Rasputin live and remember the main idea. Analysis of “Live and Remember” Rasputin

In 1974, Rasputin wrote “Live and Remember.” The heroes of this work, the events described in it, as well as the problems of the story are very interesting. We will talk about all this in this article.

Rasputin begins “Live and Remember” in the following way. The main characters of the work are Andrei Guskov and his wife, Nastena. IN last year During the war, Andrei Guskov, a local resident, secretly returns to the village located on the Angara. He doesn’t think he will be welcomed back home with open arms, but he believes in his wife’s support. Indeed, Nastena, although she does not want to admit it to herself, instinctively understands that her husband has returned. She didn't marry him for love. 4 years of marriage were not particularly happy, but the heroine was devoted to her husband and for the first time in her life found his reliability and protection in the house (Nastena grew up an orphan).

Nastena's life in her husband's house

Without any extra thought, the girl married Andrei: she’ll have to get married anyway, so why delay? She had little idea what awaited her in a strange village and new family. It turned out that from among the workers (Nastena lived and worked with her aunt) she again ended up as a worker, only the yard was different, the demand was stricter and the farm was larger. Perhaps the new family would treat her better if the girl gave birth to a child. However, she had no children.

News about Andrey

She had heard since childhood that a woman without children is no longer a woman. Nastena considers herself guilty. Only once, when, reproaching her, Andrei said something unbearable, the woman responded out of resentment that it was unknown whether the reason was him or her. Then her husband beat her half to death. Nastena, when Andrei is taken to war, is even a little glad that she is left without children. Letters arrive regularly from the front, then from the hospital. After this, there is no news for a long time, only one day a policeman and the chairman of the village council come into the hut and ask Nastena to show the correspondence.

Meeting with my husband

Rasputin's story "Live and Remember" continues as follows. When the ax disappears in the Guskov family bathhouse, Nastena thinks that perhaps her husband has returned. She leaves bread in the bathhouse just in case, one day she even drowns it and meets Andrei here. His return becomes their secret and is perceived by Nastena as her cross.

Help Andrey

She comes ready to help her husband, is ready to steal and lie for him. In marriage you have to accept everything: both good and bad. Courage and enthusiasm settle in Nastena’s soul. She selflessly helps her husband, especially when she realizes that she is expecting a child. Nastena is ready for anything: for meetings with her husband across the river in the winter hut, for long conversations about the hopelessness of this situation, for difficult work at home, for insincerity in relations with other villagers. Nastena pulls her strap with remarkable male strength. You will learn more about her relationship with her husband by reading the analysis at the end of the article. Rasputin wrote “Live and Remember” not only to show the difficult relationships between the heroes. You can also find out about other issues raised in the story by reading the article to the end.

Andrei is not a traitor, not a murderer, but just a deserter who escaped from the hospital where they wanted to send him to the front without proper treatment. He has already set his mind on vacation and cannot refuse to return. Realizing that there will be no forgiveness for him in his village, in the world, in the country, he wants to drag it out until the last minute, without thinking about his wife, parents and future child.

Unsolvable question

The personal that connects Nastena with Andrei comes into conflict with their way of life, as the analysis shows. Rasputin (“Live and Remember”) notes that Nastena cannot raise her eyes to the wives who receive funerals, unable to rejoice, as before, when the neighboring men return from the war. At the village festival in honor of the victory, she remembers with unexpected anger about Andrei, because because of him she cannot rejoice at her like everyone else. The husband posed an insoluble question to Nastena: who should she be with? Andrei’s girlfriend condemns him, especially now that the war is ending and it seems that he would have remained intact. However, while condemning, she retreats: after all, she is his wife.

Nastena's suicide

Nastena's former friends, noticing her pregnancy, begin to laugh at her, and her mother-in-law drives her out of the house. The girl, forced to restrain her feelings, hide them, becomes more and more exhausted. Her fearlessness turns into risk, into wasted feelings. They are pushing her to commit suicide. Nastena finds peace in the waters of the Angara.

Analysis of the work

So, you have become familiar with the content of the work that Rasputin wrote (“Live and Remember”). The issues raised in the text deserve separate consideration. Philosophical questions about honor and conscience, the meaning of life, and people’s responsibility for their own actions usually come to the fore. The author talks about betrayal and selfishness, about the relationship between public and personal in human soul, about life and death. In the work “Live and Remember” (Rasputin) is also revealed.

War is a tragic and terrible event that has become a test for people. A person shows the true traits of his nature. The central image in the work is the image of Nastena. This is important to note when conducting analysis. Rasputin (“Live and Remember”) portrayed this girl as combining in her character the features of a village righteous woman: faith in man, mercy, responsibility for the fate of others, kindness. The problem of forgiveness and humanism is closely connected with her bright image.

She found the strength in herself to help Andrei, to feel sorry for him. This was a difficult step for her: the girl had to be cunning, lie, live in fear, dodge. She already felt that she was becoming a stranger, moving away from her fellow villagers. However, she chose this path for the sake of her husband, because she loved him.

The war greatly changed the main characters, as you can see by doing your own analysis. Rasputin (“Live and Remember”) notes that they realized that in worldly life their distance from each other and quarrels were absurd. In difficult moments, the spouses were warmed by hope for new life. Nastena hopes that her husband will be able to repent and come out to people. However, he does not dare to do this.

The main idea of ​​the work is the moral responsibility of a person for his actions. The author shows, using the example of Andrey Guskov’s life, how easy it is to make an irreparable mistake, to show weakness, to stumble. Rasputin told us about all this. “Live and Remember” receives positive reviews from many after reading it. The writer managed to raise important issues and skillfully reveal them in this story. Rasputin's story "Live and Remember" has been filmed. A film of the same name was made based on it in 2008. Director -

Valentin Rasputin's story "Live and Remember" attracts special attention. This story shows the importance of human choice. The choice is especially important in difficult times for the entire people, for example, as in this story - during the Great Patriotic War. A person is capable of making great merits to his Motherland and to his comrades, but everything can always change and the situation can worsen due to a wrong choice.

The story "Live and Remember" tells about Andrei Guskov, an ordinary soldier who, on his life path took a wrong turn. In the last months of the war, he escaped from the hospital to return to his native place, meet his family and friends, the war is a well-traveled path. He served bravely, defended his homeland, and Soviet Union There is very little left to finish off the enemy, but Andrei is wounded and is sent to the hospital. In war, people are needed, so without fully recovering, they want to send Andrei back to the front. Having learned about this, Guskov decides to escape from the hospital; he does not want to die in the last months of the war.

He is declared a deserter. This was a real death sentence for him. It was not his family and friends who were waiting for him at home, but the police and military. That's why main character had to hide, since in those days deserters were shot without trial. The only person he could trust was his own wife, Nastya. They got married before the war and it cannot be said that it was a strong family. It cannot be said that she loved him very much.

Rumors spread that Nastya had a lover and was not faithful to her husband. Nastya was forced to endure contempt from those around her, but not give her husband away. She became pregnant and the rumors only intensified as she continued to help her husband. When rumors reached the police, they decided to follow her when she once again sailed on a boat into the forest to visit her native husband. Noticing this, she decides to commit suicide to save her husband.

Andrei Guskov is a deserter who did not serve for a couple of months, the war ended and his fellow villagers greeted everyone from the front as heroes, and he was destined to live and remember what his escape led to. Live and remember, Andrey Guskov.

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War, it seems to me, is an unnatural phenomenon for every person. Despite the fact that we already live in the twenty-first century and fifty-eight years have passed since the end, the suffering, pain, and poverty that the war brought are stored in almost every family. Our grandfathers shed blood, giving us the opportunity to now live in a free country. We should be grateful to them for this. Valentin Rasputin is one of the writers who described things that really happened as they really were.

His story “Live and Remember” is a vivid example of how people actually lived during the war and what hardships they experienced. Valentin Rasputin describes in this work the very end of the war. People already had a presentiment of victory, and therefore they had an even greater desire to live. One of these was Andrei Guskov. He, knowing that the war was already coming to an end, tried to survive at any cost. He wanted to quickly return home, see his mother, father, wife. This desire suppressed all his feelings and reason. He was ready for anything. He was not afraid of being wounded; on the contrary, he wanted to be easily wounded. Then they would have taken him to the hospital, and from there he would have been taken home.

His wish came true, but not entirely: he was wounded and was sent to the hospital. He thought that a serious wound would free him from further service. Lying in the ward, he already imagined how he would return home, and he was so sure of this that he did not even call his relatives to the hospital to see him. The news that he was being sent to the front again struck like a lightning strike. All his dreams and plans were destroyed in an instant. This was what Andrei feared most. He was afraid that he would never return home again. In moments of mental turmoil, despair and fear of death, Andrei makes a fatal decision for himself - to desert, which turned his life and soul upside down, made him a different person. The war crippled the lives of many. People like Andrei Guskov are not born for war. He is, of course, a good, brave soldier, but he was born to plow the land, grow bread, and live with his family. Of all those leaving for the front, he experienced this the hardest: “Andrei looked at the village silently and offended, for some reason he was ready not to blame the war, but the village for being forced to leave it.” But despite the fact that it is difficult for him to leave home, he says goodbye to his family quickly and dryly: “What has to be cut off, must be cut off right away...”

Andrei Guskov deserts consciously, for the sake of his life, but Nastena, his wife, simply forces him to hide, thereby dooming her to live in a lie: “Here’s what I’ll tell you right away, Nastena. No dog needs to know I'm here. If you tell anyone, I’ll kill you. I'll kill - I have nothing to lose. I have a firm hand on this, it won’t go wrong,” with these words he greets his wife after a long separation. And Nastya had no choice but to simply obey him. She was at one with him until her death, although sometimes she was visited by thoughts that it was he who was to blame for her suffering, but not only for her, but also for the suffering of her unborn child, conceived not at all in love, but in a rude impulse, animal passion. This unborn child suffered along with its mother. Andrei did not realize that this child was doomed to live his whole life in shame. For Guskov it was important to fulfill his manly duty, to leave an heir, but how this child would live further was of little concern to him.

