For the little ones. Our performances Children's performances 2

A unique contact theater for children in Moscow, “Fairy Tale House,” offers a wide repertoire, including children’s performances for children from 1 year old. These are vibrant theatrical performances based on Russian and foreign folk tales, which are held in an interactive format and involve children in fairy world, full of amazing adventures and magical wonders.

Do you know what an interactive performance is for children over 2 years old? These are unusually bright and interesting musical scenes based on popular fairy tales and fun games with the participation of children and their favorite fairy-tale characters. What could be more exciting for kids who are only 2-3 years old than a fairy tale come to life!

Performances for the little ones in Moscow

“Fairytale House” is the first Russian theater-museum to offer such an unusual format of contact with audiences as interactive performances. For this format, the preferences of the baby are especially important - even if he is only 2 years old!

Our poster telling about the theater week at the museum-theater will help you choose a show for a child under 3 years old. Here you can not only find out what performances for kids in Moscow "Fairy Tale House" is offering in the coming week, but also see brief descriptions fabulous theatrical performances for the little ones - to choose a performance that best suits the character and temperament of your baby.

Follow our poster: we are constantly updating our repertoire, offering young spectators new exciting performances and introducing them to new fairy-tale characters!

(for children from 10 months to 3.5 years) -

musical interactive performance for the little ones viewers - will introduce the signs of autumn, talk about the kindness and mutual assistance of fairy-tale forest inhabitants. The performance features music by great composers performed by soloists of famous orchestras.

T theater for kids: watch, participate, learn

You don’t have to wait until your child is older to introduce art to your child. You can instill culture from a very early age, doing it unobtrusively and in a playful way. “Tim-Tilim” is a theater for the youngest spectators who are able to listen and imitate, perceive jokes and enjoy them, actively participate in the performance and communicate with other children.

Our performances are always about good conquering evil! An interactive approach to the perception of entertainment and educational material ensures that the child is involved in the action from the first minutes of the performance. The little viewer, “drawn” into the plot, becomes a part of what is happening. Theater for kids helps them feel at home. This is facilitated even by such simple attributes as cushions used during the performance instead of the usual chairs.

Performances for children from one year old

The repertoire for the little visitor is thought out with special care. Young children feel so good “in the company” of forest animals. They will discover the Magic Forest, where each journey will bring new impressions and knowledge: with fairy-tale friends they will play, draw, sculpt and learn about the world that surrounds them. And all this is accompanied by live music, which adds significance to our performances for children from one year old.

Age of young spectators

“Tim-Tilim” is one of the few theaters that can boast of the age of its audience. Our performances can be attended by children over 10 months old. They will be involved in the game, just like their parents. The repertoire of performances for little ones was developed by our specialists with great love and is designed for ages from 10 months to 4 years.

If you decide to visit the theater for children over one year old, then “Tim – Tilim” is looking forward to seeing you!

Plots of performances

A good fairy tale, or rather a useful one, has its own nuances, which were thought out by our specialists. The first fairy tales with a simple educational plot are ideal for young viewers.

The Good Fairy invites the children to paint, but the paints are stolen! This exciting adventure will appeal to both young and older children. In the autumn forest, filled with magic and amazing music, children will learn a good story that will make them empathize with the heroes and participate in the fairy tale. An equally exciting story awaits the kids on the eve of New Year's holidays. Hurry up to take part in Snowflake’s interesting adventure!

Theater for children 2 years old is distinguished by linear plots that are ideal for perception and also promote the development of imagination and speech. Agree, dear parents, sometimes it is so difficult to pay attention to all this, since there is not enough time and, often, skills. The doors of “Tim-Tilim” are always open to their inquisitive visitors. Our team will help in the development and upbringing of your baby, using the best that is in our hearts.

It is difficult for children to sit still in a regular theater. A dark hall, a deep armchair, from where you can’t see anything, and your favorite characters are high on the stage - you can’t reach them, you can’t communicate... How about an interactive theater? One where you can freely move around the hall, meet the characters of fairy tales, touch them and take an active part in what is happening. We have compiled our list of interactive theaters for children from 1 to 3 years old.

"First Theater"

Having studied the experience of foreign baby theaters and child psychologists, the creators of the First Theater came up with their own principle of performances for young spectators. There is no stage or hall, actors and small spectators together create a cozy and safe space for performance and play, where you can enter, crawl and run, and, if desired, watch from the side. The scenes of the First Theater are short and succinct. Simple plots are taken as a basis - the change of seasons and weather, the sea, snow and others - “Water”, “First Snow”, “Snail”, “Nutcracker”. Children observe the phenomena of the surrounding world and participate in them. The First Theater also has puppet characters, they are realistic and taken from life, because it is important for children to see something familiar. By the way, the performances are performed almost without words, because not all children still understand speech. A pleasant surprise will be gifts for each spectator at the end of the performances. A piece of ice glass, a star lantern or a shell with the song of the sea.

Age: from 10 months to 4 years
Price: from 1500 rub. adult+child
Addresses and other information

"Fanny Bell's House"

This is a family chamber theater in a bright and modern space, which is open near the children's playground in the Garden named after. Bauman. Almost every performance at the Fanny Belle House provides an opportunity for children and parents to become participants. The performances are based on stories classical literature and unique ideas generated by the directors of the production team. The auditorium is designed for only 50 people. During performances, live music plays and the actors are at the same level as the audience. Little ones don't have to lift their heads to see their favorite characters on stage. The play “Port,” for example, will tell about the incredible adventures of a white Tiger Cub in a Mediterranean port. There will be a lively port, giraffe cranes, and shadow tricks accompanied by live music. And in the play “Caterpillar,” sitting on a soft green carpet, kids get to know and play with a friendly caterpillar. What is the secret of turning an ordinary-looking worm into one of the most beautiful creatures on the planet?

Age: from 2.5 years
Address: st. Staraya Basmannaya, 15
Price: from 750 rub.

"Together with Mom"

Together with my mother, this is a team of organizers who every month create a unique poster of events for parents with children. Concerts of jazz and classical music, English lessons, excursions to Moscow museums and children's interactive performances. At the Theater for Kids' performances, you can touch and talk to the characters, sit quietly on the floor, or actively participate. Each performance has the opportunity for tactile impressions, such as sand or water. The roles are performed by professional actors, and live music helps children immerse themselves in a fairy tale. The titles of the performances speak for themselves - “How worms saved spring”, “How a parrot learned to be friends” and others.

Age: from 1 year to 4 years
Price: 1100 rub. adult + child, 2 adults + child 1400 and +300 rub. one more adult or child
Schedule and ticket reservations


This is not just a theater, but a whole child development program. All performances are built into a unique development line. Directors, actors and child psychologists take part in the creation of performances. At the beginning of the puppet show (which lasts 30-40 minutes), the actors perform a fifteen-minute game so that the kids can get used to it. During the performance there will also be plenty of opportunities to interact with the characters, answering questions, connecting to interactive game and saving the main characters. The plots in Nursery Rhymes are familiar to almost every child - “The Three Little Pigs”, “Teremok”, “Geese and Swans”. That's why they are good.

Age: from 1 year
Address: Kedrova str., 14korp.3, Children's cinema "Salut", st. Zemlyanoy Val, 27/3, House of Culture "Gaidarovets"
Price: 600 rub.

"Living Fairy Tale"

All spectators who came to the performance, young and old, take an active part in what is happening. Professional actors of the Living Fairy Tale theater try to convey all the kindest and fairest things accumulated over centuries in folklore different nations. Now the repertoire includes two fairy tales for children - “The Three Little Pigs”, “Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”. And at the end of October, the theater team will show the kids two new performances, “How the Kitten Looked for Its Mother” and “Nikanor the Duckling.”

Age: from 2 to 9 years
Address: RIO shopping center (2nd km of the Moscow Ring Road) 4th floor, Vegas shopping center (24th km of the Moscow Ring Road) -1st floor
Price: 600 rub.

"Theater on the Palm"

The Baby Theater at the Moscow Puppet Theater on Spartakovskaya shows 4 performances for the little ones based on different seasons. Performances last 45 minutes. In “spring” children launch boats in the stream, “in winter” they touch snowflakes and pieces of ice, “in summer” they play on carrot pipes, and “in autumn” they pick mushrooms in the forest.

Age: from 1 year to 3 years
Address: Moscow Puppet Theater, Spartakovskaya street, building 26/30
Price: 800 rub.
Poster and other information


In this interactive theater, children become the main participants in all performances and help the characters unravel the most complicated stories. For the little ones, the repertoire includes the performances “The Toy Bureau” (the audience gets into the toy workshop and, together with the wizard, they fix all the broken toys), “Visiting the Wizard” (you have to disenchant your favorite characters), “Colors” about how to reconcile between all the colors. And many others. Children sit separately from adults, and at the end they have a pillow fight.
Age: from 2-3 years

Address: st. Zemlyanoy Val, 33 ATRIUM shopping center - 1st floor
Price: from 600 rub.

