"Scarlet Sails" main characters. Image and characteristics of Assol from the work “Scarlet Sails Portrait of Assol from Scarlet Sails”

Presentation of the heroine. My own composition, including, of course, quotes from the one and only work of A. Green " Scarlet Sails". I apologize for speech, spelling and punctuation errors and inaccuracies, this is an unedited text...
Assol is the main character of Alexander Green's story "Scarlet Sails". We know the whole story of her life. Assol's mother died when she was still a baby, so the girl lived with her father Longren in Kapern. He tried in every possible way to protect the sensitive, impressionable girl from the influence of the rude inhabitants of this city. They did not love either father or daughter, remembering how Longren left the drowning Menners to die when he could have helped him. But he had his own reasons for this, which the residents of Kaperna could not understand.
Well, the girl had no friends. “One after another, her naive attempts at rapprochement ended in bitter crying, bruises, scratches and other manifestations of public opinion.”
But the father, who was always withdrawn and taciturn, loved his little Assol very much. Therefore, in the evenings she climbed onto his lap and listened to the stories and fables of the old sailor. “The girl listened to all this more attentively than perhaps she listened to Columbus’s story about the new continent for the first time.” What wonderful pictures Assol must have drawn from her childhood imagination!
One day, on the way to Liss (a city neighboring Kaperna), the girl met Egl/ya/, a traveling “collector of songs, legends, tales and fairy tales.” He, enchanted by the sweet girl, told Assol that a wonderful future awaited her, that one day, when she grew up, a ship with Scarlet Sails would sail for her, and a prince would meet her on board, who would take her to his kingdom. Of course, Aigle was not telling the truth. He hoped that Assol would soon forget his words. But this fairy tale settled so deeply in her imagination that the girl believed and never forgot that someday this would happen.

Assol has grown up. Now it was
“a thin, short girl. The half-childish, lightly tanned face was mobile and expressive; Beautiful, somewhat serious eyes for her age looked with the timid concentration of deep souls. Her irregular face could touch one with its subtle purity of outline; every curve, every bulge of this face, of course, would have found a place in many female forms, but their totality, their style, was completely original - originally sweet; We'll stop there. The rest is beyond words, except for the word “charm.”
Even seven years after Egle told Assol an amazing story, she continued to believe in it. She knew for sure that the ship would come for her and take her away from these evil people who insulted her, called her “touched”, “out of her mind.” Assol was sure that the prince whom she had so often imagined would still come.
“More than once, worried and timid, she went out at night to seashore, where, having waited for dawn, she looked at the ship with Scarlet Sails quite seriously. These minutes were happiness for her; It’s hard for us to escape into a fairy tale like that; it would be no less difficult for her to get out of her power and charm.”
Assol believed that the fairy tale would certainly happen. And when one day she found on her finger the ring that Gray had put on her in a dream, she was not at all surprised, she felt that the dream was beginning to come true. “There were no explanations for what happened, but without words or thoughts she found them in her strange feeling, and the ring already became close to her.”
Her fairy tale came true. And when Assol boarded the long-awaited ship,
she was happy. The very prince that Aigle told her about was waiting for her. Everything was so magical that she was afraid that everything would disappear like a dream. But it was not a dream, it was the truth.

Assol always dreamed, despite the ridicule and insults of her neighbors. Having believed in magic as a child, she had no doubt about its existence. She lived a dream and believed in the inevitability of what would happen to her someday. And the ship with Scarlet Sails found her, because Assol believed in a dream, and dreams, as we know, come true.

“Scarlet Sails” by Alexander Greene captivates the reader not only with its romantic and fairy tale plot, but also the main characters. The image of Assol in the story embodies a bright faith in dreams and fairy tales, kindness and tenderness, meekness and love.

Childhood Assol

Assol was born into the family of a sailor Longren. The girl's mother died when she was not even a year old. Assol was raised by his father. The girl helped him in everything, was obedient and kind, and learned everything quickly. A characterization of Assol from the work “Scarlet Sails” is impossible without mentioning some moments of her life in Kapern.

In his early childhood The heroine suffered because other children, on the instructions of their parents, were afraid of her and did not play with her, because they considered the girl’s father a murderer. Soon, having cried a sea of ​​​​tears and overcome resentment, the girl learned to play herself, living in her own mysterious world fantasies and dreams. In her own world, completely different from reality, Assol did not lose the ability to rejoice and love. Her love and kindness extend to nature and the only person, besides her father, who understands her in Caperne - the coal miner Philip.