Nastena understood that both the life of her child and she herself were doomed to further shame and suffering. Shielding and protecting her husband, she decides to commit suicide. She decides to throw herself into the Angara, thereby killing both herself and her unborn baby. Andrei Guskov is certainly to blame for all this. This moment is the punishment with which higher powers can punish a person who has violated all moral laws. Andrei is doomed to a painful life. Nastena’s words: “Live and remember,” will pound in his fevered brain until the end of his days.

But Andrey cannot be completely blamed. Without this terrible war, probably nothing like this would have happened. Guskov himself did not want this war. He knew from the very beginning that she would not bring him anything good, that his life would be ruined. But he probably never imagined that the life of Nastena and their unborn child would be ruined. Life did as it pleased.

The war claimed many lives. Without her, there would not be many problems in our country. In general, war is a terrible phenomenon. It takes away many dear lives, destroys everything that was created by the great and hard work of the entire people.

It seems to me that the work of such writers will help our contemporaries not to lose moral values. V. Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember” is always a step forward in spiritual development society.

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Does everyone understand how shameful it is to live when someone else in your place could live better?

V. Rasputin. Live and remember

V. Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember” is deservedly considered one of the best books about the war, which immediately after its publication in 1974 aroused keen interest not only among Soviet readers, but also very soon received European recognition.

“Live and Remember” is a book not only about the life of the main characters, Andrei Guskov and his wife Nastena, but also about the correlation of their destinies with the fate of the people in one of the dramatic periods of history. The depth of the problem involved, philosophical understanding choice and, as a consequence, the actions of people puts this book among the classic works about war.

The title of the story is associated with the statement of V. Astafiev: “Live and remember, man, in trouble, in grief, in the most difficult days and trials: your place is with your people; any apostasy, whether caused by your weakness or lack of understanding, turns into even greater grief for your Motherland and people, and therefore for you.”

Two destinies are revealed to us in the story “Live and Remember”; we get the opportunity to follow the thoughts, feelings and actions of two people, penetrating deeply into the true motives of their actions.

At first Andrei Guskov had no intention of deserting; he honestly went to the front and was a good fighter and comrade, earning the respect of his friends. But the horrors of war and injury sharpened the egoism of this man, who put himself above his comrades, deciding that it was he who needed to survive, to be saved, to return alive at all costs. Guskov really hoped that he would be sent home from the hospital, but fate decreed otherwise: he was again called to combat positions. Fear of death and an incredible desire to see his wife and relatives (at least for one day!) push Andrei to escape. No, he had not yet betrayed anyone by action, because he expected to turn around in two days and return to the front. But unaccounted for circumstances made Guskov’s journey much longer than he expected, and he decided that this was fate, there was no turning back. Forced to hide in the forest from people, Guskov gradually loses all the human, good beginning that was in him. Only anger and irrepressible egoism remain in his heart by the end of the story; he is only concerned about his own fate. He doesn’t even think that he is pushing his wife to commit a crime before her own conscience and before people; in his future child, Guskov sees only a continuation of himself, and not an independent person who, due to his father’s selfishness, will never be born. And the last thing that bothers Andrei Guskov is that he betrayed his land, his Motherland, abandoned his comrades in arms in a difficult moment, depriving, in Rasputin’s opinion, his life of its highest meaning. Hence Guskov’s moral degradation, his savagery. Having left no offspring and having betrayed everything dear to him, he is doomed to oblivion and loneliness, no one will remember him with a kind word, because cowardice combined with cruelty has been condemned at all times.

Nastena appears before us completely differently, not wanting to leave her husband in trouble, voluntarily sharing the guilt with him, accepting responsibility for someone else’s betrayal. Helping Andrei, she does not justify either him or herself before the human court, because she believes: betrayal has no forgiveness. Nastena’s heart is torn into pieces: on the one hand, she considers herself not entitled to abandon the person with whom she once connected her life in difficult times. On the other hand, she suffers endlessly, deceiving people, keeping her terrible secret, and therefore, suddenly feeling lonely, cut off from the people.

Nastena - moral ideal in Rasputin's story, because she finds the strength to sacrifice her happiness, peace, her life for the sake of her husband. But realizing that by doing so she breaks all ties between herself and the people, Nastena cannot survive this and tragically dies.

And yet, the highest justice triumphs at the end of the story, because people understood and did not condemn Nastena’s actions. The image of Guskov evokes nothing but contempt and disgust, since “a person who has set foot on the path of betrayal at least once follows it to the end.”

V.G. Rasputin "Live and Remember"

The events described in the story take place in the winter of '45, in the last war year, on the banks of the Angara in the village of Atamanovka. The name, it would seem, is loud, and in the recent past even more intimidating - Razboinikovo. “...Once upon a time, in the old days, the local peasants did not disdain one quiet and profitable trade: they checked the gold miners coming from the Lena.” But the inhabitants of the village had long been quiet and harmless and did not engage in robbery. Against the backdrop of this virgin and wild nature, the main event of the story takes place - the betrayal of Andrei Guskov.

Questions that are raised in the story.

Who is to blame for the moral decline of man? What is a person's path to betrayal? What is the extent of a person’s responsibility for his fate and the fate of his Motherland?

The war, as an exceptional circumstance, confronted all people, including Guskov, with a “choice” that everyone had to make.

The path to betrayal

War is a severe test for the people. But if in strong people She cultivated perseverance, inflexibility, heroism, then in the hearts of the weak cowardice, cruelty, selfishness, disbelief, and despair sprouted and began to bear their bitter fruits.

In the image of Andrei Guskov, the hero of the story “Live and Remember,” the soul of a weak man is revealed to us, crippled by the harsh events of the war, as a result of which he became a deserter. How did this man, who honestly defended his Motherland from enemies for several years and even earned the respect of his comrades in arms, decide to do an act despised by everyone, always and everywhere, regardless of century and nationality?

V. Rasputin shows the path to the hero’s betrayal. Of all those leaving for the front, Guskov experienced this the hardest: “Andrei looked at the village silently and offended; for some reason he was ready not to blame the war, but the village for being forced to leave it.”. But despite the fact that it’s hard for him to leave home, he says goodbye to his family quickly and dryly: “What has to be cut off must be cut off immediately...”

At first Andrei Guskov had no intention of deserting; he honestly went to the front and was a good fighter and comrade, earning the respect of his friends. But the horrors of war and injury sharpened the egoism of this man, who put himself above his comrades, deciding that it was he who needed to survive, to be saved, to return alive at all costs.

Knowing that the war was already coming to an end, he tried to survive at any cost. His wish came true, but not entirely: he was wounded and was sent to the hospital. He thought that a serious wound would free him from further service. Lying in the ward, he already imagined how he would return home, and he was so sure of this that he did not even call his relatives to the hospital to see him. The news that he was being sent to the front again struck like a lightning strike. All his dreams and plans were destroyed in an instant.

Author Valentin Rasputin does not try to justify Andrei’s desertion, but seeks to explain it from the position of a hero: he fought for a long time, deserved a vacation, wanted to see his wife, but the vacation he was entitled to after being wounded was canceled. The betrayal that Andrei Guskov commits creeps into his soul gradually. At first he was haunted by the fear of death, which seemed inevitable to him: “If not today, then tomorrow, not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow, when his turn comes.” Guskov survived both wounds and shell shock, experienced tank attacks and ski raids. V.G. Rasputin emphasizes that among the intelligence officers Andrei was considered a reliable comrade. Why did he take the path of betrayal? At first, Andrey just wants to see his family, Nastena, stay at home for a while and return. However, having traveled by train to Irkutsk, Guskov realized that in winter you couldn’t turn around in three days. Andrei remembered the demonstration execution, when in his presence they shot a boy who wanted to run fifty miles away to his village. Guskov understands that you won’t get a pat on the head for going AWOL. Thus, unaccounted for circumstances made Guskov’s journey much longer than he expected, and he decided that this was fate, there was no turning back. In moments of mental turmoil, despair and fear of death, Andrei makes a fatal decision for himself - to desert, which turned his life and soul upside down, made him a different person.

Gradually Andrei began to hate himself. In Irkutsk, he settled for some time with a mute woman, Tanya, although he had absolutely no intention of doing this. A month later, Guskov finally found himself in his native place. However, the hero did not feel joy from the sight of the village. V.G. Rasputin constantly emphasizes that, having committed betrayal, Guskov embarked on the path of the beast. After some time, life, which he valued so much at the front, became no longer pleasant to him. Having committed treason, Andrei cannot respect himself. Mental anguish, nervous tension, the inability to relax for a minute turn him into a hunted animal.

Forced to hide in the forest from people, Guskov gradually loses all the human, good beginning that was in him. Only anger and irrepressible egoism remain in his heart by the end of the story; he is only concerned about his own fate.

Andrei Guskov deserts consciously, for the sake of his life, and forces Nastya, his wife, to hide him, thereby dooming her to live a lie: “Here’s what I’ll tell you right away, Nastya. No dog needs to know I'm here. If you tell anyone, I'll kill you. I'll kill - I have nothing to lose. I have a firm hand on this, it won’t go wrong,”- with these words he meets his wife after a long separation. And Nastya had no choice but to simply obey him. She was at one with him until her death, although sometimes she was visited by thoughts that it was he who was to blame for her suffering, but not only for her, but also for the suffering of her unborn child, conceived not at all in love, but in a rude impulse, animal passion. This unborn child suffered along with its mother. Andrei did not realize that this child was doomed to live his whole life in shame. For Guskov it was important to fulfill his manly duty, to leave an heir, but how this child would live further was of little concern to him. The author shows how, having betrayed himself and his people, Guskov inevitably betrays the person closest and most understanding to him - his wife Nastena, who is ready to share the guilt and shame of her husband, and his unborn child, whom he cruelly condemns to tragic death.

Nastena understood that both the life of her child and she herself were doomed to further shame and suffering. Shielding and protecting her husband, she commits suicide. She decides to throw herself into the Angara, thereby killing both herself and her unborn baby. Andrei Guskov is certainly to blame for all this. This moment is the punishment with which higher powers can punish a person who has violated all moral laws. Andrei is doomed to a painful life. Nastena’s words: “Live and remember,” will pound in his fevered brain until the end of his days.

Why did Guskov become a traitor? The hero himself would like to shift the blame to “fate”, before which “will” is powerless.