Children's subscription; Adult subscription

Repertoire performances:

Teremok 1+

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  • Teremok is a fairy tale for the youngest children about how little animals lived in the same house, and a cunning fox and a stupid, gullible wolf tried to destroy it. And in that house lived: a small mouse, a frog, a running bunny and a kind hedgehog. The fairy tale tells about what friendship is and how it helps to resist evil. The performance is made in the style of popular prints..
  • Review from a psychologist: It is very noteworthy that each performance of the Poteshki Theater is made in its own style. As for “Teremok”, these are popular print performances. Russian folklore sounds in everything, starting from the very beginning - the invocation of spring, and further - the musical design, dance numbers. In my opinion, instilling a culture should not be postponed until an older age; it should be done quietly, unobtrusively from a very early age.

Geese-Swans 2+

  • Geese-Swans - Russian folk tale. Performance for children from 2 years old. The fairy tale teaches children to obey adults and not be capricious. Talks about mutual assistance and responsiveness. The poetry of this teaching is that the forces of nature stand up for children. The performance is interactive.Performance duration: 35-40 minutes.
  • Review from a psychologist: During this period, the child experiences a crisis, accompanied by stubbornness, negativism, obstinacy and devaluation. The play “Geese - Swans” shows children in an accessible form the negative aspects of their behavior, and emotional experiences help them understand their actions. The performance includes elements of magic, the revival of inanimate objects that attract attention and create an atmosphere of mystery. The entire performance takes place in a playful way, it includes: musical and motor warm-up, riddles, songs, and of course live communication with the characters of the fairy tale. The child is an integral part of any performance. It is in the third year of life that it is recommended to seriously engage in introducing the child to music, creativity and art. During this period, the soil is more fertile than ever.

The Three Little Pigs 1+

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  • The Three Little Pigs is one of the most popular children's fairy tales. A bright musical performance in which children are not only spectators, but also take part, helping the piglets hide from the treacherous Wolf and his assistant the Fox.Performance duration: 35-40 minutes.
  • Review from a psychologist: The performance is indeed designed for the youngest spectators. At the age of 2-3 years, a child’s attention is unstable and involuntary, so the performance uses various techniques for switching attention. Bright costumes and decorations contribute to the concentration of visual perception. The use of sound “geks” develops auditory perception. Direct play with soft dolls evokes tactile sensations in the child. Soap bubbles at the beginning of the performance they allow you to experience a vivid emotional state of joy. The restoration of emotional balance is facilitated by the so-called rhythmic stimulation - active play with a fairy tale character.

Kitten 2+

  • Kotya is a little kitten who really wants to prove to everyone that he is an adult. But he just can’t do it. He asks the Bunny, the Mouse, and the Little Bear what it means to “be big,” but does not find an exact answer. And only the gentle sun helps him understand that “being big” means taking care of his loved ones and being independent. Performance duration: 35-40 minutes.
  • Review from a psychologist: A kind, instructive fairy tale for children and adults. All parents know that their children want to grow up faster, but not many know how their children feel. The complex world of the protagonist’s experiences is accessible and understandable to young viewers. Together with the kitten, the main character of the play, children solve important issues for themselves. When will I grow up? And most importantly, how will I grow up? Some questions will make not only children, but also adult viewers think. In a light, unobtrusive form, children are reminded of the rules of hygiene, daily routine and the benefits of physical education. Recommended for children from three to ten years old.

Kolobok 2+

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  • A small round lump traveling in a big unknown world... Who will he meet on the way? What surprises and difficulties!? He is not afraid of anything, since his faithful friends, the little spectators, are always nearby. Performance for children from 2 years old. All the characters are kind, beautiful, funny, but a little hungry. From an early age I have known the children's fairy tale “Kolobok”.

The Wolf and the Little Goats 2+ (premiere)

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  • One beautiful summer day a forest event took place - a fair! All the inhabitants of the forest go there to replenish their supplies. One Wolf-Wolf-gray eyes trades in theft and robbery. He found out that the mother of the Little Goats, who live on the edge of the forest, also went to the fair. He instantly finds himself at the door, the kids left alone at home.
    The play is based on the Russian plot folk tale"The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats." The bottom line of this fable is this: don’t open the door for anyone. Parents: always take your keys with you. The performance is interactive and musical. The text is written in poetic form.
    Performance duration: 40-45 minutes.

GUK "Theater "Grandfather Durov's Corner"- Moscow, st. Durova 4, metro Prospekt Mira, metro Tsvetnoy Boulevard
In fairy tales and performances, Grandfather Durov will introduce the audience to his pets. Along with people, they are played by: hippopotamus, deer, foxes, raccoons, sea lions, bears, bulls, geese, wolves, parrots, goats and many others.
Small stage for the youngest spectators
- “How Grandmother the Hedgehog became kind”, “Fun - teach”, “Turnip”
For preschoolers - “Winter's Tale”
The hall is small, children sit in front on their own in the first three rows, parents with children in their arms are seated from the 4th row, parents are seated from the 6-7th row. You need to buy tickets in advance.
Mouse railway– temporarily not working
Large hall for children aged 3 and older. The hall can be seen from any place.
Performances: “Star Kaleidoscope”, “A Century-Long Road!”, “In a Certain Kingdom”, “Give Me a Fairy Tale”, “Visiting Grandfather Durov”, etc.
You can read about each performance on the theater website.

Theater of Cats Yuri Kuklachev— Moscow, Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 25 (the building is undergoing major renovation), performances are held at the ZODCHIE cultural center, Moscow, st. Partizanskaya, 23, Molodezhnaya metro station
In the legendary Cat Theater by Yuri Kuklachev, even adults turn into children, again feeling serenity and peace. And children simply cannot be torn away from the furry actors performing real miracles. Those who have visited already know how calming the performances of this theater are.
Cats and dogs play together with people in amazing performances. The performances have different genres and are designed for different ages of children. More detailed information about the performances can be found on the theater website.
from 2 years and older: “Cat’s House”, “Puss in Boots”
for older children: “My Favorite Cats”, “Boris the Cat Olympics”, “Ice Fantasy”, “People and Cats”, “Clowns and Cats”, “Cats from the Universe”, “Queen of Cats”, “The Artist and Cats”

Children's puppet theaters

State Academic Central Theater dolls named after S.V. Obraztsova- Moscow, st. Sadovaya-Samotechnaya 3, metro station Sukharevskaya, Mayakovskaya, Tsvetnoy Boulevard
The theater, created by Sergei Vladimirovich Obraztsov, has become one of the attractions of our capital. Today SACC is a world puppet center with two buildings on the Garden Ring, two stages, a unique specialized library and one of the world's largest theater puppet museums. Business card theater - famous watches decorating the facade of the building.
from 2.5-3 years - “Everything is topsy-turvy”, “Our Chukokkala”, “At the command of the pike”, “Mysterious hippopotamus”, “Petrik the Tiger”, “Sly Hedgehog”
from 5 years - “Brother Rabbit”, “Pinocchio”, “Winnie the Pooh”, “The Magic Ball”, “Thumbelina”, “Cinderella”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “Puss in Boots”, “Vaska the Cat and His friends”, “Snowman (museum)”, “The Tale of Thumbelina”
from 7 years - “Aladdin's Magic Lamp”, “Hercules”, “The Love for Three Oranges”, “The Night Before Christmas”, “Gulliver’s Travels”, “The Maiden Tsar”, “The Great Journey: Dragons, Demons, Heroes”, “ Mowgli"
For those who grew up - “The Divine Comedy”, “An Extraordinary Concert”, “The Strange Mrs. Savage”, “The Great Journey: Dragons, Demons, Heroes”, “The Old Senor and...”
Read more about the performances on the theater website

Moscow children's theater puppets
— puppet shows take place in two rooms
The theater is small, but very cozy. This is a great place for children aged 1.5 years and older to get to know each other for the very first time. puppet theater: The intimate, friendly atmosphere will calm any child.
For the convenience of watching the performance in the hall, you can take pillows (for children). Repertoire for children from 2 to 9 years old. There is no buffet in the theater. The theater holds the only Christmas tree in Moscow for children aged 1.5 years and older. If it’s a child’s birthday, agree and the whole room will congratulate him on his birthday.
1. Moscow, st. Prechistenka, 33/19, metro Park Kultury, House of Culture “Molodezhny”
From 2 years and older - “Hedgehog, Bunny and Toptyshka” - the youngest fidgets will certainly enjoy active participation in forest adventures, “Gosling” - a story about friendship and mutual assistance, “Aunt Lusha and the Bun Vanyusha” - a children's musical based on a Russian folk tale “Kolobok”, “Teremok for Flowers” ​​- will captivate kids in magical land flowers, they will teach you to help friends, “Miracle Doctor” - there is trouble in a fairy-tale land - you need to save little animals, birds and children from cowardice, laziness, and other ailments.
From 2-3 years to 7-9 years - “Once upon a time” - a musical fairy tale about a sly fox, two naughty goslings, “Katka’s Day” - a story about a naughty kitten Katya, who decided to be a little lazy, “Geese-Swans” - musical performance based on a Russian folk tale.
From 1.5 - 2 years and older - “Magical New Year's Journey” is the only Christmas tree in Moscow for children.
2. Moscow, st. Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 30/32, metro station Kutuzovsky Prospekt, premises of the P.N. Fomenko Workshop theater
From 2 years and older - “Aunt Lusha and the Bun Vanyusha”, “Geese and Swans”
From 2 and up – “Morozko” is a musical fairy tale based on a Russian folk tale.

