringing, can give a description of each child. Based on the information received, the music director adjusts his work. Practice shows that educators play a huge role as an assistant. The teacher actively participates in all types of musical activities: performs songs and round dances with the children, helps children who have difficulty performing musical rhythmic movements, activates the children, deepens the children’s musical impressions through the use of muses. works at different regime moments. Strengthens the musical repertoire with children in the group. Thus, successful and systematic interaction of muses. leader and educator in the implementation of the tasks of musical and artistic education, allows you to form the skills and abilities provided for by the program in the educational field “Music”, to fully develop the age-appropriate integrative qualities of each child.

Forms of interaction between the music director and the teaching staff:

  • Familiarization of educators with theoretical issues of musical education of children.
  • Explanation of the content and methods of working on music. education of children in each age group.
  • Discussion and solution of an individual approach to problem children.
  • Discussion of scenarios and active participation of teachers in holidays, entertainment, and joint events.
  • Finding thematic selections of poetic material for children.
  • Participation in the production of festive decorations, decorations, costumes, attributes.
  • Participation in the organization of a subject-spatial musical development environment.

What does the interaction of the music director with the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution provide:

  • Mutual exchange of pedagogical information throughout the academic year. (Such information exchange is necessary to improve correctional and developmental work.)
  • Spending evenings, leisure and entertainment together.
  • Providing professional assistance, recommendations and support to each other in the form of consultations.
  • Joint solutions to the problems of raising and developing children through music and musical activities with specialized specialists and educators.
  • Creation of a unified cultural-educational musical-aesthetic space in pedagogy. team.
  • Creation of a developing educational environment as one of the most effective conditions that implements the process of holistic development and upbringing of a child.
  • Personal and professional self-development, self-education.

Thus, professional interaction is not just professional cooperation, it is a joint activity that unites people around goals that become more complex and specified in the process of development of the entire preschool educational institution.

Oksana Ptukh
Consultation “Interaction between the teacher and the music director in solving the problems of music education”

The practice of modern kindergarten shows that the main issues musically- decides the aesthetic development of preschool children musical director, A teacher is assigned the role of his assistant.

What does this help consist of?

On music lesson teacher not only monitors discipline. He is an active participant in singing, games, and dancing. Educator must know the lyrics of songs, dance movements, in a word, the whole musical repertoire, used in class. This is why you start a notebook. musical education or a folder for repeating and reinforcing with children in a group what they have learned in music. lessons material.

Unfortunately, musical classes cannot fully satisfy children’s needs for music, musical development. That's why educators must find time during the day to repeat songs, games, dance moves. But this is not the main thing. Pedagogical interaction between music director and teacher. Here are some principles for this interaction.

1. The principle of dialogization is that they are equal cooperating subjects in matters musical development of children, i.e. musical director conducts music. activities, entertainment, ind. classes, group work. The teachers, being in constant contact with children, should, as often as possible, use music in the everyday life of a kindergarten, in classes on speech development, fine arts, etc.

2. The principle of individualization is that music director and teacher must have strong skills musical activity. The music director is a specialist, which has music education, which presupposes the presence of professional and creative skills. Educator must be able to sing simple children's songs, musically-rhythmic movements, play on children's musical instruments.

3. The principle of problematization is that music. leader and educator must realize the need for close relationship between musical tasks And general development child. For example, developing singing skills is the task is not only for music. education, but also physical

From all of the above it follows that meeting children with music should not be limited music lessons. A must for every group music corner is musical instruments , books, albums, musical educational games. Saturation musical corner is a necessary condition not only in work teacher, but also the opportunity for each child to independently choose the type of activity that suits his interests. Educator has great opportunities to introduce children to music:

1. Actively participates in the process of teaching children music lessons. For example, in junior groups teacher sings with the children (without drowning out the children's singing). In the middle and older groups helps to learn songs and together with music. head evaluates the performance of an already learned piece. Besides this (if teacher sings clearly and expressively, can sing new song with piano or audio accompaniment.

When teaching children musically-rhythmic movements in younger groups teacher participates in all types of movements, thereby activating the kids. Sometimes, if the material is not very difficult, children do assignments independently without the presence of an adult. In middle, high and especially preparatory groups role teacher other: he acts as needed, showing any movement, recalling this or that formation, or giving children individual instructions in dancing, playing, etc.

2. Directs self-direction children's musical activities, includes music for games, walks, labor process, using learned from music. supervisor material.