It is no coincidence that the word “fate” runs like a red thread throughout the story, to which Guskov clings so much. He's not ready. He does not want to take responsibility for his actions; he tries with all his might to hide behind “fate” and “fate” for his crime. “This is all war, all of it,” he again began to justify himself and conjure. “Andrei Guskov understood: his fate had turned into a dead end, from which there was no way out. And the fact that there was no way back for him freed Andrei from unnecessary thoughts.” The reluctance to admit the need for personal responsibility for one’s actions is the reason for the appearance of a wormhole in Guskov’s soul, which determines his crime (desertion).

War on the pages of the story

The story does not describe battles, deaths on the battlefield, the exploits of Russian soldiers, or life at the front. Only life in the rear. And yet, this is precisely a story about war.

Rasputin explores the deforming influence on a person of a force whose name is war. If there had been no war, apparently, Guskov would not have succumbed to the fear inspired by death alone and would not have reached such a fall. Perhaps, since childhood, the selfishness and resentment that had settled in him would have found a way out in some other forms, but not in such an ugly one. If it weren’t for the war, the fate of Nastena’s friend Nadka, who was left at twenty-seven years old with three children in her arms, would have turned out differently: a funeral came for her husband. If there had been no war... But it was there, it was going on, and people were dying in it. And he, Guskov, decided that it was possible to live by different laws than the rest of the people. And this incommensurable opposition doomed him not just to loneliness among people, but also to inevitable retaliatory rejection.

The result of the war for Andrei Guskov’s family was three shattered lives. But, unfortunately, there were many such families, many of them collapsed.

Telling us about the tragedy of Nastena and Andrei Guskov, Rasputin shows us war as a force that deforms a person’s personality, capable of destroying hopes, extinguishing self-confidence, shaking unstable characters and even breaking the strong. After all, Nastena, unlike Andrei, is an innocent victim, suffering as a result of the impossibility of choosing between her people and the person with whom she once connected her life. Nastena never cheated on anyone, always remaining true to the moral principles that were instilled in her since childhood, and therefore her death seems even more terrible and tragic.

Rasputin highlights the inhumane nature of war, which brings suffering and misfortune to people, without understanding who is right, who is wrong, who is weak, who is strong.

War and love

Their love and war are the two driving forces that determined Nastena’s bitter fate and Andrei’s shameful fate. Although the heroes were initially different - the humane Nastena and the cruel Andrei. She is kindness and spiritual nobility itself, he is blatant callousness and selfishness. The war even brought them closer together at first, but no amount of trials endured together could overcome their moral incompatibility. After all, love, like any other relationship, is broken by betrayal.

Andrey's feeling for Nastya is rather consumerist. He always wants to receive something from her - be it objects of the material world (an axe, bread, a gun) or feelings. It is much more interesting to understand whether Nastena loved Andrey? She threw herself into marriage “like diving into water,” in other words, she didn’t think twice about it. Nastena’s love for her husband was partly built on a feeling of gratitude, because he took her, a lonely orphan, into his home and did not let anyone hurt her. True, her husband’s kindness only lasted for a year, and then he even beat her half to death, but Nastena, following the old rule: if we get together, we must live, she patiently carried her cross, getting used to her husband, to her family, to a new place.

In part, her attachment to Andrei can be explained by a feeling of guilt because they did not have children. Nastena didn’t think that it might be Andrey’s fault. So later, for some reason, she blamed herself for her husband’s crime. But in essence, Nastena cannot love anyone other than her husband, because one of the sacred family commandments for her is marital fidelity. Like all women, Nastena was waiting for her husband, eager to see him, worried and afraid for him. He also thought about her. If Andrei had been a different person, he would most likely have returned from the army, and they would have lived an ordinary family life again. Everything happened wrong: Andrey returned ahead of schedule. Returned as a deserter. A traitor. Traitor to the Motherland. In those days, this stigma was indelible. Nastena does not turn away from her husband. She finds the strength to understand him. Such behavior is the only possible form of existence for her. She helps Andrei because it is natural for her to feel sorry, give and sympathize. She no longer remembers the bad things that darkened their pre-war family life. She knows only one thing - her husband is in big trouble, he must be pitied and saved. And she saves as best she can. Fate brought them together again and sent them a child as a huge ordeal.

A child should be sent as a reward, as the greatest happiness. How Nastena once dreamed about him! Now the child - the fruit of the love of his parents - is a burden, a sin, although he was conceived in a legal marriage. And again Andrei thinks only about himself: “We don’t care about him.” He says “we”, but in reality only he “gives a damn”. Nastena cannot be as indifferent to this event. For Andrey, the main thing is that the child is born and the family line continues. At this moment he is not thinking about Nastya, who will have to endure shame and humiliation. This is the extent of his love for his wife. Of course, it cannot be denied that Guskov is attached to Nastya. Sometimes even he has moments of tenderness and enlightenment, when he thinks with horror about what he is doing, into what abyss he is pushing his wife.

Their love was not the kind they write about in novels. These are ordinary relationships between a man and a woman, husband and wife. The war revealed both Nastena’s devotion to her husband and Guskov’s consumerist attitude towards his wife. The war destroyed this family, like the family of Nadka Berezkina and thousands of other families. Although some still managed to maintain their relationship, like Lisa and Maxim Voloshin, And Lisa could walk with her head held high. And the Guskovs, even if they had saved their family, would never have been able to raise their eyes in shame, because in both love and war you need to be honest. Andrey could not be honest. This determined hard fate Walls. This is how Rasputin solves the theme of love and war in a unique way.

The meaning of the name. The title of the story is associated with the statement of V. Astafiev: “Live and remember, man, in trouble, in grief, in the most difficult days and trials: your place is with your people; any apostasy, whether caused by your weakness or lack of understanding, turns into even greater grief for your Motherland and people, and therefore for you.”

Andrei Guskov is least concerned about the fact that he betrayed his land, his Motherland, abandoned his comrades in arms in a difficult moment, depriving, in Rasputin’s opinion, his life of the highest meaning. Hence moral degradation Guskov, his savagery. Having left no offspring and having betrayed everything dear to him, he is doomed to oblivion and loneliness, no one will remember him with a kind word, because cowardice combined with cruelty has been condemned at all times. Nastena appears before us completely differently, not wanting to leave her husband in trouble, voluntarily sharing the guilt with him, accepting responsibility for someone else’s betrayal. Helping Andrei, she does not justify either him or herself before the human court, because she believes: betrayal has no forgiveness. Nastena’s heart is torn into pieces: on the one hand, she considers herself not entitled to abandon the person with whom she once connected her life in difficult times. On the other hand, she suffers endlessly, deceiving people, keeping her terrible secret and therefore suddenly feeling lonely, cut off from the people.

In a difficult conversation on this topic, the symbolically important image of the Angara arises. “You only had one side: people. There, on the right hand of the Angara. And now there are two: people and me. It is impossible to bring them together: the Angara must dry out", says Andrey Nastene.

During the conversation, it turns out that the heroes once had the same dream: Nastena, in her girlish form, comes to Andrei, who is lying near the birch trees and calls him, telling him that she was tortured with the children.

The description of this dream once again emphasizes the painful intractability of the situation in which Nastena found herself.

The heroine finds the strength to sacrifice her happiness, peace, her life for the sake of her husband. But realizing that by doing so she breaks all ties between herself and the people, Nastena cannot survive this and tragically dies.

And yet, the highest justice triumphs at the end of the story, because people understood and did not condemn Nastena’s actions. Guskov, on the other hand, evokes nothing but contempt and disgust, since “a person who has set foot on the path of betrayal at least once follows it to the end.”

Andrey Guskov pays the ultimate price: there will be no continuation; No one will ever understand him the way Nastena does. From this moment on, it no longer matters how he, having heard the noise on the river and prepared to hide, will live further: his days are numbered, and he will spend them as before - like an animal. Maybe, having already been caught, he will even howl like a wolf in despair. Guskov must die, but Nastena dies. This means that the deserter dies twice, and now forever.

...In all of Atamanovka there was not a single person who simply felt sorry for Nastena. Only before her death does Nastena hear Maxim Vologzhin’s cry: “Nastena, don’t you dare!” Maxim is one of the first front-line soldiers to know what death is and understands that life is the greatest value. After Nastena’s body was found, she was not buried in the cemetery of drowned people, because “the women wouldn’t let her,” but she was buried among her own people, but on the edge.

The story ends with the author’s message, from which it is clear that they don’t talk about Guskov, they don’t “remember” - for him “the connection of times has fallen apart”, he has no future. The author speaks of the drowned Nastena as if she were alive (without ever replacing her name with the word “deceased”): “After the funeral, the women gathered at Nadka’s for a simple wake and cried: they felt sorry for Nasten.”. With these words, which signify the “connection of times” restored for Nastena (the ending traditional for folklore is about the memory of a hero throughout the centuries), V. Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember” ends.

The title of the book is “Live and Remember.” These words tell us that everything that is written on the pages of the book should become a lesson in the life of every person. Live and remember that in life there is betrayal, baseness, human fall, the test of love by this blow. Live and remember that you cannot go against your conscience and that in moments of difficult trials you must be with the people. The call “Live and Remember” is addressed to all of us: a person is responsible for his actions!

What is treason? This is a betrayal of the interests of one’s country in the name of personal selfish goals. As a rule, this phenomenon acquires particular significance during war, when desertion undermines the foundations on which the state is based. Most people, of course, risk their lives if their homeland is in danger. Our history is rich in such examples and our literature is proud of it. However, there are always those few members of society who succumb to fear and serve only themselves, ignoring the troubles of the fatherland. Today, this problem, as before, is topical, because it manifests itself not only in wartime. That is why arguments on the topic “Treason to the Motherland” are so diverse and cover not only periods of armed conflicts.

