The night before Christmas Gogol mythological semantics of the plot. N.V.

Literature lesson. "Christmas Eve". Heroes of the story. Mythical images and their role in the work.


    continue getting acquainted with the story by N.V. Gogol's "The Night Before Christmas", its heroes, mythical characters, show their role in the work;

    develop thinking, speech, and the ability to creatively perceive text;

    cultivate a caring attitude towards cultural heritage, love of literature, artistic expression.

During the classes

    Organizational stage


    Workbook, task 48*.

Which of the characters in the story can be considered an evil spirit? How do they differ from traditional representatives of evil spirits?

    Workbook, task 46.

Find out the characters in the story by their descriptions.

    “A lean, tall man in a short sheepskin coat with an overgrown beard,

showing that a fragment of a scythe, which men usually use to shave their beards for lack of a razor, had not touched her for more than two weeks.”

    “She sat down on the bench and looked in the mirror again and began to adjust her

your head with your braids. She looked at the neck, at the new shirt, embroidered with silk, and subtle self-satisfaction was expressed on the lips, on the fresh cheeks and shone in the eyes.”

    “She was neither good-looking nor bad-looking. It's hard to be good in times like these

of the year. However, she knew how to charm the most sedate Cossacks and knew how to skillfully deal with them.”

    “Despite his small stature, he was quite weighty in width. Moreover

The trousers he wore were so wide that, no matter how big a step he took, his legs were completely invisible, and it seemed as if the distillery was moving down the street.”

    “He saw a woman standing in front of him, somewhat portly, powdered, with blue eyes, and at the same time a majestic smiling look, who was so able to conquer everything...” Formation of new concepts and methods of action.

    Workbook, task 49.

    Previously, it happened that I could bend and straighten a copper coin and a horse’s shoe in one hand; and now I won’t lift bags of coal

    Formation of new concepts and methods of action.

    Workbook, task 49.

To which of the characters in the story do these lines belong?

    Go away, your hands are tougher than iron. And you yourself smell of smoke. I

I think I got all covered in soot.

    Previously, it happened that I could bend and straighten a copper penny in one hand and

horse shoe; and now I won’t lift bags of coal.

    I am your friend, I will do everything for a comrade and friend. I'll give you how much money

“want it,” he squeaked into his left ear. - Oksana will be ours today.

    His Serene Highness promised to introduce me today to my people, whom I

I haven't seen it yet.

    It's me, a good man! I came to you for fun to carol a little before



    Which character personifies goodness in the story?

    Name the heroes who embody evil? Mediators between good and evil?

    Which features in the description of the trait are characteristic of a mythological character, and which were added by the author? Is the evil spirit portrayed in the story as scary?

Rather, she is portrayed with humor. Sometimes the devil even seems pitiful. Solokha looks like a flighty, cunning woman, sharp-witted and attractive, which arouses the envy and gossip of the village gossips. Patsyuk also does not make an intimidating impression. He is lazy, gluttonous, although not stupid. Knows all the devils and has the reputation of a healer. Acts as an intermediary between Vakula and the devil.

    How the devil and the witch try to harm" good people"? Why can't they do this?

    Which of the heroes exorcises evil spirits outside the farmstead and from the souls of the heroes?

    Why does Chub leave home on Christmas night?

He is invited to the clerk for kutya.

    Who is trying to stop his plans and why?

The devil steals the month and causes a blizzard so that Chub does not go anywhere, but sits at home and watches over his daughter Oksana. The devil really wanted to annoy Vakula by preventing him from meeting his beloved girl.

    Why does Chub still leave home? What traits of his character appear in this?

It was unpleasant for Chub to leave home on such a night, but he acted in defiance of his godfather, who suggested staying at home. Chuba seemed to be compelled by something to go against it. This shows Chub’s stubbornness and self-will.

    Why did Solokha quarrel between her son Vakula and Chub?

She wanted to marry Chub and take over his farm. If Vakula had married Chub's daughter Oksana, her plans could not have come true.

    What role does the blizzard play in Chub’s fate?

The snowstorm that the devil created confused Chub, clouded his eyes, confused the road and led to Solokha’s house instead of the clerk’s house.

    How does Chub behave after getting out of the bag? Why?

Chub pretends that he deliberately pranked his godfather by climbing into the bag. And only when the clerk was pulled out of the bag, he was amazed and decided that Solokha “had 2 people in each bag.”

    What happened to Solokha's boyfriends? Why did Chub and the head start talking about the weather and boots?

Chub and the head were confused, they did not expect to see each other. Both found themselves in a stupid position that did not correspond to their authority.

    What significance did the incident with the bags have for the fate of Oksana and Vakula?

Chub became convinced of Solokha’s frivolity, and it became impossible for him to marry her.