The girl is kind, she does not remember the insults and malice with which the inhabitants of Kaperna shower her, she is smart and hardworking, never despairs, and also knows how to truly dream - this is the characteristic of Assol from “Scarlet Sails”.

Meeting with a storyteller

Assol often helped her father; she took toys to the city for sale and bought the necessary products. One day, while walking through the forest, the girl met an old collector of legends, Egl, who told her about how a ship with scarlet sails would sail to Kaperna and take her away from here forever.

“One morning a scarlet sail will sparkle in the distance of the sea... Then you will see a brave and handsome prince; he will stand and stretch out his hands to you.” So said the old storyteller, and Assol began to wait for the scarlet sails, believing the prediction with all her heart. Old Longren decided not to deprive the girl of such a gift, thinking that she would grow up and forget about this strange meeting in the forest.

Dream and Kaperna

Unfortunately, Assol lives in a very mundane place. It is very difficult for her here, because both she and those around her are aware of her alienation and peculiarity.

“But you don’t tell fairy tales... don’t sing songs. And if they tell and sing, then these are stories about cunning men and soldiers, dirty as unwashed feet... quatrains.” - this is what Aigle says about Caperne.

It would seem that in such a place it is impossible for Assol’s fragile dream to survive, but the girl carefully carries it through dirty ridicule and insults. And it doesn’t matter that she is considered crazy and is evilly called “the ship’s Assol”; Gray only needs one look at her to understand that all the stories are vile fiction.

The characteristics of Assol and Gray are completely different from the characteristics of the inhabitants of the town, both of them are from a completely different world. There is no place for them in Kaperna.

Scarlet Sails

Little Assol, like an insanely expensive toy, keeps the prediction of an old collector of legends. And even though they laugh at her and consider her crazy, the girl does not despair.

When Assol wakes up one day with Gray's ring on her finger, she realizes that her Scarlet Sails are already on their way.

The main idea of ​​the work is that you need to be able to dream, not forget and not betray your dream, and then it will definitely come true. The description of Assol from the story “Scarlet Sails” confirms this.

Work test

The main character of Alexander Green's story is the dreamy and sincere girl Assol. This girl is one of the most romantic characters in Russian literature of the 20th century.

Assol's mother died early, and she was raised by her father, a sailor and artisan Longren. The villagers didn't like them. girl with early years I'm used to being alone. Those around her rejected her, she had to endure ridicule and insults. Assol was even considered crazy. She told her fellow villagers a story about a meeting with a sorcerer who prophesied that a noble prince would sail for her at the appointed hour on a ship with scarlet sails. After that, she was nicknamed the ship's Assolya.

In her make-up, the heroine is distinguished by her vivid imagination and sincere heart. Assol looks at the world with wide eyes, she believes in her ideal and will never give up on her dreams. She's rich inner world and she knows how to see deep meaning in simple things.

Assol is educated and loves to read. She is characterized by hard work and love of nature. She communicates with plants as with living beings and takes care of them. When Assol grows up, she becomes truly beautiful. Any outfit suits her. She is a sweet and charming girl. Her face is clean and bright, like a child's.

In her heart, Assol always cherished her innermost dream of a ship with scarlet sails. Even the girl’s father hoped that after a while she would throw the wizard Aigle’s prediction out of her head. But the ability to selflessly dream and ignore the evil attacks of her fellow villagers strengthened the girl’s spirit. The time had come for a miracle in her life. She met someone who understood her sensitive young soul and made her innermost dream come true. A ship with scarlet sails appeared off the coast of her home village. It was built for Assol by Captain Gray, a noble sailor who learned the story of Assol and brought it to reality.

The heroine of the extravaganza story is a real symbol of such an eternal and worthy feeling as faith. Her soul is filled with emotions and experiences, she is sensual and open, but at the same time she has a strong and unbending spirit. Assol did not let go of her dreams. And that's why they came true.

Option 2

I really want to believe in miracles. The world of fairy tales and dreams is close to every person. While a person lives, he dreams. The theme of love and dreams has more than once become the main one in the works of writers of different times and eras. Suffice it to recall W. Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet”, L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, A. Green “Scarlet Sails”.