3. Participates in the selection of music. material, using it in gymnastics classes, visual activities, on the development of speech and familiarization with the environment.

On the first days of every new year teacher looks closely at children: who is interested in what (singing, playing instruments, dancing, are there any children who do not take part in playing music at all. The teacher should be concerned why this is happening. Sometimes the leading roles go to the same children. This happens not only because the child shows interest in playing music, but also because he wants to lead.

Other children, on the contrary, are very drawn to this activity, but they are timid, hesitant and only glance at the children playing music. It is important to create optimal, most favorable conditions for everyone. Based on my observations teacher organizes each child, tries to interest everyone musical activity. Basic line of behavior teacher in music management independent activity is his participation in it. The adult seems to be consulting with children: “How can we better arrange musical instruments so that it would be convenient for everyone to pick them up and play?” “This is how I can play”, - says the adult and shows how to play the instrument and immediately leaves. The child understands his mistake and continues to play. “Do you know what song I love? - speaks teacher and plays the disc.

It would be nice for us to make a library of disks. You can cut out circles (or take old, unnecessary disks) and draw on them what the game is about music. There are many such examples. Educator sometimes he joins in a joint game, sometimes he shows his skills, sometimes he regulates the participation of inactive or, conversely, overly active children, etc.

Planning Receptions music management, teacher outlines the following moments: what new things need to be added to the equipment musical activity(tools, manuals, homemade toys, etc.); in what order is it advisable to do this, who should be observed in order to find out the interests and inclinations of the children; what type of activity do children prefer and whether their interests are one-sided.

The more active the teacher does the work, the more new children can learn on music lessons, otherwise musical classes turn into endless repetition of the same thing, i.e. "treading water".

Publications on the topic:

Organization of work on the use of the museum’s interactive exhibition in solving the problems of patriotic education of preschool children Preschool age is the foundation of a child’s overall development, the starting period of all high human principles. Providing spiritual and moral.

Modern health-saving technologies in the joint work of a teacher and a music director Slide No. 2) Preschool childhood is the time for the most optimal introduction of a child to the world of beauty. Children strive to communicate with the art of music.

Interaction between the teacher and the music director at the matinee 1. Know the order of numbers by heart. 2. Monitor discipline and correct children correctly. 3. Know the poems and the children reading them, give prompt advice.

Consultation for parents “Features of the conditions for musical education of children in the family” Features of the conditions for musical education of children in the family. Many music directors want to see their allies and helpers in their parents.

Report by the music director on the features of the developing subject-spatial environment of the music hall Report of the music director of MBDOU kindergarten No. 1 Art. Staroshcherbinovskaya T. L. Turchaninova about the features of developing subject-spatial.

Memo for educators “Issues of successful cooperation between the educator and the music director of a preschool educational institution” MEMO FOR TEACHERS “Issues of successful cooperation between the teacher and the music director of a preschool educational institution in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard” Prepared by.

Music Director Portfolio Explanatory note I have been carrying out my professional activities at MBDOU No. 66 “Barvinok” as a music director since 2015.

Collaboration between a teacher and a music director to implement the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” At present, when one of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is the integration of all educational areas and, consequently, the activities of everything.

Ozerova Elena Borisovna; Yablokova Irina Nikolaevna
MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 69" Kostroma
Music directors

Presentation "Interaction between the music director and the teacher
in organizing musical activities in preschool educational institutions"

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We present to your attention material about the interaction between the music director and the teacher in organizing musical activities in a preschool educational institution.

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Preschool childhood is the time for the most optimal introduction of a child to the world of beauty, including the world of music.

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The problem of pedagogical interaction between a teacher and a music director in a preschool educational institution is one of the important ones: the success of the process of musical development of preschool children depends on its solution.

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Only in the joint coordinated activities of both teachers for the successful development of children’s musicality can one achieve


psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization, comprehensive personality development of children of early and preschool age in age-appropriate children's activities.

And solve a number of problems:

Development of musical and artistic activities;

Introduction to the art of music;

Development of children's musicality;

Developing the ability to emotionally perceive music.

5 slide

Not only the music director, but also the teachers are responsible for the musical education of children in a preschool institution. Let's look at their functions and responsibilities.