    Application. Formation of skills and abilities.

    Determine who these descriptions are talking about.

    The narrow muzzle, which constantly twirled and sniffed at everything it came across, ended in a round spot, and the legs were thin. A sharp and long tail hung behind him. He had a goat beard under his muzzle and small horns on his head.

    Along with the smoke from the chimney, she rose astride her broom. She rose so high that only a black speck flashed above. Soon she had a full sleeve of stars.

    Work with text.

What words in these sentences are used figuratively? What is a metaphor?

    The snow caught fire in a wide silver field and was sprinkled with crystal stars;

    My cheeks are burning from the cold.

    Ethan information about homework

    Find examples of the comic in the story (humor, irony).

    Prepare a retelling of the episode “Vakula in the Palace.”

    Ethan of reflection

05.01.2015 4538 645 Makusheva Elena Gennadievna

Goals: educational: generalization and systematization of material about N.V. Gogol and his work “The Night Before Christmas”; develop the ability to characterize literary characters, conduct independent research of the text, develop in students the ability to analyze and summarize the text they read;

developmental: development of speech, formation of artistic skills, help students penetrate into the world of N.V. Gogol using the example of the story being studied; teach skills of working in groups, defending your mini-project;

educational: instilling interest in literature; create a situation of success.

Equipment: illustrations for the story, presentation of the lesson in Microsoft Power Point 2007 format, text of the story,

writing on the board:"The Night Before Christmas" has the full picture

the home life of the people, their little joys,

his little sorrows - in a word, here is the whole poetry of his life.”

(V.G. Belinsky.)

During the classes:

1.Organizing moment. Announcement of the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation.

· - Psychological attitude.

2. The teacher's word.

Good afternoon guys! Today we will continue our study of N.V. Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas.” The topic of our lesson: Heroes of the story. Mythical images and their role in the work. Poeticization of fidelity and selfless love.

You will continue the work you started in groups, tell us about the hero you chose for analysis, i.e. give him a description. And, of course, you and I will continue to enjoy the amazing world of Gogol’s prose, a world in which reality and fantasy are miraculously intertwined. The result of our work will be an express newspaper, which you will publish by the end of the lesson.

You remember that in this book the Ukrainian people, the bearer of noble and high aspirations, with its past and present, original and colorful speech, sprinkled with proverbs and sayings, appeared before the reader. It is no coincidence that many critics and writers admired the extraordinary colorfulness of Gogol’s style.

You can be convinced of this if you immerse yourself in the text of the story “The Night Before Christmas”, about which the critic V.G. Belinsky wrote: “The Night Before Christmas” is a complete picture of the home life of the people, their little joys, their little sorrows - in a word, here all the poetry of his life."

3.Work on the topic of the lesson.

3.1. Conversation.

What do we know about the life of the great Russian writer N.V. Gogol?

What book did we meet? - How many stories are included in it?

What have we learned about the life of the Ukrainian people? - What character traits are inherent in Ukrainians?

List the household items.

3.2. Conversation on the content of the first pages of the story.

-What is said at the beginning of the story? What beauty does the writer plunge us into?

· (The work begins with a description of the winter landscape. The night before the great Christian holiday - the Birth of Jesus Christ)

– What fantastic features does the landscape have?

· (The landscape is animated: “The stars looked out”, “The month majestically rose into the sky to dedicate to good people and the whole world...”, “the month... looked in”).

– Who is disturbing this beauty and why?

· (This silence and beauty is disturbed by evil forces - the devil, the witch. They behave most actively, boldly, try to harm good people, because they have only one night left to wander in this world.)

- So we met the heroes of the story - the devil and the witch. Look at the board and remember what they look like (slides).

-What does a witch do?

· (The witch rises to the sky on her broom and collects stars in her sleeve).

-What is the devil doing? (The devil steals the month).

v View the presentation

· Who are the main characters of the story? (Oksana and Vakula)

· What are they? Let's find descriptions of the characters' character traits in the text.

v Working with text.

3.3. Creation of clusters (work in groups).

Now let's move on to the next part of our lesson. Take the leaves and markers that lie in front of you. Let's make clusters based on the heroes of the story.

v 3.4. Physical education minute.

Let's stop our work and have a little rest. Stand up please. Now we will do several exercises.

1st exercise- stretching. Imagine yourself as the devil. You need to collect as many stars as possible. We take out a star directly above us, to the left, to the right (3 times)

Next exercise- walking in place. You are Chub and godfather, walking through the winter farm to visit Solokha. So, let's start...

Exercise 3- breathing exercises. A strong wind blew. Let's exhale. The wind began to lift snow. Nothing became visible. We closed our eyes. They opened it.