  1. Andrei Sokolov, the hero of Sholokhov’s work “The Fate of a Man,” faces betrayal of his homeland. The soldier is captured and witnesses how the Germans are trying to find out which of the detainees is the Red Commissar. Members of the Bolshevik Party were shot immediately and were not taken prisoner. Their disfigured bodies served as proof that the German authorities would establish their own rules and get to every communist. A traitor appears among the ranks of prisoners and offers others to hand over the commander in exchange for safety. Then Andrei kills him so as not to sow confusion in the ranks of the soldiers. He understood that any concession to the enemy is treason, which is not only punishable by execution, but also does not find even the slightest moral justification. Because of deserters and Vlasovites, the country is losing its chances of victory.
  2. The readiness for betrayal is demonstrated by high society in Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. The nobility does not risk their lives in battle, sits in salons and argues that nothing will change with the arrival of Napoleon. French they know better than their own, manners and antics are the same everywhere. They don’t care who is in power, what will happen to the country, how the battle will end, where their compatriots die every day. They will happily accept any outcome, because true patriotism they don't have it. They are strangers in Russia, its suffering is alien to them. The example of Prince Rostopchin, the Governor-General of Moscow, who was only capable of pathetic patriotic speeches, but did not really help the people, is widely known. Also stupid and false is the outfit of high society ladies who dressed in sundresses and kokoshniks instead of foreign dresses, supposedly supporting the national spirit. While ordinary people were shedding blood, the rich were playing dress up.
  3. In Rasputin's story “Live and Remember,” Andrei Guskov becomes a traitor by deserting the army. Front-line life was too much for him: lack of food and ammunition, constant risk, tough leadership broke his will. He moved to his native village, knowing that he was bringing a mortal threat to his wife. As you can see, treason against one’s homeland is dangerous because a person completely loses moral core and betrays all the people dear to him. He substitutes the devoted Nastena, who helps him, risking her reputation and freedom. The woman fails to hide this help, and her fellow villagers pursue her to find the deserter. Then the heroine drowned herself, and her selfish husband sat in a secluded place, feeling sorry only for himself.
  4. In the story “Sotnikov” by Vasil Bykov, the handsome and strong man Rybak loses all his dignity when he encounters a real threat. He and a friend go on reconnaissance, but due to Sotnikov’s illness they are forced to take refuge in the village. As a result, they were captured by the Germans. Unlike the sick partisan, the healthy Rybak is a coward and agrees to cooperate with the invaders. Sotnikov is not trying to justify himself or take revenge. All his efforts are aimed at helping those people who sheltered them, to protect them with their silence. Meanwhile, the traitor wants, at all costs, to save his own life. Although he believes to the last that he can deceive the enemy and escape, joining his ranks for a while, Strelnikov prophetically notes that nothing can save his comrade from moral decay. In the finale, Rybak knocks the support from under his former colleague’s feet. So he set out on the path of betrayal and crossed out everything that connects him with his homeland.
  5. In Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" the heroes do not fight, but still manage to harm their country. Famus Society lives by conservative and hypocritical principles, ignoring progress and the rest of the world outside their ivory tower. These people usurp the people, plunge them into ignorance and drunkenness with their extravagant and cruel antics. The nobles, the support of autocratic power, are themselves mired in hypocrisy and careerism, while their whims are provided for by the peasantry. We see, for example, the stupid and mediocre military Skalozub, who only shines with shoulder straps at balls. He cannot be trusted with his daughter, let alone a regiment or a company. He is a limited and pitiful person who is accustomed to only receiving from his homeland, but not repaying it with valiant and honest service. Isn't this treason?
  6. Loyalty and betrayal in war are always obvious. For example, in Pushkin’s story “ Captain's daughter“Shvabrin calmly serves and receives ranks without being a brave man. When the battle broke out, he showed his true colors. The traitor immediately went over to the enemy’s side and swore allegiance to Pugachev, saving his life, while his friend Peter risked himself just to honestly fulfill his duty. The oath to the rebel is not Alexei’s only betrayal. During the duel, he used a dishonest tactic, thereby betraying his honor. He also dishonestly deceives Grinev and vilifies Masha’s name without any reason. Then he finally falls into the abyss of moral decline and forces Maria to marry him. That is, the baseness of a person is not limited to betrayal of his homeland, and one cannot forgive this kind of betrayal, if only on the grounds that it is clearly not the last. If he was able to betray his native country, then there is nothing to be expected from him in relation to people.
  7. In Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" Andriy betrays his country because of his passionate love for a Polish woman. However, this is not entirely true: he was initially alien to the traditions and mentality of the Cossacks. This contrast between personality and environment is visible when the hero returns home from the bursa: while Ostap joyfully fights with his father, the youngest son caresses his mother and peacefully stays away. He is not a coward or a weakling, he is simply a different person by nature, he does not have this militant spirit of the Zaporozhye Sich. Andriy was born for family and peaceful creation, while Taras and all his friends, on the contrary, see the meaning of a man’s life in eternal battle. Therefore, the younger Bulba’s decision looks natural: not finding understanding in his native land, he looks for it in the person of the Polish girl and her entourage. Probably, in this particular example, betrayal can be justified by the fact that the person could not have acted differently, that is, cheated on himself. At least he did not cheat and deceive his comrades in battle, acting on the sly. His honest position was at least known to everyone and emotionally motivated, because if you do not feel a sincere desire to help your homeland, sooner or later your lies will come out and do even more harm.
  8. In Gogol's play "The Inspector General" there is no war, but there is an imperceptible and more vile betrayal of the homeland than desertion on the battlefield. Officials of the city “N” plunder the treasury and oppress their native people. Because of them, the district is in poverty, and its population is overwhelmed by constant extortions and outright robbery. The situation of ordinary people in peacetime is no better than in times of war. A stupid and vicious government is constantly moving against them, from which even a pitchfork cannot be defended. The nobility ravages their native land with complete impunity, like a Mongol-Tatar horde, and no one is able to stop this, except, perhaps, the auditor. In the finale, the author nevertheless hints that the real inspector has arrived, and now the thieves cannot hide from the law. But how many of these districts find themselves in an invisible state of siege for years due to the debauchery of the ruling elite? The writer also answers this question by giving his city a universal name in order to emphasize that this is the situation throughout Russia. Isn't this a betrayal of the interests of the fatherland? Yes, embezzlement is not called that out of tact, but in essence this is real treason.
  9. In Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Don" the hero changes sides of the barricades several times in search of his truth and true justice. However, Gregory finds nothing like this on either side. It would seem that a person has the right to choose and make mistakes, especially in such an ambiguous situation, but some of his fellow villagers perceive these throwings as a betrayal of the homeland, although in fact Melekhov always follows the truth and is faithful to the interests of the people. It is not his fault that these interests change so often and disappear under one banner or another. It turned out that all parties only manipulated the patriotism of the Cossacks, but no one was going to act morally and fairly towards them. They were only used in the division of Russia, talking about the homeland and its defense. This is where Gregory became disillusioned, and people are already rushing to label him a traitor. Thus, there is no need to rush to blame a person for treason; maybe he is not to blame at all, and people from above use people’s anger against him as a weapon.
  10. In Shalamov's story " Last Stand Major Pugachev,” the hero honestly and selflessly went through the war. He defended the country at the cost of his life and never retreated. However, he, like many comrades from the front, was sent to a labor camp for fictitious treason. Anyone who was captured or besieged was sentenced to 25 years in prison. In conditions of hard labor, this is a guaranteed death. Then Pugachev and several other soldiers decide to escape, because they have nothing to lose. From the point of view of the Soviet leadership, this is treason. But from the point of view of normal human logic, this is a feat, because innocent people, and even war heroes, should not be compared with criminals. They had the strength to defend their right to freedom, not to become slaves of the system, powerless and pathetic. Then, in 1944, in a German camp, provocateurs told the hero that he would be imprisoned in his homeland anyway. He did not believe and did not serve the enemy. It didn't break. So what does he have to lose now that the darkest forecasts have come true? Although he goes against the state, I do not consider him a traitor. Traitors are the government that goes against its people.
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In Rasputin's story “Live and Remember,” the heroes become victims of war, hostages of their actions. There is no condemnation or assessment of the heroes in the work; the author emphasizes that the culprit of human troubles is war. Because of his attachment to his family, to the village, Andrei Guskov becomes a deserter - this is worse than death. Nastya turns out to be neither a widow nor a happy wife: she chooses death as the solution to all problems. The main characters of “Live and Remember” are people without a future, doomed; Unlike Andrey, Nastya understands this, she is strong in spirit and wise.

Characteristics of the heroes “Live and Remember”

Main characters

Andrey Guskov

A young guy, Nastya’s husband. Before the war they lived together for 4 years, there were no children. He, like everyone else, fought in the war and was not a traitor. After another serious injury, without complete treatment, he is sent not on leave, but back to his unit. Andrei, homesick, not being a fighter or a crazy patriot by nature, deserts. Later he realizes what he has done, but there is no turning back. Secretly meets with his wife, she feeds him and takes pity on him. Together they remember their life before the war. Nastya understands that she is pregnant, but Andrei does not think about her or the unborn child. He degrades, runs wild, there is little humanity left in him.


She married not for love, but to go to another house, away from her aunt. Life with my husband and mother-in-law is even harder. Noticing the disappearance of the ax, Nastya realizes that Andrei is somewhere nearby. She brings him bread, steals, hides, and secretly meets with her husband. He does not admit to either his father-in-law or mother-in-law that their son is here, close. She carries her female cross, accepts everything, realizing that there is no future. At times, Nastya hates her husband for his actions; he does not allow her to rejoice in victory, live openly and raise children. Conscience does not allow Nastya to live the way Andrey lives, she suffers and suffers. Being pregnant, tired of hopelessness, Nastya decides to drown herself.

Andrei's father, Mikheich

A kind, simple-minded person. He, unlike his wife, suspects that his son lives nearby and that he is a deserter. She tries to talk to Nastena about Andrei, feels trouble, worries, but she does not give Andrei away, as she promised him. Mikheich already understands that his son ran away. At the end of the story, when Nastya’s body needs to be taken away, Mikheich lies dying.

Maxim Volozhin

Neighbor of the Guskovs. Returns from the war alive. He is a real hero. His wife is proud of her husband, she is happy. The neighbors invite the Guskovs to a party in honor of Maxim's return, Nastya cannot stand her thoughts, she becomes unbearable, she runs away.