A. Green’s Assol is a symbol of faith, purity and devotion to one’s dream. The author embodies the ideal of naivety and romanticism in the image of the heroine. He loves his heroine very much, and in order for the reader to love her, the writer begins the story about her from infancy.

When the baby was less than a year old, her mother died, her father disappeared at sea, and an old neighbor helped raise the girl. In order to somehow feed the family, my father began making toys and selling them; he was not a sociable and gloomy person. The girl couldn’t afford exquisite outfits; she only had enough money for the bare essentials, but she doesn’t complain because she and her father love each other. Throughout the entire work, Greene traces the transformation of a little girl into a charming young woman.

At the age of five, Assol brings a smile with her kind face, as a teenager at twelve years old she is like a “swallow in flight” - expressive and pure, as a girl she captivates the eyes of passers-by: she is short in stature, long eyelashes, dark brown hair.

The meeting with the storyteller and song collector Egl became fateful for the girl. With their prediction about a handsome prince who would definitely come for her under scarlet sails, they forever planted a dream in the girl. Those around her did not understand the heroine, considering her “strange.”

The development of the heroine’s character was influenced by her environment and village society. The villagers were wary of the Assol family and tried not to communicate with them. The girl had no friends; nature brightened up her loneliness.

Seeing the sleeping Assol and learning her secret from people, Gray could not help but fulfill his fairytale dream. He sails for the girl under scarlet sails and takes her away. Both are romantic natures and they should be together. A happy ending to a beautiful fairy tale, Assol found her prince.

A. Green, a romantic writer, showed with his work that if you believe and hope for a miracle, it will definitely come, you should not despair and you should strive to fulfill your desires.

Essay Image Assol

In “Scarlet Sails,” readers really fell in love with the image of Assoli, who embodies faith in kindness and the fulfillment of dreams that a fairy tale will become reality and everything will come true.

Assol had a difficult childhood. Mother died when Assol was not even a year old. The tavern owner was to blame for the mother's death. Therefore, the girl was left to live alone with her father. The father, sailor Longren, raised and took care of his daughter himself, and she helped and obeyed him in everything. In Kaperna, where they lived, dirt and poverty reigned, the people were evil. Many considered her father a murderer and did not allow their children to play with her. Assol felt lonely, she had no friends, but this did not harden her soul, she was very kind. The girl grew up in her own closed world, known only to her. She played by herself, living in her own mysterious world.

She turned out to be a good housewife: she washed the floor, swept the floor, and altered clothes, from old to new.

I took her to the market to sell toys to earn at least some money. When I walked home along the path, I often talked to the trees, stroking each leaf.

And in Kaperna they laughed at her and considered her crazy, but she silently endured these insults. No one in the village believed her story about meeting a wizard in the forest; they thought it was a fiction. One day a girl was returning from the city and walked through the forest. In the forest, Assol met the kind Egle, a collector of legends. He told her that one day a ship with scarlet sails would sail to Kaperna and a handsome prince would come out to her. The prince will stretch out his hands to Assol and take her with him forever. The wizard gave her a dream so that she could rise to the sun. The name Assol is also sunny! The girl believed Egle and told her father about it. Longren did not disappoint Assol, deciding that with time everything would be forgotten.

When Assol grew up, she became a real beauty and everyone envied her. All her clothes seemed like new and the girl was simply charming. For her, a gloomy day turned into a sunny downpour. The face, as before, glowed with a childish smile. A young man appeared in her life, who put a ring on her finger in a dream. After this, Assol became even more confident that her dreams would soon come true.

Assol never held a grudge against her offenders. She always treated animals with kindness and care, only besides her father she had another friend, the coal miner Philip.

Assol is completely different from the inhabitants of the town, they are like from another world and they don’t belong there. The girl has not lost the ability to rejoice and love the world around her.

Essay 4

Alexander Green is a famous romantic writer who became famous for his work Scarlet Sails. Here dreams are on the verge of reality, so this work has become a symbol of love and faith for many generations of women. The beauty of soul and body makes us believe in Assol and make her our ideal to follow.