Exercise 4 – squat. Finally you found yourself in Solokha’s house. But someone is constantly knocking on the door of her hut. Solokha is forced to hide you in a bag. And for this you need to sit down. So, we do 10 squats.

3.5.Work on literary theory.

Teacher: Guys! When Pushkin read “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka,” he said: “What a delight these fairy tales are!”

v What fairy tale elements are found in the story?

1) The devil stole the month; 2) Vakula flies on the devil; 3) The queen gave her boots.

v What words are used figuratively?

– The snow caught fire in a wide silver field and was sprinkled with crystal stars;

- My cheeks are burning from the cold.

3.6. Folk traditions.

– What Ukrainian religious holiday does Gogol describe? Answer : Christmas.

– What rituals did you learn about? 1. Caroling. (Masquerade). 2. Post. Hungry Kutya.

– What did you learn about the post?

Answer: You can only eat lean foods. You should not eat meat, sour cream or other fatty foods.

– Yes, the Russian and Ukrainian peoples cannot eat food of animal origin during fasting in order to cleanse the body. And abstinence and prayers cleanse the soul.

Teacher: Guys, we met characteristic features Gogol's heroes, who characterize the typical features of the Ukrainian people.

– What features, in your opinion, are characteristic of our people? this is: hospitality, respect for all nationalities and religions.

Yes, guys, for every nation in the world there are typical characteristics that are described by writers in their works.

Guys, the epigraph of today’s cooperation with you will be the statement of the famous writer XIX V. V.G. Belinsky “...a whole, complete picture of the home life of the people, their little joys, their little sorrows, in a word, here is the whole poetry of their life.”

4. Reflection.

4.1. Quiz.

Let's check if you managed to immerse yourself in the text of the story and turn out to be observant readers.

(The class is divided into two groups)

Representatives of each team take turns going to the board and removing three stars. On each star is the number of the question that the team has to answer.

v So, the first command...

1) What was the name of the village where Gogol’s character Vakula lived? (Dikanka)

2) How was the witch Solokha related to the blacksmith Vakula? (Mother)

3) what was Vakula’s profession from the story “Night....”? (Blacksmith)

4) Name " vehicle» by blacksmith Vakula on a flight to St. Petersburg. (Crap)

5) What is the name of Oksana’s father in Gogol’s story “Night...”? (Corny Chub)

6) An official for whom the blacksmith Vakula painted a plank fence in Poltava. (Centurion)

7) A household item in which goods were stored. (Box)

8) What did the devil hide in his pocket? (Month)

9) The man who was the second to visit Solokha. (Secretary)

10) Why did Vakula go to the queen? (Behind the slippers)

11) Songs that were sung on Christmas Eve (Carols)

12) What does the expression “build chickens” mean? (Care)

-Well done!

4.2.Guess the hero.

V.G. Belinsky noted: “Gogol does not write, but draws; his images breathe the colors of reality. You see and hear them."

v Therefore, I think you can easily recognize the heroes of the story by their description.

1) In front he was completely German, in the back he was a real provincial lawyer in a uniform... Narrow muzzle, thin legs. (Crap)

2) A lean, tall man with an overgrown beard in a short sheepskin coat. (Kum)

3) A fresh, childlike face with shiny black eyes and an inexpressibly pleasant smile. (Oksana)

4) She was neither good-looking nor bad-looking. However, she knew how to charm the most sedate Cossacks (Solokha)

5) Crafty, with thin fingers, his other half made the narrowest of his thick braids (Secretary)

6) Despite his small height, he was quite weighty in width (Patsyuk)

Download material

See the downloadable file for the full text of the material.
The page contains only a fragment of the material.

Topic: “N. V. Gogol. "Christmas Eve". Heroes of the story. Mythical images and their role in the work."

Target: Development of skills of collection, analysis, synthesis, generalization, evaluation, skills

collaborative work, moral qualities in the process

formation of students’ knowledge on the heroes of the story, mythical images and their role

in the work of N.V. Gogol “The Night Before Christmas”.

Predicted result. Know the basic concepts on the topic being studied. Be able to

apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Lesson type: studying.

Lesson type: non-standard.

Equipment, incl. benefits: ICT, presentation, posters, markers, stickers, text


Methods: explanatory-illustrative, activity-based, verbal, search,

information and communication.

During the classes.

I . Org moment.

    Preparing students for work in the classroom. Creating a collaborative environment. Warm up. “What quality, in your opinion, is the most important in a person’s character?”

    Division into MG using candies.

    Challenge: What will we talk about in class? Slide number 1

    Setting the topic and goals of the lesson for students.