Doctor of Psychological Sciences Alexander Ilyich Shcherbakov highlights 8 general pedagogical functions:

1. Informational.

2. Developmental.

3. Mobilization.

4. Orientation.

5. Constructive.

6. Organizational.

7. Communicative.

8. Research.

Of these, 1-4 are pedagogical functions, 5-6 are general labor functions, aimed at creating material and didactic conditions for the creative solution of pedagogical problems.

1. Information function. Transferring musical information to children. To do this, you need to have deep knowledge of your subject, be able to present knowledge to students, and master the culture of speech.

2. Developmental function. Develop children's abilities, teach them to think independently, stimulate creativity.

3. Mobilization function. It assumes the teacher’s ability to influence the emotional-volitional sphere of the child. Education will be developmental when the teacher interests and captivates the children.

4. Orientation function. It involves the formation of a stable system of value orientations of the individual.

5. Constructive function. Includes 3 components:

constructive and meaningful(selection and composition of educational material).

constructive and operational(planning the structure of your own actions and the actions of your children).

structural-material(planning the educational and material base for carrying out the work).

6. Organizational function.

The musical director is obliged to:

  1. Conduct individual and collective counseling for educators.
  2. Conduct group work.
  3. Participate in pedagogical councils.
  4. Conduct open classes for educators.
  5. Conduct meetings with parents, individual consultations and conversations.

The teacher is obliged:

  1. Together with music leader to study the theory and methodology of music. education on modern stage and introduce new achievements into the pedagogical process.
  2. Help the music the manager in organizing and conducting classes, entertainment and holidays, helping in organizing interaction with the family.

7. Communication function . It assumes the ability to communicate, establish friendly relationships with children, a team of teachers, and parents.

8. Research function. The desire for self-improvement and self-development, replenishment of professional competencies.

6 slide

Alas, often the teacher considers it his duty to simply attend a music lesson - in order to maintain discipline. And some don’t even consider it necessary to attend. Meanwhile, without the active help of a teacher, the productivity of music lessons turns out to be much lower than possible. Carrying out the process of musical education requires great activity from the teacher. When raising a child through the means of music, preschool teachers must clearly understand its importance in the harmonious development of the individual. To do this, you, educators, need to clearly and distinctly understand by what means and methodological techniques you can lay the foundations for the correct perception of music.

Educational problems are solved most effectively if you take into account the principle of integration of educational areas.

7 slide

Children acquire initial musical education skills in the process of music lessons. If the teacher happily awaits these classes, eagerly prepares for them together with the children, and is active throughout the entire music lesson, then his mood will be conveyed to the children. If we talk about children of primary preschool age, the role of the teacher in musical work with them is extremely large; he is a participant in all types of children's activities, sings and dances with the children, and plays various musical instruments.

Practice shows that the teacher’s readiness for the musical development of children in preschool educational institutions is manifested in all forms of organizing musical activities: teachers are active in music classes, conduct round dances with singing during walks, musical and didactic games, use musical works in classes on speech development, familiarization with the environment . Such activities contribute to the development of children’s musicality, bring the teacher and the child closer, and allow the music director to focus on performing skills in the process of developing musical perception in preschoolers.

8 slide

Forms of interaction between teachers:

1. Organization of monitoring.

We carry out diagnostic measures and record the results.

2. C joint planning

As a result of monitoring, we draw up a plan together with teachers.

3.Methodological support.

It includes holding thematic teacher councils, consultations, seminars, workshops, business games, developing booklets, visual consultations, information leaflets, planning memos, and joint discussion of scenarios.

One of the forms of working with teachers is maintaining an interaction notebook, where the music director enters:

2. lyrics of songs, dance movements before learning them in class.

4.Practical productive activities.

represents the finished result of the activity:

Children gaining new knowledge;

Organization and holding of holidays and entertainment;

Organization of children's exhibitions creative works related to musical activities.

5Family interactions include:

Organization of parent meetings;


Involving parents in participating in holidays and entertainment, in making costumes and attributes, in joint participation in creative and musical shows, competitions and festivals at the kindergarten and city level.

Posting creative reports on the institution’s website.

6. Organization of interaction with society

Organization of performances by professional groups of the city (philharmonic society, theater, folk ensemble “Venets”, various choreographic and vocal groups);

Slide 9

The teacher-educator needs:

To develop children's independence and initiative in using familiar songs, round dances, musical games in classes, walks, morning exercises, and independent artistic activities.

Develop children's musical skills (ear for melody, sense of rhythm) in the process of conducting didactic games.