Moscow Puppet Theater– Moscow, st. Spartakovskaya, house 26/30, metro station Baumanskaya
The Moscow Puppet Theater is the oldest currently operating puppet theater.
In 2012, a new team came to the theater, which updated both the theater itself and its entire repertoire. More than ten new productions for all ages are presented to the audience. The authors of the performances are both outstanding master puppeteers and theater award winners, as well as promising young directors and artists. The theater also hosts friendly puppet groups from different cities and festival projects on its stage.

The smallest (0+) The series “Theater on the Palm” is waiting for you - interactive educational performances in the “baby theater” genre, introducing kids to the changes of the seasons and the wonders of nature.
Viewers over 4 years old:“A Rain Tale” - a performance based on the funny stories of G. Oster; "Circus on Strings" - circus show puppets; “The Doodle Game” - puppet alphabet lessons in the form of a sparkling revue; “Let's go” - buffoon fun in which the whole hall is involved; “The Legend of Dragons” - based on ancient Germanic legends; “Bactericus and Microbus” is a hygienic operetta about the dangers that await dirty people, and “Christmas” is a traditional nativity play with spiritual songs, carols and riddles.
Viewers over 6 years old:“Thumbelina” is Andersen’s favorite fairy tale, staged as a ballet of ancient marionettes to the music of Paganini; “The Snow Queen” is an interactive performance made of paper and cardboard that awakens imagination; “The Tale That Was Not Written,” the plot of which is composed by the audience themselves; “The Tale of Yegor the Brave” is an action about St. George the Victorious, in which folk songs are heard, as well as live playing of folk instruments;
PREMIERE: “Peter and the Wolf and more!!!” - musical performance with live participation symphony orchestra and large dolls of unusual design.
From 8 years - “How the Wolf Walked for Happiness” - a winter story about the search for a dream with elements of an interactive game;
From 12 years - “May Night” - a performance with eyes closed"based on the story by N.V. Gogol, which united sighted and blind participants in the action in one space.

Spectators of all ages will enjoy educational tours of the theater's backstage.
The theater lobby has game rooms and a cozy cafe.
Read more detailed information about the performances on the theater website

Moscow Children's Chamber Puppet Theater- Moscow, st. Bazhova, house 9, VDNH metro station
Read about the performances on the theater website. The hall is small, it is better to book tickets for rows 1-3, purchase before the performance.
from 2.5-3 years: “Bull-Tar Barrel”, “Bunny-Zznayka”, “Baby and Carlson”, “Multi-Colored Pranksters”, “Snow Maiden’s School”, “Pochemuchka”
Master class on making New Year's toys
from 4 years: “Road adventures, “Cat's House”, “The Mysterious Hippopotamus”, “Shake, Hello!”, “The Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “The Parable of the Wooden Son or Pinocchio”, “The Canterville Ghost”, “Well, the Wolf , Wait!”, “Little Penguin”, “Cuckoo Clock”
from 5 -6 years: “Cinderella”, “Timcho’s spring chores”, “How Ivan went to look for the Ryaba Hen”, “How the Lion Cub and the Turtle sang a song”, “The Frog Princess”, “Tell me about Little Red Riding Hood”, “Ludwig” +Tutta=?”, “By pike command", "Kitten in the snow"
Master class on holiday makeup and actor's makeup
from 7 years: “The Scarlet Flower”, “Kashtanka and Vanka” - characters of two different stories A.P. Chekhov ended up in the same city, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” - the world of the amazing country of Narnia, “Mumu” ​​- based on the story by I. S. Turgenev, “The Tale of Lost Time” - evil wizards decided to regain eternal youth
from 9 years: “Along the green hills of the Ocean”
from 16 years old: “Two Dons”, “Our Concert”

Moscow Children's Book Theater "The Magic Lamp"— Moscow, Sretensky Blvd., 9/2, Turgenevskaya metro station, Chistye Prudy
The theater is also interesting because before performances there are meetings with children's writers and children's poets. You can organize a themed birthday party at the theater.
from 3 years - “A Kitten Named Woof”
from 4 years - “Tales of Horton the Elephant”, “The Cat’s House”, “The Princess and the Pea”, “ Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything...", "A cat walking by itself", "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"

Children's puppet theater "Albatross"- Moscow, st. 4th Parkovaya, 24a, metro station Pervomaiskaya
The hall is small. Children are in the first rows. Performances from 3 years to 12 years.
From 3 years and older - “Let's Play the Theater” - a play-game, “Kolobok” - an interactive performance, vaudeville, “Who's in Boots?” - play-game, “Masha and the Bear”, “Good Ivan”,
From 6-7 years and older - “Caravan”, “Master Class” - concert performance, “Three Little Pigs, Two Hunters, One Wolf” - a parody performance of an operetta

Moscow Puppet Theater "Firebird"- Moscow, st. Stromynka, 3, Sokolniki metro station
Bright, colorful performances are held in this theater. Here the audience is allowed to play with the dolls themselves and even put on something like a small performance.
from 2.5-3 years and older - “Chok Pig”, “Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf”, “Forest Trouble with Transformations”, “Sunshine and the Snow Men”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Where the Fox Takes Me”, “ New Year's Adventures in Wonderland”, “Curious Baby Elephant”, “Golden Chicken”, “Snow Queen”, “Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf”, “Kolobok”, “Cat, Rooster, Fox and Other Wonders”
from 5 years and older - “About Parsley and the Frog Princess or just APCHHI!”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “Miracles in the Snake Swamp”, “Magic Night”, “Frog-Frog”, “Cinderella”
from 6-7 years and older - “The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes", "Frozen"
from 12 years and older - “Raven”, “Daddy’s Lessons”

Moscow State Children's Fairytale Theater— Moscow, Taganskaya, 15a, metro station Marksistskaya, Taganskaya, on the territory Children's park them. Pryamikova
Puppet theater for children, hall with 100 seats, performances are designed for preschoolers and children of primary school age.
from 4 years and older - “The Wooden King” - a musical puppet show, “Winter Story or I Will Not Beg Forgiveness” - a fairy tale about a child who, getting into different life situations, understands what MOM means
from 5 years and older - “Wild” - the story of a wild duckling, “Enchanted Forest” - thanks to the participation of the audience, the heroes get out of the enchanted forest, “Mysterious Chest” - a little Man with his kindness defeats any evil, performance
from 6 years and older - “Cinderella” - interpretation

Moscow Puppet Theater "Figaro"- Moscow, Lubyansky proezd, 3/6, metro station Lubyanka, in the auditorium of the V. Mayakovsky Museum
from 3 - 4 to 10 years - “Three Bears”, “There the forest and the valley are full of visions...”, “Near Lukomorye there is a green oak...”
from 6-7 to 11 years old - “The Nativity of Christ”, “Forest Story or Alien”, “Grandma for an Alien”
for schoolchildren - “The Happiness of Young Kim or a Good Position”, “New Year’s Journey Around the World”, “How Baba Yaga Saved Lukomorye”, “Skomoroshina”, “ Wide Maslenitsa", "Show Figaro", "Save your home"
for older schoolchildren - “And the star speaks to the star...”, “Touch”, “Clouds”

Moscow Regional State Puppet Theater
- Moscow, st. Pestovsky lane, 2, Taganskaya metro station (ring), Marksistskaya
The hall is small
from 3 years and older - “Mashenka and the Bear”, “Chock the Pig”, “Shreds in the Backstreets”, “The Secret of the New Year’s Clock”, “Morozko”, “Lynx named Lynx”, “Golden Chicken”, “Buka” , “How the Fox deceived the bear, but got caught herself,” “Snow Flower”
from 4 years and older - “One Wolf, Two Hunters and Three Little Pigs”, “The Speckled Princess”, “Snow White”, “The Tale of the Brave Woodcutter and the Little Fairy”
from 5 years and older - “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “All Mice Love Cheese”, “The Princess and the Swineherd”, “Brother Fox and Brother Rabbit”
from 6 years and older “Sunbeam”

Moscow Theater "Shadow"- Moscow, st. Oktyabrskaya, 5, metro station Novoslobodskaya, Mendeleevskaya
Family theater. Pre-registration for tickets. The height of the dolls does not exceed six centimeters. Spectators look at the action through the windows of the model of the “Lilikansky Bolshoi Royal Academic People's Theater of Drama, Opera and Ballet in Russia.”
from 6 years old - “New Year's adventures of Ruslan and Lyudmila 2013”, “Two trees or a tragic story about the romantic love of Princess Beauty and the King of Gold Placers, about the evil and treacherous Dwarf who lived in an orange tree, and the cruel Fairy of the Desert who separated the lovers” - drama
from 8 years old - “The Epic of Lilikan” - about the great and powerful warrior Lilikan