Today our lesson is dedicated to the work of N.V. Gogol “The Night Before Christmas” from the collection “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. We will talk to you about the heroes of the story, about N.V. Gogol’s use of mythical images and their role in the work.

    Students record the date and topic of the lesson. Slide number 2

II . Preparing students for the main stage of the lesson. Slide number 3 (Splash screen)

1. Exercise "Envelopes". Questions are given to the groups. Each group specifies

the rest have their own question. Listens to answers and adds. Slide No. 4-9

What do you know about the Christian holiday of the Nativity of Christ?

What is the name of the evening before Christmas?

What do Orthodox Christians do on Christmas night?

What symbol does the star worn by Orthodox Christians during caroling carry?

What is a carol?

How are Christianity and paganism related?

What is science fiction in your opinion?

What is reality in your opinion?

What creatures belong to lower mythology?

Define the term “mythologem.”

2. Mutual assessment.

III . The main stage of the lesson. Slide number 10

Teacher's word. Name the heroes of the work. Which ones are mythological creatures and which ones are real? Slide number 11

1. MG assignment. Display on the poster everything you know about the character: Vakula,

Oksana, Chuba, Chert, Solokha. Analysis of character images. Slide number 12

2. Protecting student posters at the blackboard.

3. Mutual assessment.

4. Preliminary task. Write a short essay on

images of heroes. “Do you like the hero and why?” Defense of their works by students

5. Mutual assessment.

What is the attitude of the villagers towards otherworldly forces? Slide number 13

Why did the devil on this particular night have to “teach good people the sins”? Which of the character images can be called the main ones? How do representatives of the forces of evil influence the fate of the main characters? Slide number 14

IV. Consolidation of acquired knowledge.

    "Who is faster?" Slide number 15

Using these illustrations, find their representation in the text.

Is it possible to draw a conclusion about the internal

rebirth of the heroine.

    Group assignment. Characterize the two opposite heroes according to the “Diamond - Diamond” strategy.

1. Vakula

2. Kind, pious

3. Works, loves, travels, hates, gets in the way

4. Evil, treacherous

3. Game "Journey through the pages of the work." Slide No. 16-25

Questions and answers

List of questions:

What was the name of the village where Gogol’s character Vakula lived?

How was the witch Solokha related to the blacksmith Vakula?

Name the “vehicle” of the blacksmith Vakula when flying to St. Petersburg.

What is the name of Oksana's father in Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas"?

How many characters from the story “The Night Before Christmas” ended up in bags in the house?

Which queen in N.V. Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas” bestowed on Vakula


Who stole the month and why?

Why did the devil take revenge on the blacksmith?

What did the witch collect in her sleeve on the night before Christmas?

How can you tame the devil?

Where and why did Vakula go, riding the devil?

V . Summing up the lesson.

    What conclusion can be drawn by analyzing the images of the work? Slide number 26

Oksana Beauty, Love, Vera Vakula

Evil is defeated.

2. Watch a video of the film “The Night Before Christmas” (1961). Slide number 27

3. After watching the video, analyzing the images of the characters in the work, what

can we conclude? "The Night Before Christmas" is a beautiful tale of love, where

Despite the difficulties, the heroes find happiness. Slide number 28

Is it possible to connect Gogol's story with ours? modern life?

4. Slide number 29. Gogol’s statement about his work.

VI . Reflection. "Two stars, one wish." Slide number 30 (Splash screen)

VII . Homework. Re-read episodes about relationships

Vakula and Oksana. Slide number 31

VIII . Assessment.

IX . Parting words. A star is a symbol of happiness, good luck, hope for the best and

Let everyone, leaving the lesson, take with them a star in their soul - a piece of our

love and faith that ultimately Love, Beauty and Kindness will save the world.

Slide number 32 (Splash screen)

State Institution "Zatobolsk Secondary School No. 1"

Kostanay region, Kostanay district

Literature lesson notes
V6 class
« Images of lower Slavic mythology

in the story by N.V. Gogol

"Christmas Eve".

Image of the devil » .


teacher of Russian language and literature

Ragulina Ksenia Nikolaevna

With. Zatobolsk, 2013

Topic: Images of lower Slavic mythology in N.V. Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas.” The image of a devil.



    Revealing the image of the devil in Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas". Introducing students to the traditions and rituals, life and beliefs of the Slavic peoples through the era reflected in the story “The Night Before Christmas”; contribute to the formation of concepts: “image-symbol”

    Creating conditions for students to develop comparative analysis skills, work in creative groups, find information in different sources and process it.

    Cultivating in schoolchildren an interest in folk traditions and national culture;

During the classes.

    Call. 2 minutes.

Creating a collaborative environment.