The main character of this novel is the girl Assol, who is in her dreams. She is a symbol of purity and innocence. But her life was not as joyful as it seems at first glance. The girl lost her mother early, and was raised by her father, a craftsman and sailor, together with an old man in the neighborhood. She found an outlet in reading and education. She loves nature and feels with all the notes of her soul. It helps all living beings in one situation or another. If the birds are hungry, she will feed them bread crumbs; if someone has injured their paw, she will definitely heal them. All this is superimposed on not only her inner world, but also on her external beauty.

Assol is truly beautiful, so any outfit suits her. Green treats the girl very warmly, showing her with a bright and clear face and a clean kind soul like a child, he therefore traces in this novel her entire life from infancy to her transformation into a beautiful and charming swan. All her life she was followed by loneliness, since for some reason the people of her village did not like them. Regardless of the state of the surrounding society, Assol remained with a kind heart and sparkling eyes. The main thing in her life is to believe in her dream and wait for her desires to come true.

Throughout her life, she had a dream of meeting her prince on a ship with scarlet sails. But the desire to be happy does not make it possible to stop dreaming about this moment, so when the dream ship stops off the coast of the village, Assol cannot believe his happiness. This fate beautiful girl becomes Captain Gray, who understood her and fulfilled her secret desires and dreams. In fact, there were few such noble men at that time, since not everyone could put the desires of their beloved above their own.

Sample 5

The story - extravaganza "Scarlet Sails" was written by Alexander Green at the beginning of the 19th century. She talks about a good dream that was destined to become a reality, and that everyone is capable of doing a miracle for a loved one.

The main character of the story is Assol. When Assol was barely 5 months old, her mother died. Her daughter was raised by her father, a former sailor Longren. To earn a living, he made children's toys, which Assol helped make and sell. In Kapern, many considered Longren a murderer, fellow villagers shunned the former sailor, and children were forbidden to play with his daughter. The neighbors' evil ridicule had no effect on kind heart young Assol. She grew up in her own mysterious world, filled with dreams and hopes.

Assol has a formerly rich, vivid imagination. One day she met the old storyteller Egle, who gave the girl a wonderful dream. The storyteller said that when Assol grows up, a prince will sail for her on a ship with scarlet sails. Young Assol liked Egle’s words so much that for many years they became her dream, helping her to survive the difficulties of life. Returning home after meeting Egle, the girl told Longren about the wizard’s prediction. The retired sailor did not disappoint his daughter; he thought that over time everything would be forgotten on its own.

Asol's father taught her to read and write, and she enjoyed spending time reading books. It is quite remarkable that Assol read books between the lines, “just as she lived,” the writer reports. Assol also loved nature and treated all living things with tenderness and kindness.

Years passed, Assol became a beautiful girl who retained her good sensitive heart. She greeted every day with a smile and found joy in the little things. Possessing love of life and sensitivity, she took care of our smaller brothers and spoke to the trees. Assol looked at the world as a mystery, looking for deep meaning in everyday things. She did not pay attention to the ridicule of her fellow villagers, who considered the girl crazy. Assol silently endured their caustic remarks and never held a grudge against them. The girl believed in her dream and, of course, this helped her come true. After someone put a ring on the finger of the sleeping Assol, faith in the words of the storyteller with new strength flared up in her soul.

Assol's dream was realized by the young captain Gray. Having heard the girl's story, Gray made the storyteller's words come true. Thus, Assol really met her prince.

Alexander Green's story teaches you not only to dream, but also to make the dreams of loved ones come true. She also teaches you to always believe in the best.

Each of us has made a promise in our lives. Everyone knows this. But some do not know about the existence of such a saying as: Strengthen your word with deeds.

Russia is the strongest power in the world! - this is what we have been taught since childhood. However latest events in the international political arena they say the opposite. But we must admit that Russia is now in a difficult situation

  • Heroes of the work Old Woman Izergil (characterization)

    The narrator in the work is one of characters, although he gives little information about himself. According to the plot, he is a young Russian guy, handsome, strong, working in the grape harvest in Bessarabia

  • The story about Assol begins with the first years of her life in the city of Kaperna. As she grows up, the girl changes, but always remains charming. At the age of five, Green notes that she had a kind but nervous face that brought a smile to her father's face. At the age of 13, she was a thin and very tanned girl with expressive and clean features. Since the family's income is small, Assol's costume is very poor. She is modest, hides her hair under a headscarf, and averts her eyes. She is not like the rest of the villagers and this scares them away. She resembled a swallow and was always friendly with others.
    Important! At the age of 17-20, when she meets Captain Gray, Assol has turned into an attractive short girl with thick brown hair and delicate features.
    What seemed surprising was that she retained the childlike naivety in her eyes and the bright light that only babies have.