Moscow Children's Shadow Theater— Moscow, Izmailovsky Boulevard 60/10, metro station Pervomaiskaya, Novogireevo
This is a unique, only shadow theater in our country. On stage, actors play together with three-dimensional dolls on a screen and with black and white fabric dolls on a screen.
In addition to performances with shadow puppets, the theater’s repertoire also includes performances with three-dimensional puppets.
from 3 years and older" - "Little Fox Dodger", "Aibolit""
from 5 years and older - “Snow White”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “Dwarf Nose”, “Come, Fairy Tale!”, “Calif the Stork”, “A Kitten Named Woof”, “The Scarlet Flower”, “The Nutcracker” , “Thumbelina”, Butter Liza”
for schoolchildren - “Let's play Western!”, “Lotus of the Heavenly Princess”, “ The Little Prince", "Land of Transformations", "Alice for Children", "Love for One Orange", "Black Hen", "The Tale of the Barracuda Camera and the Flying Eyes"

Children's Moscow theaters

Moscow State Academic Children's Musical Theater named after Natalia Ilyinichna Sats— Moscow, Vernadskogo Avenue, 5, metro University
Play on real ones musical instruments possible at the theater. N.Sats. In the music room with a secret, curious viewers will see a giant Palekh box - this is a real adventure for little researchers.
In the theater you can see magnificent operas, musicals and ballets. The repertoire is more for children from 5-6 years old to 9-12 and older, but there is also opera for the youngest.
In the theater you can attend magnificent operas, musicals, ballets and concerts. The theater's repertoire is designed for children from 5-6 years old to 9-12 and older, but there is also opera for the little ones. For more information about the performances, see the theater website.
from 1, 5 and older - "Cat's House" - opera
from 5-6 years and older
opera: “12 Months”, “Magic Music, or Let’s Make an Opera”, “Child and Magic”, “Royal Sandwich”, “Mowgli”, “The Princess and the Swineherd”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “The Snow Queen”
musical: “The Wizard of Oz,” “The Journey of Dunno”
opera-ballet: “Thumbelina”
ballet: “Doctor Aibolit”, “Cinderella”, “Russian Fairy Tales in Ballet”, “Blue Bird”, “Snow Maiden”, “Cipollino”, “The Nutcracker”
from 9-12 years
opera: “Eugene Onegin”, “Marriage”, “The Game of Soul and Body”, “Iolanta”,
ballet: “The Balda”, “Swan Lake”, “The Love for Three Oranges”, “Lord of the Flies”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “The Magic Flute”, “Sherlock Holmes”
Meeting concerts: “Portraits of Composers” consists of 16 chamber music concerts

Moscow State Musical Theater under the direction of Gennady Chikhachev- Moscow, st. 1st Novokuzminskaya, 1., metro station Ryazansky Prospekt
“Chikhachevka” - sincerity, professionalism and complete dedication to the viewer! It is always the live sound of a highly professional symphony orchestra and the well-coordinated work of the cast.
All performances are accompanied by the Theater's symphony orchestra. The repertoire includes performances for different ages. The performances of this theater are the first step in introducing your children to such forms of art as musicals and opera. The hall is small, but you can see everything. We read about the performances on the theater website.
For groups of 6 people or more, behind-the-scenes tours are available after the performances.
from 3-4 years: “Teremok” opera, “Bunny the Postman”, “Well, Wolf, wait a minute!” music fairy tale
from 5 – 6 years: “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Cinderella”, “Little Red Riding Hood” music. fairy tale, “The Golden Chicken”, “Turnip” operetta
from 7 years and older: “Mushroom Trouble” musical, “How the Nightingale the Robber helped Ivan the Soldier”, “Pirate and Ghosts”, “Sadko and the Princess of the Sea”, “Escape to the Land of Idlers”
for teenagers over 12 years old, a classic of Russian literature in a musical embodiment: the operetta “Guilty Without Guilt”, the Russian musical “Humiliated and Insulted” and “Dowry”, music. comedy “Balzaminov’s Marriage”, and many others.

State Academic Bolshoi Theater— Moscow, Teatralnaya Square, 1, metro station “Okhotny Ryad” or “Teatralnaya”
If your child is already ready to watch serious performances, then feel free to go to the Bolshoi Theater and the performances will not disappoint you and your child.
Children under 5 years old are not allowed into the theater. At age 5, your child will be eligible to attend matinee performances Bolshoi Theater, but you need to buy a separate ticket for it. Evening performances can be attended by children from 10 years of age.
Read a summary of the performances and about the performance on the theater website
from 7-8 years and older
ballet: “The Nutcracker” traditional ballet, “Moidodyr”, “Cipollino”, “Sleeping Beauty” and many others.
Opera: “Iolanta”, “The Love for Three Oranges”, “Snow Maiden” and many others
By the way, being on Theater Square, be sure to look around - the square itself is already a separate city attraction, a pearl among Moscow Squares.

Moscow Drama Theater named after. A. S. Pushkina
Performances take place on two stages.

Main stage: Moscow, Tverskoy Boulevard 23, Pushkinskaya, Tverskaya, Chekhovskaya metro stations
From 5-7 years and older “The Scarlet Flower”, “Puss in Boots”, “Treasure Island”
For schoolchildren: “Inspector”
Branch: Moscow, Sytinsky lane, building 3/25, metro station Pushkinskaya, Tverskaya, Chekhovskaya
For schoolchildren: “Belkin’s Tales”
The A.S. Pushkin Theater invites you to tour the “Magic World of the Backstage” theater. Sign up for the excursion in advance.

State Academic Maly Theater
Performances take place on two stages.
Main stage: Moscow, Teatralnaya Square. 1/6, Teatralnaya metro station
from 5-6 years and older - “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”
for schoolchildren: “The Minor” by D.I. Fonvizin, “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboyedov, “The Inspector General”
N.V. Gogol, “Children of the Sun” by M. Gorky and others.
Branch (Stage on Ordynka): Moscow, st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 69, Dobryninskaya metro station
from 5-6 years and older - “The Snow Queen” is a wonderful performance, I recommend showing it to children right before the New Year
for schoolchildren: “The Thunderstorm” by A.N. Ostrovsky, “Wolves and Sheep” by A.N. Ostrovsky, “Mad Money” by A.N. Ostrovsky, “Children of Vanyushin” by S.A. Naidenov, etc.

Moscow Artistic academic theater named after M. Gorky (Moscow Art Theater named after Gorky)— Moscow, Tverskoy Boulevard, 22, metro station Pushkinskaya
from 6 years and older (for serious theatergoers) - “The Blue Bird” by Maurice Maeterlinck - a classic production, the play is 104 years old
for schoolchildren: “Her friends” - good story about the blind tenth grader Lyudmila, whose school friends and teachers helped her not to lose heart, get a certificate of maturity and go to college, “Peter’s Treasures” - what she will choose for herself in life main character money or a good name, "In Search of Joy" - talks about the life, hopes, dreams and plans of our grandfathers and fathers

Moscow Academic Theater named after Vl. Mayakovsky– Moscow, st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 19/13, metro Tverskaya, Pushkinskaya, Chekhovskaya or metro Aleksandrovsky Sad, Borovitskaya, Library named after. Lenina, Okhotny Ryad or Arbatskaya metro station
From 5 and older - “The Golden Key” - a dramatization of the fairy tale story by Alexei Tolstoy, “The Adventures of Little Red Riding Hood” - a dramatization of the changed plot of the fairy tale
for high school students: “It’s not all Maslenitsa for the cat” Alexander Ostrovsky, “ Dead souls"Nikolai Gogol, "Notes of a Madman" Nikolai Gogol, "Marriage" Nikolai Gogol, "Uncle's Dream" F.M. Dostoevsky and others

Moscow Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya- Moscow, st. Malaya Bronnaya, 4
From 6 and older - “The Mystery of the Old Cupboard” - in the fairy-tale land of Narnia there was no Christmas for hundreds of years, “Prince Caspian” - a continuation of the play “The Mystery of the Old Cupboard”
for high school students: “The Tempest” by William Shakespeare, “The Inspector General” by Nikolai Gogol, etc.
State Academic Theater named after. E. Vakhtangov - Moscow, st. Arbat, 26
for high school students: “Eugene Onegin” by A.S. Pushkin and others
Tour of the theater "Past and Present"
There are no performances for younger children this season.

Theater Commonwealth of Actors Taganka— Moscow, Zemlyanoy Val 76/21, Taganskaya metro station
from 4 -5 years and older - “The Adventures of the Lion Cub” - based on the play by V. Livshits and I. Kichanova “The Mysterious Hippopotamus”, “Two Baba Yagas”, “Ivan Tsarevich, the Gray Wolf and Others”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse” — the children’s choreographic ensemble “Fantasy” (director N. Ilyina) takes part in the performance along with the actors, “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” - a musical fairy tale, “The Scarlet Flower”
for high school students: - “An Ordinary Miracle”, “About Fedot the Archer, a daring fellow”, etc.

Moscow Art Theater named after A. Chekhov (Chekhov Moscow Art Theater)— Moscow, Kamergersky lane, 3
From 5-6 and older - “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” - a musical fairy tale
for high school students: “Crime and Punishment” by F. Dostoevsky, “The Overcoat”, “Duel” by A. Chekhov,
“The Golovlevs” by M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, “Vassa Zheleznova” by M. Gorky, “The Cherry Orchard” by A. Chekhov, “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare, etc.