Teacher's word. Hello guys and dear guests! I am glad to welcome you to the lesson. Let me congratulate you all on the upcoming holy holidays. It's coming soon New Year, Christmas. On the eve of these holidays, it is customary to make your deepest wishes; there is a belief that they will definitely come true! There are shining stars on your tables, look at them, make a wish to yourself, lift them higher, look around. What a wonderful picture this creates! Doesn't she remind you of anything?

Students: N.V. Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas” begins with a description of such a picture, a starry night.

SLIDE: The last day before Christmas has passed. A clear winter night has arrived. The stars looked out. The month majestically rose into the sky to shine on good people and the whole world, so that everyone would have fun caroling and praising Christ.

Teacher: right! And today we will continue working on this story. Your active work will take place in groups. And we’ll start with a little warm-up on knowledge of the text of a work of art.

Work to identify content knowledge literary text. 3 minutes.

You have several pictures scattered in a chaotic order, you need to collect them correctly and consistently, according to the composition of the story! Which of you knows the text better and can do it faster?

The group that completed it the fastest comes out to check the board, the rest check the board. (CONTAINER)

Guys, who did not encounter any difficulties or mistakes, give yourself your first “+” on the self-assessment sheet.


Teacher: Well done! You did a great job! And we can turn to the topic of the lesson. And what it will be like, and what goals we will face in the lesson, you will answer on your own if you connect the key concepts of the lesson: SLAVIC MYTHOLOGY, STORY, “THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS”, DAMMIT. 2 minutes.

Students: Today in the lesson we will look at the image of the devil, a character from Slavic mythology, in Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas”.

Teacher: absolutely right! Write the topic in your notebook.

Theatricalization: suddenly The devil himself appears and addresses the guys.

CRAP: dear guys, help me! There are many different opinions about my image, some consider me very harmful and evil, others, on the contrary, funny! I ask you to be as attentive as possible and fully reveal my image. This table will help you with this:

Teacher: that's how! Let's help the hero of our lesson. We already know how the devil is represented in Slavic mythology. Shall we remember?

Students' answers. Students talk about a mythological hero, the rest fill out the column of the table “Image of the devil in Slavic mythology.”

The devil is an evil spirit in Slavic mythology. DEvils are creatures covered with black fur, with horns, tails and hooves. The very origin of evil spirits is associated with the myth of fallen angels (DEvils - angels tired of praising God): thrown from heaven, they fell into the water, into the forest, into the field, turning into spirits of individual tracts.

THE DEVIL in popular beliefs constantly interferes with life of people, cause minor troubles, force people to do unjustified actions (“lead them into sin”), send chaos, make drunks stray, provoke them to commit a crime, try to get a person’s soul;

DEvils can also send bad weather, a blizzard, they themselves turn into a whirlwind, tearing off roofs, bringing diseases, whirlwinds - raging DEvils, devilish matchmakers (“the devil marries a witch”); DEvils are especially dangerous in “unclean” places and at certain times of the day or year, for example, on Christmastide and on the eve of Ivan Kupala.

Teacher: Well done! We've completed the first column of the table! Mark yourself on the self-assessment sheet. Let's move on to the second column of the table.Work on analyzing the image of the devil in the work. Each group is given a specific episode from the text involving the devil. Questions for analysis are given for the episode, and the task is to compose a syncwine. A3 sheets with the image of the devil were distributed in advance. Students get acquainted with the episode and make up a sequence based on the image of the devil, color the image of the hero, then explain the choice of colors.

Cinquain is not a simple poem, but a poem written according to the following rules:

Line 1 – one noun expressing the main topiccinkwine.

Line 2 – two adjectives expressing the main idea.

Line 3 – three verbs describing actions within the topic.

Line 4 is a phrase that carries a certain meaning.

Line 5 – conclusion in the form of a noun (association with the first word).

Composecinkwine is very simple and interesting. And besides, working on creating a syncwine develops imaginative thinking.


    Cunning, tenacious

    Spinning, sneaking, hiding

    “Despite all the failures, the cunning devil did not abandon his mischief.”

    "provincial solicitor"

Literary device: comparison (completely German; the muzzle ended, like our pigs,; real provincial attorney); Many verbs are used that convey the hero’s activity.


Province -

Students: we chose black because in this episode, the hero acts as a prankster who wants to harm Vakula.


    Small, beautiful

    Whispers, cares, imagines

    “Erysipelas, as Foma Grigorievich says, is an abomination, but he, too, builds love affairs!”


Students: we chose the color red, because in this episode the devil appears before us as a hero in love, and red is considered the color of love and passion.

Literary device: antithesis - opposition (imagine himself to be handsome, while the figure is to look ashamed);


    Confident, cunning

    He flew out, ran across, and began to tear apart.

    “And the devil flew away again into the chimney, in the firm belief that Chub would return back with his godfather.”