    Rice. 1. Illustrations for the extravaganza story “Scarlet Sails”. Nonna Aleshina

    Assol family

    Assol was left without a mother when she was still infant: she died when the baby was only 5 months old. Returning from sailing, the father takes care of his daughter.
    Important! Longren (Assol's father) was a cruel and callous man, but still he gives up his fishing business and remains in the village to raise Assol.
    He tries to make toys, but it doesn't bring in much money. From an early age, his daughter helps him - she takes toys to the city to sell them. The villagers shun the cruel Longren and his strange daughter, but they live in love and harmony with each other.

    Rice. 2. Illustrations for the extravaganza story “Scarlet Sails”. Nonna Aleshina

    The character of Assol in “Scarlet Sails”

    Assol grows up alone. As a child, the heroine had no one to communicate with - fearing stories about the girl’s father, other parents forbade their children to play with her. Assol suffered greatly from the fact that she had no one to talk to heart to heart.
    Important! In search of warmth, the girl gets closer to the surrounding nature - she talks to trees and bushes. Her own world of illusions helped Assol maintain the ability to love and rejoice.
    All her warmth and kindness went only to her father and coal miner Philip - the only person in Kapern who communicated with her. Despite the attitude of others, the girl does not hold grudges or get angry, she is smart and dreamy. Young Assol is a good housewife. Since childhood, she has been accustomed to helping her father; she knows how to cook, clean, sew, and save money. The girl loves to read and can write. She is completely immersed in the world of books, perceiving the meaning between the lines.
    Important! As a child, the song collector Aigle tells her the story of the scarlet sails, in which it is said that one day a ship with scarlet sails will end up in Kapern and will take her away from here forever. This dream conquers Assol's heart. She believes in it with all her soul and does not give up on it even under the weight of ridicule from her neighbors. The girl constantly sits on the shore and waits for her ship.
    Melancholy and lack of human warmth made Assol timid. She deeply feels any insults, subtly feels the experiences of others and strives to help anyone. Her differences from the local residents in the village led to the fact that Assol began to be called crazy, crazy, they made fun of her, calling her nothing more than “ship Assol.”

    Rice. 3. Illustrations for the extravaganza story “Scarlet Sails”. Nonna Aleshina One day she woke up with a ring on her finger, which Gray had carefully put on her as she slept, and realized that the legend would soon become a reality. After several days, a ship with the noble Captain Gray appeared on the horizon, who made her dream come true. Wild stories are told about Assol in the village, but one glance was enough for the lover to understand that this was a lie. Assol in the story “Scarlet Sails” is sharply contrasted with the inhabitants of his village. She is the embodiment of kindness and humility, romance and dreaminess. Alexander Green created a portrait that subsequently inspired many writers, artists, musicians and ordinary people who were shown that dreams can come true. We recommend watching interesting video about the story “Scarlet Sails”.

    The romantic story "Scarlet Sails" became business card its author. The heroine of this work is a girl who lost her mother. She lives with her father, but he is honest and kind. Her whole world is fantasies and dreams, once inspired by the prediction of a song collector. Such a romantic image as Assol became the embodiment of a dream that will come true if you just believe in it. The characterization of the heroine is the topic of this article.


    Authors literary works sometimes they use various elements of a fairy tale in their work. This technique allows you to reveal the plot, characters, and give the work a lyrical or philosophical meaning. He called his story an extravaganza. In this work, realism is combined with magic, and fantasy with reality. And perhaps thanks to the use of such artistic means became the most touching and sublime image of a girl named Assol in Russian literature.

    The characteristics of this heroine once seemed consonant with the adherents of the socialist idea with their main postulates. That is why Green’s work was widely popular in the Soviet Union. Today the passions for “Scarlet Sails” have subsided. And the image main character This story took its rightful place in literature. But what inspired the author to write such a romantic story?