Nastya's mother-in-law. Strict, adheres to old views. Due to the absence of children, he considers his daughter-in-law inferior. Loads with hard work, controls, scolds. Noticing Nastya's pregnancy, he kicks her out of the house.

Minor characters

Rasputin's story is a powerful, deep work, it teaches that life is complex and multifaceted, the truth is different, and each person has a limit to his spiritual strength. In the list of works on military subjects, this is best story Valentina Rasputina. It is deeply philosophical, original, and multifaceted in terms of themes. Rasputin's heroes are very human, “drawn” to the smallest detail, simple and understandable. Nastya, who chose death, turns out to be stronger and more decisive than her husband, who crippled her and his own fate. The tragedy of the ending is inevitable; the fate of two people who could not resist the circumstances turns out to be too difficult. Characteristics of heroes can be useful when designing reader's diary, writing test papers, preparing for a literature lesson.

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War... The word itself speaks of trouble and grief, misfortune and tears. How many people died during this terrible Great Patriotic War!.. But, dying, they knew that they were fighting for their land, for their relatives and friends. Death is scary, but the spiritual death of a person is much more terrible. This is exactly what V. Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember” tells about.

The author reveals the soul of deserter Andrei Guskov. This man was in the war and was wounded and shell-shocked more than once. But, having been discharged from the hospital, Andrei did not go to his unit, but stealthily made his way to his native village, becoming a deserter.

There is no detective plot in the story, there are few heroes, but all this only enhances the growing psychologism. V. Rasputin specifically portrays an ordinary person with average mental and spiritual abilities in the image of Andrei. He was not a coward; at the front he conscientiously performed all his soldier’s duties.

“He was afraid to go to the front,” says the author. - He prepared all of himself, to the last drop and to the last thought, for the meeting with his family - with his father, mother, Nastena - and lived by this, recovered and breathed by this, that’s all he knew... How could he go back again, under the bullets, under death, when it’s nearby, in your own country, in Siberia? Is this right and fair? He just needs to be at home for one single day, to calm his soul - then he’s again ready for anything.” Yes, that’s exactly what Andrey wanted to do. But something broke in him, something changed. The road turned out to be long, he got used to the idea of ​​​​the impossibility of returning.

In the end, he burns all his bridges and becomes a deserter, and therefore a criminal. When Andrei found himself near his home, he realized the baseness of his act, realized that something terrible had happened and now he would have to hide from people all his life. It is in this vein that the image of the protagonist is most often interpreted. But it is worth considering that Andrei is still too young to become a heroic person. He had no intention of deserting, but the longing for his relatives, his family, his native village turned out to be the strongest, and the very day that he was not given for vacation becomes fatal.

This story is not only about how a soldier becomes a deserter. It is also about cruelty, the destructive power of war, which kills feelings and desires in a person. If this happens, a person is completely free to become a hero. If not, then the melancholy will usually be stronger. Therefore, Andrei Guskov is not just a traitor, he is a person doomed to death from the very beginning. He is weak, but can you blame him for being weak?

The tragedy of the story is enhanced by the fact that not only Andrei dies in it. Following him, he takes away both his young wife and unborn child. Nastena is a woman who is capable of sacrificing everything so that her loved one remains alive. But, despite her love for him, she still considers her husband to be guilty. Her pain intensifies the possible condemnation of her fellow villagers.

Like her husband, Nastena is a victim of a devastating war. But if Andrei can be blamed, then Nastena is an innocent victim. She is ready to take a blow, the suspicions of loved ones, the condemnation of neighbors, even punishment - all this evokes undeniable sympathy in the reader. “The war delayed Nastena’s happiness, but Nastena believed even during the war that it would come. Peace will come, Andrei will return, and everything that has stopped over these years will move forward again. Nastena couldn’t imagine her life any other way. But Andrei came ahead of time, before the victory, and confused everything, mixed it up, knocked it out of order - Nastena could not help but guess about this. Now I had to think not about happiness - about something else. And it, frightened, moved away somewhere, was eclipsed, obscured - there seemed to be no way for it from there, no hope.” The idea of ​​life is destroyed, and with them life itself. Having lost her support in this whirlpool, Nastena chooses another whirlpool: the river takes the woman to itself, freeing her from any other choice.

Valentin Rasputin, a humanist in essence, in the story “Live and Remember” depicts the inhumane nature of war, which kills even at a great distance.

The main character of the book is Andrei Guskov, “an efficient and brave guy who married Nastya early and lived with her for four years before the war.” But then the Great Empire unceremoniously invades the peaceful life of the Russian people. Patriotic War. Together with the entire male part of the population, Andrei also went to war. Nothing foreshadowed such a strange and incomprehensible situation, and now, as an unexpected blow for Nastena, the news that her husband Andrei Guskov is a traitor. Not every person is given the opportunity to experience such grief and shame. This incident dramatically turns upside down and changes the life of Nastya Guskova. “...Where were you, man, what toys were you playing with when your destiny was assigned? Why did you agree with her? Why, without thinking, did you cut off your wings, just when you need them most, when you need to fly away from trouble, not by crawling, but by flying?” Now she is under the power of her feelings and love. Lost in the depths of village life, women's drama is extracted and shown as a living picture, which is increasingly found against the backdrop of war.

The author claims that Nastena is a victim of war and its laws. She could not act differently, not obeying her feelings and the will of fate. Nastya loves and pities Andrei, but when the shame of human judgment over herself and over her unborn child defeats the power of love for her husband and life, she stepped overboard of the boat in the middle of the Angara, dying between two shores - the shore of her husband and the shore of all Russian people. Rasputin gives readers the right to judge the actions of Andrei and Nastena, to identify for themselves all the good and realize all the bad.

The author himself is a kind writer, inclined to forgive a person rather than condemn, much less condemn mercilessly. He tries to provide his heroes with an opportunity for correction. But there are such phenomena and events that are unbearable for the people around the heroes, and the author does not have the mental strength to comprehend them, but there is only one rejection. Valentin Rasputin, with inexhaustible purity of heart for a Russian writer, shows a resident of our village in the most unexpected situations.

The author compares Nastena’s nobility with Guskov’s wild mind. The example of how Andrei pounces on the calf and bullies it, it is clear that he has lost his human image and has completely moved away from people. Nastya is trying to reason and show her husband’s mistake, but she does it lovingly and does not insist. The author introduces a lot of thoughts about life into his story. We see this especially well when Andrey and Nastya meet. The characters languish in their thoughts not out of melancholy or idleness, but wanting to understand the purpose of human life.

The images described by Rasputin are great and multifaceted. Here is a collective image of grandfather Mikheich and his wife, the conservatively strict Semyonovna, typical of village life. And the image of the soldier Maxim Volozhin, courageous and heroic, sparing no effort, fighting for the Fatherland. The many-sided and contradictory image of a truly Russian woman - Nadya, left alone with three children. It is she who confirms the words of N.A. Nekrasov: “...a Russian share, a woman’s share.” Both life during the war and its happy ending were reflected in the fate of the village of Atamanovka.

Valentin Rasputin, with everything he wrote, convinces us that there is light in a person and it is difficult to extinguish it, no matter what the circumstances. In the heroes of V.G. Rasputin himself has a certain poetic feeling, opposed to the established perception of life. Follow the words of Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin: “Live forever, love forever.”

Other works on this work

The mastery of depicting folk life in one of the works of Russian literature of the 20th century. (V.G. Rasputin. “Live and Remember.”) The story of V. Rasputin "Live and Remember" Why "Live and Remember"? Problems of morality in modern literature

Rich material for comprehension moral issues gives modern literature. Today our conversation is about V.G. Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember.” The story “Live and Remember,” written in 1974, stands out from a number of other works by the writer. Readers were shocked by the brightness, strength, and acuteness of her characters’ experiences. But they explained the meaning of the story in different ways.

With all the drama of Andrei Guskov’s fate, it is not he who occupies the main attention of the author, but Nasten. Her image is larger, it shakes our imagination. If Nastena is emotionally highlighted in the story, therefore, it is with this image that the author associates some deep-seated problems.

The question arises: what did Nastya do that was so extremely important that the writer, for the sake of understanding this, puts her in the foreground of the story, relegating to the background a person of such a terrible fate as Andrei Guskov? - Nastya saves her husband who is in trouble. - She stresses him physically and mentally, helps him survive. - Don't you think that this answer needs clarification? It is very important to fully expose the depicted situation in order to clearly imagine all its drama. The fact is that Andrey is not just a respectable family man, Nastya’s husband, who needs support. He is a man who committed a crime. And here Rasputin poses Nastya, and after her the readers, with the most difficult question: does every person have the right to sympathy? Or, as indicated in the title of the topic of our lesson: is “mercy towards the fallen” always justified? Let's first try to reflect on common-life material, based on our own experience.

At the same time, we must keep in mind that we have the opportunity to be guided in assessing this or that act not only by legal laws (as it should be at a court hearing). We must also take into account moral laws. To do this, it is extremely important to understand the internal motives of Nastena’s actions, to understand the logic of her emotional impulses. What motivates Rasputin's heroine. Perhaps this is a concern for one’s own well-being, that is, motives of an egoistic nature?

Thoughts main character refute such an assumption: “So how can we abandon it now? It is necessary not to have a heart at all, instead of a heart to hold a steel balance, weighing out what is profitable and what is unprofitable. Here from someone else. even if he is thrice unclean, you simply cannot brush him off, but he is yours, dear. If not God, then life itself united them in order to keep them together, no matter what happened, no matter what misfortune befell them. “How to get him out of this trouble. how to live in order to help without making mistakes, without getting confused? Whatever happens to him now, she is responsible”; “Guilty - who says it’s not guilty! - but where can we now get the strength to return him to the place from which he jumped to the wrong place where he was supposed to jump? Nastya's thoughts indicate that, saving Andrey. she is not concerned with selfish interests. There is a deep meaning in her action.

Imagine: there is a cruel, terrible war going on, as they say, not for life, but for death. Streams of blood are flowing in the world. Individual human life is devalued. And under these conditions, somewhere in the Russian outback. in a distant corner of Siberia. a weak, defenseless woman rises for this. in order to protect just one person from death, not physical, but moral, despite the general bitterness. This is a task of incredible complexity. And not only personal. This is a national task. Nastya is well aware of her responsibility to people: “Whether it’s fate or higher than that, but it seemed to Nastya. that she has been noticed. separated from the people." The story repeatedly emphasizes Nastya’s connection with her native, “human” world. What way out of this situation does she see?