Vladimir Nazarov Theater— Moscow, Michurinsky Prospekt, Olympic Village, 1. (building of the former Concert hall in the Olympic Village), metro station Yugo-Zapadnaya
The theater hosts musical performances, concerts and shows; read more about the events on the theater website
from 3 and older - “Fly-Tsokotukha”
from 5-6 years and older - “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “Twelve Months”, “ Stone flower", "Cinderella", "Aibolit and Barmaley", "Fantasies on the Theme of the Little Prince" - musical show
for schoolchildren - “Ala ad-Din”, “Shadow”, “Fiddler on the Roof”, “A Witch Called Mavka” - a musical based on the drama by Lesya Ukrainka, “Mother of Jesus” - a drama,
Interactive behind-the-scenes tour for children and adults – “Secrets of the Backstage”

Central Academic Theater Russian Army(CATRA)- Moscow, Suvorovskaya Square - 2, Novoslobodskaya metro station
from 5-6 and older - “Doctor Aibolit, or a journey to the land of monkeys”, “The Abduction of the Fairy Princess”
It’s better to take rows 1,2,3
There are performances for high school students

"Theatrium" on Serpukhovka under the direction of Teresa Durova- Moscow, st. Pavlovskaya, 6, metro station Serpukhovskaya, Dobryninskaya
The “Star Reads a Fairy Tale” project - in a fairy-tale room where there are no more than 20-30 children, everything happens eye to eye, and little man feels that he is the only one famous people tell a fairy tale.
Large festivals take place on the territory of the Teatrium:
International festival performances for children “Gavroche”;
– International Theater Festival named after. A.P. Chekhov;
– International festival-school “Territory”.
"Theatrium" is also a platform for enterprises, concerts and other events.
“Feast of the Sweet Tooth” – in May from 14:00 to 17:00 near the “Teatrium on Serpukhovka” park, a real world of childhood, exciting journey to the land of sweets and entertainment.
From 2.5-3 years and older - “Clowncert. Adventures in the City of Ya", "Once Upon a Time Winnie the Pooh", "Pinocchio Theatre", "Full Ice Cream", "Villainous Lessons, or School for Evil Evils", "Cardboard Man and the Moth"
From 4-5 years and older – “The Flying Ship”, “Twelve Months, or a Bouquet for a Princess”, “The Adventures of the Sorceress Natai”, “The Hermit and the Rose”
from 6-7 years and older - “Bye-bye, Khrapelkin!”, “Insomnia, or the Return of Khrapelkin” and “Full Ice Cream”, “The Scarlet Flower”, “Flint”, “Family History”, “The Girl Who Could Fly” »
We can agree and the whole room will congratulate you on your birthday.

Moscow Drama Theater "SPHERE"— Moscow, Karetny Ryad, 3, Hermitage Garden, Pushkinskaya, Tverskaya, Chekhovskaya metro stations.
for schoolchildren - “Murli”, “Princess Podshchipa”
for older schoolchildren - “Student of the Lyceum” (Young Pushkin), “ Cherry Orchard"A. Chekhov, "The Little Prince" by A. de Saint-Exupéry and others.

Taganka Theater (Lyubimovsky)- Moscow, st. Zemlyanoy Val, 76/21, Taganskaya metro station (ring).
For schoolchildren - the Shchukin Graduates Theater will show “The Leader of the Redskins”
For high school students, the Taganka Theater offers various performances, see the poster on the website.

Courage Theater- Moscow, st. Zemlyanoy Val, 33, minus 1 floor of the ATRIUM shopping and entertainment complex (Atriland), metro station Kurskaya, Chkalovskaya
Performances at the Moscow Courage Theater will especially appeal to active children, because here you can fight with pillows.
Children under 3 years old are admitted free of charge.
It is not customary to be late for the theater. You will not be allowed into the hall if you are late. The theater does not have a balcony or other places to ensure your quiet passage after the start of the performance.
From 4 to 10 years - “Believe in your dream”, “New Year’s Trouble”
from 5 to 8-10 years – “Visiting the Wizard”, “Three Oranges”, “Toy Bureau”, “Treasure Island” - pillow fight
for older schoolchildren - “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboyedov

"Moscow Operetta"- Moscow, st. B. Dmitrovka, 6, metro station Okhotny Ryad, Teatralnaya
from 5 years and older - "Mowgli" - a good musical, "Cinderella" - a musical

Russian Academic Youth Theater (RAMT)— Moscow, Teatralnaya sq., 2, metro station Okhotny Ryad, Teatralnaya
from 6 years and older - “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, “Cinderella”, “Dunno the Traveler”, “Almost in Reality”, “Like a Cat Walking Where He Wanted”, “Tales for Just in Case”, “Captain Vrungel”, “Magic” ring", "Lelya and Minka"
from 7-9 years and older - “A Purely English Ghost”, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “The Prince and the Pauper”, “The Fearless Master”
for older schoolchildren – “She Who Worked a Miracle”, “Scarlet Sails” - a musical performance with a special production, with an unusual ending, “Think of us”
The theater does interesting work with the audience.

Moscow Drama Theater under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan— Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 17 m. University, in the building of the former cinema "Progress"
The hall is medium in size, it is better to take seats closer to the stage or take the center, each row goes to a small hill
Wonderful, unusual performances:
from 6 years and older - " Extraordinary Adventures Little Red Riding Hood" - variations on the theme of a famous fairy tale, "The Ugly Duckling" - a musical fantasy, "Tales of the Scientist Cat" - based on the fairy tales of A. Pushkin, "Cinderella" - a touching and wise story on an eternal fairy tale plot,

Moscow Drama Theater "Benefit"- Moscow, st. Garibaldi, 23, building 4, metro station Novye Cheryomushki
The hall is small.
From 6 years and older - “Shlampompo” - a musical magical-fantasy extravaganza based on English fairy tales about how it is easier to make a real person out of a scarecrow than out of a mischievous cat, “My Dad is the very best” - a fairy tale-musical about how the fox wanted to steal the golden egg of the Ryaba Hen, “The Magic Krakatuk” is a musical fantasy performance based on the plots of E.T.A. Hoffmann's "The Nutcracker"

Moscow Musical and Drama Gypsy Theater "Romen"— Moscow, Belorusskaya metro station, Dynamo
for schoolchildren aged 6-7 years and older - “Princess Kristana” - a fairy tale, “The Mystery of the Blue Stone” a gypsy fairy tale, “We have a concert today” - a theatrical performance
there are performances and performances for older schoolchildren and adults

Moscow Drama Theater named after Ruben Simonov— Moscow, Kaloshin lane, 10, building 2, metro station Arbatskaya, Smolenskaya
from 5-6 and older - “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda” - the performance begins in the foyer, then the action moves to the hall, where the audience plays, has fun, sings and dances along with the actors.
for schoolchildren - “Aladdin's Magic Lamp” - a musical fairy tale, “The Tale of Four Twin Brothers” - four twin brothers are in love with Bonku, but who will she marry?

Moscow theater "Shalom"— Moscow, Varshavskoe sh., 71, metro station Varshavskaya, Nakhimovsky
from 5 and older - “Well, wait a wolf” - a sports and musical fairy tale, “Operation “Trali-Vali” or the Shapoklyak Conspiracy” - a musical fairy tale, “And the third penguin is in a suitcase”, “Leopold the Cat” - musical

Moscow Drama Theater named after. N. V. Gogol
- Moscow, st. Kazakova, 8a metro station Kurskaya-radial.
from 7 years old - “Leader of the Redskins”

Theater "Praktika"— Moscow, Trekhprudny lane, 11/13, building 1, Mayakovskaya metro station, Pushkinskaya
from 5 years and older - “The Tale That Was Not Written” - shadow play.
from 8-10 years and older - “The Sign of Opera” - five greatest operas, “Alice in the Beyond” - a fairy tale about how not to lose thousands of happy days and nights, millions of wonderful moments and billions of sun rays. The word "ass" is used in the play.