Students: we chose red-brown color, since they thought that it indicates the hero’s cunning.

Literary device: epithet – artistic definition (an agile dandy; With goat beard; stolen month)


Students: We chose two colors: turquoise and black, because we think that in our episode, at first the devil appears as a very brave and boastful hero, but then he becomes cowardly and quiet as a lamb.

Literary device: epithet – artistic definition (dog snout); antithesis - opposition (hidden, the concepts of friend-enemy, brave-cowardly are opposed).

Teacher: You did a very good job with this task, now I will ask you to highlight the main, key, similar points of all groups and fill out the second column. What did you get? Tell me, is there anything similar between Gogol’s devil and man?

Student answers: Yes, the devil in the work behaves like a person, he freezes, flirts with Solokha, experiences human feelings, but at the same time, he knows how to transform, and has an appearance corresponding to the mythological hero.

The image of the devil in Slavic mythology.

The image of Gogol's devil

An image that comes to life on the screen

Creatures covered with black fur, with horns, tails and hooves.

Interferes in people's lives send bad weather, a blizzard, cause minor troubles.

Vile, but considers himself beautiful.

Confident in some situations. Always trying to cheat. Very active, agile. But he can be boastful. In the last episode, such a character trait as cowardice appears.

The image of the devil combines real human traits with fantastic ones. He “jumps from one hoof to another and blows into his fist, wanting to somehow warm up his frozen hands.”

The devil is shown as a cunning prankster.

Characteristic of the trait human qualities, so we perceive it as real.

Like all fairy-tale heroes, he knows how to transform: he flies across the sky, “the devil flew over the barrier, turned into a horse...” The devil looks like the most ordinary provincial official, capable only of minor dirty tricks.

Teacher: ok, but we have another column, “Image brought to life on screen.” How can you fill it?

Students: if we watch the video clip.

Teacher: look and fill in the third column.Watching a video clip.

Conclusions for the main part of the lesson. Guys, we did it with yougreat jobto identifyand analysis of the image of such a mysterious character in various sources. I think you are ready to draw some conclusions from this part of the lesson. I suggest you present your conclusions in the form of an essay, a reflective essay based on the lesson materials, they are all in your table.

An essay can begin with the words:

    As D. Merezhkovsky noted, “Gogol was the first to see the devil without a mask, to see his real face......

    N.V. Gogol actively used images from Slavic mythology in his works......

    V.G. Belinsky noted: “Gogol does not write, but draws; his images breathe the colors of reality. You see and hear them...”

    The writer draws an image of the devil, who in Slavic mythology is an evil spirit.

Include the following expressions:

The author explains the image of the demon in the story, its specific features, endows it with charm, the image does not evoke feelings of disgust or fear in us.

And end like this:

This is the image of the devil, combining real human traits with fantastic ones.


    Assessment. Our lesson has come to an end, you did a very good job, you spent the whole lesson filling out self-assessment sheets, count your advantages and give yourself a grade! (Grading in the journal).

    Lesson summary. Have you noticed that since the beginning of the lesson, the same stars have been hanging on this board as the ones on your desks - these are my wishes to you! (some students come up, take them off and read aloud, the rest take them off as they leave the office)!

Annex 1.

Group 1. Episode 1. How the devil stole the month.

Suddenly, on the opposite side, another speck appeared, grew larger, began to stretch, and was no longer a speck. From the front it was completely German: a narrow muzzle, constantly twirling and sniffing whatever came its way, ending, like our pigs, in a round snout, the legs were so thin that if Yareskovsky had such a head, he would have broken them in the first Cossack. But behind him he was a real provincial attorney in uniform, because he had a tail hanging, so sharp and long, like today’s uniform coattails; only by the goat beard under his muzzle, by the small horns sticking out on his head, and by the fact that he was no whiter than a chimney sweep, one could guess that he was neither a German nor a provincial attorney, but simply a devil. Meanwhile, the devil was creeping slowly towards the month and was about to reach out his hand to grab it, but suddenly he pulled it back, as if he had been burned, sucked his fingers, swung his leg and ran on the other side, and again jumped back and pulled his hand away. However, despite all the failures, the cunning devil did not abandon his mischief. Running up, he suddenly grabbed the month with both hands, grimacing and blowing, throwing it from one hand to the other, like a man getting fire for his cradle with his bare hands; Finally, he hastily put it in his pocket and, as if nothing had happened, ran on.

SOLICITANT, m. 1 . In Muscovite Rus' - a courtier, serving to carry out various economic duties (historical).

Province - the highest unit of administrative-territorial division in Russia

Tasks: 1. Read the text. 2. Highlight the main idea. 3. Make a syncwine. 4. Explain what literary device the author uses to create the image? 5. Decorate the character. 6. Explain the choice of colors.