- “For so many years Nastya was tied to the village. to home, to work, she knew her place, she took care of herself, because something was attached to her too. pulled together into one whole. And suddenly, all at once, the ropes loosened - they didn’t come off completely, but they weakened.” The most important thing here is the heroine’s awareness that “... she, too, was fastening something, pulling it together into one whole.” This means that Nastena is part of this whole, which can be called folk life. And she is afraid to break it.

For Nastya, life without people is impossible. That is why she is so acutely worried about “breaking ties with the world of people,” because she is in a position between her fellow villagers and Andrei. The meaning of all her actions is an attempt to return Andrei to people. This is confirmed in the text of the story: “My mother said a long time ago: there is no guilt that cannot be forgiven. They're not people, are they? When the war ends, we'll see. Or you can go out to repent, or something else.”

For the sake of saving Andrei, Nastya is ready for any hardship: “Andrei... Maybe we won’t do this, let’s go out? I would go with you anywhere, to whatever penal servitude you want - wherever you go, there I will too...” And how do we find out about the attitude of the second himself towards Nastya? The author does not give direct assessments, but through popular opinion he expresses his attitude towards Nastya and her actions. This is manifested in the ending of the story: “And on the fourth day Nastya washed ashore not far from Karda. They reported to Atamanovka, but Mikheich was dying, and Mishka the farmhand was sent to fetch Nastena. He delivered Nastya back in the boat, and having delivered, he, like a master, intended to bury her in the cemetery of drowned people. The women didn't give it. And they buried Nastya among their own people, just on the edge, near a rickety fence.

"Live and Remember"

The plot of the story by V.G. Rasputin’s “Live and Remember” is reminiscent of a detective story: old man Guskov’s skis, an ax and a self-propelled gabak disappeared from the bathhouse. However, the work itself is written in a completely different genre: it is deep philosophical reflection about the moral foundations of existence, about the power of love. Since the ax disappeared from under the floorboard, Nasten’s daughter-in-law immediately guesses that one of her own took it. A complex range of feelings takes possession of her. On the one hand, she wants to see her husband, whom she sincerely loves. On the other hand, he understands that if he is hiding from people, it means he has deserted from the front, and such a crime is not forgiven in wartime. A number of bright visual and expressive means of V.G. Rasputin shows the depth of Nastena’s experiences.

At first, “she lay in the dark for a long time with with open eyes, afraid to move, so as not to give away her terrible guess to someone,” then she sniffed the air in the bathhouse like an animal, trying to catch familiar smells. She is tormented by a “stubborn horror in her heart.” The portrait of Nastena (long, skinny, with awkwardly protruding arms, legs and head, with frozen pain on her face) shows what moral and physical torment the war brought to the woman. Only her younger sister Katka forced Nastena to show interest in life and look for work. Nastena endured all the hardships steadfastly, learning to remain silent. She considered childlessness to be her greatest misfortune. Her husband Andrei was also worried about this and often beat her.

Rasputin does not try to justify Andrei’s desertion, but seeks to explain it from the position of a hero: he fought for a long time, deserved leave, wanted to see his wife, but the leave he was entitled to after being wounded was canceled. The betrayal that Andrei Guskov commits creeps into his soul gradually. At first he was haunted by the fear of death, which seemed inevitable to him: “If not today, then tomorrow, not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow, when his turn comes.” Guskov survived both wounds and shell shock, experienced tank attacks and ski raids. V.G. Rasputin emphasizes that among the intelligence officers Andrei was considered a reliable comrade. Why did he take the path of betrayal? At first, Andrey just wants to see his family, Nastena, stay at home for a while and return. However, having traveled by train to Irkutsk, Guskov realized that in winter you couldn’t turn around in three days. Andrei remembered the demonstration execution, when in his presence they shot a boy who wanted to run fifty miles away to his village. Guskov understands that you won’t get a pat on the head for going AWOL.

Gradually Andrei began to hate himself. In Irkutsk, he settled for some time with a mute woman, Tanya, although he had absolutely no intention of doing this. A month later, Guskov finally found himself in his native place. However, the hero did not feel joy from the sight of the village. V.G. Rasputin constantly emphasizes that, having committed betrayal, Guskov embarked on the path of the beast. After some time, life, which he valued so much at the front, became no longer pleasant to him. Having committed treason, Andrei cannot respect himself. Mental anguish, nervous tension, the inability to relax for a minute turn him into a hunted animal.

Andrei's betrayal falls fatally on Nastena's shoulders. For a long time she cannot comprehend what has happened: her husband, who came secretly to his native land, seems to her to be a werewolf: “Understanding little, she suddenly realized: is it her husband? Wasn't it a werewolf with her? Can you see it in the dark? And they say they can pretend so that even in broad daylight you can’t tell them apart from the real thing.” Because of Andrey, the woman has to lie and dodge. With touching naivety, Nastena tries to confront cruel reality. It seems to the heroine that she only dreamed of the night meeting with her deserter husband. V.G. shows with fine detail. Rasputin, like Nastena, strives to remove the obsession from himself, to get rid of it like a nightmare. Official religiosity, lost during the years of Soviet power, is still alive in the depths of the consciousness of Russian people. It is her (as the strongest family amulet) that the unfortunate Nastena calls for help: “Not knowing how to place a cross correctly, she haphazardly crossed herself and whispered the words of a long-forgotten prayer that came to mind, left over from childhood.” However, the entire depth of grief and horror of the unfortunate woman, her awareness of the fatal line that Andrei’s betrayal drew between their family and the rest of the world, is embodied by the last phrase of the third part of the story, when Nastena freezes from the treacherous thought: “Wouldn’t it be better if this Was it really just a werewolf?

Nastena begins to help her husband hide and feeds him. She trades food for things. All the worries fell on this woman’s shoulders (about her younger sister, about her elderly in-laws). At the same time, a terrible secret puts a stone wall between Nastena and her fellow villagers: “Alone, completely alone among people: no one to talk to, no one to cry to, everything must be kept to oneself.”

The heroine's tragedy is intensified by the fact that she became pregnant. Having learned about this, Andrei at first rejoices, and then understands what a difficult situation his wife finds herself in: after all, everyone will think that the woman spoiled this child while her husband is fighting at the front. In a difficult conversation on this topic, the symbolically important image of the Angara arises. “You only had one side: people. There, on the right hand of the Angara. And now there are two: people and me. It’s impossible to bring them together: the Angara needs to dry out,” says Andrey Nastene.

During the conversation, it turns out that the heroes once had the same dream: Nastena, in her girlish form, comes to Andrei, who is lying near the birch trees and calls him, telling him that she was tortured with the children.

The description of this dream once again emphasizes the painful intractability of the situation in which Nastena found herself.

Talking about the fate of the heroine, V.G. Rasputin simultaneously sets out his views on life and happiness. They are sometimes expressed by him in aphoristic phrases: “Life is not clothes, you don’t try them on ten times. What you have is all yours, and it’s not good to renounce anything, even the worst.” It’s paradoxical, but, left alone with their common joy and misfortune, the heroes finally found that spiritual closeness, that mutual understanding that was not there when they lived happily as a family before the war.

Having learned about Nastena's pregnancy, her fellow villagers condemn her. Only Andrey's father Mikheich understands with his heart the bitter truth about which he is so stubbornly silent. Tired of shame and eternal fear, she throws herself from the boat into the waters of the Angara River. Plot-story by V.G. Rasputin's “Live and Remember” shows that in difficult moments for the homeland, every person must courageously share its fate, and those who showed cowardice and cowardice will face retribution. They have no future, no right to happiness and procreation.

In addition to the main storyline The story contains interesting author's thoughts about the fate of the village. During the war, the village becomes shallow. The souls of people are hardened by grief. Pain for the fate of the Russian village is a cross-cutting theme in V.G.’s work. Rasputin.

Moral issues of V. Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember”

The story “Money for Maria” brought V. Rasputin wide fame, and subsequent works: “The Last Term”, “Live and Remember”, “Farewell to Matera” - secured his fame as one of best writers modern Russian literature. In his works, moral and philosophical questions about the meaning of life, conscience and honor, and a person’s responsibility for his actions come to the fore. The writer talks about selfishness and betrayal, about the relationship between the personal and the social in the human soul, about the problem of life and death. We will find all these problems in V. Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember.”

War - this terrible and tragic event - has become a certain test for people. After all, it is in such extreme situations that a person shows the true traits of his character.

The main character of the story “Live and Remember,” Andrei Guskov, went to the front at the very beginning of the war. He fought honestly, first in a reconnaissance company, then in a ski battalion, then in a howitzer battery. And while Moscow and Stalingrad were behind him, while it was possible to survive only by fighting the enemy, nothing disturbed Guskov’s soul. Andrei was not a hero, but he did not hide behind his comrades either. He was taken into reconnaissance, he fought like everyone else, and was a good soldier.

Everything changed in Guskov’s life when the end of the war became visible. Andrey again faces the problem of life and death. And the instinct of self-preservation is triggered in him. He began to dream of being wounded in order to gain time. Andrei asks himself the question: “Why should I fight and not others?” Here Rasputin condemns the selfishness and individualism of Guskov, who at such a difficult moment for his homeland showed weakness, cowardice, betrayed his comrades, and was afraid.

The main character of Rasputin's story “Live and Remember” is similar to another literary character- Rodion Raskolnikov, who asked himself: “Am I a trembling creature or do I have the right?” Rasputin touches on the problem of personal and social in the soul of Andrei Guskov. Does a person have the right to put his interests above the interests of the people and the state? Does a person have the right to step over centuries-old moral values? Of course not.

Another problem that worries Rasputin is the problem of human destiny. What prompted Guskov to flee to the rear - the official’s fatal mistake or the weakness that he gave in his soul? Maybe if Andrei had not been wounded, he would have overcome himself and reached Berlin? But Rasputin makes his hero decide to retreat. Guskov is offended by the war: it tore him away from his loved ones, from his home, from his family; she puts him in mortal danger every time. Deep down, he understands that desertion is a deliberately false step. He hopes that the train he is traveling on will be stopped and his documents checked. Rasputin writes: “In war, a person is not free to dispose of himself, but he did.”