New Art Theater and Studio “I am an Artist myself”— Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, building 37 “a”, metro station Leninsky Prospekt
The hall is small (seats 40-45). Children play (very professionally), teenagers and a few adults.
from 8-9 years and older - “The Law of the Jungle”, “FANTAZERS” - a fantasy based on the works of N. Nosov, L. Panteleev and A. Makarenko, a play about the life of modern street children, “The Truth about Tsar Saltan” - a musical, a new interpretation works by A.S. Pushkin, “B.U.Ratino” is a completely different story.
From 12 years and older - “If the Raven is on High” - 1942, a hospital not far from the front line..., the play talks about front-line love, soldier’s friendship, difficult military life, the heroism and tragedy of that time, “No to Dichlorvos!” - a story about the difficult relationship between red and black cockroaches or about us?!, “DJ Mozart” - about young Mozart, “Ave Maria Ivanovna” - a Russian village, a revolution recently happened, new incomprehensible orders, but how can this interfere? true love and friendship?, “Something about that very thing, and not only” - funny and touching story the growing up of Dimka, who dreams of flying to Mars, “My address is Contact.RU” - a story that happened in one of the ordinary Moscow entrances, real life heroes intertwined with life on the Internet

Moscow Drama Theater on Perovskaya— Moscow, Perovskaya, 75, metro station Novogireevo, metro station Vykhino
from 2.5-3 years and older - “Cat’s House”, “Fly-Tsokotukha” - original production, “Bunny-Zznayka”
from 4-5 years and older - “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “The Frog Princess”, “The Magic Power of Good”
for schoolchildren - “Undergrown” by D. Fonvizin, “Woe from Wit” by A. Griboedov

Moscow children's musical theater "EXPROMT"- Moscow, st. Makarenko, 2/21, building 2, metro Chistye Prudy, Turgenevskaya, metro Kitay-Gorod
“Impromptu” today is a variety of genres (musical fairy tales, operatic fantasies, musicals, operetta and even shows), it is live music and professional vocals.
Performances are held at various venues in Moscow, follow the poster on the theater website, there is also a description of the performances
children under 3 years old are not allowed to attend the performance
from 6 years and older - “Hedgehog in the Fog”, “Golden Key”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”, “Magic Tea”, “Havroshechka”, “Shoes for Cinderella”, Mashka’s Dreams, “Ali- woman and 40 robbers", "Tin Soldier", "Fly Tsokotukha"

Moscow Youth Theater- Moscow, st. Rustaveli 19, Timiryazevskaya metro station
A series of performances based on Fairy Tales of the Peoples of the World, a cycle of performances for children based on the Bible
For schoolchildren - “Meowsical” about homeless animals, “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboedov, “Dowry” by A.N. Ostrovsky, “Evenings on a Farm Nearby” by N.V. Gogol, “The Cherry Orchard” by A.P. Chekhov , “My dear good ones...”S. A. Yesenin, “Eugene and Onegin” by A.S. Pushkin, “Evil Spirit” by M. Yu. Lermontov, “At the Depth” by Maxim Gorky, “Fathers and Sons” by I. S. Turgenev, “Crime and Punishment” by F. M. Dostoevsky, “The Inspector General” by N.V. Gogol, “I Want to Get Married (Minor)” by D. I. Fonvizin and others.

Theater-studio IRT (Institute of Russian Theater) Theater “On Raushskaya”— Moscow, Raushskaya embankment, 14, m. Tretyakovskaya, Novokuznetskaya
from 4-5 and older – “The Tsokotuha Fly”, “Cinderella”, “The Snow Queen”, “Pippi Longstocking”
For schoolchildren - “The Inspector General” by N.V. Gogol, “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboyedov

Moscow Drama Theater "Soprichastnost"- Moscow, st. Radio, building 2, Kurskaya metro station (ring or radial), Chkalovskaya, Krasnye Vorota
6 years and older - “Twelve months”, “Girl, where do you live?” - fairy tale, “The Mystery of the Enchanted Portrait”, “Little Knock” - musical fairy tale
for high school students - “Provincial” by I.S. Turgenev, “Talents and Admirers” by A. N. Ostrovsky, “White Roses” by M. Gorky, “The Cherry Orchard” by A. P. Chekhov

State Film Actor Theater- Moscow, st. Povarskaya, 33 metro station Barrikadnaya, Smolenskaya.
from 5 and older - “Feast of Disobedience” - musical, “Morozko”, “Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”, “Scraps in the Back Streets”, “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”
from 7 years and older - “Cinderella’s Magic Shoe”, “The Fool”

— Moscow, Neglinnaya st., 29/14, Trubnaya metro station, Tsvetnoy Boulevard
from 6 years and older - “Bad Advice” - folk-rock-rap-pop fantasy for growing children,
for schoolchildren - “Russian Woe”, an original musical version of Griboyedov’s great comedy “Woe from Wit”

Moscow Theater School modern play - Moscow, st. Neglinnaya 29/14, Trubnaya metro station, Tsvetnoy Boulevard
from 6 and older – “Bad advice”
There are performances for high school students as well.

Moscow Theater in the South-West— Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, building 125, metro station “Yugo-Zapadnaya”
from 6 and older – “The Little Witch”, “Everyone is Running, Flying and Jumping...”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”
for older schoolchildren - “At the Ark at Eight” - three, and two tickets to Noah’s Ark. How to save the third? Isn’t this a test of the strength of their friendship and love?, “Dogs” - the house will be built on the site of a ravine - the only habitat of stray dogs, “Romeo and Juliet”, “The Seagull” by A. Chekhov, “Marriage” by N. Gogol, “The Inspector General” by N. . Gogol

Russian Drama Theater "Chamber Stage"— Moscow, Zemlyanoy Val, 64, Taganskaya-Koltsevaya metro station
A small hall, clearly visible from any place, for children in the foyer before the sideshow performance.
It is possible to congratulate the child on his birthday after the performance by the artists and take a photo as a souvenir (by prior arrangement with the administrator)
from 3 years and older - “Cat House”
from 5-6 years and older - “Morozko”, “How Ivan the Snake Gorynych defeated”, “Sparklers”, “Twelve Months”
for schoolchildren – “Three Brothers”, “The Night When Secrets Are Revealed”, “Two Frosts”, “Master and Servant”, “The King’s Choice”
for high school students - “The Unbroken House”, “The Murom Miracle” - a legend about the princes of the Russian land, “Angel Sorrowful Understanding”, “Tender Heart”, “So you ask how we are doing...”, “It was, of course, him...” A. Tvardovsky, “Farewell in June”, “Last Call”, “Elevator”

Moscow House of Music— Moscow, Kosmodamianskaya embankment, building 52, building 8, Paveletskaya metro station ring or radial
Various concerts and meetings are held. Various Russian theaters present their performances on the stages of the House of Music. There is a subscription system.
Moscow state ensemble Dance "Russian Seasons" on the basis of the House of Music shows the magnificent ballet "Cippolino" - this is a ballet for beginners, as well as the ballets "Twelve Months" and "The Nutcracker".

Moscow Drama Theater named after. K. S. Stanislavsky— Moscow, Tverskaya st., 23, metro station Pushkinskaya
from 4 years and older - “The Frog Princess”,
from 5-6 years and older - “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Black Hen”
for schoolchildren - “Dogs”

Musical Academic Theater named after K. S. Stanislavsky and Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko (MAMT)- Moscow, st. Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 17, m. Chekhovskaya
Opera and ballet theater, classical musical performances.
Ballet - “Cinderella”, “The Nutcracker”, “Stone Flower”, “Swan Lake”, “The Little Mermaid”, “Snow Maiden” from 6-7 years and older, there are operas for older schoolchildren.
Opera - “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” for ages 6-7 and older, there are operas for older schoolchildren.

Theater-studio "Man"— Moscow, Skatertny lane, 23a, metro station Pushkinskaya, Arbatskaya, Barrikadnaya
performances of the Chelovek Theater will be held at various theater venues
from 3 years to 8 years - “The Adventures of Bantik the Hippopotamus” - play-game, “About Masha” - an exciting action for young spectators
from 5 to 12 years old - “I-Bolit”

Russian State Theater on Pokrovka- Moscow, st. Pokrovka, 50, building 1, Kurskaya metro station
Please pay attention! Some of the theater's performances take place on the stage of the Firebird puppet theater at the address: Sokolniki metro station, Stromynka street, building 3.
5 years and older - “At the behest of the pike”, “The Frog Princess” musical fairy tale, “Star Boy”
for high school students - “The Inspector General” by N. Gogol, “Talents and Admirers” by A. Ostrovsky, “Marriage” by N. Gogol, “Savage” by A. Ostrovsky, “At the Depth” by M. Gorky, “Woe from Wit” by A. Griboedov, “Mad Money” by A. Ostrovsky, “War and Peace (Princess Marya)” by L. Tolstoy

Nadezhda Kadysheva Theater Golden Ring- Moscow, st. Timiryazevskaya, 17, metro station Dmitrovskaya, Timiryazevskaya
Various events, concerts, circus programs, shows are held, artists of different genres perform and performances are shown. One of the famous New Year's performances about Tepa.
See the poster on the website.

Moscow State Musical Theater of Plastic Ballet “New Ballet”- Moscow, st. Novaya Basmannaya, 25\2, building 2, Krasnye Vorota metro station
from 3-5 years and older - “Thumbelina” - a wonderful ballet
from 5-6 years and older - “Puss in Boots”, “Nutcracker”, “Snow Queen”, “Blue Bird”

Drama Theater Vernadsky 13— Moscow, Vernadskogo 13, metro University
The theater asks not to bring children under 3 years old
from 3 years - “Shake!” Hello"
from 4 years and older - "Across the green hills of the ocean..", "The Adventure of Br'er Rabbit and Br'er Fox",
"At the command of the pike"
from 5 years and older - “The Nutcracker”, “Baby and Carlson”, “Twelve Months”, “Cinderella”, “Puss in Boots”, “Alice Through the Looking Glass”, “The Wizard of the Emerald City”
from 6 years and older - “Fear grief - you won’t see happiness”, “The Secret of Rose-Colored Glasses”, “The Snow Queen”, “The Tale of the Wandering Prince or the Princesses and the Pea”
for schoolchildren - “The Little Mermaid” - musical,
for high school students - “Fahrenheit 451” - fantasy that has become reality

Theater "Comedian"
Theater productions can be seen at the venues at the following addresses:
- Museum-apartment of M.A. Bulgakov, st. Bolshaya Sadovaya, 10, apt. 50, metro Mayakovskaya
— Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky, Lubyansky pr., 3/6, metro station Lubyanka
from 5 and older - “One Hundred Kisses of a Princess”, “Shindra-Bindra, or the Miraculous Transformation of Baba Yaga”, “The Secret of the Snow Maiden”.