Involve children in creative games, including familiar songs, movements, and dances.

Use children’s musical skills and abilities in classes for other activities.

Include musical accompaniment in the organization of classes and routine moments.

Slide 10

You can see the structure of interaction on the slide. Successful interaction of all participants is built on subject-subject relationships, i.e. all are full-fledged assistants in the musical education and development of children.

Slide 11

The teachers of our preschool institution are active and direct assistants in the musical education and development of children.

Slide 12

Successful and systematic interaction between the music director and the teacher in music education makes it possible to achieve the set goal and solve problems, to develop skills in the perception of music, singing, and musical and rhythmic movements. To fully develop the age-appropriate integrative qualities of each child.

Slide 13

Thank you for your attention.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
“Combined kindergarten No. 36 “Zhemuzhinka”

"Teacher interaction
and music director in class"
booklet for educators

BelanLyubov Yurievna,
Lipchanskaya Natalya Valentinovna,
music directors

Yurga 2012
Aliev Yu. B. Methods of musical education of children / Yu.B. Aliyev Methods of musical education of children (from kindergarten to elementary school). - Voronezh, NPO “MODEK”, 1998. – 352 p.
Kaplunova I.M., Novoskoltseva I.A. This amazing rhythm: A manual for teachers and music directors of children's preschool institutions. – St. Petersburg: “Composer”, 2005. – 73 p.

Be sure to reinforce musical material with children:
repeat the words of songs, games, etc.;
talk with children based on the lyrics of songs and listened works;
accompany conversations by showing portraits of composers or display them in group corners;
sing the texts on the street (in the warm season);
include musical material in your classes and routine moments;
consolidate the movements of songs, dances, round dances in free time from classes;
organize musical minutes - listening to classical works in a group;
It is imperative to include games in children’s independent activities in a group and on walks.

The professionalism and experience of the teacher should allow him, in the absence of a music director, to independently conduct musical classes and entertainment.

The teacher, and not the musical director, plays the leading role, is a model and example to follow.
Must do everything that the music shows. supervisor.
Must be able to independently demonstrate the movements of dances, games, and songs.
Sing for children to see and hear as an example.
Organizes children for formations, games, round dances, dances, as well as when sitting on chairs.

The secret of my self

Statements by E. Jean-Dalcroze:

All explanations should be brief.

Each lesson should contain something new so that the students’ attention does not get tired and their interest does not dry out.

Initial training should be in the nature of a game. You cannot immediately instill in children the concepts of duty and compulsory labor...

The teacher’s task is to put the necessary exercises into the form of a game so that they become accessible to children.

Raising a child is based on examples and imagination.

The lesson must bring joy to the children, otherwise it loses half its value.

Goal: to create a trusting environment in the group that allows children to express their feelings and talk about them, develop empathic communication skills, the ability to accept and listen to another person; develop the ability to understand yourself.
Materials: candlestick with candle, matches, mirror, audio recording classical music, chairs for every child.
Content. Children sit in a circle on chairs. The teacher explains: “Today we gathered in a circle to get to know each other better.” The candle is lit. “Remember the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "O dead princess and seven heroes"? To find out something about herself, the queen took out a magic mirror and ordered him: “My light mirror, tell me and report the whole truth. Am I the cutest, the most rosy and the whitest in the world?” The teacher shows the children a “magic” mirror and says: “I also have a magic mirror, with the help of which we can learn a lot of interesting things about each other and answer the question: “Who am I?” Let's relax and take a close look at the candle flame. It will help us feel what is happening inside us, remember our hobbies, successes, failures.” Music is playing. The teacher continues: “My name is... I love children very much, so I chose the profession of a teacher. I like reading books, listening to music. I am very happy about your successes, but I am saddened when you do unkind things.” The children speak next. The teacher summarizes: “You told a lot of interesting things, you were able to better understand yourself, understand your successes and failures. We are all different, each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses, which some can correct on their own, while others need help. Let’s treat each other more attentively and kindly, and help in everything.” Children join hands and blow out the candle.

The teacher needs to prepare for a music lesson:
attend consultations and classes with a music director;
know the musical material from the interaction notebook;
clarify in advance the time of classes during quarantine;
Work with parents on the clothing and footwear of children in music classes.

Create the necessary mood for the lesson.
Bring children on time, according to the schedule (1-2 minutes before the start of the lesson)
Check appearance children.
Report the number of children muses. to the manager.

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