Group 2. Episode 2. How the devil courted the witch. Thus, as soon as the devil hid his month in his pocket, suddenly it became so dark all over the world that not everyone could find the way to the tavern, not only to the clerk. The witch, suddenly seeing herself in the darkness, screamed. Then the devil, coming up like a little demon, grabbed her by the arm and began to whisper in her ear the same thing that is usually whispered to the entire female race. Wonderfully arranged in our world! You can bet that many will find it surprising to see the devil who has set himself off in the same place. The most annoying thing is that he probably imagines himself handsome, while his figure is ashamed to look at. Erysipelas, as Foma Grigorievich says, is an abomination, an abomination, but he, too, makes love hens! But it became so dark in the sky and under the sky that it was no longer possible to see anything that happened between them.

Tasks: 1. Read the text. 2. Highlight the main idea. 3. Make a syncwine. 4. Explain what literary device the author uses to create the image? 5. Decorate the character. 6. Explain the choice of colors.

Group 3. Episode 3. How the devil interfered with travelers.

The devil, meanwhile, when he was still flying into the chimney, somehow accidentally turned around and saw Chub hand in hand with his godfather, already far from the hut. He instantly flew out of the stove, ran across their path and began tearing up piles of frozen snow from all sides. A snowstorm arose. The air turned white. The snow rushed back and forth like a net and threatened to cover the eyes, mouths and ears of pedestrians. And the devil flew away again into the chimney, in the firm belief that Chub would return back with his godfather, find the blacksmith and reprimand him so that for a long time he would not be able to pick up a brush and paint offensive caricatures.While the nimble dandy with a tail and a goat's beard was flying out of the chimney and then back into the chimney, the little bag hanging on a sling at his side, in which he hid the stolen month, somehow accidentally got caught in the stove, and the month, using In this case, he flew out through the chimney of Solokhina's hut and smoothly rose through the sky. Everything lit up. The snowstorm was gone.

Tasks: 1. Read the text. 2. Highlight the main idea. 3. Make a syncwine. 4. Explain what literary device the author uses to create the image? 5. Decorate the character. 6. Explain the choice of colors.

Group 4. Episode 4. How the devil made a deal with Vakula.

The devil, tilting his dog's snout towards his right ear, said:

- It’s me, your friend, I’ll do anything for my comrade and friend! “I’ll give you as much money as you want,” he squeaked in his left ear. “Oksana will be ours today,” he whispered, turning his muzzle back to his right ear.

The devil clasped his hands and began to gallop with joy on the blacksmith’s neck. “Now we’ve got a blacksmith! - he thought to himself, - now I’ll take it out on you, my dear, all your pictures and fables, raised against the devils! Here the devil laughed with joy, remembering how he would tease the entire tailed tribe in hell, how the lame devil, who was considered the first among them to come up with inventions, would rage. - I'm ready! - said the blacksmith. - Then he put his hand back and grabbed the devil by the tail. - Wait, my dear! - the blacksmith shouted, - but how does this seem to you? - At this word he created a cross, and the devil became as quiet as a lamb - Have mercy, Vakula! - the devil moaned pitifully, - I’ll do everything you need, just let your soul go to repentance: don’t put a terrible cross on me!

Tasks: 1. Read the text. 2. Highlight the main idea. 3. Make a syncwine. 4. Explain what literary device the author uses to create the image? 5. Decorate the character. 6. Explain the choice of colors.

Appendix 2. Self-assessment sheet.


Completion mark

Knowledge of the text

Determining the goals and topic of the lesson

Filling out the column “Image of the devil in mythology”

Filling out the column “Image of Gogol’s devil”

    I read and retold the episode

    I composed "Cinquain"

    I chose the color scheme

    I explained the choice of colors

    I presented the work to the class

Filling out the column “Image, image brought to life on the screen”


      Vislenko L.P. Literature. Grades 5-7: Methodological manual.- St. Petersburg: “Parity”, 2001.- p.84-87

      “Literature at school” No. 10, 2006

      Belinsky V.G. Collected works: In 9 volumes - M., 1976. - T. 1. -P. 121.

      www. Nikolaygogol. org. Ru, Illustration for the story The Night Before Christmas., Illustrations. "Christmas Eve".

Introduction. general description story, main idea.

“The Night Before Christmas” is Gogol’s outstanding story, it has been filmed many times and is sincerely loved by domestic readers. Included in the cycle of stories “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”. Incredible fantastic events and lively language of description make the story bright and eye-catching. It is literally filled with folklore, folk tales and legends.