House of Culture Novogireevo- Moscow, st. Veshnyakovskaya, 12 "D", metro station Vykhino, Novogireevo
Various events are taking place, see the poster on the website.

Theater “Fourth Wall”— House of Culture Novogireevo
Various children's performances are held monthly, starting at 12 o'clock
Tickets can be purchased 20 minutes before the start of the performance.

Theater "At the Nikitsky Gate"— Moscow, Bolshaya Nikitskaya house 23/9, metro station Arbatskaya, Pushkinskaya. The building of the former Repeat Film Cinema
From 4-5 years old - “The Three Little Pigs” - a bright musical performance
from 5 years and older - “Leopold the Cat’s Birthday” musical performance, “The Adventures of Ryzhik”
For schoolchildren - “The Tale of Tsar Max-Emelyan” - a musical farce
For high school students - “Nedorosl.RU” by D. Fonvizin, “The Living Corpse” by L. N. Tolstoy, “The Cherry Orchard” by A. P. Chekhov, “ Poor Lisa"N.M. Karamzin, "Uncle Vanya" A.P. Chekhov
Excursions at the Theater “At the Nikitsky Gates”

Moscow Academic Theater of Satire"— Moscow, Triumfalnaya Square, 2
from 5-6 years and older - “Baby and Carlson, who lives on the roof”

Moscow Drama Theater named after. M.N. Ermolova- Moscow, st. Tverskaya, 5/6 m. Okhotny Ryad, Revolution Square
there are no children's performances this season

Moscow Theater of Music and Drama Stas Namin— Moscow, Krymsky Val, 9, building 33 in the building of the Green Theater of the Central Park of Culture and Culture named after. Gorky
Directions: Oktyabrskaya-Koltsevaya metro station, then troll. 4, 7, 33, 62 to the stop. "Academician Petrovsky Street"; m. Frunzenskaya, across the pedestrian Andreevsky bridge.
take rows 1 to 5 regardless of the center
Snow Queen
Bremen Town Musicians - controversial opinion (but more positive reviews)

Moscow Theater of Young Spectators (MTYUZ)— Moscow, Mamonovsky lane, 10, metro station Pushkinskaya
The theater shows classic children's performances.
from 5-6 years and older - “Alinur”, “Wolf and Seven Little Goats”, “Two Maples”, “Golden Cockerel”, “Tin Rings”
Parents of older children please note that the theater has performances for your children

Moscow Theater of Illusion- Moscow, st. Veshnyakovskaya 16a, Vykhino metro station, Entuziast cinema building
The theater's repertoire includes performances, shows, and more than 5 thousand illusion performances. At the theater there is a permanent zoo exhibition of trained animals and birds, and an aquarium exhibition “Fish of the Seas and Oceans”.
Be careful when choosing a performance; it is too early for children to attend many such programs.
for schoolchildren and older - “The Magic of Good”, “The Magic Road”, “Fairy Tale Ball”, “From Little Mouse to Little Bear”, “Monkey Show”, “Relax with Us”, “Wizards Are Your Guests”, “Moscow Animal Show” , "Spring Fantasy", "Let's Together"

Moscow Regional State Chamber Theater
Performances are held at the Moscow Regional House of Arts “Kuzminki” - Moscow, Volgogradsky Ave. 121, Kuzminki metro station
From 5-6 years and older - “Trap for Santa Claus”, “Scarlet Flower”, “Like Brownies” New Year met”, “Baby and Carlson”, “Leader of the Redskins”, “Holidays in Lapland”, “Bicycle with red wheels”, “Brownies and the Serpent Gorynych”, “Baba Yaga’s birthday”, “How Brownie and Kikimora saved the village”

"Palace on the Yauza" theater and concert hall— Moscow, Zhuravleva Square, 1, Elektrozavodskaya metro station
Look on the website, every weekend throughout the season there will be musical performances and performances for children of different ages.

Moscow theater "Kinospektakl"— Moscow, Kozikhinsky lane, 4, building 1
Performances are held at different venues.
Central House of Artists - Moscow, st. Pushechnaya, building 9/6 building 1, Kuznetsky Most metro station
From 5 years and older - “Puss in Boots”,
Entertainment center "Samolet" - Moscow, st. Presnensky Val, 14/1, metro station 1905 Street.
From 5 years and older “Ivan da Marya”
From 7 years and older - “Terribly Fierce Dragon” - nothing like it exists yet, “Magic Bagels”

New Moscow Drama Theater- Moscow, st. Prokhodchikov, 2, metro station VDNKh
these performances are for January and February, then you need to look at the repertoire on the website
from 6 years and older – “White Poodle”, “Sinbad the Sailor”, “Scraps in the Back Streets” by G. Oster

Chamber Musical Theater named after B. Pokrovsky- Moscow, st. Nikolskaya 17, metro station Lubyanka, Revolution Square, Teatralnaya
from 5-6 and older - “Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev - for children” - the performance combines several stories; the theater’s children’s group takes part in it; “Let’s create an opera” - you can observe all the stages of the creation of an opera performance, but also the choir itself can perform several songs.
for prepared schoolchildren aged 7 years and older - “Alice’s Album” - opera-poem, “The Adventures of Cipollino” - opera, “Cherevichki” - opera
for high school students - “The Inspector General” - opera, etc.

Theater mansion- Moscow, st. Bibliotechnaya 23, metro station Ilyich Square, Rimskaya
from 5-6 years and older - “Aladdin’s Magic Lamp”, “Baby and Carlson”, “The Incredible Adventures of Baron Munchausen”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”

Children's Musical Theater for Young Actors (DMTYA)— Moscow, Malaya Dmitrovka street, 8, building 4, metro station Pushkinskaya, Chekhovskaya, Tverskaya
In the theater, all roles are played by children aged 9 years and older.
for schoolchildren - “The Adventures of Oliver Twist”, “Moscow History 1205”, “Tom Sawyer”

Children's Musical and Drama Theater "A-Ya"— Moscow, Petrovsky per., no. 5, building 9, metro station Chekhovskaya, Pushkinskaya
The children's theater "A-Ya" offers an unusual concept of communication between adults and children. Here they avoid popular stories, believing that they impose stereotypical thinking on children.
The theater's repertoire includes performances for children of all ages.
from 3 to 6 years old - “Tsipa-Dripa” - an experimental project based on poetry for children.
for younger schoolchildren - “Journey to the Other Side of the Clock”, “The Fly”, “Why Does Rose Have Thorns?”, “Snow Waltz” - the fate of two children - a boy from a rich family and an orphan girl, “One day in the life of a Little Rascal” G. Oster, “The Little Humpbacked Horse, or Miracles, and nothing more”, “Alice... getting stranger and stranger”, “Best of all...” - based on the work of Sasha Cherny, “How the Monkey outwitted the Sea King”, “The cheerful flute sings sadly " - the love story of a poor flutist and the daughter of the Heavenly Ruler, "Little Red Riding Hood" - a puppet show, "The War of Parsley and Styopka the Shaggy One", "A Violin and a Little Sun" - from the cycle "Tales of the Peoples of the World", "Okay. Got there. Wind",
from 10 and older - “The Golden Pot” by E.T.A. Hoffman
for high school students - “Children's surprise. Verbatim" - real dialogues of today's schoolchildren and unexpected confessions of parents, "Triangular Years" - about the war, "Sin is not a problem..." A. Griboyedov,
Children, parents and teachers are provided with a variety of opportunities for creative growth - from classes in a theater and circus studio to holding class, family and other holidays.

Theater MEL Makhonina Elena- Moscow, st. Dekabristov, 2, metro station Otradnoe
from 5-6 and older - “Carlson, who lives on the roof”, “Pinocchio”, “Puss in Boots”, “Vanek of Moscow and the overseas cyborg”, “The Scarlet Flower”, “Andrey the Shooter”, “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” , “Emelya”, “Morozko”, “Little Baba Yaga”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “The Snow Queen”, “The Tale of Lost Time”
The theater also hosts the final performances of the theater studio and theater school at the MEL Theater, in which children perform.

Moscow Drama Theater named after. N. V. Gogol- Moscow, st. Kazakova, 8a, metro station Kurskaya-radial
from 5-6 and older - “At the command of the pike”, “Mistress Blizzard”, “Leader of the Redskins”

Moscow theater ET CETERA under the leadership of Alexander Kalyagin - Moscow, Frolov lane, 2, Turgenevskaya metro station, Chistye Prudy, Sretensky Boulevard
from 5-6 and older - “Vanya and the Crocodile”, “Star Boy”, “Royal Cow”, “The Secret of Aunt Melkin”

Moscow Children's Variety Theater- Moscow, st. Baumanskaya, 32, building 1, metro station Baumanskaya
Shows children musicals performed by child actors, for example, the rock opera “The Kid.”
for schoolchildren - “Charlie’s Aunt”, “Let’s Play a Movie” and “State of Children”, “Charlie’s Aunt”

Moscow Theater Workshop of P. Fomenko
Old building: Moscow, Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 30/32, Kutuzovskaya metro station
New building: Moscow, Taras Shevchenko Embankment, 29, Kutuzovskaya metro station
from 7 years - “Alice through the Looking Glass”
for high school students: “War and Peace. The Beginning of the Novel" by Leo Tolstoy, "Family Happiness" by Leo Tolstoy, "Dowry" by A. Ostrovsky, "Wolves and Sheep" by A. Ostrovsky, etc.