The perfect act does not bring relief to Guskov. He, like Raskolnikov after the murder, must now hide from people, he is tormented by pangs of conscience. “Now all my days are dark,” says Andrei Nastena.

The image of Nastena is central to the story. She is the literary successor to Sholokhov’s Ilyinichna from “ Quiet Don" Nastena combines the features of a rural righteous woman: kindness, a sense of responsibility for the fate of other people, mercy, faith in people. The problem of humanism and forgiveness is inextricably linked with her bright image.

Nastena found the strength to feel sorry for Andrei and help him. She felt in her heart that he was nearby. It was a difficult step for her: she had to lie, cheat, dodge, and live in constant fear. Nastena already felt that she was moving away from her fellow villagers, becoming a stranger. But for the sake of her husband, she chooses this path for herself, because she loves him and wants to be with him.

The war changed a lot in the souls of the main characters. They realized that all their quarrels and distance from each other in peaceful life were simply absurd. The hope for a new life warmed them in difficult times. The secret separated them from people, but brought them closer to each other. The test brought out the best of them human qualities.

Driven by the knowledge that they will not be together for long, with new strength Andrey and Nastena's love flared up. Perhaps these were the happiest days of their lives. Home, family, love - this is where Rasputin sees happiness. But a different fate was prepared for his heroes.

Nastena believes that “there is no guilt that cannot be forgiven.” She hopes that Andrei will be able to go out to people and repent. But he does not find the strength to do such an act. Only from a distance does Guskov look at his father and does not dare to show himself to him.

Not only does Guskov’s act put an end to his fate and Nastena’s fate, but Andrei did not spare his parents either. Perhaps their only hope was that their son would return from the war as a hero. What was it like for them to find out that their son was a traitor and deserter! What a shame this is for old people!

For determination and kindness, God sends Nastya a long-awaited child. And here the most main problem story: does a deserter’s child have the right to be born? In the story “Shibalkovo Seed” Sholokhov already raised a similar question, and the machine gunner persuaded the Red Army soldiers to leave his son alive. The news about the child became the only meaning for Andrei. Now he knew that the thread of life would stretch further, that his lineage would not end. He says to Nastena: “When you give birth, I will justify myself, this is the last chance for me.” But Rasputin breaks the hero’s dreams, and Nastena dies along with the child. Perhaps this is the most terrible punishment for Guskov.

The main idea of ​​V. Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember” is a person’s moral responsibility for his actions. Using the example of Andrei Guskov’s life, the author shows how easy it is to stumble, show weakness and make an irreparable mistake. The writer does not accept any of Guskov’s explanations, because other people who also had families and children died in the war. You can forgive Nastena, who took pity on her husband and took his guilt upon herself, but there is no forgiveness for a deserter and traitor. Nastena’s words: “Live and remember” will pound in Guskov’s inflamed brain for the rest of his life. This call is addressed both to the residents of Atamanovka and to all people. Immorality breeds tragedy.

Everyone who reads this book should live and remember what not to do. Everyone must understand how wonderful life is, and never forget at the cost of how many deaths and distorted destinies the victory was won. Each work of V. Rasputin is always a step forward in the spiritual development of society. A work such as the story “Live and Remember” is a barrier to immoral acts. It’s good that we have writers like V. Rasputin. Their creativity will help people not to lose moral values.

Today at school we met interesting work Rasputin, which bears the no less interesting name Live and Remember. To whom exactly does the author address this title, who should live and what should be remembered? We learn about this when we read the work of a prose writer.

Rasputin's story Live and Remember is a story about a man who could not stand the test of war and became a deserter, violating his military duty. Is the hero to blame for this? It’s not for us to judge, because who knows what we would have done in this situation, but for now, let’s make the works Live and Remember.

Live and remember a brief analysis of the work

Andrey Guskov is a brave young, hard-working man. He got married and, like all people, lived in labor and family worries. He lived until disaster came to the country in the form of the Great Patriotic War.

The guy had to go with everyone to the front. He fought and did not rush forward, but he never hid behind anyone’s back. Shortly before its end, the guy was wounded. This is where the whole tragedy begins, because in the military hospital he was not allowed to go home on leave for several days. And he really wanted to see his family and friends. For some reason, right now he was thinking about death and the fact that he might be living his last days.

He wanted to see his wife so much, he wanted to ask for forgiveness for all the bad things he had done to her. This desire was so strong that in Rasputin’s story he decides to go home without permission, and only on the road does he realize his betrayal towards the Motherland and the people. Close to home, he understands what desertion threatens him with, but there is no turning back. Now he has to hide and live on the run. The worst thing is that his desertion also affects the innocent Nastya, his wife.

Andrey, having met his wife, persuades her to help him sit out in the forest and she agrees. The girl understands that desertion is bad, that her husband is a traitor, that victory in the war is now not their victory. Nastya brings food to her husband, brings gunpowder, but at the same time it is excruciatingly painful for her to realize her actions. She doomed herself to a life of shame and deception. She has to simultaneously share the fate and difficulties of the war period with her fellow villagers and at the same time has to hide the deserter.

Nastya secretly meets with her husband. These encounters are both wonderful and terrible. Beautiful because your loved one is nearby. Their love grows every day. But everything else is terrible, betrayal, deception, and then there’s the news of pregnancy. They have been waiting for this child for so long, but how to tell this good news? What to do when her husband is at the front for everyone?

Nastya can’t live a full life, she doesn’t have fun with her friends, she can’t really cry anymore. And there is no joy from motherhood, just as there is no joy from love. Somehow everything is stolen now. Stolen love, stolen motherhood, stolen life. It’s scary to live, it’s a shame to live, so Nastya jumps into the water, dooming herself and her unborn child to death, fleeing the people’s court.

Valentin Rasputin seems to be punishing the hero for his action, taking away his loved ones and dear people. Live and remember how you fought back in difficult times for the country. Live and remember what it led to. With his story, the author addresses us, as if he is telling us and pointing out to us that it is impossible to live normally further, being apart from the fate of an entire people.

Sections: Literature


  1. Create conditions for improving the skills and abilities of text analysis, understanding the main idea of ​​a work, and developing the ability to see its artistic features.
  2. To evoke in children thinking about what they read, a spiritual response and a sense of human responsibility for their choice.
  3. Contribute to the training of schoolchildren to work with different types information, build communication with text.

Lesson progress

I. Teacher's opening speech.

Not the one from fairy tales, not the one from the cradle,
Not the one that was taught in textbooks,
And the one that glowed in the inflamed eyes,
And the one who cried, I remembered the Motherland.
And I see her on the eve of victory
Not stone, bronze, crowned with glory,
And the eyes of the one who cried, walking through troubles,
A Russian woman who bore everything, endured everything.
K. Simonov

Today we are talking about war. It's always difficult to talk about her.

During the war, about 27 million people died in the USSR, 40% were civilians who died in concentration camps, and according to unofficial data, losses amounted to more than 40 million people.

Terrible numbers; there was not a family in the country that did not suffer during the war. This huge fiery wheel passed through destinies and crippled the souls of people. Sometimes serious offenses were committed, but many were forgiven. Can everything be justified by war?

Today we will try to solve this problem: “Will the war write off everything?..” using the example of Valentin Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember.”

Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin was born in 1937. A modern Russian writer, a native Siberian, has always lived and lives in his homeland, writes about those who are nearby, whom he knows and loves. His work has been awarded many state awards and literary prizes. For the story “Live and Remember,” published in 1974, he was awarded the State Prize.

The plot of this story was based on childhood memories: “I remember how a deserter was discovered not far from our village. He hid for a long time, lived away from human habitation. He became embittered, killed a calf, and stole something from someone. I remember how they led an overgrown man through the whole village, scary person. This childhood impression was deposited in my memory and many years later the seed of the plot hatched.”

II. Analysis of the story.

Teacher: Briefly retell the content.

Teacher: We will talk about Andrei Guskov.

Is the illustration successful? How did the artist manage to convey the hero’s state?

– His pose (he turned his back), hunched figure, uncut hair indicate that this person is afraid of something, he has something to hide.

Teacher: So, Andrei commits a crime. Can we so unconditionally call him a criminal? How did he fight, how was he treated? Opinions will be different, so to answer this question we divide into two groups, one defends, the other accuses.

Teacher: But instead of going to the front, he decides to go home. How did he walk, with what feelings?

“He had nothing to say even to himself. He somehow suddenly became disgusted with himself, hated himself. He was now an unknown person. Everything in him shifted, turned over, hung in the air.” Along the way he hid, was cautious, and constantly looked around.

Teacher: How did you feel when you got there?

– I didn’t feel any feelings. Wasn't able to test it. In his bath he fell like a dead man.

Teacher: Andrey establishes a connection with his wife, who is trying to bring him back to people. How does he explain his reluctance to go out to people and repent?

- Taking care of relatives, so as not to point fingers. I don't want to spoil the child.

Teacher: For whom does Andrei come up with these excuses, who does he want to reassure?

- Myself. After all, in order to go out to people, you need to commit an act, which Andrei was incapable of.

Teacher: He opposes himself to the rest of the world, gradually losing his human qualities. Let's find examples of this contrast.

– He starts doing dirty tricks on people (he steals fish, rolls a tree stump onto the road, wants to set fire to the mill). They may not see him, but they suspect that he exists.

Teacher: What does he feel when he secretly watches the village, his father?

“I got sick there, suffered, and was ready to give anything to get even a glimpse of my Atamanovka. But here I come – and my soul is empty.” “He had to come here in order to make sure in reality, up close, that he would never be in his own home, not talk to his father and mother, now he understood that he had no way to come here.”

Teacher: The connection with his fellow villagers is broken, he walks along the land where he once worked, hoping that the land will remember him. Does nature accept it?

- No. He violated not only moral laws, but also the laws of nature. It destroys nature itself and encroaches on its main incentive - the continuation of life on earth.