    Creating the image of Assol

    The characteristics of this character include traits that were also characteristic of its author. Since childhood, Alexander Grinevsky dreamed of the seas and distant countries. But romantic personality increasingly faced with harsh reality. In his dreams he saw beautiful things in reality - a coaster. Grinevsky strove for sublime friendship, but experienced only contempt and ridicule from professional sailors. The desire to defeat rudeness and skepticism arose in the soul of a romantic man, but outwardly reminiscent of the hero of his main book - Longren, Assol's father.

    Characteristics of an unlucky sailor, but talented writer, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, is the following description: a rather gloomy, ugly person, unable to win over his interlocutor at the first meeting. The writer's fate was also unlike a fairy tale. But it is known that it was precisely in the years when he had nowhere to lay his head that he created one of the most famous literary heroines - the girl Assol.

    “Scarlet Sails” was written by Green at a time when all the foundations of life were collapsing around him. The writer sometimes even went hungry, since his creativity did not bring him any income. But he carried a manuscript with him everywhere, which later became one of greatest works in domestic literature. He put all his aspirations and hopes into the plot of this story and believed, like Assol: “Scarlet Sails” would one day be seen by Petrograd. This was during the period of revolutionary events, but the color of the banner on the treasured ship had nothing to do with the red rebel banner. These were only his “Scarlet Sails”. Assol’s characterization echoed the characteristics of the author’s own mental make-up. And it was extremely difficult to exist with them in the world of ordinary people and skeptics.

    Do scarlet sails exist?

    The characterization of Assol is used by the author only to the extent necessary. The main topic in the story is hope. The character of the main character is not decisive. It is known that she is a reserved, modest and dreamy girl. She lost her mother very early, and since her father lost his job, the only source of food for their family was the sale of wooden toys.

    The girl was lonely, although her father loved her dearly. One day she met the storyteller Egle, who predicted the arrival of a magical ship with sails. There would be a prince on board, and he would certainly take Assol with him.

    The girl believed in the fairy tale, but those around her laughed at her and thought she was crazy. And yet the dream came true. One day Assol saw scarlet sails.

    Characteristics of the heroine from a romantic fairy tale

    There is an artistic movement in literature, which is characterized by the affirmation of spiritual and almost unattainable values. It's called romanticism. The works of this direction contain fabulous and mythological motives. And their heroes are in a constant search for some ideal. German romantics dreamed of a blue flower. Scarlet sails became a similar ideal for Assol. The characterization of Alexander Greene's heroine in this regard includes typical

    Arthur Gray image

    The prince, whose appearance the storyteller predicted, was an ordinary young man, although from a wealthy family. Since childhood, like the author of the story, he dreamed of becoming a captain. An irresistible desire to comprehend the wisdom of marine science pushed him to leave his home. At first he was a simple sailor, but years later his dream came true. Gray acquired his own ship and became captain. And one day he heard stories about the crazy dreams of a girl who couldn’t wait for a prince on a fairy-tale ship. He was touched by Assol's dream, and he decided to make it come true.

    Dreams come true...

    The captain ordered the scarlet sails to be raised. The ship entered the port, and a girl was waiting for him on the shore. Everything happened exactly as good Egle prophesied. And it doesn’t matter that Assol Gray learned about the dream in advance. The main thing is faith and hope. After all, they can save a person even in the most hard times. The characterization of Assol and Gray was compiled by the author on the basis of his personal worldview and life experience. The main feature of these characters is the ability to believe in a dream. And this is precisely what, perhaps, saved the writer when he was in exile. A. Green's life was quite difficult, but he always found a place for miracles in his heart. Even when those around him did not understand and condemned him.

    The appearance of the heroine

    The appearance and character of a girl with beautiful name Assol. The characterization of the heroine, as already mentioned, is less significant than her ability to believe in a dream. But still, a little should be said about the appearance of this character.

    Assol is presented in the story as the owner of a thick head of hair, tied up in a headscarf. Her smile was gentle, and her gaze seemed to contain some sad question. The figure of the heroine is depicted by A. Green as fragile and thin. The girl worked diligently, helping her father create miniature ships from wood.

    Assol is the personification of gentle beauty, spiritual meekness and hard work. And this is not surprising, because this is exactly what the typical heroine of many well-known romantic fairy tales, who has been waiting for a long time for the handsome prince. As befits the laws of the genre, at the end magical story All Assol's dreams come true.