Theater Center"On Strastnoye"— Moscow, Strastnoy Boulevard, 8a, metro station Pushkinskaya, Chekhovskaya, Tverskaya
There is no permanent troupe and a strict repertoire policy, but there is a cultural policy: The Theater Center “On Strastnom” is a non-profit platform open to projects by directors of various artistic directions and to independent theater groups. Young directors, creative projects, the most unexpected ideas and proposals - this is the meaning of the shopping center’s activities.
Go to the website and look at the poster to see what performances are shown in this theater in the month you are interested in.

Moscow theater "Buff"- Moscow, st. Lesnaya, 59, building 1, Mendeleevskaya metro station, Belorusskaya-ring
They hold children's graduations - primary school, kindergarten, 9th grade, proms and evening parties, holidays,
Hall seats 50. Tickets without seats. Only children are seated in the first 2 rows, 10 seats each; parents are in the other rows
From 3-4 years and older - “How Princess Bun Almost Got Ateed”, “The Secret of the House on the Outskirts”
From 5 years and older – “Fairytale Flight”

Rossiya Theater(former k/t "Pushkinsky") - Moscow, Pushkinskaya square, 2, metro Tverskaya, Pushkinskaya, Chekhovskaya
From 6 years and older - "The Little Mermaid" - a musical, "Children's Broadway" - an educational interactive program for children

Moscow Youth Palace (MDM)— Moscow, Komsomolsky pr. 28, metro station Frunzenskaya
Amazing performances take place, check out the website
“Beauty and the Beast” (3 hours with intermission) - ages 5.5 and older. There are no free seats; a ticket is purchased for each person; at the entrance to the hall, children can take an extra cushion for their chair.
Do not travel with children under this age. The evening session ends at 22:00.
Expensive, but there is something to pay for and something to see - 5 points!). It is better to take tickets starting from row 10 and above, you can see clearly everywhere.

Theater and Concert Hall "Mir"— Moscow, Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 11, building 2, metro station Tsvetnoy Boulevard
Various performances are held, see the poster on the website of the theater and concert hall "Mir"

Musical theater "Experiment"
Performances are shown at different venues, keep an eye on the poster and call the theater
from 3 years and older - “A kitten named Woof!” -musical performance
from 5-6 years and older - “Princess Snow White” - a musical, “Mother Snowstorm” - a Russian folk show, “Vasilisa the Wise” - a Russian fairy tale show, “Disney Show” - a unique revue of life-size puppets with open faces, “Golden Fairy Tales” Pushkin" - a musical and poetic performance based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin

Children's theater "Tik-Tak"— Moscow, B. Tishinsky lane, 1, metro station Barrikadnaya, Krasnopresnenskaya
from 2.5-3 and older - “How far did your godfather go?” -puppet show, “Caution, traffic light!” Show game based on traffic rules
from 5 years and older - “New Year in a toy store”, “Cockerel, Cockerel is a golden neck!”, “Your birthday at the zoo”, “The True Story of Pippi Long stocking told by Mrs. Nilsson", "Dream in New Year's Eve or the plot of the Snow Queen", "A Magic Tale for Christmas", "The Tale about the cat Murka, and about Molochko, and about Porridge and the cook Glasha"
from 6 years and older - “The Return of the Traveling Frog”, “My Dear Leeches”, “At the Forest Edge”, “Mary Mila and the Angels”, “Crane Feathers”, “The Fastest, the Most Dexterous, the Strongest”

Moscow State Historical and Ethnographic Theater- Moscow, st. Rudnevoy, 3, m. Babushkinskaya
The theater presents original Russian fairy tales.
From 5-6 years and older - “The Magic Ring”, “The Winter’s Tale”, “Marya Morevna and Koschey the Immortal”, “The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise”, “Dunno and the Magic Mirror”, “Go there - I don’t know where, bring this - I don’t know what”, “Light-Moon and Ivan the Bogatyr”, “The Tale of Ivan the Tsarevich, the Firebird and gray wolf"", "The Tale of Ivan the Fool and..", "Prophetic Dream", "At the Pike's Command", "Ask Your Heart", "Finist Yasny Falcon", "The Tale of Good Maryushka, Brave Ivanushka and the Evil Baba Yaga »

Doll House Doll Museum- Moscow, st. Varvarka, 14, Kitay-Gorod metro station
Doll's House - excursions, handicraft lessons in the Doll's House workshop, educational program for children and adults.
Performances take place on the new stage of the museum at the address: Moscow, Plotnikov lane, 21, metro station Smolenskaya
The hall is small, order in advance. See the poster on the website

Children's center "Ogo-Gorod"- st. Pavlovskaya 18, Tulskaya metro station
For the youngest theatergoers from 2.5 years old, every Saturday and Sunday, actors from children's theaters in Moscow and other cities come to Ogo-Gorod and show performances. See the website for the time and name of the performance.

Home theater— Moscow, Michurinsky Prospekt, 22, bldg. 1, “University” or “Kyiv”
Every Saturday and Sunday, actors from children's theaters in Moscow and other cities come to “Apartment Here” and show performances for little theatergoers.

Museum House of Fairy Tales
Conducts fairy tale tours in two rooms. You can hold a child’s birthday party in the museum premises.
House of Fairy Tales “Once Upon a Time” - All-Russian Exhibition Center, Pavilion No. 8
from 3 years old - “Fedorino’s grief”, “Tili-bom!.. We are going to the Cat’s new home!”, “For kids - about fairy-tale animals”
from 5 and older - “Lukomorye”, “Visiting Baba Yaga”, “New Adventures of Puss in Boots”. "Aty-baty - brave soldiers!”, “Secrets of the good Snow White”, “Legends of Russian antiquity”, “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”, “From epic to fairy tale”, “Treat for the Serpent Gorynych”
Buratino-Pinocchio Museum - 2nd Parkovaya St., 18, Izmailovskaya metro station
from 3 years - “Walking on the Rainbow”, “Tales of Mother Hare”, “Pinocchio and Malvina meet friends”, “Papa Carlo and his dolls”, “Trip through the country of Buratinia”, “Carnival of Fairy Tales”, “Alice the Fox Theater” and Cat Basilio", "Cipollino and his friends", "Andersen's Fairytale Kingdom"

"Aquamarine" Circus of Dancing Fountains- Moscow, st. Ivana Franko, 14, metro station Kuntsevskaya
from 5-6 years and older - “Cinderella”, “Kashtanka” - an unusual combination of theatrical genres

Olympic complex "Luzhniki"— Moscow, Luzhniki street, 24, building 1, Sportivnaya metro station. Vorobyovy Gory
Show of the Zapashny brothers “K.U.K.L.A”
Various theatrical programs are held periodically

"Together with Mom"- a project for the little ones
Live music concerts for adults with children from 1 month old, “Theater for Babies” for spectators from 1 to 4 years old and their parents.
Cultural programs are held in different branches.
Registration for these and other cultural programs must be done in advance.

Moon Theater- Moscow, st. Malaya Ordynka 31, metro station Tretyakovskaya, Novokuznetskaya, Dobryninskaya, Polyanka
for older schoolchildren - “Mary Poppins – NEXT” - includes jokes for adults, “Natural Extreme” - an original modern interpretation of the story of the Snow Maiden

Moscow Philharmonic— Moscow, Triumfalnaya square 4/31, metro station Mayakovskaya, Pushkinskaya
Choose children's concerts on the Moscow Philharmonic website. There are subscriptions and concerts for different ages.

Central House of Journalists— Moscow, Nikitsky Boulevard, 8a, Arbatskaya metro station
Performances, concerts, exhibitions - see the poster on the website

TT group “Mill of Fairy Tales”
The theater without its main stage, tours and rents stages
"Cinderella", "The Fairytale Journey of Shorty and Long"

Theater of taste— Moscow, Novolesnoy lane, 11/13, Belorusskaya metro station
For those who love to eat with great pleasure (of any age) invites you. Here, actor-chefs introduce viewers to the kitchen and help prepare simple but very tasty dishes that can be eaten later. On weekdays there is a Cooking School, where everyone is taught how to cook - from homemade bread to gourmet tiramisu.

Circuses and dolphinarium

Great Moscow State Circus– Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, University metro station

Moscow Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard— Moscow, Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 13, metro Tsvetnoy Boulevard

Moscow Dolphinarium- Moscow, st. Mironovskaya, 27, VDNH metro station, All-Russian Exhibition Center territory, main entrance, dolphinarium located behind pavilion No. 8
Children under 3 years old are free on one ticket with an adult.

This concludes our list of Moscow theaters for children, but it will be updated.
If you have questions or have something to add, write in the comments.

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