The ideological meaning of the work can be most fully understood by analyzing Gogol's views. At that time, he thought more and more about the greatness of democracy over the blind patriarchal way of contemporary Russia. It was fueled by progressive trends in the field of literature and science. The life of the landowners, their slow-wittedness and adherence to old ideals irritated Gogol, and he over and over again ridiculed their pitiful way of life and primitive thinking.

It is very important that in “The Night Before Christmas” good triumphs over evil, and light prevails over darkness. Vakula is brave and generous, he is not a coward and does not fold his hands in the face of difficulties. It was precisely this way, similar to the brave epic heroes, that Gogol wanted to see his contemporaries. However, the reality differed sharply from his idealized ideas.

The author tries to prove, using the example of Vakula, that only by doing good deeds and leading a righteous lifestyle can one become happy man. The power of money and the violation of religious values ​​will lead a person to the very bottom, making him an immoral, rotting person, doomed to a joyless existence.

The entire description is permeated with the author's deep humor. Just remember with what mocking irony he describes the empress’s court circle. Gogol portrays the inhabitants of the St. Petersburg Palace as ingratiating and servile people, looking into the mouths of their superiors.

History of creation

The book “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” was published in 1831, at the same time “The Night Before Christmas” was written. Gogol’s stories in the cycle were born quickly and easily. It is not known for certain when Gogol began working on the story, and when the idea of ​​​​creating it first came to him. There is evidence that he put his first words on paper a year before the book was published. Chronologically, the events described in the story fall on a period of approximately 50 years earlier than real time, namely the reign of Catherine II and the last deputation of the Cossacks.

Analysis of the work

Main plot. Features of the compositional structure.

(Illustration by Alexander Pavlovich Bubnov for N.V. Gogol “The Night Before Christmas”)

The plot is tied to the adventures of the main character - the blacksmith Vakula and his love for the eccentric beauty Oksana. The conversation between the young people serves as the plot of the story; the first beauty immediately promises Vakula marriage in exchange for the royal shoes. The girl is not at all going to fulfill her word; she laughs at the young man, realizing that he will not be able to fulfill her instructions. But, according to the peculiarities of the construction of the fairy tale genre, Vakula manages to fulfill the beauty’s desire, and the devil helps him in this. Vakula's flight to St. Petersburg to receive the Empress is the climax of the story. The denouement is the wedding of the young people and the reconciliation of Vakula with the father of the bride, with whom their relationship was broken.

In terms of genre, the story gravitates more towards the fairy-tale type of composition. According to the laws of a fairy tale, we can see a happy ending at the end of the story. In addition, many heroes originate precisely from the origins of ancient Russian legends; we observe the magic and power of dark forces over the world of ordinary people.

Images of the main characters

Blacksmith Vakula

Main characters - real characters, a resident of the village. Blacksmith Vakula is a real Ukrainian man, hot-tempered, but at the same time extremely decent and honest. He is a hard worker, a good son to his parents and will certainly make an excellent husband and father. He is simple from the point of view of mental organization, does not have his head in the clouds and has an open, rather kind disposition. He achieves everything thanks to his strength of character and unbending spirit.

Black-eyed Oksana is the main beauty and an enviable bride. She is proud and arrogant, due to her youth she has a hot temperament, is frivolous and flighty. Oksana is constantly surrounded by male attention, loved by her father, tries to dress in the most elegant dresses and endlessly admires her own reflection in the mirror. When she found out that the boys had declared her the first beauty, she began to behave appropriately, constantly annoying everyone with her whims. But young suitors are only amused by this behavior, and they continue to run after the girl in a crowd.

In addition to the main characters of the story, many equally striking secondary characters are described. characters. Vakula's mother, the witch Solokha, who also appeared in the Sorochinskaya Fair, is a widow. Attractive in appearance, a flirtatious lady, playing tricks with the devil. Despite the fact that she personifies a dark force, her image is described very attractively and does not repel the reader at all. Just like Oksana, Solokha has a lot of admirers, including the ironically depicted sexton.


Immediately after its publication, the story was recognized as unusually poetic and exciting. Gogol so skillfully conveys the whole flavor of the Ukrainian village that the reader seems to be able to stay there himself and immerse himself in this Magic world while reading the book. Gogol draws all his ideas from folk legends: the devil who stole the month, the witch flying on a broom, and so on. With his characteristic artistic style, he reworks images in his own poetic way, making them unique and bright. Real events intertwined with fairy tales so closely that the thin line between them is completely lost - this is another feature of Gogol’s literary genius, which permeates all of his work and gives it its characteristic features.

Gogol's work, his stories and novels filled with the deepest meaning are considered exemplary not only in domestic but also in world literature. He so captured the minds and souls of his readers, he managed to find such deep strings human soul, that his work is deservedly considered ascetic.