Teacher: The story contains two scenes of killing animals in chapters 8 and 15. How does Andrei behave in scenes of killing animals? (read out)

– He doesn’t finish off the goat, he watches her die. He looked into the animal’s eyes, wanting to see death approaching there, but he saw his reflection. For this animal, he was that very death.

And he kills the calf on May 1st, not because there was nothing to eat, but out of anger at people, wanting to annoy those who can live and have fun openly, without hiding from anyone. And this anger in a person turns into rage, he becomes against nature.

Teacher: Compare how a person and an animal behave in this episode?

- “Guskov went completely wild,” “the cow screamed.” An animal behaves like a human, and a human behaves like an animal. It is also noteworthy that at the beginning of the episode the author calls the hero by his first name, then by his last name, and at the moment of the murder itself, just a man. Rasputin takes away from him the most important accessory of a person - his name, believing that Guskov is not worthy of it.

Teacher: The author uses the technique of dehumanizing the hero, that is, depriving him of the qualities of a person. We proved that the person inside Andrei Guskov died. Depicting the internal dehumanization of the hero, the author also shows external changes. Let's see how Andrei Guskov's appearance changed.

III. Work according to the table.

Andrey GuskovDehumanization of the hero

Chapter 2 Strong, hard hands, hoarse, rusty voice. She could not see the face, only something large and shaggy vaguely blackened in front of her.
Chapter 6 Finally, Nastena could see him: the same gnarled figure, slightly turned to the right, and the same wide, Asian-style flattened snub-nosed face, overgrown with a black, tattered beard. The deep-set eyes looked defiantly and tenaciously.
He is a familiar, close, dear person to Nastya, and yet a stranger, incomprehensible.
- You are wonderful with that beard. Like a goblin.
- I'll shave it off. Although no, I won’t. So as not to be like yourself. It's better than hell.
Chapter 8 One day I saw a wolf who began to come to the winter hut and howl. Guskov, wanting to scare away the beast, opened the door slightly, and in anger, mimicking it, answered it with his howl. He answered and was amazed: his voice came so close to that of a wolf. ...Guskov, having realized to put pressure on his throat and throw back his head, removed the extra hoarseness from his voice and learned to keep it high and clear. In the end, the wolf could not stand it and retreated from the winter hut.
Chapter 10 The wall constantly imagined substitution, deception. It seemed to her that she herself was covered with disgusting animal fur.
Chapter 13 You can't truly feel like an animal until you see that pets exist.
Chapter 15 He now slept fitfully. Moonlit nights began to bother him. And the brighter the moon shone, the more restless - the more suffocating he felt... Guskov froze like an animal, sensitively responding to every sound. He learned to penetrate into places where access to humans is prohibited.
He walked and sniffed, peered, looked around, guarded his step, skirted open places, hid. At such moments, his memory seemed to be clouded, he refused to believe that he had been at war, lived among people, but it seemed that he had always been wandering around alone, having neither home nor business.
Chapter 18 His face became very sharp and dry. The eyes froze and looked from the depths with intent anguish. The beard no longer seemed black, but dirty piebald. He held his head forward, as if constantly peering or listening to something. The hair on his head had recently been picked up and cut to the touch; it hung in uneven clumps. What frightened Nastena the most was her eyes: they had changed so much since the last meeting, they were so filled with melancholy, they had lost all expression except attention.
His voice broke: he generally often broke down, now becoming inappropriately stern, now pitiful, almost crying - either from constant silence, or from loneliness, or from something else. And, seeing again in front of him Andrei’s sagging and ugly overgrown, mossy face, his sunken eyes, sharp and exhausted by suffering, his half-bent, wary figure in dirty clothes; Finding herself after the rain in a damp, dark winter hut with the bitter smell of stale, stifled air - seeing and feeling all this, Nastena shuddered.

Teacher: He becomes more than just a beast. What feeling does not leave Nastena from the very first meeting?

- That this is a werewolf. It is no coincidence that Rasputin chooses for Guskov the guise of a wolf, which he becomes like. But the wolf is still part of nature. In Rus', evil spirits were often called undead. If you break this word, you get NOT TO LIVE.

Andrey Guskov is someone who can’t live with people.

Teacher: And who is to blame for this situation? Whom does Andrei blame?

– For Andrey there are two culprits – war and fate. He is not ready, does not want to take responsibility for his actions, and hides behind them. “It’s all war, it’s all damned!” “Andrei understood: his fate had turned into a dead end, from which there was no way out. And the fact that there was no turning back freed him from unnecessary thoughts.” He does not think about the suffering he brings to his family.

Teacher: What do we know about his family?

“Father Mikheich is kind, gentle, and always supported Nastena.

Teacher: What feature in his middle name might indicate his character?

- All consonants are soft.

Teacher: How does he behave after his guess about the return of his son?

– I felt the closeness of my son, moved away from people, feeling guilty for his action.

Teacher: Did the mother feel the closeness of her son? Why?

– Semyonovna did not feel her son’s proximity. Perhaps this is the blind one mother's love– she didn’t even allow the thought that her son would return differently than a hero.

Teacher: So, Andrei opposed himself to everyone: fellow villagers, nature, relatives. The only link that connected him to this world was Nastena.

Reading the story, you understand that it was not written for Andrei’s sake, but for Nastena’s sake. In order to show how a person changes under the influence of difficult moral experiences that befall him. What do we know about Nastena’s fate?

Teacher: Look at the illustration. This is the first meeting of the heroes. Does Nastena doubt whether to help or not help Andrey? Could she send him away now? Why?

Teacher: What does Nastena understand? How will she have to live now?

– She is determined, she will help, she does not separate her fate from her husband’s, but she will have to lie, be cunning, and dodge.

Teacher: What feelings does she have for Andrey?

– I loved, pitying, and regretted, loving. These are two feelings that guide a Russian woman through life. I was only thinking about where to get the strength that would help return him to his place.

Teacher: Where did Nastena get her strength anyway? Where does this moral fortitude and devotion come from?

- Everything from childhood. It is there that character is strengthened and a person is formed. Nastena and Andrey had different childhoods, and their personalities turned out to be different.

Teacher: Now we need to say a few words about the composition. Did you notice anything while reading?

– V. Rasputin has a special compositional structure – a mirror arrangement of chapters. Similar episodes are repeated after some time.

– Repetition allows you to look more closely at inner world heroes, to see how the state and consciousness of the characters changes.

Teacher: Finding out the reasons for the actions of the heroes, the author takes us to childhood, to where personality is formed. And then events begin to develop rapidly, and the author leads us to a tragic ending. Events are repeated, but the heroes are different.

Teacher: Look at the illustration. How has Nastena changed?

– Tired, old and terribly lonely.

Teacher: She feels lonely even among people. There are two mass scenes in the story that prove this (the return of Maxim Vologzhin and the day the war ended). Let's see how Nastena felt when she was among people?

– She feels lonely, believes that she is unworthy to be with everyone. She is forced to prove to herself that she has the right to rejoice with everyone, that she deserves this holiday.

Teacher: But there is no limit to human suffering. Fate sends her another test - an unborn child. Why this test?

Teacher: And then a simple and evil thought comes to her: “I wish it would end soon. Any ending is better than this life.” But she had hope for the help of nature. What time in the life of the village was Nastena looking forward to?

- It's haymaking time. This is the time when all people are together, and not only the unity of people is felt, but also the unity with nature. After all, she always helped Nastya.

Teacher: Let's remember the description of nature in chapters 10 and 19. Why such a gloomy landscape?

– Nature is trying to stop her, detain her.

Teacher: But Nastena never waited for haymaking. She understands that Andrei was tracked down and tries to warn him. With what feelings does she set off on this final journey?

“I was ashamed in front of Andrei, in front of people, in front of myself. She's tired. Nastena asks herself questions to which there is no answer.

Teacher: Imagine night, silence, the river is shimmering and on this moonlit path there is a lonely woman in a boat. So she gets up, hangs over the edge, and the silence is broken by a cry: “Nastena, stop, don’t you dare, Nastena!” And we understand that this is not only the cry of Maxim Vologzhin, it is the cry of the author himself.

V. Rasputin wrote: “I am inclined to accept Nastena’s death not as a victory of evil, but as a severe test of the moral law, when they demand from him: “Give up,” and through tears and torment he: “I can’t.”

Teacher: Why did Nastena decide to commit suicide?

– A high degree of self-sacrifice led her to a dead end from which she found no other way out.

Teacher: Do you think that if Andrei decided to act, if he came out to people, would they forgive him?

“They forgive Nastya, and he would be forgiven.”

Teacher: Were there details in the text that would have told us such an ending to Nastena’s life, such a death?

– I was afraid of water, a cemetery for drowned people. These are symbols, hints from the author.

Teacher: Are there any other symbolic details and what meaning do they carry?

– Working with symbols (winter hut and house, Hangar, clock, axe, cave).

Teacher: Such a detail as the ax does not take us to another era, to another author?

– F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".

Teacher: What's in common?

– The motive for the crime, opposing oneself to people, the characters of the main characters, but the ending is different.

- This would elevate him, remove some of the guilt, turn cowardice into delusion. But in this case he would be the main character, and the story is not about him.

The author’s main task is to show the highest degree of responsibility for one’s life to oneself and people, the strength of the human spirit in the image of Nastena. The measure of Guskov’s moral decline allows us to identify and highlight Nastena’s high spirituality.

IV. Working with the diagram.

Together with Nastena, the reader comprehends a higher system of values. And the title is addressed not to Andrei Guskov, but to all readers. V. Rasputin addresses the people: “Live and remember, man, in trouble, in grief, in the most difficult days of trials, your place is next to your people, any apostasy, whether caused by your weakness, or misunderstanding, turns into even greater grief for your homeland , people, and therefore, for you too..."

Teacher: Answering the question posed in the title of the topic, what can we say?

– War will write off a lot, but there are higher moral laws that no one has the right to transgress and it is impossible to justify such actions.

V. Reflection.

Teacher: Returning to the epigraph, tell me, with what feelings did you go to class, and what changed when we visited the very edge of human life?

The main lesson we must learn is the realization that sometimes the price of an action can be a human life.

VI. Lesson summary.

Homework: written work: “My attitude towards...” (express your thoughts that you could not express in class).